F. c. STINSON _ H. M. BROWNLEE Chairman of the Board Bdéiness Administrator T0 SELLâ€"RENTyâ€"HIREâ€"FINDâ€"BUYâ€"SWAP Reach MOST READERS at LOWEST cost per hundred circulation in this great. “liberal†-- WANT ADS Insurance Agents More people in your home community reaa the Liberal want ads than any other publication. Read by over 16,000 prospective customers every week; and-your advertisement will receive 'the prompt, courteous attention of our staff. ADS RECEIVED UP UNTIL 2 RM. WEDNES- DAY WILL APPEAR IN THURSDAY’S PAPER. The Board'of Education for the Township of North York will receive applications up to 5.00 pm. Friday, November 4th, 1955, for the participation in commissions on Insur- ance placed by the Board during the year in accordance with the agreement between the Board and its present brokers. Those eligible are general insurance agents (exclusively Life Insurance agents not accep- ted) who have held licences valid throughout 1965, and who have resided within the Town- ship or conducted insurance business at an ofl'ice located within the TOWnship during 1955. Applications must be received by letter. ad- dressed to the Board of Education for the Township of North York, 7 Kenneth Street. Willowdale, Ont., giving full particulars and licence number. ’ Classified Super Market Charge 3c per word â€" minimum charge 50c To place a Want Ad in the Liberal THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIMPLY PHONE TU. 4-1261 " When You Use MOli THAN 700 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the form of a pot luck luncheon in the Sunday School room on Wed- nesday of last week. There were 24 ladies and 12 children pres- ent. Following the luncheon the meeting was held. Guest speaker was Mrs. McHattie of Willowdale, formerly a mission- ary in China, who gave a very interesting talk on her work there. M.S. quilt at F. McRoberts Church News Several 9f the ladies in the community helped _to quilt a W. Sunday School will be held at the regular hour of 1 pm. Sun- day. October 23. Divine Worship will be at 2.30 pm. Rev. A. Huston will be the guest anniv~ ersary speaker of the day at the Claremont United Church. Rev. Harold Lackey of Claremont will conduct the services on the Vic- toria Square charge for that day. Mission Band The regular monthly meeting of the Mission Band will be held at the home of Mrs. S. DeFoe on Saturday, October 22, at 2.30 p. m. The Presbyterial Secretary of the Mission Band, Mrs. Lemon of Toronto. has been invited to be present at the meeting. All the ladies of the W.M.S. and all the children of the community are invited to attend. Mr. Walter Hunter of New- market called on Mr. R. E. San- derson and Miss Mabel Sander- son on Thursday afternoon of last week. ' The Mission Band members are asked to take notice that the children's paper ‘World Friends' has increased in price from 25c to 35c 11 year. If the children would like the paper another year, please hand in the 35c to the Mission Band leader, Mrs. Rolph Boynton before Nov. 1. Neighborth Notes Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning (nee Helen Boynton) who cele- brated their ï¬rst wedding anniv- ersary on Oct. 16 by entertain- ing her parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Donald at Sunday evening din- ner. ' A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Reid Brumwell who is ill. ‘ Birthddy greetings to Mrs. P. W. Willows for Oct. 22; to Judy Hart who will be eight years old on Oct. 23. Mr .and Mrs. Wilfred Steph- enson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dyer and Patsy, all of Oshawa. Mrs. Ella Ratcliï¬fe of Stouffville, Mr. We specialize in Hydro Conversion Work and Washing Machine Re- pairs. CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandie. Victorla Square Telephone Gomlei 5421 HYDRO CONVERSION TUmer 4 - 1541 ..But PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS {he homé of Mrs. last week. ' Horace has Canada Savings Bands.†R. E. Sand§rson and Miss Mabel Sanderson had Saturday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boyn- ton. Mrs; Wheler, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wheler and family of Agincourt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family. Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Ermpringham. Mrs. E. Ladd of Brewerton, N. Y., Mr. L. Clarke and Miss Har- riet Clarke of Canastota, N.Y.. Mrs. Melvin Blumer and her three children from Pennellville, N.Y. spent several days last week with Mrs. R. Perkins and Carol, and called on friends in the com- munity. They also attended the Billy Graham Crusade mee ings While here. “.1 and ‘-,,,u, ‘v,,,n,,,u 'Mr. and, Mrs. Mark Northcotte and ,girls from Nobleton had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Sandle and Marg- aret. SEE THIS GREAT NEW '56 DODGE . . . AT YOUR DODGE-DE SO'TO DEALER'S NOW! New Flight-Sweep Stylin â€"â€"A view of the ’56 Dodge that other motorists w' I often see is this broad rear deck. accented by tall. tubular taillights. Daring rear fenders soar high at the back . . . dip for- ward to blend into long, sleek sides. Put your ï¬nger on a new idea in driving . . . push-button automatic gear selecting! RICHMOND HILL, Ontario plans are