‘ RICHMOND mu. LIONHALL ‘ Monday, Nov. 28 ‘ RICHMOND HILL . . The Men's Club of St. Mary's Anglican Church is meeting to- night (Thursday) at 8.15 pm. The meeting will take the form of a talk on the layout of the Church and the meaning of its appointments, an open question I'box, ï¬lm and the annual election of officers. A social hour will follow this meeting. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill 8; District Unit For information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-1494 Thomhili AV. 5-1365 Maple AV. 5-2908 The Conï¬rmation Series being presented by Rev. A. A. Chote on Sunday evenings will be brought to a close this Sunday with the showing of the ï¬lm “For Every Child 3 Faith in God". The annual visit oflthe Bishop is to be Sunday evening. December 4. when the Conï¬rmation Service will take place. Factory Traiï¬Ã©d Technicihns Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lazar‘of Richmond Hill attended the Ra dio and TV Stars Banquet at the Royal York Hotel last Thursday evening, Mr. Lazar. who is cur- rently heard on the radio pro- gramme “Songs of My People". took part in the programme fol- lowing the dinner. 90% Of all repairs made in the home We specialize in Sales & Service to the following: Admiral RCA On Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. the Hon. Justice J. L. Mac- Lennan is to be the guest speak- er at the Teen-age Bible Class at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. The parents of the teen-agers- are invited to attend this special monthly meeting. General Electric Westinghouse Phillips Hallicrafter Marconi Electroh ome Fairbanks-Morse County App. Co. Ltd. Richmond Hill teen-agers were seen over a national TV hook-up Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 4.30 pm. Future appearances are scheduled for the same time the next two weeks. Tuesday. Novem- ber 29 and December 6. Miss Anne Stephenson of Richmond Hill has received exâ€" cellent reviews on her perform- ance in the production of The Messiah at Kingston last week. Critics have been high in their praise of Miss Stephenson's voice particularly the clarity in the upper registers. It is just a little over four weeks until Christmas. Personal greetings are very popular this year and some very beautiful cards are for sale at The Liberal Office. Don’t delay â€" order to- day. Priced from $2.95 up for twenty-ï¬ve. A. J. BARRACLOUGH Frames Kin: SIdonul AV. 5-2149 BA. 1-1384 Service Call $3.50 Store Fixmres 6186 Yonge St. WILLOWDALE Unlonville 239 The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations, women‘s and men's societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desir- able to have it in earlier if poasible to ensure its publication. Kitchen Cabinets OAK REC-IS CARD 0]“ THANKS NEAR â€" We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, beautiful flowers and messages of sympathy received from neigh- bours. relatives and friends dur- ing the illness and loss of a dear husband and father: especially to thank Rev. A. A. Chote for his consoling words. also thanking Dr. W. Cameron Cowan, Margaret 4Peggy) Near and son VAN DYKE -â€" In loving mem- ory of Florence F. Van Dyke. who passed away October 29, 1950. You lett sweet memories to blos- som, Bearing fruit for the years to come, In the lives of those who loved you Precious memories of days that are gone. -â€"7 Ever remembered by hus- band and family. *lw21 CARD 0!" THANKS During the recent celebration of our lï¬ftieth wedding anniver- sary we received lovely gifts and flowers from churches and indivi- iduals. also a great many letters and beautiful cards. To all who remembered us with their kind wishes we express our sincere and grateful thanks. May God bless you all. ‘ â€"’ Ever remembered and sadly missd by daughter Thora. *1w21 CARLYLE â€" In lovi'nil memory of Norman Carlyle w 0 passed away November 30. 1952. He bade no one his last farewell, He said good-bye to none. The heavenly gates were opened, A loving voice said "Come". We often sit and think of youI The things you had to say, We wonder why, you had to die, Without a chance to say good-by. â€" Ever remembered by George and Nellie Rich. *1w21 LILLEY â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father. Charles Lilley, who passed a- way November 16, 1952. -â€" Always remembered by his wife, Mildred and family. *1le Mr. F. B. Titshall and the Can- adian Legion wish to thank the Richmond Theatre management for their kindness to the Poppy Day Canvassers. c1w21 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Angus Smith and family express their sincere thanks to friends of Richmond Hill and District for their kindness and sympathy during their recent be- reavement in the loss of a loving husband and father. c1w21 In memoriam's ALLEN â€" In loving memory of Martha Mary Allen. who pass- ed away November 25, 1954. Dear Mother, you are not for- gotten, Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us. As you never were before. CARD 0!" THANKS Sugar and Spice Club met at the home of Miss M. Murphy last Thursday evening with a full at- tendance. Winners at euchre were Mrs. M. Styan. Mrs. W. Turner, Mrs. G. Fenwick. Host- esses of the evening were Mrs. D. Saul and Mrs. G. Fenwick. The Richmond Hill Commun- ity Swing held a regular dance at the High School on November 4 when plans were announced for future activities. New members welcomed included Mrs. B. Cain- ey and Mrs. G. Kirkpatrick. MATTHEWS 9-â€" Mr. and Mrs. Harold Matthews wish to anâ€" nounce the birth of a son. . Nov.»22. 