' WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION Car Washing & Lubrication Yonge & Kirk _ Thornhill North TRACTION TIRES New Work Pnumbing 8s Heajing Will “Iâ€! SNOW WAD! IHRU HUD GRIP 0N ICE QUIET 0N ‘ PAVEMENT Today Canada's Regular Army employs many skills and many talents. 50,000 vital young Canadians form this force for your defence . . . and more are needed. This may be your chance to Ieam, to earn, and to contri- bute to your country while you do so. To men of the right type, there is offered a satisfying career in the company of top calibre Canadian soldiers. The scope of Canada's Regular Army offers fine opportunity . . . you owd it to yourself to ï¬nd out about its first-rote possibilities. R. R. 2 Maple CANADIAN ARMY INFORMATION TEAM BUILDING TOWN TIME A 50,000 IMPORTANT CANADANS P I T R U N G R A V E L CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL SAND FILL TOPSOIL ANDREWS 8 GRAY HABGLD 8: HM BURNS Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phone TU. 4-1879 Visit the Alterations build a career with 1H! BEST to: m: wags] WEATHER EXTRA TRACTIBN GREHER SAFETY BE Goodrich Phone 54R2 WORST Repairs TREAD‘ The Pack is very fortunate in having Mrs. N. Burnett as Tawny Owl, assisting Brown Owl Mary Ensor. Parents of the Brownies appreciate Mrs. Burnett's inter- espputside of her regular school duties, thus assuring the pack has its full guotg of leaders. 4- _Six of the Brownies Oak Ridges this Saturday their tests for the Golden New ,Leader For Scouts The sincere sympathy of this community is extended to Miss Florrie Beynon and her family with the death of her father. Clayton Beynon. on Tuesday morning, November 1. New' Owners Take Over Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beau- champ have now settled in their new grocery business at the Elgin Mills sideroad. To be a Scout entails great strength of purpose and high principles . . . not to be taken lightly; and we think the exist- ing members of the lst Jefferson Scouts are to be congratulated for carrying on and ‘doing their best’. during the past months when they have been without an official leader. Despite their lack of leader- ship the scouts have held their regular weekly meetings. assist- ed from time to time by Ross Kerwin, Group Committee chair- man. and some of the other men in this community. But never. for even one meeting, have they let their troop, the lst Jefferson, down. “ï¬t-RV we have the pleasure of recording that the scouts have a new Scoutmaster, Mr. H. (C. Betts. Once a scout_ always a scout. seems *to be the motto of men like Scoutmaster Betts. who has had a great deal of experience in scouting work in England, and who has volunteered to take on this new duty. The scouts meet every Monday night at 7:30'p.m. at the school and new recruits are cordially invited to join. Bereaved The store, which at one time, many years ago, was the Elgin Mills Post Ofï¬ce, and 'is owned by Mr. Wm. Espey. the postmas- ter' next door, has been rented for a number of years by Joe Weber and his wife. Both Mr. and Mrs. Weber have been in poor health for sometime anti have retired from business, for the time at least, in order to re- gain their health. The Webers are now living on Oxford St, Elgin Mills. Neighbourhood Notes Ernie 'Hall is making rapid progress towards recovery ,since returning from hospital! last week and is able to be out and around again. The Sunday School teachers, from St. John’s Anglican Church, held a general meeting at the home of Mr. Volkes, Richmond Hill. last Sunday evening. Cadet Don Dix, superintendent, instruc- ted. ‘ 'Following a delay in obtaining necessary steel materials, which has slowed up operations at Jef- ferson School, the contractor supbrvising the 3-room addition states he hopes to have the roof ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON _ Brookside Bond. Telephone TUrner 4-1396 :k is very fortunate in 's. N. Burnett as Tawny ,ting Brown Owl Mary arents of the Brownies ‘ Mrs. Burnett's inter- .e of her regular school on the addition by the end of this week, But it will be many more weeks before any part of the project is ready for occup- ancy. Tricks. Treats and Films go to to try Once again this community enjoyed a “safe, sane and happy' Hallowe'en with over one hund- red children, and most of their parents too. taking part in the annual Hallowe’en party given by the Jefferson School Board and the school teachers. Monday night. The grand march, whlch took place in St. John‘s Parish Hall, was 3 mos; colourful and! 'awe- some' ’sight. How enthusiastic- ally, for thls one night each year. bays turn into ‘glrls‘, ghosts and goblins . . . and little girls be- come wltchbs. gypsles and quaint little women. The Judges. Mrs. M. Hobson. Mrs. J. Passmore and Wm. Bell, had a very difficult task in mak- ing their selections of the prize winners, for as one of the judges remarked later to this réporter, “Every costume was so well thought up we tell: they should all get an awardâ€. Following the judging, which took leace as soon: as the ghostly crow had gathered b school bus and motor car, the various classes put on a concert. Grade One passed approval on ‘Jack O'Lantern' in song and verse; Grades 2 and 3 enacted the play. “A‘Ghostly Gathering"; Grades 4 and 5 put on a ‘spooky’ puppet show and Grades 6. 7 and Q -d-id a skit about Hallowe’en Magic and sang of “A Motley Troup." The evening closed with two films run off on the projector (which was purchased for the school with the help of funds from the Jefferson School Comâ€" munigy Club) and every child re- ceive a big bag of treats to take home. Thanks again to the gen- erosity of Mr.‘ L. Folliott, of the Summit View restaurant, every- one present enjoyed the addit- ional treat of ice cream. Mother and Dad put on a ‘show’ of their own at the com- munity club dance last Friday night and turned out in a ghastly -pardon us- ghostly array of really ‘choice’ Hallowe'en ap- parel. Mr. Clark, a new resident of Elgin Mills. too pictures of the crowd and line up the winners for a picture that was simply out of this world. with Frankenstein (Ron Browne); a gorgeous gypsy (Mrs. D. Goulding); a Russian ‘bear’ (Jack Barry); a gal from the Gay inetles (Mrs. H. Le~ Cuyer; a coloured wench (Mrs. E. Powell) and a pirate (Mrs. H. Robertson). It was too bad Carson Whalen had toimiss the fun as he ’was laid up with an attack of flu.’ but in his absence Earl Empring- ham of Victoria Square did a grand job of calling off for the merry crowd of dancers. ‘ J. S. C. C. Ladies’ Meeting - This was a very pertinent sub- ject and of much interest to the Brownie mothers who were pre- sent, as many of the lst Jeffer- son Brownies are almost ready to go up to Guides. Commissioner D. R. Gunn, of Oak Ridges, was the guest speak- er at the regular monthly meet- ing for the ladies of the Jeffer- son School Community Club, which was held at the home of Mrs. Stanley Leno on Wednes- day evenlng of last week. Com- missioner Currie of Richmond Hill was also present when Com- missioner Gunn outlined the “Forming of a Guide Auxiliary". The ladies turned in 17 aprons for this Saturday‘s sale and these practical†yet very pretty, ex- amples of their work forecast the apron table will be 'a very popular spot for this annual event. See your Coming Events column for time of opening. 1st Jerfl’erson Brownies Miss W. Morrison‘ who is the nfl‘lcial Representative for the lst Jefferson Mothers’ Auxiliary, is arranging a birthday party for the Brownies on Saturday. Nov. 12. The Broyvnies are celebrat- ing their first year as an organ- ized pack and are now busy making up their own invitations which they will deliver to their families and friends for the oc- casion. On Tuesday evening, October 25, friends and neighbors gather- ed at' the home of Mrs. George Jackson on Bayview to honor and say good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. John Gribble who for 25 years have lived on John St. and now have moved north of Uxbridge. ' The Gribbles had been dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, then later friends arrived with a surprise shower. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received and Mr. Gribble expressed the family's apprecia- tion to the many friends. Thornlea Home & School ex- ecutive met at Thornlea School Thursday evening. Plans for the year were discussed and it was the aim of the executive to pro- vide a scholarship for the best student. who is also a good sport and all-round good citizen. Pins for the graduating claSS will be presented and a picnic and Chris- mas treats are planned for the coming year. The next general meeting on Nov. 10 will have as its theme "Safety" There will be a sale of home-made candy and plans for a November euchre are underway. Executive members are: Mrs. Guy Frazer, president; A. E. F. Wright and Mr. Pocklington, vice presidents; Mrs. A". Donnelly, secretary; Mrs. I. Covell, treas- urer; Mrs. Crgwford, Corres. secretary; Mrs. Taylor, ï¬nancial convenor; Mrs. H. Wright, pub- lications convenor: Mrs. A. Cur- tis. Mrs. Shrooshall. Mr: A. Hunt. Mrs. Lockhar ins. executive; Mrs convenor. - THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephony AV. 5-2467 Shrops Wilk socia School News ‘ ‘ Both Charle’s Hewitt and Rich- vale schools held the finals in their public speaking contests last week. Lynn Hall speaking on Camping., and Winston Smith, whose subject was the World Series. were the winners at Charles Howltt. Margaret Pat- erson, who spoke on Livingstone end Bobby Blackburn on Dogs were the contestants chosen from Richvale School. The boys have been taking ad- vantage of the good weather to play rugby. There are several house teams at Charles Howitt playing friendly competition. The boys from Grades 4 to 8 at Richvale have held their match- es with the final score being Alouettes 16, Rough Riders 15. Hallowe‘en parties were held in all the class rooms at both schools. resulting in a‘ lot of fun and interesting costumes. games and penalties for those not wear- ing costumes. Charles Hewitt Home and School A musical evening provided a great deal .of pleasure for the parents attending the Charles Howltt Home and School. and was also enjoyed ,by the guests of the evenlng.. the school board of Markham and Vaughan School Area No. l. The musicians‘ from Forest Hill Collegiate _ played a delightful trumpet trio. also trumpet and and piano solos. Cub Mothers The Cub Mothers held their October meetiny, Tuesday, Octo- ber 25, at the home of Mrs. R. H. Dempster, 86 Woodward Ave. Arrangements. were made for Hallowe'en parties for cub packs A and B. It was decided to hold a rummage sale at the Veterans’ Hall during November. Plans were made for the cubs and scouts ‘to collect the rum- mage. Cub News Hallowe‘en parties were held on Wednesday and Thursday for cub packs A and B. The Akelas, Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. Wille, welcomed the children arriving in Hallowe’en costumes, Cub ritual was forgotten while the children played Hallowe’en games and had a sing-song. The cub mothers served do-nuts and apple cider. Women’s Auxiliary The Women’s Auxiliary of the Highland Park Association has received permission from the Area School Board to put skat- ing rinks on the school grounds of Henderson Ave. School. Plans are being made to build both a pleasure and a hockey rink. Personals Charles Stocking spent a few hours at home this past week: end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stocking, 87 Grand- ‘view Ave. Charles is attending Ridley College, came to Toronto last week to see a rugby game. His friends will be happy to hear he is returning home next week- end for his mid-term Visit. Best wishes for a ï¬peedy re- covery to Mrs, Gwen Fisher, 50 Steeles Ave., who is in the hos- pital recovering from an appen- dix operation. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Milne, 98 Steeles Ave., are sorry to hear they are moving on Nov. 1 to Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Seaton. from England, have been visiting their daughter and , son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Derek Bocquet, 48 Steeles Ave.. since June. They are returning to England on Nov. 4, sailing on the Saxonia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ross, 40 Woodward Ave., entertained at a Hallowe‘en party Saturday. Oct. 29. a masquerade for friends and neighbors. Twenty-four were present. We are happy to hear Mr., F. J, Broadfoot, 74 Woodward Ave., is able to be back at work after a short illness. On Oct. 29, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Keith Taylor, 993 Meadowview Rd., went to Hamilton, to attend the wedding of their cousin, Miss Shirley Robinson to Mr. Cecil Harris. Mrs. A. K. Taylor sang two solos, “A Marriage Prayer". and “The Wedding Prayer". Mr. and Mrs. Taylor’s daughter_ Mar- ilyn, was bridesmaid. She wore a ballerina length dress of copper- colored crystalette. Hist feather- ed hat was copper-colored and she carried bronze mums in a cascade-efl‘ect‘ bouquet. Another daughter. Trudy, was flower-girl. Trudy wore a floorâ€"length dress of gold colored crystalette. Her gold hat had a poke bonnet trim. and she carried a muff of bronze mums. 'It is hoped that those of the Leek family who are on the sick list. will soon be well agaln.‘ Mrs. He'r‘vaeer has bee}: in hos- pital, and we all wish her a speed):an cqmplete recovery. -- ‘ t 1".“ "’HE'FHéSy‘iéé't; Melvin wén- man, accompanied by his mother, visited in Creemore. The Headford branch of the Junior Red Cross held its month~ 1y meeting in the school on Fri. day afternoon, the meeting tak- ing the form of a‘Hallowe’en par- ty. Prize winners among the j iors for costumes were Mickey and Mary Holland. while Jacky Coulter and David Rumble took the senior prizes. Saturday’s down pour of rain did not dampen the spirits of the masquerading young folk who met in the basement of the church in the evening. Very in- genious and varied were the cosâ€" tumes worn by most of the 35 people present. A program of fun was carried out, followed by HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. B. Acreman Correspondent: R. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. Phone TUmer 4-2236 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. R. F. PAUL TU. (-2800 CORRESPONDENT : MES. 11. ACREMAN R. R. 2 Gonnley â€" Phone TUrner 4-2236 RICHVALE‘ NEWS HEADFORD NEWS Chairman of the Board. Bill Ladeii, spoke on the history and formation of the Area. He de- scribed the immense growth, present size and future possibilo ities. He also explained the duties of the various Supervis- ory personnel. Mr. Calvert spoke about the Area Home and School Commit- tee, and a question and answer period followed. Cubs and Scouts Akela, Mrs. N. Perry. invested Charlie and Reg Jessom, Donald Webster and Donald Spears in to the Kego Pack at their last cub meeting. The Richvale Cub Pack held a Hallowe'en party last week. which was attended by 69 boys. They played games, judged costumes and were entertained by a ghost. The Mothers Auxiliary movided the treats for the boys as they left the party. _ The lst Richvale Cubs and Scouts will be holding their an- nual Father and Son Banquet at the Legion Hall. Tuesday No- vember, at 6:30. The Mothers Auxiliary are holding a special meeting Wednesday to make plans for this gala affair. The boys and the Group Com- mittee would like to thank all residents and helpers for their co-opcration in the most success- ful apple day they have ever had. Brownie Party Brown Owl, Mrs. F. Bigley, and her assistants Mrs. Keating and Jill Facer, entertained the girls and their mothers at a delight- ful Hallowe'en party last week. There were some excellent cos- tumes. both on mothers and daughters. making it very hard for the judges to reach a decis- ion. Everyone enjoyed games and dancing and lovely refresh- rhents. 2nd Richvale Guide Mothers 10 mothers attended a meeting at the home of Guide Commis- sioner. Mrs. J. Kirk last week. Mrs. Betty Parker was elected Secretary and Mrs. Evelyn Hall, Treasurer. The president will be elected' at a later meeting. The mothers discussed plans for money-raising during the winter, to assist the girls in their activ- itles. Personal Mrs. H. Gottschalk has return- ed to her home after a month in hospital, but will be in a cast for some time yet. Dr. J. c. w‘ickett is making satisfactory progress after a severe bout of pneumonia. This has been a busy Week for birthdays. Many hap‘py returns to Carolyn Bigley who was 2 on Thursday October 27: Nancy Underhill and Frances Paul who celebrated their birthdays Sun- day, Mrs. Steve Arbon and Irene Lowry on Monday and Mr. Ralph Brown Tuesday. Square Dancing On Friday evenings a new ven- ture for children is taking place under the sponsorship of the Recreational Association. At the Community Hall, Spruce Ave.. there will be square dancing and instructions, with music, a P.A. system and caller. Children from 8 to 12 are welcome from 7 to 8; and boys and girls 12 years and over or from Grade 7 up will have their turn from 8 to 9:30. This will continue as long as the childrens’ enthusiasm and interest last. I _ 27 Se moo Ave. I Phone A onus 5â€"1570 Carolyn Winter of Proctor Avenue was hostess to nine of her friends at a Hallowe'en par- ty on Saturday. October 29. A Mr. and Mrs. A_ Binning of Fort Francis, aunt and uncle of Mrs. C. Russell of Proctor Ave., visited their home over the week- end Mrs. J. Walker of Glen Cam- eron Ave.. is home from the hos- pital. To Elect Officers The regulanmonthly meeting of Doncaster Ratepayers Associ- ation is to be held on November 8 at 8 pm. at Henderson Avenue School, This meeting is to be nomination night for oï¬icers within the Association.