F. Leaf. Mrs. Arnott, Mrs. G. Hooper. Miss M. Matheson. M‘ss E. French. The social commit- tee remains the same as in 1955. Mrs. Arnott was appointed to the press committee and other pos- itions are static. Mrs. Joe Robinson entertained W1. members at her home for, the annual meeting. Mrs. George Oakes was co-hostess. Oï¬icers were as follows. President. Mrs. Charles Hooper; lst vice, Mrs. A. Brown; 2nd vlcm Mrs. Richâ€" ard Pralet: 3rd vice, Mrs. John Wilkins: secretary-treasurer. Mrs. James Rodick; district director, Mrs. Geo. Hooper; branch direc- tors, Mrs. McGimpsey, Mrs. Pur- ves. Mrs. Hill; work committee, Mrs. George Kelly. Mrs. Mc- Gimpsey. Mrs. D. Brown, Mrs. E. Wahon. Mrs. G. Pun'es, Mrs. M. §herman, Mrs. G. Francy. Mrs. 1' _,e Approximately 40 members of this community attended a per- formance of Spring Thaw recent- ly. The Friendship Group spon- sored the party and Mr. Norman Reid supplied transportation. Mr. a_n'd Mrs. .ib‘seph Eélston are happy to have Joe Jr. home on holiday. Joe is stationed with the RCMP in the Maritimes. WJ. News A bridge and euchre sponsor- ed by Mrs. A. Gardner for the cancer society will be held at Leitchcroft Farms hall on Wed- nesday. May 9. I TU. 4-1851 There were 15 tables of players at Butlonville Hall last Friday evening when the Women's Insti‘ tute held the last Euchre parry of the season. Prize winners wore Mrs. Grant. Miss E. French, Mrs. H.‘Dukes. Lloyd Stonehouse. Jim McLaren and Milton Sher- man. Mrs. H; Dukes and Mr. M. Sherman won the prize for lone hands and Alex Young won the lucky draw, a chicken. Following slay refreshments were served y the committee in charge. Mrs. Russell Boyington, Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson and Mrs. Garnet Francy. Euchre !o_r_ Cancer Society Mrs. Allck Gardner is spon- soring a euchre party. proceeds of which will be donated to the Cancer Society. The date is May 9 and the place is the hall at Leitchcroft Farms at 8 p.m. Reï¬jes‘hments will be served. Birthday congratulations to Mrs. Wm. Rodick and Mr. Alick Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Gard- ner entertained friends to honor the occasion. ‘ Sympathy of the community ls_extended to Charles Hoover whose mother died at Gormley recently. Buttonville W. I. executive is grateful for the support they re- ceived in their $10.00 dinner pro- ject which was held in Button< ville Hall on Wednesday evening of last week. A turkey dinner was served to approximately 175 guests and several dinners were delivered to people who were unable to attend. An am- ount of approximately $2000.00 has been raised and this will be applied to the Buttonviile W.I. Hall Building Fund. W. l. Euchre Mr. and Mrs. Milford Stats and Gordon were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stots last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Walton and their small son spent Sun- day with Murray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton. $10.00 Dinner Successful Mrs. B. C. Sisler was guest speaker and Mrs. A. W. Miller was soloist on Wednesday even- ing of last week when Melville W.A. held its monthly meeting. _ W. M. S. members will be in- terested to know that this year the Rural Rally will be held at Queensville United Church. May the 9th is the date. from 10 am. to 3 pm. Bring a boxAlunch. Miss Mary Cough and Mrs. George Hooper sang a duet at the special service held last Sun- day evening at Headford Church under the auspices of the W0â€" men's Association. Mrs. S. J. English was the accompanist. On Monday evening of next week Vacation School workers will meet at Victoria Square Church to lay plans for this years school. All those interest- ed are urged to attend. No one can plead short notice - - the date for this meeting was set last July. Rural Rally Frames King Sidemad Anniversary Servings At 11:00 am. Rev. H. B. Hen- dershot MA. Ph.D., of Forest Hill Church will be the guest speaker; at 7:l0 pm. Mr. George Morrison, a former business ex- ecutive who will be ordained in- to the ministry of the United Church of Canada in June of this year will speak. Mr. Morrison gave up a highly paid position to enter‘the preaching profes- sion and last year he won ï¬ve scholarships. It is likely that he will be the one Inan chosen ,by Emmanuel College to receive an overseas scholarship this year. Vacation School Meeting A. J. BARRACLOUGH Monthly cordinltteel th‘ H. Jones Byilding Supplies .rmn“ Store Fixtqu COAL . CEMENT, LIME. LATH INSULATION, SEWER PIPE, i PLASTERING MATERIAL CORRESPONDENT 1 MRS. l‘. H. LEAF B. R. 2 Gonnle! -- Phone AXmlns‘ter 3-6183 BUTTONVILLE NEWS C. Rowntree, Mgr. Kitchen Cabinets LIMXTED General Woodworking OAK RIDGBS 70. 