TELEPHONE TU. 4-1261 Appendiciï¬g: nypvuwu-u- Jimmy Wood, 16 year old son of Rev. and Mrs. S. A. R. Wood, was stricken with appendicitis early Tuesday morning and rush- ed to St. Michael's Hospital. Tor- onto for operation that same day. At present he is resting comfortably although the will be conï¬ned to bed for some time. Jimmy is a student at Ridiey College and was spending his Christmas vacation at home at the time. Lucky Dray Winner bunny unnw - aâ€.-. Arthur G. Crawford, 8 Arnold Ave., Thornhill, was the winner of a $50.00 prize when his lucky number season pass was drawn at a North York Midget League hockey game between Nobleton and Thornhill on Wednesday night. The draw was held under the auspices of the Thornhill Hockey Association, with Dave Foster, the Thornhill goal keeper, making the draw. The score du- _,. .- vJJA Ivuvn v. - ._., .7 Under the auspices of the Thornhill Ministgrial Ass‘ociatinn, ring tï¬e game we ton. Week 0f Prayer the services will be conducted in Trinity Anglican Church with Rev. Percy Buck of Thornhill Baptist taking the Tuesday ser- vice; Rev. Calvin Chambers of Thornhill Presbyterian taking the Wednesday service; Rev. E. B. Eddy of Thornhill United taking the Thursday service and Rev. S. A. R. Wood of Trinity Angli- can taklng the Friday service. Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harley, Gait, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harley Jr., Long Branch, spent December 26 with Mr and Mrs. Hal Harley, ange St. a. nu. nu..- -.._..__ a special week ovfnprayer has been arranged for Thornhill during the ï¬rst week Virn_ Januagy.‘ All Mrs. Richard Harrison had as Christmas guests her two sisters. Cynthia and Joan who are nurses in training at Gait General Hos- pita}- _- “ n,,n, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Booth, Highland Park, had as their Christmas guqst. Dave's father, Mr. Walter Booth, who is a pat- ient at Klelnburg hospital. Mr .and Mrs. C. J. Bell, Tor- onto, had Christmas dinner with Mr and Mrs. R. C. Poulter, of Thornbank Road. Canon and Mrs. R. A. Arm- strong. Toronto, visited with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Strat- ton and family on Christmas Day. Mrs. David G. Kennedy and Miss Margaret Kennedy, Thorn- bank Rd., spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Kennedy's son. Da- vid Kennedy, Toronto. ' 7 Mr. and Mrs. ' Robert Napier, Elmbank Road, spent Christmas in Detroit and will return in the New Year. Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Eddy left on Tuesday to visit with friends and relatives in Brantford and re- turned today (Thursday). Mrs. W. A Dean, John St, had the 13 members of her immediate famin for dinner on Christmas Day. BOB’S ESSO SERVICE STATION CHASSIS LUBRICATION & MINOR REPAIRS Yonge and Arnold AV. 5-0015 Thornh ‘Did you call a carpenfer?" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, DRIVEWAYS, PARKING LOTS LANESâ€"FOR SERVICE SNOWPLOWING Thornhill Socials ;gme wes 5-0 for Noble- Call AVenue 5-2211 L. W. REID, THORNHILL Thornhill Previewing an event of the New Year, Evelyn Hardy holds a front cover of the new Toronto Suburban-North telephone directory which will be delivered to Bell Tele- phone customers in Thornhill, Willowdale and Don‘ Mills areas in January, 1956. She points to a map on the cover showing the areas served by the AVenue 5, BAldwin 1, BAldwin 5, HIckory 4 and HIckory 7 exchanges. The tel- ephone numbers beginning with these preï¬xes will be con- tained in the new book. Gaily decorated with an exhibi- tion of their own work, Thorn- haven School on Bayview Ave. recently was the scene of a Christmas concert given by the 17 pupils of the Thornhill and District Association for Retarded Children for their families and those of members of the Assoc- iation. Directed by their teach- ers, Miss Dolly Ketola and Mrs. Natalie McPherson, the children and their guests enjoyed a lively programme. First came a Nativity tableau to the piano music of “Silent Night," then two children panto- mimed “Miss Polly had a Dolly who was sick, sick, sick." The Rhythm Band, dressed in red hats and capes. entertained with sev- eral numbers, ending with their favorite “Davy' Crockettâ€, then three children did the skit The Night Before Christmas in panâ€" tomime. Baton twirling and square dancing ended the con- cert. Pupils Of Thornhaven School Enjoy Christmas Concert The climax of the party came with the entry of Santa Clause (Mr. Bert Hodgins of Willowdale Rotary Club) who distributed gifts to the children, and it end- ed with refreshments for all. We‘ Can Suppiy Everything in the Building Line from our stock. See us now. ar's value when you choose for your building materials It's smartest to call on us you still get a full doll. Ont, Thursday, December 29, 1955 THORNHILI. LIONS’ CLUB WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4 Jackpot last week - $500710 FARMERS MARKET Starling Time -v8p.m. 55 Numbers Called Winners of a turkey each in a draw were Mrs. D. Adams of Agincourt and Miss Nancy Smith of Pacific Ave., Toronto. Mrs. Stewart of Agincourt happened to have sold both lucky tickets and won two chickens. Donors of Santa’s presents included Mrs. Lorraine Denby, Mrs. George Morgan, Mrs. Wm. Wade, and the parents of the children. Mrs. Hans