Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1955, p. 6

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6 THE mile, Concord & eEey Districts The Couples Club of Zion Lu- theran ChurchLSherwood, Wheld uuvv. .., _ . Mr. and Mrs. K. Dowe and Mr .and Mrs. Eric E. Winter as- sisted the host and hostess in entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. Hel- lendoorn led their guests in play- ing games popular in Holland, their native country. Couples’ Club Masquerade Mr. and Mrs. Eric Winter, Thornhlll. will be hosts to the next meeting of the club. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kefler and Mr. and Mrs. John Guest will be the convénors. in Masqlvxérfz’a’de'Party recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hel- lendoorn. Richmogd _Hill. Mrs. Dowe and Mrs. Winter assisted the hostess in serving lunch. The president, Mrs. Ross Percival closed the evening with Devotions. Craft Classes To Be Feature H&S Meet The regular meetin cord Home and Schoo tlon will be held next the school. There will be an Arts and Crafts Workshop and classes will be conducted in Modelling, Pot- tery Turning, Paper Cutouts, Lino Cutting and Drawing. by competent teachers. Lunch will be served by the Grade 2 moth- ers. Convener of the program is R. M. McLean. The November meeting of the Maple’ United Church W. A. was held in the Sunday School room November 1. In the absence of Mrs. Jarrett, the president, Mrs. E. Hemphill presided. The worship was taken by Mrs. N. Payne and Miss M. Ball. The program was in charge of Mrs. M. Palmer, assisted by Mrs. E. Hemphill and Mrs. L. Wilt- shire. Miss Marilyn Watson and Miss Catherine Johnson played a piano duet. Mrs. F. McCutcheon of Nobleton gave an interesting review of the book. “A Man Call- ed Peter." ~1 November Meeting United Church W.A. Drug Store Needs AT Perry’ s Pharmacy Maple King City 164 164 Nancy Hallowell Is Township Winner Nancy H-allowell of Concord Public School was winner recent- ly of the Vaughan Township Pub- lic Speaking Contest, the finals of which were held at Plne Grove School. Thirteen entrants com- peted. J. Gibson of Weston, public school inspector. Rev. A. G. Don- ald of Maple. and Rev. Mr. Cath- cart of Woodbridge were judges. The title of the winning speech was "The Palamino Horse." Nan- cy represented Vaughan Town- ship at the York County Public Speaking Contest held last _week at Newmarkel. Lumber & Building Supplies Plywood - Tentest Roofing 8: Shingles Maple. 011! Rev. Garnet Lynd of Port Credit was guest speaker at the 54th Anniversary of the present church and 104th Anniversary of worship at the present site of Elia United Church. 7 _ _ I _ The church choir led the service of praise in the mornâ€" ing with Mr. Brown of Down- sview as soloist and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson of Shel- bourne, violinist. Rev. Foster Hillard of the Downsview charge preached m me. evening service and the Knox Men‘s Choir of Vaughan led the praise. A Fireside Hour followed at which the ladies of the WA. entertained the ohoir mem- bers and their wives. PRESCRIPTIONS A ND Holbrook Lumber The leeral is always willing to publish interesting contributed by its readers in Manic, Concord & Edgeley districts. Our representative In Maple ls Mrs. Donald Allen, telephone Maple 19.1; Edgeley. Mrs. Raymond Stuart, Maple, AV. 6-1934. 104 Years Of Worship Two Stores LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Co. Phone Maple 70 of Con- Associa- week at Maple Police Village Board of Trustees met on Monday night at the township offices with Chairman Harold Miller and Trustee Bruce Langille present. Trustee Jack Yorke was absent from the meeting due to a busi- ness call to Toronto. Chairman Miller reported re- ceiving complaints on the roads in the new subdivisions. Trus- tee Langille stated the roads were not in good condition but could be worse. After some dis- cussion, the secretary, Jim Mc- Donald reported that the con- tractor would put sand and grav- el on the roads immediately beâ€" fore winter sets in should the trustees give their approval. Af- ter further discussion. the trus- tees approved the project. The trustees received a copy of a report from the Bell Telephone Company to the Board of Trans- port Commissioners in regard to a change of telephone classifica- tion that would effect Richmond Hill, Thornhill and Maple. Chair- man