Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Oct 1955, p. 12

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Rexall Drug Store SALE. Two for the price of one. plus only 1c. Over 250 bargains to choose from. WEDNESDAY, NEWLY Upholstered Chester- field, walnut frame. also fan- shaped chair. matching; pair of mahogany end tables: butternut drop-leaf tables; jardinieres, all sizes for plants or bulbs; Victor- ian occasion chairs, 35.00 each to cear. AV. 5-2176. clwls EXTRA! EXTRA! There are big bargains for everyone at your 10- cal Rexall Drug Store during the THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATUR- DAY. October 19. 20. 21, 22. meats PHARMACY, The STUDIO COUCH. Bread box, Large French fryer. furniture, dishes. cooking utensils, 2 beds. Any time except Saturdays. 63 Clarke Ave., Doncaster. clw15 VACUUM cleaner. complete with attachments, good condition. Floor polisher. in very good condition. Phone Aurora, PA. 7- 5136. c1w15 FRAME GARAGE with tilt-in door, $660.00. Child’s skates, size 11, $5.00: Fire Chief car, $12.00; small tricycle $5.00. TU. 4-1627. *1w15 FAIRBANKS-MORSE Deep Well Pump. 60 feet of rod and pipe. New 1/4.- h.p. motor and 100 gall- on tank and fittings. Phone TU. 4-1669. c1w15 LADY’S brown fur muskrat coat. size 20. Good condition. Also lady‘s grey fall coat. size 18, warn only one season. Perfect condi- tion, both reasonable. TU. 4- 3353. c1w15 WINTER BARGAINS: Choremas- ter .Tractox‘, $75. Jamesway Oil Broader, chicken feeding troughs and water fountains, $25. Reo DeLuxe Sabre Jet power lawn mower. $100. Office Desk, $35. AV. 5-1902. *1w15 YOU DON‘T HAVE to live on the farm have fresh eggs. You have them delivered to your door just as fresh. They come candled and graded. We can also supply you with fresh killed chickens. and garden fresh veg- etables. Write Doug Birch. R. R. 1 Cedar Valley. €2w15 REXALL FALL ONE CENT B.S.M. electric revérse stitch sewing machine almost new. Re- llance sun lamp. TU. 4-3247. RUGS, save up to one half on new reversible broadloom rugs made from your 01". woollens, clothing, carpets. etc. TU. 4- 2582. tfc7 BENDIX DUALMATIC washing machine, four years old. good working condition, $75 or best offer; washing machine, Stand- ard. good working condition. $25 or best offer. TU. 4-2913 c2w15 600X16 SNOW TIRES &'wheels for 38 Chev. also new banery and generator. starter, carbur- etor and other parts. Apply 83 Crosby Avenue after 5:30 pm. *1w15 LARGE CRIB. with springs; chrome commode. chair; girl’s winter coat, size 10X; boy’s win- ter coat. size 12; all in good con- dition, all reasonable. TUrner 4- 1604. . clwls MARLBOROUGH coal and wood stove, very good condition. Mofâ€" Ieft hand side oven. Acme coal lef hand side oven‘ Acme coal heater. Frost King ice box. 75 lb. AV. 5-2577. c2w15 CHILD’S Leotard and tu-tu, 6-7 years. Tap and ballet shoes. All m new condition. BA. 1-6716. BOY'S CCM Bicycle; child's Fire Chief pedal car. Both in good condition. TU. 4-31263‘ KbMIRAL TV used. 17" table model. 1954. 3 to choose from. Fox Appliances. TU. 4-1610_. SEWING" MACHINE. Quebec cook stove with oil burner. Que- bec heater. 2 oil drums 45 gal. TU. 4-1737 *2w15 BEAUTIFUL potted mums $1. Tulip bulbs, 3 doz. $1. Also comb honey. Garden Gate. Yonge St.. Thornhill. AV. 5-3485. c1w15 ALFALFA HAY. 30 cents per bale delivered. Mel Woods, Oak Ridges. AX. 3-4697, TU. 4â€"2528 *1w15 BEDROOM SUITE. 4 piece; bed full size. box springs. dresser, night table, bench. AV. 5-2563. ‘ clw15 Won STOVE, white annex heater, new condition, cheap. AV. 5-1980. c1w15 and sufifilies. Excellent part time proposition. $60.00 takes every- thing. AV.’ 5-3262. *1w15 INGLIS washer, rebuilt and guaranteed. Fox Appliances. TU. 4-1610. c1w15 RANGETTE, 2-burner, with ov- en, good condition. TU. ‘4-1802. ‘ clw15 RUG CLEANINGV FORMULA BALED STRAW, 50c feed oats, $2.35 pex hbfié TU. '4-2143 WALNUT China Cabinet, Queen Anne legs. TU. 4-2905. . c1w15 MANTELiRADIO. RCA Victor. good condition. TU. 4-1503. Inv‘l K SOFTWOOD. stEve lengths, by the cord. Ed Mashinter, King 1R25. Will deliver. *lw15 CASH RATES, first insertion 34: per word. min. charge . . 