Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 May 1956, p. 2

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The Richmond Hill Public School Board Trustees expressed a desire to set a uniform levy for the-use of the public school rooms by non-profit organizations. such as the Home and School Association. Boy Scouts. Girl Guides' and Square Dancers, at the regular meeting Thursday evening in the Yonge St. Public School. Chairman S. F. Tinker, presided. The supervising caretaker fior the local schoolsI Carl French. was in attendance and the Board discussed with him the overtime involved through the caretakers who were present when organiz- ations used the buildings after regular hours. and also the ex- penses of light and heating. On motion of Trustee L. Clement, seconded by Trustee Mrs. Mar- garet Southwell. the Board rec- ommended the Building Commit- tee (Trustees Tinker and Robert Rossl. after consultation with the caretaking staff, report back on recommendations regarding the ‘various types of accommodation needed by the ,non-profit organ- izations Within the community. R. Hill Public School Bd. To Set Fees For Use Of Rooms Mr. French pointed out the need for the contractors, Town and Country of Brampton, to complete some fine! work on the portable at the Wa cr Scott pub- lic School, such as warping doors. etc. Principals Give Reports The three principals submitted their monthly reports to the Board. Principal G. Nighswan- der of Yonge St. Public School. supervising sports director. told of the school softball schedule for the grades 7 and 8 (six grades in all). All the pupils in each room, will take part and there will be inter-class compe- tition for the girls and boys. In the lower grades there will be mostly practice games in the schools. May 24. the four principals of the public schools are planning a meeting to (LlSCllSS arrange- ments for the fall seSSion. Mi§sion Board Asks Use School On motion of Trustee Ross. seconded by Trustee A. Spence, it was requested the secretary write the Toronto Home Miss- ions Board of the United Church replying to a letter requesting EVERGREENS ROSE BUSHES FLOWERING SHRUBS HEDGE PLANTS OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY This common vice does irreparable damage to innocent people. says an article in May Readers Digest. “Lack of compassion in judging others arises from not knowing what lies behind their actions,” says the author. “We can halt hasty judgment by asking ourselves: might I not be as bad. or worse, if I’d been faced with that per- son's troubles and temptations?’ / The habit of judging others re- veals our own unattractive sense of self-righteousness. Our very attitude seems to say: I must be good, for look There is no quirk of human nature so common or so malicious as that of sitting in judgmenton others. A prom- inent minister says, “I have heard people confess to breaking every one of the Ten Commandments eerpt the ninth: “Thou shalt not bear false wit- ness against thy neighbour.” Yet this is the one we all break most often.” I N v I T A T I o SHADE TREES Ninth Commandment Established in Richmond Hill Since 1914 Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.00; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher W. S. COOK, Managing Editor THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 3, 1956 DONALD S. LENO, Associate Editor ’ Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa” Endeun Nurseries Limited YONGE STREET. M; MILE NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL GARDEN CENTRE g @112 liberal An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 the use of the Walter Scott school to hold Sunday School and Church services, . saying‘ the board would take the matter under consideration but pointed out there was only class room. no auditorium space available. Seven. standard clocks, requir- ed by Yonge St. school, were authorized to be purchased by the Chairman S. F. Tinker. On motionof Trustee Clement, seconded by Trustee Ross, it was agreed to purchase an in- cinerator for the O. M. Mac- Killop school. The accumulated sick leave plan for the public school tea- chers and the amount allowable for in-service training courses and summer courses were dis- cussed by the Board, the report was presented by Trustees Spence and Southwell. Boundaries To Be Set The Planning Committee. Trustees Clement and J. Rabin- owitch. announced they will meet soon to estimate the public school population figure for the Village by the Fall so that the Board can set tentative school boundaries for September. NEWMARKET : The Metro Housing and Welfare Commit- tee has declined to pay $1200 for refreshments for the opening of the Home for the Aged here. Only $500 for the luncheon was approved. ’ ' GEORGINA : Council has set the police budget at $8.146. WILLOWDALE : “We’re not moving until they take us out