Eschenlohr gave each boy a small Volkswagen model do- nated by the Tordnto branch of the German ï¬rm, and the Bay- view District Association con- tributed $8 for the party. The teachers gave each pupil a glass with his own name frosted on, for use at school. Pianist was Mrs. G. Webb of Willowdale. The next‘ fund-raising project of the Association will be a card party towards the end of Jan- uary at the school, with euchre. bridge and other games, which all are invited to attend. Thomhill Pharmacy C. E. Stoneburg Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. Toboggan Accident Fractures Leg Jane Simpson, 13 year-old- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Simpson, Thornhill, received a broken leg on De- cember 26th as the result of a tobogganing accident on a hill west of the Wilfred Ball property. With her at the time was Nora Wood, 12- year-old daughter of Rev. and_ Mrs. Shirley Wood. The toboggan hit a hole near the bottom of the hill, throwing the two girls and breaking Miss Simpson’s leg. Help was called and the in- jured girl was transported to the home of Mr. A. E. Huggins nearby. Dr. Allan Smith of Richmond Hill was called and after relievimg the girl of pain. had her, transported to Sick Child- ren's Hospital in Toronto. Although the fracture is not a great one, it will re- quire a pin to hold the brok- en bones in place and Miss Simpson is expected to re- main in a cast for 10 weeks. She is expect to be releas- ed from hospital on Friday or Saturday. Expert Drug Service Max Factor Cosmetics Prescription Service View-Master Reels Thornhill Vitamins Trustee Chairman Willard Simpson In the recent elections a num- ber of changes were made in the various municipal councils, vil- lage trustee boards and school boards in the area. The newly elected members. who take office in January, will bring a wide background of knowledge and ex- perience to the municipalgbodies they will serve on. In the Police Village of Thom- hill. the newly elected chair- man of the board of trustees is Willard Simpson who led the polls at the recent election. Mr. Mr. Simpson has been a resident of Thornhill nearly all his life and attended Thornhill public school and Richmond Hill High School. Following the comple- tion of school, he joined the staff of the Standard Bank which was later amalgamated with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. After many years with ‘the bank, Mr. Simpson along with his wife, the former Marion Ellis of Richmond Hill, left to be- come owner-manager of Idylwyld Lodge in Muskoka. Recently he joined the staff of the J. R. Her- rington Insuranee Agency. Turkey Dinner For Pensioners Mr. Simpson has always been interested in the community, be- ing a former member of the Board of Langstaff school and then secretary treasurer prior to the formation of the present school area. He is a charter member of the Thornhill District Lions Club and has served as president and secretary in the early years of its formation. He has two daughters, Nancy and Jane, both attending Richmond Hill District High School, and is a member of Thornhill United Church. A brightly illuminated Christ- mas tree, a long table prettily decorated with motifs suited to the season, covers laid for 27, chairs grouped by the piano, all in the cosy, cheery Social Hall of Thornhill United Church, made the setting for a full-course Christmas Dinner, complete with turkey, cranberry sauce, angel cake topped with whipped cream and cherries. mince pie, and all the rest. for 25 members of The Second Mile Club, all Old-Age Pensioners, who depend solely on their monthly cheques from the Government for their rent, food, and everything. Thursday even- ing, December 15, was the date; the Woman's Association of the Church were the hostesses, and the Rev. and Mrs. Earl Eddy actâ€" ed as table host and hostess, and Mr. Eddy warmly welcomed the guests. Place favors at table were a handkerchief, wrapped in the form of a Christmas cracker. The President of the Woman’s Association, Mrs. T. Barrow, made a charming Mistress of Ceremon- ies, leading in the singing of Christmas Carols, chosen by the guests, while Mrs. D. A. Gunn officiated at the piano. Special numbers included solos by Mrs. W. L. Burke, duets by Mrs. Eddy and Mrs. Barrow, and humorous recitations by a skilled, young el- ocutionist from Richvale, Garry Skippon. Then, to everyone’s delight there emerged volunteer artists from among the guests, who favored the assembly with solos and recitations, thoroughly enjoyed by guests and hosts alike. Besides the place favors, the gifts from the hostesses included red Christmas stockings ï¬lled with oranges, apples and candy, and a Christmas card for each, enclosi‘ng ., a money donation. Then, there was a grocery bag for each guest, holding canned goods, wrapped individually and donated by the pupils from the Henderson Avenue Sunday School. And, welcome too was a gift sent at the request of one of the hostesses by the Borden Company, of a large tin of milk powder for each of the guests. The visitors left the social hall with hearty expressions of thanks and cheery Christmas wishes. Volunteers from the Men‘s Club of the Church motored the guests to and from the Church, on that very happy occasion. CBC News Service, now cele- brating