Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Nov 1955, p. 4

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luqu-nuuu a u..- ..,_,._, On Sunday afternoon. the Youth-Adult Fellowship of the Thornhill Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. Tom Mc- Caul, Moore Park Drive. with 10 members prgsent. The diseus- , Au...- nn".'na 1 n .... The Young Life Club of the Thornhill Presbyterian Church held a skating party last Satur- day evening at Unionville Skatv ing rink. Thirty-six children took part and were transported in cats provided by the congrega- tio‘n. Following the skating. the children were brought back to the church for films, singing and refreshments. Baptismal Service On Sunday morning, Elenore Alberta and John Leonard Mor- rison. daughter and son of Mr. and sza.» Janice Leggat were I'Mâ€" ---LHI Drag- In“ AuAn. you”..- _V__,_, baptized in the Thornhill Pres- byterian church. Youth-Adult Felloyshlp ‘A-uâ€"Anâ€" "no met in nu: uuuu. u. . Caul. Moore Park Drive. with 10 members present. The discus- sion during the meeting centred around the beliefs of the Mor- mons and refreshments were set- v’ed at the close. _r Meet With_ Pregh‘ytery Com. luccu nu.- ---.._ . On Monday nigflt; av Presbytery committee from the Board of Christian Eduqation met with L-â€"- .6 4k. L4H]. I§Lluu u the session and members of the congregation of the Thornhill Presbyterian church to discuss more effective Christian educa- tion techniques. Rev. James Donald of Emanuel Presbyterian church led the team. Feature of the meeting was a panel discus- sion on the theme, “Why a Chris- tian Education Committee?" Tak- ins part in the panel were Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. Ina Hill. Mr. W. MacHue, Mr..A. Brown, Rev. J. Donaid and Rev. C. H. Cham- bars. The Late M. J: fiolinsbce a aha-u.- I. Eighteen scouts Thornhill Scout troc all-day hike last Sui the direction of Scou fred Willey. The hii en over into the May the scouts prepared during the trip. Young Life Club” r Scout Hike ll“: uutc ul- u. - v-.-.__-, Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. J. H. Timmins on the loss of her father, the late Maurice J. Follnsbee of ’Tor- onto, who died on Friday in the Toronto General Hospital. Mr. lFolinsbee was a lawyer for 43 years and a member of the Thornhlll Golf Club. TELEPHONE TU. 4-1261 Thiinhill And District N ews . . W.|. Meeting Hears Reports ’ The regular monthiy meeting ‘0! the Thornhill Women's Insti- tute was held Thursday, Novem- ber 17. in the Masonic Hall. Thornhill, with 23 members present, and the president, Mrs. Crowhurst presidigg. VAvvv-u.-- The motto was “Take off your hat to the Present and your coat to the Future". Roll call was “Where my ancestors came from and where they settled." Plans were made for a luncheon to be held in February. ... . . .#A_ new.“ ... v..- Reports on the Central Area Convention were given by Mrs. Mizen and Mrs. Sinclair. More than 700 were registered for the convention and its theme was, "Putting Culture into Agricul- ture." The main project of the convention was raising funds to equip four villages in Ceylon for .women's work centres. The pro- ject was so successful that it was reported enough money was raised to equip six villages in. stead of four. Mrs. Emprlngham. Current Ev- ents and Historical Research con- venor, gave a paper story of Yonge street as far north as Thornhill. She told how Yonge street had progressed from a mere ox-cart trail through the bush'to our present day super- highway and how population and industry had kept pace with its prggress ,. -0- ..i. The December meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. Ball and will be ,the annual Christmas pot luck luncheon BOB’S ESSO SERVICE STATION CHASSIS LUBRICATION 85 MINOR REPAIRS Yonge and Arnold AV. 5-0015 Thomh Thomhill Pharmacy C. E. Stoneburg Chemist & Druggist AV. 5250:} Yonge St. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario,:1‘hursday, November 24, 1955 Max Factor Cosmetics Prescription Service View~Master Reels Expert Drug Service Thornhill Socials Vitamins Thornhill couts of the 2nd out troop took an last Sunday under of Scoutmaster A1- The bike was tak- the Mayle area Mr! one' 7 meal Thomhill A special meeting of the Thornhill Village Trustees was called on Wednesday of last week for the purpose of meeting with officials from the Consumer’s Gas Company regarding the introduction of natural gas in the area. Present at the meeting were Trustee George Giles and Trustee Chairman John MacNeil. Representing the Con- sumer’s Gas Company were Messrs. P. W. Geldard, D. R. Mason, R. J. Zimmerman, J. C. McCarthy and O. L. Jones. Mr. Jones is General Manager and Vice-President of the company. Mr. Jones. in his brief, out- lined the history of the company and its efforts to expand into the outlying areas around Toronto. With the advent of a good supply of natural gas. he explained, the company was now abledo deaL with all Toronto consumers and begin expanding into the metro- politan area. Charge Same Rate Continuing, Mr. Jones ex- plained that in going into areas adjacent to Toronto. the firm charged the same rates as in Toronto, and therefore had in effect a system-wide rate. In stating the advantages of Nat- ural as, he added that it en- couraged industrial and residen- tial expansion and the company itself is 95% owned by Canad Trustees Hold Meeting Gas Company Officials lans. Mr. Mason explained the ag- reements and franchises which are necessary between any mun- icipality and the company. He stated that the franchise had to be agreeable to both parties and was usually standardized. It also had to be approved by the Ontario Fuel Board and was to be in force for 20 years. The fran- chise is non-exclusive. Trustees Report Complaints Trustee John MacNeil brought up the point that he had receiv- ed some complaints from Thorn- hlll residents to the effect their land had been surveyed by Con- sumer's Gas without the owner’s permission. Trustee Giles felt the matter was purely a misun- derstanding. Mr. Jones thanked the trustees for bringing the matter to their attention and stated that they will certainly do everything in their power to clear up any mis- understanding. Trustee MacNell felt the mis understanding possibly resulted from the fact ‘the company had assumed that all the Yonge St. {rentages are ‘owned by the high- ways department, whlle actually some eight frontages are priv- ately owned. _ Property Taxable In further discussion of the proposal, Mr. Jones stated that Company property'would be tax- able along With the pumping sta- tions and other installations. The company did not intend to oper- E. T. Pherrill Elected President E. T. Pherrlll was elected presl? dent of the Thornhill and Dis- trict Horticultural Society at the annual meeting held in Thorn- hill United'Church Hall on Tues- day, November 15 Other officers and directors elected were Past President. R. C. Poulter; lst Vice president. Allan Sumner; 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. J. Bridges; Directors. Mrs. Dolan. Mrs. W. J. Lennox, Mrs. P. Bone, Mrs. B. Heslop E. Kohler, P. Delf, Mr. R. Henley, Mr. C. William- son, Mr. L. J. Smith, Mr. R. Whatley . Mr. R. Whatley was chairman of the Nominations Committee. Horticultural Society Holds Annual Meeting The society has had one of the most successful years in its his- tory the retiring president. R. C. Poultqr, said in his report. “Our membership totals 210â€" whlch is slightly more than last year. This is about up to the limit of our capacity so far as our place of meeting is concern- ed." He added. “We have been meeting each month with a good attendance and have held month- ly director's meetings.” Sound Financial Position Mr. Poulter stated that the club was in a sound financial position and that the member- ship fee of $1.00 was quite low considering the many benefits received. “Entries in all shows this year totalled 1,275 as com- gaged to 1,040 last year," he ad'- e . Mr; Poulter went on to outline the year's work" including the annual August show,. the entries in the Canadian National Exhib- ition. the prize lists and other functions and events during the year. He added that there had been two garden visits during the year, one to the garden at Shoul- dice Surgery and to the James Gardens. Only poor weather had prevented further such visits, he stated. The club held a number of plant sales during the 'year, .Mr. Poulter reported. These pro- vided a source of first