50c Second and anbsequen‘ insertions if wording unchanged, 34: per word min. ohm. . . . . . . . . . 40c '03. 30x NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c min. charge 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGIMENTS. MARRIAGES, per inurtion 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . 50c Chained advertise-Iona dunk! be in u enrly in the week :3 Mle but not later thin noon on Wednesdln. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE L'IBER‘AE; Riéhfifa Hill, oata‘ao, Th‘ursdésf, October 13, £955 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES , 50¢ per bale, 5 per hundred. c2w15 c1w15 c1w15 *1w15 clw15 *1w15 c1w15 USED CARS AND TRUCKS THORNHILL -- Yonge St. prop- erty for sale, approximately 120 feet frontage by 350 feet depth. For further particulars, call the Thornhill United Church Vestry mornings at AV. 5-2131. c2w15 For this lovely 6-1‘oom ranch style bungalow, located in a very residential area on sewers. Large lot 75’x212’. paved drive, 2-car garage,- divided basement. Fin- ished recreation room, 15’x30' with 2-piece washroom. This home must be seen to be apprec- iated. Only $5,000 down. Balance on easy terms. Come direct to 105 Arnold St. TU. 4â€"1502. clw15 1948 MONA‘RCH Club Coupe, radio, oil filter. heater, good con- dition. AV. 5-1924. c1\v15 51 METEOR Coach, perfect com dition. privately owned, navy blue. Maple 279R6. c1w15 MUSCOVY' DUCKS. McIntosh Farm, Dufferin St.. first f"»"“‘ south. of Steeles. clw15 CAR FRONT axle and spring as- semblies. Ideal for trailers. Also used 600x16 tires and wheels. 650x16 tires. also 710x15 tires. Phone TU. 4-2236.. tfc36 SEWING MACHINE SALES a; SERVICE Free Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine. Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tail- oring Co., TU. 4-1362. Richmond Hill. tfc28 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish. any colour tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St, West. New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone chargez. V Lieu SMALL DOWN payment or would consider renting, 6 rooms, all conveniences. Oak Ridges. TU. 4-2400. c1wl5 COTTAGE for sale, $475 down. located Lake Wilcox. Thomas Oakley Real Estate Brokers. Phone TU. 4-1951. c1w15 AV. 5-1595 FOR SALE OR RENT in Gorm- ley, a spacious 8-room house, large attic. heated with oil, full basement. in good condition, good water, garage, shed, garden, nice lawn with plenty of shade. Must be seen to be appreciated. Apply Box 50 The Liberal. clw15 CENTRE ST. BUNGALOW $13,900 attractive gleaming white, centrally located modern 5-room bungalow with breeze- way and attached garage. Beau- tifully landscaped, well-treed, fully fenced 73 ft. lot on desir- able Centre St. West. Only $3500 down. one mortgage for balance. Call TU. 4-1574. *1w15 55 FORD Fairlane, 2-tone hard~ top. Automatic and signals. New condition. TU. 4-2874. clwls in good condition, low .mileage; $750.. $350 down. . BA. 1-9954 Willowdale. x c1w15 BOATS New marine plywood boats, 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 it. run- abouts ..$65 and up. Best ma- terials used, no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. tfc5 8 PIGS, seven weeks old: baled 30 Chunks and 10 young Tam- worth sows, due to '"arrow in November. Phone Newmarket 21.122. Mervin Summeri‘elm. mm» Orchard FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator, old model, but good appearance and working order, $50. Mr. Mc- Lean. AV. 5-1176. c1w14 hay: pdny tractor. Arppvlyr R: Smith, TU. 4-1908. *1w15 FLOWER ROOTS, fox glove, canterbury bell, Chrysanthemum, Sweet William, Shasta daisy. All healthy roots. BA. 1-6016. c2wl4 fii TON FARGO Pick Up Truck DRY EAR-CORN, delivered, $33. plus 5c per ton mile. Mel. Woods, Oak Ridges. *TU. 4-2528, AX. 3- 4697. c2w14 steel weldéd, square casing yrs. old. AV. 5-1843. clV CHESTERFIELD SUITE. 