Miller stated he would get in personal touch with the tele- phone company‘officials the next time he was in Toronto for a clarification of the report. Maple Trustees Consider Several Road Complaints Next on the agenda, the Trus- tees discussed the project of dig- ging a ditch on the north side of Railway street. Trustee Lan- gille reported that trustee Jack Yorke had as yet not contacted Acreage Changes Hands Concord, Edgeley District Quite a few acres of land have changed hands in the Conâ€" cord and Edgeley district during the past few weeks. Oster's two farms at Concord were sold recently by real estate broker Ion Hardcastle, Mr. Oster having the option to remain on his property for five years. Farms To Be Subdivided George and Frank Bagg at Edgeley sold their farm recently and are expected to vacate the- premlses by April 1. A sale reported recently was Mrs. Ed Prentice's house on the 5th Con. at Edgeley. Edgeley Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Per- cy Usher last Monday evening for a discussion of the greatest accident hazard on Canadian farms â€"- fire. Forum Discusses Fire Hazard Most Farm Fire Losses Traced To Carelessness, Poor Planning Other proj'ects forfliHé-‘benefit of the girls and boys may be uu- dgrtaken from time to time, but To better assist them to rec- ognize the underlying causes of farm fires and to control them effectively. the Forum members for a week prior to the meeting studied the Guide report on sur- veys as to the chief causes of fires and were prepared to make recommendations as to Ways of preventing them when the For- um met Monday night. at present the full supporr‘tfib‘f‘ It is generally conceded that most farm losses can be traced to carelessness, poor building construction, and poor planning of farm layout. The responsibil- ity for cutting down fires, there- fore, rests with the individual farmer and his family. The most frequent causes of fires in barns‘ are lightning, el- ectrical short circuits from worn equipment. over-fusing and mois- ture affecting wiring and spon- taneous ignition, inflammable liquids and accumulation of oily rags and rubbish. In calling the meeting, it was the group's intention to have a committee appointed which would assist, first. with the mak- ing of a skating rink and then later on perhaps direct some work on the Community Park. Money will be required for the work and it will be the prime duty of the committee to plan social events this winter in aid of community betterment. Due to the poor response from the people of the community to attend a meeting last Thursday night in Concord Public School for the purpose of organizing a Community Association. the meeting has been postponed until later in November. For some time a group, inter- ested in the welfare of local girls and boys has foreseen the need of an organization to provide for the recreational needs of the young people of Concord. Poor Response To Organization Meeting CommunityAssociation Initial VMeeting Postponed In the farm home, heating,and Ont, Thursday, November 10, 1955 items regarding people and events all the residents on that street, but further discussion would be forthcoming with them. Trustee Langille reported that at pres- ent a ditch digging machine was not available, but he would check again the following Monday to see if it could be procurred. Trustee Langille brought up the ,question of street signs for the new subdivision, stating that many delivery trucks were hav- ing difi‘iculty in finding their way around in the area. Jim McDon- ald reported that the Maple Lions Club had put street signs in the rest of the village. Trustee Mill- er stated that it wouldn‘t be fair to ask the Lions club to erect street signs in the new subdiv- ision. He added that the best signs would be metal, black em- bossed on white. Jim McDonald stated he would ask for a price on such signs and report back to the trustees on the cost. Chairman Miller also stated that he felt any future subdivid- ers building in the village should be required to erect street signs in their subdivision. In closing, the trustees decid- ed to view the pavilion in the town park to ascertain whether it would stand up during the win- ter. If it was found the struc- ture needed protection for the winter, such steps would be tak- The Raymond Stuart farm at R. R. 1 Maple was sold last week by broker Ion Hardcastle. The