Thornhill and District News Thornhill Rejects Local Garbage Issue Thornhill Village Trustees, meeting on Wednesday, April 25. turned down garbage collection for the Village for this year, despite spirited support in its favor by Trus- ..tee Alan Sumner, Whose motion to start a municipal coll- ‘ection on July lst of this year at a cost of $2,500 per year did. not ï¬nd a seconder. The price included the cost of hiring a truck with driver and two helpers for one day a week. Tenders received for garbage collection once a week ranged from $3.500 to $4,000 a year. It was agreed by all three trustees that even the lowest bid was too high. Trustee Sumner pointed out that a truck, driver. and two men could be hired to work for the village at a cost of about $1,200 for the last half of the year. He felt it was false econ- omy not to start this service this year to clean up some of the worst spots right away. Chair- man Willard Simpson maintain- ed that since no allowance had been made for garbage collec- tion In this year‘s budget esti- mates it would not be wise to undertake it at this time. "Be- sides, he said “I would like to see more demand for garbage collection on the part of the residents." Trustee George Giles TELEPHONE AV. 5-2779 'enders Toor Hi8h NEXT FRIDAY - MAY 11 SPRING DANCE UPLANDS GOLF CLUB with Downing’s Orchestra Announcing the formation of the Thornhill Tennis, Club open to all residents served by the Area Recreation Committee with boundaries as follows: ON THE NORTH â€" south side of Carrville Rd. ON THE SOUTH â€" north side of Steele’s Ave. ON THE WEST â€" east side of Dufferin St. ON THE EAST â€" 3i;d Con., Markham Twp. The Club will commence operations with two asphalt tennis courts located in Thornhili Park. It is expected the courts will be ready for play on or before June 1, 1956. Applications for membership are now beind received ' Because of limited court facilities senior mem- bership will be restricted to 50 persons on a “ï¬rst come â€"- ï¬rst served" basis. For the present no res- triction will exist on junior memberships. Fees: Seniors $10.00 per season (senior mem- bership may be deï¬ned as persons 18 years of age or over as at May lst, 1956) Juniors $3.00 per season (Junior member ship may be deï¬ned as persons under 18 years of age as at May lst, 1956) Application blanks may be made obtained from HAL HARLEY’S DRUG STORE, THORNHILL. THE COFFEE SHOP. RICHVALE. KLIMITZ PHARMA- CY, HIGHLAND PARK or by calling any one of the following Committee mgmbers: MRS. G. STRATTON, AV. 5-1684, MR. W. BALFOUR. AV. 5-3601. MR. K. DOYLE, AV. 5-2067. MR. N. McDERMOTT. AV. 5-3704. MR. E. PERCIVAL. AV. 5-1839. MR. R. PRIESTMAN. AV. 5-1810, OR MR. K. RICHAN, AV. 5-2179 THE KITCHENETTE Fine Pastries, home-made meat pies, cold meats 6437 YONGE STREET 'AV. 5-1871 We Deliver Thornhill Tennis Club LIBERAL, Richmond Hi1}. Ontario. Thursday. May 3, 1956 did not think it a good thing for the Village to get into the gar- bage business, except by tender. He felt this was not the year to start garbage collection because of other costs such as a new tractor and "incorporation" bills, which must also come out efï¬t'he general levy. He sug- gested that the whole question be tabled till December 1. Delegations William Roberts met with the Trustees to bring up the question of the location of the village bus stop on the west side of Yonge St. It seems business people do not want buses to stop in front of their premises be- cause of fumes and the nuisance of people taking shelter. Private home-owners object to the noise day and night. Also involved in the question are the no-park- The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . . . Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. A. E. Huggins. who may be reached at AV. 5-2779. FARMERS’ MARKET ing rules of the T. T. C., park- ing restrictions by the Depart- ment of Highways, and the traf- fic hazard in which the Provin- cial Police are interested. It was decided that a conference of all three Trustees with representa- tives from TTC, Provincial Po- lic and Department of Highways would be called this week in an effort to settle the question. It was suggested that possibly the soluion would be to eliminate the John St. stop and move the Village stop farther southA Ball Subdivision Park Hal Rogers represented Thorn- dale Heights Ratepayers as the‘ second delegation. He wanted to know what Thornhill could or would do about “the park†in the Ball subdivision which, though located within the village boundaries, is deeded to Vaugh- an Twp. It is in poor condition, needs cleaning up, levelling and fill to replace an old barn still standing he said. Two grass ï¬res 'have occurred on the Site posing a serious ï¬re hazard. Type of Park The Trustees agreed they felt‘ some responsibility, if from the ï¬re hazard alone, but pointed out that unless they held the deed they could not develop the park because the property might be sold by the Township at any time. The Trustees promised that if the Village owned the land it could be reserved as park land. As to the type of develop- ment, this would no doubt be strongly influenced by the views -of the local residents. As things now stand the A.R.C. is respon- sible for parks, but the Trustees must approve major changes and expenditures, thus controlling direction of the parks. Mr. Rog- .ers felt the residents, some of whom are in the Village and some’ in Vaughan Township, would prefer a green area with .swings, slides, etc., and a base- ball diamond, but nothing that would create a parking or traffic nuisance. Chairman Willard Simpson suggested a meeting be- tween the Trustees and the Rate- ;payers' Association. In the mean- time he said, if the Ratepayers would undertake to level the barn shortly, the Trustees would ‘see that fill was put in. The delegation retired after this ex- pression of good faith. Permit Trees , _ , 314‘. In respect to Sir Robert Wat- son-Watts’ property, concerning which a letter had been received. the Trustees decided to grant permission for,the planting of a row of trees along the road al- lowance as a screen, with the understanding that they would be no hindrance to future road development. Permission was also granted to widen the road allowance east of the house. A sign "Church Lane†is to be erected at the Church and Col- borne corner. They directed the secretary to write a letter to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corp- oration, Toronti, regarling the matter of the Church prop- ty and the cost to Sir Robert Watson-Watt and the Village to circumvent and Correct conditions arising from it. The agreement with the Area Recreation Committee re parks was signed and dated April 25, 1956.'A motion by Trustee Giles seconded by Trustee Sumner, was passed to the effect that the A.R.C. be charged $2.25 per hour to cover a man’s time and the use of the village tractor. WILLOWDALE : Official open- ing of Metro's municipal golf course in Hogg's Hollow, North York, was set for August 1 by Metro Planning and Parks Com- mittee. Thomhill Pharmacy C. E. Stoneburg Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. Ex‘pert Drug Service Max Factor Cosmetics Prescription Service View-Master Reels Vitamins Thornhill Thornhill Presbyterian Church The Youth Adult. Fellowship of the Presbyterian Church met on Sunday, April 29. at the home of Miss Nancy Watt, Concord. Thirteen young people were pre- sent to hear the topic "What About Faith Healing†discussed. On Sunday evening at 7.30. members of the Young Life Club met in the Presbyterian Church Hall. Thirty teen-agers were present to take part in a sing song and Bible reading led by president Mr. George Meadows. A film entitled, “The Future is Theirs" was shown and there was a discussion on the topic ""wa Old Should You be to Jbin the Church". To commemorate the 107th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church. Rev. John McLelland. M.A.. B.D.. Ph.D., of Bolton Pres- byterian Church will speak to the congregation on Sunday, May 6. Rev. McLelland is sec- retary of the Board of Evangel-’ ism and Social Action and the Sectional Lecturer at Presby- terian College, Montreal . Tulip Tea Driving rain and chilly temp- eratures did not prevent the Tulip Tea held in the Presby- terian Church Hall on Saturday, April 23, from being a success. Guests were recexved by Mrs. C. Chambers and Mrs. J. J. Mac- Kay, president of the Fortnight- ers élub. At the long table dec- orated with bowls of tulips, Mrs. Percy Williamson, Miss Ida Cooper, Miss Elizabeth Francis and Miss Florence James pour- ed tea. The ladies enjoyed their refreshments at small tables whose decoration carried out the tulip theme. On the wall, there was a clever back-drop painted to simulate a basket of tulips. A Mrs. Gordon Patterson and Mrs. Robert Cameron designed and convened the tea. Socials Richard Purvis and Michael Huggins have returned to their homes after a two-week’s vaca- tion in' Florida. 'They made Miami Beach their headquarters where they enjoyed swimming and fishing. Anticipating a 200 pound (tuna as a catch, they tried deepsea fishing but found noth- ing larger than the trout of northern Muskoka and not as pretty. While there they toured the Keys of Florida and visited Cypress Gardens and later Ma- rineland. On their way home, they visited New York, Washing- ton and Baltimore. Thornhill Women’s Institute met in the Masonic Hall April 19. Mrs‘ Clifford presided. The motto was “If all Institute memâ€" bers were like me what would our Institute be?†Roll call was a way to better our Institute. Mrs. C.,Clifford President W. I. Twenty-ï¬ve members and two visitors were present. District Director Mrs. C. Sinclair install- ed the following oflicers for 1956-57: Past president, Mrs. A. W. Crowhurst; president, Mrs. C. Clifford; lst vice president, Mrs. C. Thompson; 2nd vice pres- ident, Mrs. R. Holmes: secret- ary, Mrs. C. Russell; treasurer, Mrs. B. Heslop; district director, Mrs. C. Sinclair; branch direc- tors, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. J. Cooke, Mrs. Cole. Convenors of standing commit- tees: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Mizen: Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Bril- linger; Citizenship and Educa- tion, Mrs. Seely; Community Ac- tivities and public relations, Mrs. P. Bone; Historical Research and current events, Mrs. Empring- ham; press, Mrs. C. Russell; aud- itors, Mrs. Ball and Mrs. S. Fin- dlay. The York East District Annual will be held in Stouï¬vllle Wed- nesday,.May 23, 1956. Thornhill To Build New Church BOB’S ESSO SERVICE STATION anssxs LUBRICATION a: MINOR REPAIRS Yonge and Arnold AV. 5-0015 Thomh The Fongregation of the Presbyterian Church voted to build a new church on Sunday, April 22. The site for the new church has not been obtained, as yet. The Board of Managers. under the leadership of Mr. John Moover, Arnold Ave., have been doing survey work on renovation and new building plans for the past year. A canvass last November resulted in a pledge of $52,000, for which $30,000 would be used for expansion. Due to an increased attend- ance and rapidly expanding Sunday School, it was decid- ed a new building was nec- essary. The Church now has *a membership of 150 and 50 to 60 adherents. Thornhill Notes Thomhill l To Be Held May 10 Outstanding Musical Program Sponsored By United Church A musical evening sponsored by the Thornhill United Church. will be held on the evening of Thursday, May 10, in the church hall. The varied program, organized and directed by A. Melicci, or- ganist and choir director of the Willowdale United Church, pro- mises to be a night long to be remembered by music lovers of the district. Mr. Melicci, who served for 29 years 'as organist and choir director, of the Richmond Hill United ‘Church, is now principal of the, Willowdale branch of the Conservatory of Music, and all his talent and long experience assure an enjoyable evening for 140 Guests Enjoy Lovely Trinity W. A. Luncheon One of Thornhill's most eager- ly anticipated social events took place on Thursday, April 25. when the ladies of the Trinity Anglican Church W. A. held their annual Spring Luncheon. There were over 140 guests seated at long tables made at- tractive