' DISCONTINUED COLORS OF A BRAND NAME PAINT FLAT & SEMI-GLOSS WALL PAINT Regular $2.15 - $2.45 3 qt. Richmond Hill Hardware Clearance COLORS AVAILABLE FLAT Cream - Daï¬odil - Deep Red - Deep Brown - Deep Yellow - Green - Blue - Gray - Ivory SEMI-GLOSS Cream - Green - Blue Dial TU. 4-2101 AL WA Y5 . . . A Good Place To Eat RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL RICHMOND HILL YONGE ST. Gives you more 'per inch of floor than any range. Full width “Cool-Glo†fluor- escent lamp, four Con-Rod elements with 7-Heat Colormatic switches . . . Bakemaster family-size Oven automat- ically controlled by Simplimatic Time Clock and Syncromatic Oven Heat con~ trol. Hi-LocMatic oven rack mechanic- ally controlled by ï¬nger-tip adjustment for perfect broiling and baking â€" a wonderful Moffat exslusive! Full width warmer drawer for generous warming and utensil storage capacity. Canada’s No. 1 24" range. Models Now Ioflat Gives You All The New Features With " The Look of Leadership." Applications will be received by the under- signed for a Township Treasurer until Fri- day, 12 o’clock noon, March 23, 1956. Appli- cants please state previous experience. age, other qualiï¬cations and salary expected. Duties to commence April 2, 1956. TORONTO PRICES TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM No Exchange or Refunds ELECTRICAL CONT. SALES & SERVICE CHARLES HOOVER. Clerk, To Clear TOWnship of Markham, Gormley R. R. 2 aylor’s Electric $1.00 qt. Dispaly, priced from WE DELIVER Canada’s No. 1 30†range . . . feature- packed for leadership you will continue to enjoy for years. All-new Moï¬at Therm-O-Fryer and Therm-O-Griddle thermostatically controlled by the All- New Therm-O-Guard element that brings you freedo mfrom‘pot watching. Plus three Con-Rod elements with Dial- A-Heat switches for unlimited heat se- lection, tailored to a thousand-and-one†uses with a turn of the attractively lighted dials. Lighted Super King Size oven â€" eight pie size â€"-: gives you “all-time†high in oven capacity. Sim- plimatic Time Clock and Syncrochime Oven Heat control for “tops†in auto- matic operation. Wonderful for broil- ing. Full width warmer drawer. All in Sale only 30â€. WED, MARCH 21 â€" Auction sale of 70 head of Holstein cat- tle. fresh cows, springers, heif- ers, milkers and yearling calves, 45 head of hogs. At Lot‘ 6, Con. 3 Uxbrldge. The property of Geo. Baldwin. No reserve on account of ill health. 'Terms‘cash. Sale at 1 pm. R. Faulkner. clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, ph. Gormley 5311. 7 THURS, MARCH 22 â€"- Auction sale of 20 head of Holstein and Jersey cattle, Cast tractor model 819-51, with full line of imple- ments. At Lot 1, Con. 8 Whit- church, at Ringwood. Property ofClaude Kerr. No reserve, farm rented. Terms cash. Sale at 1 TUES., MARCH 20 â€"â€" Auction sale of M-H Mustang tractor. new farm machinery, 21 brood sows. 100 chunks and fat hogs, 250 hens, dairy cattle, hay. grain, furniture, on Lot 29, Con. 7. Pickering Township. Midway Farms. Property of J. Semeryn. Sale at 7 pm. sharp. Terms, cash. No reserve. Proprietor quitting and moving overseas. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. i- TUES.. MARCH 20 â€" Dispersal sale of 22 head of Ayrshire, cat- tle, including fresh cows and milkers, Wood 6 can milk cooler, 1000 bales of mixed hay. At Lot 15, Con. 8 East G illimbury, 1 mile north of Moun Albert. The property Qf Geo. Smith. No re- serve, giving up milk business. Terms cash. Sale at 2 p.m. Reg. Wilbee, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. SAT., MARCH 17 â€" Auction sale of 25 head of Holstein cattle. 4 Percheron horses, IHC tractor No. 4. Goodison threshing mach- ine, ‘hay and grain. full line of farm implements. large quantity of walnut furniture. At Lot 58, Con. 1 Vaughan Township. On Yonge St., opposite Summit Golf. Property of Dibb Bros. Terms cash. No reserve. farm sold. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Del. Goulding, clerk. Alvin S. Farm- er, phone Gormley 5311, auction- eer. FRI.. MARCH 18 -â€" Auction sale of 50 acre farm, good buildings, never failing stream situated on lot 21. con. 8. Markham Township 1 mile north of Markham vill- age. Also implements, hay, grain, straw. furniture, etc. Property of estate of the late Thomas Lilley. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash, no reserve except on form on which there will be a reserve bid. Ken & Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. $189.95 In an effort to assist in the ï¬nancing of research work for multiple sclerosis, a euchre party was held re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott, Map- le, when $30. was received for the fund. Canadians who are victims of the disease, appreciation is extended to all those who attended. At present, there is no known remedy for the disease, but medical research projects are in progress to ï¬nd a cure On behalf of the 12,000 Donate To Research AURORA‘ “Add 24A80W SALE REGISTERS up pm. Lloyd Turner, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. SAT., MARCH 24 â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements. hay, grain, etc. on Lot 18, Con. 6 Vaughan Township, south of Vellore. Property of Robt. J. A. McNeil. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. no reserve, farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. FRI., APRIL 6 â€" Auction sale of 50 head of registered Guern- sey Cattle IHC Tractor, IHC Bal- er. Ford Tractor, farm sfrwk. im- plements. etc., on Lot 85, Con. 1. Whitchurch Townshl milés north bf Aurora. 1%, mile east of Yonge Street. bale mans 12 noon sharp. Cattle sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Property of John M. Holton. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., APRIL 7 --â€" Auction sale of farm stock and implements, 26 head of Holstein cattle, brood sows, Allis-Chalmers Tractor, 2 yrs. old WD, Forage Harvester, Case, 2 yrs. old, and full line of implements, near new, hay and grain, ensilage, at Lot 2, Con. 6 Whitchurch. 'The ,property of Howard» Ratcliff. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Lloyd Turner, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer. auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. The‘ 150 acre Hadwen Mac- Quarrie farm has just recently been reported sold by David Mc- Lean Limited, Realtors, with Head Offices' at Thornhillh Ex- clusive sales agents flor the Mac- Quarrie farms, who also negotia- ted in weeks past, the sale of the 100 acre Myrtle MacQuarrie farm, on the West side of Keele StLat Ilop‘e, just north of Maple. TUES., MARCH 27 â€"- 38 head of Hereford cattle, baby beef, hogs. Ford tractor, threshing machine on rubber full line of farm imple- ments At Lot 11 and 12. Con. 5 Uxbridge, 3 miles north of Claremont. The property of F. Stiner. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Lloyd Turner, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. WED. MARCH 28 -- Important extensive auction sale of Regis- tered Holstein cattle, pony, New Cockshutt 50 tractor, Forage Harvester Combine, farm stock. implements, hay, grain, etc., on Lot 11, Con. 4. Markham Town- ship, on No. 7 Highway. 1%. miles west of Unionville. Property of Wm. Champion. Sale at 1.00 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. THURS, MARCH 29‘ â€" Auction sale of threshing machine, 2 trac- tors, new farm machinery and equipment, on Lot 14, Can. 2, Vaughan Township. Property of Mr. Clarkson. Sale at 1.30 pm. sharp .Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. FRI., MARCH 30 â€"â€" Auction sale of'25 head Holstein cattle, new M-H Combine. near new Farm Machinery. at Lot 25, on the 6th Concession of Pickering. Proper- ty of Frank Carter. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice. aubtioneers. SAT., MARCH 81 â€" Auction sale of house and lot, 5-room house ,lot and household furni- ture, electric refrigerator, IHC kitchen stove, bedroom suite, dishes cooking utensils, at Lot 24, Con. 4. Markham. on Don Mills Road. at Victoria Square. The property of Ross Klink. No re- serve on chattels. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. phone Gormliey 5311, Jas. Smith, clerk. The Hadwen MacQuarrie farm on the east side of Keele St., having frontage on both Keele and Dufferin Sts., was reported to have sold for one of the high- est paid prices in that area. , _--a .. _..- . The purchase of the northerly 30 acres of the Winger property included .the house and barns at the northâ€"west corner of Duffer- in and Carrville Rd., and was sold to Mr. John Nesbitt. of RR. 2, Maple, and was negotiated by the McLean Company. ‘ Mr. Nesbitt now one of the larger land owners in the area, maintains an extensive herd of Herefords and plans immediately using this newly' acquired prop- erty which will be added as an extension to his, already highly cultivated lands. 2 MacQuarrie Farms Are Sold Winger Farm Sold To J. C. Nesbitt The recent. purchase of the northerly 30 acres of the Sam- uel Winger farm has been anâ€" nounced by David McLean Ltd., Realtors,exc1usive sales agents for" the extensive_Winger farms. Plans will be made for a flower garden competition. A gardening expert is to be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Vaughan Federation of Agriculture to be held in Edgeley Com- munity Hall later this month. Elia Women’s Association is holding a euchre and dance in Elia Public School next week. Refreshments will be served and prizes will be awarded for euchre. spot dances. etc. Music will be provided by Fred Thampson and Friends. Garden Exper Euchre And Dance Edgeley Forum Says â€" One Main Disadvantage To The Workman’s Compensation The question of whether Workmen’s Compensation is use- ful to farmers, and the advan- tages and disadvantages in the application of Workmen’s Com- pensation to farmers and farm workers were answered last Monday night when Edgeley forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer. Forum members agreed that Workmen’s Compensation should be used by farmers. They indi- cated the advantages were that the compensation covers ï¬nan- cial risks involved resulting from farm accidents; a farmer under Workmen’s Compensation can- not be sued by an injured worker; Mr. G. Hale, No. 7 Highway, is in hospital with several brok- en ribs and a slight case of pneumonia. We wish him‘a spee- dy recovery: -' Birthday greetings to Bonnie Mountjoy, Sussex Avenue, who celebrated her 11th birthday last wek. Also to Randy Iris, Fair- view Ave, who was three years of age last Sunday and enter- tained her friends at a party on Tuesday. Mothers’ Auxiliary lst Langstafl’ Cubs The Mothers‘ Auxiliary of the lst Langstaff Cubs will be meet- ing March 21 atI8 pm. in Charles Howitt School. As a special item of interest to the mothers, there will be a Demonstration of Cub- bing by a group of the cubs. A11 mothers of cubs and scouts are extended a cordial invitation to attend. ‘ Education Week Another .aged cigizen, Mrs. Joseph Steckley, pa sed away at her home early Sunday morning. Mrs. Steckl‘ey, who was in her Qist year, suffered a stroke and was conï¬ned to her bed for three years and ï¬ve months. During this time she was fairly alert and resigned to her condition. In the last few weeks she suffered another stroke. She is survived by six daugh- ters and four sons â€"â€" Mrs. Alvin Winger, Mrs. Roy Wideman, Miss Annie Steckley, Mrs. Roy Brill- inger, Elmer of Fort Erie, Clar- ence, Levi, Miss Clara, Walter of Barrie and Mrs. Geo. Keï¬er of Stayner. Socials Mr. Murray Bennett is con- valescing at his home from pneumonia. _ Master Peter Johnston is im- proved following his bout with pneumonia] We are pleased to report that Mr. Banks. Garden Avenue, has returned to work. Mr. Banks in- jured his leg in an accident and was home for several weeks. Mr. Rose and staff were pleas- ed with the good turn-out of par- ents and friends at the Educa- tion Week programs. On Monday, parents watched the classes at work. Grades seven and eight held a Panel Discussion similar Late Mrs. Joseph Steckley Personals Master‘Victor Noble was able LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTID CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. 