4-255. Out-of-town guests attended from Ottawa, Newmarket. Wind- sor. Sarnia. BothWell. Bradford. Rog‘ney. yondon and Markham. Mrs. Jack received her guests wearing a gown of brown, tan and turquoise floxvered silk with natural accessories and a corsage of pink Delight roses. Mrs. Wall- en. mother of the groom. wore a navy blue triple sheer gown with pink and navy accessories and a corsage of pink Delight roses. A reception for approximately 75 guests was held in the church parlours. For a wedding trip to Washington. DC. and the south- ern United States, the bride chose a tan’ï¬owered silk dress with neutral butcher linen dus- ter, neutral accessories and a mauve orchid corsage. On their return the couple will live in Willowdale, Ont. The bride who was much en- tertained prior to her marriage. is a graduate of the Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. The groom ls a member of the North York police force. Dr. George Kelly. of New- market, Ont., was groomsman, while ushers were George Wall- en, brother of the groom, and Arndld Fleming: brother-in-law of the bride. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a floor- length gown of white Chantilly lace over duchess satin, featur- ing a scalloped neckline, long lily-point sleeves and a full ga- thered skirt falling into a chapel train. She wore a ï¬ngertip veil of French illusion held in place with a queen’s crown of seed pearls and rhinestones Her only jewellery was a single strand of cultured pearls, the gift of the groom. She carried a cascade of white hyacinths with ivy trails tied with satin ribbon and a spray of heather sent to the bride by her aunt in Scotland. V..~...u. Mrs. William Lang, St. Thom- as. sister of the bride, was mat- ron of honour, wearing a floor- length gown of shrimp antique crystalette fashioned with scall- oped neckline, short sleeves and full gathered skirt. She wore a matching hat and- gloves, and carried a cascade of white shasta daisy Chrysanthemums with ivy trails and narrow ribbon. Brides- maid was Mrs. George Kelly .112, of Newmarket. Ont. Both Mrs. Kelly and the flower girl, Miss Margaret May Fleming. niece of the bride, wore costumes simil- ar to the matron of honour, and carried white daisy Chrysanthe- mums and ivy trails. WALLEN - JACK A lovely spring ceremony took place April 21. 2956 in Alma St. Presbyterian Church. St. Thom- as, when Elizabeth May Jack be- came the bride of Morley Lean- ard Wallen. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Jack, St. Thomas, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wallen of Buttonville. Rev. J. K. West officiated and Mrs. J. Pollock played the wed- ding music. Mrs. Robért Lacy sang “Through the Years" and “Because.†Recently Buttonville W. 1. members entertained at a bridge and euchre to aid the Buttonville Hall Building Fund. There were 14 tables of euchre and two tab- les of bridge. Bridge winners were Mrs. Blanchard and Mrs. Russell-Brown. Euchre prizes were won by Mrs. Denby, Mrs. Calvert. Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Rain- ey. Mrs. A. Brown and Mrs. Sin- clair. Mrs. R. Person won the lucky draw prize. A friendly tea hour followed play. Guests attending the St. Thom- as. Ontario. wedding of Mr. Mor- ley (Bill) Wallen of Buttonville and Miss Elizabeth Jack of St. Thomas. were Mr. and Mrs. Lew- is A. Stiver. Mrs. George Kelly Sr.. Mr. George McLaren. Miss Don's Bone, Mrs. W. B. Wallen of Ottawa as well as the immed- iate members of the Wallen fam- ily. Dr. and Mrs. George Kelly Jr.. of Newmarket were wedding party attendants. The district annual will be held at Stouflville on Max 23. The Strawberry Festival will be held July 4 at Buttonville Hall. Mrs. Chares Heeper conducted the meeting, and following the business, Roy and Billie Robin- son entertained the guests with piano solos and a duet. Refresh- ments were served. The last euchre party of the season will be held in Buttonville Hall on Friday of this week April 27. Bridge & Euchre follows: May, Mrs. Clara Magee, Mrs. Arnott; June, Mrs. G. Pur- ves. Mrs. D. Brown; July. E. French, Mrs. E. Walton; August. Mrs. Russell Boyington. Miss M. Matheson; September, Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Cakes; October. Mrs. J. Rodick. Mrs. McGimpsey. Novâ€" ember Mrs. A. Robinson. Mrs. 0. Brooke: December Mrs. J. Wilâ€" kins, Mrs. R. Pralet; January, Mrs. M. Sherman, Mrs. Charles Hooper; February, executive parâ€" ty; March, Mrs. Stots. Mrs. J. Robinson; April, Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. George Hooper. Richmond Hill Webbing TU. Birthday congratulations to Ian Calvert. 