class ma- terial at moderate cost. ply phone TU: 4-1261. Tbe Liberal [3 always pleased to publish items 0! Interest contributed by It. render: In the Thornhlll ure- . . . . In order thlt your items may appear in The leeru elm- WEDNESDAY November 30 ate on an absentee owner basis, he added. Local men will act as company representatives in each area. Trustee Giles asked if the dis- tribution line went through to Richmond Hill it would mean that the areas on each side of Yonge would get gas. Mr. Geldard re- plied that every street in the area would have natural gas it it was found to be economi 11y feasible. A survey would be ak- en of the residents to determine if they are intrested. If so a fee- der main would be laid. No Franchise Needed Since the company has a fran chise from both the townships of Markham and Vaughan, one will not be required from the village of Thornhill. However the com- pany is anxious to let the Trus- tees know of its plans. ' In closing. Mr. Jones suggest- ed to the trustees that the com- pany could send a circular to each resident in the area, similar to that sent to Richmond Hill resi- dents. The circular would ex- plain in detail the Consumer’s Gas Company and its effect and advantages on the area. A sug- gestion was also made that a rep- resentative of the group give a talk to the Thornhlll Lions Club. PrOgress L Thornhill High School A Beautification Committee The beautification committee continued its work in Thornhill Park, said Mr. Poulter. A num- ber of trees and shrubs were planted as well as two beds of annuals. The beautification com- mittee will next meet with the Thornhlll Lions Park committee to discuss the relationship of the two groups and plans for next year. In explaining the purpose of the group, Mr. Poulter stated, “The major function of our so- ciety is to provide advice and assistance in developing park properties and generally in beau- tifying r Thornhill and district}: In closing, Mr. Poulter paid tribute to the various members of the society who had helped throughout the year. He made special mention of the two jud- ges. Mr. Kohler and Mr'. Delf as well as the secretary, Mrs. James and the treasurer. Dr. A. R. Scott. Dr. A. R. Scott, treasurer of the society, presented an interim report which showed the finances of the society to be in a very healthy condition. Mr. R. Healey gave a report on the meeting of District No. 15 of the Ontario Horticultural Society at which Mr. St. Clair Tennant was re-elected director. Mr. Tenlnant described the organiza- tion and constitution of the OHA which now has 200 member so- cieties with 40,000 members. Fol- lowing the reports and the elec- tion of officers which was con- ducted by Mr. Tennant, the chairman of the Prize Committee E. T. Pherrili. took charge and the prizes won Dy members dur- ing the year were awarded. A particularly interesting feat- ure of the meeting was the dis. play of seventeen floral arrange- ments using dried materials. These strikingly beautiful ar- rangements had been made up by a talented member of the so- ciety, Mrs. L. J. Smith who also gave much practical advice on creating such arrangements and the selection and preparation of Work on the Thornhill High School is progressing favorably with the south wing almost completely en- closed and the brick work is being done on the interior. The brick work on the gym- nasium has been completed and work is being done pre- paratory to laying the floor. Heating, plumbing and elec- trical work is in the final stages of completion and the water mains connection with the supply in North York have been laid and connect- The landscaping has been fully completed behind the school and a fresh layer of green grass has emerged with the whole grounds be- ing enclosed by a new steel chain-mesh (ence. mat rials $1,583 Surplus Reported A.R.C. Annual Meeting On Tuesday evening, the Thornhill Area Recreation Committee held its annual meeting in the Baptist Church hall in Thornhill with a good crowd in attendance. Features of the meeting were the presentation of the annual report by Chairman R. C. Poulter, the treasurer’s report by Wal- ter Smook and the re-election of Mrs. Margaret Grant and election of Mr. Keith Richan to the committee. _ Chairman R. C. Poulter open- er the meeting with a number of quotations from the constitution to familiarize those present with the working and set-up of the committee. The purpose of the committee, he stated. was for the establishment of a commun- ity program of cultural, educa- tional, physical and social re- creation. Elect Mrs. M. Grant - K. Richan Charman Pouiter reported a very successful year and a busy one for both the committee and staff. Regular meetings were held and several special meet- ins as well as hours of planning and work. Mr. Poulter stateii, “While our biggest activity was the swim- ming pool and its extensive swimming and instructional proâ€" gram. we also supported the playground program, Thornhill Daub and Sketch Club, Thornhill Swimming Club, baseball, rink. park maintenance and provision for picnics and similar events." Pool Activity Increase In outlining the pool activity ‘of the year, Mr. Poulter stated the attendance was about 35% over last year, with 200 initial private registrations and a total registration of 2,680 and a 72% attendance. In the life saving classes, approximately 30 were registered at all ieVels with 23 winning certificates and medal- lions. In the general swimming program 5_10 awards were made. “Several special events were held during the year, including a swim meet just after the pool opened, another swim-meet in August and again in September. In the latter program the Ontar- io one-meter diving champion- ships were held in the afternoon and the Thornhill Annual Swim Meet in the evening. The highâ€" light of the season was a water ballet put on by the Thornhill Swimming Club under the dir- ectlon of Mrs. M. Warren," said Mr. Poulter. Ensure Pool Safety Chairman Poulter reported that two public meetings were held at which plans were laid for tennis courts. At present. the courts are still under con- struction but they are expected to be ready by next year. "I sug- gest 3 Tennis Club be formed during the winter so that every- thing will be ready for the spring,” said Mr. Poulter. Outlines Winter Program . Due to the large crowds at the pool, great care was taken throughout the season to ensure complete safety. A third guard tower was added. a modern re- suscitator was on hand and the water was kept in good condition at all times. For the winter program, Mr. Poulter stated the committee had a number of suggestions under consideration, including music appreciation, skating, dance in- struction and dancing, and a charm school. ' gest 3 Tennis Club be formed during the winter so that every- thing will be ready for the spring,” said Mr. Poulter. Outlines Winter Program For the winter program, Mr. Poulter stated the committee had a number of suggestions under consideration, including music appreciation, skating, dance in- struction and dancing, and a charm school. ' In conclusion, Mr. Poulter sta- Elections followed next, to replace two members of commit- tee. Mrs. Margaret Grant and Mr. W. D. Balfour, whose terms of office were completed. Nomin- ations were called for and Mrs. Margaret Grant, Mr. Keith Ri- chan and Mrs. G. W. Stratton were nominated. The results of the elections that followed gave the two posts to Mr. Keith Rich- an and Mrs. Margaret Grant. Refreshments followed the ted that the ABC. has met with close of the meeting. Thornhill Lions See Film And Magic Show The Thornhill and District Lions Club met on Monday night with a good crowd in attendance. The meeting was under the di- rection of the program commit- tee under the chairmanship of Lion Art Dowker and a fine evening's entertainment was ar- ranged by them. The proceedings started with a short talk by Mr. Ivan Startup of the Canadian Cancer Society who explained the effects. caus- es and types of Cancer as_ well as the seven danger signals that could mean cancer. Following his talk, a short color and sound film, entitled “Man Alive" was shown and was well enjoyed by those present. The next item of entertainment was the presentation of the two magicians, Bill and Kay Arnott who kept the group well enter- tained with slight-of-hand and numerous tricks of illusion. At the business meeting that followed, President Hal Harley reported that last Wednesday's Bingo, held in Thornhill