Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUrnet 4-1872 ' REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE Repairs To All Makes 0f Cars . Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 72: Texaco Products {y Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1773 Telephone TU. 4-1650 ï¬YOll’Ve Read About It In . . . Serving Richmond Hill & District in all visual needs for 14 years. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill: NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIR.q J. FOX & SON HEATING & APPLIANCES Oil Burners Installed & Repaired Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Over 25 Years In Business 45 SCARLETT ROAD ’ TORONTO Outright Purchase or Monthly Service Plan . \X/ILLOUGHBY A59 ROGER PROULX PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given 73mm OFFICE: 46 Eglmm OUR GARAGE CALL ANY TIME .icensed Mechanic TU. 4-1610 Now See It Here! F. L. Lowrie, R.O. Optometrist Now in a modern oï¬ice in The Northern Building 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Every Monday & Friday from 7 pm. to 9 pm. and Every Wednesday 9 am. to 12.30 noon Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Complete Optical Repair Service 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill Ontario. Thursday, December 8. 1955 Ave. B. You can have softened water so easily! DoweXQ; the nationally advertised resin used in our water softeners, makes water softening practical for every home. New model equipment is easy to operate, economical to own. And it gives you all the soft water you want . . . right out of the fau- cet. That means cleaner dishes, easier laundering; more luxurious bathing. Call us for a free water test and information or the new, economical water-softening equipment; SONS We welcome to our community Mr. and Mrs. Ward and children from Toronto, who are now liv- ing in the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Reagon, May Avenue. The Reagons recently moved to their new home in Kingston. Stephen Sims of Avenue Rd., celebrated his 10th birthday on Friday. December 2, and invited Bill Adams, Jim Lawson and Guy and Dean Wainwright, to his birthday supper. "V's-lilarfdn Allen of Pemberton Rd. and Stephen Davenport of Walmer Rd. are both on the sick Personals list Birthday greetings are extend- ed to Dean Wainwright of Pem- berton Rd.. who observed his 11th birthday. December 6. Ina Doreen Stanley. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley of May Avenue. was united in marriage to Charles P. Inglis. Oak Ridges on Wednesday. November 30, at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Mrs. Betty Lynn was bridesmaid and John Inglis the best man. Mr. Frank Sinclair of Yonge- hurst Road observed his 86th birthday on Sunday December 4 at Sunnybrook Hospital. Mr. Sinclair was the recipient of many The couple spent their honey- moon in the United States and at present are residing on May Avenue before moving to their new home in Oak Ridges. FROM â€" THE BASEMENT TO 3 THE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations J. M. CANNON Sr. Oxford St., Richmond Hill have better luck next year. RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORTERS Thanks for voting for we lost this time but we’ll PHONE R0. 7-4096 for a Two WEEK FREE TRIAL BILL LEISHMAN TU. 4-1810 NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. BLACKBURN Phone TU. 4-2617 DOWEX' gifts. including two birthday cakes, one of which was baked through the kindneSS of Miss Smith, the hospital dietician. Mr. and Mrs. Sculcher and family from Toronto recently moved into the former home of the Gates' family on Mill Road. Mr. and Mrs. Gates are now re- siding in the village. Richvale School The pupils received their re- ports on Friday last. and on Monday evening the school held Parents' Night to review the children's work. Despite the fact it was election night there was a splendid turnout. and the pupil‘s work very well displayed. Correspondent: Mrs. H. Mhen 2'1 Seocomoe Ave. Phone AVenIe 5-1570 Mr. and Mrs. A. Bragan have moved into a new home on Glen Cameron Avenue after having lived for fifteen years on Morgan Avenue. Master John Ellacott celebrat- ed his 8th birthday on Saturday. December 4th with fourteen guests. Mrs. F. Lefler, 82 Glen Cam- eron Avenue kas the winner this week of the weekly draw at Richardson’s Store. She won a frying pan and a Chri§tmas cake: Mr. and Mrs. V. Hurren and family have moved to Richmond Hill from 57 Morgan Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Burrows and fam- ily of Richvale have taken over the premises, and we would like to welcome them to this com- munity. The Doncaster Mission is plan- ning a Christmas Party to be held on December 17th at the Henderson Avenue School. Friends of Mrs. A. Keith of Glen Cameron Avenue will be sorry to know that she is in the General Hospital. She suffered a broken leg in an accident re- cently. It will be some time be- fore she is home again. Mr. Norman 7I‘hompson of Henderson Avenue has been very ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steele and family of North Bay, and Miss Steele of Sturgeon Falls were recent visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Steele of Morgan Avenue. The monthly meeting of the Doncaster Ratepayers’ Associa- tion will ,be held on December 13th. It is hoped that there will be a good attendance at this meeting which will be presided over by the new executive. Mr. And Mrs. L. Paine of Osh- awa are visitors this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Steele of SNOW PLOUGHING Morgan Avenue For your fuel needs Call JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 We also carry tile' brick, lime, cement 90% of all repairs made in the home Factory Trained Technicians RCA " ' ' “‘1 General Electric Westinghouse Phillips Hallicrafter Marconi Electrohome Fairbanks-Morse ‘JACK JARVIS County App. Co. Ltd. We specialize in Sales & Service to the following: Admiral Service Call $3.50 AV. 5-2149 BA. 1-1384 ANTHRACITE DONCASTER TUrner 4-2111 Richmond Hill BITUMINOUS 29 BENSON AVE. RICHMOND HILL SERVICE WILLO WDALE 6186 Yonge St. 01‘ Bob has been with Ridouts since 1950 and took over his new duties on December lst. The W. A. of St. John's Angli- can Church met at the home of Mrs. C. A. Wilcox, Gormley, on Wednesday of last week and all members of the executive were returned to office for 1956 by ac- clamation. The W. A. has com- pleted a very active year. cul- minated with their annual Tea and Rummage Sale in November which netted their funds around $200. "Bob" Taggart. a resident of Elgin Mills for past 8 years has been appointed manager for the Ernest Ridout Real Estate. Rich- mond Hill branch. A Christening service was held in St. John's on Sunday after- noon when, James Byron Gib- bons, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbons, Bond Lake was baptized, U ‘ The children and teaching staff of St. John's Sunday School are completing arrangements for their annual Christmas _party which will be held on Thursday, December 22, at 7:30 pm. in the Parish Hall. This is an annual event which children. parents and teachers look forward to with great pleasure. Orange Home News Theychildren and staff of the LTB and Orange Home were guests of the Newmarket Lions last Saturday. Happy birthday to Nancy Pass- more this Sunday, December 11; to Jean Anderson, December 12 and to Paul James, for Dec. 14. J. S. C. C. Ladies Meeting 26 ladies ere present at the monthly meeting held on Wed- nesday evening last week at the home of Mrs. J. A. Owens, Richâ€" mond Hill. Everyone enjoyed the talk given by Mr. Fields and two of the ladies. Mrs. S. Leno and Mrs. G. Saul, each took home a frozen chicken as lucky door prizes. Mrs. E. A. Terry, chairman of Jefferson School Board. remind- ed those present that the annual ratepayers meeting will be held in the school on Wednesday even- ing, December 28, and urged as many as possible to be present. Voting In Elgin Mills District R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS Thére was a 28% vote in this TUmer 4-1116 Ford Monarch EMpil-e 5.3155 RICHMOND HILL ; Mime: {ll-tuned a national an CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. G. ROBERTSON Wéyï¬Ã©eéaflomï¬eéflé? ‘ '. DI‘ iv e ’56 Brookside Road. Telephone TUrner 4-1396 Me 0124/ car 201% all l/zayegrmi 1956/94/11/“65 81%! 12on your F OHD-fl/OMBCH Dealer sz/g/Iveyoa bar! deal in loww/Beforeyoa maée any deal we z‘rzazZe yoa [0 see and drive tï¬e new 56 fbra’ a/yoarfbrd-A/oaarcfl Baa/en? NEW lifeguard design TORONTO’S OLDEST SUBURBAN FORD DEALER dlstrict for the Municipal elec- tion on Monday. Out of 699 resident voters in the Elgin Mills paling subdivision only 210 turn- ed out to exercise their franchise. At a pre-election rally held in Jefferson School last week the various candidates for Vaughan Township Council spoke to 40 people interested in municipal afl'airs. Sunday evening services have been commenced at St. John’s Anglican Church, (Yonge at Jet- ferson). In future there will be a service of Evening Prayer each Sunday at 7 and a celebration of the Holy Communion on the sec- ond Sunday evening. Morning services and Sunday School will be as usual and Holy Commun- ion each fourth Sunday at 11.15. This Sunday, Rector Rev. D. C. H. Michell will administer the sacrament and Cadet Ron Dicks of the Church Army will be as- sisting at future services. l Kitson Electric Poultry Feeder with 100' chain and trough 3 Automatic Waterers 2 6' Extensions for waterers 1 Massey-Harris Hammer Mill 1 21/.» HP. Electric Motor 110/220 volt, single phas‘e 4 8‘x5’ Dropping Pits 2 500 Electric Chicken Brooders 3 Hanging Feeders 2 5 Gal. Waterers 5 Electric Infra-Red Lamps and Holders 1 Metal Grit and Shell Dispenser 1 Piper Electric Candler llKitSOfl Electric Egg Washer Quantity of-Chlcken Wire McClary‘s Cook Stove with warm- taEhments (nearly new) Girls' Bicycle Child's Tricycle ing oven and water reservoir Drag-Saw with tree felling at- NEW Thunderbird styling .NEW Thunderbird Y-8 power "Wfflwm.omdmw u not.) NEW AND USED POULTRY EQUIPMENT H. McKEIG. Woodbridge 418114 R. R. 2 Weston. Ont. Lot 2, 6th Con. Vaughan Only in Ford can you get the utterly different, completely distinctive styling that was inspired by the famous Thunderbird-lhe most talked-about, most admired personal car in Canada! Ford's long, low lines, its slim silhouette, its glamorous interiorsâ€"are among the many reasons why Ford is worth more when you buy it, worth more when you sell it! In power and performance. as in style, the ’56 Ford takes its cue from the Thunderbird! Ford's new Y-8 power gives you the instant response that makes all driving and passing easier and safer, plus the extra smoothness, the whisper-quiet performance of deep Y-block design! Only in Ford do youâ€"get Lifeguard Design! New deepâ€"centre steering wheel, designed to absorb impact. and new safety-hold door latches that prevent doors from springing open are both yours in every ’56 Ford. New safety seat belts and shock-absorbent padding for instrument panel and sun visars are both available as optional equipment! A SMITH UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates AV. 5-1682 Special Prices On Commercial Work Over 25 years experience In the Better Shops In Toronto Congratulations to the successful candidates for Council and Board of Trustees for Richmond Hill. May your term be a complete suc- cess in our rapidly growing com- munity. Sincere thanks to my many friends who supported my policy. TURKEY SHOOT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 at Wm. Baker’s Farm 1 MILE NORTH OF NO. 7 HIGHWAY 0N BATHURST at 12.30 pm. SMITH UPHOLSTERING THANKS KEN WILLIAMS Special Offer 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 (Including materials) 5 Year Guarantee $10.00 Down - 2 Years to Pay