Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1955, p. 2

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Wflgâ€"zg W. S. COOK, Editor J. E. Teetzel, who served as a member of the Rich- mond Hill Planning Board ,from its inception in 1952, until he moved out of the village this year, was honor- ed last Wednesday with the pregentation of a plaque. The presentation-was made at the Wesley Middleton tes- timonial dinner by Ross Scrimger, Chairman of the Planning Board. He paid tri- bute to the outstanding ser- vice rendered by Mr. Teetzel who served as member and chairman of the board. In expressing his thanks, Mr. Teetzel who now lives in Beaverton said it had been a great pleasure and privil- ege to have served the vill- age. An appeal to “everybody to make this a safe as well as a Merry Christmas and New Year in Ontario", is made by Highways Minister, the Hon. James N. Allan, in a special pre-holiday safe- ty message. 1L, 1-..). L-.. pin-'1‘ “UV-\- _ _, 7 i In this 10-day (and night) period in 1952, a total of 39 people were killed; in the same period in 1953 our traffic death toll mounted to 45. Last year, thanks to the safety efforts of many people and organizations, our death toll was cut in half. A total of 22 lives Were lost in traffic accidents in the last ten days of theyear. v, ....... 0-. “Nearly always, the last ten days and nights of each year have been one of Ontario’s worst periods for traffic accidents", Mr. Allan warns._ “Despite that tragic loss of lives, last December’s record of improvement in life-saving was encouraging. It shows that, enough effort by enough people will save lives“ and human suffering despite increa‘sing traffic volume and accident possibilities. _ .. . -r 7&6“; We need another all-out efi fort, supported by everybody. Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department Presented With Plaque THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thurdsay, December 22, 1 W An Independent Weekly: Established 1378 u Subsuiption Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c : , Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher anzr FHHM ' ALVERNA SMITH, A Throughout the year, we are constantly reminded that this is an age of scienceand efficiency â€" an age of electronics, nuclear fission, calculating machines: jet propulsion and automation. In order to compete in our streamlined society, we try to keep our thinking objective and realistic, our emotions hidden and suppressed and our feelings in a state of “deep- freeze”. On the surface, it appears that the material things in life have been over-emphasized to the point where planned economies, time studies and research programs are now what make the world go ’round. However, about the middle of December, we permit our thinking to become a little less practical. We let our minds take short sorties into the unscientific past and we think of sleigh bells, candle light, kettles hanging in stone fireplaces, stage coaches and old English inns. Something in our subconscious seems to tell us Christmas was'enjoyed more in days gone by, when life was simple and nobility of spirit was not obscured by a complex environment, when expediency was a lesser force in men’s lives. v As Christmas draws nearer our thinking takes another tack. We be- gin to seepeople all around us exhibiting the human qualities that previous- ,,,!LL LL- ..__L -_.l _ L‘LLIA unann+;nv\ nn“‘7;“no§ 6n- uv uyv rvvr-v ...-- ,. ly seemed to have veniâ€"shedrtvith the past, and a little reflection convinces us that these qualities have always been there â€" sometimes a little less obvious, but always apparent to those who took the trouble to look for them. Thus, by the time Christmas arrives, We realize once again that human values remain unchanged. We are reminded of the personal rewards we can enjoy throughbut the entire year by taking a genuine interest in the welfare of others and striving to be worthy of the confidence and trust of our fellow men. W V '2‘, ,. , ,4 71;; ,4 an} 4 4,4 QEbristmas 1955 Tithe liberal Police Chief Robert P. Robbins and his three-man staff have been hearing down on traffic offences in Rich- mond Hill during the past two weeks and report a num- ber of charges issued against all-night parking, failing to' stop at intersections, and speeding. -Fifty tickets were issued during the two week period for infractions of the all- night parking by-law, and 30 for failing to halt at stop streets. The number of tick- ets issued against spe’eders has not yet been