Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 May 1956, p. 5

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if o1._ 'was awarded a gold medal in the a _________________________â€" RICHMOND HILL . . . The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome new: reports about church organizations, women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. Mrs. J. Destury left on Wed- nesday to attend the Ontario Wo- men's Institute Secretary's Con- ference in Guelph, Ontario. 10‘ It I" It Friends of Mrs. Joseph Rabim owitch will be pleased to hear she is making marked progress. She was taken to St. Michaels hospital last week. a: at a no: Keith Mayhew of Richmond Hill commenced full time duties with the North York ~Fire De- partment last Monday. Former- ly employed with Fox Applian- ces. he was also a member of the Richmond 'Hill Fire Brigade. ’ 2v a- s a Palmer Johnston, formerly of Richmond Hill and now of Van- couver. B.C., visited with friends around the village and district this week. He has come east to attend the graduation of his brother. Murray, at Royal Mil- itary College. Kingston. ##1## While playing in Our Lady of Fatima school playground. Ger- ard Van Wieringen was involved in an accident with a plank. which unfortunately resulted in a broken .wrist. After two unâ€" successful attempts to set it, he was sent to Newmarket Hospital where he underwent surgery. He is now progreSsing well and ex- pects to be home this week. It! a v a " Stan Wright, Toronto Region Supervisor of Safety for the H. E.P.C. was guest speaker at the recent meeting of the Richmond Hill and District Kinsmen Club. Mr. Wright stressed the need for automobile and home accident prevention, and he gave a demon~ stration of artificial respiration and emphasized its value in life- saving. * * * * At the Peel Music Festival at Brampton last week. Lois and John Perkins received several awards in the competitions. Lois under 13 girls vocal class along with a 3rd in elocutlon. John Perkins received a 2nd and 3rd‘ in vocal classes. In the duet class, John and Lois were award- ed both a gold and a bronze medal. Both John and Lois along with their sister Joyce are com- peting in the Woodbridge Festi- val this week. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1312 Teleple . muda, following their marriage on Saturday. May 5. w a 1k at Mrs. C. C. Clarke of Wilmette. Illinois and Mrs. R. F. Mitchell of Miami, Florida, have been visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, Yonge St. South. at It It 1k Mr. Jas. Butler, J. P., was in charge of both services at the Willowdale Presbyterian Church on Sunday. because of the illness of the minister. the Rev. H. A. McLean. w a a m A basket of spring flowers was placed in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning by MI‘. Joseph Monkman in mem- ory of his wife, Mrs. Emma J. Monkman, who passed away one year ago. in wt a at There will be no Sunday even- ing Service in St. Mary‘s Angli- can Church. Richmond Hill. due to the Anglican Churches of this Deanery holding a pilgrimage to St. James Cathedral for their evening Service at 7 p.m. The combined choirs of the Deanery will form the Cathedral choir and the local Clergy will be tak- ing part in the Service. at it! It! =l< A special Soil and Seed Service will be held at St. Mary's Angli- can Church. Richmond Hill, this Sunday morning when during this Rogation season they ask God‘s blessing upon the plough- ing and seed-time. This is a type ~-of Service used centuries ago and which has been revived by the Anglican Church in the last few years. ’ Ir a t a The final meeting of the seaâ€" son of the Presbyterian Young people's Society was held Sun- day evening at the Manse. Pres- ident Peter Smith presided and tentative plans were made for .re-dpening on Septemmr 9. Sec- retary Sandra Hood reported a very successful year of meetings. Miss Mary Dawson, a guest, was.presented with a copy of the Presbyterian Book of Praise for her valuable assistance to the Young People over the past two , :years. Toronto EMpire 4-3317 Dependable ,INSURANCE Service HERBERT R. BUTT > Associated With GEO. McMURRIC’H SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill 4 Wellington St. E. " Torontb ff£N§§§NNJKN§§N£®AW§ DONERAL -â€" Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Doncral. R. R. 1 Maple. are happy to announce the birth of a son, Charles Nelson. on April 20, 1956. at Grace Hos- pital. Toronto. Brother for Danny and Joan. *1w45 BRUMWELL, Christina Jane Mr- and,Mr5' Kennem Rufima“ (Annisr â€" At the Bethesda are spending two weeks 1“ Be“ Hospital, Willowdale. Monday, Births May 7. 