111 Highland Park Blvd, Ian celebrated his ninth birthday at a party on Saturday afternoon, April 21, when Mr. Calvert took Ian and his guests on a visit to Riverdale Zoo. When they re- turned home. Mrs. Calvert serv- ed a birthday supper. Guests included Kenny Bales. Billy Manning, David Kennedy, Colin Campbell, and Christopher Cal- vert. Name : the - Camp Contest by the Recreation Committee was red and discussed. The meeting voted in favor of giving $300 to the Recreation Committee. The regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary was held on April 16th at the home of Mrs. G. D. Dobson, 55 Highland Park Blvd. Mrs. R. J. Mackay, the vice-president presided. This was a work meeting for the ba- zaar, and hand sewing and wool for knitted goods were distribut- ed. ' A report was given of the work of the Recreation Commit- tee. to date. and an o$utline of work planned for the coming year. A tentative budggt set up Mrs. F. Baillageon and Mrs. G. Peters. coâ€"hostesses served the refreshments. A 45 minute ï¬lm on the prairie province of Saskatchewan was then shown. This is a recent film. and this was it’s first showing in the province of Ontario. This ï¬lm dealt with the topographical aspects. and the idustries of of Saskatchewan. Arrangements are being made by the Highland Park Associa- tion to have Mr. L. Berta. )and- scape gal-diner. to replace trees purchased through the associa- tion which have died within a year. before May 7th. Women’s Auxiliary After some discussion, the general meeting voted in favor of the motion to spend $150 for new books for the school library. A motion to Spend $27 for kitch- en equipment was also approved. Trees Eighteen children from Mr. Myers room gave a demonstra- tion of square dancing. Mr. My- ers was the caller. Anne Butler looked after the record player. Dancers were Susan Barrow, Sharon Dembney, Dennis Miller, Frank Worthington, Christine Knight, Catherine Lennie, John Evans. Pamela Morrison, Deanna Kindness. Tom Osler, Gillian Dempster, Stephen Bocquet, Steven Jackson, Gordon Thomp- son, Marilyn Toby. Neville Jeens, Sandra McMillan. Wendy Vex- vick. The Henderson.Ave. Home and School Assoc. held its reg- ular meeting on April 16 in the school auditorium. Mr. J. McRae, the president, was in the chair. Mr. Myers room won the Room Attendance Trophy, with 32 par- ents out of 35 attending. Carolyne Cowlei’, 32 Hénder- YONGE ST. NORTH YONGE ST. AT DUPI‘ERIN BIRRELL MOTORS Lm, CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ROBERT CAMPBELL 23 Highland Park Blvd.. phone AVenuo 5-1846 FINE CAR QUALITY SPEEDLINE STYLING CUSTOM COLORED INTERIORS POWERED BY BLUE FLAME 140 OR TURBO FIRE 17-8 25 MODELS & COLOURS T0 ' CHOOSE FROM HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CHEVROLET LOCATIONS The Cub mothers held a card party at Henderson Ave. School on April 24th. Sixty people at“ tended the party, and t e proâ€" ceeds totalled $39. ridge, Euchre and Court Whist were played. The game prizes were won by Mrs. A. Carter, Mrs. A. Stevens. Mrs. Mackay, Mrs. Dockman, Mr. Bob Waterson. Mr. Russel. Mrs. Davis. Mrs. Hughs. Mrs. Metcalfe. Party refresh- ments were served. The Highland Park ASSociation held an executive meeting at the home of Mr. Harry Barrow. 18 Highland Park Blvd. on April 26th. Plans were made for the annual fireworks display which will be held this year on May let. The usual house-to-hotise canvass will be made. It is hoped each house will contribute $1 to- wards this fireworks display. Funds permitting, popsicles, sparklers and favors will be dis- tributed to the children. Card Party A camp site has been chosen south-east of Henderson Ave. in a wooded area near the School. Permission has been reâ€" ceived from the School Board to use Henderson Ave. School as headquarters for the camp. and to use the school auditorium in the event of a rainy day. Highland Park Association __ A Crest Contest is now being held in the schools. The child- ren are being asked to submit drawings which could be used for a camp crest. The child whose drawing is chosen for the crest will recelve two-weeks free camping. Camp Site son Ave. submitted the winning name in the Name-the-Camp Contest which was held in Hen- derson Ave. School and Powell Rd. School. Carolyne’s entry ‘Camp Tom Tom' has been chos- en as the name of the summer camp. Carolyne Cowley, seven years old, is a grade two student in Miss Cowden’s room at Hend- erson Ave. School. Carolyne's prize will be two weeks free camping. His Northern Bldg., Richmond Hill office, with his HOURS 9 A.M. T0 6 P.