Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Apr 1956, p. 16

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AUTOMOTIVE PAR vies. tires. up to 25'? 'ering, Victoria Sq Phone Gormley 5522 HAY $18 pe1 ton; registered Herefo1d Bull 2 vrs. old; 3 nac- tors and double line of machineiv, exceptionally good condition; woodw01 king equipment and seed oats $1 per bushel. Phone AV. 5- 1039 evenings. c1w40 BOLEN HUSKI garden tractor, 4L2 h.p. chain driven. double clutch for steering. wheel weights, large tires liquid filled, excellent condition, with grader or snow plow, cultivator and plow, used very little. Cost $495.00, sacrifice $325.00 45 Arnold Ave., Thornhill after 5 pm. *lw39 HARD WATER IS DESTRUCT- IVE To you health and clothes. Call us for complete information. The Bryant Hardware, Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tfc40 WATERLOO 15 Garden tractor.‘ lLé [1.1). Cost $19800. will sell AIR COMPRESSOR portable. Webster, 1,5 h.p. motor. with two gallon paint tank. Excellent con- dition. TU. 4-1955. clw40 COPPER PIPE, Type K soft. for water service. Special price on large quantity. The Bryant Hard- ware, Richvale, phone AV. 5-3821. 06w39 1 CAMP STOVE. 1 jacket heater, 2 hot water radiators, 1 French door, very, very reasonable. Ap- ply Norm’s Shoe Repair or phone TU. 4-1549. *1iv40 KITCHEN TABLE and 5 chairs. studio couch, 'child's table and chairs, clothes horse. electric iron, child's cupboard. boy's bi- cycle. Phone TU. 4-3039. c1w40 SPREAD SATIN OFFER with each quart a 4" nylon brush for $1.79 or roller kit for $1.29. The Bryant Hardware, Richvale. AV. 5-3821. ('3w40 DON'T MISS the hundreds of bargains at WIGHT’S PHARM- ACY, Richmond Hill, during the original ONE CENT SALE, Ap- ril 18, 19 20, 21. c1w40 HARDWARE WEEK April 12 to April 21. Drop in at The Bryant Hardware for our specials. Yonge St., Richvale AV. 5-3821. c3w40 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 5, 1956 MOFFAT Electric Range width 38”, 2 ovens, 2 utility drawers, oven thermostat. Excellent con- dition. TU. 4-1353. c2w40 for $100 cash. All attachments (plow, lawn mower connection, cultivator, etc.) for half price. TU. 4-17777. c1w40 LAWN BOY Power mowers available through budget or lay-away plans. Fac- tory approved Lawn-Boy serVice. The Bryant Hardware, Richvale. AV. 5-3821. ~ c1w40 HOSES. fork. spade, rubber 1i: ed wheelbarrow, long handled shovel electric soldering i101]. 1/1" heavy duty electric drill 6’ skill saw bench saw with New v 1%; h.p. motor. Phone TU. 4â€" 3039 after 6 pm clw40 NO. 1 TIMOTHY SEED, $6.00 a bushel in bushel bags. Murray Acreman, Lot 18, Con. 3, Mark- »ham, TU. 4-2236. c1w40 3-BURNER electric range, heavy duty, reasonable. good condition. Apply Totten‘s Barber Shop: Low priced 42” high $19.80 r011; 100 ft. Steel posts in stock. The Bryant Hardware. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. c4w40 OVAL SHAPED kitchen table. chrome. yellow arborite top, $25. Mrs. R. Baker, 230 Lawrence Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w40 1952 MASSEY-HARRIS 2 plow tractor with 3-point hitch, per- feet condition. TU. 4-2143. c2w40 dition. vii-4233‘ BABY dition, EASY ONE BLOW TORCH, $9; one sports coat. size 36. Phone AV. 5-4409. c1w40 TOLEDO penny-in-the-slot scale, in good condition. TU. 4-1521._ TWO TWIN steel pm. 62 May Ava. M-H 8 FT. Double Disc. good as new. Merrill Johnson, TU. 4- '1981. clw40 EUANTITY of baled wheat straw. Merrill Johnson, TU. 4- ‘1931. c1w40 ‘fiEATHER COATS, one good blue overcoat and a few hot bed ‘frames. AV. 5-1560. c1w40 BALED HAY for sale. King 134 ring 4. c1w40 HAY is; STRAW. Apply Floyd Perkins. TU. 4-1229. c4w40 CASH RATES. first insertion 3c per word. min. charge .. . Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge . . . ., ..... . 4 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . .1 COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c. min. charge 5 CARD OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, per Insertion BIRTH NOTICE ......................... . Classified advertisements should be in as early in the Week possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CHAIN LINK FENCE ARTICLES FOR SALE electric washer, good con- $25 or best offer. AV. ‘ clw40 CARRIAGE, in good con- like new, $30. TU. 4-2664: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTS, batter- 7‘n off. D. Pick- Square, Ont. 322. e6w37 beds after 5 Richvale. c1w40 *1w40 clw40 clw40 1w39 1 For Sale (cont’d) 1948 FORD TRACTOR with plow both in good condition; also transplanter for tomatoes and cabbage. Apply K. Ste], Briggs Ave.. off Bayview. clw40 WANTED Cars and trucks for wrecking. Highest prices paid. Carl Stouff- ville Auto Wreckers, 92 Stouf‘f- ville. c4w38 body ofier 1940 FORD. good running order, new battery and generator, $45. Mallory, 154 Lennox A‘ve., TU. 4-1266. *2w40 1946 93.1 TON Ford Truck, 4- speed transmission good condi- tion. best oflei. Apply 52 Marilyn C1 escent Allancourt_ subdivis- ion *1w40 TRUCK, GMC 42. one-ton panel painted grey. in‘excellent condi- tion. Four new tires, sell for $290 as owner has rented farm. Also 17â€"inch Aurora. TV mahogany wooden case on legs, $95.00. Both can be seen at Graybrook Farm south of Eaton >Hall between third and fourth concessions. one mile north of King City or phone evenings only, King 114. c1w40 1936 STAKE BODY Ford truck’. Merrill Johnson, TU. 4-1981. _2-'I:ON 1949 GMC truck, stake CAR‘S‘ & erUCRS wanted for TWO-WHEEL TRAHE Mashinter 114 Rosevim TU. 4-1170. 610 BOATS New marine plywood boats. 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. run- abouts ..$65 and up. Best ma- terials used, no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. tics 1__';0N 5930121) TRUCK, splen- did condition, also pléstéring equipment. TU. 4-2157. c2w39 PUMP & MOTOR, 60 ex cle, for water tlansfer “ell to tank, rea- sonable. TU. 4 3028 c1\\40 CATS WANTED (painlessly des- troyed); also rabbits, white rats, guinea pigs, etc. Troyer Natural Science Service, Oak Ridges. TU. 4-2971. clw40 USED CARS AND TRUCKS wrecking Phone TU. 4-2236 PUPPIES all small breeds for city homes. Phone TU. 4-2545. PART TIME WORK required b: young lady experienced in gen eral office duties. light bookeep ing and( typing. Box 23 The Lib eral. . c1w4l LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish, any colour tapes, Kirsch~ Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St.. West. New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 DRAPERY - Ready Made Drapes 84 or 90 inches long, $9.95 a pair. You may buy as many pairs as you wish. Many different mat- erials to choose from. Senecal's. 104 Main St., Newmarket. tfc33 DO YOU WANT the best eggs for your money? Then phone TU. 4-2255 and ask for John Masse- link, Elgin Mills PG, for Purina Cage Laid eggs â€"- Fresh daily. There are no better â€" and we sell for store prices. tfc32 TYPEWRITERS. Underwood factory rebuilts many models; also new portables. Call TU. 4- 1745. tfc19 WELL TILE. 30" and 36", im- mediate delivery. Lorne Baker Concrete Products. Newmarket phone 112. tfc20 BABY PICTURES ARE PRICELESS when taken by Lagerquist Studio. 