of here,” Mrs. Peter Bortkus, mother of‘three small children. said when she learned that by an order of the Ontario Muni- cipal Board their home on Spruce St., North York, had been ex- propriated for $4,405. News From Next Door FRUIT TREES SMALL FRUITS PERENNNIALS ANNUALS VINES GRASS SEED Most OF Ten Broken Second: Remember that, however certain another‘s guilt may seem, there may be extenuating circumstances, Third: Give your habit of judging others a “reverse twist” by focusing on their good points instead of their faults. Fourth: Leave all judgments of others’ sins to God: Arrogating to our; selves the functions of the Deity is as presumptous as it is irreverent. Delivery Richmond Hill & Metropolitan areas First: Be sure yOu know 'all the facts befiore you form an opinion of others. A recent national poll of clergy- men brought out four simple rules for overcoming the habit of judging oth- ers. The article lists these four rules: at all the bad I’m finding in others. Christ's classic, rebuke to self-appoint- ed judges was, “Let him.who is with- out sin among you‘ be the first to cast a stone.” WE HAVE TO VISIT OUR ways announced this week it had expropriated a 50 ft. triangle at the corner of Yonge St. and the King Sideroad for a clear view at this intersection. onto one of Ontario's chief highways. AURORA : Thp Dept. of High- I 'ocal Ratepayers At Metro Meeting Want Meeting School Debenture A 13-year-old juvenile has been charged and will appear in Juvenile Court, Aurora, in connection with the theft of a new station wagon early last Tuesday morning, from the propefly of William Neal Richmond Hill automobile dealer. Council also instructed the Clerk to inform the Trus- tees that in the matter of Kindergarten debentures they must apply to the mun- icipality in which the kinder- garten is' to be'built for any debenture issue. The youth was apprehend- ed wit.hin two hours at Cooks- ville by Toronto Township Police._The case is being in- vestigated by Chief Constab- le R. P. Robbins and Cons- table G. Deyman of Rich- mond Hill Police Depart- ment. Mai‘lfiiam township Council Monday decided to seek a joint meeting with Vaughan. township Council to discuss a request from School Area No. 1 MarkhamNaughan for a $145,000 debenture issue to cover the cost of the pro- posed new six room Rios: Doan School located on Mill Road. The Richmond Acres Ratepayers Association sent three delegates to the Metâ€" ropolitan Conference of Ratepayers held last Saturâ€" day in the War Amps Build- ing, Toronto. The Confer- ence was attended by 300 ratepayers representing ap- proximately 150 ratepayers’ associations within the Met- ropolitan Planning Area. Eelegates from the Richmond cres ‘Association were: President James Haggart; Treasurer, Mrs. D. Burger, and member Ken Williams. Vehicle Stolen Charge Juvenile mm AUDIT ,mcuu'nofls UREAU PEAT MOSS GARDEN SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS INSECTICIDES AND SPRAYS FLOWER POTS Alfred Bagg & Sons of Edge- ley, Ontario, have sold their two year old show bull Edgelea Bea- ‘con Monopoly -â€" to the Depart. ment of Agriculture. New South Wales. Australia, and the bull has recently been shipped by Hays Farms Limited. through whom the sale was made. AURORA : Disposition of the Lions Hall was thoroughly thrash- ed out at a recent meeting, and the upshot was a decision to again negotiate with Town Council with a view to having the municipality take the build- ing over as a community center. Edgelea Beacon Monopoly was Reserve Junior Champion at the last Royal Winter Fair andmthe last Canadian National Exhibi- tion, and was voted the Reserve All-Canadian Junior Bull 015 1955. NEWMARKET : There is an eight mill increase in the 1956 New- market budget. School rates ac- count for a 10 mill increase over last year. General rates this year equal 50.2 mills and school rates are 35.8 mills. Last year the ratio was 52.3 to 25.7 mills. : j \ \ ?/ I / x / ’ \\fir‘wt gyn 5: WW PHONE TU. 4-1491 A very famous professor in a Scottish university kept on teaching until he was a very old man. His subjects were not easy for the students. but he was always eager to help them. and would stay behind after lectures trying to clear up any difficulties students had. To the young men he seemed a wonder. His courtesy was un- failing and his knowledge took him off into a world of his own. Not many of us can hand out money, we nee what we earn in order to get y but we can be generous in passing along whole - hearted appreciation which actually is better than money. I think I mentioned some time ago that I told a well- known broadcaster in New York how much I enjoyed listening to his clear. wellâ€"rounded voice and that he was quite pleased. He told me that he got So many letters of criticism that they got him down. It was all a great surprise to me, for I consider him about the best in the