determined. Local police are request- ing that additional caution be taken by motorists during the holiday season. Police Bear Down “Our greatest‘ Christian holiday season is always a time of extra dan- gers. Many more people are shopping and travelling. Everybody is in a rush and pré-occupied with Christmas af- ‘fairs. Children are free from school, deliveries in residential areas are heav- ier, and driving, weather and light con- ditions arerften‘at their w_0rst. “Ontario is not alone in experienc- ing such tragedies. Iln other parts of Canada, in Great Britain, and in the United States, the traffic deaths in the, peak accident periods such as Christmas and New Year’s amount to terrible to- tals. “Only by every one of us doing our part can we reduce such tragedies. “The true Chi-istian spirit of cour- tesy, care and consideration for others will save lives and human suffering.” “Results can be ghastly. In 1953, on the day before Christmas alone, there were 13 people killed'in 10 acci- dents in Ontario. In 1952, eight met death on Christmas Eve and five on Christmas day itself. Walter Carter, 23, of Winter Ave., Scarboro, was instantly killed early Sunday when his car slammed into a Hydro pole‘ after travelling 174 feet in the ditch. Police said Carter was return- ing home alone when his car veered into the ditch on Kennedy Road. Markham Township, just north of Milliken. It collided with the Hydro. pole then bounc- ed into a cement culvert. SMITH, Associate Editor Police believe he fell asleep at the wheel, P. C. William Shearn of Markham township police is investigating. SUTTON : In the new year. Council will consider a request by Police Chief Donner to allow angle parking on the west side of High Street and parallel park- ing on the east side. MAN KILLED AS CAR HITS HYDRO POLE Ronald Cundy of Hunt Lane, Richvale, was taken to Toronto Western Hospital with minor injuries following a motor accident on Number 11 Highway just south of Bond Lake. early Sunday morning. Mr. CUndy had just reached the crest of the hill when he saw a car start- ing to pull out of a drive- way. Applying the brakes, the car skidded» 165 feet, hit a patch of ice, went up onto the shoulder of the road and turned over three or four times. At Magistrate's Court in gillowdale last Thursday, ruce Dennis of Innisville and Robert Draper of Nash- ville Were‘ handed down sen- tences on a fraud charge. The pair were charged in. connection with issuing a bad cheque in Nashville re- cently. They were appre- hended at the time by Vau- ghan Township Police. O. P. P. Constable Vince Cairo ,who investigated the accident reports that charges are being considered but have not been laid. Damage to the car is estimated at over $1,000. ‘ Dennis was given a six- month jail term while Drap- er, who has had no previous court record was given one year suspended sentence. Motor Accident Sunday Morning ‘, Ottawa” Convicted 0n Fraud Charge 5c single copy /MEMBER' UDIT ‘IRCULATIQ‘IS UREAU lzatm; laughs. Starring in this terri- fic comedy is a conglomerate of all‘time top comedians who do a smash job at making humor. Included in the picture are Fib- ' ber McGee and Molly, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy and Lucille Ball. Ear \ "M\ .ARMYSE- Y . . . A modernized version of “Fantasia” using new wide screen techniques and sound systems will be put into release in 1956. Watch for “The Black- board Jungle", coming to the Richmond Theatre early in Feb- ruary. finish/LEM” / /n4y / Leadership is ever in demand. One prominent leader of our day put it this way. “Look for some task which is a challenge, then go out and achieve it.” Think As We Progress Dear Mr. Editor: We have a task and a serious problem which confronts us, mentioned by our good citizen, Rev. Arthur Chote. Our christian heritage and our democratic institutions were brought about by Godâ€"fearing and liberty-loving men and im- men. They turned to the Bib- le for guidance and learned what their duties were and also what their rights were. The civilization which we now en- joy isflheir legacy to us. Nations come to decay and decline, not so‘ much from phys- ical causes as from wrong choices, moral weaknesses and intellectual and spiritual pov- erty. The future of Canada depends not upon large income and an abundance of earthly possessions, but upon the ideals we cherish, the convictions we hold about life, duty and our eternal destiny. If we devote all our strength to building larger houses, developing mat- erial resources and making our- selves