.men, Henry Natale STRICT SPORT NEW , â€" he S orts Clinic â€" An Official Department of Sports College Conducted by Lloyd Percival NHL all-star many times over, Red Kelly, DetroitIs fine defenseman, says much of his success is due to his ability to skate backwards fast and accurately: He says he used to spend many hours as a Junior practismg this skill. Any defenseman who wants to go places in hockey has to learn to skate backwards well, and be proï¬cient with his stick while doing so. A rearguard who can get back fast and move to either side quickly will be tough to beat. Any clefenseman would be wise in give top prior- ity in practice to improving his abillty to skate back- wards. t t t. ENERGY BOOSTERS FOR BASKETBALL 8: HOCKEY *1 til! 1. Between periods, lie flat on back in dressing room and rest with feet propped high as possible. ' This helps the body get rid of laces of shoes or skates. Loosen the fatigue products in the legs. , _ . 2. Include as much protein in the diet as possible. This helps give you a feeling of physical vigor and helps the body repair and maintain tissue which is used up in hard effort. Good sources of protein are lean meats and dairy foods. such as cheese, milk and milk products. Cheese is particularly good, and the athlete should be sure to eat plenty of it. If weight is a problem, eat cheese made from skim milk. 3. Energy can be replenished and that feeling of pep improved by the following: Brew strong, clear tea (a beverage highly recommended by many trainers for its invigorating effect on the athlete). Add lemon juice (for its alkaline reaction, which helps neutralize the acidity of fatigue), and sweeten-t0 taste with honey (the carbohydrate of honey is excellent to replenish blood sugars “burnt up" during hard effort). This mix- ture can bean excellent replenisher after hard practices, and can be used between periods of play. 4. The ice pack trick, described several weeks ago, also is extremely valuable. Simply placé a bag contain- ing ice. or towels soaked in ice' water, over the center and left side of the chest as the athlete rests between periods. This acts as a natural stimulant for the heart, helping it in itsimportant role in fatigue recovery. -At The Richmond Bowl THURSDAY NIGHTERS Team standings: Indians 12. Strikeouts 9, Cards 9, Tigers 8, Bombers 7. Handicappers 4, King- pins 4, Red Sox 3. ' High scorers for three games were Minnie Ground with 702 and Morley Hall 703. High individual scores, Min- nie Ground 264, 226, 212, Pat Mills 252, Shirley Broderick 237, Isobel Savage 222, 209. Ruth Charity 221, Ruth Cowan 220, Lorraine Waters 213, Marj. Ber- esford 201. I A1 White 310, 223. Morley Hall 285, 223, Fred Bovaird 279, Har- old Ground 252, 209, Al. Rice '238, Cam Cowan 242, 205, Eric Charity 235. 213, Bill Savage 230, Bill Hall 225, Bud Jones 210, Harold Reid 207, Vic Broderick 206, 205. Norm Chatterly 202, Don Reid 200. HOLY NAME LEAGUE Mad Hatters took the lead in the second series over the Pinits by one point. The high three for I 661; Tony Freer 639; Ross Tierney 634. High single for men Ross Tierney 247. Lester Martin 258, Tony Freer 247. Mel Rawlinson 247. High three ladies, Pat Ward 547, Pat Fitzpatrick 545. Cass Beynon 515. High flat Marg Ellis 234, Rita Maurice 222. Cass Beynon 211, Mary Kelly 201. Team standing. Mad Hatters 10; Pinits 9; Natural 7. 8. Hard 8, 7. Mixed ups 8. 7. Shakers 7, Rockets 2. Top Bananas lead in total pins of 54. FRIENDSHIP LEAGUE Tuesday afternoon scores: Ruth McMullen 241; Mary McMullen 233; Ruth Cowan 228; Marg Wil- liams 224; Vi McLatchy 223; Gladys Bennett 226; Eleanor Le- cuyer 221; Marge Blackburn 214; Barbara Lambert 210; Lucy Dickie 210; Celeste Davis 210; Kay Cunningham 208; Peggy Ripley 206. MONDAY COMBINES LEAGUE High lady: Ethel Carlisle 665 (227, 207. 231»; high man: Ted Bennett 706 (224, 287, 197). Other good scores: Doreen Horner 218, 253; Irene Mashin- ter 214; Ed Mashinter 210. 