busi- ness. The incident made me realize how easy and necessary it is to pass along a little en- couragement. Once. when preaching in an Ontario church, I went out of my way a little to say some kind words about the choir. Af- ter the service the choirmaster said: “That is the first compli- ment we have had from the pulpit in ten years." Perhaps his memory was failing a little but it showed a bit of smould- ering resentment that could be easily cleared up. When the day came for him to retire the boys got together and gave him a‘ memorable farewell. One student speaking for all, said they had all been deeply touched by his unselfish life and gentle patience. They were often boisterous and care- leSS in their studies, but in their hearts they loved and honored him. Then on behalf of the class the speaker gave him a purse. - One student who was present wrote an account of that fare- well. He never forgot how deeply moved the old man .was; For a while he could not speak. Edgeley Bull Goes To Australia Vaughan Township Coun- cil recently awarded gravel tenders for the 1956 season. Four tenders were received for the two sections of the township. Gormley Sand and Gravel was the Successful bidder for the area east of Higfiway 400 at a price of $1.40 per ton for 5,000 tons. Mainline Contracting Co.’s tender for the area west of Highway 400 was accepted at $1.57 per ton for 5,000 tons. WHEN SHADOWS CROSS A ward Gravel Tenders - (Continued from page 1) urged that it be laid out at least, so that prospective industrialists could get at the available sites. He reported that J. A. Bailey was going ahead with the’ improve- ment of Industrial Street through the industrial area and hoped to have it opened by May 15th. Several complaints were re- ceived concerning the overflow from Arnold Street pump house. For some time there has been trouble at this station at times of heavy rainfall. Reeve Taylor moved that the engineers be ask- ed for an immediate report on the situation and that action be taken at once to correct the sit- uation. It was pointed out that the in- dustrial expansion so much de- sired by all will be expedited by having streets open in the dist- rict so that prospective purchas- ers can see the property. Former councillor J. H. Rice was named a representative of the Village in the arbitration proceedings concerning the pro- posed dissolution of the Rich- mond Hill Union School section. The appointment was made unanimously on motion of coun- cillors Plaxton and Perkins. Approve Plans Council agreed to the Board of Transport Commission pro- portioning of cost for the install- ation and operation of warning signals at the ONE. crossing on Markham Road, sixty per cent of the cost of installation is paid from the Grade Crossing fund, 25 per cent by the village and 15 per cent by C.N.R. Installa- tion costs are estimated at $7.- 900. The maintenance costs estimates at $680 per year will be shared equally by the C.N.R. and the village. Councillor Perkins observed that he thought the crossing on Centre Street to be the most dangerous of the two. Councillor Jones observed however that the traffic on Cen- tre was not nearly as heavy as on Markham Road. As a protection to village streets council decided to insert in all subâ€"division agreements clauses prohibiting sub-divider from using existing streets as access roads to a new sub-divis- ions. In the past considerable damage has been done village streets by large trucks and con- struction equipment. Wilson who acted as special counsel in the recent court act- ion against the Village of Richâ€" mond Hill by Mrs. Annie Steph- ens submitted his account which amounted to $5,453. The Vill- age was made responsible for payment of costs in the action. and it is estimated the final to- tal will run to more than $12,000. Had it not been for these legal bills which council must pay there might have been a one or two miil reduction in the Rich- mond Hill 1956 tax rate. What the quality of kindness can do for people. the world seldom knows. Many of the songs which have stirred most deeply, and moved profoundly, the heart of humanity, have re- vealed soul hunger for symp- athy and companionship. Take. for instance, these lines by Carrie Jacobs Bond: " fimmnmnmmmmmm The boys themselves were deeply moved and quite sur- prised. They didn’t think that a little show of appreciation would so affect a man who was so scholarly and distinguished. The truth is that no man or woman was ever born who did not enjoy some apreciation. It is too bad we often forget that. Sometimes when shadows cross my path. As shadows sometimes do. I reach my hands across the mist And touch the hand of you. I know the sun is in the sky, I know true love is true; But‘oh, it comforts in the dark To touch the hand of you. when he was able to say any- thing he astonished them: “Gentlemen, I have no words to tell you