1956. Christina Jane Annis of Victoria Square, wid- ow of Wilmot Brumwell. in her 80th year, clear mother of Frank and grandmother of Wilbur and Denton. Rested at the home 'of her son. Frank, Victoria Square. Service Wed- May 9. at 2.30 p.m. Victoria nesday, Interment Cemetery. Square 1w45 (Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Max Cousins wish to announce the engage- ment of their only daughter Is- abel Louise to Gerald Arthur Havens, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Havens, of Gri‘msby. Ont. The wedding to take place June 9, 1956 at the Beach Gospel Chapel, Ontario, at 2.30 p.m. c1w45 Hamilton, Marriage HUFFMAN-JONES In a quiet ceremony at Rich- mond Hill United Church last Saturday, May 5, Lola Winnifred Jones, daughter of Mrs. Jones and the late Wilfred Jones, be- came the bride‘ of Kenneth Charles Ruifman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Charles Huffman of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. The ceremony was conducted by the Reverend Charles G. Higginson, assisted by the Reverend Arthur A. Chote. The bride wore a silver-grey afternoon dress with a small sil- ver hat. On their return from Bermuda, Mr. and Mrs. Ruffman will re- side in Richmond Hill. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for the many deeds of kindness shown to me on the death of my dear friend, John (Jack) P. Woods. Mary Holmes, Langstaff. c1w45 * a at a CARD 0F THANKS Sincere thanks to the many relatives and friends who so thoughtfully remembered me during my recent stay in bed. Mrs. E. J. Gamble c1w45 Teen Town Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. L. Hill are shown above about to cut the wedding cake, following their marriage at Knox College Chapel last Saturday evening, May 5th. The bride was the former Markham Fair Grounds on Saturday, May 12th. will be the scene of the Sixth Annual Rally of the York North and Central Divisions of the Girl Guides Association. The two Divisions are composed of Guide Compan- ies and Brownie Packs in the Districts of King. Teen Town's last party was perhaps its very best. Though the attendance was somewhat lower than usual (only 125), the semi-formal air about it made the evening one to be remem- bered. The Starliners provided excellent music with a real bounce. There were many tired feet after this dance. Cake and ice-cream were served along with several gallons of excellent punch. Those people who dec- orated the hall are to be espec- ially commended. What did they put in the balloons to provide all the noise? .Whatever the ingred- ient was. they certainly went all it was John Passmore of had acquitted He had not only This a Canadian is now ofiicially In the we Be sure to with a bang. S P E C I A L A member of Teen Town is to s . . be congratulated on his perform- . ance in a field of athletes, name- ‘ , ly track. Last Saturday the an‘ HILLCREST S‘VEET MIXED 16 oz. C) Q nual Georgian Bay District of Jar fl (- C.O.S.S.A. track meet was held ' a in Newmarket. After the last, dy- ing echoes of the last starting W4, 15 oz. gun had faded away, FRUIT COCKTAIL T... c ' found that Richmond Hill POST’S 14 oz ‘ himself nobly. o ' won the 220 yard dash and run ' Pkg. 230 anchor on one of the school’s re- ‘ lay, but had set a new meet rec- YORK CHOICE QUALITY 20 on . ‘. ord 1n the 120 yard low hurdles. 2 3 John's time of 15.2 seconds was Tins E C eight-tenths of a second better ' ,. than the former record. .- DEVON RINDLESS W mark was only two-tenths off the . 1 lbs 0 Canadian record for John‘s age ‘ giioug. This is a standard of ‘ ‘ 1 wiic one can be justly proud. ._' FRESH DAILY Lb. '4‘ Congratulations John and good ‘ ‘_ luck in your coming meets! Per- - i haps we will have FLORIDA I. champion in our midst. i lbs. 35 ‘ een Town 3. 5 o C over for the season. It will com~ - mence again next fall. .. next issue of the Liberal I ‘ hope to have a report giving the ,V. ‘ finances and all the statistics re~ garding the past fcw‘months of ' V v \w v w ‘w W - , w w v ‘ our organization. afihfis ..\\§\..