Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1955, p. 5

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Venicmvmun HILL . . The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This it 0‘. q King. Toronto. at. I l A . " Fowler, TUrner newspaper will also church organizations. women's and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. ceptcd up to Wednesday of each- week, it is desir- able to have it in earlier if poSsible to ensure its , publication. fifeâ€"#â€" l A large congregation received the 'pre-Christmas Sacrament of the Lord's Supper lastISunday morning at Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church. at o t II v Wendy Anne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hipgrave of Crosby Ave.. was baptized “1.51. Mary's Anglican Church, Rich- mend Hill, last Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sims and Miss Y. Legecy acting as the Godparents. C t C C Members of the Barrie Branch of Ridout Real Estate Ltd, along with other representatives from the district joined with the staff families and friends of the Rich- ‘mond Hill branch for a Christ- mas Dinner last Wednesday ev- Town Inn. ening at the . , ‘ it: it it a: L.O.L. 2368 Richmond .Hill held a Christmas Party Saturday night at the Masonic Hall for children of lodge members. Films were shown by Mr. Dan Hudson of the Department of Lands and Forests followed by the ‘customary visit from'Santa Claus and the distribution of presents. ‘ z t t t t On Christmas Eve at 11 p.m..a Choral Communion Sci-Vice ‘Wlll be held at St. Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill, With special Christmas IIIUSIC and Carols. Rev. A. A. Chote Will be preaching at this Serum and will be assisted by the Rev. .Vl. .Leach of Toronto. at the Christ- “mas Services. Sunday SerVices r. are arranged for 8 a.m., 11 a.m.. ‘r’ and 7 pm with a .Childrens itChurch Service at 9:45am. it u. m t t n- . I '1‘“ Last Sunday evening Richmogd Hill United Church presented e liannual Choral Festival-serVice. szuest'-organist was Mr. Alfred former choir lead- ‘iver and" organist at Carleton St. lUnited Church. The chmr was ,‘u’nder “direction of Mr. Herman ’ resident organistl and - choir leader. The organ prelude was the Prelude from Corelli’s ,8th Concerto. In addition to the ,.,.well-known carols. the choir sang - several anthems by such well- Iknown composers as Stain-_ er, Bach and Bowker. Miss Mabel Walker read the Christmas Story. The postlude was Pearsall's “1n dulci. jubilo." w: It is :- On Wednesday evening De- cember 14th Richmond Hill Q Scout Mothers held their annual Xmas Pot Luck Supper in the . Masonic Hall. Rev. A. Chote in- stalled the‘ new officers for the ' coming season, which are as fol- l lows: Pres. Mrs. S. Tinker. Vice- ’Pres. Mrs. L. Sims, 2nd Vice Mrs. N. Todd, Rec. Seé. Mrs. A. a Bamford. Corres. Sec. Mrs. 'P. “Smith, Treas. Mrs. W. Smith, yPress Mrs. ,L. Clement, Sewmg 'Mrs. M. Bain. Program. Mrs. J. Rice. Sunshine, Mrs N. Gibson. Membership, Mrs. J. Brodrick, .Social Mrs. B. Houle, Mrs. R. Maclntyre. Group Committee representative Mrs. M. Williams. is t w: a: The annual Christmas Euchre. Bridge and Turkey Draw of St. -Mary‘s Roman Catholic Church was held on Friday evening. Dec- ember 16 at the Masonic Hall. Welcoming the large crowd With . Father McGinn and Father Gagne -was social convcnor of the Marian Guild, Mrs. Ml Beynon. Euchre winners ‘were: Men: - Geo. W. Carter 78. a turkey; Am- brose' Langley. 75. chicken; H. Fieldmouse, 50, 2 doz. eggs: Lad- ies: .Mrs. J. Cook. 82, a turkey; ~Mrs A Langley. 81, a chicken; :Mrs S. Woolnough, 39, 2 doz. ‘ eggs. A chicken door prize was ‘ won by Mr. M. C. Dufi‘y. Bridge .wiiiners: Mr. Hellendoorn, 4320, La turkey; Mrs M. O'Neill, 4070. a "chicken; Robert Johnston, 1030, 2 dozen eggs. Winners in the draw for the five turkeys were: Mrs. Mildred Gibbons. Miss Joan Piercey. Three turkeys went to Toronto. _. welcome news reports about While copy will be ac- Stafi’ members of the Richmond ,' Hill office of the Ontario Hydro‘ attended a Christmas party at the Ridge Inn last Friday evcn-, ing. t It t 1! At Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, Dc- cember 18. the Sacrament of Holy Communion was observed and the following were received and welcomed into the member- ship. and fellowship of the. church -â€" By Profession of Faith: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lavender, Misses Mary MacKay,, Sandra Hood. Lilian Butler, Heather Ci'aigic, Peter Smith and Bob Ross. By Certificate from other Communions â€" Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, York Memorial Church, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Carâ€" gill. Dovercourt Road Church. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McPhail, St. Andrew's Church. Ottawa; Mr.~ and Mrs. D. \l. Webb. Knox Crescent & Kcnsing- ton. Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. G.. R. Francis, Armour Heights, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson, Buckie-North, The Church of Scotland. Deaths BOYINGTON, Nelson â€" At his home, Queensville, Friday, December ‘16. 1955. Nelson Boyington. formerly of Brown‘s Corners, No. 7 Highway, be- loved husband of Estelle Den- by, dear father of Mrs. Oliver Bales (Doreen), Jessie and Jack. in his, 62nd year. Rested at Wright and Taylor's Funerâ€" ad Home, Richmond Hill. Serâ€" vice held Monday. December 19, at 2 o'clock. Interment in ; (' Buttonville Cemetery. *1w25 a a o t , DICKINSON, Walter E. â€" At day, December 14, 1955, Wal- ter E. Dickinson. beloved hus- band of Mabel Gertrude Libby, of'Edgar Ave.. Richvale, in his 75th year; dear father of Hazen 12., Mrs. Cousins (Bertha), Hamilton. Rested at Wright & Taylor Funeral Home. Rich- mond Hill. Service held Satur- day, December 17. at 1.30 pm. Interment in Richmond Hill Cemetery, ~ *1w25 it! ii i: at WATSON. Barney Oakley â€"â€" Suddenly at his home, Carr- ville Rd., Richvale, Thursday. December 15, 1955, Barney Oakley Watson, beloved hus- band of Elizabeth Dunn, i his 58th year. Dear father of rs. R. Watson (Hilda), Mrs. H. Warman (Helen), Mrs E. Wade (Jewel). Mrs. H. Cotterill (Pauline) Funeral from Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service on Sunday, December '18. at 2 p. m. Interment King Cemetery. clw25 Sunnybrook Hospital, Wednesâ€"l cash or THANKS ‘Having sold its entire stock of Christmas Trees. Richmond Hill Rotary Club wishes to thank all those whose purchases of trees will enable the club to further its Welfare Program during the coming year. Richmond Hill Rotary Club c1w25 it it a it WATSON â€" We wish to give special thanks to relatives and friends, Rev. C. Higginson, Wright and Taylor funeral home, the staff of Langstaf‘f Hospital, for acts of kindness and beauti- ful floral offerings received in the loss of our dear husband and father. Mrs. Elizabeth Watson and the Family *1w25 Carrville Rd., Richvale. _____________________.._____â€"â€"â€" EKIIIEMWKK‘ *WKW'EK 78 Y.ONGE ST. S. TU. 4-2961 ' Knunnxuemesmmnmunfluflunmmmmmszmexeeaa ______________________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" K3!KERKKISKKK‘IEKKKKIMKliflmmlfifilléfiifiKlfl-Efifil5 Muinprize Drugs HOLIDAY HOURS Sunday, Dec. 25 â€"â€" Closed all day Monday, Dec. 26 â€" Open 12 noon - 7 pm. I 3.Knlzlfi'a'd'flfi'fi’fiifiW‘IKKKZWKKWWKWRRKWHHKK“ C CLOSING HOURS To Our Friends and Customers WE SHALL BE CLOSED FROM CHRISTMAS EVE UNTIL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28 RE-OPENING WEDNESDAY MORNING, 9.30 A.‘.\I. . ‘ PATTI-LU SHOP .7 Sunday, Jan. 1 â€" Closed all day Monday, Jan. 2 â€"â€" Open 12 noon - 7 in; t‘l‘S For Prescriptions or other emergencies please phone Walter Murray TU. 4-2124 mammnmnaaxnmammmmmunaaana 3.23:; i WWKKEKK Saree: RICHMOND HILL 3.2a2:ainamzazaaaznznaaaiaiaaazw '.'-“' BIJIBIZIPIEAZJvLm‘a'l'ZTZrBGBcBi‘IZJI Hal“. 1,1" .«IEr ).9.'3,i;.34'Â¥i-i ; ‘ f 3 ‘7" ‘â€"' ' special anthems ? lllilS COHCCI‘I i proximately ‘ Bible Searclicrs‘ ilt‘l‘. ‘- of Bird Census By 'R.H. Naturalists On December 26 Boxing Day, Richmond Hill Naturalists will take a bird census of this area. keeping records of the varieties and the numbers of each variety seen. The area covered will be as follows: Elgin Mills side road to Carrvillc Side-road from North to South and from Bayview to Bathurst East and West. This area is to be divided 8â€" mong several leaders, who will be supplied with check lists of birds it is possible to see within 20 miles of the Museum in To- ronto. The Naturalists taking part in this census are asked to report buck to the home of Dr. Lillian C. Langstaff, 27 Church St. North between four and five o'clock for coffee and to hand in their re- ports. It is hoped that a worth-while record of winter birds will be obtained. Candelight Service St. Mary's_ Anglican I St. Mary's Anglican Church