The S orts Clinic An Official Department of Sports chum A TIP ABOUT Conducted by Lloyd Percival LEARNING With spring just around the corner, baseball play- ers, track and ï¬el dmen, tennis‘players, golfers and other athletes are polishing up their equipment and getting ready for another season. up new ways to get The keen ones are thinking the jump on the opposition by domg extra. pre-season conditioning and learning new skills. Many of these athletes, however. will give up on their new' and better ways of doing thingsbecause they seem strange and uncomfortable and don t seem to be as efficient as the old ways. This is one reason ath- ‘ letes often level off and fail to improve after showing a great deal of early promise. Knute Rockne, the grea med it up this way: t Notre Dame coach, sum- “When a new idea or system is tried, the athlete us- 1 feels awkward and loses some of his skill at ï¬rst, :i‘iclyusually some of his interest. The Wise coach must sell the athlete on the idea that after this temporary period of decreased kill a new peak of efficiency will be reached." So, if you're planning to try out some new ideas this season, remember this â€" don‘t shun them when they don’t seem to worlo immediately. Remember that there often is a loss of skill at ï¬rst â€"â€" a loss wh1ch Wlll soon be overcome when you nique. ‘ really learn the new tech- The time it takes to learn the new skill or technique depends on the attention and ecort you give to practice, and the conï¬dence you have in yolirself and your coach. HOW TO LOSE A POUND Tests by some of the worlds top physiologists have established the amount of exercise it takes to lose a pound of fat. You would have to: 1. Jog easily for 45 miles. . I 2. Run at 10 miles an hour for more than four hours. 3. Do 5,700 continuous push-ups. So, next time you hear an overweight athlete say that he’s going’ to run his extra poundage 06‘, let him know what he’s in for. There’s only one way to lose weight, and that’s at the dinner table. Diet â€"â€" notex- ercises â€"- remove’s weight. JOB ' PRINTING Quality Workmans‘hip at , Reasonable Prices. THE LIBERAL ‘ TU.4-1261 ,- HOCKEY . Adults 50c TOWNSHIP O PLAYOFFS Mercantile chkey League Finals DYNES JEWELLERS . vs HALL’S FUEL OILS . FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 9 P.M. :. - Children 25c F MARKHAM Applications will be received by the under- ‘signed for. a township Building Inspector until Friday 12 o’Clock noon March 23, 1956. Applicants! please state previous experience, age, other qualifications and salary expected. Duties to commence April 2, 1956. CHARLES HOOVER, Clerk Township of Markham Gormley R. R. 2 NOTICE Due to the expiry of our lease, our store at 53 Yonge St. North will be closing at the end of March. as usual from our sheet metal shop on Yonge However, we plan to carry on business Street at the rear of the Thos. Oakley Real Estate offices. 1 We hope to receive age. your continued patron- : R. C. BOSTOCK HEATING AND SHEET METAL RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2060 RETURN MATCH “A, :.0:-J ».-‘-" Richvale Winning Boxer “Hot Spell of Blossomlea". the beautiful red and white Boxer puppy. seen in Rich- mond Hill during the past weeks with his owner, Miss Jean Grant, 60 Yongehurst, made his debut at the Sportsmen's Show last week and won 151 Canadian Bred, Winners Dog, Best of Win- ners, Best Canadian Bred Boxer Puppy in show, Best Canadian Bred PUPPY in working group. Best Canad- ian Bred Puppy in show, all breeds. “Hot Spell" is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitmore, Langstaf‘l, Ont. "Chataway of Blossomlca†won three ï¬rsts and Winners Bitch. Dynes 9 Goals In 3rd Period Dynes Jewellers broke out in a scoring rash in the third per- iod, in Tuesday night's opening game of the Mercantile League Finals and defeated Hall's Fuel Oils by a score of 9-4. The ï¬rst and second periods were all Halls, with Waters and Van Dyke scoring the ï¬rst period for Halls. with fre in their eyes