\\\%.k\\ ax§ “'att‘h for this next week. i # ‘ RICHMOND iiiu. LIONS’ HALL JACKPOT $ 500.00 a - 60 Numbers Called STARTING TIME 8 RM. Thornhill, Richvale, Richmond Hill, Jeffer- son, Oak Ridges. Aurora, Mark- ham, Newmarket, Holland Land- ing, Keswick and Sutton. It is expected that about six hundred Brownies and Guides from these Districts will attend the Rally. The Brownie program is‘being convened by Mrs. E. Redelmeier, Richmond Hill District Commis- sioner. the Guide program by Mrs. P. Rumney, Central Divis- ion Ranger Captain. The four Brownie Packs and the Guide Company of Richmond Hill are working hard preparing for the Rally and expect to par- ticipate in all the events. , Brownies and Guides in Rich- mond Hill will travel to Mark- ham in buses which will leave the Lion‘s Hall, Centre Street East, at 12:45 p.m. returning about 6 p.m. They are reminded to bring a lunch and ten cents for drinks. Parents and friends are invited to attend. Through the courtesy of St. John Ambulance there will be two nurses in attendance during the afternoon. Richmond Hill Girl Guide Company held a Badge night on Tuesday. April 24, at tho i‘-â€"~, Hall, with Division Comm. Mrs. H. D. Currie and District \...,.... Mrs. E. Redelmeier present. First Class Badges were award- ed Barbara Bain and Donna Lin- dsay. New Guides enrolled and presented with ties and pins were: Penny Wilson, Drucilla Watsham. Joan nold, Carol Ritchie, Sharon Ha man. Evelyn McLean. JOYIynn Wilson. Dianne Hayes. H. Knott. D. Curtin, Char- leen Smith. Janet Thomson. Leste Paxton, Robin Anderson, hay Pressley. Three Skaters’ Badges. Needlewoman's Badges. Child Nurse badge, two Laun- dress’ Badges. twelve Hostess Badge and nineteen Cooks‘ Bad- ges were presented. Secnnd Class Badges were awarded Judy Edgcumbe, Meika De Haus, Linda Manuel, Astrid liellendoorn and Carole George. Religion & Life Emblems were won by Iva Bovaird. Judy Edg- cumbe. Marilyn Burr and Carol Macanuel. The two winning sixes. Little People and Pixies. of lst Richâ€" mond Hill Brownie Pack were taken on a hike last Saturday morning by Brown Owl, Mrs. W. S. Thomson and Tawny Owl. \lrs. Meade. The senior memâ€" bers lit tires with no paper and successfully cooked their own lunch. Three Golden Bars “el‘e awarded to Brownies of lst Pack during the month. three one STOL'FFVILLE Council has approved an official plan for the town. It will now be submitted for official government sanction. a: t x t NEWMARKET : Plans are now being formulated for the mark- in: of the town‘s 100th celebra- tion. Guide Notes R. Smith, M.P. I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, May 10, 1956 Ruth Alverna Smith, daughter of J. E. and Mrs. Smith of Rich- mond Hill, and for several years As- sociate Editor of The Liberal. groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Hill, Richmond Hill. The verna Smith Weds Harry David L. Hill Knox College Chapel, Toron- to, was the setting for the mar- riage of Miss Ruth Alverna Smith, daughter of John Eachern Smith. M.P., and Mrs. Smith. to Henry David Legge Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clinton Hill, all of Richmond Hill, on Satur- day, May 5. at 7:30 o‘clock. Offic- iating ,_at the ceremony was the bride's uncle, the Rev. Neil Gregor Smith, M.A., assisted by the Rev. Arthur A. Chote, rector of. St. Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill. Mrs. Cameron Andrew, organist of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, pre- 51ded at the organ. Decorating the chapel were standards of white and pink spring flowers. Given in marriage by her fa- ther. the bride wore an original gown of mist white French Chantilly lace over whisper pink taffeta. The bodice of lace to the petal-shaped square decolletage was offset with an organdy bow. and the long sleeves were scall- oped over the hands. The very boufiant skirt cascaded into a full chapel sweep. Her finger- tip veil was held by a matching pillbox etched with seed pearls. She carried a loose colonial bou- quet of white crocus and lily-of- the-valley. Matron of honor for her sister was Mrs. W. S. Cook and brides- inalds were Miss Eleanor Smith, sister of the bride. Mrs. William Harrison and Miss Nancy Hill. cousin of the groom. All were gowned in waltz-length dresses of cameo pink silk cotton which featured lengthened torsos ac- cented with star points and low V-decolletages. The cap sleeves were offset with a folded flange effect. The skirts were of Prin- cess lines, the gores flaring into crisp fullness. The bridal attend- ants carried loose colonial bou- quets of graduated shades of pink spring flowers, intermingled with crocus buds. Groomsman was Mr. Gray K. Perkins of Windsor and ushers were Mr. W. S. Cook, Mr. Don- ald Little. both