ZMaple, Concord & Edge ‘ Drug Store Needs R AT 6 " Perry’s Pharmacy Maple King City 164 164 Mr. Gordon Tetley of King gave an inspiring talk on Nov. 9 at the Prayer and Bible" Study group at St. Stephen's Church. This week, Mr. David Smith of Langstaï¬â€˜ is the guest speaker. On November 30 at 8 p.m., Miss Jane Scott, author of "Adventure with Go †will speak. A warm welcome is extended to everyone to attend this weekly hour of fellowship. ‘ A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. D. Jarrett who under- went' surgery last week at Grace Hospital. Toronto. On Sunday evening next, Nov. 20. at 7 p.m., a sound ï¬lm will be shown at St. Stephen‘s Angli- can Church, entitled “Time and Eternity“. This is one of the Moody Institute films noted for their technical excellence. A cor- dial invitation is extended to all. Last Thursday evening, John Perry was a guest at a meeting of the Woodbridge Legion in the Legion Hall. Woodbridge. Mr. Perry introduced the guest spea- ker for the evening, Air Marshall John Curtis, chief of the Canad- ian Air Staff. oThe Maple Lions club met last Thursday at the Maple Commun- ity Centre with 40 members and guests in attendance. The intro- duction of the guests was made by Lion Bruce McLelland and one of the feature guests was George Watson who has recentâ€" iy arrived from Aberdeen, Scot- an . a $100.00 donation by Mr. H. Van Muten, who was formerly with the Maple Block and Tile company. Lion Lorne Wells announced that there would be a guided tour and dinner meeting at Var- iety Village on November 21, and invited member Lions and their wives to attend. Report on Bingos Lion Ross Knight reported that the.ï¬rst dance held by the club to‘ok a loss but the second one was more proï¬table and cleared approximately $100.00. The next dance, he announced would be on November 26 and 200 invita- tions had been sent out announc- ing it. Next Meeting Maple Lions Hear Reports Correspondence was read by the secretary and it consisted of Lion Andrew Snider gave the Bingo report stating that a proï¬t had been made last week exclud- ing the hall rental cost. He stat- ed that a good crowd was out last week but the event needed more publicity and asked member Lions to discuss the Bingo with their friends and get more peop- le out to them. He added that he planned to have announcements of the Bingos made over local radio stations. Every jackpot at the Bingos has been won by people in Maple village. Lion Cameron McKay announ- ced that the next meeting would be devoted to the new residents of the subdivision, who had been invited to attend. They would be entertained and welcomed and a dance would follow. Lion Reg. Rouse stated there was a new welfare problem that involved a child in Sick Child- ren’s Hospital. A blood transfus- ion had been made for the child and the blood bank would have to be reï¬lled. He asked for vol- unteers to ï¬ll this need. As a closing announcement it was stated that since many peop- le were asking for the location of the Lions house in the new subdivision. signs would be er- ected at two entrances to the subdivision as well as in front of the house itself. PRESCRIPTIONS AND The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in MaplenConcord & Edgeley districts. Our renresentative In Maple is Mrs. Donald Allen. telephone Maple 19.]; Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart, Maple. AV. 5-1934. ' On Thursday. November 24. at 8.30 pm. at Maple Com- munity Centre, a soeial evening is planned for all new coup- les in the village. Would you please come? Maple Lions Club wants to get acquainted and welcome newcomers to the area. and we hope new folks will want to be welcomed and will ï¬nd friends here. Maple Lions Meet & Greet Two Stores Maple Socials MAPLE LIONS CLUB President Cal Miller -â€" Photo by Lagerquist Studio Seen above are Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik Melchior Van Bemmel with their attendants after their marriage in Kleinburg United Church on October 28, 1955. The bride is the former Hannah Enes May Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shaw. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik Van Bemmel. The candlelight service was conducted against a background of white, yellow and bronze Chrysanthemums by Reverend R. W. French. The organist was Miss Shirley MacTaggart and soloist was Mr. Norman Elliott. Given in marriage by her faâ€" ther, the bride chose a gown of lace trimmed delustered satin. falling into a small train. The bodice had a sweetheart neck- line accented with pearls and lace and ï¬tted lily-point sleeves. She carried a bouquet of gar- denias. steplianotis and ivy and the ï¬ngertip veil was caught with orange blossoms. Her attendants (left to right front), Mrs. Jean Kitchen, Mrs. Audrey Stroud, bridesmaids, and Miss Rita Diceman, maid of hon- our, wore matching princess style waltz-length gowns of almond green brocaded taffeta with large bustle-bows. Their bouquets A splendid turnout of mem- bers and guests enjoyed the an- nual pot luck luncheon of Edge- ley Women’s Institute held at the noon hour on Thursday, Novem- ber 10, at the home of Mrs. R. J. Darlington.‘ A business meeting followed the,luncheon with the president, Mrs. James Spencer presiding. A good supply of aprons was re- ceived when each member hand- ed in one as she answered the roll call. These were turned over to Mrs. Frank Locke and Mrs. Bert Peelar. convenors of the work committee. for the ap- {on sale at the December meet- ng. Edgeley W._|. Annual Pot Luck Luncheon Baptisms At Zion Lutheran On Sunday afternoon in Zion Lutheran Church, Sherwood. Dr. Arthur Little of Kitchener offic- iated at the baptism of Janine. Marie Suter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Suter of Lang- staff. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Donald George of Elgin Mills, Christine Carol George and Peter Allan George were also baptized by Dr. Little. Mrs. G. A. Mains was welcom- ed into the association as a new member. During the afternoon, Miss A]- freda Hartlg o Kitchener told the Sunday Sch 01 classes of her work in sending Sunday School lessons by mail to people in is- olated areas throughout the world. Sponsored by the Miss- ionary Society of the Lutheran Church, Miss Hartig sends less- ons to 302 children in Ontario and Eastern Canada. ’Germany and Borneo‘are am- ong the places to which Miss Hartig extends her work. Easter. Miss Hartig Vméifs out special service leaflets. She ï¬rst sends out leaflets which are followed by a set of questions, These are answered by her pupils and returned to her. On special- occasions such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and This winter, as in other years. an Bemmel - Shaw were of yellow- and bronze Jap- anese Chrysanthemums. Mr. John Van Haastrekt (rear right) was best man and ushers were Mr. Charles Shaw and Mr. John Shaw (left rear‘. For the reception held in the church parlours, the bride‘s mo- ther received the guests wearing a dress of teal blue lace and crepe, with navy accessories an talisman roses. t ~ For traevlling to Niagara Falls the bride chose a chocolate brown dress with beige coat and brown and coral accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Van Bemmel have now taken up residence in Lan~ sing. the members have. indicated their desire to assist the York County Children’s Aid Society with' the knitting of infant's out- ï¬ts as well as knitting and sew- ing for older girls and boys. Mrs. E. Phillips, Historical Re- search convenor, called a meet- ing of the Historical Research Committee for the latter part of November to continue work on the Tweedsmuir History. Plans were completed‘for the Edgeley Branch members’ share in the work of preparing and serving a mammoth turkey din- ner this month at Maple Com- munity Centre in aid of research work of the Canadian Cancer Society. v Mrs. C. H. Boake reported on the Central Area W.I. Conven- tion held last week in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. A motion to assess each‘ mem- ber $1.00 to help establish a Fed- erated Women’s Institute of Can- ada Head Office at Ottawa was not sustained. Mrs. J. W. Dalziel won the door prize donated by Mrs. E. Phillips. ,The Branch’s chosenvExtension Service Course will be held in March of next year. On December 1, the children of Edgeley Public School and their teacher. Albert Hood, will be the luncheon guests of the W. I. in the Community Hall. The regular monthly meeting will follow the luncheon which