and rapâ€" ped in nine goals. while Hall's could only count for one. It was a hard fast game and at one time had four men in the'penalty box, serving major penalties for ï¬ght- mg. First period scoring: Hall's: 5.20 Watters. Hall‘s 17.53 Van Dyke. Penalties. Halls, Beringer 2, Card 2, Van Dyke 2, Dynes, Thompson 2. Second Period Scoring: Hall’s 12.30 Watters. Penalties: Hall’s Charles 2: Dynes, Mashinter 2. Third Period Scoring: Dynes: .32 Banton, 3.23 Foster, 4.50 . Thompson, 631 Kavanaugh, 7.80 Gillespie, 8.25 Mashinter. Hall‘s: 12.58, Watters. Dynes: 13.50 Gillespie, Gillespie, 16.20 Gillespie. Penalties: Dynes: McClinton 5, Mashinter 5, Beringer 2, Hall’s: White 5, Charles 5, Van Dyke 2, Sharpe 2, Hunter 2. ‘Second game, Friday night, March 23. Richmond Hill Arena 9 pm. Players and fans please note: tickets are now available for the dinner and dance at the Gray- stones on March 31. Contact team captains Jim Barker. Har- old Mabley or Dave Brownlee to make your reservation. 16.08 Army,Navy,Air Force League March 12, 1956 3 (frames 300 and over: Jim Beech 1 . Games 200 and over: Jack Stanway 223, 229, 228, Jim Beech 311, 200, Ted Bird 211, 225, Clare Tomlinson 244, 214, Bud McKee 213, 219, Hanna Bird 269, 212, Bob Jones 209, Derek Paget 210, Grace Lusignan 244, Esther Topp 231, Jim Fletcher 241, Keith Sanderson 214, Betty Palmer 219, Allen Rumney 227, Harold Tomlinson 218, Dick Cooper 233, George Lu'signan 214. High Single: Jim Beech 311, Hanna Bird 269, Clare Tomlin- son 244. High Triple: Jim Beech 698, Jack Stanway 680, Clare Tom- linson 640. , High Average: Grace Lusig- nan 210, George Lusignan 204, Clare Tomlinson 200. - ) Mills League High Singles: T. Bennett 219, H. Bennett 209, K. Bennett 200, 211. B. Karsh 209, F. Leech 219, I. Leech 232. N. Cook 296, N. Bowen 227, 223 206, A. Gibson 224, A. Peters 337, 201, W. Mills 262, 251, T. Nolan 224. High Triples: A. Peters 726, K. Bennett 665, N. Bowen 656, W. Mills 648, N. Cook 633, I. Leech 607. Team Standings: Ramblers 104, Lucky Strikes 95, Bearcats 91, Nighthawks 89, Hustler's 74, Wrens 71. Champion Wrestling TUES., MARCH 27, 8.45 pm. Thornhill Market Al Orlando vs Stoney Brooks WEST TORONTO Canadian Middleweight Champion Benedetto vs Baron Von Sieber Lima CAMPBELLFORD, ONT. Ron Ronescu vs Billy Foster The Durable Scot No. 1 Challenger Jimmy Lickers vs Orro Mono and Waters again in the second period to make the score 3-0 for Hall's at that time, but in the third period Dynes came out R.. iors BatAlliston For Third Championship Down ï¬ve points after a 56- 51 loss at Alliston Richmond Hill Juniors came back this week to defeat the Banting Memorial High School team 54-44 and to win the round 105-100. In the ï¬rst game at Alliston the local players were behind'12 points before they came to life. Then Pete Smith started to roll, along with John Passmore, to get 18 and 19 points respectivellh The Hill team was visibly tired, having only one day rest after playing twice on Saturday. But they worked hard defensively with strong rebounding by Jim Williams, Alex Caron and Bill Osmond. Before the home game, Pete Smith put his hand through a window, and could not play. Jim Smith turned up with a sore back and did not play, although he dressed for the game. How- ever, after an extra day of rest. Stoney Brooks may have been half of a losing team last Tues- day when he replaced the still ailing Jack Diamond, but he proved that he is durable. After disposing of Orro Morro in con- vincing fashion during a hectic semi-ï¬nal, he then came back as a team partner‘with Alex Jen- sen and although they lost to Al Orlando and Benedetto Lima, they gave their opponents and the fans some anxious moments. Lima, that tough strong Italian squeezed Jensen flat as the pro- verbial pancake and spread- him for the ï¬rst fall at 11.05. In the second stanza, Brooks jumped in and out of the ring so many times that the referee got dizzy trying to count, and then seized Orlando in a terriï¬c hammerlock and