of Richmond Hill Iand Mr. David G. Hill of Thorn- il . For the reception at" Clarendon Hall, Toronto, the bride‘s mo- ther received in a gown of tur- quoise peau de soie accented by white accessories and a corsage of pink sweet “peas and forget- me-nots. The groom’s mother assisted her in an original Hum- ber gown of rosewood peau de sole trimmed with Guipure lace, and wearing a corsage of spring flowers intermingled with pan- Sies. For travelling, the bride chose a sandalwood pink suit. featur- ing a Renoir collar, with white accessories. Her corsage was of blue cornflowers and pink violets. Upon their return from a wed- ding trip to South America, Trin- idad and Tobago. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will live on Uplands Avenue, Thornhill. Nature Notes By Richmond _ The Richmond Hill Natural- lsts were fortunate in having Mr. Ott Devitt as their speaker on Friday. May 4. His topic was "Warblers". He gave his audi- ence a tremendous amount of in- formation about these birds. Slides were shown of many wellâ€" known warblers and quite a few of the racer types seen. Mr. Deâ€" vitt told in a most comprehen- sive manner the living habits. habitats, colourings and mark- 1119.3. range, nestings habits and songs of all the bird slides shown. ‘ Dr. Lillian Langstai’i reports identifying field sparrows on Dul‘ferin St. North of thc Elgin Mills sideroad. A pair of cardin- als has also been noted at Alpine Nurseries on Bathurst St. The field trip to Purpleville on 3131' 6 under the auspicos of the Toronto Field Biologists was held as per schedule but int-leâ€" ment weather deterred many People from attending {his trip. Wild flowers were 5991] III huu but only a few were in bloom namely hepatica, Spring beauty and one or mo Iriliumx and do; 1001“ Violets. The mammal trap lines only produce-(l \gvccimezr of the white footed mouse and deer mouse. _\'ot too many lJliLh were moving during the morn- ing hours but :4 f F - ' " warhlcrs Littl the \'.E. I-) throuth Fpal‘l'm‘ < cr» 1321’ On Sunday. \la} l3. 2% licitl ND is being planned to the Maple Hill Naturalists Research Station under the lea- dership of Mr. R. Tilt and Mr. O. Devitt. All interested will meet at 7 am. at the Richmond Hill Municipal of’fice at Yonge and Wright Streets. lMusicaI Festival§ Scheduled June 6 Wednesday evening. June 6. is the date set for the Spring Mus- ical Festival of the Richmond Hill Public St’ll()0l>. (m that night the rafters of thc arena will re-echo to sweet ~ounds from the voices of 300 children and Tillc Newmarkct Concert Band. Preparations are now “llnfllllfl ;nlo iiiL'll gclil‘. Frequent rchi-ar- snl> ill the Lla>>room> anti corri- dors are the rule of the do} The grade 7 three-part choir and thc grade 5 unison choir will usual interest to this unique cv~ L'llt. *fl'l’l‘OX : The L: .- load 1:: Iétttll’C’l ’l‘lr; of 7l‘.“‘ Kilrmcn Club :0 ma»: in imâ€" proving the library here. l 5 MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A.. B.D. ST. Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. B. Th. Minister SUNDAY. MAY 13. 19576 SUNDAY. MAY-13: 19.36 Sunday After Ascension Day 2.30 p.m. - “ Ofshlp bel‘Vlc‘e ROGATION SERVICE “"_â€"â€"" :“The earth is the Lord's and the GORMLEX fulneSS thereof." UNITED NIISSIONARY 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School CHURCH Rev. C. E. Hunking. Minister 8.45 -â€" Church Broadcast CKLE 1350 Oshawa 10 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday School 7.30 p.m. â€"- Evening Service CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord‘s Day evening at 7 p.m. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 a.m 1 Cor.: 9 & 16: For though I. preach the gospel I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel. MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C.. Minister SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1956 Hope Sunday School ... . .. Divine Worship Maple ll a.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion Rev. A. A. Chote ll a.m. â€" Jr. Congregation 2.00 p.m. â€" Teen-age Bible Class 7 p.m. â€" NO EVENING SERVICE This Deanery is holding a pil- grimage to St. James‘ Cathedral, Toronto for the 7.00 p.m. Service The Church that gets the coun- try, gets the whole country. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. lIigginson. 8.A.. B.D. MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY. \IAY 13. 