W. S. COOK, Edit†The week previously the& ousted Grimsby 29 to 5 in the semi-ï¬nals. A-great deal of credit is also due to the team coach, J. Turchin. who en- couraged the boats on to win this year’s top honours. Although the win is an excellent achievement‘in itself, it is an even greater achievement in the light of Congratulations are certainly the order of the week to the Thornhill High School’s ï¬rst Senior Football team for its ï¬ne showing in bringing the Central Ontario Secondary School Association Senior B championship to the district. Overcoming the disadvantages of a sloppy ï¬eld and the strong opposition, the local champs moved to top place with a 12-6 victory over Whitby on November 19. POI GRANDHA'S BEDROOM FOR HOW mom -_°_._ v With government becoming more and more centralized in this area, local autonomy has dwindled to a minimum. For this reason it is essential that rot- ers in the area give as much support as possible to the candidates of their choice at election time and to the school board and municipal council throughout the year. Although most people are concerned about their taxes in these days of mounting costs there is still this surprising and alarming lack of in- PO! “OI HER ROOA “ PM FATHER’S WOW ber 5. The right to vote was a long hard struggle, an men and women dedicated their lives to gain this right as one of the basic freedoms. It is unfortunate that year by year, Canadians generally become less and less interested in the local affairs of their communities, and voters become apathetic about their right and duty. As in the past we are again urging the people of the district to get out and vote at municipal elections on Decem- um- LIBERA‘E, Rléflinond Hm, Ontiï¬q, Thï¬rsaaif‘, Deéemï¬er I, 1955 “Authorized as second class w An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 Subscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5( Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association T. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher THE “Ll. TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ZED: liberal Congratulations Telephone TUrner 4-1261 mail, Post Ofl'ice Department, Ottawa†'* Inquire about coloured telephones. Now availab’ in Ivory. Beige, Green, and Red, a: an additional colour charge. u VOTE I This Christmas, why not give something diï¬crent yet strictly practicalâ€"the time and step-saving convenience of an extension telephone? Imagine the surprise of such'en original gift on Christmas day and the months of pleasure and comfort this service will give. «7 You, the actull telelihone itself, attractively wrapped-and ready 0 go under the Christmas tree, can be ordered from any Bell Business Ofï¬ce. We will arrange to connect it at your convenience. You may pay for it now or we will bill you month by month. A gift you can buy to suit your pocket book (We suggest one year’s service as an ideal gift.) You cm pick up your gift-wrapped telephone at our Business Ofï¬ce or we will be pleased to deliver it for you. Gift telephones are available at the standard rate of $1.00 a month in the smaller centres and $1.25 in the larger, plus the usual $2.00 installation charge. looking for something different .3...“ so easy fo order... just give us a call ....oooo..... the unusual circumstances surrounding the athletic programme at the High School this year. Due to crowded conditions, the two schools, Thornhill and Richmond Hill share the same building, attending on a shift system. This arrangement, while only a temporary measure, has made the customary after-school games and practices virtually impossible. With the last shift not leaving the school un- til around 6 o’clock in- the evening. games have to be held in the evening and practices must be squeezed in when- ever it is convenient. However, despite these problems, the boys have been able to uphold and carry over the athletic traditions of the old school to the new Thornhill High School. Elections this year and in future years will not only be a matter of sel- ecting men and women for good govern- ment, but they will be bulwarks in the endeavour to retain the elements of local autonomy â€" to prevent local mun. icipal government from being swallow- ed up in the rapid development of the areaf Remember when election day rolls around this year, civic duty is not a thing that (an be left to the 'other fellow. It is just as much your duty as his. terest in the selection of the men and women who will run our local affairs. During depression days, when taxes were low by today’s standards, but the dollar so hard to earn, people flocked to rnomination ‘meeetings and to the polls to insure the selection of the best mun- icipal leadei's. This situation should not exist today, and is not a healthy in- dication of development. ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor 5c single copy /MEMIEI‘ UDIT 2UREAU ,Incuunohs The English stage and screen are acknowledged to be masters of the art of comedy. With a light touch they poke‘gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) fun at their really honoured and treas- ured institutions, traditions and customs. One of the best ex- amplel of such comedy “Chiltern Hundreds" was presented Friday and Saturday nights on the stage of the Richmond Hill Lions Hall by the Richmond Hill Little The- atre. Produced and directed by John P. G. Grosvenor, it held the interest of the capacity audiences from the opening curtain until its end almost three hours later. The audiences were welcomed by Mrs. Frank Gardner, who re- ported that the net proceeds would be given to the Richmond Hill Arena Association as a tok- en appreciation of their efforts in giving the village artiï¬cial ice for winter recreation. The competent casV‘ fncluding six newcomers to the stage, made the characters live and unfolded a factual story of life as it was in England during and after the General Election of 1945 when Winston Churchill and his coali- tion party were ousted from pow- er by the Labour Party under Clefnent Attlee. Little Theatre Modern Comedy Delights Capacity Audiences The Earl of Lister (William Ferguson). who has no pride at all, as Lord Lieutenant takes no part in party politics and is more interested in shooting and snaring the rabbits which raid his begonia bed than in affairs of the state. Death duties and in- come taxes have so depleted his income that Lister Castle is fall- ing into ruins and only two ser- vants can be afforded. They are Beecham (Frank Gardner), com- bined butler, odd job man and gamekeeper, and Bessie (Thelma Maclnnes) who does the rooms, assisted by Her Ladyship, the Countess of Lister (Emma Mas- ters). Lady Lister, who always backs the losing side and hence voted against her son, also doub- les as cook and raiser of ducks. Lord Pym (Harold Gribble), the Ion, contests the local seat for the Conservatives in the Gener- al Election, although not alto- gether agreeing with its plat- form. Pym is still in the army after six years of war service during which time he had been awarded the Military Cross be- cause, in his own words, “I lost myself near 'h'ipoli and found myself behind the German 1i es." When defeated by the La ur candidate, Mr. Cleghorn (John Grosvenor), he is faced with an ultimatum from his brash Am- erican ï¬ancee. June Farrell (Isa- belle Fleischer). 'of getting a job Following this tradition. for one performance only. the great classic HAMLET is being presented at the Richmond The- atre. Three hundred and ï¬fty seats are reserved and tickets to this great ï¬lm are being sold in advance at $1.00 each by the Board of Student Senators o! Thornhill High School under whose auspices the ï¬lm is being presented. Fifty seats are be- ing held for the public and can be had at the box office that evening. Finally. as she is about to run away, Wayne prevents her and takes her to her father where he lncites him to ï¬ght. The ï¬ght is the longest in ï¬lm history and provides a thrilling and amusing climax for this wonderful ï¬lm. Hamlet is considered to be William Shakespeare’s greatest masterpiece and easily the equal of Jullius Caesar 8: Mac- beth. Hamlet is an English picture and employs the stflk. grim, realistic-type of settings that so typify British pictures. Throughout the whole picture. the realism and production val~ ues are enhanced without los- ing the essence and drama of the great play. It promises to be an event worth looking for- HOLLYWOOD ~NOTES: It‘s been interesting watching the ï¬lm capital‘s reaction to Telec vision over the last few years. At ï¬rst Hollywood took a slump and dire things were predicted as a result of TV’s competition with ï¬lms. Then Hollywood bounced right back with various wide-screen systems and the fear of TV was considerably lessened. The next phase was f‘if you can’t ï¬ght rem â€" join 'em" and Walt Disney paved the way for the major compan- ies to exploit their ï¬lms on Television. The last stage, 3 complete reversal of their for- mer stand, was for Hollywood to start buying TV scripts and now they are trying to attract the better known TV writers in Hollywood for ï¬lm story writ- ing. It deals with a retired prize- ï¬ghter, John Wayne, who set- tles in a small town in Ireland. He falls in love with the daugh‘ ter of the town bully and al- though numerous chances occur for a ï¬ght, he declines them. Finally they are married, but the marriage is not a happy one for Whyne's wife believes him scared of her father. In the old tradition, great motion pictures haVe been road- shown in key theatres on a re- served seat, advance ticket sale, basis, similar to showingsof the legitimate theatre. Such shows as “Julius Caesar", and more recently “This is Ciner~ ama', “Cinerama Holiday" and “Oklahoma!†have all been shown in this manner. Coming to the Richmond Theatre .next Monday for a three day stand is the famous and moving drama THE QUIET MAN which stars John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara and Barry Fitzgerald. 'This picture, in technicolor, thrilled millions when it was ï¬rst released and has been brought back to thrill those who missed it ï¬rst time around. The Wide Screen By Norman Brown Mr. Braybrok spoke again on the status of a police village and the comparison between them and an incorporated village. Be- fore becoming a Police Village. the inhabitants should study what authority they will have and what authority the township would have. Police villages were originally set up in 1849 to pro- vide a‘ few extra facilities for an area. They have very limited powers. he stated, a d were al- ways under the jur sdiction of the township. Advocates Direct Incorporation “The only way to become a municipal entity is to incorpor- ate. If you want local autonomy, you won’t get it ‘ under police village status," he stated. Direct incorporation, he added. was bet- ter and more often done. “Too many areas become police vill- ages and stifle their growth by s ying that way indeï¬nitely. The act of incorporation is the same whether you are an area or a police village and if you are ready for the step, you might as well incorporate,†he said. In conclusion, Mr. Braybrook said, "It is doubtful if ydu will gain 'anything by becoming a police village. but the decision is up to you." The chairman, James Wall, and various other members of the board of trade thanked the speakers for coming and a vote was then taken, on whether the investigation > into incorporation should continue. The motion re- ceived a majority vote and in re- ply to a number of questions from the floor, it was stated that no application for incorporation would be made without a vote being taken of the people ï¬rst. (Continued from page 1) in the area and the number of children and'the cost per child as regards to school. He added that he was sure both townships would be more than willing to co- operate in helping anyone mak- ing such a survey. Also introduced was deputy- reeve Sid Legge of Whitchurch Twp.. Wllllam Hodgson, deputy- reeve of King Twp. and the candidates for seats on council. or losing her. Pym has not been trained for any life but that of a landed gentleman and his ï¬ancee adamantly refuses to hear of him continuing his military car- eer. Pym feels that a mere job would be betraying his birthright as a member of the upper crust which makes life digestible. The solution seems to be rea- ched when the Labour M.P.-elect is oï¬ered the Dominions Port- folio in the Attlee cabinet with the condition that he accept a seat in the House of Lords. This means that a by-election must be held, and Pym decides to contest the seat on the Labour ticket, be- lieving he will be unopposed. June, however. having no use for a “turncoatâ€. or “a guy who has- n't got what it takes to try things twice’, conspires to bring forth a Tory candidate in the per- son of Benjamin Charles, who is better known to the Listers and to the audience as Beecham, the butler. Beecham is a true he- liever in the prestige of the aris- tocracy, and feels that they must ï¬ght back". 0. R. Incorporation Of course Beecham is the suc- cessful candidate in the by-elec- tion, but only after a second re- count, and comes to Lister Cas- tle as a guest. In the meantime Young Pym has got himself en- gaged to Bessie, the maid. who has a certain rustic charm, but is not happy in her role of guest at Lister Castle, where she no longer draws down her two pounds a week for doing the rooms, but is expected to help Her Ladyship with the work. Lady Caroline Smith (Hilda Skippon), Lordeister's sister, is a staunch Conservative until she meets Lord Cleghorn â€"- and a budding romance is hinted. At the end of the play, when Beecham is persuaded by Cleg- horn that a political career is not for a specialist but for the “odd job type†who does not excel in any ï¬eld, and he decides to re- turn to his calling as the perfect butler. etc., he claims the Chil- tern Hundreds, the only means by which a sitting member may re- sign his seat. He realizes “they also serve who only stand and wait." The muddled love affairs are straightened out with Young Pym and June Farrell realizing that they are meant for each other ,md Bessie accepting the hand of Beeeham. The audience is left with the.impression that Young Pym will contest the seat for the third time in the coming by-electlon and return it to the Conservative fold, where it has been for almost three hundred years. Alan Ladd, the screens top adventure star, dons knightly armor to bring to screen life the action and romance of the age of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Ladd stars in his ï¬rst great spectacle THE BLACK KNIGHT ward to Alan Ladd is a sword-maker in the time of King Arthur and he disguises himself as chival- rous Black Knight and seeks to avenge the destruction of Yeo- nil Castle and the persecution of its lady, played by Patricia Medina. He saves the King, from the hands of an assassin and ï¬nally leads the Knights of the Round Table in combat ag- ainst the rebels. \{rhich comes to the Richmond Theatre next Friday and Sat- urday. The picture is ï¬lmed in tech- nicolor and promises to keep young and old alike entertained with its exciting action and ad- venture. (Continued from page 1) had enabled the village to grow and experience record develop- ment without any added tax bur- den to the people. We have made agreements. which have permit- ted development but which has not added to the tax burden. William T. Savage, a local busi- nessman and a grandson of one of Richmond