held its annual Candlelight Carol Service Sunday evening when soâ€" vcn Christmas Readings were giv- cii by members of the congrega- tion. The singing of carols and *by the Junior and Senior Choirs completed the service. Giving the readings from pass- ages in the Bible were T. P. Hen- ry, i‘cc‘ior‘s warden; Paul Morley. L.R.; David Higgins. chairman of sidesmcn: D. H. Storms, building committee: Ken Ruflman, super- intendent of the Sunday School: Gordon Lewis, advisory council; and J. Brodrick, church treasur- er. Prayers were taken by Harry Hill, LR, and F. C. Jackson. L. R. Solos were sung by Allan Web- ster, ‘Miss Elena Nelson. a duet by Mrs. J. G. Rumney and J. Large. and a‘quartet, Mrs. Rum- ney. Miss Nelson. Mr. Large and J. A. Hewitt, rendered "Angels we have heard on high." The ser- vice closcd with the benediction by Rev. A. A. Chote. Organist and choir leader is Miss Dorothy Armstrong. A.R.C. T,, R.M.T. BRADFORD : The Community Centre Fund has now risen to $35,000. This amount will permit the completion of the walls and roof of the building, in addition to building the ice curb and in- stalling the wiring. The original members mond Hill Community Swingr were hon- oured at an “Old Grads" night held in the auditorium of the Yonge St. I’ulr lic School on December 12th. left to right are, Stan l’iphcr. Orphie of the Richâ€" Stan Tinker, Reading Easson, Joseph Rabinowitch, Ruth Rab- Many ;people may wonder what possible relationship thcrc could be between education and dancing. The fact that recreaâ€" tion is a very necessary part of normal life has long been accept- ed by educational authorities. Square dancing is more than just dancing. Besides being fun. it is also a form of recreational therapy â€" a tonic for family acâ€" tivity, an opportunity to meet new friends and a cure for worâ€" ries. It forms an excellent hasâ€" is for a democratic community because it completely destroys the social caste system. The only introduction required in a dance is a pleasant “bow to your part- ner and corners all”. A great part of its popularity is due to the fact that there is no age barrier. It appeals to teen-agers as well as to their grandparents. Another intriguing factor is that it satisfies the urge to dress up. Rural dancers don their best Stinday clothes for an evening out while their city cousins preâ€" fer Western garb and loud colors in casual clothes. Historic Form The history of this form of dancing is rather interesting too. The square formation of the dance originated from a game in ancient Greece and latei- a noble- man of the early French court was inspired to put it to music and have a quadrille dance. It was used as a quadrille in‘ Engâ€" land and was brought to Canada by the early settlers. Here it was modified into our tradition- al Canadian folk dance; which Receives Licence Sunday Morning R.H.KaneAppolnted Lay Reader, Anglican Church At last Sunday morning’s ser- vice held in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, R. H. Kane. well-known business man in this area was presented with :1 Lay Reader‘s Licence granted by Bishop F. H. Wilkinson of the Diocese of Toronto. The Rector. the Rev. A. An Chote, made the presentation and presented to Mr. Kane 3 Lay Reader’s Badge on behalf of the Churchwardens, Harry Stanford and'T. P. Henry, after reading the following testimonial: “In every Church there is al- ways a handful of people who rarely miss a service in the Church â€" morning or evening â€"â€" winter or summer. We here at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. have such a group. I can think of such people as Harry Stanford, Mrs. Pocknell, Mrs. Hall and Mr. Scrivener as some of these peop- le. And there is another who since I have come to this Parish, hasn‘t missed more than two or three services, morning or ev- ening, during this entire period. That person is Mr. Harry Kane.' We all know Mr. Kane to be a most devoted member who is willing to do whatever he can for the Church. He it is. who plays the chimes every Sunday morning and evening. He it is who puts the hymn numbers up on the hymn boards for every service. You can count on Harry to act as Sidesman at those mid- week services that are sparsely attended. Wednesday evening he can be counted upon to attend choir practice. When the Rec- tor‘s voice gets a little tired, Har- ry is always there to read the Lessons at the evening service and to take the Collects. Mr. Harry Kane has served our church long and well, holding many of the senior offices such as Sidesman, Lay Delegate to Synod, Representative on the Ad- visory Council, Vestry Clerk 1when Ted Mansbridge served in the armed forcesi. and he has been singing in choir work since 1913. It is with a great deal of pleas- ure that I have the honour this morning to make him this special presentation.