93 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2791. tfc31 TENT 91/2 x 91/2 three- bulner oil stove, camp cot TU. 4-2150. clw39 change for bed-Chesterfield. TU. 4-2150. clw39 WATER HEATER. complete. 29 gal., insulated. TUrner 4-12}8 CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR, ex HAY for sale. Phone TU. 4- 2841. tfc36 QUANTITY of corrugated gal- vanized steel sheeting. Phone TU. +2441. *2w29 tfc31 WHEELED bicycle for 8 years. Apply AV. 5- new motor, $500.00 or best HU. 9-5774. c1w40 WANTED The Lib- c1w40 .v * 1w 40 c1 W40 clw40 40c 256 500 500 75o 500 4\\'38 tfc36 2w39 I‘om girl MISCELLANEOUS ROOF REPAIRS ROOF, Eavestrough, Chimney brick work, painting, general re- pair work of all kinds, prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfc22 TREE SERVICE For quality workmanship 1n pruning. treating. planting and removing trees. Consult us. 30 years experience. Free estimates. Johnson Tree Service. TU. 4- 1320. tfc51 ladies' and children’s clothes. Also alterations. Mrs. Warwick, 24 Hunt’s Lane, TU. 4-3206. _ George’s Well Drilling and re- pairing; pump installed & repair- ed. George Adams, Woodbridge R. R. 2, Maple 67R3. tfc45 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6.1. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED. MRS. SCHROETTER‘S, dresser. 36 Pearson Ave Subdivision, phone AV. ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality' work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. TU. 4â€"2081. tfcls EDYTHE DRESSMAKING â€" CHIMNEYS Chimneys cleaned, built and re- paired, Free estimates. Expert workmanship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5â€"2526. tfclS ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs , upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks. cement work, septic tanks, soft‘ water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5- 2526. Uc45 LEARN TO DRIVE Pickâ€"up Service Thorough Instructors Dual Controls, reasonable rates for Richmond Hill and ALL sur- rounding districts. Cnll TUrner 4-2781 > MOVING & CARTAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage, local and long distance. Experienced service anytime. Good rates. TU. 4â€"2613. tfc26 Painting, cotton and paper hang- ing, sample books and free es- timates. A. Rollinson. TU. 4- 2587.» tfc29 AV. 5-1595 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham. Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-2231. tfc27 RUGS & UPHOLSTERY Cleaned on premises. Wall to wall carpet a specialty. Phone King 33R23. tfc28 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work. footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc49 TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic. lastic and linoleum. Robert E. atchell, PArkview 7â€"4459, 32 Mill St., Aurora. *4w28tfc31 FROM THE BASEMENT to the roof â€" house repairs and alter- ations. J. M. Cannon Sr., Oxford St, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1éi10. t c13 Car radios removed and install- ed, also home radios pickup and delivery. J. Fox & Son. TU. 4â€" 1610. tfc27 PLASTERING by old country plasterer, new, old work, cornice and stucco ceilings a specialty. TU. 4â€"2157. *26w22 ABBEY ELECTRIC House wiring, alterations, water heater, recreation roor‘s. R. Abbey, AV. 5-3551. tfc2 SAND AND GRAVEL. crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill. CUSTOM Chain Sawing. Phone Markham 197. tfc49 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC Electrical wiring, repairs, sales. service. Phone AV. 5-3244. tfc30 for sand, gravel, manure, loam and fill. TU. 4-3341. tfcl round service. T. Jerrett, BA. 1- 4898. c5w39 DRESSMAKING, alterations and repairs. Mrs. Moore. 