14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 24, 1955 Everyone has heard about the famour Paris “xi-driv- en, swerving, darting. never stopping. The peep-peep- pup of their horns has been remembered in long. They’ve had that reputation a long time, I learned in reading a book about the auto industry as it was in 1899. In that year, Paris taxi drivers managed to chal'k up an average of eight people killed and 50 injured every week. Even today, Paris has some automobile laws that seem pretty strange. Headlights are prohibited. When dackness comes, you use your parking lights. And to keep the night at: sweet, our home may not be blown after dark. Instead, you may flash your headlight: (but you can’t leave them on). The fact that so many who have never seen Paris know all about those Paris taxi drivers proves how important a re- putation is. Nobody knows that better than we do. A new car dealer has to have a good name betore be A got! his franchise. He must maintain his good name to maintain his tranchile. You know that he is going to be in hulinen a long time, he’s going to be here to look utter your auto needs. 52 DODGE CLUB COUPE 51 MERCURY SEDAN 50 AUSTIN SEDAN Reï¬nished in Beautth Maroon Iinioh The Greeks have a word for it, so they say, and the French have a way about them: Their ways with the auto- mobile are obviously no exception. 54 BUICK SEDAN 5'3 FORD DeLUXE COACH 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 INSURANCE At that time, though, France was going auto crazy. Just about 1900 there were more manufacturer: of cars in France that there were earl in all of the United States. The U.S. had about 500 cars, most of them around New York City, but in France 619 manufacturers were produc- ing autos. New Work RICHMOND HILL Hull’ 3 Domestic Our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected Printo-Meters for your protection. ¢umbing & Heaï¬ting ANDREWS 8 GRAY Heat/er, White Wall Tires, Seat Cover: Beautiful Green Finish. Lic. # 408-638 HERBERT R. BUTT Dynaflow Trmsmisaion, Power Bram- Tu Tone License # 785-577 01L BURNER PARTS 8: SERVICE Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phone TU. 4-1879 Heater, Gleaming Black Finish Lic. # 219-640 Heater, Tu Tone Blue Finish Lic. # 214-404 Associated With Dependable Alterations Service Telephone 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317 $2099.00 $1195.00 $795.00 $895.00 $295.00 Repairs PHONE TU. 4-2061 Fuel Oils Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Cedar Avenue, on the occasion of their Golden Wedding anniversary on Monday, November let. Mr. and Mrs. Foster celebrated over the past weekend. entertaining friends from Buffalo and members of the family. Thére are still many con- fined to their homes with con- The December meeting will be held on Thursday, December lst, at the home of Mrs. G. Fraser, Bayview Avenue. Members please remember to bring a Christmas card for a shut-in. There will be the usual exchange of pres- ents from the tree. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Rail will be in charge of the Christmas program.‘ Personals During the month of Novem- ber the following cubs were in- vested, John Leggett, Bobby Lea- man and Walter Curr. Roger Ball won his lst Star and Greg- ory Plough and Lawrence Drew successfully passed their test for the Sewing Badge. These boys are members of Kenu Pack. Mark Vaun Women’s Institute Principal Rose advises that report cards are to be issued next Monday. The first Parent’s Night will be held on November 30th from 7:40 to 9 pm. and it is hoped that all parents will make a special effort to attend. Langstaff Cub News School News A Moroccan medical aide treats a young boy with aureomycin, the drug which is helping to reduce the widespread eye disease, trachoma, in southern Morocco. Doctors from the U.N. World Health Organization (WHO), working with government teams, have treated 340,000 people over a period of three summers. Supplies and transportation are provided by the United Nations Chil- dren's Fund. The large-scale treatment was undertaken alter results in an experimental area showed that‘ of some 10,000 people treated, nearly all were either cured or on their way to recovery from the disease which has plagued the land for centuries. WHO Attacks T rachoma in Morocco The slick surface of wet asphalt roadways has sent many a mo- torist limping to the garage with flattened fenders and shattered headlamps. But new research engineers have come up with something that sharply reduces this accident hazard. When thein special aluminum oxide abrasive is applied to the road surface, it cuts down by more than 30% the stopping distance of your car when you apply the brakes at 30 m.p.h. . . .So in addition to saving weight and work in a thousand everyday and special applica- tions, aluminum may prove a major factor in saving lives, too. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA. LTD. (ALCAN) LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY Phone AVenue 5-2806 We also carry tile' brick, lime, cement Call JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 For your fuel needs ANTHRACITE This fall the city of Toronto and area had the privilege of having world-famous evangelist Dr. Billy Graham for a month long evangelistic crusade. Every Protestant denomination had an active part in the crusade, with the churches in our own area receiving great blessings. Billy Graham has produced a number of outstanding films, the latest of which is entitled “Souls in Conflict.†It is centred to a great extent around the Billy Graham Crusade in London. England and the conversion of the ï¬lm actress, Joan Winmill. One of Graham’s representa- tives will be in the area to show this film on Friday evening, De- cember 2nd at the Langstaff Baptist Church, Church Street, Langstaff. There will be two showings only. one at 7 pm. and the other at 9 pm. The public is cordially invited to attend these showings. The guest speaker for the eve- ning, Dr. Elizabeth Chant Rob- ertson. from the Research Insti- tute of The Hospital for Sick Children. and Child Health Edi- tor for the Chatelaine Magazine, spoke on “Food, Health and Economyâ€. She stressed the im- portance of a well balanced diet and the beneficial effect this has on growth, vigor and resist- ance to disease. Dr. Robertson discussed fully the vitamin value in all the different types of food and how the most benefit can be derived from each. Of great in- terest to all, were her remarks on how to feed our families well- with the minimum of expense- an'd safely economize. This in- formal and informative talk - in- terspersed with lots of good humour - ended in a lively and interested discussion - with many asking questions. The meeting then adjourned and refreshments were served Billy Graham Film Shown Birthday congratulations to John Zeigler, Garden Avenue, who celebrated his fourth birth- day recently by entertaining his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Glassey, Garden Avenue, had as their guests for a few days last week, Mr; and Mrs. O. Dinger and Billy, Mrs. Dinger. is a sister of Mrs. Glas- sey. .s Langstaff Home & School Association The Langstaff Home & School Club met for their regular mon- thly meeting on November 8th with Mrs. Turnpenny, Vice-presi- dent, taking the chair in the ab- sence of Mrs. Kojola who was ill at the time. The convenor, Mrs. Welland, made an announcement regarding details,. and further plans were discussed. It was an- nounced that the December meet- ing will be held on December 16 and will be' iii the form of a Christmas party with entertain- ment supplied by thé school children. tagious diseases. Bruce Palmer, No. 7 Highway, the Roy child- ren on Sussex are among those with the mumps, and Warren Goodings. Fairview Avenue. has the German measles. Richmond Hill BITUMINOUS or All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of Elgin Robert- son Nicol, late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York. Retired Farmer. deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of March, 1955. are hereby noti- ï¬ed to send full particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of De- cember. 1955,‘ after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 9th day of November, 1955. Alma Alexa Hill and Aubrey thro Sutherland Nicol, Administrators of the estate of Elgin Robertson Nicol, by their solicitor, J. N. Mulholland, Q. C. 62 Richmond Street West, Toronto In the Estate of Elgin Robertaon Nicol, Deceased. 1, Mrs. Sidney White, of 28 Edgar Ave., Richvale, wish to state that I am not the Mary White who is buy- ing goods in the name of Mrs. Mary White, and I will not be responsible for any debts incurred†under that name. 2. Guns should always be car- ried in cases to the shooting area. 3. Always be sure gun or bar- rel are clear of obstruction and that you have only ammunition of the proper size for the gun you are carrying; also, remove grease from the chamber before ï¬ring. 7 4.'Always carry your gun so that you can control the direction of the muzzle, even if you stum- ble. 5. Be sure of your target be- fore you pull the trigger and know the identifying features of the game you intend to hunt. Each issuer in the Lake Sim- coe District is being given a copy of the Ten Commandments of Safety, which, if followed, may mean an accident prevented and a life saved. Here they are: Firearms Safety Rules 1. Treat every gun with the res- pect due a loaded gun. This is the ï¬rst rule of gun safety; guns carried into camp or home or when otherwise not in use must be unloaded. Having in mind that the time of issuing a hunting license pro- vides an excellent opportunity for brief instruction in safe han- dling of guns, the Department of Lands and Forests has arranged for all Licence Issuers to be con- tacted by their local Conserva- tion Officer and his co-operation requested in furthering the Gun Safety Programme. Every hunting'season numer- ous casualties are reported caus- ed by carelessness in handling ï¬rearms. Such carelessness can be classed as carelessness in han- dling ï¬rearms, carelessness when storing