~As a token of the high esteem in which we hold him, and to give him the proper authority he should possess in asâ€" sisting with the services of this church, the Bishop of Toronto has been pleased to grant Mr. Kane. 3 Lay Reader’s Licence. The Bishop has written asking that I express his very best wish- es to Mr. Kane as he takes on this new appointment. On behalf of the Wardens and myself, may I have the honour of presenting to him this Licence and Lay Reader's Badge and may our Lord be pleased to grant him many years of continued service in His Church.“ Presbyterian Christmas Party Sunday SchOol Awards Presented At'Concert A capacity crowd was in at- tendance Monday night for the annual Sunday School Christ- at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church when ap- 300 were present. Due to the lack of accommoda- tion, the customary sit-down sup- per was suspended and was re- placed by a social intermission. During the evening, at which Superintendent James Butler v.85 chairman. 11 awards were presench to members of the Class. and two prizes were presented for attend- : once and memory work. licv. .l. “N. liepburn presented 'thc awards to the Bible Searchâ€" included Carol Burr, Suain Tilt, Marilyn Burr, Carol \i;ic.'.nuc!. Iva Bovaird. Edith Bruno. lloy Taylor. Douglas Cut- linvid Smith, Ian Ross and Douglas .\lii‘rlccs. .\12..n Howard was presented .in ‘1‘ .ml for bonding his class ' l;.i\‘llt‘l' William Mirrlees. lvogcr Hoggc by his teacher \lne llcpourn. Gin-w Sl'l‘.>l for the evening's cntcmninntcnt was Gary Skippon llichvnic. clocutionisl. The number by the ’rimary Depart- ‘ ment. The Goovaight Prayer. was one of the highlights of the evening. Included in the pro- gram was a film. “The Guiding Star" presented by Russell Tilt, Christmas Carols by the Sunday School children. as well as tabâ€" leaux and recitations by the various classes. a piano solo by Mary MacKay who also accomp- anied the entertainment throughâ€" out the evening. and the Junior Choir who sang two numbers under the direction of Mrs. An- drew. Rev. Hepburn. in his address remarked one to the gathering. the limited accommodation in. 1126 church resulting from an incvczif‘- , .. and pointed‘ ing congregation, out the possibility church extension. Refreshments were provided by the ladies of the Evenin: Aux- iliary under the convcnorship of Mrs. Hugh Ycrex. The given out were donated by .l. Latimer. and the milk was do- nated by Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Broad. Bags of candy were dis- Ii‘ibuied and the :us‘omary \'l<l' from Santa Claus. Councillor \Veslcy Middleton. completed the evening of a Mime clearly shows the influence of our Scottish and lrish forbears in both the steps and the lively music. Relaxation Modern high pressure living is surely taking its toll on the mental and physical health of the people. They need some- where to relax. to forget their problems and enjoy themselves without worry. They find it here. The iherapueiic value of Square dancing lies, in lilt of the music and the simplicity of the activi- 1y The (lancer is not required to learn a square dance. He Merely follows a few basic fig- ures such as “do-so-do". “grand chain" as “promenade. which are used by the caller to form a fig- urc. It is a sort of followâ€"the- leadcr idea â€" the thinking is all done by the caller while the dancers merely follow the “call”. This is a very agreeable situaâ€" tion for the dancer because it requires no memory, no decisions and a minimum of talent. Happy Entertainment However, most people don’t indulge in square dancing because it is going to do them good. They inowiich, Stuart Harwood, Ede. Rutli'n, mark the occasion were capped and led the square dancing during the gay evening. . he. and Eleanor lrwin. To the “Old Grads" â€"â€" Photo by Lagcrquist do it because it is fun. If some- thing nice bappensas a by-pro- duct then, so! much the. better. It is generally recognized as .a good, wholesome activity. Many Christian recreational