3 piec‘ es, mohair, in Tel. TU. 4-2966 GURNEY gravity furnace. all MAN'S BICYCLE. $10. in good condition. AV. 5-2795. c1w15 SELF-DEFROST refrigerator and two stoves. TU. 4-2796. FOR SALE cont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OWNER SACRIFICE POULTRY FOR SALE BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE good condition. *1W14 BA. 5-2411 tfcl Cleaning, repairs & parts, car- ‘owetors calibrated â€" 200 gallon Intosh tanks installed. For fast efficient ffir“ service call Harold Van Dyke. c1w15,TU. 4-1086. Free estimates. tfc13 C3“ *2w14 c1w14 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc49 SAME DAY ‘I'V and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. TU. 44181.7 FOR FAST.’efficient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors, ranges. vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces, please call Ground Electric. 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfc15 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing‘, cultivating, also front-end load- ing. backfilling and grading. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2096. tfc41 UPHOLSTERING and repairing; Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-2231. ’ tfc27 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hilli CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basement excavating and back~ filling, grading, digging ponds, and cleaning fence rows. D. Pickering, Victoria Squats, ph. Gormley 5522. tfc15 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. CARTAGE MOVING, Packing ‘and Storage, pick-up and delivery service, anywhere, anytime, reliable. TUrner 4-2613. tfc53 SEPTIC TANKS We are now in a position to in- stall your septic tanks and weep- ing beds by machine at lowest possible prices. Murray Baker, phone Newmarket 651. tf937 PIT RUN GRAVEL, concrete sand and gravel. Sand fill. Top- soil. Harold and Jim Burns, R. R. 2 Maple, phone 54112. tfc49 HILLVIEW 1 ASPHALT PAVING C0. Driveways, parking lots, etc. Prompt service. Free estimates. TU. 4-3158 *le0, tfcll SJ. GORDON YOUNG LIMPâ€"D- ED. c51w27 LEARN TO DRIVE Pick-up Service Thorough Instructors Dual Controls, reasonable rates for Richmond Hill and ALL sur- rounding districts. Call TUrner 4-2781 Thompson's Driving School tfc47 General home and garden re- pairs and alterations, flagstone and cement work. driveways, fences, etc. C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-2368. th4 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. DeFerrari and Muylaert. Maple' 54R12. tfc7 ALTERATiONS and repair work. Sidewalks. cement work, septic tanks, soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5- 2526. “C45 Chimneys cleaned, built and re- paired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfcl5 EDYTHE DRESSMAKING â€" ladies’ and children’s clothes. Also alterations. Mrs. Warwick, 24 Hunt’s Lane, TU. 4-3206. For quality workmanship in pruning, treating. planting and removing trees. Consult us. 30 years experience. Free estimates. Johnson Tree Service. TU. 4-' 1320. tchl DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or woodbridge CARPENTRY. steps. porches, cupboards, basement apartments, recreation rooms.,floors, altera- tions. wall and floor tiling. arbor- ite tops. instal storm windows and caulking. L. Makey, AV. 5-2863. c1w15 SAND & GRAVEL. stone, loam manure and fill. L. Willis, TU 4L2096 ERIC FISH For sand. gravel. manure. loam and fill. TU. 4-3341. ticl CARPENTER WORK, stairs, kitchen cupboards and repairs; Phone TU. 4-1014, evenings only. c2w15 ANYTHING in painting, paper- ing. decorating. Phone A. Rollin- son. TU. 4-2587. tfc13 EURS â€" repaired and remodell- ed, and new coats. Free estim- ates. Phone AV 5-2849. c3w13 ABBEY ELECTRIC House wiring, alterations. water heater, recreation roars. R. Abbey. AV. 5-3551. tfc2 KOTAVATING. Apply E. Gra- ham. TUrncr 4-2884. tfc46 R. H. REID. Delivery service. Pickup and delivery. light mov- ing. TU. 4-3391. tfc37 HOUSEHOLD alterations, plas- tering repaim. Guaranteed work, reasonable prices. No job too small. PA. 7-5353. tfc51 AV. 5-1595 MISCELLANEOUS WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS 01L SPACE HEATER S; FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE Thornhill, Phone AV. 5-1266 tfc12 A. MILLS & SON Richmond Hill Plumbmg and .Heating TUrner 4-1711. TREE SERVICE LANDSCAPING BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE CHIMNEYS BA. 5-2411 tfc‘17 tfcéz tfc34 tfcla tfc40 tfcl'I tfc5l ROOF REPAIRS ROOF, Eavestrough, Chimney brick work. painting, genreral re- pair work of all kinds. prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. ttc22 WELL DRILLING George’s Well Drilling and re- pairing; pump installed 8; repair- ed. George Adams, Woodbridge R. R. 2, Maple 67R3. tfc45 FROM THE BASEMENT to*the roof â€" house repairs and alter- ations. J. M. Cannon Sr., Oxford St.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1810. tfclfi ROOFING, siding, shingling and chimneys built and repaired, wells cleaned, dug. lined and re- paired. Carl Fuller, AV. 5-2863. c1w15 GARDENER, low-priced fulfill- ment all kind private orboricul- ture and floriculture job. BOY 711 Richmbnd Hill. M. Pokopetz. >i‘1vv15 WANTED AT ONCE â€"- lady for] full or part time work in snack bar. Apply at Arena office, The Richmond Hill Arena Associa-‘ tion. c1w15 BUTCHER, capable young man to help in grocery department. Fred Plant Grocer, corner Rich- mond and Keele Streets. Maple. c1w15‘ WANTED â€"- friendly, capable woman for general housework, no cooking, for family with small children. Liberal time off. Self- contained three room apartment, good pay with regular increases. Will consider couple. with hus- band employed elsewhere. Home near Thornhill. Only those gen- uinely interested in a perman- ent position in good home need apply. Write Box 46 The Liberal. c2w14 DECIANTIS-RICE General Contractors, Building Repairs and Alterations, Drain and Concrete Work. Flagstone Walks and Walls. King 240 tfc3 IST MORTGAGES 2ND MORTGAGES Some private funds available to make mortgage loans. or to buy existing mortgages. W. W. Conroy. Real Estate, Wi11< owdale. Tel BA. 1-7484. tfcll A CAPABLE woman, fond of small children, for general (10m- estic help. Live in, own bedroom, with private bathroom, house in Thornhill. equipped with all modern electric appliances. AV. 5-3162. , c1wl4 ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. TU. 4-2081. tfcl3 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tic for T.S.A. No. 1 Markham and Vaughan. If not registered please phone Schpol Area Office. AV. 5- 1195. c2w15 A1 MECHANIC wanted, special- izing in tune-ups; also service station attendant, experience necessary. Apply Ev. Baker, White Rose Service Station, Richmond Hill. c1w15 I have two Rural Watkins local- ities now availab in this area, age 35 to 55. App y for full par- ticulars to F. B. Helferty, 345 Mary St., Oshawa. *1wl5 DAVID McLEAN LIMITED Have an opening for one Real Estate salesman in their busy Thornhill offices. An excellent opportunity for the right man to become associated with a contin- uing active Real Estate firm. Ex- perience is not necessary. A complete training program _ is given with continued office as- sistance for interview. Call Sales Manager 5. J. Carlisle. AV. 5- 1176, evenings TU. 4-1574. c1w11 IF YOU ARE honest and sincere. with a deep seated desire to get ahead we would like to talk to you. Filter Queen Corporation is looking for a man or woman with the above qualifications to train as their sole representative for Richmond Hill and the sur- rounding areas. This is a genu- ine opportunity to develop a bus- iness of your own. working dir- ectly from your home. Your earnings will be well above av- erage and your future unlimited. Act now by telephoning Toronto EM. 4-1895 or calling directly at our office at 252 Victoria St, Toronto. *1w15 CUSTOM Markham CUSTOM 4-3153. GENERAL REPAIRS to all household appliances. 24-hour oil-burner service. Robertson and Wills. TU. 4-2796. *2w14 WANTED AT ONCE â€" night watchman anfi caretaker. Apply at Arena office, Richmond Hill Arena Association. c1w15 CLERK-Stenographer with short hand, typing, office experience preferred. Write to Dr. R. M. King, York County Health Unit. Richmond Hill. tfc13 RUGS & UPHOLSTERY Cleaned on premises. Wall to wall carpet a specialty. 