ï¬rearms, carelessness when ï¬rearm is being intention- ally discharged, and carelessness in not giving proper instructions to those who may be inexperien- ced. Many Hunting Accidents Are Caused By Gun (arelessness Sterile water-sgmple bottles can also be obtained from the of- ï¬ces to test well water. If for some reason a hauseholder can- not get to the office to obtain a water sample bottle himself, Communicable diseases such as measles, mumps, chicken-pox, whooping cough, etc., are also reported here either by the tea- cher, doctor or parent, and eith- er home visits are made by the Public Health Nurse in the par- ticular district to advise parents regarding general nursing care and quarantine and isolation regulations. In the County of York are sit- uated the Headquarters and dis- trict offices of the York County Health Unit. The headquarters office is situted in Newmarket. and there are district offices at Richmond Hill. Stouffville and Sutton. These offices deal with such matters as telephone and over-the-counter queries regard- ing the installation of septic tanks and tile beds, the “rough- ing in†of new plumbing and various complaints regarding un- sanitary conditions existing in the surrounding neighbourhood. Applications for septic tanks and plumbing are made out and submitted to these offices in or- der that inspection may be car- ried out. The inspections are, in most cases, completed within one or two days after notice is received from the applicants. CARL E. HILL,. M.D., M.O.H‘ District Offices Important Part Of York Health Unit Notice to Creditors and Others When the north wind bIOWS cold we need a good. hearty breakfast to start off the day on the right foot. Nothing beats a hot cereal for a morning “wakerupper†but it’s smart to make sure that the cereal used has the “whole grain" label. 6. ’Nevei‘ point a guhï¬awfgny- MRS. SIDNEY WHITE DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK When Cold Winds Blow NOTICE 7. Uï¬attended guns should be unloaded; guns and ammunition should be stored separately, be- yond reach of children and care- less adults. towards you by the m zzle. 9. Never shoot a b‘let at a flat, hard surface or the surface of water. When at target practice he sure your backstop is ade- quate. 10. Avoid alcoholic drinks before and during shooting. 8. Never climb a tree, jump a fence, or jump a ditch with a loaded gun; never pull a gun towards you by the muzzle. thing you do not want to shoot; avoid all horseplay while hand- ling a gun. Newmarket 1484 Richmond Hill TU. 4-3161 Sutton 334 Stouï¬ville 146 (Editor's Note â€" This is the 17th in a series of articles de- signed to better acquaint the residents of this district with the work of their County Health Un- it. Other articles in the series will appear in future issues of Requests for appointments for chest x-rays are also received by the office staff from physicians and members of the public inter- ested in having x-rays and ap- pointment cards are mailed one week to ten days in advance of the _variops chest clinic dates. The telephone nonioers of.the York County Health Unit offices are: The Liberal.) the sanitary inspector. upon re- quest, will take the water sam- ple. After we receive the re- sults, which gnerally takes from one week to ten days. a letter of notiï¬cation is sent out to the householder giving the results, which may be either Grade 1, 2. 3 or 4. If water is graded 3 or 4 letters are sent out with instruc- tions for chlorination of the well. Every day from 8.45 to 5 pm. telephone messages are received by the office clerks from parents. family physicians, teachers. e‘tc.. requesting that Public Health Nurses visit in the homes re- gaiding particular problems. HEAR THIS! AT - mum's SALES & SERVICE Richvale, Stop 22 Yonge St. STUDEBAKER In the Low Price Field THE BIG†NEW†IS YOUR NAME ON VOTERS’ LIST? CHECK LIST AT POST OFFICE THE BIG NEWS Richmond Hill Candidates To Speak Courtesy Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce MASONIC HALL Wednesday - November 30 SEE IT NOW OPEN EVENINGS Another season of gardening and improving our land- scape has come to a close. Our home now is the im- portant thing with the cold weather coming. Have you any repairs or improvements you would like done in and aroud your home? Reasonable rates, satis- faction guaranteed. Just call TU. 4-2368 for a com- plete house maintenance, minor or major. We are also taking orders now for large tree plantings and spring work. [F YOU NEED IT WE CAN BUILD IT 216 Essex Ave. 8 RM. SHARP b ONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE WORK â€" DRAIN S 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 C. L. KNAPPETT LANDSCAPING & HOME IMPROVEMENTS Richmond Hill TURNEB’S WELDING SERVICE Parts & Accessories Radio and TeeVee Tubes Install Your Own Aerial and Save Money PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 HflME IMPROVEMENTS Gov. Certiï¬ed Richmond Hill Industrial Contractors and Household Maintenance IF YOU BREAK [T Issex Ave. WE CAN WELD [T COMPLETE STOCK TELEVISION AERIALS TU. 4-1114 TUrner 4-1591