1955, at Newmarket Hospital. clw21 Looking forward to Christmas shopping. remember that a year’s subscription to The Liberal makes an ideal and acceptable gift. Sash General Woodworking C. E. and Mrs. Fockler TU. 4-2550 TU. 4-255. c1w21 On November 17, the Richmond Hill Naturalists met in the Music Room of the Richmond Hill Dis- trict High School to hear Joe Barfoot. who. 'as a member of the Federation of Ontario Natural- ists and the Toronto Field Natur- alists. is highly qualiï¬ed to speak on natural history. He told of his originalaversion to snakes and then on learning more of their habits and habitats became suf- ï¬ciently interested in them to make a study of reptiles. Some Excellent Koflachromes of snakes commonly found in Southern Ontario ‘were shown. Mr. Bar- foot's other interests are varied and one of them is ceramics. Both he and Mrs. Barfoot have studied this craft and brought Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride was gow- ned in heavy white bridal satin. The skirt was covered with layâ€" ers of net and French lace and ended in a short train. The ï¬tted bodice had a bateau neckline and lily-point sleeves and was sewn with rhinestones and seed pearls. Her full-length veil was caught to a coronet of pearls and rhine- stones. She carried white roses with a detachable corsagc of pur- ple orchids. Miss Stephanie Poiyniak was maid of honour, bridesmaids were Misses Vera Foyko, Dorothy Hryb, Josephine Re'nosiewicz, El- aine Primok and Adeline Dom- eracki. Junior bridesmaid was Miss Caroline Iwanciow and flow- ergirl was Miss Ruth Kowalchuk. The maid of honour was gowned An attractive Fall wedding was held in Richmond Hill United Church on Saturday, November 19, 1955. when Jennie Iwanciow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanâ€" ley Iwanciow of Richmond Hill became the bride of Mr. Stefan walter Polyniak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Polyniak of Tor- onto. The service was conduct- ed by Reverend C. G. Higginson, against a background of white Chrysanthemums. Mr. H. G. Fowler was organist. The Scouts in the new Rover Crew are pleased about their new leader, Mr. Robert Butler of Bayview Ave. who has taken on the job of being the guiding hand in the crew's activities. Mr. Butler has had consider- able experie‘nce in boys' work and athletics and he certainly has the personality and ability to make a ï¬ccess of his part of the effort. he Rover Crew has yet to arrange a regular meeting night. but in the meantime their arrangements for a meeting place 399 progressing. Mr. Grin- nell of Yonge St. South has been good enough to donate chairs and other furniture for the crew's use. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Turner are pictured cutting the wedding cake at the reception following their marriage last month at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. The bride is the former CatherineRodger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Rodger, Richmond Hill, and the groom is the son of Mrs. F. Turner of Toronto. Polyniak - Iwanciow Nuptials Nov. 19 In R. H. United Church In charge of the initiation was Kin Eric McQuaig, bast national co-ordinator, and a member of North York Kins- men Club. At the last regular meet- ing of Richmond Hill Kins- men Club, two new members were initiated. Joining the club were Jim Shephard and Satyen Basu. Initiation Yeremonies SCOUt 8‘ Cub News Turner - Rodger - BINGO- Nature N olés By Richmond some of their ï¬nished pieces with them. The clay for several of these was found in the Terra Cotta district, where the Bar- foots have a cottage. A ï¬eld trip for birding to Glendon Hall, Bayview. is plan- ned for Sunday afternoon, Nov- ember 27, at 1.30 p.m. The meeting place is Wright and Yonge Sts. For travelling, the bride chose a navy blue suit with black ac- cessories, and a muskrat jacket, with the corsage of purple or- chids from her wedding bouquet. On their return froni the U11- ited States, the couple will live in Toronto. Out-of-town guests were from Detroit, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Montreal and Manitoba. Dr. Lillian Langstaff is in charge of the Richmond Hill and District Christmas bird census. It is expected to take place on Monday, December 26. Will vol- unteers contact Dr. Lillian Lang- stafl? in ice-blue net over taffeta in ballerina style with matching halo and pink