Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Oct 1955, p. 2

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W. 8. 000K; Editor All-HIT! IRONING TABlE At a recent meeting of the Richmond Hill Public School Board, the Trustees called for greater coâ€"operation between the School Board and the Richmond Hill Planning Board in directing future development of the village. The Board members feel that insufficient informa- tion regarding proposed developments in the area is being received by them at present. ‘ With the rapid expansion of Rich- mond Hill which has seen the village’s population figures jump to more than 5,000, there is an increasing need for a greater liaison between the various de- partments of municipal government. Particularly in the case of education, the amount of development has a great effect on the activity of the School Board in providing schools to accommo- date an increased population. The rapid growth during the past year makes it essential that education offic- ials have a clear picture of the situaâ€" tion in order that school accommodation may keep abreast of the development. Chromium legs. Finger tip adiustment For any height. Gives you more Ie room. Tip-proof, tilt-proo. Non- warp ventilated tap, on very durable Frame. ...w _...r V J A step towards greater liaison be- tween a school board and planning board (has been taken by Trustees of Town- There are no such things as “lazy bones”, says an article in the Novem- ber Reader’s Digest. Actually, bones are among the busiest organs in the body. They make red and white blood cells 24 hours a day, contain nearly all the body’s vital calcium and phosphor- us, and act as storehouses for reserve fats and proteins. On a weight-for-weight basis, bonesare stronger than steel. They are subject to breakage, however, and until recently bone injuries were dead- 1y serious. Today, brilliant new tech- niques for the repair of bones mean that patients with broken legs and hips can be active much sooner. Plates for fastening broken bones are made with metal alloys, including some types of stainless steel. While the former beef-bone plates were useful in minor breaks, they were not strong enough to permit a man with a broken Wit/I Iltis Ildndsome New NO MONEY DOWNâ€"TERMS TO' SUIT YOU7?7COME IN AND SEE US THE LIBERAL, Richmond mu, Ontario, Thursday. October27, 1955 Subscription Rate v”, u_--v_ Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa” New Advantage In Bone Surgery ,l , An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 QIRCULATIQN ion Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; So single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher a, vuvvu «:Wmnw. AWN. J...“ _ ‘ \ "g'fivvvlt' m on): liafifital Need Greater Liaison Double tubs,'one inside the other. 6-minute wash- ing action. 4-part ball bearing mechanism. x- In-‘ destructible cast . iron safety wringer. 6-year guarantee. ‘ Ail-white _or colour choice. :Pws‘ HAROLD W. MORTSON mcumonn mu. TUrner 4.1722 REG. PRICE STAINLESS STEEL WASHER TWO-TONE FINISH ship School Area 1, Markham and Van- ghan. In order to keep fully informed on present and anticipated development in the area served by the School Area Board, representatives from the Board, attend meetings of the Planning Boards of both Markham and Vaughan Town- ships. Information derived tht‘ough these meetings has proved extremely valuable to the Trustees in planning expansion of the educational services of the area. v- u..- ..- -â€" In the hope of achieving a similar effect, the Richmond Hill Public School Trustees are recommending the form- ation of an Accommodation Committee comprised of representatives of the School Board, Village Council and vill- age Planning Board. If such a com- mittee is formed, it will provide a vital service to the School Board, particular- ly in glanning future school sites. The increasing need for closer in- tegration of the various aspects of mun- icipal authority in the village is a heal- thy indication that Richmond Hill is really progressing, the achievement of this close integration will be a positive Sign that the development of Richmond Hill will be both successful and orderly. leg to get up and walk. The metal plates hllow use of the broken limb al- most immediately and often can be left in the body after the _bonp heals. Iternal splinting, developed in Gerâ€" many, is a dramatic advance in thighâ€" bone surgery. In this method the 'up- per end of the femur is opened, the mar. row reamed out and a metal rod insert- ed. A patient 50 treated may be walk- ing in a few weeks, where formerly a broken thigh means six months in bed with traction and cast. New ways of mending broken hips and of controlling bone-growth are des- cribed. New discoveries are enabling doctors to overcome bone deformities, such as clubfeet, without surgery. Or- thopedic problems involving curvature of the spine and other ills are approachâ€" ing' solution. Those engaged in bone research say that present findings are mere hints of triumphs to come. ’Aâ€"LVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor lsm $550",o "TRAD .. ‘ 1 mowmc \MORPHY-RICHARDS ZA-lo Uses any tap water. Automatic. Heat-con- trolled (gives more steam For heavy fabrics, less For light). $87.45 TOTAL EXTRAS $37.23% 550%! (E118 mm ' lueuasn‘ .UDIT ,mcuunofls UREAU 0 EXTRA VALUE MINIMUM TRADE-IN “Dear Mr. Editor” Dear Mr. Editor I feel the news report “Turn Down Baptists" which appeared in October 20 issue of your paper has conveyed a wrong im- pression to the readers of “The Liberal”. In this report which stated that the Richmond Hill Public School Board had turned down a request from the Richmond Hill Baptist Church for per- mission to use the Yonge St. school auditorium for Sunday Church Services, it was stated that “the board felt it wasn’t in a position to subsidize any group”. I would like to point out to the public that the board was not asked to subsidize in any way. We were prepared to pay all heating and' caretaking expenses involved in the use of the auditorium. This was made clear to both the chairman and secretary of the school board. Trusting this will serve to throw true light on our appli- cation, and the board's deciso ion, I remain, who will visit {11¢ Lions H511, November 25 and 26 “THE CHILTERN HUNDREDS." Yours sincerely, Raymond H. Galbraith, Pastor Richmond Hill Baptist Church Dear Mr. Editor: I write this in the hope that you will print same and per- haps awaken the responsible authority into some action. Whitchurch Twp. Moves Nomination To Evening Deplores Poor Markham' Road Work Some time ago troad graders descended upon Concession 3, Markham at a point south of Headford and operated there for a ‘period of some weeks. When they arrived there exist- ed a pretty good road, but very poor ditch facilities apparently, they were to improve the latter. Now that they have left (quite some time ago) there is a very good ditch BUT NO ROAD! It is nothing short of a disgrace the condition that now exists. There is one stretch where one has to drive along the very centre, rather like driving a- long a rolling-pin with a sharp slide to each side into the afore- mentioned excellent ditch. When one meets another car it is a case of making a dash for it to get clear. When the snow arrives the road will be a writeâ€"off for it will become completely impassable. Those graders need to revisit and finish the job properly; they were in action long enough to eat the job. May I suggest that someone do something? In a move to obtain more interest in the coming township elections, Whitchurch ‘Town- ship Council in session last week approved a suggestion that the nominating meeting be held in the evening. in place of the afternoon gatherings held in other years. Council endorsed the idea of the later time when the view was expressed that workers. othre than farmers would thus be able to attend the nomina- tions. Councillor Wallwork felt that since the interest in elect- ions had not been too great in the last few years. the change in time would not lessen the interest, and might even help to arouse more response. Secondly I have noted that there is not a ‘School' sign on the same stretch of road despite the fact that the school rests on a crest of a hill with the attendant danger of children being hidden ‘just over the top'. There is however a ‘Cat- tie Crossing’ sign facing each direction so one must hope that motorists will slow up on this account and perhaps also miss the children in doing so. Once again authorities 1 suggest that some immediate action is call- ed for before some child Kis kil- led and the motorist takes ad- vantage of the fact that he was not warned by the usual sign. Yours truly, A. B. Griffin, “I R. R. 2 Gormley Councillor Richardson regret- ted the regulations ‘which stat- ed that if evening nominations were held, the time set must be 7 p.m., as he felt that this was a hardship on farmers who had evening chores to complete. He pointed out that the great majority of voters in the town- ship are farm dwellers, but endorsed the move as an effort in the right direction to get out the voters. A resolution was then passedl to set Friday, November 25th. | as the date for the Nomination Baptists Reply to Public School Board an Bfiivatérlife Emma. Masters and Bill Ferguson) THE EARL AND COUNTESS OF LISTER Distinguished Visitors James Mason as Brutus, lead- er in the conspiracy to assas- sinate the Roman dictator in “Julius Caesar”, the much- dis- cussad film version of the pow. erful Shakespearean drama. The Hollywood Scene: The long-awaited film version of “Oklahoma”! has had its prem- iere in New York City. Filmed in a new wide-screen process called Todd Oâ€"A, the picture is 25x50 feet and film runs for 2% hours. Made at a cost of 12 million dollars, it is expected to gross around 50 million dol- lars . . . Still unreleased is the film version of "Guys and Dolls" which should be another very hot item. . . . Meanwhile Ce- cil B. DeMille is entering the second year of production of his super spectacular “The Ten Commandments”. When you consider ten weeks and a mill- ion dollars is the usual cost and time in making a movie, this looks to be something big. . . . Meeting, to. start at 7 o’clock. Polling date was set for the fol. lowing Monday, December 5. with voting hours from 10 am. until 8 p.m. Council thus con- tinued the practice of extending the closing hour to enable work- ers in Toronto. and out of town owners to register their votes. A special picture has been brought in to play Monday and Tuesday, October 31 and Nov. ember 1 at the Richmond The- atre. CONQUEST OF