forced him to submit. Alex Jensen didnot seem to have as much to offer as in previous bouts (apparently he's only at his best when teamed up with Williams came through with his best performance with 26 points, followed by Passmore with 20 Points. The locals also befuddled Banting by switching to a 2-1â€"2 zone after using a 1-3-1 zone at Alliston. Caron playing right for- ward for the ï¬rst time. made a capable replacement for P. Smith. Osmond and Vallance went the whole game for the Richmond Hill team and each made their best showing of the whole season. Winning this series gives the local team the North York Jun- ior A Championship for the ï¬fth consecutive yerr, The team can pack away their uniforms after becoming North York Jr. 13 Champions: North York Junior A Champions; Georgian Bay Junior B Champions and 00.5.5. A. Finalists for 1956. Congratu~ lations to the team and to their coach, William Bahcock. Brooks Makes Good Show In Both Main Bout And Prelim. Jack Diamond) and fell victim to Al Orlando at 5.10. Semi-Final As stated above the semi-ï¬nal saw Stoney Brooks win over Orro Morro and earned him another crack at Al Orlando’s champion- ship belt. The Hawaiian youth dropped the last two falls to Brroks who forced him to sub- mit with as vicious a hammer. lock as we have seen hereabouts in some time. Brooks was sharp all right and who knows he may be the one to topple Orlando. In the second preliminary Jim Hopkins earned a win over rug- ged Billy Foster of Brampton and Ron Ronescu came through with a good effort and dropped Karl Mueller to win the opener. The Skidgets Pat Greenï¬eld and, Eddie Garner wrestled to a draw in a ten-minute limit bout and delighted the crowd with their activities. Urge Protection Of Fish During Spawning Period It would be very convenient as well as offering greater protecâ€" tion, if all spawning ï¬sh would decide to lay their eggs in deep water. However, it is Nature’s way that ï¬sh prefer to spawn in shallow water, where tempera- ture and other conditions are more favourable for a success- ful hatch. The. spring spawners go all out to ï¬nd suitable spawn- ing grounds. Rainbow trout are noted in their persistence in ov- ercoming all obstacles in their annual migration of many miles up streams to deposit eggs in shallow, gravelly. areas at the stream's source. Pike and muskie will, also, travel many miles to reach these selected locations. Many times the .eggs are depos- ited so close to\ shore thatâ€"all spawn is lost when the waters recede to normal level and the spawn is left on dry land. During this period the ï¬sh are so intent in their urge to prepa- gate, and so sluggish from the weight of the spawn carried. that tey are “sitting ducks†for poach- ers who give little thought to the countless potential ï¬sh des- troyed. At the ï¬rst sign of spring break-up, pike will be in the marshes and even far up the connecting ditches. Shortly after the ï¬rst warm rain rainbow will, also, be on their way followed later by the muskle. Simultanâ€" eously Conservation Officers will be on an around-the-clock sche- dule patrolling spawning areas and making every effort to give ï¬sh the protection they require. However, 100% protection can‘t be given by any one officer, no matter how efficient he is. Fish and Wildlife staff again look for co-operation from all sportsmen Hold Sale Of Seized Tackle Local ï¬shermen may be inter- ested in the sale of conï¬scated ï¬shing tackle to be held at the Department's Office in Hespeler on April 17. 18 and 19. The Hes- peler sale this year will include equipment seized in the Lake Simcoe District which is being disposed of. Other sales are be- ing held by the Department on the same dates at Kenora. Swas- tika, Tweed and Aylmer. Further information can be obtained through the District Foresters at the offices concerned. Maple Bowlmg Monday, March 12 High single: Beryl Hadwin 259. High triple: Det Palmer 604. Other high scores: Vi Home 236. Det Palmer 235. 