completed for the jBazaar to be held at Henderson lAve. School later this month, October 22 from 2-5 pm, Mrs. McMullen will open the Bazaar. The Highland Park Associa- tion held an executive meeting at the home of Dr. A. A. Smith, the president. Plans were made to replace guaranteed trees. pur- chased through the Association. which have failed to survive their first year. The Association Is sending letters to all purchasers who have not already notified them regarding their trees. Re- plies should be sent to Mr. Jeans 85 Highland Park. It is planned to replace, ,this fall, all trees that have died. The Women's Auxiliary of the Highland Park Association held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. R. S. Burton, Oct. 17. Mrs. F. Baillargeon con- vener of the Bazaar reported plans are completed for the Bazaar to be held at Henderson The regular monthly meeting of the 2nd Thornhill Group Com- mittee was held at the home of Scouter Alf Willie, October 12. After the business of the even- ing was ‘completed, a small pres- entation was made to Gordon Davidson. who has resigned from the Group Committee, as he )5 moving to Montreal. Gordon Davidson was last year‘s chair- man and did an excellent job. and the Group Committee wishes Gordon and his family the very best of luck. Mrs. Dorothy Davidson, Alrela, of B Pack will also leave a gap, when she moves; which the Group Committee will find hard to fill. A Going-Up ceremony was held for five cubs of B pack. The boys, Don Calvert, David Davis. Barry Picton, Ken McIvor, and Ian Fisher were presented with Scout Handbooks by the Pack.» Scouter Wille received the new Scouts and introduced them to the Troop. The Scout Apple Day was a great success. The Cubs and Scouts did an enthusiastic, sell- ing job and doubled what they made last year. The gross intake was $191. It is estimated the net profit will be between $160- $170. Credit is due Scouter CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ROBERT CAMPBELL 23 Highland Park Blvd.. phone AVenue 5-1848 HIGHLAND PARK NEWS WILLIAM NEAL You’ll love the brand-new way of operating Dodge PowerF lite Automatic transmission. It’s all done with buttons . . . ress a button for forward, reverse, neutral. " onderful", you'll say, when you try this new Dodge feature. It’s the biggest advance in driving convenience since the invention of the automatic transmission! (PowerF lite transmission with push-button control available at extra cost.) New 6 or V-8 Power! Under the broad, low Dodge hood, there’s more po er than ever. Take your choice of the new, more powerful Hy-Fire V-8 or improved PowerFlow 6. They’re hi her in torque, too, for more zip in getaway and hillc imbing. Wille who organized the drive so well. Thanks are given to Messrs. Jim Mason. Walter Ives, Vic Jackson and George Davis, who helped at the apple depots. The 2nd Thornhill Scout Troop is going to camp near the Cale- don Hills, next Sat. Oct. 22‘ A farewell party was held at the home of Mrs. Bill Oliver, 110 Woodward Avenue, in hon- our of Mrs. Eleanor Nealy, 106 Woodward Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nealy are moving to 32 Pheasant Avenue, Willowdale. The ladies presented Mrs. Nealv with a pair of ash trays as a farewell gift. The Powell Road Home and School Association has planned a Civil Defence Program for their October meeting. The speaker will be Major W. Adams, Director of Civil Defence Work for the Municipalities bordering Metropolitan Toronto. Thorn- hill scouts and cadets of all Armed Forces are cordially in- vited to attend. All civilians who attend this meeting will beneï¬t greatly. YOUR PATRONAGE , SEASON THANK YOU FOR CLOSED FOR THE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 20, 1955 Experts from the UN. World Health Organization are at work in the Philippines, Syria and Egypt, helping government campaigns to control bilharziasis. a disease home by carrier snails which infest stagnant waters. Above, the leader of the WHO team in Egypt which is assisting a pilot control project some 20 miles from 09.30 looks on as Egyptian Government health workers harvest snails in palm traps. He is Dr. H. van der Schaiie oi the United States. PHONE: TUrner 4-2091 Parts & Accessories Radio and TeeVee Tubes Install Your Own Aerial and Save Money . PARIS AUTO SUPPLY lTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 Just ’ amved K _ at your Dodge dealer’s- the BIGGEST,- NEWEST bar . ’in the low-price ï¬eld! COMPLETE STOCK TELEVISION AERIALS Everywhere you look at this big, glam- ourous Dodge, you see fresh new styling and spirited new colours. Here’s new flair that accents the modern smartness of the Forward Look. Here’s a sleek, low car that’s the longest and roomiest in the low-price ï¬eld. Now, the Hy-Fire V-8 engine is available on all Dodge series. This new V8 and the famous Dodge Six economy engine give you more getaway power this year . . . more “go†per gallon. When you see this new Dodge, you’ll hardly believe it’s a low-priced car. Your eyes will tell you it’s the biggest. Your good taste will tell you it’s the newest in fashion. 50 see or phone your Dodge dealer for a demonstration now! Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited