Thursday’s Chuckle The lawyer thus illustrates the language of his craft: “If a man were to give another an orange, he would simply say: ‘Have an orange.’ But when the transac- tion is entrusted to a lawyer to be put in writing he adopts this form: ‘I hereby give and convey to you, all and singular, my es- tate and interests, right, title, claim and advantages of and in said orange. together with all its rind, juice, pulp and pips. and all rights and advantages therein, with full power to bite, cut. suck and otherwise eat the same or give the same away with or without the rind, skin, juice. pulp or pips. anything hereinbe- fore 01‘ hereinafter or in any oth- er deed or deeds. instrument or in§truments of whatever nature or kind~\\'hatsoever to the con- trary in any wise notwithstand- ing.’ And then another lawyer comes along and takes it away from you.‘ W. S. COOK, Editor In a move to stimulate greater in- terest in municipal affairs, the Council of Whitchurch Township has approved the holding of nominations for munici- pal council in the evening this year. ‘During past years it has been the custom to hold nominations during the afternoon. For a basically rural mun- icipality this was certainly convenient astethe meeting was always over in time to start chores. Recent years, however, have seen a large number of urban type residents move into these rural areas. With much of the present population going to work in the Toronto area every day, the matter of daytime nominations becomes a problem. For them, the continuance of afternoon nominations means that a large percentage of the participation. The fact remains that the rugby season, or any other speciï¬c sports season, gives a needie of enthus- iasm to those who may“ be tired of sit. ting at home or following the more staitiI forms of recreation provided for this generation. The celebration of Hallowe’en iï¬ Canada has been thetraditional time for high-jinks; it is a time when police departments extend a little more len- ience, householders shell out with gifts of candy, and young and old alike dress up to their heart’s eontent. r 7 _4 -_.£L‘A u ; vv v u..- - While few Hallowe’ens pass with- out their quota of toppled tool sheds, missing gates, a few old buggies 0n the streets and millions of soaped windows, even the most fun-loving have been a little concerned over acts of vandalism which occurred this year. In Markham Township, a school piano,~the replace- ment value of ‘ which would amount to at least $200., was completely smashed, Take an autumn day with the leaves turning red â€" even when the leaves have witheredand disappeared. Add a good rugby game (earlier call it ba‘seb’all, later hockey) and the crowd of enthusiasts which make spectator sports their recreation and you will have a cross section which is pretty represen- tative of the whole country. Let those who will céll it a waste of time, or decry the loss of more active There comes a time when it Subscription Rate “Authorized as second class i Member An Independent Weekly: Established 1378 wacmmya Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations that Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P.,. Publisher 05b: liberal GRASSICK IN THE TORONTO TELEGRAM Evening Nominations Sports In Autumn Editorial Comment OPTIMISM "I got OR a street car .this morning and being in no hurry, began moralizing on the actions and probable character of three men who had alighted just ahead of me. The ï¬rst one was even then halfway down the block and was going on with such rapid strides that he had already put a couple of hun- dred yards between himself and the next man. “There,†thought I, “goes a hustler â€" a man who's bound to succeed in life.†The second man was walking rather slowly and im- pressed me as one who would do fairly well, perhaps, in this world, But the last fellow was just dawdling along in the most shiftless sort of way. I very quickly set him down as a loaf- er. “Just then another idea came to me. All three were ahead of ' Hallowe'cn Telephone TUrner 4-1261 ss mail, Post Oï¬ice Department, Ottawa‘ This hardly seemsin the spirit of good fun and the ‘culprits rriay be sure that when police learn their identity, the traditional Hallowe’en leniency will not be considered in dealing with such /acts. I municipality’s rate yers are denied the opportunity of at nding‘ the annual meetings. ' Whitchurch is to be congratulated on being one of the ï¬rst of the area’s rural municipalities to make this change. For some years the village of Richmond Hill has held evening nom- ination, but both Markham and Vaugh- In making the change, Whitchurch officials felt that an evening meeting will afford ample opportunity for all residents to attend. They have ex- pressed the hope that it will encourage increased interest in municipal elect- tions. gï¬vianéhip still stick to the tradition- al meeting despite periodic proposals to change the hour». while the school itself was ransacked. At Altona; seventeen graves in the Mennonite cemetery were desecrated and the monuments toppled and brok‘ East and west, and in the middle, good clean sport will do a job of tying together the varied interests of a huge country as well as anything we can think of, and these autumn days are the most spectacular of all. “v mu. When next Hallo'we’en approa’ches, it is hoped that those bent on destruC‘ tion will remember that while Hallow- e’en is a time for fun and pranks, it is not a carte blanche for violence, van- dalism and hooliganism.‘ , It will be a wonderful day when eastern fans follow the Gray Cup ï¬nals across the provinces and through the majesty of the mountains to Vancouv- er where the Paciï¬c bounds a city which is on its way toward being one of the largest ports in the world, en. good thing to let loose, to cheer a team to victory and to stand waving arms and being really enthusiastic about a win in which even the loser is not ser- iously hurt. Because there will be an- other football season. 'ALV'ERNA SMITH, Associate Editor SCARBORO : J. Mervyn Rainey of Unionville has been appointed manager of a new branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Eglinton and Brimley Road. AURORA : The Hart Manufac- turing Company has announced that it plans to sponsor the Aur- ora Bears hockey team this year. BETHANY : The 17th General Conference of the United Miss- ionary Church was held here last week at the Bethany United Mis- sionary Church. BRADFORD : With the purchase of a new ï¬re truck plus the re- tention of the old truck, the 10- cal brigade has an efficient ï¬re- ï¬ghting unit. The two trucks carry a total of 1,150 gallons of water. STOUFFVILLE : Tom Jennings has retired from the Bethesda and Stouffville Telephone Co., after more than 40 years service. lMEMIn‘ .UDIT ,mcuunofls UREAU A PAINTER. PREACHES One of the most famous pain- tings in the world is “The Light of the World," painted by the English artist, Holman Hunt. which now hangs in St. Paul’s Cathedral. London. In that picture we see Jesus standing at a door, and waiting patiently to be admitted. The look on his face is one of inï¬nite gentle- ness and patience, and thous- ands of people have been deep- ly moved by Hunt's master- piece. The door looks old-fashioned and is covered with ivy as though not much in use. He bears in his hand the lamp of truth. He stands and knocks; the suggestion of the artist is that he has been knocking many times but without receiving any response. His eyes tell of love. his face beams with yearning: A little girl, accompanied by her mother. once saw the pic- ture. As she took in the scene her sympathy was aroused and she said to her mother: “Why doesn’t he open the door and go in?" “Because,†her mo- ther answered,“the latch is on the inside and he can’t go in unless those in the house open the door." That little thing was one of the marks of a great painting. It is said that one of the Bible verses which was in the mind of Holman Hunt when he paint- ed the picture was: “Behold I stand at the door and knock; it any man hear‘my voice and op- en the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me," (Revelations 3:20). But that door can only be op- ened from the inside; there is no other way to get in. It is one of the strange things about life that no one can be compelled to do the right thing. They must decide for them- selves. They only can open the latch. ' We often wonder why God does not compel men and woâ€" men to be good. If we stop and think for a moment we see that if people were compelled to do right there could be no virtue in it. Human beings would be no better than mach- ines. We all have freedom of choice. We have the power to make our own decisions. There is always the possibility that they might be wrong but there is no reason why that should be. We have the power to open the door to the highest and the best. There was a sense in which these people had already come to Jesus. They came to Him in such numbers that He could scarcely ï¬nd time to eat. They crowded Him and crowded ar- ound. Yet these approaches were physical, and what He wanted was a surrender of heart and life. On one occas- ion when in the midst of a crowd, He surprised His discip- ~les Hy asking, “Who touched This is surely one of the mys- teries of life. that men can ac- cept or reject the overtures of God's grace. Think how true this was of the earthly life of Jesus. “Ye tvill not come to me that ye might have life." "How often would I have gath- ered thy children together as a hen gathereth her chickens un- der her 'wings, and ye would not.†“Behold I stand at."the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in' to him and sup with him, and he with me." There is ‘no such thing as mor- al compulsion. Even Jesus must stand at the heart's door and knock and wait until that door is opened from within. me?†They replied, with as‘ tonishment, “Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayst thou, who touched me?†But Jesus looked around to see who had done that thing, for He knew there had been an ap- proach which was not merely physical. Between Ourselves Our quotation today is by Tennyson: “Closer is He than breathing, ‘near- er than hands or feet.†By Archer Wallace Dear Mr. Editor Some of our local children took part in a collection for UNICEF on Hallowe'en. Per- haps some of the parents are wondering why the collection wasn’t done through the schools as in other communities. The‘ suggestion was made at Powell Road Home and School meeting on October 24, and taking it for granted it would be a local project, 500 cups and tags were secured. When the Board of Trustees for School Area No. 1 Markham and Vaughan, was approached, they said school facilities could not be used be- cause. of a ruling that no col- lection or soliciting could be done by the local children. I was one of the parents who agreed to 'this ruling, but I don't feel it has any bearing in this case as the children were going from house to house for their treats and just those who wanted to took the cups along. I am writing this in the hope that this situation will be clear- ed up before next Hallowe'en so that we can make a real con- tribution. I now know what the Bible means "Be not weary of well doing." the donations :{mounted $41.33. I would like to say a very sincere thank you to all the children who so willing took part. Urges Teach French In Public School Dear Mr. Editor: ‘ I was very interested to note in a recent issue that Trustee Mrs. Margaret Southwell of the Richmond Hill Public School Board attended a workshop on teaching French in elementary school. It would appear that Mrs. Southwell has realized the importance of SUCh education and the value of starting it early. The present system of educa- tion leaves the teaching of an essential such as French far too late. A student entering high school has such a variety of new subjects to contend with that the study of this language be- comes just another class. To the contrary, French is an es- sential part of Canadian educa- tion and not the "‘foreign lang- uage†it is so often called. So many are reluctant to recog- nize the fact that Canada is a bilingual country, yet closer examination shows that about the whole of the province of Quebec, plus parts of both Northern Ontario, and the Mar- itimes and areas of the West have a French speaking popu- lation. The Federal Govern- ment at Ottawa also recogniZes two official languages for de- bates. By starting the basic French training in public school, Can- adian students would have the years in High Sch0ol to learn to use and appreciate Canada’s other language, both through more fluent conversation and advanced literature. High school classes could then devote their time to the ï¬ne points of read- ing, writing and speaking the language, rather than enduring the present ï¬rst two years of drudgery learning verb lists and conjugations. It is natur- al that children at the elemen- tary level are more suited to the short simple sentences and stories, which are part of learn- Hollywood Notes: “Oedipus Rex†which was presented at the recent Stratford Festival, is to be made into a feature- length movie. Shooting-is to start at the end of November in Toronto . . . “From Here to Eternity†which was released in August 1953, has earned 12 million dollars so far. It is to be reissued next year . . . Al Capp turns ï¬lm actor this month whenhe leaves for Hol- lywood to star in a picture. While out there, he will check the leads for the ï¬lm musical version of “Lil’ Abner." Periodically, a motion pic- ture comes along whose title or theme songs climbs into the hit parade brackets. About a year ago. everyone was humming, whistling or singing the song “Six Bridges To Cross" from the picture of, the same name. It comes to the Richmond The- atre next Monday or Tuesday and is billed as Adult Enter- tainment. I remember having mixed feelings after initially seeing this picture, for the simple rea- son that it is a strong dramatic picture with Tony Curtis in the lead. I think Tony Curtis is completely miscast in a strong dramatic lead role, possibly be- cause I have seen him so often in light adventure roles and mentally type-cast him. Basically, the picture is ï¬c- tionalized study of the famous Brinks robbery of many years ago. It. starts with the early life of a teen-age juvenile de- linquent and the policeman who ï¬rst had an influence in his life. The picture proï¬les them both as they progress in life: the boy becomes a small time hood and then a big time operator, the cop becomes a seargent of detectives. Their friendship. which starts early in their life continues right through the picture until the smash ending when the crimin- al dies in the policeman's arms after a blazing gun battle. I‘m sorry, but again I feel we have a miscast actor in Mickey Spillane who stars in RING OF FEAR, which comes to the Rich- mond Theatre on November 16 and 17. The picture concerns the Clyde Beatty circus and a maniac who through some re- sentment starts sabotaging the Hallowe’en Collecting For UNICEF Even from this partial effort. Dear Mister Editor Disgusted Parent The Wide Screen by NORMAN G. NORTH YORK : For the second time this year, a meeting of the township council has been can- celled for lack of a quorum. Four councillors waited for half an hour for a ï¬fth member who would make a quorum last week, but at that point went home in disgust. GEORGINA : Revlsed and equal- ized assessment in the township has brought protests from rate- Payers- ing a language, than the teen- agers of high school, who are beginning to express themselv- es. To a 15-year-old. I am sure that looking into the mysteries of higher mathematics and science. and advanced study of history and literature com- pletely by-passes the frustra- tion of toiling over a detailed translation of “He has a dog. I have a cat.†This type of work is left deï¬nitely too late. and wastes the high school stud- ent‘s potential for advanced learning. For those who may share my views on the subject, I am sure it will be interesting to watch the progress of a recent motion approving the teaching of French in Ontario elementary schools. passed by the Public School Trustees Association of Ontario. which is made up of such foresighted persons as Mrs. Southwell. Dear Mr. Editor: In reference to Hallowe’en pranks: Will the boys and girls who go about damaging other peopâ€" le's property please bear in mind that the same people whom you abuse with such acts, are also taxpayers. a large pro- portion of taxes goes to pay for your education (the privilege of riding in buses, etc.) It. would be a good idea too if the par- ents of these youngsters knew where they were on Hallowe'en night, and if they cannot con- ï¬ne activities to good clean fun instead of going about des- troying or damaging other people’s property. then there is something the matter at home and the parents are to blame. Taxpayer. Local Candidates Night Dear Mr. Editor: In the past, it has been the custom of the Junior Chamber of Commerce to sponsor’a “Get Out the Vote†drive in the Vill- age. I understand that they sponsor 3 Candidates’ Night as a part of this very worth-while effort. This' year, our organization has announced its intention to sponsor 3 Candidates’ Night to create an interest in municipal affairs within our membership. Our executive has already made preliminary arrangements for this night. It is to be hoped that our an- nounced intentions will in no way interfere with any plans which the Junior Chamber of Commerce may have made for sponsoring their own Candiâ€" dates’ Night this year. Athough it may appear on the surface that it is unnecessary to have two such meetings in the Vin-t age, the fact must be consider- ed that collectively more resi- dents may have an opportun- ity to attend one of the meet- ings if given a choice of two dates. We plan to invite any inter- ested residents of the Village to« our Candidates’ Night, and in a true community spirit, I would like to see both organiz- ations share the publicity of both meetings, and recommend to. their respective membership that they attend one meeting or the other. circus. Mickey Spillane ls call- ed in to solve the problem, ï¬nd the culprit and stop the series of accidents that are happening. would have been better had Spillane stayed home and written another book. If you ignore this rather feeble plot. the picture is quite good. for it involves a circus and circus pictures are always good. Film- ed in color and CinemaScope, the picture shcws off numerous acts and troupes doing their best work. Possibly the best part of the picture is the climax where the maniac releases a ferocious ti- ger in the circus grounds. Clyde Beatty ï¬ghts the tiger to protect the personnel on the grounds and all problems are solved in the closing scene of the picture. BR OWN E plays next Friday' and Satur- day at the Richmond Theatre is just as good a picture as “Shane†but just didn’t catch on. It’s a western action dra- ma that stars James Cagney and John Derek in color and Vistavision and is deï¬nitely a top picture, Few people will forget “Shaneâ€, one of the best west- ern pictures of 311' time. It was a good picture and caught on. “RUN FOR. COVER†which Cagney befriends Derek who reminds him of his dead son. Their friendship leads .them through many action scenes and Cagney is made sherriff of a town with Derek as his deputy. They set out to track down a gang of robbers and ï¬rst the rest of the posse leaves them, then Cagney discovers Derek is working for the bank robbers, then the Indians attack. The picture closes in a furious gun battle with a thrilling and sur- prise ending in this mature and entertaining story. Yours truly, W. J. Haggart, President Richmond Acres Ratepayers Association It’s a passable pictï¬f‘e, _b1i[: Thanking you, Hallowe’en Rowdyism THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday. November 10, 195 Dbnaid Leno, Elgin Mills Telephone TUmer 4-1212 Tony Curtis, Julie Adams, George Nader Adult Entertainment Wednesday, Thursday â€"â€" November 16, 17 MICKEY SPILLANE'S A MOVIE STAR NOW! Friday, Saturday â€"- November 11, 12 PAT O'BRIEN '4 Monday, Tuesday â€" November 14, 15 Sat; Nov. 12 â€" MATINEE ONLY, Show Times 7 and 9 p.m. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holidays FREE PARKING REAR OF THEATRE 'Adult Entertainment SAGINAW TRAIL PMW‘WW-MBMM mm" mmmcmn mu STEREOPHONIC Seaman-:8?m Gene Autrex in M mum WARNER BROS. mmmwn