233. Helen Calder 231, Hilda Allen 219, Eth- elwyn Gudat 218, Mary Robson 212. Betty Hodgson 209, Joan White 1208, F10 Strachan 208. Jean Calder 204. Madeline Brown 200, Lil Bryce 200. and Conservation Organizations in discouraging this illegal prac- tice. As a reminder it is illegal to be in possession of a spear within 50 feet of the water's edge in the Counties of Ontario, York, Sim- coe and Duï¬erin. It is, also, il- legal to ï¬sh or attempt to ï¬sh with any bait or unbaited snag< ger or\snare, or any other device which is capable of snagging or snaring ï¬sh. No person may take or attempt to land any ï¬sh by means of a spring gaff. ATTRACTIONS FRI., MARCH 23 3.30-6.30 â€" Skating Club 6-7 â€" Bantam Practice 9 pm. â€"- Mercantile Final Tip Top Trophy Second game, best of three, ï¬nal Dynes Jewellers vs Hall‘s Adults 50c, Children 25c SAT., MARCH 24 8-11 â€"- Skating Club 11-1230 â€" Hockey Practice Little N.H.L. Semi-Final Goals to count on Round 1 â€" canadiens vs Rangers 1.45 â€"â€" Hawks vs Wings Senior 230 â€"â€" Rangers vs Bruins 3.15 -â€" Wings vs Hawks 4.30 â€" North York Minor Hock- ey Rams vs Aurora 8~10 â€" Public Skating MON., MARCH 26 7â€"11 -â€" Toronto Hockey League TUES., MARCH 27 10â€"11 â€" Tiny Tots 1-5 â€"- Public School Carnival 8.30 â€"- Mercantile Hockey ( if necessary) WED.. MARCH 28 3-5 â€" Skating Club T-ll â€" Toronto Hockey League THURS" MARCH 29 10-11 â€"Tin_v Tots 1â€"5 â€" Public School Carnival l 7â€"11 â€" Toronto Hockey Leaguel 5 Stoney Brooks Says Confident He Will Win Championship Belt Stoney Brooks, the Durable Scot, has trained himself to a razor sharp edge for his title match with Canadian Champion Al Orlando next Tuesday, March 27, at Thornhill Market. Fresh from a terriï¬c win over Orro Morro on last week’s show, Brooks is “rarin'†to go and THE LIBERAL. Rlchmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, March 22, 1956 7 Little N.H.L. PEE WEE W L T Pt. Canadians . . . . . . 6 1 3 15 Hawks . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 3 13 Rangers . . . . . . . . 4 4 2 10 Wing‘s . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 3 9 . . ,_ ~ I . Leafs . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 1 9 bout Just send Biooks IS a . a good tough boy and a lot better Blums ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' 1 7 2 4 wrestler than most admit, but I SENIOR think I will be able to throw w L T Pt‘ mm on the 27m... Rangers 8 0 2 18 So there you are, a conï¬dent “in-gs ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4 z 4 12 challenger and a confident Brums ' 4 5 1 9 champion all the makings of a Ham‘s ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' 3 5 2 8 ï¬rst class bout. Who knows, Leafs- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 1 4 5 7 maybe there will be a new canadlens ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 5 4 6 feels that it‘s now or never with him. When asked by this writer how he feels about the coming match lie-said. ‘ti've trained hard for this match and I'm very con- ï¬dent of winning back the championship belt.“ On the other hand Al Orlando who very sel- dom predicts anything before a champion when the smoke clears. Baron Von Sieber and Benny Lima have signed to clash in the semi-ï¬nal. Orro Morro meets newcomer Jimmy Licken of Windsor and Billy Foster lock horns with Ron Ronescu in the opener. At The Richmond RICHMOND ROLLERS Thursday, March 15th, 1958 Addie Lund 284: Thelma Ev- ans 254; Isabelle Ellis 235; Made- line Leach 233; Effie Dale 204, 201; Reba Brillinger 202; Win Young 201. . THURSDAY NIGHTERS Team standings â€" Indians 17, Handicappers 15, Tigers 12, Kingpins 10, Bombers 9, Strike- outs 9, Cards 6,:Red Sox 6. High totals for 3 games, Rena White 714, Eric Charity 642. Individual high scores: Rena White 308. 220, ,Lorraine Waters 297, Minnie Ground 267, 227, Is- abel Savage 257. Iris Pratt 244, 240, Jessie Yerex 229, 202, Helen Jones 218. Eric Charity 307, Norm Chatterley 254, Floyd Pratt 243, 201. Morley Hall 235. A1 White 224, Harold Gnound 219, 208, Cam Cowan 205. MONDAY COMBINES MARCH 19. 