how happy you have made me. I prize your affection more than all my knowledge and honours which have come in other ways. I have often been discouraged and tempted to think you did not care, but 1 know I was mistaken. God bless you all.” Through all the silence of the years. Through friendships old and new, The dearest mem'ry of my life I touched the hand of you. So clouds and sorrow come along, We all must have a few; But throggl} fihem all, please de. let me Still touch the hand of you E “Be kind, be gentle, we are all having a hard ' lime." mmnmmmmmmummmmm Appointed CBC ‘ Director Mrs. J. E. Houck of Bramp- ton, well known in this dis- trict in Women‘s Institute circles has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. ' In addition to her WI. work, Mrs. Houck is the re- tiring president of the On- tario Liberal Women‘s As- sociation and served on the Hope Commission. She was accorded a particular honour when she became a Canadi- an delegate to the United Nations Assembly. Our quotation today‘is some advice given to clergymen by Ian Mac- laren: ~’ Ground Observers To Visit New Plant On Wednesday, May 9, the Ground Observers Corps of the RCAF has been invited to visit the new Frigidaire Piant on the Golden Mile. ‘A top-notch speaker has been lined up. who will talk on Search and Rescue”. He is Squadron Leader R. H. Strouts, C.D., who enlisted in 4940 and served with the R.A.F. on heavy bombers and completed a tour of operations before returning as an instrucâ€" tor in 1943 with the RCAF Six Group, on search and rescue. S/L Strouts is one of the top men in his field. and knows search and rescue operations in- side and out. He will no doubt tell how the Ground Observer Corps ties in \very closely with their operations, and how valu- able our work is to their opera- tions. There will be a presentation of wings to those observers who have earned them, and all Oh- servation Post Personnel are in- vited. Observers from as far north as Barrie, and Alliston, as far west as Cooksville and Mal- ton,\and as far east as Bowman- ville and Orono, are expected. In addition to the above, it Is expected that there will be one or two very interesting films, and also a plant tour. 1954 PONTIAC HARD TOP with extras Many more to choose from and priced to sell Baker’s Sales & Service This Village has grown very rapidly â€" in fact you often re- fer to it as Canada's fastest growing municipality â€"- and we still have large areas unde- veloped. In the meantime let's eon- centrate on securing some more industrial development. Inathe matter of housing- development I commend council for decid- ‘lng to take a breather. CIVIS COMMENDS COUNCIL Dear Mister Editor ~â€" I wish through the columns of your paper to congratulate our council'on their decision last week to defer any further annexation proceedings. Let‘s consolidate our position and see just where we stand before we embark on any more big developments. I would sug- gest even that there be no more subdivision agreements for a period of two years. By that time we will have a clearer pic- ture of our municipal economy. “Dear Mr. Editor” 1952 MONARCH 4-DOOR 1953 METEOR SEDAN $1295.00 1955 STUDEBAKER 8 COUPE loaded with extras 1953 METEOR Low mileage and clean 1953 METEOR Low mileage and clean 1952 STUDEBAKER SEDAN $1075.00 1953 CHEV. SEDAN $1275.00 1954 FORD COACH $1295.00 1951 STUDEBAKER $850.00 Stop 22 Yonge St. Richvale. Ont. PHONE AV. 5-1189 1953 CHEVROLET BELAIR COACH $1350.00 1948 CHEVROLET $495.00 1949 FORD $525.00 1954 FORD $2195.00 $1350.00 $1225.00 $1695.00 $1325.00 very clean $1325.00 very clean Telephoneimmer #121! r nun", II was no bandit! Inn 01 «lot BfllDSIEIN presents go Eh“ 7?:- SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION {k MIDWAY if? MONSTER DANCE AT NIGHT 7’5 HORSE SHOW 107th ANNUAL Spring Fair Monday, May 21$t Show Times 7 and 9 pm. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays/and Holidays OTTO PREMINGER presents OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN'S . Never has the screen dealt so boldly with the forces that drove the Indians across the continent towards Mon., Tues., Wed. â€" May 7, 8, 9 FREE PARKING REAR OF THEATRE Thurs., Fri., Sat. â€" May 3, 4, 5 RICHMOND HILL Agricultural Society major musical event in motion picture entertainment . . ' obhvuonxfi Adult Entertainment ture Ltertainment from 20th Century-Fox! Y O REMINGER presents IAMMERSTEIN'S WAGNER 0 [HM] o PAGETo Hll T ___â€" PRODUCED BY DIRECTED BY I SCREEN M 8' RUBEN l. JACKS' ROBERT WEBB - DElMERJIAVfiSu [E0 TOWNSEND v4.1“ $qu Franz . mm Bury - (mule New from I Slory by Mo Pnbblo - A Pmmmc Produchon - menu! In 20th «Mm-la. ROBERT JOHN DEBRA " a" JEFFREY NAGNERo lUND o PM}. u" ROBERT rfi IN THE woman or man-Hum" nmscnoun-STEREOPHONIC SOUND Featuring PRINT BY' TECHNICOLOR JOHN if? CATTLE SHOW

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