Public Sch. Bd. 1- To Consider ,. Business Mgr. FEBRUARY 18 â€"â€" Saturday; _St ï¬afnj-S‘Bï¬igo, Jackpot $100.7 Din- nerware. Newmarket Town Haj]: FEBRUARY 22 â€" Wednesday evening. Reserve this date for a concert by Richmond Hill United Church Junior Choir and popu- lar local talent. c6w28 EVERY THURSDAY â€"â€" Bingo, sponsored by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill, at 8 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. * * * * tfc28 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT. at 7.30 pm. Bingo. Community Hall. Spruce Ave., Stop 22A Yonge. tfc28 FEBRUARY 17 - Friday 3 pm. The World Day of Prayer service for women of all denominations will be held in Richmond Hill United Church. > _ Ac2w32 FEBRUARY 17 â€" Friday. Dance to Art Celsie and his Singing Plainsmen at Lions Hall, Rich- mond Hill. also variety at inter- mission. Admission 75c. *1w33 FEBRUARY 17 â€" Home and School Valentine Dance, Thornâ€" lea School. Bayview Ave., just north of No. 7, Spot prizes, ball- oons. Ladies please bring box lunch. Admission 25c. All wel- FEBRUARY 17 â€" Friday. Jef- ferson School Community Club, Valentine Square Dance, at the school, prizes, everyone welcome. c2w32 FEBRUARY 21 â€" Tuesday. Eu- chre in Victoria Square Com- munity Hall at 8.15 pm. Every- one welcome. Good prizes.,Ladâ€" les providellunch. c1w33 FEBRUARY 21 â€" Tuesday. Bin- go, Oak Ridges Public School, 8 pm. Sponsored by Oak Ridges Community Centre Committee. c1w33 FEBRUARY 22 â€"â€" Wednesday, 2.15 pm. The regular monthly meeing of Klngcrafts will be held in Kingcrafts House, Keele St.. King City. c1w33 FEBRUARY 22 -â€" Wednesday. The Toll Travelog will be pres~ ented in the Victoria Square Un- ited Church at 8.15 pm. This travelog will be in colour and three dimensions. Admission 50c. c1w33 come EVERY WEDNESDAY â€" Binge at 8 pm. sharp in Legion Hall, 114 Carrville Road W. Sponsored by Branch 375 Canadian Legion. Richmond Hill. tfc29 FEBRUARY 22 â€" Wed. Don't miss this February meeting of Richmond Hill Home &' School Association in the auditorium of the Yohge Street School. Reâ€" freshments; « r c1w33 FEBRUARY 24 â€" Friday. KVW Girls’ Softball Dance at Maple Community Hall at!) p.m. c1w33 FEBRUARY 24 â€" Friday. York County Junior Farmers' “At Home" dance at The Graystones, Aurora. Norm Burling’s Orches- tra. Advance sale tickets avail- able from Junior Farmer mem~ bers. Admission $3.00 per coup- le. c2w33 MARCH 9-10 -- Richmond Hill lst Annual Figure Skating Car- nival Friday and Saturday, March 9, 10. Tickets: Adults $1., children 50c. Tickets at Main- prize and Wight‘s Drug Stores and at Arena. c1w33 Two motions of considerable importance were put before the Richmond Hill Public School Board last Thursday evening by Trustee Arthur Spence. The ï¬rst motion recommended the study by personnel and tin- ance committee of the feasibility and desirability of hiring a busi- ness administrator or an admin- istrative official for the Board. On acceptance .of the motion, it was agreed that the committee should call in the entire Board to discuss the subject. ~ Trustee Spence’s second mo- tion dealt with the subject of a Senior School. He moved that a special committee be set up to work in conjunction with the principals and Inspectors to study the possibility of establish- ing a Senior School in the village. Speaking to his motion, Trus- tee Spence said that he felt this was the one way the Niilage could hope to oï¬er any special services such as shop and home econom- ics at the elementary level. Both motions received unani- mous support and Trustees ex- pressed interest in the outcome of the discussions. Reeve LeMasurier To Attend Sewage Conference Reeve Alfred LeMasurier informed Markham township council Monday that he has been invited to attend a meet- ing of Provincial and Metro- politan officials called this week to discuss the prob- lem of sewage disposal in the metropolitan area. Attending the meeting will be Co]. A. L. S. Nash, Chief Planner in the Department of Planning and Develop- ment, Dr. A. E. Berry. Sani- tary Engineer in the Depart- ment of Health, and Murray Jones, Chairman of the Met- ropolitan Planning Board. Coming Events c1w33 c1w33 Richmond Hill district high school board Monday night agreed to instigate the system of Department Heads for the various subjects, taught at the high schools under its jurisdiction, the appointments to come automatically from recommendations by the principals. Requirements for such an appointment are a minimum of three teachers for the subject and a minimum of 90 30-minute periods or 80 35-minute periods per week. At present Thornhill high school is eligible for six department heads, however, Rich- mond Hill is eligible for an English department head only. VOLUME LXXVII, NUMBER 33 High School Board Establishes System Of Department Heads Thornhill principal A. S. Elson reported that the English, physi- cal education, history and social studies, mathematics, science and modern languages depart- ments met the requirements, however, it was pointed out by Principal F. W. Morrow that the English department at Richmond Hill was the only one eligible, and it at the minimum require- ments only. To Increase Staff Principal Morrow was given authority to advertise for two new teachers for Richmond Hill, and Principal Elson for 10 teach- ers for Thornhill school. It was left to the discretion of Mr. Mor- row whether the options of Ger- man and English will be contin- ued or dropp'ed from the curric- ulum. Special Course Inaugurated The matter of the appointment of a viceâ€"principal for Thornhill school was deferred for further consideration. May Appeal Selkirk Ruling To Supreme'Court Of Canada LeMasurier Opposes Appeal Markham Township Council will very shortly make a decision as to whether or not to appeal last week’s ruling of the Ontario Court of Appeal’s dismissing an appeal by Markham against Municipal Board approval of a draft plan of the long dormant Selkirk Subdivision in Thornhill. Reeve Alfred LeMasurier gave' notice at Monday's Council meeting that he is opposed to any decision by Council to appeal the ruling to a higher court. “Personally I have been oppos- ed to our course of action in this matter from the very beginning,†stated Reeve LeMasurier. “The subdivision is already a reality and as long as things are delay- ed we are losing $2,500 a year in taxes alone", he concluded. The Reeve estimated the subdivision will be paying double the taxes of any other subdivision in the immediate area. Councillor Donald Deacon contended it is questionable whether or not the township would stand to beneï¬t from the completed subdivision. “I feel if our legal advisor says we have good grounds for laun- ching an appeal then I think we should appeal", stated Mr. Dea- con. .Councillor Vernon Griffin seemed to feel a compromise might be possible, “providing Mr. Selkirk could be induced to approach the problem in a senâ€" sible fashion." No Figures As To Cost To date no ï¬gures have been made public as to what the liti- gation has cost the municipality so far. For both the Municipal Board hearing and the subse- Queen of the Ball, Miss Helen Cal- der, centre, is seen with her court and her Prince Charming, amiable Em-Cee Dick McDougall, well-known television personality. The lovely princesses are as follows (1. to r.): Misses Jeanette Vautier, Gail Kingsley, Joan Hef‘fron, Pat O’Brien and Anita Soderberg. Miss Vautier is last year’s Prom Queen. The crowning of the Richmond Hill High School Queen took place at the annual At Home in the local High School auditorium last Friday evening. Following the coronation, the young la- dies were presented with sheaves of roses and various gifts by the Student Queen of the Ball ME Eï¬hmmï¬s Special Course A new innovation at Thornhill high school will be the inaugur- ation of a special twoâ€"year course at Grade 9 level which possibly will be extended ‘ to three years. The special course which will include basic English, and mathematics, home econom- ics, and shop, etc., will be more suited to the needs of students who desire only two or three years of high school before en- tering business or industry. On- ly a limited number may enter, and then only following consulta- tion with parents. No increase in staff will be necessary. The board felt the Richmond Hill school was not large enough at the present time to handle the Special Course. It is anticipated, the board stated, that parents will be asked to make applica- tion for their children to enrol in the course. Trustees pointed out it was in no way compulsory. quent appeal the township en- gaged special legal counsel in the person of Mr. Donald Fleming, Q.C.. M.P.. prominent Toronto lawyer and member of parliam- ent. J. D. Lucas. township solicitor, who discussed the ruling with the member at Monday’s meeting estimated the municipality has only 15 days in which to seek leave to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of Canada. Set Up Committee The members agreed to refer the matter to a three member committee composed of Council- lors Deacon and Griffin and Sol- icitor Mr. Lucas for study before making any ï¬nal decision as to whether to appeal the ruling. The committee will confer with Mr. Flenn‘ng on the matter. No ï¬nal action will be taken by the com- mittee until such time as any recommendations are ratiï¬ed by council. In the judgment handed down by the Ontario Court of Appeal. the Court ruled the Ontario Municipal Board was within its jurisdiction when it approved a draft plan for a proposed 90- home Markham township sub- division last Oct. 24. Markham township’s appeal against the Municipal Board rul- (Continued on page 2) ï¬ln Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Li'nrty; ‘0 all Things Charity. Council. Complementing the many striking gowns worn by the guests was a lovely decorative scheme following the under- sea theme. The walls Were decorated with festoons \of seaweed and aquatic plants and colourful sea creatures. Mauve, green and blue lighting gave an under-water effect. The attractive i1- ]uminated aquarium panel behind the orchestra may be seen above. The decor even included a sunken treasure ship and a sea chest ï¬lled with jewels. The students are to be congratulated for the ï¬ne quality of the decor. The board agreed to pay for transportation of those students from Thornhill and Richmond Hill schools who must travel from one school to the other to take subjects not taught at their home school, the method of transportation, however, has not yet been decided. Donate Plaque & Scholarship Mr. Elson stated that such a course tends to encourage stud- ents, who would otherwise leave school for work in the early part of their high school life, to com tinue their studies. Pay For Transportation Trustee Kinnee has donated a plaque to be presented to the Grade 13 student with the high- est standing in English at Thorn- hill, and which will supplement his plaque for the same require- ments for a Richmond Hill stud- ent. Love Lumber Company has also donated a $100. scholarship for a Grade 13 student at Thorn- hill, the type of award not yet decided. Contribute To Stage Lighting Trustees approved a $200. ex- penditure as contribution to- wards stage lighting at Richmond Hill school. Electricians Houle and LeCuyer will install the lights. Trip To Ottawa Principal Elson reported that 50 senior students from Thorn- hill, Grade 12 and some Grade 13 students, will take a trip to Ottawa, April 26 - April 28, the cost per student to be approxim- ately $25. The students will tour the city ,the parliament buildings and other sites in the historic city. â€"â€" Photo by Lagerquist Reporting on behalf of the Representative Committee of the Richmond Hill Public School Board last Thursday evening, Trustee Mrs. Mar- garet Southwell told the Board that a suitable ar- rangement is under way for the location of both a pub- lic and separate school in the new Beverley Acres subdiv- ision at the north-eastern lim- its of the village. The solution to the prob- lem of locating both schools in the new development was reached at a recent meeting between representatives of the Public School, Separate School. Village Council, Planning Board and Bailey Developments Ltd. It was agreed that an ad- ditional ï¬ve acres adjoining the 8-acre village site will be purchased by the council from the Bailey interests at $10,000. The village will then be reimbursed by the two boards. The land will be ap- portioned as follows: Public school 8 acres and Separate School 5 acres The ï¬rst prize January- class calf. Black Mask of Baroldby was bought recentâ€" ly by Ernst Redelmeier of Don Head Farms. who has now returned from Scotland. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 1956, Agree On School Sites Purchase Prize Cattle Special Council Session Deplore Deterioration OF Richmond Hill Pond Area Water System Ready May 15 Vaughan Township Council has received word fromccontrac- tors installing watermains in the Richvale-Langstaff area that all installations of mains and connec- tions will be completed prior to May 15, 1956. Council tentative- ly accepted the completion dates but expressed the hope that the system would be completed ear- lier. Council directed that Mortim- er Davis, who has been assisting Waterworks Superintendent Will- iam Norris, be taken on perman- ent staff. Principal Nathan Davison of 'the Scott School told the Board that last Monday saw 15 new pu- pils enrolled in the school. He stressed that every classroom had at least 32 pupils already and said that some had as many as 42. “We can’t take any more students with our present accom- modation unless we go back on staggered hours,†he said. There is a total enrollment of 438 pu- pils. Secretary James Grainger reported that in the three sub- divisions in the south-eastern part of the village there were 580 homes under construction 375 of which were occupied, The Board expressed concern for accommo- dation in the event that the other homes became occupied before further accommodation could be arranged. Capital Expenditure “How are we going to pay for these portable?!†questioned Trustee Robert Ross. “Out of capital expenditure", replied Trustee Mrs. Margaret South- well. Trustee Arthur Spence cautioned that if portables prov- ed too satisfactory, they might jeopardize chances on building more permanent schools. “The price quoted is half the cost of a regular permanent classroom,†added Trustee Robert Ross. “At present we have no other alterna- tive, however," concluded Trus- tee Joseph Rabinowitch. Limit Temporary Locations Trustee R0ss suggested that the action of the Board should be called to the attention of Rich- mond Hill Council. "Let them know just what we’re faced with,†he said. The Board agreed that the extension to the MacKillop School would take some of the overflow if pupils were rear- ranged at the various schools for the present. It was the general concensus of opinion that tem- porary locations would have to be limited. “It’s certainly going to be a problem, but if we have to go back to staggered hours the parents will be up in arms and I don’t blame them,†inter- jected Trustee Mrs. Margaret Southwell. At Scott School Board ApprovesPurchase 2 Portables At $10,510 Richmond Hill Public School Trustees favoured the purchase of two portable units at a cost of $5,255 each to meet the accommodation problem arising at the Walter Scott School on Markham Road, at their regular meeting last Thursday evening. The units which are 24’ x 36’ can be ready within two to three weeks according to the makers, T. Heatun 00., and are ready for occupancy as soon as the desks are moved in. The motion which carried unanimously was made by Trustee Mrs. Margaret South- well. ' Trustee Arthur Spence ques- tioned the Board as to what would be done if the other 200 homes in the area were suddenly occupied and provided an aver- age of one child each. “If that comes, then I suppose we’ll have The official opening of the Walter Scott Public School ivill be held this Friday night at 8 pm. at the school on Markham Road, Richmond Hill, when guest speaker of the evening will be the Hon- ourable W. J. Dunlop, minis- ter of education for Ontario. Also to bring greetings will be Reeve W. J Taylor. Rich- mond Hill, J. E. Smith M.P. York North, and Major A. A. Mackenzie, M.L.A. York North, and Richmond Hill Board Chairman S. F. Tink- er. Among the guests will be Inspector W. J. McLeod, in- spector of public schools for York County. Official Opening Friday Night Chairman Stanley Tinker urg- ed the Board not to spend all the budget money, even before it is secured. “We should try to keep the budget as low as possible,†he said. Trustee Mrs. Southwell declared that she felt the village was not concerned over all the development which is crowding the present school accommoda- tion. “If the village is going to continue to allow big develop- ments to come in, it will have to expect to pay for the education of the children,’ she added. “The act says that the school board must provide educational facil- ities for all children. The village has to put up the money and if the population continues to grow they will have to put up more money and that’s all there is to it,†emphasized Trustee Rabin- owitch. “Well. we can always re- quest the two rooms we had be- fore in the municipal building," concluded Mrs. Southwell. (These rooms which were vacated by the School Board some time ago are now used as a village hydro office and council chamber) to get more portables". replied Trustee Rabinowitch. “But let’s worry about that problem if and when it arises,†concluded Trus- tee Rabinowitch. Cautions Economy The matter was concluded when the Board agreed to send a delegation to meet with Rich- mond Hill Council to discuss the next move in providing accom- modation. The Trustees unani- mously supported Chairman Tin- ker's request for authority for the delegation to be as emphatic in their requests as they deemed necessary. Six companies submitted offers which ranged from Gairdner’s offer to 98.85. Other bids included Bell, Gouinlock & Co., with D‘omâ€" inion Securities 100.30; Har- rison & Co. 99.762; Wood Gundy and Canadian Bank of Commerce 99.05; J. L. Graham & Co. and Bankers Bond Corporation Ltd. 99.- 027 and Mills, Spence & Co. Ltd. 98.85. Richmond Hill has been successful in selling its hy- dro debentures worth $150,- 000 at a coupon rate of 41/2 per cent. Successful bidder was Gairdner and Co. Ltd., with the Royal Bank of Can- ada at a price of 100.37. In a historic move, Mark- ham township council has placed its Reeve on a regu- lar annual salary of $1,500 retroactive to January 1 of this year. The salary will be paid in monthly instalments. On the strength of a res- olution moved and seconded by Councillors V. Griffin and A. Little and carried un- animously by council the Chief Magistrate of the municipality will start re- ceiving an annual increment. This is a new departure in the matter of salaries for el- ected oï¬icials. Previously the Reeve and members of council each received $7.00 for all council and committee meetings attended plus their mileage. Members of coun- cil with the exception of the Reeve will continue to be paid at the $7.00 rate. In ad- dition to his regular salary the Reeve will continue to receive mileage. Actually Markham coun- cil members could. if they so desire, vote themselves a pay increase from $7.00 to $8.00 a meeting. Provincial legislation provides that where a municipality’s pop- ulation is over 10,000 coun- cillors are eligible to receive the $8.00 ï¬gure. Markham Reeve To Receive $1500. Salary Sell Hydro Debentures Council Promises A Good Spring Clean-up “Richmond Hill was introduced to my husband and self by the Toronto Field Naturalists Club members, many of whom knew the Mill Pond Area very well. We thrilled to the beauty of this pond and the woods around it. Sub- sequently when we had the opportunity to buy our present home and property six years ago we jumped at the chance. Had we t'fxe slightest inkling of the disappointment we were to suffer in respect to this park-like area, we most certainly would have been deterred from buying our pres- ent property or anywhere in the village for that matter. ,, ,1 -,,_ n V..- r- v‘ -_ _, - Six years ago, the margin on the waterworks pond was grassed to the very edge and shrubbery grew along the bank. Across the road from the pond the area was rough, but nevertheless carpeted with grass, and many small native shrubs grew in abundance along with many ï¬ne native trees. The picture is one exceedingly pleasing to the eye, and soul If one is so inclined. In six years we have watched the devastation of this area year by year, until now it is used at times for a park- ing place for large commercial machinery, and as a dump for rubble of every descriptionâ€. ~ . The above are extracts from a letter written by Mrs. N. L. Brown and read at special coun- cil session Saturday. The letter was addressed to K. W. Tomlin, deputyâ€"reeve, but Mr. Tomlin asked the clerk to read the com- munication. The letter further urged that assurance be given that this spring the area will be cleaned up and restored to “some semblance of decency". Councillor Plaxton said the Village must be'careful where dumping is allowed. Councillor Jones pointed out thfl a lot of the damage in the area was through no fault of the village. He said there had been a lot of building activity in the area and contractors had used the land for parking and sometimes for dump- ing rubble without oflicial sanc- “I partly agree with the writer of the letter. I see no reason why it can’t be cleaned up this spring and as chairman of the roads committee I’ll be glad to see that it is doneâ€, said coun- cillor Floyd Perkins. tion. Deputy-reeve Ken W. Tomlin pointed out that the Planning Board and Parks Commission had long range plans for the pre- servation of the natural beauty of the whole area. “We have def- inite plans,†he said, “for the development of a park area in that section, reaching as far north as the Elgin Mills sideroad’. “CB-lingii‘lE: Férkins said he had long contendeq there should be On motion of Councillor Per- kins, a Toronto ï¬rm was given permission to place refuse re- ceptacles on village streets. The large containers are provided free by the company, and the village will be responsible for emptying them. The Company obtains its revenue by selling ad- vertising. . a :ubstantii’aï¬lflfence around the waterworks tower. Unsigned Lettpr_ H An unsigned letter was read complaining about breach of the by-law which compels house- holders to shovel snow from the sidewalks. Deputy-Reeve Tomlin observed that anyone who com- plained about another citizen should have the courage to sign his name if he wanted the com- plaint to have serious consider- ation. Yonge St. Parking Meters To Facilitate Shopping Parking meters will be installed on Yonge Street in Richmond Hill and will be ready for operation early this spring. At a special council meeting this week it was de- cided to obtain competitive prices and proceed with the installation as quickly as possible. _ Council agneecl to théinstallation of meters after long consideration of the local parking problem, and on recom- mendation of the Merchants’ Association. For some time the problem of time hours, probably 8 am. to making parking available for 6 pm. For some time the problem of making parking available for those who want to do business in Richmond Hill has had the con- cern of municipal leaders and local business people. Free parking space is available in the Park, on the lot north of Charlton Hardware, on the Rich- mond Theatre parking lot and at Morley Williams’ garage, but getting parking space on Yonge Street for shoppers still remains a problem. Meters will be installed on both sides of Yonge Street through the business section. Parking space will be available for short periods for as low as one cent. Meters will operate only for day- Will Be Installed Soon HOME PAPER OF THE DISIRICT SINCE 1878 by Selling Good Used Articles Through Liberal Want Ads TU. 4-1261 EXTRA CASH You Can Enjoy Councillor Jones observed that the company would install only as many containers as they sold advertising to cover. “All we have to do is educate the people to use them,†said Councillor Plaxton. “I have seen them in many other centres in Canada,†said Councillor Perkins, “and they are attractive and help keep the town streets clean and tidy." Street Name ".0 .__v _. Council members expressed regret in the delay in securing street name signs in new sections of the village. It was pointed out the name plates were ordered a long time ago, and it was agreed an effort will be made to ex pedite delivery. ‘ Speed Signs r._,-- ., It was agreed to consider the matter when the yearly estim- ates are before council. Council- lor Jones thought that for the present a good hard top road might meet the needs of the sit- uation. Deputy-reeve Tomlin suggested consideration should be given to permanent paving of some streets every year. Police Matters Residents of Bridgeford Street complained of confusion from the naming of a new village street as Bridgeport. It was stated ac- tion was already under way to correct the situation by chang- ing the name of Bridgeport. ' The secretary of the Public School Board, James Grainger, wrote on behalf of the trustees asking that speed limit signs be posted on Markham Road. 1 an. Councillor Perkins agreed with the suggestion and said there should be more signs all over the village. (féï¬ncil members expressed concern at the high mileage and (Continued on page 3) Wit wasuagreed to order a quan- tity of new signs for use on var- ious streets. May Pave Streets .An estimate was read from En- gineer Redfern for the paving of that section of Centre Street East from the C.N.R. to the pav- ing already competed in Rich- mond Acres subdivision. The estimated cost of the pavement is $18,400 and of this the village share would be $1200_ The bal- ance would be assessed to the property on the street. / .1 41.. Yonge Street merchants are conï¬dent that the public will re- alize that the installation of me- ters is not a move to increase 10- cal revenue. Rather it is evidence of local determination to make it possible for more people to do business in Richmond Hill. and do so with speed and comfort. Advocates of meters claim they are the only answer to the park- ing problem. Deputy-reeve Ken W. Tomlin, a long-time advocate of meters, says, “meters are the best answer to the problem; they keep traffic mobile and elimin- ate the long time parker who takes up valuable parking space on Yonge Street."