leaders endorse it for use in church groups because it lends itself to such happy, healthy good fellowâ€" ship. Local Group Thrives The Richmond Hill Community Swing group, like so many others throughout the province was sponsored by the Community Programme Branch of the De- partment of Education Under their‘ excellent guidance the group has flouri\hccl for five years and is a ver real part of the community‘s social life. The only requirement for mcmv bership is a willingness to share your friendship with others. The group meets in the auditorium of the Yonge St. Public School at 8.30 pin. every second and fourth Monday of the month, You will find a warm welcome. and more real fun than you ever thought possible. Come on out and shake your feet to the tune of the fiddle! Father M cGinn/Gives Christmas Message Local _‘ Horticultural Society Holds Christmas Choral Meet Christmas Decoration Show of Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety was held December 16 at the Lions Hall when many and varied were the exhibits which ranged from corsages to wreaths. An arrangement suitable for a dinner table, dreW‘ favourable comment from the judges, as well as a side-board arrangement. and a place favour for a Christmas party. Judges were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith, well- known artists from Thornhill. During the judging, a quar- tctte from St. Mary’s Anglican Church sang many of the lesser known carols, and a duet ‘Can- tique De Noel’ was sung by mem- bers of St. Mary‘s Church. The Junior Choir of the Presbyterian Church sang the old familiar carols. The Christmas Message wa de- livered by Father Frederick Mcâ€" Ginn of St. Mary's Catholic Church, who reminded his listen- ers that while the season of Christmas is a wonderful thing to touch the hearts of people to the necessities of their fellow- men, the same spirit should pre- vail throughout the entire year. Mrs. Hugh MacKay, president- elect, spoke sincerely and briefly regarding the high honour and trust bestowed upon her as the first woman president of the So: ciety. hoping that 1956 would be a banner year, surpassing all rec- ords. Presentation of prizes was con- ducted by Floyd Perkins, and the draw for a turkey which was won by Mrs. Robert Ross. Prize-winners were as follows: Christmas corsage,‘ Mrs. George Barker; door hanger spray, Mrs H. MacKay, Philip Delf. Mrs. P. Delf; any other type of door dec- oration, Mrs. E. Redelmeier, Mrs G. V. Holland; dining room table centre. Mrs. E. Redelmeicr, Mrs B. L .Anderson, Mrs. W. J. Large: coffee table decoration, Mrs. Philip Delf, Mrs. E. Redel- meier. Mrs. W. J. Large; man- telpiece arralgement, Mrs. G. Barker, Mrs. B. L Anderson, Mrs. H. MacKay; sideboard ar- rangement, Mrs G. Barker. Dr. Lillian Langstafi', Mrs. B. L. An- derson; dining table place favor for Christmas Party, Mrs. H. MacKay, Mrs. G. Barker. by L. D. Clement. A Pack ended its 1955 season with a Christmas party at the Scout Hall, the feature of which was a Nativity Play by the Grey Six under Sixer Billy Rumble. Gary Everett and Marshall Ton- ner were invested into the pack. These boys with David Pratt and Paul Tomlinson who were invest- ed the previous week are the last of ten cubs to be taken into A Pack this year. In AkClll Smith’s eight years experience in Richâ€" mond Hill these ten boys have been kcener to learn the meanâ€" ing of their Cub Law and Prom- ise and to pass their ’l‘cnderpad 'l‘cst than any other previous group of New Chums. By the time this paper is read have had gala Christmas parties. Group Committee The Richmond Hill Boy Scouts Association Group Committee held its December meeting in Chairman Jack Whartons home last Thursday. Details of the organization of the forthcoming annual financial campaign were discussed. l The new Group Committee in Richmond Acres. comprising A. Gentlcs, 393 Rockport Cres, chairman: Pat Smith. 433 Centre St. E. la former Cubmaster) and Fred Corbett. 71 Tormorc Drive. is making good progress with the formation of Cub Packs in this area. The Boy Scouts Association ex- botb B Puck under Akela Mar- tends to all their wishes for your garct Styan and C Pack under happiness at this Christmas Sca- .\kclzi Doug Simmons will also son. """ 3 2'5. :‘E'i’élé’i'éii9SZ‘ilf.l35€’€’-3.Z’5?