SPACE is the fourth and last picture to be produced by George Pal for Paramount Studios. The first picture was “Destination Moon”, a semi-documentary picture that was more along ex- perimental lines. The picture was so well received that “When Worlds Collide” and “War of the Worlds,” followed. “Conquest of‘Spaée" is the lat- est and last one for George Pal, as the studio feels- it can no longer handle productions like this. Members also mentioned that many voters- complained that they did not know where to vote, and the clerk was instructed to place notices in the papers and to continue the practice of send- ing voters lists to stores anJ post offices. “Conquest of Space," like its illustrious predecessors. is a straight science-fictional movie. These movies extrapolate from the 'present into the future and deal with what might happen rather than what is or has hap- pened. We all know that the conquest of space is inevitable. Science has shown that the first step will be a space station circling the, earth from which rocket ships ca\n be sent to the moon 01' Mars. ‘ This picture deals with life on the’ 'space station (called The Wheel) and the trip from the space station to Mars and back. The' characterization of the actors is good throughout. Last Monday, members of Vaughan Township Council agreed ‘on the hiring of Fred Shaw of Pine Grove. as road foreman at a tentative salary of $1.50 an hour . .It was felt that the in- creased pressure of work on the Township Roads Depart- ment warranted assistance for ‘Road Superintendent Nelson Kerr, who has borne the full responsibility of the Road Department in the past. 'A p point Road Foreman The Wide Screen by NORMAN G. Man's Leg ,Torn Off At Mapleln Gravel Crusher There is plenty of conflict. sus- pense and excitement. Filmed in Technicolor, the scenes are quite beautiful and all technic- ally accurate since there are usually more astronomers and technical advisers on the set than actual producers. Lorne'Oster, 52, a resident of Concord received severe and painful injuries early last Tues- day when his right leg was torn off while working at the pit of Superior Sand and Gravel near Maple. BROWNE Police report that Oster had climbed into the stone crusher to free a stone which had lodged in the pipe; He became trapped in the machine and his leg was Severed at the knee. He was treated on the spot by Dr. R. A. Bigford and was then rushed to the North West Gen- eral Hospital. P.C.’s Wm. Ma’y- bury and T. Shields of Vaughan Township Police r investigated. Now here is a picture: Com- ing Wednesday and Thursday. November 2 and 3. it is one of the most outstanding dramatic motion pictures of all time. I am sure the motion picture based on the famous Shakes- peare play JULIUS CAESAR. needs neither introduction nor explanation. When first put in- to release, this picture was put on a road-show basis. There were‘ two showings a day, tick- ets had to be bought in advance and they cost in the neighborâ€" hood of $3.00 each. Even at that, the picture ran for over 10 months on Broadway. The plot of the story needs no explanation, the actors that portray the various roles are the cream of Hollywood and each turns in an outstanding performance. Marlon Brando plays Mark Antony, James Ma son is Brutus, John Gielgud as Cassius, Louis Calhern as Julius Caesar. Edmond O'Brien as Casca, Greer Garson as Calpur- min and Deborah Kerr as Por- tia. I might add that the picture is pure drama and almost pure characterization. There is lit- tle action or adventure as such and the picture definitely would not appeal to a younger aud- ience. For the young adult or mature individual, I would def- initely advise seeing this all- tlme classic. MAN WITHOUT A STAR, starrlng Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Grain and Claire Trevor, fol- lows into the Richmond The- atre, playing Friday and Satur- day. November 4 and 5. Here is a lusty, action-packed wes- tern movie that definitely would appeal to the whole iam- ily. All the ingredients to make a great western adventure are present. with two ranches fight- ing over control of grazing land, numerous gun fights, chase scenes and a thrilling climax of a cattle stampede. Filmed in technicolor for the wide screen, the action takes place across a beautiful scenic background. x- CDNSUlT US FOR YOUR . . . JOB PRINTINGREQUIRBMENTS Fine Workmanship â€" Reasonable Prices “The Liberal” - 'IU. 4-1261 Piices This'Engagement Only Adults 75c Students and Children regular admission Wednesday, Thursday â€" November 2, 3 The PasSionalnflamed Era WHEN MEN LIVED BY THE DAGGER! Telephonein er 4-1212 Mon., Tues. â€" October 31, November 1 lfififi-THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE... 1960-MANKIND’S GREATEST ADVENTURE. 0nd“ H 50de It sififing- mun Wm JAMES 01mm PHIllPYflRDAN, mm mm ~ 9mm mammemn vms ammmnmsmmmnmmm- "WWW! flo'HA'M.l..$egVe gone nafive.‘ $1.. __ ,,m m .5 FR'EE'PARKING REAR OF THEATRE Show Times 7 and 9 p.m. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holidays Friday, Saturday â€" October 28, 29 com BYTEBHNIBULUR :f As mac‘s; EDMQN,.‘I3‘Z;'Q' ,.A's‘ CASCA . .s c'Aqumyng' 49;," a. , ,4 up, w. 1 1952-IHE HYDROGEN BOMB 1945-THEATOM 80MB... “MAN MAY TRAVEL TO EARTH'S SATELLITE !" - UFE MAGAZINE

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