Drug Store Needs AT Perry’s Pharmacy Maple King City 164 164 Mr. Nelson Kerr, of Vellore Vaughan Township Road super- intendent, is presently ill in bed. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to him. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brice left Tuesday to attend the postmas- ters’ cpnvention being held in Niagara Falls They are expected to return Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dougald Cowan, Maple, spent the Thanksgiving week-end holidaying at their cottage at Port Severn, Ontario. Visit-Norway and England Mr. and Mrs. Louis Plunkett and sons, Paul, Patrick and Mi- chael, returned Sunday after a two month trip visiting in Eng- land and Norway. They left July 2 by plane and journeyed directly to Norway where they visited with family and friends. Mr. Plunkett spent some weeks in England and Ireland visiting with relations before joining the rest of the family for the trip home by plane. Maple, Concord 8: Edgeley Districts Mr. and Mrs. William Perry, who are living with their son. John Perry, Maple, celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on Sunday. wMEWa'nvclf Mrs. George Robson and family spent the week-end at their cottage at Lake Musko- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wells and family were guests over the weekâ€"end of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weir at their cottage in Musko- ka. “Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Langille and family spent the week-end at their cottage on Ijake S‘_c_ugog.__ VIâ€"M}.'éHdUMfs. John Gletha~ plewood Farm. have returned home after an extended trip to England and Europe. H _ PRESCRIPTIONS AND We specialize in Hydro Conversion Work and Washing Machine Re- pairs. The leenl is always willing to publlsh interesting items regarding people and events contributed by lts readers in Maple, Concord & Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple ls Mrs. Dunnld Allen, telephone Maple 19J; Edgeley. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. Maple, AV. 5-1934. to reconcile accounts for payment. receive pay- ment of taxes and balance ledgers, account for bank transactions and generally post and control all ï¬nancial matters pertaining to the township. Applicants should state education, qualiï¬ca- tions, age and marital status, previous experi- ence and salary, and forward all applications be- fore October 21 to â€" to direct the operation of Volunteer Fire Depart- ments in the Township of Vaughan, arrange for and maintain the neceesary equipment, inspect _-_~“-J «‘1..-r...u.u., alum!)qu premises for ï¬re rheizï¬ards, and generally promote ï¬re prevention throughout the téwnship. HYDRO CONVERSION THE LTBERAE, Richmond Hill, Ontario, 'Ijhursday, October 13, 1955 CONCRETE WORK â€" BRAINS 126 Elniwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 Timer 4 - 1541 TOWNSHIP of VAUGHAN REQUIRES FIRE CHIEF Two Stores PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Maple Socials JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT ENNING DIRECTOR ONSTRUCTION CO. J. M. MCDONALD, Yang-ban Township Clerk Maple Post Office, Ontario Mrs. Hilliard touchd on prog- ress to maturity through taking on added responsibilities. She concluded as follows, "The Church seems to ask a great deal of people, their time, talents, money, but it has much to give in return. For it can help peop- le to overcome their fears, gain inner peace, and receive inner strength; in the words of the Scripture, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their Pastor’s Wife Speaks To W.A. At Downsview United Church The Thanksgiving meeting of the W.A. of Downsview United Church was held in the church on Wednesday. Sept. 5, at 8 p. m.‘ Mrs. K. Middleton wasin the chair, and was assisted by the secretary, Mrs. G. Henderson, who also supplied a solo to the Devotional Period, conducted by Mrs. Ed Hawes. The special speake; was Mi‘s. Margaret Hilliard, wife of the new pastor, who spoke on “The more aware you are. the more alive you areâ€. Quite a few new faces were in the audience. :4 & B Plumbing and Heating Aurpra - Thornhill PA. 7-5371 AV. 5-2174 at the home of Mrs. B. Keffer, R. R. 2 Maple, was well attended and a good supply of articles for the Cancer Cupboard were re- ceived in answer to the roll call. Mrs. James Spencer presided and was assisted by the secret- ary,_ Mrs. W. Maginn. dry, lvua. vv. luu unu. Mrs. E. A. God rey. a graduate physiotherapist and Convenor of Home Economics and Health of- fered many helpful suggestions on the proper care of the feet and demonstrated a few foot ex- ercises for easing foot strain. Mrs. C. H. Boake. representing the WA. .of Edgeley United The meeting last week of the Edgeley Women'sWInstitute held Iurkey Dinner Planned For The Cancer Research Fund A QEATINGSV: SHOULD 08 PRIZE Lsr us cne ESTIMATI no MODEM / / [Mi/#4 mm 77': ‘ 'A Haamssvmn‘ [SHOULD BE A LEI us cnscx, ESTIMATE AND MODEIINIIE Miss Beverley Lean was re- lieved of her nursing duties in St. Joseph’s Hospital for the Thanksgiving holiday which she £25m with her parents, Mr. and 5. Edward Lean. Best wishes for a speedy re- covery ls wished Mrs. E. Witney