228, 246; Doug. Clubine 226, 204; E. McGruer 220; S. Foster 205. 225; B. Cook 213; A. Hawkes 223; G. Smith 244; L. Gardner 200; N. Bone 206, 273. 220; S. Carlisle 274; J. Crean 204; C. Chapman 203; A. Stong 237, 253; A. Peters 210; G. Patterson 215; C. Wright 213; A. Love 223, 226; G. Chassis 230; H. Mabley 215; M. Clement 244, 204; J. Mabley 258: F. Per- kins 223, 226, 211; C. Cowan 239. Hilltop Sports by Bob McCurry Last Friday morning. with the omission of the eighth period school was dismissed to see the Wonder Five in action. The adâ€" mission was either ï¬ve cents or a bar of soap. but the majority paid the nickle. The big event was the basket- ball game between the Rhillers tour Senior Basketball team) and the teachers. There was great in- terest this year as in the past the Rhillers had always won. The game was refereed by Tom Pick and John Passmore, wear- ing signs "Mutt" and Jeffâ€. Cheerleaders were on hand to support the Rhillers and the en- tire female teaching staif wear- ing long stocking caps were the cheerleaders for the teachers. This group was led by Mrs. Rus- sell. P. T. teacher. The play for the ï¬rst half of the game was fast with Mr. Bab- cock leading in the scoring for the teachers. The Rhillers did- n't seem to be able to match the DOORS Birch’ Mahogany, Slab Doors $5.95 Each WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN STOCK TO BUILD YOUR NEW HOME OR REMODEL YOUR RATCLIFF BROS. LUMBER Stouffville PHONE 204W PHONE TU. 4-2447 burst of energy their opponents put on and the score was 8-6 in favour of the teachers at half- time. The second half saw the Rhill- ers get rolling. chalking up 10 points to the teachers' four. The four points scored for the Won- der Five in the second half were by Mr. Thomasson. Of the 10 points picked up by the Rhillers in the last half sev- en were by Bill Gibson. two by Tom Pick and one by Neil Rise- brough. Bill Gibson also scored three in the ï¬rst half, giving him 10 of the 16 points. Mr. Thomasson scored six of the teachers' 12 points. The ï¬nal result was 16-12 in favour of the Rhillers. NB. â€" Remember our big Athletic night nei'ct Friday. at 7 pm. The Midgets and Juniors will play Aurora and there will be a dance afterwards. Parents and friends are welcome. DOORS PRESENT ONE Mercantile League In the November 29 game of the Mercantile League. Little downed Halls with a 3â€"2 scorc while the Rockets topped thc Combines 6-1. Next Tuesday? games at the Arena will be a follows: 8 pm. Halls vs. Com- bines and 9:30, Littles \s. Rock- ets. Team standings are: Rockets 4 pts; Combines. 2 pts.; Littles. 2 pts.; Halls 0 pts. Greenhouse League '{igh Singles: Ken Bennett 276 Bert Cook 205, 200. 243, N. Bow- en 219. 240, Mel Bowen 203. Wally Baker 20]. Ted Bennett 210. Gladys Bennett 218, H. Ben- netl 217. 217, Reg Baker 234, H. Mills 224. .l. Atkinson 221. High Triples: Burt Cook 648. Ken Bennett 637, Norm Bowen 625. Team Standings: Lucky Strikes 48. Ramblers 48, Nighthawks 45, uustlers 36, Bearcats 33, Wrens 21- .â€" «ifllilfll Successful Hunting Party Mr. Ken Bennett of Rich- mond Hill hazgcd his ï¬rst deer this year shooting a nice big 4-point buck. Hunt- ing with the North Toronto Hunt Club. Ken. Wick Mills. Al Baker, Dave Baker, Doug Baker. Harold Graham Lou Hadw'in. ll‘on Stephens. Bruce Stephens, Jack Pen- nock, Emilie Flec'iitner. .lim Hearne and ï¬ve visitors shot 11 deer over the 12-day sea- son. two does. three buck fawns. six bucks. including one Illâ€"pointer. Maple Bowling High Singles: Catherine John~ ;on 295. Audrey \lagee 276. High Triples: Catherine John- :on 685. Ann Lawrie 685, an" Hilda Quinton 656. Over 200: Del Palmer 210 203. Hilda Allen 2.2. Betty Hod Eson 236, Pat. MacLauchlan 210 Madeline Brown 221, Doris ('00 per 225. 224. Catherine .lohnsor 295, Flo Strachan 200. Audrey Magee 1276. Ethelwvn Gudat 205. Ada Watson 202. Dorene Olfcrl 232, Hilda Quinton 239. Jo Roll 203. Jean Calder 204, Mare. Robson 211. Ann Lawrie 274. 207, Jo White 226. Clara Baker 255, Bert. Ingram 202. “Something New Has Been, Added†Lady Wrestler To Appear In Market Show Tuesday Something new has been added to the weekly wrestling menu at Thornhill Farmers Market for this Tuesday’s show. The match- makers have signed Joan Clark, local lady wrestler who has been making a hit all over the country with her spectacular and impres- sive displays. Miss Clark as well as being a wrestler has been instructing the girls at Richmond Hill District High School in the art of self- defence. She will be featured this Tuesday and will give a dis- play against two local wrestlers Joe Greenfield and the, bad tempered Chivo Ward. Let‘s hope none of the trio involved becomes excited and starts going haywire. Miss Clark at first did not approve of a demonstration with Ward in the ring but ï¬nally accepted. This event has been added to the card as an extra attraction and there will also be the regular card of bouts. Fans Get Up Team In the main event, Jack Diaâ€" mond and his team mate Alex Jensen will be in there with Bobby Davies and the Canadian Middleweight Champion, Aledo Orlando,, sensational Italian Caâ€" Orlando is one of the fastest evm‘ to face the Hamilton Hoods in this arena and all of the fans will be pulling for the clean wrestlers to dump the arrogant pair from the mountain city. As one fan said “if somebody doesâ€" n't beat Diamond and Jensen pretty soon maybe the fans will have to get up a team and take them on." Chief Little Beaver who has been cutting quite a swath a- round these parts will meet some stern oppOsition in Stoney Brooks. Brooks is on the trail of Orlando for a possible title match and hopes to defeat the Indian to give him a boost up. The Indian who is no mean grap- pler feels that he will have no difficulty with Mr. Brooks but Stoney is one wrestler who can wrestle clean as well as rough and says “I am sure I can take the Indian and I will, one way or another". Two other bouts will be added and opponents are being sought for Red O'Brien who has not appeared here in a long time and Ron Ronescu. With these two matches this card will really be a standout from staï¬ to fin- nadian. This team of Davies and ish. ’ H oclce y Schedule O.H.A. JUNIOR D GROUP December 1 â€" January 10 Orangeville at Brooklin December 2 â€"- . Unionville at Richmond Hill December 6 â€" Aurora,at Richmond Hill December 8 â€" Unionville at Brooklin December 9 â€"â€" Richmond Hill at Aurora December 13 â€" Aurora at Unionville December 15 -- Richmond Hill at Brooklin December 16 â€" Unionville at Aurora Brooklin at Richmond Hill December 20 â€" Aurora at Orangeville Richmond Hill at Unionville December 22 â€" Richmond Hill at Orangeville Aurora at Brooklin December 27 â€" Brooklin at Orangeville December 29 â€" Unionville at Brooklin December 30 â€" Orangeville at Richmond Hill January 3 â€"- Brooklin at Orangeville January 6 â€" Unionville at Richmond Hill Orangeville at Aurora "i Richmond Hill at Unionville January 11 -â€" Orangeville at Richmond Hill January 13 â€"- Richmond Hill at Aurora January 14 -â€" Unionville at Orangeville January 17 â€" Brooklin at Unionville Richmond Hill at Orangeville January 26 ~â€" Aurora at Richmond Hill January 24 â€" Aurora at Unionville January 26 â€" Richmond Hill at Brooklin January 27 â€" Unionville at Aurora Brooklin at Richmond Hill January 31 â€"â€" Orangeville at Unionville February 2 â€" Unionville at Orangeville February 3 â€" . Brooklin at Aurora February 6 â€" Aurora at Orangeville February 7 â€" Orangeville at Aurora February 10 â€" Orangeville at Brooklin Contact locally â€" Mac Clement, TU. 4-1606 Bobby Davies Another M angotich Garner Out Cold - Referee Declares Match Alex Jensen and Red Garner tried to settle their fued Tues- day night at the Farmer's Mark- ‘et and it ended in a dead heat. The veteran Garner took the first fall after 20 minutes of fast DOORS Ontario . . . STOUFFYILLE RICHMOND HILL "71‘ unmistawa var“; i‘ 1‘ No Contest and furious grappling. and durâ€" ing this fall Jensen kept kicking Garner out of the ring so often that the fans thought he was a football player. In the second fall which was taken by the Swede the action was fast and furious, with as much action out- side the ropes as inside. After a sensational display of blockâ€" ing by Garner the blonde tiger slipped on his chinlock and took the fall. " The finish of the match came with Red Garner on the floor. outside the ring. where Jensen had thrown him. The Tiger pounded Garner's head on the cement floor and left him out like a light. The referee refused to live the win to Jensen and de- clared the match no contest. Bobby Davies came through with a surprise win over Jack Diamond Tuesday night and cerâ€" tainly pleased the fans with his fine effort. This youngster just looks like another Mangotich with hlS smooth style. and is one of the most popular wrestlers to appear here this season. Ston- ey Brooks and Harold Van Dyke battled right clown to the wire with Brooks liming enough on the ball to flop the doughty Rich- mond Hill wrestler for the last fall. Chief Little Beaver was his usual impresSive self as he took the fall on .llm Hopkins until an Indian Death Lo~k and looked like a real champion in winning. Langstaff Hockey Tea m In North York League Langsiaff Athletic Association is sponsoring Midget and Bantam iockcy teams in the North York lockcy League. The Bantam .eague is being managed by llr. larclner with Joe Greenfield as .he coach. The team was successful in its irsl game Monday. winning a- ;iinst Lake Wilcox 6-0 at Aurora \rcna. Goals were scored by the ollowing players, two by Jack- on, two by Magee. one by Lycett nd one by Good. The next game THE I’lBERA will be to-morrow', I.an:<taff vs Newmarkei at New market. 7 p.m On December 7 Langstafl will play Lake Wilcox at the Aurora Rink, starting at 3 pm. The Midget team is being coached by Clarence Greenfield with Mr. Powell as manager. Tuesday, December 6, Langstaff will play New'market at Aurora bridge Arena at 10 p.m,, and on Wednesday. December 7 the) L. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. December I, 1955 7 COACH WANTED TO HANDLE JUVENILE HOCKEY TEAM IN THORNHILL AREA Will anyone willing to help, please phone RALPH ROBINSON AY.5-1547 will play Newmarkct at Aurora Arena, 9 pm. Reeve Taylor To Toss First Puck ln Rams - lets Opener Reeve W. J. Taylor, Richmond Hill will open the Rams O.H.A. .chedule when he toases the pink for the face-off with the powerful L'nionville Jets this Friday night at the Arena. The Rams are icing a big fast team in their first year in the Ontario Hockey Association. Many of the players come from the local *ligh School. namer Jim Cottrill, .lohn Almstcdi, .lim Slunden. George (‘rean. Jim Pollard, Ray Lloyd and Jim Neal. The powerhouse of the .lunior group looks like Brooklin who last week knocked off Aurora twice by scores of 7-5 and 5-0. The Rams meet Aurora at the Arena on Wednesday and this will give coach Mack Clement an indication of how his squad will shape up against the Brook- lin Dodgers. The Rams' Bantam Club work- ed out against the Langstaff en- try last Saturday in a practice and managed a 9-0 victory. The Langstaff team had only 5 shots on goal in the whole game as the little Rams rushed them off their skates. Dave Gibson opened the scoring followed by Bryan Atk- kinison. In the second stanza ’vushlow, Wilson, and Kid bulged the twine while big Bob Ross notched two goals. Rose and Pipher finished the scoring in the third period. Garner in goal was best for the losers as he Tuesday, Dec. 6, 8.45 THORNHILL MARKET Alex Jensen and Jack Diamond vs. Bobby Davies and Al Orlando Canadian Champion SPECIAL ATTRACTION MISS Joan Clark Lady Wrestler In a Display with Joe Greenï¬eld and Chivo Ward Stoney Brooks vs Chief Little Beaver PLUS 2 OTHER BOUTS ATTRACTIONS FRI. DEC. 2 â€"- 3.30 - 5.30 â€"â€" Skating Club 9 pm. â€"â€" OPENING GAME - O.H.A. Gralp 3 Junior Unionville vs Richmond Hill Rams Adults 50c School Children 25c QSAT, DEC. 3 .â€" 8-11 â€" Skating Club _ 8-10 pm. â€"â€" Public Skating Adults 50c. School children25c MON., DEC. 5 â€" 1.30 - 3.30 â€"â€" Richmond Hill High School 7 - 11 pm. â€" Toronto Hockey League 5 Games. Admission 50c TUES.. DEC. 6 -â€" 10-11 am. â€"â€" Tiny Tots 1.30 - 3.30 â€" Richmond Hill High School 4 - 5.30 â€"- Skating School Children 25c 8 pm. â€"- Mercantile Town Leaâ€" gue . Double Header Adults 35c. School children 25c WED., DEC. 7 â€" 3 - 6 pm. â€" Skating Club 6.30 â€" DOUBLE READER .‘Iinor Hockey North York League (Bantam) Newmarket vs. Richmond Hill Bantams 8.30 -â€" Junior O.H.A. Auror Bears vs Richmond Hill Ram: Admissmn 50c. Children 25c '2 games for the one admission' THURS. DEC. 8 â€" 10 - 11 am. â€" Tiny Tots 4 - 5.30 pm. â€"- Skating School Children 25c 7 - II â€" Toronto Hockey Lea- gue 5 games. admission 50c THIS PROGRAMME SUBJECT TO CHANGE Richmond Hill Arena Association TL". 4-1368 â€"â€" made some sensational saves. The Bantams will open the schedâ€" ule at the Arena next Wednesday in a double-header with the Rams. More Powerful Easier To Use $69.75 Worth $99.50 budget. 10% DOWN Will Install Your Plumbing & Heating Also Cover Renovations Low Interest Rates Available B. B A l L E Y Plumbing & Heating TU. 4-2268 More Work-Saving Convenience â€"More Time-Saving Features Only' Canadian Tire gives you ALL THE BEST FEATURES oi the best cleaners â€" and at a bargain mice. The country’s leading engineers and design- ers have incorporated the "most wanted" features. plusyexclusive new advantages in the beautiful 1956 Master Vac. Priced many dollars below com- petitive makes, and we believe the Master-Vac ll T superior in design and performance to any other cleaner ever built. WE'LL PROVE IT TO YOUR SATISFACTION . . . OR YOUR MONEY BACK] CET llIJ. THE BEST FEATURES OF THE BEST CLEANERS" CASTER-COASTEHâ€"Tho lom you from room to room. Ball bearing rubber wheels glide canister upright. *SWIVEL-TOPâ€"Clean from floor to ceiling without moving the Master-Vac. POWER-PLUSâ€"Ovorsize 7/. duces up to twice the suction. gets more embedded dirt, whisk: away stubborn lint Ind hair. * TIPâ€"TOE CONTROL â€" Elirninafel “coping and bending. * YOUR HANDS NEVER TO K â€""Klng-siza" disposable l collects dirt: you throw aw all. pupor bag from the Manor Vac. . . . throw-away bag in automatically removed from the cleaner when you lift the lid. m . VACUUM CLEANERâ€"With “Tote Rack†.: No Down Paymen Terms arranged to suit your easin There’s no struggling to remove the 101- NO DUST LEAKSâ€"Tho Master-Vac "triple- play" filter system traps all the dust, oven the tiniest particles can‘t escape. Huy- {ever suffers" will appreciate this Illergv- proof foalun. Masterâ€"Vac and. keep *TIM’E-SAVER TOOL CLIPSâ€"Tho lunch- ' mom: you wont to use clip conveniently to the side "of the Master-Vac . . . right at hand when needed. . h.p. motor pro- *WORK-SAVER TOOLS AND ATTACH- MENTSâ€"Include (1) Combination Rug and Floor Tool with built-in comb and flouting action brush: (2) Crevice Tool; (3) Dusting Brush: (4) Upholnory Nozzle: (5) Wall and Upholstery Brush; (6) Swivelâ€"makes every tool more vernallleflfll Extension Wand- â€"-lock In I "court-separate instantly. UCH THE DIRT liter paper bag av bag, dirt and The Compare with models up to 885' Provides high Iuction and II: volume for deep, deep cleaning. Convenient portable storage can Included. to carry all the tool- and accessories in one band. Exlremely quiet, high-powered. air-cooled motor. C.T.C. Ill]- Cloaning valuol 25 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1196