its 16th anniversary, pro- cesses more than three million words of incoming copy a day in the preparation of radio and TV newscasts for Canadians. Five nationally known newscasters are pictured above in the CBC's N'EWS SERVICE ANNIVERSARY Party Marks End Of Exams For Thornhill H. S. Students To mark the end of Christmas Examinations and the beginning of the Christmas holidays, stud- ents and members of the staff of Thornhili High School enjoyed a holiday party on December 22. Entertainment was under the di- rection of Mr. E. Lavender. Stud- ents participating in the pro- gram were Jim Stuckey, the neg- ro flea trainer: Nevil Thomas as Visiting Clinics Mr. J. J. McKay, Managing Di- rector of Shouldice Surgery, has been travelling in the western United States and Canada visit- ing the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minn., The Thorliksen Clinic at Winnipeg. Man., and other simil- ar institutions to gather informa- tion about the internal ï¬nancial arrangements of other group practices. He has been accomp- a led by Dr. Nicholas Obney, hief Surgeon of Shouldice Surg- ery, who has been studying surgl ical procedure at the University of Minnesota and elsewhere in the West. School Concert Thornlea School celebrated Christmas on the morning of De- cember 22 in the spirit of giving. Pupils and staff assembled in the hall at 9.30 a.m., sang carols, then presented their caretaker, Ernest Glassford, with a turkey, towards which all had contribut- ed. Three children from Miss Nicholson’s Grade I class, Hugh Lennenville, Gary Henderson and Eileen Churchill; made the pres- entation. After further singing all retur- ned to their own classrooms which were festively decorated by the pupils and each class held its own concert around its own Christmas tree. Gifts were exchanged, and before leaving for the holidays each child en- joyed refreshments and a bag of candy and fruit treats. The principal, Gordon Learn, wishes to express thanks and ap- preciation, to the School Board for the gift of ice cream, and to Thornlea H & S for the bag of treats. School will resume Jan- uary 3. Personals Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fox of John Street who celebrated their 27th wedding an- niversary on Christmas eve, Mr. and Mrs. John Marchiori with Judy, Janice and Deborah motored to Timmins to 'spend a few days‘ at Christmas with their parents. NORTH YORK : Appointment of Squadron Leader Eric A. French, head of the Mathematics Depart- ment at North York’s Earl Haig Collegiate Institute, as Comman- ding Officer, No. 3000 Technical Training Unit, RCAF (Auxiliary) is announced by Group Captain Z. L. Leigh, OBE, Commanding Officers, No. 2 Group Headquar- ters, RCAF Station Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. Art Hunt enter- tained her brother, Kenneth Plumridge, and her sister and family, Mr .and Mrs. Dennis Hol~ den and Bruce, as guests for the Christmas week-end. Mr. and Mrs. William Shrop- shall and daughters, Linda and Elizabeth spent a few days at Christmas with Mrs. Shropshall’s parents, Mr. a‘nd Mrs. Ralph Hill at Richmond Hill. A merry custom was continued this year when several men went carol singing and calling on their neighbours on John Street and Green Lane on Christmas Eve. As they went from house to house they gathered, more and more merrymakers, then all gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hunt for late refreshments. Miss Karen Hunt and Alan Gibson enjoyed a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mor- rison, Douglas Drive, Toronto, who entertained a group of Un- iversity of Toronto School studâ€" ents and their friends on the ev- ening of December 23. central news room looking at a news script prepared for one of the CBC's ï¬rst newscasts 15 years ago: %L to R) Lamont Tilden, Larry Henderson. Frank Herbert, Harry Mannis and Earl Cameron. Approximately 100 editors and writers are employed in news gathering and editing for CBC Eadio and TV newscasts THORNLEA NEWS Conespondeflt: Mrs. A. E. F_ Wright Telephone AV. 5-1902 Liberace; George Putnam as Pavlova II and Bob Shipley as Mr. Thomasson’s Chinese friend. Roger Hobbs, Doug Langdon. Liz Coulter. John Bord. Robert Biggs and Ann Watts also added to the humour of the event. The Staff Carollers were un- der the baton of Mr. Thomasson while Mr. Bateman made a per- fect Davy Crockett, right down to the shotgun and coonskin hat. Agile stick-handlers were‘ Mr. Seath, Mr. Lazar, Mr. Lavender and Mr. Turchln. The mystery guest of the day further concealed his identity by appearing as Santa Claus and during the party, singled out some of the students for the pre- sentation of special gifts Much to the surprise and delight of the students. Santa turned out to be none other than Principal A. S. Elson. The presentation of a gift to Mr .Elson from the staff end- ed the party on a gay note. â€" 2/ .5329: 1 This Includes Balance of Jumpers and Separate Stock 331/3 5 2 5 3 YONGE STREET That All North York’s Smart Women Know And WATCH FOR ‘ ' SEMI - ANNUAL But seriously, you needn‘t leave your car on block! all year, to enioy 1956. The "low down" is slow down - with an extra dash of care and courtesy. Automobile insurance for careful drivers no moon 5m“ w. tonomo s \ Resowe To DRIVE SAFELY ALL THROUGH 1956 BA. 1-4777