Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Apr 1956, p. 8

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§OR COMPLETE INFORMATION Pleasure Planned Tours All Bus Travel Service See your local Agent MAPLE COMMUNYTY CENTRE TUESDAY, APR. 10,8 P. M MALTBY’S SERVICE STATION RICHMOND HILL TUmet 4- 0001 Mrs. W. A. Weir is at present in Toronto General Hospital. where she underwent an opera- tion on her foot this week. She expects to be back home in a few days. but will be confined to bed for several weeks. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. A. H. Johnson returned last week from a two-week holi- day in Florida. Grade 1 pupils at the George Bailey school were let off early last Friday as their teacher, Mrs. Hy Lauson, attended the hospital where her husband underwent an operation the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Lauson live at Rich- mond Hill. and Mrs. Lauson’s pupils hope that her husband will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crook. Kath- erine and Ronald spent the East- er weekend with Mr. Crook’s sister at Kingston. The Lucky Draw for a child's wagon 1n McCowan‘s I. G. A. Market sponsored by Dare's Bis- cuits was made at 6 pm on Sat- urday. March alst by Mr. Harry Cooper. David Martin. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Maple, is now the proud owner of a new wagon. The Maple Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Donald Allen on Wednesday. April 11th. Chief item of busi- ness at this meeting will be the election of a new slate of officers for the coming year. Social Notes Mr. Dugald McCowan, who is at present recuperating from ill- ness, was visited by his brother Hugh from Sudbury over the weekend. Happy birthday to Dugald Mc- Donald whose birthday was on March 31. .7 ering bulbs. Mrs. C. Rostance of the Toronto Cancer Society headquarters will present 12 membership pins to the members of the Maple committee. A col- lection will be taken at the door. and it is hoped that everyone, who can. will attend this tea and also thereby help a very worthy cause. v In... v...â€" The Maple Welfare Group of the Canadian Cancer Society are holding a Daffodil Tea at the Maple Community Centre on Monday, April 9th at 2:45 pm. At 3 pm. Mr. Percy Bone. well- known florist. will demonstrate table arrangements with flow- ering bu_lbs. Mri. C. Rostance n--x-n_. Unneu bllulvu u. ._. ' The W. A. of Maple United Church held their month]; meet- ing on March 27th at the Church Sunday School room. Mrs. E. Hemphill presided. Miss Mary Evans was in charge of the pro- gram for the month, assisted by Mrs. A. Bowes and her days. Mrs. Bruce Keffer gave the de- votional and was assisted by Mrs. E. Evans. Her subject was “Peni- tenee”. Then followed two piano accordion selections by Tim Weir, after which Mr. Pugh of the Bell Telephone Co. showed two slides. illustrating by means of puppets the operation of two- party lines and telephone court- esy.. Lunch being served by the committee in charge completed the evening. Cancer Group You’ll Enjoy Going Anywhere . . . by Bus NO DRIVING WORRIES NO PARKING TROUBlES FARES ARE [OW Maple, Concord &_Ec_lgelev Districts United Chuljch W- with a Professional Driver for your Next Group Outing CHARTER A BUS The leel'll u always willing to publish interesting Items rellrdllu people Ind "011“ wn‘flbu‘ed b, m rude" in Maple, Concord & Edgelcy districts. Our representative In Map], 1, M", R. Thompson Maple 126.]; Edgeley. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. Maple Socials LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 5, 1§56 Slx Edgeley and Concord girls were visitors at the ldemonstra- tion. They were Dianne Fierbell- er. Dianne Gilbert. Janice Boake, Margaret Hendry. June Spearing and Karen Whale)", members of the newly formed Edgeley 4-H Homemaking Club. As observers, they met and discussed with oth- er 4-H Club members, the‘ essen- tials of a strong and active or- ganization. Mrs. Mabel Borgstrum. York County Home Economist, was in charge of the day. Attractive exhibits \vere set up on “Before and After" redec- orating projects showing how durable and colorful cotton fab- ric accessories can be used in the bedroom to make it bright and attractive. “Cotton Accessories for the Club Girl’s Bedroom" was the project completed and the girls exhibited their record books, dresser scarves, decorated waste paper baskets, bedspreads. etc” with the girls commenting on each exhibit. Mrs. Charles Agnew of Edge- ley, president of York County Women's Institutes. presented certificates of achievement to girls completing their units at the York County 4-H Club Achâ€" ievement Day held recently in Newmarket. Two girls. complet- ing 12 projects. received Provin- cial honor: certificates. Present Awards To 4H Girls The Board of Educatitn for North York is considering clos- ing Elia School at the end of the school term next June. In the fast-growing community, it is felt that the education needs of the children would be better served elsewhere, perhaps at the new Beverley Hills School in Downs- view. mm First Building Early 1800': 7 _ The first school was built in the early 1800's by the settlers in the district. In 1839 when the townships were laid out in school sections, Elia. along with Edge- ley and Emery. became school centres. At first the teaching was in German. but gradually merg- ed into English. The present solid brick build- ing. 35 ft by 50 ft.. replaces a former frame building situated on the west side of Keele St. and now occupied by the Macklem family. The old school was declared inadequate in 1872 by the inspec- tor Mr. Jas. Hodgson, and he in- structed the Trustees to secure a new site and erect a new build- ing as soon as possible. The trustees, Abraham Hoover. Wm. Jackson and Jacob Snider pur- chased land from William Jack- son. who loaned money in the sums of $812.00 and $56.00 for erection of the new school. This money was paid off in. three years by direct taxation on prop- erty in the section. The construc- tion was under the supervision of John Riddell, a local builder Among the business items dis- cussed at a meeting of the Vau- ghan Federation of Agriculture held in Edgeley Community Hall on Wednesday evening. March 28. was a resolution drafted by Paul Snider and W. Maclachlan of the Edgeley Farm Forum. ma- king the Werkmen's Compensa- tion Act. more applicable to far- Vaughan Federation Favours Workmen’sCompensation-Farm The Holy Easter season was fittingly observed in all the churches of the Maple Charge of the United Church of Canada on Sunday. Rev. A. G. Donald occupying the pulpit and preach- ing to exceptionally large con- gregations on the theme. “The Challenge of Easter". Preaching from the text, Acts 5 and ‘30 "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a tree, Him hath God exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour" Mr. Donald challenged his hearers with the'fact that it was not a dead King but a living Lord whom true Christians wor- ship today, and that the living Christ commissions for service in this generation, even as He did in the days of the first Apostles, and throughout all the intervening years. Easter's ulti- matum is that statesmen and cap- tains of industry, employers and N.Y. Board Of Education May Close Elia School Rev.A.G.Donald Stresses Challenge Of Living Lord At Easter Services Trim - Plywood - Roofing Insulation - Ceiling Tiles MAPLE Phone Maul: HOLBROOK LUMBER CO. Effective next September the George Bailey Public School will welcome a fifth teacher. Wallace McLay. who comes from Wiar- ton. Mr. McLay is presently completing his studies at the Stratford Teacher’s College and intends to take up residence in Maple when his teaching duties begin. > Whereas. a great number of farms in Ontario are operated by the farm family without the as- sistance of very much hired labor, and Whereas, over the years there has been developed the practice of farmers in a neighborhood as- sisting each other when extra help is needed without an ex- change of money. it is therefore resolved that the Workmen’s Compensation Board of Ontario be requested to make such prov- isions that are necessary to ap- ply the protection and benefits of the act to the operations of farms under the customs and practices that are at present in effect in Ontario." mers. Jim Spencer, president of the Vaughan Federation, on be- half of Edgeley Farm Forum pre- sented the resolution to the Federation membership who ap- proved it. The resolution is as follows: "The Farmers of Ontario are impressed with the protec- tion and benefits to employers and employees coming under the Workmen‘s Compensation Act, as it is operated by the board in Ontario. who. along with his sons, built various schools. churches and farm buildings in the surrounding community. New School 1874 The school was completed In 1874, but apparently not official- ly opened until 1875. $400. Per Annum Elia school was one of the few remaining rural schools in North York Township with a school board of trustees elected on municipal election day for a per- iod of three years. A secretary- treasurer was hired by the Board of Business Administrat- ors. The last secretary, J. James Buchanan. served in that capac- ity for 17 years. Special Easter music was giv- en by the choirs in all the churches and at Edgeley, new choir gowns. purchased by the choir with the assistance of the Women’s Association were dedi- cated and worn for the first time. Next