83 Rose- view Ave. TU. 4-3296. ‘lw tfclb' PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. R. H. REID, Delivery service. Pickup and delivery, light movâ€" ing. TU. 4-3391. tfc37 WELL DIGGING, expert year VVALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thornhill, ,Phone AV. 5-1266. tfch Thompson? ififivfixg‘ ' Echool tie“ A. MILLS & SON Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1711. WELL DRILLING RADIO REPAIRS BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-4131 DECORATING ERIC FISH BA 5-24 11 “CH c51w27 hair- Scott 5-1814. c3w38 t1c40 tfc17 tfc42 tfcl" tfc34 tfc34 ENERGETIC man for ware house duties. Age up to 40 vears. 40- hour work week. Phone Mr. Richardson, Robinson Clay Pro- ducts Co. of Canada Ltd., Con- cord. AV. 5-1138. c1w40 NEW AND USED CAR salesman for progressive Studebaker deal- ership. Full or part time. Apply in person. Baker’s Sales 8.: Ser- vice, Stop 22, Yonge St., Rich- vale. c2w40 Free Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine. Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tail- oring Cm, TU. 4-1362. Richmond Hill tfc28 CLERK-STENOGRAPHER (fe- male) experienced preferred, for general office. Write to Dr. R. M. King. York County Health Unit, Richmond Hill. ctfc YOUNG MAN for service station and garage work. No experience necessary. \ Our Garage, Elgin Mills, TU. 4-1773. clw40 GROWERS help wanted. Steady position. Richmond Floral Co.. Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill; TU. 4-2942. c1w40 BOOKKEEPER for manufactur- ing company. Unionville area. 5 day week, Blue Cross, hospitali- zation insurance. Box 22, The Liberal. c2w39 EXPERIENCED driver for dump truck. age 35-40. Must be reliable and energetic. References requir- ed. L. W. Reid, 7 Thornridge Dr. Thornhill. tfc40 GIRL OR WOMAN for partutime work. Telephone and sales. Knowledge of garden work an advantage. AV. 5-2566 after 6 p.m. c1w40 CLEANING WOMAN for small office, evening or week-end. The Metal Smith Co., Spruce St., Richvale. TU. 4-3271. c1w40 MAN for service station work. Apply White & Young. B.A. Sta- tion, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-0009 c2w39 EXPERIENCED waitress. reli- able. steady day shift. Apply in person. Windmill Restaurant, Oak Ridges. c1w40 WANTED, mechanic specializing in “tune-ups”. Apply White Rose Stn., 150'Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. ' c1w40 apartments, additions, porches, roughing-in and trim work, lath and insulation. Immediate atten- tion. No job too small. Call '1‘. Price, AV. 5- 2393. c26w36 MEN to put on Johns-Manville Siding. Phone AV. 5-3793. c1w40 WOMAN to do housework two days a week. Please phone AV. 5-3554. clw40 BOOKKEEPER- typist for real estate office. 5 day week. E. T. Stephens Ltd., Stop 22A Yonge St. AV. 5-3721. c1w40 PLASTERING By old country plasterer, new, old work. cornice and stucco ceilings a specialty. TU. 4-2157. *26w22 DAY OR WEEKLY CARE given to young children. Apply Mrs. A. Kydd, Hunt’s Lane. 3rd house west of Bayview, evenings or week-ends. clw40 FURNITURE refinishing and re- pairs, carpentry and cabinet work, woodwork of any kind, free estimates, free pick-up and del- ivery. Call BA. 1-7676. c6w36 CALL US {or your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple 54R12. rtfc7 FLOOR SANDING and refinish- ing of hardwood and tile floors.. expert workmanship. free estim- ates. Call BA. 1-7676. c6w36 TREES pruned, removed and custom chain sawing. Free esti- mates. Phone Rene Jaillet. TU. 4-2165. tfc39 CARPENTRY WORK. Basement SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges, TU. 4-3181. CAKES DECORATED Have your Wedding. Birthday or Anniversary cake decorated by C. H. Bourne. TU. 4-3055. *3w40 CUSTOM ROTOVATING, lawns and gardens. Orders booked now. Phone Tom Mashinter. 