Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Mar 1956, p. 9

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: isnnthewuy! 7. TElEPHflNE Richmond Hill Hardware ""17; Ewan Can,'Reg; $1.45 FOR 10 DAYS ONLY $1.19 Sold on Money Back Guarantee S P E C I A L Aero Self Polishing_Liqujgl [V'ax ERIC G. HARRIS Old Pine, Cherry and Maple Furniture China & Glass Specialist in Antique Furniture Restoration Refinishing, Upholstering HIGHWAY 11, 2% miles north of Aurora THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF C'ANADI Open 9 am. to 5 pm. or by appointment mu /°\'t THE BARN ANTIQUES any“: your new Phone PA. 7-5869 TU. 4-2101 IF YOU HAVE ORDERED THE NEW TORONTO DIRECTORY. it will reach you by PLEASE DO NOI' USE IT until Sunday, the 18th MEirose becomes LAkeside becomes KEnwood becomes :OLiver becomes LLoydbrook becomes LOmbard becomes MARCH 18th Powell Bond Home and School The February meeting of the Powell Road Home and School Assoc. was a social evening to celebrate their fifth birthday. The meeting began with a canâ€" dle-lighting service. Mrs. C. Hodgins lit the first candle in memory of Mrs. Courtice. who began Home and School Assoclao tions. MrsaELNchntosh. a teachâ€" en”.-. er at Powell Rd. School, lit the second candle in honor of Powell Rd. Home and School Associa- tion‘s fifth birthday. Mr. Walter Sanders a past president lit the third candle in honor of all past officers and members who have helped Powell Rd. Home and School reach its fifth birthday. Mr. Bob Fisher. a past president. lit the fourth candle to the fuâ€" ture success and prosperity of Powell Rd. Home and School. The fifth candle was lit by Mrs. Sanders in place of Mr. E. Higgs. a past president. This last candle was lit to the future of all Home and School Associations the world over. Mr. fiic Higgs was presented his past-presidents pin by Mrs. It was announced that two delegates would be sent to the Home and School Convention in Toronto, on the third and fourth of Aprilx The delegates are Mrs. T. Bradbeer, 63 Crestwood Rd.. and Mrs. F. Forster, Smith Cr. Three boys representing the Hockey team attended the meetâ€" ing to model the Hockey sweat’ ers which the Assoc. had bought for the team. These were Larry Chomiack, John Arnold. and John Hodgins. Larry Chomiack thanked the Home and School for the donation of the sweaters. fifteen in all. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ROBERT CAMPBELL 23 Highland Park Blvd" phone Avenue 5-1846 HIGHLAND PARK NEWS LEnnox LEnnox LEnnox LEnnox LEnnox LEnnox C. Jeens. Mrs. Acheson‘s room won the grade count. They will have the room attendance banner for this month, and will receive $2.00 to purchase something for their room. A social eVening of cards fol- lowed. The prizes for the luclw draw were donated by the execu- tive. These were won by Mrs. Garvin, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Flo. Davis, Mr. Bob Fisher, Mrs. Dorothy Condon. Mr. George Davis. Mrs. Jones, Mr. Paul Sproule, Mr. Eric Higgs. Mr. George Trott. The birthday cake was won by Mrs. Hodglns.’ At the March meeting. a color- ed film on the St. Lawrence Sea- way will be shown. The Cub Mothers held their Annual Election meeting on Feb- ruary 28th at the home of Mrs. B. W. Eagles 37 Highland Park Blvd. Mrs. Gardiner who is president of the Cub and Scout Women's Auxiliaries for York, Central. attended the meeting and installed the new officers. The executive for 1956 is as fol- lows: President, Mrs. F. Jenn- ings; Vice-president. Mrs. R. .k Mackay; Secretary. Mrs. C. Buckingham; Treasurer, Mrs. W. Dickman, Sewing Convener. Mrs. V. Jackson. Following the installation of officers. Mrs. Gardiner gave a most interesting address of the life and responsibilities of the mother of a Cub or Scout. March 1 was Parents Night. Cub Pack A and Cub Pack B and the Scout Troop held a joint meeting to which they invited their parents. They each gave a short display of their work and activities After the meeting, the Cub Mothers served refresh- To Discuss Marketing ments. Farmers in York County are strongly urged to attend the meetings of the Ont. Fed. of Agriculture which is being held in Eaton Auditorium, Tuesday March 13th and Wednesday March 14th from 10:00 am. to 4:30 pm. when marketing prob- lems and the seriousness of the farmers reduced income will be thoroughly discussed. It is hoped that everyone will avail themselves of this opporâ€" tunity and make it even more successful than the Rural safe driving week which proved to be such a great success across 011- tario. WINTER HOBBY Most people plan to take up some hobby or study during the winter in their spare time. The best type of hobby is one which will prove not only interesting but will also be of value. Swim- ming. first aid. home nursing and the various skills taught in Civil Defence training will provide the ability to save lives â€"â€"- the stud- ent's own or another person'st All the various subjects that are included in Civil Defence are valuable, not only in time of war but also in peacetime emergen- cies -â€" often in the everyday emergencies that happen around the home. FMj‘scyfgq/ wears a [00k ofghmour amigo .’ ’56 DODGE Check the safety features listed at the right. All are standard equipment on any Dodge model you choose. Some are brand-new, of course, but Dodge has provided most of them for years. That’s because safety is nothing new with Dodge. Year after year, Dodge has consistently pioneered and devel- oped more and better safety {eatum than any other low-price car. This year, too, Dodge gives you the power you need for safer motoring. New high-torque 6 and V-8 engines Imummwdmmmuw,mmrmpuumandum DRIVE THIS GREAT NEW DODGE a 5 1 WITH THE GLAMOUR AND GO OF THE FORWARD LOOK mcuuoun mu, 0mm. 1’80le ‘l‘flrnor 4-2091 Age Limit 12-26 Years Edgeley W.|. To Sponsor 4-H Homemaking Club Edgeley Women's Institute has completed plans to sponsor a 4-H Homemaking Club under the leadership of Mrs. Eldon Fier- heller and assistant-leader, Mrs. Paul Snider. The club is for girls and young women 12â€"26 years of age and the first project is to be a food StUdYL “ Meet in the Menu." Girls and young women of Concord are invited to join the classes. Mothers may accompany their daughters to the first meeting which will be held at Mrs. Fier- heller’s home. when the program will be explained to them. For information as to time and date. please call Mrs. Fierhelier, AV. 5â€"2412 or Mrs. Snider, Maple 62 Edgeley Farm Forum topic 101- February 27 wa “Paying for Our fiealth." Discussions were based on the advantages and disad- vantages of the Swift Current Health Plan. which is a public pre-paid medical-dental care pro- gram and the comparison of it with the Ontario medical coâ€"op- eratlves which are controlled by the people they serve. Members also discussed their opinions of a reasonable annual payment for hospital, surgical. medical and complete coverage. including dental care. Forum Favours Health Plan Controlled By People Serviced Edgeley Forum cited two im- portant advantages of Ontario medlcal coâ€"operatlvea and favor- ed a plan controlled by the peo- ple it serves. The Ontarlo med- ical coâ€"operatlves‘ also have a Catastrophic Plan which is wide- ly accepted by the members and pays 60 per cent of major ex- penses when families lose their llfe savlngs and get helplessly into debt because their medical expenses run into four figures. SAME DAY SERVICE RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 sun. - 12 Midnight DAILY Oak Ridge. Onurio TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9“. Vietor Duper TELEVXSION Rulio â€" WIShC Repair Service Convmion To 60 Cyelc Agencies WILLIAM NEAL provide up to 200 horsepower, pack plenty of reserve for safer passing, safer acceleration There’s new driving ease, too. Now pushâ€"button controls for PowerFlibe automatic mission let you select your driving range at the touch of a button. Safety-positioned at the left of the driver, these controls are simple and mechanically operated See your Dodge-Do Soho dealer soon. Drive a Dodge . . . Canada’s “safety- r12 The purpose 0! club food units is to cultivate habits of good nu- trition. ' The club is under the direct- ion of Mrs. Mable Borstrom. York County Home Economist who supervises clubs through visits.- correspondence and spec- lal releases to both leaders and members. Eight lessons are required to complete the course. At the completion. club members at- tend and take part in the Achie- vement Day program. Leaders and members select the program for the coming year at the Achievement Day. Members thought $60 a reas- onable annual payment instead of the present $80 and that more people would buy prepaid health plans if the rate: were reduced $20 per year. Diphtheria. Whooping Cough, and Tetanus Immunisation Mom. March 19th, April 9th. April 30“: 9.00 am. â€"- Drewry 10.00 am. â€" Lillian 11 am. â€" Cummer 11.00 a.m. â€" Ella. Tues., March 20th April 10th, May 15¢ 9.00 am. â€"- Churchill 10.00 am. - Edithvale 11 am. â€"- Finch Please note: â€"â€" 1. Preschool children over 4 months of age are especial- ly welcome. 6. Please be on “no and present for lst dose on lst day scheduled for your school. CARL E. HILL. M.D., MOH. 2. Diphtheria. Whooping Cough and Tetanus immuni- zation are available either separately or in combinaa tion. 3. Those who got three dos- es in 1955 must get the 4th dose this spring. 4. School children will be given only 4th doses as need- ed â€" no booster doses will be given to school children this year. ‘ 5. No child can be immun- ized without a signed consent card. DEPT. 01f HEALTH TWP. or NORTH YORK m magnum, Riefimond mu, Ontario, many, Marcfi s, 19an GLAREPROOFED INSTRUMENT PANEL TOP SAFETY SEALEDâ€" BEAM HEADLAMPS Representation to Vaughan Township Planning Board should be made by appointment through the Planning Director. ' Persons desiring to appear before the Plan- ning Board are requested to arrange with J. L. Swaim at the Municipal Ofiices in Maple three days prior to the meeting for an appointment. \a ONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE WORK â€" DRAINS 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 A GROWING FEED to take the place of God Green Grass SAFE-GUARD HYDRAULIC BRAKES WhammmwumumLMM Chicks which must spend their entire growing period indoors, require more in a feed than those that are raised on good, green range. Master Confinement Growing Krums are built especially for growing birds under inside conditions, containing all the vitamins. minerals, proteins and carbohydrates neces- sary to raise strong healthy birds, quicklx and economically. INDEPENDENT PARKING BRAKE ELECTRIC VV‘INDSHIELD WIPERS lose, and many more safety features are gtaglgd on any Dodge model LIFEGUARD DOOR LATCHES VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP PLANNING BOARD J. M. McDonald, Secretary, Vaughan Township Planning Board SAFETY DOOR LOCKS SAFETY-RIM WHEELS

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