€‘I’£'£'§£¥‘€’€'€‘€li‘fi"Z‘fi’eri‘E‘E‘C'Zi'ZZ To my colleagues on wish limonizil dinner last week. “i v'wp‘)‘ . THANK YOU ! I' municipal stuff and the citizens of Richmond Hill. I to express my most sincere thanks presentation and expressions of good .will at the tes- To one and all at this festive season my sincere wish for joy and real happiness at Christmas and health and prosperity all through the coming,r y ouncillor ll’esley Middleton 15 council, members of the for the It has been a great honour and privilege to have *'~ ‘1 served on council for twenty years and for your often expressed confidence I extend my heartfelt thanks. If in even a small way I have contributed to the bet- terment of Richmond Hill I am more than repaid for m apples :2; my efforts. .\. :1’ {iv .ti. SI'NDAY. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N- Hepburn. Minister CHRISTMAS DAY DECEMBER 25. 1955 ll a.m. â€"â€"~ \\ or>hip Service Junior Choir Senior Choir RICHMOND HILL l'NlTED CHURCH ‘ Rev. C. G. lligginson. B.A.. B.D. CHRISTMAS DAY SI'ND.\Y. DECEMBER ‘25. 1955 11.15 a.m. SUNDAY. 0.45 am. â€"â€" Family Service Junior Choir â€" (‘hristmas Service Church Choir 7 pm. â€"â€" Young People‘s Service ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHI'RCH Richmond Hill Rev. A. A. Chote. B.A.. B.Th. DECEMBER 25. 1955 CHRISTMAS DAY "In Him \\'.’l.‘\' life. and the life was the light of men" CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE â€" 11.00 pm. Communion, Sermon Rev. A. A. Chote CHRISTMAS SUNDAY Choral Carols, 8 a.m. â€"â€" Choral Communion 9,45 a.m. â€" Children's Church Service 11 a.m. â€"â€" Choral Communion Guest Preacher â€"â€" Rev. W. Leach 11 a.m. â€" Junior Congregation 7 pm. ~â€" Evening Prayer Rev. A. A. Chote NOTE â€" The Rector & Wardens take this opportunity of wishing all the members and friends of St. Mary's Church the richest blessian of Christmas. H. Stanford. People's Warden T. P. Henry, Rector's Warden RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor â€"â€" R. H. Galbraith CHRISTMAS DAY ‘ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1955 10 am. â€" Bible School, â€"â€" The best place in town to start off your Christmas Sunday 11 a.m. -â€" Worship Service â€"â€" “Born of a Virgin” â€"â€" Soloist, Mrs. H. Howlett 7.30 pm. â€" Gospel Service â€" Wm. and Sidney Murray, Violin Duet MONDAY Young Peoples‘ cancelled for the next two weeks Temp. Location â€" Masonic Hall. 15 Yonge St. N. “Where welcome is more than a word” RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Corner of Elmwood and Rugglcs Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML, 9 am., Sunday CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1955 3 pm. â€"â€" Sunday School Come and join in singing the Christmas Carols projected on the screen. 7 pm. â€" Christmas Service Singing the Carols we love and a Christmas Message by the pas- tor. Wed., Dec. 28 at 8 pm. â€"â€" Week- ly Prayer and Bible Study Worship THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. Bl). CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1955 11 am. â€"â€" Morning \v orship and Church School THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN Rev. C. H. Chambers, B.A.. B.D. CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1955. 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Service. The Junior and Senior Choirs will present special Christmas music. THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Yonge Street. Stop. 17) Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. B. TIL. (5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto 12, HU. 1-3142) CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1955 Sunday School â€" Juniors at 10 am. Primary at 11 a.m. . Worship Service at 11 a.m. “Glory to God in the highest. and on earth peace, goodwill to- ward men" I‘RINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thomhill Rev. S. A. R. Wood. B.A.. Rector SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 11.30 pm. â€"â€" Midnight Commun- ion IChoral) CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1955 8 a.m. â€"â€"Holy Communion ll a.m. â€" Holy Communion (Choral) (Movies for children) SATURDAY. DECEMBER 31 11.30 pm. â€"â€" \I'atchnight Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 1. 1956 Holy Communion 8 and 11 a.m. WEEK OF PRAYER All services at Trinity Church Tues, Jan. 3 â€" Rev. Percy Buck. Baptist Church Wed, Jan. 4 Rev. Calvin Chambers, Presbyterian Church Thurs, Jan. 5 â€" Rev. E. B. Eddy, United Church Fri, Jan. 6 â€" Rev. 3. A. R. Wood. Anglican ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY; DECEMBER 25. 