more comfortable, we re- move the cement which holds the walls of our public in place. Material prosperity must be matched by intellectual growth and spiritual insight. Ignorance of a law does not n‘ullify the law. Our judgment is based on the law, as it is written, not on how we interâ€" Coming to the Richmond Theatre next Monday and Tuesday is a very recent hit and one of the top comedy pic- tures of 1955. THE PRIVATE WAR OF MAJOR BENSON stars Charlton Heston in his first comedy role with Julie Adams in the feminine lead. Heston plays the role of Ma- jor Barney Benson, a tough ar- my career officer who dislikes what he considers the Army’s kid-glove treatment of rookies and says so in a national mag- azine. ~The Army “banishes” him with an assignment as an R.O.T.C. Instructor at a religl ious military school for young boys. At first Barney is such a hard task-master and unfeeling dis- ciplinarlan that the boys at the college come to hate him and get up a petition asking for his removal. Meanwhile, Barney has fallen in love with the resi- dent physician (Julie Adams) and she sets about to make him a little softer and more humane. Coming Wednesday and Thursday, December 28 and 29, is a wonderful double feature bill of interest to the whole family. The first feature film is that classic Walt Disney pro- duction of PINOCCHIO; an old film but a classic that has lived in the hearts of millions ever since it was produced. Since it was last put into re- lease, a whole new generation of children has come along to see and enjoy this picture for the first time. And all those who have seen it previously can recapture the thrill of this wonderful and touching feature< length cartoon. the big picture with the big laughs. Starring in this terri- fic comedy is a conglomerate of allâ€"time top comedians who do a smash job at making humor. Included in the picture are Fib- ber McGee and Molly, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy and Lucille Ball. In technicolor, this picture is heart-warming and humorous and makes an ideal Christmas treat for the whole family dur- ing the festive holiday season. As a companion feature to “Pinocchio”, the Richmond Theatre is also presenting the feature length comedy picture LOOK WHO’S LAUGHING. After the second World War Mathew Halton took his two children to see the sights of London on Christmas Eve. The lad was thrilled with the sight of animals in the 200': The girl, a little older, said: “I thought the grandest thing was the thousands of presents being sent to the German children â€"â€" our former enemies.” A school teacher told me that he asked his class to write out The Lord’s Prayer. One little lad began â€" “Our Father, short. in heaven â€"-". He had been re- citing it that way for years. A little girl walking with her mother, saw a parade of 501- diers. She listened to her mo- mer s explanation of war â€" she listened carefully then said: A boy was taken to Sunday school for the first time. He was greatly excited and said to his dad: “They have automo- biles in heaven because we sang in one hymn: “He will take me home on high" “Mother, some day there will be a war and nobody will go to it.” A lad living in Boston watch. ed his father playing in the fa- mous symphony orchestra. He thought it was wonderful and fifteen years later, he too was playing in the orchestra â€" but he played the leading violin. The judges agreed that the “Essays were, in the main, quite good, and it was their regret that more than one could not Not ’so long 'ago six? thioius’érnd high school students in New York City entered an essay con- test. The subject they were asked to write on was: “The modern miracle I would like to see.” and the award was a five hugglreq dollar savings bond. Dear Mister Editor The W'z'de Screen By Norman Brown pret it or how we think it should be. If we are found guilty we pay the penalty. Re- member God has His laws too. One of which is written. “Re- member the Sabbath Day to keep it holyi” It is nobody's business but our own how we react to this law. God has made us free moral agents, and has given us this privilege to choose. But remember too, privileges carry with them responsibilities. When a stop sign says stop, we are judged according to our re- action to the written law. not to what we think it should be. We have a great responsibil- ity before us. Are we to give way to the modern trend or have we high ideals and convic- tions toward the decisions which are ours to make. Lead- ership is ever in demand. Let us