Stuarts have possession of the farm until September 1956 and have reserved a corner lot on their property. Last week Nels Peelar at Edgeley sold his farm through David McLean Ltd., Thornhill. They are expected to vacate then: farm on April 1. All farms sold are for subdiv- ision purposes and while the sale prices were not disclosed, they are reported to be well into the four figures per acre bracket. cooking equipment, defective and overheated chimneys, flues and pipes, careless smoking hab- its, electricity and inflammable fluids are the most frequent causes of fire. The Forum noted that during the pashyear there has been one serious barn fire and twb field fires during the harvest season within a ten-mile radius. The members recommended compulsory inspection of elec- trical wiring as the first import- ant step in preventing farm fires. One of the most important uses of a farm pond is to provide a source of water in case of fire. The Forum members indicated they thought the usefulness of a farm pond could be extended if it were built with the idea in mind of it serving more than one farm. The meeting was well attend- ed by members and guests who took an active part in discussion. Fire protection in many rural areas is inadequate, the Forum found, but farmers in this dis- trict are most fortunate in hav- ing a well-organized system of fire protection. Mr; and Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh will be hosts to the meeting of the Forum next week. everyone is sought in order that present plans may be carried out. The Cubs and Scouts have vol- unteered to work and do what- ever they can to assist the cause. The regular monthly meeting of Maple Community and School Club on November 2 took the form of a panel discussion led by the four teachers of the school. The panel discussed and an- swered questions submitted by the parents on Primary Reading, Methods. Elementary School Curriculum, Homework in Sen- ior Grades, Suitable Dress For Winter and School Music. (.85. Club Panel Headed By Teachers The rug display and demon- stration sponsored by the Feder- ated Women’s Institutes of Ont- ario at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto which starts today promi ise to be most interesting and instructive. Edgelev Woman Convenes FWIO Rug Display At Winter Fair-Starts To-Day Mrs. Charles Agnew of Edge- ley, who is chairman of the Win- ter Fair Booth Committee is con- vening the display. She will be assisted by Mrs. John McCull- ough of Brampton; Mrs. George Ridley of Caledonia, who is a past F. W. 10. representative on the board of the Federated Wo- men's Institute of Canada. and Mrs. George Burkitt of Frank- fort who is also a Provincial Twelve Rugs On Display Mrs. E. Kyle and Mrs. D. A1- len were delegates from Maple WI. who attended the 53rd Cen- tral Area Convention Women’s In- stitutes, held at the Royal York Hotel, Torontoyon Nov. 2, 3, 4. SendsTwo Delegates 53rdW.|.Convention Among the speakers were Norm. Garriock, CBC Farm Com- mentator speaking on “Ontario and Quebec," Rev. W. A. Young, B.S.A. Chaplain and Lecturer, O. A. C. Guelph” and Mi‘s. C. L. Dubbin, “Penal Reform for Wo- men Joint Committee,” and Miss Ethel Chapman, author of God’s Great Country, who spoke on the “Theme”. The thema of the Convention was “Putting Culture in Agri- culture" and all sessions were well attended. Zion Lutheran Thankoffering Dr. Arthur Little of Kitchener will be one of the guest speakers at the annual Women of the Church Thankofiering Service in Zion Lutheran. Church next Sun- day afternoon, November 14. Also to speak the same after- noon will be Miss Alfreda Hartig, who is well-known for her work in dispatching Sunday School lessons by mail to countries throughout the world. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peelar re- turned home last week after spending a week in. Grand Rap- ids, Mich., as the guest of Mrs. Peelar’s uncle. The Historical Siteé Commit- tee 'of the Humber Valley Con- servation Authority held a meet- ing of Saturday afternoon last at the Dalziel Pioneer Park Mus- eum to further their plans for the coming year. Mrs. W. J. Dalziel and her daughter. Mrs. Chas. Agnew at- tended the Women's Institute Convention luncheon at the Roy- al York Hotel on Thursday and the afternoon session of the con- vention. Mrs. C. H. Boake was in attendance during the three days of the convention as dele- gates of the Edgcley Branch W.I. Maple Community Centre ' Committee Guest speaker at the Nov- ember meeting of Hope Com. munity and School Club was Rev. M. Jenkinson oi Tes- ton United Church. Rev. Jenkinson discussed the du- ties of parents to their chil- dren. . Lunch was served by the committee in charge, Mrs. J. Hampson, Mrs. H. Jackson, Mrs. Roy Cooper and Mrs. G. Ingram. The Community Centre Committee which has recentâ€" ly had a new executive has been meeting quite regularly to tie up many items of bus- iness and acquaint the exec- utive with the organization. At the last regular meeting, held last Thursday, October 27, a partial executive was present and the decision was made to erect a sign on the Community Centre Vhall. A committee of two, consisting of Bruce Langille and Har- old Miller; was appointed to look after the details. It is planned that the letters of the sign be made of enamel- led plywood. A number of bills were passed for payment- and a motion was made that the regular monthly meeting night of the committee be the last Wednesday in each month. Please see ‘Cioming Events' for further details. The Euchre and Dance to be held at Elia Public School later this month promises t9 be one of the big social ev- ents of the season. Mrs. Earl Jackson. Mrs. Paul Snider and Mrs. Thos. Bush are among the ladies who are working to make this an enjoyable and enter'- taining evening. Euchre & Dance Rev. J enkinsori Speaker Edgeley Socials Board member. The 12 rugs that will be on display are those which were en- tered in the Salada Tea Rug Competition last August and will include the top winning rug from the Winona Institute and the second prize winner from Varency W. I. All others ex- cept two are Area prize winning rugs. These will all be display- ed against the same background as last year. the interior of a log |cabin, complete with fireplace. etc. The demonstrations will be conducted by experts in the field and will include Rug Hooking by Mrs. Gordon Cutler of Welland Over $150 Cleared By Edgeley W.A. At Bazaar Approximately $150 was clear- ed by the W.A. of Edgeley Unit- ed Church at the bazaar and tea held last Saturday afternoon at the community hall. Mrs. A. G. Donald of Maple officially open- ed the bazaar. Mrs. J. A. Mitchell and Mrs. James Bagg were convenors of the afternoon tea and were as- sisted by Mrs. Garnet Keffer, Mrs. A. Avery, Mrs. Norman Bagg and Miss Margaret Hendry. Mrs. D. Cossey read the guests' tea cups. The articles for sale, including aprons. hand-made clothing and fancy work, baked goods, candy, etc., were nearly all sold. Mrs. 0n instruction from the Board of Maple United Church the firm of Hanks and Irwin of Toronto has been engaged as architects to prepare plans for the erection in the early spring, of a religious education building on the pres- ent church property. -The archiâ€"tect-s have already made a preliminary survey and Hanks And Irwin Architects For United Church Extension The opening meeting of Maple Young Peoples Society was held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Donald on Tuesday, November Margaret Wiltshire To Head Maple Young People’s Society 1, with an attendance of 16. Miss Marion Donald was finest speaker for the evening, displaying a number of interesting curios which she brought, back from West China and speaking on her experiences in that land where she was a teacher in the Canad- ian School on the outskirts of the city of Chengtu. The report of’the nominating committee was accepted and the following officers will be install- We also make RAILINGS â€" inside & out VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Carrville Rd. & Yonge St. Richvale Iron Works Judging teams from seven counties were coached last Saturday afternoon at the farm of A115 Bagg and Sons, Edgeley, in preparation for the Inter-County ,Judging Competitions to be held at the Royal Agricultural Fair in Toronto starting Thurs- day, November 10. Four classes of livestock were judged under the watch- ful eyes of the Agricultural Representative of each coun- ty represented. SAVE 50% Later in the day the groups visited Fraserdale Farms in Concord. The Luther League regular meeting will be held in Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday evening, November 13. A cordial invitation is ex. tended to the young people of the district to attend these meetings and join in Bible