roses. The other attendants wore ballerina style gowns of sky-blue net over taf- feta with matching halos and carried red roses. The best man was Mr. John Korbick. Ushers were Messrs. Lou Kirlick, Walter Donchak, John Manskie, William Dymon, Peter Ksenech and Douglas Mc- Ewen. For the reception at St. Cyril and Methody Hall, the bride’s mother received in a floor-length gown of smoke blue net over nylon, sewn with rhinestones and pearls. She chose light blue accessories and a corsage of camellias. She was assisted by the groom’s mother wearing a ballerina-length gown of smoke- blue net over taffeta with white accessories and a corsage of ca- mellias. Hill Naturalists Wellington served with the Auxiliary Force at Eglinton Ave.. Toronto, during the summer and in September was transferred to the per- manent force. Wellington Bourne. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bourne, Bathurst Street, is now sta- tioned with the RCAF at Whitehorse. Yukon. His move to the Yukon followed an eight week stint at St. John's. Quebec. Transferred To Yukon â€" Lagerquist Studio RICHMOND BILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. ED. SUNDAY, {OVEMBER 27. 1955 9.45 8.111. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Morning Service “Mature Religion and Repent- ance" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service “Forsaking Worldliness' Adult Bible Class 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service Speaker : Mr. Colin Anderson Tues. 8 pm. â€"- Prayer and Bible Study led by Mr. Colin Anderson Wed. 8 pm. : Women’s Prayer meeting Fri. 7.30-8.15 â€"â€" Happy flour for boys and girls “Behold I stand at the door and knock; it any man hear My voice, and open the door. I will come in to him, and will sup with him. and he with me." Rev. 3:20. 'RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Mlnis‘er SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1955 11 am. â€" Worship Service 81'. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rev. A. A. Chote. B.A.. 3.111. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1955 lst In Advent “I will come again and receive you unto myself" 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Holy Baptism and Litâ€" any Rev. A. A. ote 11 am. â€" Junior ongregation 2 pm. â€" Teen-age Bible Class Hon. Justice J. L. MacLennan 4 p.m. â€"â€" Holy Baptism 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer ‘For Every Child a Faith in God ' MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald, M.C., Minister SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1955 Hope â€" 9.30 and 10.30 Maple â€" 10.15 and 11.30 Edgeley â€" 1.30 and 2.30 Church St. Lanutafl Minister Rev. Wm. H. Hiltz, ILA. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1955 11 am. -â€" Bibw School Classes for all ages 7 p.m. â€" Evangelistic Service ' Soloist â€" Mrs. Whiting Tues., 8 pm. â€" Young People's Wed. 8 p.111. â€" PrayeI Meeting Thurs. 1 pm. â€"â€" Women’s Miss- ionary Fellowship Fri. 7.30 pm. - Teen-Age Meet- ing Motion Piéture Sermon NOTE -â€" Men's Club. Thurs., Nov. 24 Conï¬rmation Service - Sunday. December 4 Annual Visit of Bishop of Toron- to The two marks of a Christian are: Giving and Forgiving! TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thornhlll Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1955 8 a.m. â€"â€"Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion (WA. Corporate Communion) Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Nursery Dept. 10 am. â€" Sunday School Ind Adult Bible Class Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Corner of Elmwood and Buggies Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML, 9 a.m., Sunday SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1955 3 pm. -â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Rally. This is Temperance Sunday and the pastor will bring a message on this theme. -â€" Classes for all ages. 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship -â€" The. Pastor preaching 7.30 pm. -â€" Evangelistic â€" Rev. A. A. Wilson. guest speaker 8.30 â€" Pictures of Mission Work in Africa shown by Rev. Wilson â€" Be sure to come and bring a friend. Temp. Location â€" SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1955 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Â¥ and Church School RICHVALE CHAPEL Oak'Avenue SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1955 9.45 a.m. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 a.m. â€" Sunday School and RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Pasht -â€" R. H. Galbraith SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1955 10 am. â€" Bible School THOBNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. Earl B. Eddy, THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. 