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT WED. EVENING HOURS BY APPOINTMENT Phone HU. 8-8949 Optometrist ANNOUNCES THE MERGER 0F F. L. LOWRIE. RD. NORTH TORONTO OFFICE 3242 YONGE ST. (near Brookdale Ave.) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brodie, Cora and Don, had Sunday din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wellman of Cobaurg were callers at the Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson. and Mary Ellen. and Mrs. Myrtle En- dean of Richmond Hill. ‘ were guests at a tea and shower in Toronto last Saturday. for M155 Anne Blatchford whose marriage takes place in May. Mrs. S. Barraclough spent a few days last week with her 515- ter. Mrs. William H. Wellman, and we were happy to see her in church on Sunday. Church service in Headford will be withdrawn on Sunday next. but Sunday School will be held at the regular hour of 11. Brown’s Corners Church is observing its anniversary with services at 11 and 7.30. Socials On Saturday of this week. "Hot Rod†Leuschner will celebrate his birthday. Birthday greetings also to Mrs. Herb Smith for May 8. Margaret Brodie. Joyce McDon- ald and Jimmy Curtis. were am- ong the 50 students of Grade XII of Thornhill High School, who journeyed to Ottawa under the direction of Mr Lavender of the staff on Thursday last for a conducted tour of points of 1m terest in the Capital City. While here. they visited :uch placas as the Mint. the Houses of Parliam- ent, an art exhibition, and stay- ing at the Chateau Laurier. It was a tired but very happy crowd that reached home late on Sat- urday evening. W.A. to Meet The members of Headford W. A. will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith May 8 at eight o'clock. Miss Kerr. Public Health Nurse 0! the York Coun- ty Health Unit will be guest guest speaker; and Miss Betty Huston will sing. A cordial ln- vitation is extended to all the ladies of the community to be Present. Church Change CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBLE CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER * DRIVE A NEW .0R- CORRESPONDENT : MRS. H. ACREMAN B. I. 8 Gormley - Phone TUrner 4-2236 HEADFURD NEWS YOUR Drainwork Emergency Service Specializing in Alterations and Repairs Despite very inclement weath- er and also the fact that it was the ï¬rst day of daylight saving, when most folks are not quite adjusted to the change. there was a pretty good gathering present for Headford Woman’s Association Annual Service of Worship. Special music was provided by Mrs. George Hooper and Miss Mary Gough. with Mrs. Sydney English at the piano. Mrs. G. W. Fish of Aurora was guest speaker and a social half hour was held after the service. It is hoped WA. members will remember the clothing drive for overseas with donations to be left at the home or Mrs. Hugh Deverell. Socials Look for news next week of the forthcoming Home a; School May meeting. ail-IIIIIIIIIIIIII home of Dean's aunt, Mrs. Wm Wellman on Sunday. Special Service Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS Can You Count on a Sure Stop Whenever Necessary? 100% brake eflfic- iency is 21 “Must†for every car! Why take chances? Drive in, and have us inspect and test your brakes with- out obligation. Adjust- ments and repairs al- ways fully guaranteed. Plumbing & Heating 118 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill BASIL FOX TUrner 4-1541 TU. 4-3151 THE LIBERAIJ. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 3. 1956 '7 DISTINCTIVE SPARKLING STARFIRE STYLING SLEEK, SWEEPING LINES RICHLY FASHIONED FABRICS JETAWAY HYDRA-MATIC TEAMS ROCKET T3507‘ENGINE 10 MODELS & COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM OLDSMOBILE TUmer 4-1276 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. OPENING YOUR IOCM MASTER DlAlEI W. R. DEAN 'A NEW OPTOMETRIC OFFICE IN RICHMOND HILL TO PRO- VIDE VISUAL CARE FOR THE COMMUNITY. OFFICE HOURS. DAILY. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR OPENING DATE. DAN AVERY, O.D. Optometrist AVenue 5-1344 THOBNHILL Sireâ€"(Him: Here’s the surg way_’t_o SOON