Farm‘ er's Market, lost money. He asked that member Lions discuss the event with their friends and try to énduce a larger crowd to at- ten . Five letters were read by the corresponding secretary, includ- ing one from the Doncaster com- munity Ladies club and Doncaster Ratepayer‘s Association thanking the Lions club for their $15 do- nation 7 towards? their picnic. President Hal Harley reported that Lion Jack Bentham had been married the previous Saturday in Nova Scotia. A congratulatory telegram had been sent to him and arrangements were made to welcome him on his return early the Thornhill Lions Park Com- mittee and agreed to co-operate to the best of their ability. A further meeting is to be held at which the ARC. would present a definite proposal which would state the actual form of such co- operation. Treasurer’s Report In the treasuf‘er's report. which was presented by Walter Smook, it was shown that whereas the committee had a deficit of $327. last year, this year they showed a surplus of $1,583.00. The gross revenue from the swimming pool was shown to be $19,374, and with the addition of grants, this figure was brought to $22.- 074. Expenditures were listed at $18,406, leaving the net reven- ue from the pool at $3,667. The various non-revenue operations were listed at $1,911, leaving a balance of $1,583. In the revenue breakdown com- parisons, Mr. Smook showed that general admissions for the pool totalled $12,909 compared with $8,334 the previous year. The total revenue from the pool for this year was $19,374 compared with $13,072 in 1954. Total paid attendance at the pool during the season, exclusive of season tickets for 1954 was 35,728 and for this year was 47,833. Including $150.00 Jackpot Every Week DOOR PRIZES After some discussion of this report, Chairman Poulter called upon Mrs. Margaret Grant, past president of the Thornhill Sketch and Daub club, to give her re- port on the club's operation. Mrs. Grant reported a very suc- cessful year for the group. Mr. J. Eilbeck Following the presentation of this report, Mr. Jack Eilbeck of the Community Program branch of the Department of ducation, gave a short talk to he group. Mr. Eilbeck prophesied that the new Thornhill High School would be the main recreational centre for the village. He proposed that it be used for night school work and suggested that the A.R.C. establish a liaison with the High School Board to plan out the fu~ ture use of the school's facili- ties for the use of the commun- ity . Mr. Eilbeck stated that he had heard rumors of a group trying to promote minor hockey in Thornhill. He stated .that such a program would be ideal for the A.R.C. to undertake and suggest- ed that if artificial ice was the drawback, they could rent the Richmond Hill Arena. Nominations and Elections in December‘ President Harley also announc- ed that the annual Lions club scholarship had been presented to Geo. PUtnam at the Thorn- hill High School’s Commence- ment exercises the previous Fri- day. The scholarship consists of $50 now and a further $50 in May. President Harley stated that in conversation with High School officials he had learned that the new Thornhill High School would require a grand piano and that such would be an ideal project for the Lions club. “It is a project to look forward to, as we will probably get a request for it." It was announced that last year the winners of the school area field day had been presented with crests and badges by the Lions club. A request had been received from one of the teach- ers that this year’s winners re- ceive the same and the matter was to be looked into. The subject of holding 3 Lions church parade came up for dis‘ cussion and president Hal I-l‘arley stated that it had been held in previous years and would be a good idea if held again. A vote was taken on the idea and it passed unanimously. The parade will be held within the next two or three Sundays in co-operation with the Thornhill Anglican church. ‘ , Lion Nels Findlay made a mo- tion that the Thornhill High School football team be the guests at a Lion dinner in honor of their winning the COSSA football title in their first year as a team. Lion Nels Findlay promised to look after the event. $300.00 In PRIZES Good Crowd At