not be carried away by the modern trend but rather let us give leadership to those who are looking to us for it. our children, who [in turn will step into the shoes of leadership. Whether you are aware of it or not, someone you least sus- pect is patterning their life af- ter your example. Is it your child? It may be your best friend. What kind of‘ leadership are you giving them? Is it one that will stand the test of life? The future of Canada is in the making. Somebody’s life is at stake in your example. Please be a good citizen. Cecil G. Black, . Richmond Hill The symbol of Attila the Hun is used throughout the motion picture coming to the Richmond Theatre on Friday and Satur- day. It is a staff mounted with steer horns, skulls, cross bars and horse tails. This is the SIGN OF THE PAGAN and is the name of this.technicolor, Cinemascope spectacle. There is no more spectaculflr event in the chronicles of t e early Christian era than the on- slaught of Attila's Huns against the Roman Empire. And it is unlikely that the screen can better capture the spectacle, the technicolor splendor and thundering excitement of this mighty sweep of history than does this picture. Starring Jeff Chandler, Jack Palance and Rita Gam, it cap- tures all the flaming excitement and emotional drama of a great motion picture. Chand- ler is the heroic centurion who appeals first to the corrupt Theodosius who rules at Con- stantinople to stop appeasing Attila and then to the weak Valentinian at Rome to take a stand against the Hun King. In the wonderful scenic spread of CinemaScope, there is tremendous surge to the threat against 5th century civ- ilization by the united barbarian kingdoms, charging with fire and flame, with pillage and des- truction from village to village through to the very gates of un- defended Rome itself. It is a picture well worth seeing. new starv Paul Newman, has been signed to portray Rocky Graziano in “Somebody Up There Likes Me”. Frank Sinat- ra originally showed interest in this role .‘ . . Trend is toward more extras in motion pictures. Originally 500 would be enough for an action-adventure epic, now 2,000 or more is the mini- mum. . . . Both West Point and Annapolis have been glori- fied in film many times and now the new Colorado Air Force Ac- ademy will be the subject of the “Air Force Academy Story". The fortunate winner was a seventeen-year - old student named Elliott Sprechman, who had suflered nearly all his life from infantile paralysis. For fifteen years he had seen other youngsters play games and he had watched them; baseball, hockey, swimming, football, running and dozens of other games. He couldn't play but he could dream of what he would like to be and do. He was a good student and well- liked by other boys. He said that if he couldn't play, at least he could root from the side- lines. But writing essays was one thing he could do and so he entered the contest. Next. he had to decide what it was he would like to see happen more than anything else in the world. One would think it would be easy for him to decide, but it wasn't. Of course he would like to be well and strong, able to play football and other games but in his essay â€" which won the fi\_'e hundred dollar prize win the bond. Miracles the writers wanted to see made a. very long list, and they differ- ed greatly. Some wanted one thing and some another. ac- cording to their tastes and up~ bringing. ' -â€" Elliott never once mention- ed himself. He said: “The mo- dern miracle I would like to see is the union of people every- where in the world in ,a true brotherhood that will bring light and peace into the lives of all men throughout the world and- for all time." Well done. Elliott, you de- served that prize and we are glad you got it. HOLLYWOOD NOTES : A WEDNESDAY, THURSDAYâ€"DECEMBER 28, 29 Please note: Wed., Thurs., last complete show, 8.30 pm. MONDAY, TUESDAYâ€"DECEMBER 26, 27 hmmhnomm“.u fimowm Ducted by JERRY HOPPER o. Saunplay by WILLIAM ROBERTS and RICHARD ALAN SIMMONS ' Produced by HOWARD PINE ’ ’ We’ re No Angels’ ’ Telephone TUmer 4-1212 Humphrey Bogart Aldo Ray TERROR OIITPOST OF THE NORTHWEST MOUNTED! FRI., SAT.â€"DECEMBER 23, 24 SPECIAL GALA MIDNIGHT SHOW 12.05 SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 Holiday Matinees at 2 pm. every day during Christmas Week 2 SHOWS DAILY 7-9 pm. Saturdays & Holidays â€" 6 pm. “in. Ontar MONDAY & TUESDAY JANUARY 2 & 3 Admission 75c PLUS ! and TIM HUVEY Peter Nstlnov Joan Bennett

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