study and the fellowship that the meetings provide. _ Coach Judging Teams ORNAMENTAL IRON FURNITURE INSIDE & OUT iuther League Budget Plah who was one of the judges in the Salada Tea Competition; Braid- ing by Mrs. Tredway of Highland Creek and Crocheting on Can- vas by Mrs. Hislop of Caledonia who was also a iudge at the Sal- ada Tea Rug Competition. r Through the generosity of Mrs. R. H. Neil] of Thornhill. Mrs. Agnew is planning an added interest to the display with a set of Mrs. Neil's hand-made rug and crochet hooks. It is planned that the display this year will be held in the Pa- vilion of the Coliseum which will also house other activities and displays of interest to women. Eldon Fierheller. assisted by her daughter. Miss Diane Fierheller and Miss Janice Boake were in charge of 1 “Treasure Chest". Mrs. George Poole d' Mrs. Frank Locke were in c arge of the apron sale and Mrs. Fred Hendry, assisted by Mrs. H. Butt supervised the sale of fancy work, hand sewing and miscel- laneous articles. Home baking and candy was sold by those in charge who in- cluded Mrs. Roy Avery. Miss Marjorie Young and Miss June Young. Mrs. Stan Harrison. Mrs. C. H. Boake, Mrs. Alex Hunter and Mrs. R. J. Burlington. will later submit suggestions to the members of the Board. In the meantime, financial contrib- utions are being received each Sunday, following a very success- ful campaign conducted during the summer months. The new building will include a Sunday School auditorium, n minister’s vestry, a church parlor, a modern kitchen and washroom facilities. ed at the next regular meetink in Maple United Church on Tues- day, November 15: President, Miss Margaret Wiltshire, Maple; vice-president, Gordon Mitchell, Edgeley; secretary, “ Miss Mari- lyn Watson, Maple: treasurer. Jim Thomas, Hope; pianist, Miss Marlene Lloyd, Hope; social con- venor, Miss Kathryn Johnson, Maple; Missions Convenor, Jim Darlington, Edgeley; citizenship convenor, William Gibson, Map- le; culture convenor, Miss Made- line Brown, Maple. Light refreshhents were set- ved at the close of the meeting by Miss Donald. At a meeting of the executive of the society held on Sunday night, November 6 at the home of Margaret Wiltshire. mem- bers of the group were allocated to various committees and it was decided that following the in- stallation of officers, the mem- bers of the executive will be res- ponsible for the program for the next meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 15. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wiltshire and Margaret and a hearty vote of thanks was moved by Marilyn Watson. This group which will be in- terdenominational in: character will meet on lst and 3rd Tues- days of each month. ‘Rev. A. G. Donald has been asked to lead in a series of studies on “How we got our Bible". FREE ESTIMATES Winter’s Around The Corner! BA. 1-3870 OBSERVATORY LANE TU. 4-324] RICHVALE WE SERVE YOU BETTER LET US REPLACE YOUR FAULTY STEPS. VERANDAH TOPS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. WITH MODERN STEEL REINFORCED PIKE-CAST CONCRETE ASPHALT PAVING Driveways - Parking Lots - Sidewalks AV. 5-2211 SEPTIC TANKS rum“) and cuunn BA. 1-8000 BINGO AGAIN! MAPLE COMMUNITY CENTRE HALL NEXT TUESDAY NOV. 15 - 8 pm. Compare These Rates With Those You 'Are Now Paying â€"- Public Liability & Property. Damage 531051 -. . . .1. $15.30 Collision $100. Deductible $22.10 Fire & Theft . . .t. . . '........... s 2.55 Total . "awn".-. . . . .. $39.95 The above rates are to cover 1954 Chevrolet, Dodge, Plymouth, Pontiac, or any vehicle in this price range operated by a driver over 25 years of age, and with no claims in the past three years. ' The balance of our Automobile Insurance rates are comparatively lower than standard rates. Our Policies are issued by a Stock Company through Li- censed Agents. - ’ Call or write K. H. Doyle. 83 Westwood Lane, Richvale, AVenue 5-2067, or Ontario Insurance Service, 62 Richmond St. West, Toronto, EM. 6-9628 Lucky Number â€" Share'The Wealth ‘omplete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service $100 JACKPOT WINNER NOV. 8 Mrs. W. Harding, Maple AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FRANK PASSER Sponsored by Maple Lions Club Golden Lions Special at $20 â€"â€" 17 Numbers FREE ESTIMATES R. R. lWillowdale L. W. REID GUAIAITIBD WORK Thornhill MA. 1313

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