10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, December15, 1955 I Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1872 REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Telephone TU. 4-1650 Licensed Mechanic Repairs To All Makes 0f Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 72g Texaco Products ï¬r Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1773 ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE Will Install Your Plumbing & Heating Also Cover Renovations Low Interest Rates Available A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT REMEMBERED ALL YEAR ROUND J. A. \X/ILLOUGHBY AND SONS NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS 45 SCARLETT ROAD A modern water saftener containing Dowex.® will give you all the soft water you need . . . right out of the faucet. Du you know how hard your water is? We'll test it free. No obligation, of course. ROGER PRUULX SCARLETT ROAD TORONTO Outright Purchase or Monthly Service Plan Are you missing" the luxury of Rain-Soft Water? SXE RV I. C 10% DOWN Your Top Wafer Tesfed Free! PLUMBING 8: HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given Plumbing & Heating TU. 4-2268 HEAD OFFICE: 46 Eglinton Ave. B. B. BAILEY OUR GARAGE nus uumsum mums DOWEX’ CALL ANY TIME High Cam'qu 50 EXPERIENCED SA LESMEN 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill Today’s home needs soft water more than ever before. Washing machines, dishwashers, water heaters all work better, last‘longer when you uSe soft water. And for you, soft water provides real luxury . . . foaming suds in your bath, shampoos such as you’ve never before experienced, lovelier skin, easier housework. All this is yours at an amazing low cost in a water softener containing Dowex re'sin. Why not drop in and see our line of economical, easy, efï¬cient water softeners? These forms come in either duplicate or triplicate and pro- vide lots of writing space for transactions, Rediform business books are sturdin made and may be conveniently carried in a pocket. As a companion item for the sales books, the Liberal will gladly order rubber stamps to meet your individual needs. A complete record of your business transactions, regardless of the type of business can avoid many a diï¬icult situation. Let Rediforms help you keep your business in tip-top order. As a service to the small busi- ness man, the Liberal now car- ries a complete stock of Redi- form business forms to suit every need. The IAberaPs stock in- cludes invoice books, statement and receipt forum, purchase or- der bokks and counter sales books. Oak Ridges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 Victor Draper Open 7 3.111. - 12 Midnight DAILY SAME DAY SERVICE New Handy Business Forms RELIANCE SERVICE STATION PHONE R0. 74096 for a TWO WEEK FREE TRIAL Radio -â€" Washer Repair Service Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION Agencies \vard a resolution to Markham Township Council asking for a township constable to control traffic at No. 7 Highway and Bay- view where children must cross was passed. This was consider- ed necessary because the school traffic guard has no authority to stop traffic. ‘ It was also decided to set aside a sum of money to provide Christmas candy and fruit as a treat for the children in their classroom celebrations. The bags were to be packed at the home of Mrs_ Covell last Monâ€" day evening. Twenty-seven dollars was raised at the euchre held December,2. Meet Re Land By-Law The property owners of Steeles and Bayview Area met at the home of Mr. Fielder to consider the Planning Board’s proposal to amend the present by-law which limits land subdivsion to a min- imum of two acres. Opinion was sharply divided, but a majority of those present seemed to be opposed to amending the by-law. A member of the Planning Bd. explained the proposed change and the meeting adjourned with no action taken, Social Doings The regular meeting of the Thornlea Home and School As- sociation on Thursday, December 8 ,featured a lively panel dis- cussion. The Panel, Alex Morris- on, School Trustee, David Smith, Supervising Principal, G. Learn, Thornlea Principal, Rev. Mr. E. B. Eddy of Thornhill United Church, and William Downing. Maintenance Supervisor, answer- ed and discussed questions put by the audience under direction of chairman W. Pocklington. Among other points it was ag- reed that the Level System, re- cently put into effect in the schools, gives greater opportun- ity‘ to the bright pupil and the slow-learners to work at their best. The meeting agreed the system is gen'e‘rally more fluidand is working out very well. The meeting began with carol singing and ended with refresh- ments served~by Mrs. Roy, Soc- ial Convener. With the president, Mrs. Guy Fraser, as chairman, a motion by Harold Wright to for- The president explained ,the aims and objects of the associa- tion which will form the consti- tution, and the solicitor was in- structed to take thelnecessary steps to obtain a charter. The main purpose was to consider, plan,- recommend and promote such measures as may seem wise and expedient in the interest of the residents, One project to be considered is the setting up of Civil Defence machinery to train members in leadership in event of disaster. The meeting was well attended and the members expressed their thanks to Mr. Beamish'and the Association for Retarded Children for the use of the building. Thornlea Home and School Open Night at Thornlea School on December 7 was well attend- ed, Parents took advantage of the invitation of Principal Gor- don Learn to inspect the new school. Unfortunately Mrs. Ir- ene Olmstead, teacher of' Grade II was ill and that classroom had to be closed to inspection. Mrs; Joe Robinson of Bayview Ave. re- placed her at school