County App. Co. Ltd. 6186 Yonge St. WILLOWDALE Factory Trained Technicians We specialize i Service to the i Admiral RCA General Electric Westinghouse Phillips Hallicrafter Marconi Electrohome F airbanks-Morse 90% of all repairs made in the home Linked to the main track will be 81‘ inï¬eld track extending the overai length to 4.3 miles. Par- ticular attention is being paid to safety features such as embank- ments and safety walls. The track will also be suitable for international sportcar and stock- car races. A special track sur- iace is being designed to provide maximum tire adhesion with minimum tire wear. Pre-fab Grandstand The grandstand is to be pre- fabricated this winter. Plan: ai- so provide for bleachers, and ex- tension of the grandstand if ye- D. > E. C O O K GENERAL CONTRACTOR The track will be two and a halt mlles long and of similar design to the track at Indiana- polis. The stretches will be 60 feet wide. ‘three-quarters of a mile long. The banked curves will be 80 feet wide. va . sï¬Sï¬Ã©ï¬hé’the speedway is the Maple Leaf Auto Racing Club. According to Hugh Green. club director, the main purpose of the venture is ‘to develop Canadian drivers and racing and “to help Canada ï¬nd its rightful place in the racing world."_ Latest sport development is a prOposed $3,000,000 raceway to be built on a 730-acre site in King Township between Toronto and Barrie on Highway 400. The speedway will be a replica of the famed Indianapolis Raceway in the United States. The main grandstand will seat 50,000 and space for 20,000 cars is included in the plans. Three major races with top US. drivers competing for $100,000 in prize money have been sched- uled for this season. For the Highways Department, quired. the major problem is the control Across the sixth concession of traffic entering and leaving will be a clubhouse. ‘complete the three north-south highways with swimming pool. for visiting serving the area. drivers and meetings of racing New Three Million Dollar Raceway Planned King Tp. AV. 5-2149 BA. 1-1384 Serviée Call $3.50 SAME DAY SERVICE Victor Draper Agencies Oak Ridges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 Open 7 a.m. - 12 Midnight DAILY Domestic & Industrial RELIANCE SERVICE STATION SERVICE OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3075 Radio â€" Washer Repair Servicc THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 5, 19576 Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION Alterations King City, Lake Wilcox in Sales & following: Mrs. Robert Farren. Springhill Road, spent New Year’s day with her sister-in-law. Mrs. Jack Steame of Toronto. Marie Minton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Minton. Keele St, celebrated her 10th birthday on Dec. 29. with a party Among her young guests were Sheila Bell. Shirley Knight. Rosemary Davidson and Douglas Abra- hams. Rosemary and Heather David- son. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Davidson, Springhiu Road. spent part of their Christmas holidays at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Adrian Miller of Tor- onto. Miss Suzanne Grew left for Carleton College, Ottawa. Tues- day. after spending the holidays at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Grew, Spring- hill Road. Miss Grew, who is majoring in journalism at Carle- ton enjoyed her ï¬rst term im- menseley. Miss Grew who was formerly King City correspon- dent for the Liberal does some reporting and is circulation man- ager foruthe, college publication. A variety program ending with the Christmas pageant was en- acted by pupils of All Saints An- glican Church Sunday School at their Christmas treat Dec. 19. At the conclusion of the program Santa Claus arrived to bring gifts and candy for all the girls and boys. The party was convened by the Sunday School Assoc- iation. Social Notes "’ A special feature of the club- house will be a solar observation dome from which races may be watched. Miss Grew who took part in the Carleton College Review, says she practiced for three solid weeks to play the part of the 40 year old faded actress Judith in Noel Coward’s “Hay Fever.†The make-up was so perfect. Miss Grew commented, that even her own mother. Mrs. Grew didn‘t recognize her. The Grews had lived in Ottawa before coming to King City. Miss Grew has had a wonderful time renewing friends and acquaintances during Christmas week. Charlvari Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gordon and their 50:} Donald, King St.. will be leaving for Texas Jan. 7. They will bc‘staying in Texas until Easter. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cooke. of Kingsview Subdivision attended a New Year’s Eve party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Tropea of Toronto. Their baby daughter. Elizabeth, Icelebrated her second birthday on Christ- mas Day. Present for the fest- ivities was her paternal grand- mother. Mrs. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gibson of John Street, Kingsview Subdiv- ision were given an old-fashioned charivari at their home by 27 neighbors of Kingsview Subdivâ€" ision. Shotguns and horse ï¬d- dles and every kind of noisema- ker imaginable were used to ser- enade the newlyweds who were married on Dec. 17 in Toronto. Mr. Gibson is well known to the residents of the subdivision. ha- ving bulit his attractive ranch house there four years ago. Greg Myles captained the party which took place Dec. 29. A party at a future date is being planned for the happy ecuple. Variety Program Lieutenant Peter Jarvis is spending a week‘s furlough at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jarvis. Jan'acres. this week. Lieutenant Jarvis who has been stationed at Petawawa will be at Camp Borden for the month of January. The rapid construction of the track and facilities will be pos- sible because of prefabrication. Initially $1,500,000 will be spent. with completion of the speedway in two to three years at a cost of nearly $3,000,000. The speedway could be used for Grey Cup games and other major sports attractions if de- sired. His ï¬ancee. Miss Patricia Rain- ey. who is a recent graduate of St. Joseph's Hospital. was a \‘is- itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis over the holidays. For traï¬ic control there will be a centrallyâ€"located tower, with two-way radio for police use. A special holding area will be used to prevent traflic jams around the parking lot. Overall will be a helicopter to spot congestion of traffic before it becomes ser- ious. Other speedway facilities in- clude garages to house 80 racing cars. hospital in a converted farmhouse. and a picnic area. Traffic Control Across the sixth concession will be a clubhouse. "complete with swimming pool. for visiting drivers and meetings of racing organizations. King City Notes The Liberal ls always pleased to publish Items of In- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lako Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald McCallnm. telephone Klng 1321“. and ln Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox. Mn. J. Armstrong, telephone TU. 4-3312. Oak Ridges Mr. Blyth stated in his review of the year’s work that 1955 had been a comparatively quiet year as far as school operations were concerned. but pointed out that the increase in the school popu- lation made it necessary to con- sider extensions in the near fu- ture. At present there are 12 teachers and a principal and a total of 11 rooms in opration. The school year began with an enrollment of 388 but present at- Strains of Norway Spruce in- troduced to eastern Canada should be slender trees with nar- row, brushtype tops. Research at the Petawawa Forest Experiment Station suggests this type- bf Norway spruce is more resistant to damage by the white pine wee- vil than the comb-shaped spruce planted in Europe. The study is part of a long-‘ term research program by the Forestry Branch, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. to breed strains of spruce adaptable to eastern Can- ada. Comparison of Norway spruce and white spruce planta- tions in eastern Canada has sug- gested that Norway spruce may be capable of higher yield and could be an important tree in fu- ture planning programs. Recommend Use Of Norway Spruce The greatest disadvantage of Norway spruce is that the tree is susceptible to damage by the white pine weevil but Forestry Branch scientists hope to counter this disadvantage by breeding weevilâ€"resistant types. The lat- est observations showed that the slender trees with narrow tops wre damaged less by weevils than stout trees with broad tops. The trees studied at Petawawa have now been propagated so the variations in their resistance to weevils may be studied and poss- ibly weevil-resistant types bred for planting in eastern Canada. In welcoming the ratepayers, Board Chairman Jack Blyth stat- ed that the Board hoped the small turnout was an indication that the past year's work of the Board had been scatisfactory. He added, however, that the Board would appreciate a larger attendance at these meetings. - Less than 15 ratepayers turned out to the annual school meeting of Union School Section 1 King and Whitchurch last Wednesday night to hear the annual report of the trustees and to elect a new trustee. When nominations were called by meeting chairman Alex Gallacher. an acclamation was ac- corded retiring Trustee Jack Blyth. Mr. Blyth will now serve a second three year term. Other members on the Board of Trus- tees forâ€" the coming year are Riâ€" cha‘rd Bull and Robert Woolley. It is expected that Mr. Woolley will be chairman for 1956. Re-elect Jack Blyth For School Trustee Oak Ridges Less Than 15 Attend BY MAIL Dwanmem ol Haliml Health and Walter- BECAUSE HIS MOTHER KNOWS 'TIS BEST. LITTLE BOYS NEED SHUT-EYE LONG IF THEY'D GROW UP BOTH TALL AND STRONG. LITTLE JOE GETS LOTS 01" BEST HERE’S HEALTH Have Your Home Paper By Mail Every Week whiz {metal Subscribe Today TU. 4-1261 Richmond Hill "‘ $2.50 per year MARIPOSA : John Jenkins, Dep- utyâ€"Reeve of Mariposa Township for three years has been elected to the reeve’s office by acclamâ€" atjon. He succeeded Thomas Henderson who has retired from nolitics. tendance numbers 410 making an increase of 22 pupils in four months. "Next year will see the school full to capacity again.