who has been ill for the past couple of weeks. are needed to further Cancer re- search. To help meet this need, a mammoth Turkey Dinner has been planned to be held at the Maple Community Centre, on or about November 19. Mrs. Paul Snider outlined Mr. and Mrs. Amos Baker and family joined Mrs. Baker’s fam- ily for Thanksgiving dinner at the home of their mother, Mrs. D. J. Reaman. Mrs. R. Smirthwaite spent Thanksgiving at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Thompson, Toronto. The Home and School Assoc- iation is planning to sponsor a course in First Aid for the resi- dents of Concord this winter. Church and Miss representing the attended the gen‘ Monday of the Society and rep: Mrs. Paul Snidei briefly the medical a beneï¬ts that are through the York ( Medical Services. , Mrs. Alf Bagg, M1 ips and Mrs. Paul E the social committee. Special music was rendered by the choirs at all appointments, and at Edgeley, two children were received into the church through the ordinance of bap- tism â€" William Randall Wilson and Barrie Alexander Wilson, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wilson. Highway No. 7. Special aecorétions of flowers and fruits from garden and ï¬eld added to the beauty of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon and family spent Thanksgiving week- end at their cottage at Twelve Mile Lake, Haliburton. Many happy returns of the day is wished Gordon Wood whose 14th birthday was October 4;also Robert Keï¬er on his birthday; October 14. A family gathering ‘at the home of Mrs Winnifred Salmon on Thanksgiving day included Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Salmon, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Mills, Miss Lilian Salmon and her ï¬- ance Mr. Bruce Morton, all of Toronto, and Victor Salmon from Lac St. Denis, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Poole spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Poole. strength." Mrs. Peg Jobbitt thanked the speaker. Business included th- rangements for W. A. Sunday, November 20, when J. R. Gro- gan, Q. C. will speak and some new hymn books from the WA. will be dedicated. Harvest Service United Churches Agencies 011! Ridges Ontario TU. 4'3181 EM. 8-9559 SAME DAY SERVICE RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open ‘7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper TELEVISION Radio -â€" Washer Repair Servico Conversion To 60 Cycle Concord Socials general the distr reportd 0 further district Ellé' Wl' Edgeley Mrs Snider and eley W. meeting that Whitmore outlined ‘. surgical available operative lancer funds Phill were on Thé next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs“ Quacken- bush, Dufferin St., on November Plans were made to sponsor a Wear-ever brush demonstnation at the home of Mrs. Passer, Bath- urst St. Mrs. Holdgate was also in charge of the topic “The Bread pf Lifeâ€. Mrs. Quackenbush read the scripture. and Mrs. Kenny read a letter of apprecia- tion from the Overseas Relief Committee. The monthly meeting of the Elia Women‘s Association was held on Tuesday evening, Octo- ber 4, at the home of Mrs. Percy Snider, with the president, Mrs. Thos. Bush of St. Regis Park. in the chair. About 15 members were present. Schemes for rais- ing money, such as talent money exploitation, a euchre party at Mrs. Carlson’s, St. Regis Park on October 21, a dance later on in November, were discussed and approved. The meeting. closed with lunch and lots of fun and fellowship. Rev. F. Hilliard ar- rived at 9 pm. from the Com- munity Chest Supper meeting in Weston. Mrs. Hilliard was pre- vented from being present by her CGIT activities the same evening. Applications will be re- ceived by the undersigned, for the position of Assist- ant to the Assessor, for the Village of Richmond Hill. The 85th anniversary of the dedication and opening of Maple United Church will be observed on Sunday. .October 23, and plans are now being made to make it a day long to be remembered by members and friends of the con- gregation. Rev. W. Harold Young, D.D., LL.D., Secretary of the Board of Colleges for the United Church will be the special preacher at the morning service, and Stan- ley Harper. baritone of West- minster United Church, Weston, will assist the Maple chpir in the service of praise. Mrs. E. Pink Hostess For Fisherville W.A. Mrs. E. Pink was hostess for the October meeting of Fisher- ville W.A. at which Mrs. A. Holdgate presided. Applications to be in b October 15. y State fully, experience & qualiï¬cations. At 7.30 pm. Rev. W. Stuart MacLeod, M.A.. B.D., minister of St. John's United Church, Str‘at- Elia W. A; Meets -â€" Photo by Lagerquist Mr. and Mrs. Ler R. M. Boyle are seen with their at- tendants on the steps of St. John’s Anglican Church. Oalz Ridges, after their recent marriage. Mrs. Boyle is the former Irene Patricia Meyers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Meyers, Maple, while the groom is the son of Mrs. O. Boyle and the late Mr. Boyle of Thornhill. The rhaid of honour, was Miss Edna Anderson while the best man was Albert Boyle, brother of the groom.