and decorated with sal- man-pink geraniums which were later sold to eager purchasers. Mrs. S. Tobias, president of the W. A., graciously welcomed the guests and introduced Rev. W. Askew and Mrs. Askew who were present. Mrs. Muriel Pow- ell played “0 Canada" and the National Anthem and Rev. Ask- ew asked the blessing. Guests came from Toronto, Richmond Hill, Thornhill and district to enjoy the delectable cuisine prepared by the mem- bers of the W .A. The entire menu, from rolls to dessert. was home-made by the ladies under the convenership of Mrs. L'L T. Redman and assistant, Mrs. G. Ada Lane Shoppe Features New Line New Spring fashions call for trim ï¬gures and with this in mind, Mrs. A. Mednick has open- ed a complete line of lingerie and foundation garments at the Ada Lane Shoppe in Thornhill. While the shop will continue to carry ladies' and children’s wear,‘ the emphasis will now be on ï¬ne lingerie, and pre-teen items. Mrs. Mednick has had a wealth of experience in the business, having been in Simpson’s French Room for ï¬ve years and with the Evangeline Shops ,for almost 10 years. During these years, _ she received an excellent training in lingerie and under-garment ï¬t- tings and made a complete study of posture for health. Renova- tions which are now under way in the shop which was opened in the Anstey block three and ' a half years ago, will provide com- fortable ï¬tting facilities. A ï¬rm believer in dealing at home, Mrs. 'Mednick also he- lives that to compete with down- town markets, the local merchant must offer a comparative price and a money-back guarantee. With this in mind, the new lines at the Ada Lane Shoppe are be- ing selected from name brands and will bear the same price tag as in Toronto department stores. “We’ll stand behind them, too," said Mrs. Mednick, pointing out that the wholesale houses she deals with stand behind all their merchandise to insure customer satisfaction. SUTTON : Council held a special meeting recently to deal with the water and tax problem. It was decided to get tough with tax delinquents. Fully modern equipped, with servicemen to do *any size job correct, at an econ- omical price. VONGE E4 OAK ' RICHVALE‘ DIAL TU. 4-11/4- I g ,H 1,.. ’THE WORLD '5 FULL or PEOPLE WHO SPEND THEIR LIVES,LETTIN6 EmpTY BUCKETS DowN m'ro EMTY WELLS Starting Time 8 p.m. those who attend Highlighted by sacred'and sec- ular numbers. the program will feature the well-known soloist, Miss Carol Oliver. 8 member of the famed Bell singers. who will be supported by Miss Uren. for- merly soloist of the London Sym- phony, and teacher at the Con- servatory. Numbers by Tschalchowski and Handel's Hallelujah will en- hance the event. Well-beloved spirituals and a mixed rendition of solos and trio offerings will round out an ï¬ne evening of en- tertainment. Curtain time will be 8:15 p.m.. and a large gath~ ering is anticipated. Thurs.. Fri. SCARED STIFF Martin and Lewis QUEEN'S NAVY Cartoon MAY 5. 7 Sat, Mon. MAD ABOUT MEN MAY 8. 9 Tues., Wed. ‘ALL I DESIRE Cartoon Cartoon (Technicolor) Barbara Stanwyck Richard Carlson (Technicolor) Glynis Johns Donald Slnden SOUND OFF (Technicolor) Mickey Rooney Ann James RAGING TIDE (Technicolor) Shelley Winters Richard Conte THORNHILL LIONS SUMMER FESTIVAL JUNE 1956 We invite inquiries from organizations or groups wishing to set up a display at the Thornhill Lions Summer Festival, which describes their activity or services. Please contact Mr; Gordon Davie, Festival Chairman THORNHILL DISTRICT LIONS CLUB P. O. Box 100 THORNHILL, ONTARIO News News News Electrical Contractors Thornhill AV 5-2490 1-]. ME 8: SON Rose Garden Suppiies sTOP‘ Everything For Your Garden FERTILIZERS â€" LAWN ORGANIC 50 lbs. $2.50 TORGANIC 25 lbs. $1.95 SHEEP MANURE, 5 lbs.,‘10 lbs.. 25 lbs. LOAM by the load, 5 yard load $15.00 Mushroom Compost and Peat Loam by the yard or bushel Wide Selection of Rose Bushes Floribunda, Polyanthus, Hybrid Tea and beautiful ramblers $500 - 55 Numbers" Called Professional Landscaping done by us. STOP 22 A YONGE, RICHVALE AV. Evergreens, Shrubs, Hedges, Stone Work & Patios