Dedication United Church Parsonage White mums, gladioli and can-‘ dies served as decorations last Wednesday night for the dedica- tion of the new Thornhill United Church parsonage. Over 150 were present Wednesday night for the service and open house and 50 came the next day when the house was again openn Rev. E. B. Eddy and Mrs. Eddy received the guests and Mrs. Eddy was gown- ed in black with an orchid cor- sage. Taking the dedication service was Rev. A. C. Huston, Victoria Square, Chairman of the Toronto Centre Presbytery. Assisting him in the candle-lighting and fire-lighting service were Dr. E. N. Meuser and Mr. Grenville Lunau. Rev. E. B. Eddy also as- sisted_ for the service. New House And Furnishings Greetings were brought by Rev. C. H. Chambers on behalf of the Thornhill District Minis- terial Association and Mrs. G. S. Gardner brought greetings on be- half of the Toronto Centre Pres- bytery Woman's Association. Ac- companying her was Mrs. J. H. Bracken, parsonage convenor of the Toronto Conference Wom- an’s Association. Pouring tea after the dedica- tion were members of the church organization and they included Mrs. W. R. Linton; Mrs. T. Bar- row, president of the Woman's Association: Mrs. I. Ford, presi- dent of the W.M.S.; Mrs. K. Duncan, president of the W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary; Mrs. Don Da- vidson; Mrs. N. L. Morton, pres- ident of the choir; and from Carr- viile Presbytery Mrs. J. Baker, president of the W.A. and Mrs. A. Read of the parsonage commit- tee. Members of the various church organizations assisted. in the Selkirk Subdiv‘féib‘nf‘r‘hve house was bought at a cost of SNOW PLOUGHING The new parsonage Vigigvgfénd- new home with new furnishings §itu§ted~oxl Tharp Heights Drive With the increased growth of the area and the plans for incorporation of the village. considerable interest has been aroused in c'vic affairs, and other individuals may step forward to announce their intentions. JACK JARVIS 29 BENSON AVE. TUrner 4-2111 Thornhill Nominations Tonight RICHMOND HILL SCHOOL TRUSTEES â€"FORâ€" NASHVILLE & COLERAINE SCHOOL AREA Please Note Change of Tie J. M. MCDONALD, Returning Officer NOMINATED?! MEETING VAUGi-‘IAN TOWNSHIP Township Memorial Hall " (VELLORE) mum, novmnna 25 â€"FORâ€" VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Dr. E. N. Meuser Tells Story* Of Overseas Missionary Work .. Born in Elmwood, Bruce Coun- ty, Central Ontario, Dr. Mauser attended public school in the vicinity of Malcolm and attended high school in Chesley. Follow- ing high school. he attended the Ontario College of Pharmacy. graduating in 1904. Upon his graduation, he worked for sev- eral years in a drug store in Chesley and managed the Elm- wood drug store for a short time. Next. Dr. Meuser attended the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago for a special training course in Missionary work. Upon complet- ion of this course, he left for West China in the fall of 1909 under the auspicies of the Amer- ican Methodist Episcopal Church. His duties were to do hospital. dispensary and general medical work for that mission in Chung- king. He arrived late in‘De- Dr. E. N. Meuser, retired overseas missionary-phar- macist can well be proud. of the long years of dedication and service he has performed in alleviating suffering and raising the standards of the people of China. $19,000 and $3.300 was spent on furnishing It. The furnishings were 111' charge of the Thornhill Woman's Association with Mrs. __ -.... -wuunn " I. A'AAD- T. Barrow, president. The par- sonage committee was in charge of Mrs. Percy Bone. $1,000 was guaranteed by the Woman's As- sociation toward the cost of the furnishings. A thankoffering contribution by the members of the church provided another $1,400, and the rest was donated by the committee of stewards. Special contributidhs came from the Thornhill Ladies' Guild who provided drapes for the new home, Thornhill Sunday School who donated a fire place screen and Carrville United Church. Numerous floral ar~ rangements decorated the home for the dedication, including a lovely basket of flowers from the Thornhill District Lions Club. _V-_._ ~--I~--vu “Iv-In vAuIJ. Rev. and Mrs. Eddy were hon- ored to have their complete fam- ily