‘ The Rev. D. C. H. Michell conducted the ceremony. - v Maple United Church Makes Plans For ’85th Anniversary Full particulars as to :luties at this office. Stratford Choir To Entertain Clerk, Richmond Hill Russell Lynett, WANTED ASSISTANT TO THE ASSESSOR Villag'e ford, will he the guest preacher. and he is bringing with him the senior choir of St. John's Church which will sing two anthems in the regular service, and present a half hour program of sacred music following the worship per- iod. This choir has won the highest award for church choirs at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto in both 1954 and 1955, and delighted a congregation which ï¬lled Mapie church to ov- erflowing on the last anniversary occasion. John Boyden, 19-yearâ€"old bari- tone, who has won distinction at Toronto and other festivals and who is being sent by the citizens of his native cith of Stratford. in December, to continue his stud- ies at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Britain, will be heard in special numbers. EVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK THAT RATES THE A-‘I SIGN HAS BEEN: O Retondiï¬oned by expert servizemen for oppearante and performth. 0 Inspected and (backed for safety. 0 Prieed for outstanding vduo. 0 Truthth and uuuru‘tely advertised. O Wummted by your ford-Monarch Dealer and baked by his repumion. USED CARS and TRUCKS gougetthe bestvalue Whereyou see these gig Ins ! Z291: WHAT Concord Graduates Will Be Honoured The 1955 Graduating Class of Concord Public School is to be honored at 3 Graduation Ban- quet at the school on Monday evening, October 17. Twelve students and their parents will be served by members of the 1956 Graduating Class. Those to be honored are Martha Baker, Sharon Baker, Nan y Bowes, Patsy Dinofl’, Doroth Jackson. John Lightfoot. Brian McLean, Clifford Nuttall, Marie Salmon. Mary Snider, David Voigt and June Spearing. Mr. Newstead of Concord will be the speaker and Miss Martha Baker will give the valedictory address. Mrs. Spurgeon is convening the ban- jquet. Drainwork Emergency Service lllflulllllllllllll Sidewalks Specializing in Alterations and Repairs Septic. Tanks Hope Community and School Club's ï¬rst meeting for this term was well at- tended and it was good to add new members to the role. Miss E. Izzard and Dr. Lillian Langstaï¬ of Rich- mond Hill were guests of the evening and everyone enjoyed their. presentation of European pictures and the talk of experiences in other countries. The mem- bers have been asked to help with the Cancer Soc- iety's planned turkey din- ner and it was moved that each family be asked to don- ate a pie. N. J. GARTER Plumbing & Heating Community & School Club Meeting TU. 4-1050~ RICHMOND HILL BASIL FOX TUrnér 4-1547 Trenching Drains Soc- din- that don» Blatchiord's : 3 Cost-Cutting CALF FEEDING PROGRAMMES ° Make yohr choiceâ€" APPLES iii? 50(: No.11 Highway, 1 Mile North 0! Richmond Hill TOPPERIS HAND-PICKED McIntosh - Courtland - Baxter 1 Pie Pumpkin FREE with every purchase of one bushel of apples or more SQUASHW Serving Richmond Hill 81 District in all visual needs for 14 years. MAPLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tenders will be received until Friday, Octo- ber 21, for painting the balance of the exterior of Maple Presbyterian Church. Enquiry for further particulars should be made to Eric Brice, in the Post Oï¬ice Building in Maple. HEATING & APPLIANCES Oil Burners Installed & Repaired Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Over 25 Years In Business There's a programme for you tooâ€"to suit your own conditions! Blatchford's offers you three ways to cut costs, save labour and build thrifty calves for top proï¬ts. You owe it to yourself to get all the facts about these three low-cost calf feeding programmes. Writeâ€"or :69 your dealer aboutâ€" Programme 1: WM: New CAlF-PAB CALF-PAB is a milk type feed for young calves. It com- pletely and safely replaces milk from tith dayâ€"and for 30 days! Supplement with Calf Pellets. 25 lbs. of Calf-Pub saves 250 lbs. of Milk. Then feed CALFADINE (Calf Grower) plus Hay. The world-famous calf feeding programme for economy and top results. It's a money-maker . . . followed by CALFADINE (Calf Grower) for continued economical growth. Programme 2: With CALF PELLETS â€" using surplus milk Anolher way to use surplus skim milk and slill build qualify calves for ’top meat or milk production. Followed by CALFADINE (Calf Grower) or CALF PELLETS plus Hay. Programme 3: With CALF MEAL-Iho Gruel Method For REAL Economy â€" REAL Convenience â€" REAL Profllsl WIDE SELECTION OF Fresh Vegetables PAINTING CAULIFLOWER FRESH CIDER I. D. RAMER 8: SON B. I. IRILLIIGER STOUFFVILLE, ONTARIO STIVER BROS. MARKHAM, ONTARIO and step-up ypur Profits! . FOX & SON Choose the Programme that suits Your Conditions. RICHMOND HILL Wrifo for full information '01 TU. 4-1610 J. M. MCDONALD, Secretary Board of Managers, Maple, Ontario F. L. Lowrie, R.O. Optometrist Now in a modern office in The Northern Building 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Every Monday & Friday from 7 pm. to 9 pm. and Every Wednesday 9 am. to 12.30 noon Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Complete Optical Repair Sefvice