1!. Chambers. B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1955 11 mm. â€"â€" Sermon “The Spirit Filled Church" 7.30 pm. â€"-The Young Life Club will take part in a youth Rally a't Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto FRI., 7 pm. â€" Children's Happy Hour Worship Service at 11 am. “Lord. I have loved the_ habita- tion of Thy House, and the place where Thy honour dwelleth." (Psa. 26:8) ‘ THORNHILL "" BAPTIST CHURCH (Yonge Street. Stop 17) Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A., B. Th" Minister. .12, HU. 1-3142) SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1955 Maéonic Hall, 15 Yonge St. N. “Where welcome is more than a word" (5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto Sunday School meets at 10 & 11 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH LANGSTAFF‘ BAPTIST CHURCH $500.00 STARTING TIMI: - 8 RM. JACKPOT ' 60 NumbersCalled A welcome to all IZK/flo (2 miles somh of anle) SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1955 Church Service Sunday School CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy, B.A.. B.D.. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1955 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service ST. JOHN‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH - OAK RIDGES (Yonge St. at Jefferson) Morning Prayer 11.15 am Evening Prayer 7 pm Holy Communion: Fourth Sundays at 11.15 am. Second Sundays at 7 pm. CHURCH OF CHRIST Mutiny 111 Concord School Home Bach Lord’s Du evening at 7 p.211. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Matthew 15:13 â€" Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not plgnted. shall be rooted up. (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. B. Th. RICHVALE- LANGSTAFF AREA SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1955 ls! In Advent “Suffer the little children to come unto me" 9.45 am. â€"‘ Sunday School classes Meets every Sunday morning at 9.45 am. in the Charles Howitt School 11 am. a: 7 pm. â€"- Services in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Richmond Hill NOTE -â€" All the children of the Richvaleâ€"Langstaff area are in- vited to attend this Mission Sun- day School. will be received up until Thursday. December 1, by the undersigned. The third instalment of the current year’s taxes is due Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after with Rev. Norman Pipe. 1955 President of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Ca ada, and 23 years pastor of Bethe Baptist Church, Simcoe. “COMMUNITY FOR CHRIST†CAMPAIGN SUN., NOV. 27 - SUN. DEC. 4 SUNDAY. ‘NOVEMBER' 27. 1955 10'to 10 â€" Sunday School 11-a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship The pastor speaks on Romans 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evangelistic Service Rev. Norman Pipe, the Church choir, Pastors’ piano duet. solos. Nov. 28-Dec. 2 Week-Night Ser- vices at 7.30 pm. Monday; Sunday School night, with the Jr. choir singing Tuesday: Young People’s Night with the adult choir & solos Wednesday: Church Night. The Oakwood Male Quartette Thursday: Ladies’A Night.r The Speciï¬cations and require- ments may be received from the Chief Constable at the Police Offices. Village of Richmond Hill Clerk, Russell Lynett church choir and La'dies' Trior. Saturday: See Billy Graham 1n “Souls in Conflict." at 7 and 9 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. BARNABAS‘ MISSION Sponsored by NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH 1 block east of stop lights Stop 128 SAME DAY SERVICE Oak Ridges Ontario Tenders for Four Police Uniforms Open 7 11.111. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Agencies NOVEMBER 15 RELIANCE SERVICE STATION DECEMBER 5 Radio â€" Washer Repair Sonic. Clerk, Richmond Hill Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 R. LYNETT, THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 24, 1955 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS Specializing in Ignition Work, Electric & Acetylene Welding TUNE-UPS 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE STOP 24 A YONGE ST., Richmond Hill TU. 4~1242 One junior office clerk, female, for hydro department. ' For further information as to duties, etc., apply to the undersigned. The Village of Richmond Hill will re- ceive applications for the following positions up until December I: One meter reader for water and hy- dro department. One clerk, male, for office of the treasurer. Help Wanted The Markham Township Federation of Ag- riculture announces the meeting to which the candidates for election in Markham Township will be invited to speak, at Refreshment Tickets at the Door Western Music At Its Best COMMUNITY HALL, MAPLE JAMBOREE SPONSORED BY Kinettes Richmond Hill ON SATURDAY, NOVEMER 26 AT 2 PM. Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill Rummage Sale RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk EVERY SUNDAY 8.30 D.m. BUTTONVILLE HALL, THUSDAY, DECEMBER 1 at 8 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME DON McINTOSH, President STUART WATSON, Secretary FRANK’S GARAGE PUBLIC MEETING HOME TOWN