1. RO! GORMLEY NEWS For one young lady, for one year. . . Phone Stouï¬vlflo 67104 Phone AVenue 5-2806 in case of injury Workmen’s Compensation pays all costs of medical aid for the injured far- mer as long as it is necessary, plus '75 per cent of his wages as long as he is disabled. It also eliminates what could be an em- barrassing situation for many farmers; in that they could not pay the charges and expenses of an accident to their workmen. One Disadvantage The only disadvantage forum members found in the present set up of Workmen’s Compensa- tion is that it does not give the farmer protection at all times, only while at work. and\he must therefore to carry other insurance if he wishes to be fully protected. The Langstaï¬ Midgets will be entering the King Clancy league next week. An account of their seen on the “Liberal†sports recent exhibition game may be page ,next week. Each year the children raise money for the Junior Red Cross, and this year they decided to have home baking sales. The children in Grade 5 under dir- ection of Mrs. Snider, held a sale and realized $16.00 proï¬t. Mr. Hare's class, grades 6 and 7 netted $12.00. The pupils of Mr. Rose will be having a sale at a later date. On Tuesday evening, there was a good turn-out despite the bad weather and all the rooms were open for inspection and each class had projects on display. Jr. Red CI'OSS News to come home from Sick Child- ren’s Hospital on Saturday, but is conï¬ned to bed. to that held by adults. with each pupil taking part representing various people in the area who would be asked to sit on an Ed- ucation panel. The subject under discussion was “Education is Everybody’s Business" and am- ong those represented were In~ spector Hallman, Mr. David Smith. a member of the School Area Board, a teacher. a parent. etc. Those taking part were Ronnie Scrivener, Edytha Plow, Eddie Garner, Garry Simpson, Pal Greenï¬eld, Brett Cairns, John Curr. - The annu‘al rally of Christ Crusades was held on Sunday at the Heise Hill church. About 75 young people sat down to the Sunday dinner meeting. The Crusaders had charge of the morning and evening service. Rev. Arthur Heise of Tillson- burg spoke at both services. Mr. and Mrs. R." J. Taylor of New Toronto had supper on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted. Mrs. Alex Lambe o! Kirkland Lake, spent a week recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Estyn Roberts. Our community was shocked to hear of the sudden passing of Mr. Fred Button of Stouffville on Monday evening. The Junior Sewing Circle of the W.M.S. church met on Mon- day night at the home of Miss Marilyn Harman. . THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 15, 1956 Even this picture doesn't show all the children’s clothes you have to buy; And then there are things like birthdays; and bicycles, and the dentist : : : It's no picnic; handling the purse-strings ‘ for a growing family. But it’s a lot easier if you can just keep ahead of your shopping list, inStead of behind it. And the practical way to do that is to deposit a regular amount, each month, in a Royal Bank savings account: As your savings build up you can go ahead and buy things as you need'them : :1 pay cash if you want: : ; pick up bargains, too: You can get started, at any branch of the Royal Bank; THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ‘ 68 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-1261 Rlclimond Bil Be Safe and Say-:"THE TORONTU HURDEREIS' WAY“e SOIL INVESTIGATIONS and TESTING LTD. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1312 Free estimates on soil boring: and diamond drilllnt anywhere in Ont. HEAD OFFlCE - 5 Yonge St. 8.. Box 747. Richmond nm TORONTO AREA ofgsmE‘ 2;? Dial 110 and ask for me! Richmond Hill ZENITH 33100 Mobile Unit w. .I. 3.296: GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill INSURANCE WASHDAYS ARE EASIER E. H. WILSON. Vice-President & General Manner 175 OSSING'I'ON AVE, TORONTO - PHONE [L 2161 when we look after your nard-to-do item: HERBERT R. BUTT ’ LOCAL‘ 'AGENT THE LIBERAL Dependable Associated With Service Telephone 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317