1955 Church Service 2.30 pm. Sunday School . . . . . . 1.30 pm. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Houo Each Lord's Day evening at 7 pin. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY {5801 at 9.15 a.m. Mzmhew 15:13 Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath r-ot planted, shall be rOoted up. ’ 5 CARRVILLB UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D.. Minister CHRISTMAS DAY SI'NDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1955 2.30 p.m. â€" Worship Service GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHI‘RCH Rev. C. E. Hunking, Minister ,8.45 â€" Church Broadcast CKLB 1350 Oshawa 0 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 11 a.m. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Everyone Welcome CHRISTMAS SERVICES ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - OAK RIDGES (Yonge St. at Jefferson) Christmas Day A 11.15 am, â€" Holy Communion 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer ST. STEPHEN‘S. MAPLE Christmas Eve. December 2‘ 10.30 pm. â€" Holy Communion (Carol Service) Christmas Day 11 a.m. Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer MAPLE CHARGE [.NITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C.. Minister CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1955 Hope Sunday School 9.30 a.m. Divine Worship 10.30 a.m. Maple Sunday School . . . . 10.15 a.m. Divine Worship .. . . . . 11.30 a.m. Edgeley Sunday School .. 1.30 p.m. Divine Worship .. . . . . 2.30 p.m. O Come Let Us Adore Him Christ The Lord RICHVALE CHAPEL Oak Avenue CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1955 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Breaking of.Bread 11 am. â€"- Open Session at Sun- day School 7 p.m. -â€" Evening Gospel Ser- Vice Speaker: Mr. William McCrae Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study Fri, 7.30 to 8.15 â€"- Happy Hour “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.’ â€" Jeremiah 29:13 Christmas Greetings To All ST. BARNABAS' MISSION (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote. B.A.. B. Th. RICHVALE- LANGSTAFF AREA SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1955 CHRISTMAS DAY “Fear not! For behold. I bring you good tidings of great joy" “Suffer the little children to come unto me” 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School - classes Meets every Sunday morning at 9.45 a.m. in the Charles Hewitt School 11 a.m.» & 7 pm. â€" Services in, St. Mary‘s Anglican Church.‘ Richmond Hill NOTE â€" All the children of the Richvale-Langstaff area are in- vited to attend this Mission Sun- day School. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St.. Langstafl Minister Rev. Wm. H. Hiltz. B.A. CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1955 11 a.m. â€"â€" Bibve School for all ages . Adult- Bible Class 6.30 pm. â€" Prayer Service 7 pm. -â€" Choir will present I Christmas Cantata, music and readings, “Song from the Sky" Message by the Pastor Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study Thurs. 8 pm. â€" Sunday School Program of Witness in which the boys and girls of the Sunday School will take part Sat. 9.30 pm. to 12.05 a.m. â€" Watch Night Service Come and join us for a time of Christian Fellowship as we re- count the blessings of the past year and look forward to an even greater New Year of service for God. Also at this service, Dr. Donald Smith‘s sound-motion picture. “Passion for Souls" _ (Hunt: 1 block east of stop lights Stop 128 Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, B. Th. CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1955 10 to 10 T Sunday School The Christmas Story in pictures 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship Christmas Message and Music 7 pm. â€"-â€" Christmas Cantata by Candlelight A musical and pictorial presen- tation of the Christmas Story by the Junior and Adult Choirs. A unique Christmas service. Spend Christmas Sunday with us OWW” STUART PAXTON Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUrner 4-2881 eWanoW. IF YOU NEED IT IVE CAN B'CII.D IT TUrner 4-1591 TURKEB’S WELDING SERVICE Gov. Certified Richmond Hill Industrial Contractors and Household Maintenance 216 Essex Ave. IF YOU BREAK IT WE CAN WELD I'I'

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