Hill's early Reeves. who is running for council asked for the support of the electors. “If you elect me to council I will welcome the opportunity of work- ing with you to make Richmond Hill one of the ï¬nest towns in Canada," he said. ' Mrs Margaret Southwell serv- ing her ï¬rst term as public school trustee said it had been a real pleasure and privilege to serve on the Board during the past year and a half. She felt that deï¬nite progress was being made with our school system and recently two new schools had been opened. She said the growth and development of the area presented many problems to those charged with responsibility for education, She said she was a candidate for re-election and would welcome the opportunity of facing up to the challenge of the growing community. “I am sure they will produce re- sults," he said, “and we all would welcome the establishment here of desirablelindustry." Donald Plaxton, local barrister and a candidate for council. com- plimented the 1955 council on their splendid service to the vill- age. He said the area was ex- periencing remarkable growth, and there are many problems fa~ clng the council. He stressed the need for industrial development and said he was offering himself as a candidate in the hope he might be of service to his fellow citizens. Kenneth Williams, who recent- 1y established a business here. congratulated the 1955 council on their good work during the year. He stressed the need for some Parks development program in the new areas. “We have provis- ion for the green beltâ€, he said, but these parks and playgrounds should be developed.†Mr Will- iams asked too for action on pro- viding street lighting and for road improvement in some areas where conditions are not too good. Councillor Perkins said he had served as chairman of the water department. and that during the year there were installed 400 new water and sewer services. He pointed out that to take care of the record development now un- der way in the village careful thought was given to providing an adequate water supply for the future. A new well just developâ€" ed has a capacity of 350 gallons per minute and will safeguard the supply for some time to come. He welcomed the appointment during the year of the Industrial Commission and he favored ev- ery effort to attract new industry to balance our residential assess- ment. Councillor Jones said he also moved for the application to be made for incorporation as a town_ This would enable the municiâ€" pality to have a mayor and larg- er council which he thought was needed in these days of growth and development. William Leishman said he had been a resident of the commum ity for three years and enjoyed every minute of it, the respon- sibility of the school trustees was to provide a sound educational opportunity for our children. He stood for the best in school board administration and was offering himself as a candidate for the of- ï¬ce of trustee. ‘ Councillor Harold Jones com- pleting his second year as coun- cillor said he would like to con- tinue in the public service to see to a successful conclusion several important projects now under way. He said he had moved during the year for the appoint- ment of the Industrial Commis- sion and he was sure the men appointed, if given time, would render service to the community. Arthur Spence also a candidate for trustee said there are prob- lems facing those charged with responsibility for education in a growing community. He urged citizens to think in terms of bet- ter education for our children. A reporter for a Toronto daily, his work for the past three years has been directly concerned with ed- ucation. He advocated for all our children as good an educa- tion as the people can reasonably afford. R. Hill Election Lewis D. Clement, another candidate for school trustee, said he had been a resident 0f the village for four years, “and liked it". A past president of the Home and School Association he had taken a keen interest in ed- ucation in the community and now is offering himself a candi- date for the office of trustee. Cecil Mabley. a member of the board in 1955 and a former mem- ber of council referred to the growing problems of education in a rapidly growing community. He thanked his mover and sec- onder and said if he should de- cide to be a candidate he would welcome the support of the elec- tors. LITTLE ICE LOVES FOOD THAT'S SWEET. BUT MOTHER KNOWS. WHILE IT'S A TREAT. ifs m1) ON TEETH. SOWHENH'SDONE IT'S TOOTHBRUSH TIME FOR LITTLE SON. I'd-phone 'I'Urner 4-1212 l "" FREE PARKING REAR 0F THEATRE Show Times 7' and 9 pm. - Continuous from 6 p.m. Saturdays and Hohdayu If. R ond‘ #3 Please Note M; THURS., DECEMBER 8, ONLY at 8.30 pm. 3? under the auspices of the Thornhill ' High School Rocx*nunson.. mm REED ‘ mm mm. mm HAYNES Mon., Tues., Wed. â€"â€" December 5, 6, -7 3 DAYS ' ADM‘I‘SSTo‘N’“$T1.00 TAX INCLUDED Thursday, Friday â€" December 1, 2 53mm 4:"aia'lfiéii7'"" mm X WAYNE : O’HARA - FITZGERALD Saturday â€" December 3 Only, m m - mm mm Tim mm . mums m ARTHUR SHIELDS and ABBEY THEATRE PLAYERS Dir-cud by Cole! by y TECHNIQOlOR MAUREEN wioh EEWNTI‘SGLDR 'h WWW H g Sena» "BY FRANK S. «05le