†he said. In emphasizing the need for more room. Mr. Blyth pointed out that the 10-year debentures on the present building will ex- pire this year. The present an- nual payment spread over 20 years, he said, considering the 70'}; grant now being received would raise $80,000 for extra ac- commodaiion. Annual Report From the presentation of the annual' report. the ratepayers learned that teachers salaries over the past year had totalled $32,213 while total plant opera- tion came to $8921. Maintenance amounted to $826. Copital outlays totalled $5,616 and the Board liquidated a $27,000 bank loan. The-ï¬nancial statement was pass- ed by the ratepayers without question or comment. In accepting his acclamation, Mr. Blyth paid tribute to the ï¬ne work of the other members of the Board and the secretary and expressed his thanks to the rate- payers for their support. Prin- cipal Mr. Jeans added his thanks to the teaching staff, the Board and the parents for their co-op- eration. Sprague Troyer extend- edtthe appreciatiOn of the rate- paxers to the Board. The meeting which was con- vened at 8:15 concluded at 8:45. Trustee Bob Woolley commented that this was the smallest rate- payers’ meeting since 1946. Mr. Don Barker was elected the new trustee at the annual school board meeting at Strange School Dec. 28. Fergus Lawson is the new chairman of the board. Charles Hately is the other trus- tee. The secretary-treasurer is Marvin Hunter. There were 14 ratepayers at the meeting. The fact that the school is overcrow- ded was discussed. Strange is at present sending 9 pupils to King City School. They are Grade 7 and 8 pupils, ~ Tuesday, January 3. Dr. and Mrs. D. Gunn and family move from the community where they have lived for the past ten years. Many friends and neighbours were sorry .to see the Gunn fam- ily leave. Mrs. Gunn was an ardent worker within the com- munity in Guides, Brownies. Community Centre. Ross. the youngest member of the family. now attending the Pan American Jamboree in Australia turn home and take up new res- idence in Port Credit around the middle of January. Bingo Starts Again Jan. 10 Many Bingo fans in Oak Ridges and the Lake Wilcox “dis- trict were disappointed to ï¬nd that there was no Bingo being held on January 3. However they will be pleased to know that the Community Centre Commit- tee has announced that regular Bingos will be resumed January 10. ’ Approximately $150 damage resulted to Hellam Cleaner’s tguck Dec..28, when the driver. Mrs. Eve Creor, Joices Point. Lake Wilcox, lost control of the vehicle on the icy hill in front of the IGA F-oodliner Store in King City, and struck a hydro pole. Mrs. Creor and owner T. Hellam escaped injury. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hind and daughter IJune, Mimico, spent New Year's Day at the home of their son and daughter-inâ€"law. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hind, Aubrey Ave. Oak Ridges. Many happy returns of the day were given to James J. Wall, Elmgrove Ave., Lake Wilcox. on January 2. by his many friends and neighbours. Teen Club A proï¬t of $25 was made by _the _dan£e on Dec. 28. sponsored by the Tops in Teens Club when 37 teenage couples attended and joined in the evening of fun and lucky spot dances. Leave Community The Community Centre Comâ€" mittee has sponsored this popu- lar entertainment for the past two years as a fund raising pro- ject for the proposed Commun- ity Hall. . Norman MacMurchy. sixth line King. is leaving for his Florida vacation this week. Mr. MacMur- chy will be away until Easter. News Notes From Strange Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials School Grants Might Affect Incorporation Fear School Taxes Double The Board of Trade, Oak Rid- ges held a dance in honor of their ladies on December 28 at the Ridge Inn. James J. Wall, president, welcomed guests. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Findlay were chosen to open the evening’s fes- tivities with a waltz. Both old time and modern dancing were enjoyed by all. Lucky spot dan- ces were won by Mr. and Mrs. Findlay, Mr. and Mrs Ray Ped- erson. and the lucky door prize of cuff links and tie pin went to Fern Baron. From information disclosed at the annual meeting of Oak Rid- ges Public School last Wednes- day evening, it appears that in- corporation of the community presently being investigated would have an adverse effect on the school taxes for the area. At the meeting Board Chairman Jack Blyth told his audience that if incorporation came. the School Board would lose $5000 in TOWn- ship grants immediately, in addi- A barn valued at $50.000 and implements worth $10,000 were lost in a three hour ï¬re at the farm of George Paton, 8th line. King, the day before Christmas. The ï¬re started in the implement barn as Mr. Paton attempted to start a tractor. The ï¬re spread quickly and King City ï¬remen concentrated on conï¬ning the blaze to the barn. Included in the loss were a tractor and threshing machine in addition to other im- plements and the fall crop of hay and grain, the barn which was 40’ x 100’ and other buildings All the stock including 70 pigs was evacuated from the barn, however, a few of the pigs re- turned to the burning building and were lost. The animals are now being housed in the barns of Dr. John Barry. The annual general meeting of King City School Dec. 28 was not largely attended. J. W. Whalley whose three year term as school trustee had expired was re-elect- ed to another three year term. The other trustees are J. Law- rence Scott and A. J. Gordon. Mr. Gordon begins his third year as trustee. Mr. Whalley read the ï¬nancial report for the year. Mention was made that the ï¬fth room will have to be opened in September 1956‘. There were 184 pupils on the school roll the day school closed, Dec. 22. The possibility of adding another room to the pres- ent school if the need exists was discussed, but no decision was made. Mr. Grant McCachen served a buffet supper at the close of the evening to the 53 guest: present. Mrs. Maredia Gray passed aw- ay suddenly after suffering an attack of coronary thrombosis on Christmas night at the home of her sister. Mrs. Frank Piercey of Teston. Mrs. Gray was in her 83rd year. The Oak Ridges Community Centre Committee is taking ad- vantage of the weather, in plan- ning a public skating party for Saturday evening, January 7. Permission was given by Mr. and Mrs. S. Beamish to use Blue Spruce Park and work began to erect snow fencing, clearing and flooding a skating area. Flood lights have been installed and music is being provided and a program planned. The commit- tee feels if everyone attends and makes this evening a' success, possibly each Saturday evening may be planned as a public skat- ing party. Ralph Peterson is pre- paring a large poster to be er- ected outside Blue Spruce Park for the event. Maridia Gray Passes Away December 25 Mrs. Gray was born In Gorm- ley, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John David Hess. Her husband, the late Alexander Gray of Kinghorn, predeceased her in 1936. Mrs.,Gray went to Kinghorn after her marriage in 1914. Seven years ago Mrs. Gray went to live with her sister, Mrs. Frank Piercey of Teston. At the time of her death she was living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boyd, R. R. 1 New- market. Mrs. Gray during her lifetime was an active worker in Bethel Baptist Church, King City. ' Com. Centre Plans A' Skating Party Board Of Trade Entertains Ladies Re-elpct J. Whalley King School Trustee Surviving are her son, James Gray of Kitchener, three grand- children and her sister, Mrs. Piercey. Barn Fire Heavy Loss Rev. G. A. Hart of Bethel Bap- tist Church, conducted the fun- eral service at the Wright and Taylor funeral home in Rich- Taylor funeral home in Rich- mond Hill December 28. The in- terment was in King City cem- etery. (ion to having the Department of Education grants cut from the present 70% to 40%. “In effect, school taxes would be doubled," he said. It was questioned whether or not incorporation would cut off students from the township, “Not necessarily,†replied Mr. Blyth. “but in any event we would still lose the township grant even if we took outside students.†Trus- tee Robert Woolley commented that it was possible to gain an element of autonomy without sacriï¬cing the school's revenue by becoming a police village but he added that the Provincial gov- ernment frowns on such a move. Mr. Blyth emphasized the point made earlier by the Board Audi- tor who stated that comparing the debenture debt incurred by the Township on behalf of the Oak Ridges School against the poss- ible assessment available after incorporation. the community of Oak Ridges would be bankrupt to start. Cub And Scouts Christmas Party The Scouts were given an ad- ditional Christmas treat when they were taken on a roller skatâ€" ing party at the Mutual Street Arena, Toronto. December 29. Seventeen Scouts had an enjoy- able time roller skating. Assist: ant Scoutmaster Stan Roots and John Langdon drove the Scouts to the party. King Cubs and Scouts had a wonderful time at their Christ- mas party in King City United Church December 22. Leaders George Harvey. Stan Roots, Nora Scott, Bob Vlethier. Charles Shields and members of the Scout Group Committee were on hand to assist with the program. Eric