Sunday. Rev. C. E. Fock- her of Markham, formerly minis- ter on the Maple charge will con- duct a united service for Hope and Maple in the Maple Church at 11:30 am. and at,Edgeley at 2:30 pm. The teacher of that year was Jacob Hoover and he was paid a salary of $400 per annum by the trustees of 1875, William Jack- son, Jacob Snider and John Boynton. By way of comparison, in more recent times, a board of trustees, Dr. Charles Williams, Mr. Floyd Heide and Mr. Lawr- ence Thomson contracted for a teacher at a salary of $3200. per annum. Good Repair In January 1954, that set up was dissolved when the Metro- politan School Board took over control of all schools in the area. employees, those who sell and those who buy, men and women in every walk of life must realize that the risen Jesus is anxious to light the fires of passion and enthusiasm for God’s Kingdom in their hearts. so that they can go everywhere with this flaming crest upon their breasts, “We can do all things through Christ who strengtens us”. The building is still in a good state of repair. Since the begin- ning, extra land has been ac- quired for playgrounds and has often been used for league games. New Teacher For Maple School Phone Maple 70 C. E. Bowman of St. Andrews was in charge of the service and the guest preacher was Rev. C. G. Higginson, minister of Rich- mond Hill United Church who had exchanged pulpitslfor the occasion with Rev. A. G. Donald. Mr. Higginson's subject was "Paul and the Cross" and his text was Paul's Epistle to the Romans, chapter five and verse seven. “God commendeth His love toward us. in that. while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." The choir of Maple United church under the direction of Mrs. Roy Clegg led in the serv- ice of praise and were eard in an anthem number. A community Good Friday service was held in Maple United Church on Friday morning, the congregations of St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian and Maple United co-operating in commemorating the death of Jesus Christ. Rev. Meeting with Vaughan Township Planning Director J. Swalm on the afternoon of March 28, Maple Trustees agreed on a policy regarding development in the village for the present time. The Trustees agreed unanimously that for the present, development at Maple should be confined within the actual village limits. It was decided that the Trustees should set some definite policy regarding expan- sion and development in view of the fact that potential developers owning property to the south of the village have made some inquiries regarding development possibilities. It was the general concensus of opinion that development bor- dering Maple but not within the actual limits would present problems and the Trustees ag- reed that in the interest of good planning it was better to fill out the present core before permit- ting spotted developments ar- ound the village. Proposed Development One of the main topics around which the discussion hinged and one which resulted in a general policy for future development A budget toward the cost of township road signs was voted at a meeting of the Vaughan Federation of Agriculture on Wednesday night, March 28, in Edgeley Community Hall. Be- tween 55 and 60 signs would be required to properly cover the township, Federation president Jim Spencer stated. Mrs. R. J. Darlington moved that the Fed- eration approach a local com- mercial artist for an estimate. St. Stephen’s Anglican Church held a 8 am. Communion Servv ice conducted by Rev. D. C. 1-1. Michell and also a morning pray- er service with a very large can- gregation led by Rev. Thomas Robinson. There was also the gsual evening prayer service at pm. The speaker will be Mr. E. M. Makay,, assistant general manager of the Ontario Safety League, speaking on Traffic Safety. A representative from Vaughan Township Police Dept. will also be present. A film en- titled “Chain Reaction” will be shown. This is Safety month in Canada and Ontario so plan to attend this important meeting. Lunch served by Grade 7 moth- ers. ‘ Township council has granted the Federation permission to er,- ect the signs well back from the roadway so that they will not in- terfere with roadside mainten- ance machinery. Good Attendance On Easter Sunday St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church welcomed a number of visitors to its morning service. which was conducted by Rev. C. H. Bowman. The choir under the direction of Dr. J. J. Shep- pard sang three Easter numbers, “He is Risen” by Simper, “With a Voice of Singing” by Shaw and “King of Kings" by Simper. The April meeting of the Con- cord Home and School Associa- tion will be held Monday even- ing, April 9 in the school, at 8 Federation Plans Township Rd. Signs Set Subdivision