114 Rose- view Ave., TU. 4-1170. I'1w40 FLOOR SANDERS, POLISHERS, ELECTRIC TOOLS to rent. Charlton Hardware, TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 ROOFING SERVICE Shingling. re-roofing or flat roofs. Bonded Built-up Roofs. Free estimate. phone W. Switzer, TU. 4-2465. *3w38 PLOWING, discing, back filling, grading and front-end loading, topsoil and manure. Lance Willic. TU. 4-2096. t£c40 ROOF REPAIRS Roofing and Siding by experts, excellent workmanship. Free esâ€" timates, TUrner 4-1479. tfc34 SAWS, mowers sharpened, en- gines repaired. Johnson Iron Horse Depot. 121 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. c12w38 DRESSMAKING, all kinds. TU. 4-2371. c4w38 FLOORS SANDED. Tile and hardwood installed workmanship. Fre AV. 5-1364. MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED SEWING MACHINE SALES & SERVICE Free 'estimétes. - “(‘34 Expert tfcl3 ROOM with bathroom facilities on ground floor required by man in wheel chair. Apply Mr. Kauf- man, AV. 5- 1171 between 9 am and 5 pm. c1w40 MODERN apartment wanted, be- ginning May lst. one bedroom. vicinity of Richmond Hill or Thornhill. Box 25 The Liberal. DON MILLS ROAD 28 acres excellent market land. All cultivated. 5-room house, plus attached grocery store. Chicken house for 1000 layers. This is truly a very good buy, only $17,500 with 12,000 down, one 10 year open mortgage on balance Phone Mr. Heska. Markham 20M14 or OX. 4-3636. G. G. CROSS, Realtor ROOM and board available for working man. Parking facilities. 333 Paliser Cresc., Richmond ACTIVE. elderly retired minis- ter requires room and board in quiet refined home where addit- ional care given if needed. Box 85. R. R. 1 Richmond Hill. c1w40 NHA 7-1‘oom house. storey and a half; solid-brick, 2 washrooms. 0n sewers, 4 bedrooms. Air con- ditioned oil heating, hot water, hardwood floors. 77 Ruggles Ave. Call Mr. Hornov, Builder, LEn- nox 4- 1390 tfc40 OPEN HOUSE _ No salary requirement, 6-room bungalow “L” shaped living, dining room, 3 large bedrooms, ultra modern kitchen. Tiled 4- piece bathroom. Aluminum storms and screens. $2150 down payment. For information, call TU. 4-1405. or come to Sydney Sears Real Estate Ltd.. 465 Mar- amak Rd., Richmond Hill. c1w40 BEAVERTON 100 acres level land, 80 acres workable 20 acres bush 7- -room house, barn for 40 head of cattle, large pond hydro and water in buildings. price only $9200 with $4500 down. Balance for 10 years to pay $6000 down, 100 acres, 65 acres cultivated balance, pasture and bush, running creek, 7-room sol- id brick house. barn for 45 head of cattle, other buildings, hydro and water in all buildings. This farm right on No. 7 highway close to Lindsay, price only $13,- 500.00. 10 years to pay. beds. A home away from home. TU. 4-2986. c1w40 ROOM and board for one or two persons. 277 Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill. *1w40 Hill FURNISHED apartment for six months. TU. 4-1116. c1w40 Due to our tremendous increas- ed volume of sales we have op- enings for two energetic men of neat appearance in our busy Thornhill offices. Our salesmen are amongst the highest income in the business. Real Estate ex- perience is not necessary. A complete training program is given. For interview call Sales Manager S. J. Carlisle, AV. 5- 1176. evenings AV. 5-2742. Dav- id McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1w40 at Orchard Beach Gardens, Lake Simcoe, near the lake. Legal use of artesion well, hydro available, $1,500 cash. Write owner. Box 159 Aurora, Ont. or Telephone Aurora, PA. 7-5597. tf039 ROOM & BOARD for two, twin HANDYMAN. rough carpenter. golf range maintenance. light outdoor work. Duffel-in Fairways, Duflerin St. at No. '7 Highway. Interviews at Supertest Station. 