1956 High triple flat: ladies, Ethel Carlisle 595. Men: Bob Karsh 707, followed closely by George Pollard 706. Good ï¬at single scores: Ladies, Irene Mashinter 216, Ethel Car- lisle 216, Ruth Cowan 235. Men: Mac Clement 229, 264, C. Atkinson 204. J. Barker 236, J. Buchanan 234, C. Chapman 226, A. Stong 227, C. Tuck 203, K. Bennett 223, A. Peters 225, N. Bowen 261, B. Karsh 217, 248, 242, S. Carlisle 206, 217, 230, H. Bennett 236, 240; T. Bennett 259, G. Smith 218, 261, W. Pollard 208. 202, G. Pollard 210, 2.06, 290, A. Love 218, 211. H. Mabley 205, 246, E. McGruer 266, 202, E. Mashinter 200, S. Foster 219, 209, H. Joslin 245, 253, J. Mabley 225, N. Hill 230. Bowl FRIDAY NIGHTERS "CARDS" Top scores by ladies: D. Tur- ner 204, M. Littleford 218, B. Lambert 205, 235, M. Blackburn 200, 208,‘ A. Lynett 208. Men: A. Blackburn 231, 224, D. Laurie 246, 214, 247, R. Littleford 287, D. Fettes 213, F. Perkins 243, B. Hamny 279, H. Ross 259, W. Turner 252, P. Sav- age 206, R. Brillinger 234, 215, D. Smith 217, John Sim 260, K. Tomlin 202, B. McKee 257. 242, 249. J. Kirk 200, A. Eden 222. 206, W. Smith 320, 234. HOLY NAME LEAGUE Team standing: Hard-Eight 16. Rockettes 15, Mixed-Up 8 9, Shakers 8, Naturals 5. High three: Men: Ross Tierney 657, Bruno Battaglia 624. High singles: Men: Ross Tierney 256, Theo Van Wieringen 253. High three for ladies: Vi Raw- linson 614, Rita Maurice 537. High singles, ladies: Vi Rawllnson 240, Mary Farrell 235. FRIENDSHIP LEAGUE JeSSie Wainwright 317, Ethel Carlisle 290, 213, Maud Benja- min 287, RetaCMcDowell 253, Dot Turner 247, Ruth Cowan 239, 207, Marge Blackburn 235, 220 Ruth Charity 230, Ruth Mc- Kenzie 224. Lorraine Acreman 217, Marg Williams 213, Jean Sims 213, Beth Rice 211, Ann Reid 205, Betty Houle 201. STOUFFVILLE : Friends and neighbours of Miss Hazel Rees- or who is on furlough from a mission in the Sudan have pre- sented her with a truck which she will use as eadquarters for her mission work on her return to Africa. ‘Mr’ i All Citizens or York county are cordially invited to'attend the official opening of the new Semi-Final Play-0f! 2 Games, Goals on Round Saturday, March 24. 1956 Pee-Wee 1.00 Canadiens vs Ranger: 1.45: Hawks vs Wings Senior 2.30: Rangers vs Bruins 3.15: Wings vs Hawks Result of games played Satur- day, March 17: Pee-Wee Hawks 0, Canadiens 0; Leafs 2 (Caverley 2), Wings 0. Rangers 2 (Kirkpatrick 2). Bruins 0. Senior I Hawks 2 (Edwards 2), Canad- iens 1 (Brydon). Wings 1 (Pat- ï¬eldl. Leafs 0. Rangers 5 (Moore- head 2, Haldane. Swindle, Smith). Brurns Oi. Hockey Finals School Area In the School Area 1 hockey ï¬nals held recently Charles How- itt defeated Thornlea 1-0 to take the boys championship while the Girls champions are Thornlea. after defeating Thornhill 2-0. The single goal which took the boys game for Thornhill was scored by Ray Winterfield. In the glI‘lS playoffs, Rosemary Cur- tiss scored both g als for the wmning Thornlea earn. Coaching the teams were the following: Charles Hewitt, D. Brown: Thorniea G. Learn and D. McSporran and Thornhill E. Mazur. ‘- .ROse Garden Supplies Stop 22A Yonge St. RICHVALE / WHITE BIRCH (2, 3, and - clusters),- various sizes FULL LINE or EASTEW LILIES, FLOWERS, HOUSE-PLANTS Peat, Foam and Fertilize TU. 4-2291 â€". sou'nr WING " OF YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL Saturday, March 24- at 2 o’clock in the afternoon THE HONORABLE McKINNON PHILLIPS, M.D., C.M. Minister of Health for Ontario will officially open the new wing Public inspection from 2.30 to 4.30 in the afternoon from 7 to 8:30 in the evening All citizens are urged to take advantage of this opportunity to inspect the ï¬ne new building and modern hospital equipment. THIS PROGRAMME SL'BJEcr‘ TO CHANGE Richmond Hill Arena Association TU. 4-1368 MR. K. M. R. STIVER President N ewmarket, Ontario MR. F. The Board Of Directors York County Hospital T, COURTNEY Secretary-treasurer