will feature a sale of aprons and Christmas demonstrations by Mrs. Bruce Keï¬â€˜er. Mrs. Moore based the topic on the lives of noted hymn writers and the events that led up to writing the hymns. League presâ€" ident. Frank Smith, presided and Art Moore was in charge of the devotional period. , The business of the meeting included making plans for a skat- ing party to be held at .Unionâ€" ville next Saturday night. Mrs. Moore Presents Hymn Writers Topic Mrs. Art Moore presented the topic at the meeting of the Luth- er League on Sunday evening. November 13, at Zion Lutheran Church. Funeral servrce was held in Zion Lutheran Church on Mon- day, November 14. for Harry Da- vis. son of the late Mrs. Effie Quigley, and grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White of Toronto. Interment took place in Zion Lutheran Church ceme- tery. Mr. Davis was stricken sud- denly and died while at work on Friday morning, November 11, in Mipbigan where he resided. BesideE his wife, Joan, he leaves one son. Funeral Service For Harry Davis Mrs. Fred Hedges Hostess To EdgeleyWA. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of Edgeley Women’s Association was held Thursday evening, Nov- ember 10, at the home of Mrs. Fred Hedges. The president. Mrs. A. Avery. presided and Mrs. James Bagg and Mrs. Nor- man Bagg Were in charge of the program. 'The roll call was answered by each member reading a Bible verse quoting "Minister", and also by handing in her mite box. Mrs. C. H. Boake read the Scrip- ture lesson and Mrs. James Bagg read the Lesson Thoughts. Mrs. E. Unstead of Toronto, wife of a former minister at Edge- ley United Church, was guest speaker. Mrs. Unstead chose poetry as the theme of her talk. mentioning particularly the great Mrs. R. J. Darlington, Mrs. E. Fierheller and Mrs. Boake were appointed the nominating com- mittee to bring in a slate of of- ï¬cers to the December meeting. Alf. Bagg & Sons Win Bremner & Pioneer Trophies 2nd Year 25 Entries In Jersey Show With 25 entries in the Jersey Show at the Royal Agriculture Winter Fnir ia Toronto this week, Alf Bagg and sons of Edgeley were outstanding winners in the various classes. Winnings include lst and Re- serve Grand Champion. Edgelea Beacon Monopoly; seven lst prizes, ï¬ve 2nds, four 3rds, three 4ths, four 5ths and six 7th priz- es. They also received the Pre- mier Exhibitor Bariner. In the groups, Mr. Bagg had the top Graded Herd. He also received second prize for Junior Get of Sire, third in the Dairy “Did anyone 50 years ago foresee the present day problem that would result from the impact of the automo- bile on our civilization?†asked Dr. E. G. Faludi, planning consultant for Vaughan Twp., who was guest speaker at the Maple Lions Club meeting last Thursday night. Dr. Faludi outlined the effect as a result it is practically a min- on civilization 'as the result of nearly everyone owning a car and the fact that it had changed our whole way of life. The con- sequences of so many automo- biles has created parking and driving problems as well as raising the cost of living and ad- ding to the congestion in the cities. Business and offices were also affected by the prob- lem as was the temperament and feelings of the individual. Move To Suburbs ority that elects municipal offic- ials." Such an administration, he added, might be conservative and changes difficult to imple- ment. A further problem is that of one year terms. “How can of- ï¬cials elected for only one year think ahead for 20 to 25 years?†he asked. In closing Dr. Faludi laid fur. ther criticism against the muni- cipal election system stating that with laymen being elected. it is difficult to build up an adminis- “Automotive Age Problems†Dr. E. G. Faludi Speaks To Meeting Of Maple Lions Club “Many people solved the pro- blem, by leaving the congestion of the city and moving to the suburbs," stated Dr. Faludi. “They live on streets that start nowhere and end nowhere, pay higher operating costs and taxes and experience a lower standard of living and all for the privilege of open space and fresh air.