25% dis- count on all church work. 10% discount on halls, theatres, and all jobs over 500 square feet. Phone King 33R23. tfc7 WOMAN wanted to do weekly washing and ironing in own home for small family. TU. 4-2752. NORTH YORK SODDlNG Rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA 1-9877. *19w1 PLASTERING CONTRACTOR ready to take work over. free es- timates. Adam Pohl, TU. 4-1385. 024w14 MISCELLANEOUS (continued) HELP WANTED TWO MEN WANTED SUPPLY TEACHERS ROTOTILLING. TU. c4w14 Chain Sawing. Phone 197. tfc49 c1w15 4-ROOM apartment for rent, un- furnished, on Yonge St. Posses- sion Nov. 1. Phone TU. 4-1678. *1w15 APARTMENT, 4 rooms. unfurn- ished, adults preferred, self-con- tained. private entrance. near Stop 21A. AV. 5-2058. clw15 BASEMENT apartment,‘ child welcome, $13. Apply Goodchild, 11 Henderson Ave.. Donoaster. c1w15 HOUSE, all conveniences, close to school, $68 monthly. 25 Elm- grove Ave.. Oak Ridges. TU. 4- 1934. clw15 TWO nice clean housekeeping rooms. TU. 4-1109. c1w15 2 STOREY 6-room house, gar- age, 2 minutes to Yonge. Immed- iate possession.’39 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w15 We are now in the midst of the active selling season. Due to our unprecedented volume we are in need of houses and building lots in all' price classes and dis- tricts. 5 ROOMS. Suit middle-aged couple. No children, 16 John St. Thornhill. *1w15 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. uczz Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4- 2101. tfc15 TYPEWRITERS for rent by day, week or month. TU. 4-1745. ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. ucla 21b ROOM unfurnished flat, pri- vate entrance, sink. Heavy duty wiring. Child welcome. EU. 4- 2915. c1w14 3 GROUND Floor rooms in farm house. Separate entrance, large lawn and garden. Nelson Bowes. AV. 5-1980. c1w15 BUSINESS WOMAN desires position, payroll, legal and. ac- counts, experience. Box 51 The Liberal. c1w15 Our salesmen, fully quali- fied and equipped with the Toronto Real Estate Board’s most advanced services, are available at your conveni- ence. COMFORTABLE 2-room cottage. 3rd house south of Stop 20 Yonge St. AV. 5-2559. clwlo BED-SITTING room or bedroom home privileges, reasonable. bus stop. AV. 5-2535. c1w15 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, mod TWO unfurnishcd rooms, heated at Markham and Lawvence Ave.. phone'TU. 4-1118. *1w14 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER STOP 14A Thornhill unfurnish- ed half storey. large bed sitting- room and kitchen. Ideal for bus- iness or retired couple. AV. 5- 2776. tfcll pâ€"w. OFFICE FOR RENT â€"â€" 300 sq. feet, ground floor, completely renovated, private washroom, off street parking. Apply at Clarke’s Pharmacy, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1201. tfcl AVAILABLE DAY CARE for children, infant to school age by week or day. 168 Ruggles Av., Richmond Hill. *lw15 SELLING? ern conveniences, self contain- ed. TU. 4- 1253. c1w15 PART OF Bungalow. furnished, pensioner or business couple. Abstaingrs only. Near bus. Rea- sonable. Box 54 Liberal. *1w15 LADY to share bungalow with another lady. Thornhill, short block from Yonge St. Phone be- tween 6 and 7. AV. 5-1848. 4 BERTH Trailer, gas heater, double walls, fibre glass, lined, $50 per month, or $1500 cash. Write‘ Etherington, Keswick P. EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc43 We offer a friendly, effec- tive, confidential service, without obligation. AV. ROOMS, unfurnished. close to bus and school, Markham Road district, child welcome. Phone evenings, TU. 4-2918. c1w15 UNFURNISHED lower duplex, one bedroom, living-dining, kit- chen, bathroom, oil heater, at bus stop in Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-1434. *1w15 COUPLE may have 3-room fur- nished self-contained accommo- dation. in return for domestic help from wife. Phone AV. 5- 2663. ‘ c1w15 HOUSEWORK by the day, re- liable German woman. Phone af- ter 6 pm. AV. 5-2886. *1w15 TYPING â€"- Done at home, en- velopes, form letters, stencils, etc. Box 306 Richmond Hill. David McLean Ltd. Head Office Thornhill EMPLOYMENT WANTED CALL 5-1176 or BA. 1-1121 T0 RENT c1w15 c1w15 tfc28 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Acres to Simcoe-Ade- laide or subway, hours 8.30 to 5. 