10-11 am. only. c1w40 HANDYMAN, light outdoor work four hours daily, mornings, af- ternoons or evenings. DufTerin Fairways, Dufl'erin St. at No. 7 Highway. Interviews at Super- test Station 10-11 am. only. FULLER BRUSH CO. Requires Immediately 10 full time salesmen Highest commissions Car and previous selling exper- ience an advantage. For appointment call Newmarket 1534, Evenings 6-9 tfc36 HOUSE FOR SALE -â€"â€"- 7 nice rooms hot and cold water 4- -.pce bath, hardwood floors and garage large lot, just north of Richmond Hill. Sacrifice for quick sale. Phone TU. 4-2204.‘ ' c1w40 REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY AV. 5-1595 Sales Booming Require further 10 full time sales ladies. Car and previous sales experi- ence an advantage but not es- sential. For appointment call Newmarket 1534, Evenings 6-9. tfc36 CORNER LOT 100 ft. by 100 ft LEADING LADY COSMETICS ROOM & BOARD HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SALE REGISTERS ON PAGE 9 LINDSAY STEAL WANTED TO RENT (continued) BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE BA 5-2411 tfcl *1w40 c1w39 c1w40 1w40 TYPEWRITERS for rent by day. week or month. Factory rebuilts for sale. TU. 4-1745. tfc28 Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4: 2101. rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. ‘ tfc18 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for CAPONS, masters and fowl. highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Staâ€" tion, phone TU. 4-2643. tfc2'." Sgw 6 ROOM bungalow. Richmond Hill, for rent. AV. 5-1530. c2w40 BRIGHT, warm basement apart- ment bath, sink. private en- trance. No school children. 107 Baker Ave. *2w40 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS, ELECTRIC TOOLS to rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 WANTED by private buyer, well- built older type brick house; 6-8 rooms on 1-2 acres. within easy distance of Yonge St., in area be- tween Thornhill and Elgin Mills. Possession by summer or as ar- ranged. All replies acknowled- ged. Write Box 20 The Liberal. tfc39 $4 7% FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW Lé mile north of Maple on Keele St. business couple preferred. phone Maple 103M. *1w40 HOUSE FOR RENT 8 rooms hot water and oil heating bath; complete. Phone Gormley 5461 or 5467. *1w40 BUNGALOW to rent, modern 4 rooms. oil heating. air condition- ed frigidaire, on a ravine over- looking the river. sun bathing, swimming in beautiful private park, reasonable rent. Adults only, ideal place for a couple or retired persons. References re- quired. 15 Sprucewood Drive, east end of Clarke Ave. at Stop 14A Yonge. AV. 5-1603. tfc40 EGGS WANTED Premium on extra large and pure white eggs. Maple Egg Grading Station, Maple 27. c26w21 FLOOR SANDER to rent" Phone living room, {bâ€"edroom' and Chen. TU. 4-2854. c APARTMENT for rent. South side of Lake 'Wilcox. Apply Mrs. Aho. Lake Wilcox. *1w40 3 ROOM apartment for rent, sink, private entrance. For in- formation, call AV. 5-3270. RICHMOND HILL, Yonge St., upper duplex, 8 rooms, hot wat- er heated, garage. spacious grounds. TUrner 4-1504. *1w38 MODERN bright apartment, 20 ft. living room with kitchenette, 1 bedroom, TV outlet, $65. adults only. AV 5-2510. tfc39 FURNISHED ROOM, all con: veniences, close to Yonge St. Gentlemen preferred. Phone AV. 5-4409. clw40 ELAT for rentt private, one large HOUSE FOR RENT Unfurnished house, garage; good well, suit couple, Thornhill. Phone HUdson 1-3725 or HUd- son 9-3256. c1w40 OFFICE FOR RENT â€" 300 sq. feet, ground floor. completely renovated, private washroom, off street parking. Apply at Clarke's Pharmacy. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1201. tfcl OFFICE SPACE approximately 250 sq. ft. Ideal corner location, suitable for doctor or other type office. Apply A. Stephen. S.W. corner Yonge & Jane Sts., Thorn- hiIl. c4w40 AVenue 5-1109 NI§L§NL§§®§®Q®L X$§N1®$®XW§§§§§Z§§$W$WNKW REAL ESTATE WANTED AVenue 5-1105 RICHMOND HILL R. D. Little & Son Ltd. FORD For over .29 years we’ve been making sure that after you’ve gone, you’ll WANT to come back. Any one of our salesmen will be glad to show you a complete selection of warranted, used cars â€"- backed by In looking for a used car shouldn’t you be sure BEFORE buying? Investing your money in a car that has been reconditioned completely before you drive it, makes sense. And once an owner, enjoy the protection of the FINEST used car warranty. TO RENT POULTRY 3 WANTED oronto's OLDEST Suburban After You’ve Gone c1w40 d kit- c1w40 tfc22 Some private funds available to make mortgage loans. or to buy existing mortgages. W. W. Conroy, Real Estate Will~ owdale, BA. 1-7484 tfcll ANY TIME you want a first or second mortgage on your prop- erty and would like quick action, phone EXPERIENCED gardener wishes part time work. TU. 4-1744. MAN will do painting or paper hanging very reasonable. Years of experience, fast service. TU. 4-2902. tfc37 FULLY EXPERIENCED baby- sitter desires position. Evenings only, from 7 pm. on. If interestâ€" ed write, stating wages, hours. etc. References available. Box 24 The Liberal. clw40 25 YEARS experience carpenter. Specialist in finishing work de- sires work with contlactor. Ap- ply 209 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill or phone TU. 4-2729 after STOUFFVILLE : Three young Oshawa men have been arrested in connection with a recent break-in at the local arena. The RCMP. have also shown an in- terest in the case. ABLE BODIED MAN seeks a position as a labourer. Thornhill or Richmond Hill vicinity. Apply AV. 5-1530. c2w40 WILLOWDALE MORTGAGE SERVICE MO. 2040 Men’s 4-Eyelet Dress Shoe, Italian style, leather sole, plain toe Men’s' Natural Crepe Soled Oxford by Sisman, brown elk upper Sisman Scampers for misses up to size 21/2, brown elk upper Girls’ Fancy Waffle Pique Dresses, size 7 to 12 years Children’s Corduroy Jackets with zipper and front belt, satin lined EMPLOYMENT WANTED SPRING 12 Yonge St. South Biclimond Hill '1 SIMPSDN’S DRY GOODS SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS MORTGAGES lS’I‘ MORTGAGES 2ND MORTGAGES Everybody Is Going To COMPLIMENTS OF B. BAILEY FORD Dealer *1w40 *4w40 tfc34 BUYERS WAITING APRIL BRAY pullets. What bet- ter for your Grade A Large Markets? Dayold and started. Also mixed chicks, cockerels. Your May-June broilers should be on order. Standard breeds. crosses. and “specials" (Babcock. Ames In-Cross. etcl. Full partic- ulars. agent Fred Wise. Richmond Hill. phone TUrner 4-1862. ‘ Due to our unprecedented early 1956 volume, we are in immediate need of houses, farms, building lots and ac- reage. DANCE Don’t sell yourself short, list with the firm that can guarantee prospects. CALL AV. 5-1176 David McLean Ltd. .‘ Head Office, Thornhill MONARCH 5 Toronto Lines POULTRY FOR SALE TU. 4-1651 $9.95 $5.95 $3.95 $2.98 $2.98 Via 2% era .fi

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