†In discussing the feasibility of planning, Dr. Faludi stated that it cost more money not to plan. He cited as an example the fact that Metropolitan Toronto was spending 70 million dollars a year to correct the mistakes of the past. He added that 25 years ago the job could have been done for a quarter of the cost. Creates Slums The area from Yonge to Bath- urst and Steeles to Richmond Hill is now urban and needs ur- ban requirements, said Dr. Fal- udi. The area must have care and planning so that its require- “The prevalent attitude of Live for Today is the prime cause for the creation of slums and other such problemsâ€, said Dr. Faludi. “As a result we have to provide housing for low income groups that should have been taken care of 25 years ago.†Dr. Faludi felt that more co- operation was needed at the municipal level and especially in regard to schools as they are needed as fast .as new subdivis- ions are created. In his depart- ment, he stated. they try to plan ahead for 10 or 15 years. So that there wouldn't be haphazard growth. areas in the township are set aside for each type of building need, be it commercial or residential. The problem. he added, is providing modern facil- ities for these residential areas. udi. The area must have care and planning so that its require- ments and growth will not clash with the rural areas of the town- ship. Continuous urbanization creates new problems, he stated, and as an example cited a survey under way to ascertain who are the owners of the property in the urbanized area as they will be affected by the advent of water and sewers Democracy Not Fully L'sed Another problem. Dr. Faludi stated. was the fact that in Cana- da. democracy is not used to its fullest advantage. "Voters are too apathetic at voting time and Dr. Faludi outlined the admin- istrative personnel that serve a township and stated emphatic- ally that if it wasn’t for them there would be chaos. “Let’s think ahead.†emphasized Dr. Faludi, “the present generation should pay a small amount to- ward future planning so that as changes occur we can face them.†Need Municipal Co-operation Not Fully L'sed problem. Dr. Faludi the fact that in Cana- poets of the Bible and the out- standing English and Canadian poets and poetesses of more re- cent times. ' Two flower stands. designed and hand-carved by Mrs. Boake's uncle, Arch McBain of Toronto, to match the communion table and the baptismal font. were pur- chased by Mrs. Fred Hedges and were dedicated last Sunday at the afternoon worship service in Edgeley United Church. The sale of a few aprons and miscellaneous articles left over from the bazaar brought an ad- ditional $20.00 into the W.A. coï¬er. bringing the sum total proceeds of the bazaar to $170. Mrs. E. Fierheller, Mrs. A. Av- ery and Mrs. Garnet Keï¬er were the social committee for the ev- ening. The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers will take place at the December meeting. Groups and ï¬rst and fourth in the Progeny of Dam group. Judge Dale Dean of Meadow Ridge Farm, Michigan, placed the awards. For the second year in succes- sion Mr. Bagg received the Brem~ ner Cup, a silver challenge cup. donated by James Bremner to the Premier Exhibitor. Also for the second consecutive year, Mr. Bagg and his sons had the honor of receiving the Pioneer Farm Trophy. a silver challenge tro- phy for ï¬rst prize Progeny of Dam winner. In closing Dr. Faludi laid fur. ther criticism against the muni- cipal election system stating that with laymen being elected. it is difficult to build up an adminis- tration that could act freely and do a good job. He added that there had been no implementa- tion of education for municipal officials. Dr. Faludi suggested that the local municipal councils should be given more moral sup- port by the people instead of the present indifference. If such moral support is not given, he added, the same problems as are prevalent now will be present in the next 25 to 50 years. WinsKingCreek Trophy 3 Years ' Judge of the show was George Newlin of Pennsylvania. Dr. Faludi was thanked by Lion Kirby ’Brock who reiterated many of his statements and add- ed his emphasis on the point that planning was important. In the Guernsey division of the cattle show at the Royal Ag- ricultural Winter Fair this week, Jack Fraser of Concord was am- ong the top award winners. Besides receiving the Premier Exhibitor and the Premier Bree- der Banners, Mr. Fraser and John