present for the occasion. Pres- ent were Douglas and his wife from Oakville, Helen and her husband from Clarkson, Betty from Mount Dennis and Bever- ley, Stewart and Sherwood at home. The new parsonage, which Rev. ’Mr. Eddy and his family moved into last week-end, is their third home since coming to Thomhill. Upon arrival, they stayed at the home of Willard Simpson on Yonge street. Or. September 1, they moved to the home of S. Findlay, 10 Centre .Street. Originally. the intention. was to build a new parsonage on the recently acquired United Church property behind the new Thorn- hlll High School. However, a deed restriction prevented this. A second suggestion was for the re-buildlng of the old parsonage on Yonge street, but as the build- ing is over 80 years old, the cost was found to be prohibitive. Time has almost expired for orders on weaving and knitting for Christmas. Articles too numerous to mention. 4 Weeks to Christmas Thornhill AV. 5-1633 La Grove Handicrafts at the AND 8 PM. - Farmers Market '1‘ H 0 R N H I I. L Thomhill Lions Club cember of that year‘ In 1911 he moved to Shanghai due to the threat of war in that area, but returned to Chengtu ln 1912 where he helped to equlp, service and staff a new hospital. In due time a training school for nurses was organized in the hospital dhd Dr. Meuser taught the courses to the students. ~ - Dr. Meuser was married in 1913 to Miss Edna M. Speers who went to China in 1908 as a member of the Women’s Mis- sionary Society. Realizing that he was the only pharmacist west of Nanking and was serving a population of 250 million people, Dr. Meuser organized a depart- ment of Pharmacy in the West China Union University. The department developed and con- tinued until by 1950 there were 262 graduate pharmacists. Besides his other work and service, Dr. Meuser also wrote and translated a number of pharmacy books as there were none in China when he arrived. Dr. Meuser feels that the motto and purpose of‘his career in China was “training Christian ethical pharmacists in a Christ- ian.ethlcal way for the benefit of the people". Throughout'the whole-period he stressed serv- ice before monetary gain and was proud of the staff and eo- ple he worked with and the ar- monious relationship that was developed. Dr. Meuser headed the depart- ment of Pharmacy at the West China University until 1949 and in 1950. following the Communist domination of ’T‘flna, Dr. Meus- er returned to Canada for th last time. t During the period 1909 to 1950 while in service as a Missionary- pharmacist Dr. Meuser enjoyed four furloughs. The first was from 1925 to 1931. During that - from 1825 to 1931. During that period. he was in Regina when he was notified of a political up- heaval in China and there- fore he accepted a temporary. teaching job on the staff of the A University of Saskatchewan Col- lege of Pharmacy. In-1931 he resigned that job to return to China, leaving his‘wife and-child- ren behind in Canada. ' ' He returned again to Canada in 1937 and stayed until 1939 when he went back to China. This time he was accompanied by his wife and son George. He left his daughters, Margaret, Helen and Dorothy behind to continue school in Canada. His last fur- lough was during the period 1945-47 and he returned home to retire in the summer of 1950. At present, Dr. Meuser is in semi-retirement and takes part in an occasional speaking efigag'e- ment. He and his wife live on Woodward Avenue in WilloWdale where they have resided since 1951. 2nd ThornhiH Scout Anniversary Last Thursday, November 17. the 2nd Thornhlll Scout Troop celebrated Its first an- niversary as a scout troop. The celebration was held in Henderson Ave. School and a good crowd was in attend- ance. Two presents were giv- en to the troop, one from B pack cubs was presented by a number of the cubs and consisted of a lantern. The group committee game the troop a volleyball wlth Mr. Bert Eagles making the pre- sentation. Following the usual games: and activities, the scout mo- thers auxiliary served ~the boys refreshments. Those 0;: the auxiliary that served re- freshments included Mrs.. Davis, Mrs. Scarf, Mrs. Mac- allum. Mrs. Calvert, Mrs. Jeens and Mrs. Anderson.

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