Policy Maple Trustees Agree To Keep Devel0pment Within Village Limits SASH icked up, Glazed & Delivered ‘ommunity Service Richmond Hill Hardware Concord Home & School TU. 4-2101 within the present village boun- daries was a plan submitted by S. reedman and B. Greenstein of oronto for the development of 38.33 acres. The .property known as the Jarrett farm, lies in Lot 21. just south of the Com- munity Centre property. The tentative plan indicated 85 lots 75’ by 135'. Emphasizing the problems that have been incurred in Maple Grove. regarding lack of street lighting and sidewalks. Trustee Chairman Kirby Brock urged the Trustees to be cautious in permitting further developments which did not include all servic- es. Trustee Andrew Snider com- mented that the feeling in‘ Maple Grove was‘ that if hard surfaced roads were installed there would not be the need for sidewalks. Referring to school accommoda- tion. Trustee John Neufeld ques- tioned if there was any foundaâ€" tion to reports of Subdividers donating schools. Mr. Swalm re- plied that he had heard of such gifts but had never had any in- stances come before him. Trustee John Neufeld ques- tioned whether the subdivider had made any proposals regard- ing the type of development. Planning Director J. Swalm said that the plan had just been sub- mitted and had not yet been dis- cussed by the Township Plan- ning Board. Cites Maple Grove BOND LAKE GARAGE Yonge Street, on mass, 0 See Chrysler;;.finest of the Forward look your dealer's now WATCH CLIMAXâ€"SHOWER OF STARS WEEKLY ON TV. CHECK YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DATE AND TIME. Maybe you’re in the habit of buying the same make car year after year. If so, this is a good time to find out whether that car you buy TH E~ INCOM PARABLE thrysler Wlndsor Newport Beat this tonic for'that "suddenly-it's-spring" feeling! Take to the road in a 1956 Chrysler! Could anything be easier to drive! Those push buttons at your finger tip control Chrysler’s Poweth'te automatic transmission. Press D for drive. ..step on the gas...and you go! Chrysler’s flashing V-8 power is at your command! Portrays gracious living in bright spring Water Trustee Brock questioned the possibility of securing water from a new subdivision, but it was pointed out that in such in- stances an iron-bound agreement should be made to avoid a sub- divider developing a well to meet only the needs of his own devel- opment and possibly jeopardiz- ing present domestic sources. In such an instance, the village would be obliged to float deben- tures and go into heavy debt to further develop the water sup- ply. Set Polio! As a result of the discussion on the Freedman-Greensteln de- velopment, the Trustees reached a number of conclusions which will likely become part of stand- ard agreement for subdivision in the village. It was agreed that the subdivider should provide paved roads with gutter and curb in addition to storm sewers. Street lights would also be re- quired. In the case of this par- ticular property the Trustees felt that they would have to insist on a well developed to half a-mill- ion gallons daily capacity along with lote of I0,000 square feet area. It was further decided that the developer should change the position of the land to be deeded to the township so that it would about the community centre pro- perty making it more useful. A deletion of the commercial area was also agreed on. Concluding the discussion. Trustee Chairman Kirby Brock stressed that while such regula- tions on development might ap- pear on the surface to be rather stringent, they were necessary in order that, as the village devel- oped and services became more and more necessary, the high cost of extending them over the whole village would not have to be borne by taxpayers. CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED Yes . . . this is the time to- try a Chrysler! There’s no tonic like it. Your dealer can prove it in the first mile . . . and he’d like to. He’d like to show you, too, that owning a Chrysler is easier than you think. So see him soon. ALWAYS . . . A Good Place To Eat is as good as you think. So before you buy, compare your present make with Chrysler for both performance and looks. You’ll find Chrysler provides more fine-car features than any competing make! NEW LOW PRICES for Guaranteed Treatment ahd Prevention of Coccidiosis in Chicks Nixon’s SULQUINEX with UREA ’16 oz. $1.50 80 oz. $5.00 - 'AT Perry’s Pharmacy MAPLE and KING CITY RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL RICHMOND HILL Poultry Raisers “Try Your Drug Store First” liii‘ni‘ui JACKPOT - $450.00 I 58 NUMBERS CAILED - 1 Gal‘ *. $10000 Chrysler NewYorker 4-door Sada! Ontario

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