J. Ball were joint owners of the Grand Champion bull. Guei‘nhaven Majestic. Mr. Fraser also had the Reserve Junior Champion heifer. Fraserdale Rex's Honeybloom and the Junior Champion buil, Fraserdaie Jew- eller. and was winner of the King Creek Farm Trophy for the three best uddered Guernsey fe- males. Winnings included ï¬ve lst prizes. seven 2nds. ï¬ve 3rds. one 4thrand two 51h prizes. The trophy is donated by King Creek Farms, King, and is now owned permanently by Mr. Fras- er, who has won the award three years in succession. Antennas Erected All Work Guaranteed Lovell’s Tee-Vee & Radio Service 51 HALL ST. TU. 4-32.90 Vellore Senior W.|. Meeting Vellore Senior Institute met at Vellore Hall, Nov. 1. Resolu- tions for Area Convention were passed and plans discussed for helping with the dinner for the Cancer Society to be held this month. , Mrs. Nelson Kerr gave a paper on the motto, the theme being World Friendship. and Mrs. Dave Julian gave a paper on The Joys of Warm Friendship. Mrs. J. Bryson read a paper prepared by Mrs. Rutherford. ex- plaining the origin of the Union Jack. Mrs. ‘Tilley read The Bridge Builder‘ Mrs. Witherspoon gave a onstration on the constrL of a White Christmas Tree. Mrs. E. Kyle Hostess To, Maple Institute The regular meeting of Maple Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. E. Kyle. Wed- nesday evening. November 9. with the president Mrs. Kyle acting as chairman. Affer the business discussion, an interesting program was en- joyed. Sales Of Stars ls Outstanding Array At the Sales of Stars. Canada’s only national consignment sales at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, was an outstanding array of pure-bred [breeding stock. Reports of the Women’s Insti- tute's convention held at the Royal York Hotel were given by Mrs. Kyle and Mrs. D. Allen. Mrs. H. Stephenson gave a dem- onstration of a Hooked Wool Rug, explaining the type of wool and equipment to use. A Dan- ish Knipling demonstration (hand-made lace) was given by Mrs. O. Dah]. Among the 30 prize-winning representatives of the Jersey breed offered to the buying pub- lic on Monday night were heifers Edgelea D. Beacon Princess and Edgelea Dream Girl from the herd of Alf Bagg and Sons. They were purchased by Ohio buyers. Top price of $3800 was paid at Jersey sale to T. Tattrie of Nova Scotia. She went to Mrs. Norrie of Nova Scotia . Hayes Farms of Oakville were Sales Managers. One group of the Edgeley Farm Forum thirks County Council should be done away with, that it is serving no useful purpose as its func- tion as part of local govern- ment, the ï¬nal outcome of Monday night's discussion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh revealed. Discussion was held by the Forum on the effectiveness of local government and the query. “Do you think local government in rural areas is serving any useful pur- pose today,†was given open discussion. The Forum ag- reed local government was doing an effective part but one of the discussion groups failed to see the usefulness of County‘ Council. County Council Ineffective Fred Thompson, a former Elia resident. will be in charge of music for the eu- chre and dance sponsored by the ladies of Ella Commun- ity which will be held this month. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont., Thursday, November 17, 1955 9 In Charge Of Music THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1955 NOMINATION MEETING NOMINATION OF THREE TRUSTEES toon gave a de_m- the constructlon MAS'ONIC HALL a poem on TO SERVE FOR THE YEAR 1956 POLICE VILLAGE OF MAPLE AT 7 RM. FOR THE “Attention Poultrymen†2 P B E M I U M 2 MAPLE COMMUNITY CENTRE HALL NEXT TUESDAY NOV. 22 ~ 8 p.m. BINGO AGAIN! $100 JACKPOT WINNER NOV. 15 Mrs. Vi. Horne, Maple Lucky Number â€"- Share HEATING & APPLIANCES Oil Burners Installed & Repaired Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Over 25 Years In Business Refreshment Tickets at the Door Western Music At Its Best COMMUNITY HALL, ' MAPLE Sponsored by Maple Lions Club MAPLE At The Golden’ Lions Special at $2 18 Numbers SUNDAY - NOVEMBER 20 8.30 pm. MAPLE EGG GRADING STATION E. WALKERI& SON REG. N0. 0-336 . M. MCDONALD, Returning Officer ON ALL EXTRA LARGE EGGS AND PURE WHITE EGGS .‘FOX & SON HOME TOWN TU. 4-1610 The Wealth