427 Cartier Cresc.. Richmond CARS 8: TRUCKS wanted for wrecking. Phone TU. 4-2236. CUPBOARD or wardrobe. suit- able for storing Girl Guide equipment and stationery. TU 4-2834. c1w15 ROOM and Board wanted by business gentleman, vicinity Richmond Hill. Phone 6-8 p.m. TU. 4-2609. *1w15 MAN to do fall gardening. Call BA. 1-8700 collect. c1w15 ROOM & BOARD for man, vicin- ity No. 7- Dufferin. AV. 5-1980. c1w15 UNFURNISHED HOUSE, suit- able for large family of,seven children, long lease preferred. WAlnut 1â€"2949. c2w15 TRANSPORTATION available, arrive Queen-Bay 9.45, returning 5.30 or will share car pool. TU. 4-1670. c1w15 CAPONS, roasters and fowl, highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion, phone TU. 4-2643. t£c17 CATS WANTED (painlessly de- stroyed). Also rabbits, white rats, guinea pigs., etc. Troyer Natur- al Science Service, Oak Ridges. TU. 4-2507. clw15 NEW Turnabout Shop requires good used clothing, children’s preferred. BA. 1â€"3856. 23 Glen- borough, off Finch West. c1w15 Hill ‘RAN SPORTATION ROOM & BOARD SALE REGISTERS 0N PAGE 7 THIS WEEK POULTRY WANTED TUrner 4-2101 “ Do It Yourself ” Demonstration WANTED 55 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DOOR 55 CHEVROLET 210 SEDAN 51 FORD COACH . . . . . . . 50 METEOR COACH . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 FORD SEDAN 54 FORD RANCH WAGON 1w. Little & Son I: 53 METEOR COACH . . . . . . . 51 METEOR SEDAN Sponsored by Richmond Hill Hardware in’our store Richmond Hill Hardware FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1 RM. TO 9 BM. in co-operation with DELTA' HOME WORKSHOP POWER TOOLS Also film featuring Do It Yourself Cummings Small Power Tools Smith Aluminum Combination Storm and Screen Windows ' Budget Terms Conveniently Arranged TU. 4-1116 FALL CLEARANCE S A L E y Used Cars AT Gin-AWAY PRICES! Automatic & Radio, Two-tone . . . Radio and -VS Motor . . . AS LOW AS 10 PER CENT DOWN *1w15 tfc36 Hill Post Office, Oct TU. 4-1708. NAVY Kid Gloves HUB CAP AND RIM, new, for DeSoto car, reward. Phone TU 4-1313 or 4â€"1807. -I. D. Ramer. *1w15 BOY’S Trench Coat, dark blue, lined, six year old. at Yonge St. Public \School Richmond Hill or around Elmwood Area. Finder please phone TU. 4-3158. clw14 FRONTAGE WANTED Yonge St. frontage in Richmond Hill wanted. Call Mr. McLean, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd. FORD - MONARCH 60L lldVy WlLll Boys’ Texas Tan Jeans Ry- der style, sanforized, sizes up to 16 yrs. Ladies’ Blue Leather Moc- fiiiil‘fi’iz‘éifiiii 3°le’ wedge 33% SIMPSUN’S DRY GOODS SIMPSON’S DRY GGDDS Spun Rayon Tartan, in air force and Hunting Mac- Kinnon, 36” wide 58” Wool Suiting, charcoal fleck background with a pink dot Boys’ Wool Flannel Slacks, plain navy & navy with fleck up to 6 Boys’ Texas Tan Jeans Ry- der style, sanforized, sizes up to 16 yrs. Ladies’ Blue Leather Moc- casins, neolite sole, wedge heel, sizes 4 to 9 12 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill ’] REAL ESTATE WANTED Richmond Hill LOST .................. $695 Richmond 3. Phone *1w15 clw15 24 Yonge St. South GARAGE wanted to rent, viciul ity Centre W. and Elizabeth St. TU. 4-2154. *1w15 TORONTO business man wants large bed-sitting-room with pri- vate bath and garage if possible. Vicinity Thornhill. Box 53 The Liberal. c1w15 RESPONSIBLE couple with two school-age children require un- furnished accommcdations. Ref- erences supplied. Maple 52W. WANTED to rent for six months from Nov. 1 unfurnished. reas- onable rent, accommodation for family of six. Careful tenants. willing to share large home or rent separate house. Write Eth- erington, Keswick P.O. clw'15 S ave WANTED TO RENT EM. 6-3166 $1095 .169 Q) $1875 TU. 4-1651 $695 $325 $709 $1.23 $2.88 A YARD A YARD tfc13

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