during her few days’ absence. Bayview District Association Correspondent: Mrs. A. E. F, Wright Telephone AV. 5-1902 “The Liberal" is very pleased to announce the ap. pointment of Mrs. A. E. F. Wright as our new represen- tative in Thornlea_ In order than we may give your dist- rict complete news coverage kindly forward any news or items of local interest to Mrs. Wright who may be reached at AVenue 5-1902. Open Night At the inaugural meeting of the Bayview District Association held recently the following were elected to hold office â€" Presi- dent, C_ Clifford; vice-president, H. Laurie; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. H. Baujard; Directors, H. Baujard, E. Sage, Mrs_ H. Laur- ie, Mrs. W. G. Orser. Tic at No. N where : passed. necessary THORNLEA NEWS where children must cross passed. This was consider- lecessary because the school ic guard has no authority to traffic. was also decided to set aside resolution to M: ) Council asking constable to No. 7 Highway ar 1150 decided to set aside T money to provide candy and fruit as a the children in their celebrations. The 3 to be packed at the Mrs_ Covell last Monâ€" Markham 1g for a I control and Bay- Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a ballerina- length gown of ivory brocade, featuring a bouffant skirt and long torso style waistline. Her ivory coloured veil was of net and she carried a bouquet of ivory eoloured daisy ‘mums. Bridal attendants, Miss Nancy Young, maid-of-honour, and a sister of the bride. Misses Dor- een Adair and Marion Wheeler, bridesmaids, were, gowned in silk faille in shades of champagne, cinnamon and cocoa. They car- ried bouquets of gold daisy ’mums. For the reception which was held in the church parlours, the bride's mother were a crystalline dress in charcoal‘gray with pink accessories. Her corsage was ‘of pink rosebuds. The groom‘s mother was gowned in a two- piece dress of Havana brown crepe with beige accessories. Her Best man was William Kebich of Toronto. Ushers were Robert Lanthier and Jack Young, the groom‘s brother. FROM -- THE BASEMENT TO THE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations . St. Clair United Church, Tor- onto, was the scene of the mar- riage of Elinor Margaret Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Young, Toronto, to Ernest Ham- ilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton of Langstaff, on Friday, December 9 at 7:30 o'clock. Officiating at the double ring ceremony was Rev. G. E. Ashton, assisted by Col. S. E. Lambert. Standards of bronze ’mums decâ€" orated the church for the cere- mony. St. Clair United Church Scene Of Hamilton-Young Marriage DEE-LICIOUS! That's what Canadian National Railways Chef Instructor Joseph F. Nellis seems to be thinking after producing a fruity plum pudding on a CNR dining car. Chef Nellis and his assistants have spent a month preparing sufï¬cient puddings to seQ/e 21,000 CNR travellers this Yuletide season. Made from a famouscentury-old‘recipe, they w_ill_be sewed in all Eiqï¬ut-ii-ners be-tQEeFI rï¬eéémber 16 31nd Janulary'r 3. And the puddings are only part of the menuâ€"there'll be ten tons of roast turkey, too. For travelling, the bride chose a coral coloured dress-trimmed with beaded Velv’et collar. and beige coat and black accessories. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will live on North- cliffe Blvd. Factory Trained Teghnicians We specialize i Service to the f Admiral ' RCA General Electric Westinghouse Phillips Hallicrafter Mqrconi Electrohome Fairbanks-Morse corsage was of Johanna Hill rose- buds. 90% of all repairs made in ,the home Service Call $3.50 SERVICE in Sales & following: And what is variable-pitch Dynaflow? Well, I thpught everyone knew but I’ll tell you anyway. It was big news last year (and again this ycer) and is recognized as the best auto- matic transmission in the business. When a driver wants an extra surge of power, he tramps the accelerator to the floor- boards and the turbine blades in the heart of the transmission change their angle so the engine delivers its peak output. There are a lot of technical reasons‘why it’s better. But now that we’re talking about accelerating out of tight spots, I'll tell you that the 1956 Buick Special (that’s the low priced Buick that's not much more than an ordinary car) jumps from 40 to 60 two seconds faster than last year because of increased horsepower and the new Dynaflow. In some places they've passed laws cracking Gown on the lazy-dazey kind of motorist who fritters along the high- way at a ridiculously slow pace, holding up traffic and creat- ing more danger than the breakneck Speeder. You’ve got to take your chance at pulling out and a- round him, and, at that speed, acceleration on most cars is a little sluggish Buy Your Choice Nursery Christmas under auspices of POWELL RD. HOME & SCHOOL AND 2nd THORNHILL CUB & SCOUT GROUP COMM., Choice Scotch Pines Lovely Spruces DECEMBER 10 - DECEMBER 24 But why galk about it when you can come in and see these great Buick: Ioday? Two seconds is a long ï¬mo when you're out on the wrong side of 1he road trying to get back in. That's why it hit my eyo the ofher day when our new Buicks came in and I noticed that the Buick variable-pitch Dynaflow transmission had been radically improved this year. ‘ The slow-ice really is a problem on the road. What do you do, for instance, on a winding stretch where ihe safe .and legal speed in 50 and you're stuck behind a gavaker doing 38? . , b ONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE WORK â€" DRAIN S 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 Trees AT LOBLAW’S LOT, YONGE ST Be a good Scout, Do a good Deed, Buy a nice tree for your Home, Help Scouting and children of the School. NORTH OF STEELE’S AVE. Highland Park Area