‘ A committee consisting of J. Mason, W. H. Myers and D. Le- gault visited Markham Township Council on Monday, October 24. with a request that culverts for Glen Cameron Avenue may be paid for over a ten year period instead of the regular cash pay- ment. There is a good possibility this can be accomplished and resi- dents of Glen Cameron Avenue will be informed about ï¬nal re- sults 0! this meeting aé a later date. typical lelowe’er; {age for ‘luh‘ch Belated congratulations to the Stewart Rumbles, recently celeâ€" brating their wedding anniver- sary. ' On October 29. Mrs. W. H. Wellman had as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Millen of Downsview, Mrs. Robert Horwood of Rich- mond Hill, and Miss Emma Bark- er of Toronto. Miss Barker stayed over and was in church on Sunday. Murray and Lorraine Acreman, Hal and Mrs. Acreman were Sun- day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Porter of Iondale. ' We were very glad to welcome back Mrs. Huston, who has been taking care of her daughter in the West for the past month. As this will be, anniversary at Victoria Square Church. service at Headiord will be withdrawn. However Sunday School will commence at, 10 instead of the usual 11. DONCASTER Correspondent: Mrs. H. Minn THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, 01115., Thursday, November 3, 1955 MODEl 2171 EXACTLY AS SHOWN F0: 55 yearn, BoaHy has led ohe pamdeasCanada'I m3! populav wml'm. Mom in use thun'any ofl'm a a. SHOP OR PHONE TODAY Richmond Hill - Wine: 4-1722 And so it goes. The auiomobile has progressed Shrough planned engineering. said also by just plain luck. It’s much the same with many of our steady customers. When they first came, some of them thought M. all out before. hand; they figured, and rightly so, that a new car dealer has a franchise to protect and a lot of money tied up in a complete sales-and-service cent-re. And then there are those who just happened along the street, liked our clean, smart appearance, and drogped in. No mamer how they first came in. we’re proud of the fact that so many haved stayed for so long. / l The automobile business is an industry where the de- sign of every last doorknob and push button is charted by en- gineers from start to finish. Accountants figure the cost of every blob of paint. It's the most efficient and organized busi~ ness we've got. ' I If! funny. rhough how many improvement: In the automobile have happened through pure blind chance. When the cleaner was added to cars, engineers thought of it as an efficiency device. Turned out, though, that the air cleaner was a perfect backfire trap and has practically eliminated this kind of fire from automobiles. The vacuum-Operated windshield wiper came along and it suggested the idea of power brakes. They started to use soluble oils as rust inhibitors in enti-h‘eeze and this made the self-lubricating oil pump a success . - For Service at its Best - . Try Your Friendly Loeai Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Harold W. Morison They know we were geared to volume, and therefore to low cost for the purchaser. But they also knew that we weren‘t so big that we‘d become just a machine. If any- thing went wrong, they knew they could tell mo about it personally. we 4 paw/raw- mw/w: away A EUllY GUARANTEED BY MANUFACTURER DELIVERED AND DEMONSTRATED EREE TERMS TO SUIT YOU! TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 Modern design, with Ml 1km, chvomium "in. Smart in every den-ail. . Has the full, ngviar mo, non-splash 005,! with dome shaped lid.’ Hcs a vigomm, all-wot washing cdion. Walhu quickly and won'y, from top Io bottom of M).- erngn hon lmch acHng :afoty release, wMI handy snap mot.