Wells enacted an amusing Sol- dier’s skit. The Cubs played Humpty Dumpty for the Scouts and the Scouts gave all the Cubs an airplane ride. Miss Freda Dent played the accompaniment for the singing of Christmas Car- ols. Mrs. J. Belknap and Mrs. N. J. Coe convened the refresh- ments. Mr. Ray Love is the new chair- man of the school board of King- horn School. Richard Pring re- mains as a trustee. Ab Hollins- head was nominated as the new trustee and Wib Burns is secret- ary-treasurer for the school. New bookcases were installed during the fall and the school chimney was also repaired. Plans were made to have a new sidewalk and to ï¬x the fences during the coming year. There was one ratepayer besides the trustees at the meeting which was held on Wednesday evening, December 28. There is an enrollment of 23 pupils at Kinghorn at present. STUART PAXTON R. Love Chairman Kinghorn Sch. Bd. » Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Phone TUmer 4-2881 .LVloppets can punch the pillows, lcramble the sheets and bunch the blankets. but when the war is dver Tex-made is the winner. Long wearing beautiful Tex-made sheets are the choice of Canadian homemakers 5 to 1. Plain, ï¬tted, coloured or striped, in qualities to ï¬t every budget. Every bedroom in your home, a showroom, with Tex-made - sheets:â€".vours for wears. DGMINION TEX’E‘ILE ACQMEANY;L[MIIEQ Sold (:1 better stores everYWhere On New Year’s Day 1956, at Carrville United Churchrin the absence of Rev. E. B. Eddy, Rev. R. E. Morton of Beamsville was in charge of the service. ‘ The Junior Choir sang "It Came Up- on the Midnight Clear" Rev. Mr. Morton is a retired minister and is a brother of Mr. N. L. Mor- ton of Thornhill. January 8 is Communion Sun- day. Ratepayers Meeting The annual meeting of the ratepayers of S. S. 3 Vaughan was held on Wednesday evening with about 20 ratepayers present. Mr. J. Barton was chairman and Mrs. R. Macey was secretary for the meeting. C. Chevis, secret- aryâ€"treasurer of the Carrville school board, gave an excellent report on the activities and ex- penditures during the past year. The Inspector’s report was an excellent one The Inspector also found the condition of the school and the caretaking good. The ratepayers commended the board Re-elect S. Roots Mr. Stan Roots was re-elected to a three-year term as a trustee of Eversley school board Dec, 28. Trustee H. McConnell begins his third year as trustee and Trustee James Ball his second. Gerry Walker was secretaryâ€"treasurer for the past year. There were 10 ratepayers present at meeting. Mention was made of the new furnace installed last year. The installing of a water system in the school was discussed but no- thing deï¬nite was planned. The enrolment at Eversley school is approximately 23 pupils. Eversley Sch. Bd. __ Lâ€" n : Smfl’ibï¬â€™Ã©b Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 24- Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill GEO.w McMURRICH SONS LIMITED INSURANCE \a ONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE WORK â€"â€" DRAINS 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON HERBERT R. BUTT CARRVILLE NEWS I "’ Mi €64.59 YONGEJ'Z muon'DALE Telephone Maple 13033 Dependable Associated With Service LUMBEECEUD‘E EMA/wwéi"@avs-Mi Telephone on the purchase of new desks,’ maps and globe. The insurance policies are to be increased at the discretion of the board. The members of the school board are Reg. Macy. John Bushell and Cy Chevis. This 'year Mr Chevis’ term expired but he was returned for another three year term. «The school board and teach- ing staff were given a vote of thanks for their untiring work and interest in the school. Home and School The January Carrville Home- sociaï¬on will be January 12. at school. The mean’s hold its January home of Mrs. R. at 2 pm. Mr. and Mrs. John A Baker and Mrs. Ness attended the fun- eral of Mr. Arthur Coombs on Saturday. husband of Lucy Ness. a former resident of Carrville, now of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Middleton. Robert and Gretta, Mr. and Mrs» J. Barton and John, John Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver of _Rich- mond Hill. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ash of Edgeley attended the fun- eral on Saturday of their late? uncle. Mr. Fred'Middleton of Thistletown. New Year's guests at the Bar- ton home were Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver and Helen Oliver of Rich- mond Hill. Noel McConnlg. John and Sam Davis of Toronto. Mr. Wm. Ness of Thornhill spent Christmas at the J. A. Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. J. McEwen and Bob had New Year’s dinner at Weston with Mr. and Mrs. Me- Ewen and supper with Mr. and Mrs. David Todd, Duflerin St. 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317 Association will meeting at th‘b Kirk January 11 meeting of the and School As- held Thursday. 8A15p.m. in the