1956 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School open session 11 a.m. â€" Morning Service (Baptism) 7 p.m. -â€" Evening Service Y. P. Fireside 11.30 a.m. RICHMOND HILL 10.30 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY. MAY 13. 19576 MOTHER‘S DAY 10.30 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship. Nursery Dept. Mr. J. Butler Guest speaker. Assisted by mem- bers of the Young People's Socâ€" iety). The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered. Divine Worship . . . . . . 11.30 a.m. Edgeley ’ Sunday School Divine Worship 1.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL Oak Avenue Between Stop 22 and 22A Yongc SUNDAY. MAY 13, 1956 9.45 a.m. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 a.m. â€"â€"- Sunday School â€"- Bible Class - 7 p.m. â€" Evening Gospel Service Speaker: Mr. James Annan Tues., 8 p.m. â€" Prayer and Bible Study Speaker: Mr. Colin Anderson Wed. 8 p.m. â€"- Women’s Prayer RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML. 9 a.m. Sunday SUNDAY. MAY 13, 1956 3 pm. â€" Sunday School Meetmg 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Rally Wed. 8 p.m. â€" Prayer and Bible BRETngEgUAEHCHRIST / Study Hour We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly church. 0! Markham District SUNDAY, MAY 13. 1956 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School RICHMOND HILL 1]. a.m. â€"- Worship Service 7 â€"- Evening Service - pastor _ R_ R Galbraith Wed. 7.30 p.m._ â€"â€" Prayer Meet- SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1956 mg Oak Ridges (Aubrey Ave.) 10.30 a.m. â€" Sunday School 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 p.m. -â€" Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd Con. 2 miles north of Concord) 10 a.m. -- Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"- Worship Service Concord (School House) 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School ST. BARNABAS’ MISSION (Anglican) -' Rev. A. A. Chote. 8.11., B. TIL, RICHVALE - LANGSTAF]I AREA SUNDAY. MAY 13, 1956 Sunday After Ascension Day 10 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL â€"- with classes for the whole family. “And thy children shall be taught of the Lord" , 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE â€" The Pas- tor will preach. 7.30 p.m. GOSPEL SERVICE â€" Message: “MENE. MENE. TEKEL, UP- HARSIN" Temporary Location â€" Masonic Hall, 15 Yonge St. N. “Where welcome is more than a word" THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister. Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A., B.D. SUNDAY. MAY 13, 1956 11 a.m. -â€" Morning Worship and Church School should go and when he is old, he shall not depart from it’" 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School- classes in the Charles Howltt School' 11 a.m. 8: 7 p.m. â€" Services in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Sunday School . . . . 1015 a.m. I “Train up a child in the way he _ THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN Richmond Hill give variety to the chorol pro- .uram. and the grade 4 ".-"hh- toll; domes i.\:.l pilllfilll.‘ (leâ€" llizhlful contra: Ail 1 other we may look forward 1 un~ 1 Rev. C. H. Chambers. B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY. MAY 13, 1956 11 a.m. â€"â€" Sermon NOTE -- All the children oi thl Richvale-Langstaff area are in- vited to attend this Mission Sun- 9. “Unity in Division" day School. 4 p.m. â€" The Young Adult Fell- owship will meet at the home LANGSTAFF of Miss Nancy Watt, No. 7 High- way just west of Dufferin 7.30 p.m. â€" The Young Life Club will meet in the Church Hall ~ BAPTIST CHURCH Church St., Langstai’t Minister Rev. Wm. I-l.,Hiltz. ILA. SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1956 11 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School Classes for all ages 6 p.m. â€"- New converts class. 6.30 p.m. â€" Prayer Meeting 7 p.m. â€" Mother’s Day and Cradle Roll Special Music, Mrs. Mary Mc- Lean and Jo-Anne Tues., 8 p.m. â€" Youth Fellowship Wed. 7.30 p.m., Teachers' Train- ing Course 8 p.m. â€" Rev. Keith Adams, of Christian Service Centre Thurs. 2 p.m. â€" Women’s Miss- .- ary Fellowship Rev. Robert Gordon of the Brit- ish Syrian Mission (Yonge Street. stop 17, Thurs, 8 p.m. â€" Evening Miss- / ion circle gevélgeraicgérgugfogéA'lrgogz 2nd and 4th Thurs. each month 7 ' Fri., 4.30 p.m. â€" Lamplighters 12‘ HL‘ 13142) 730 G 5 e1 Teens SUNDAY. MAY 13, 1953 Bâ€" n P'm-t.â€". 0B”, P k a prac 1C0 In 0) e at . Sermon and music to honor the Christian Home Ladies' Quintette and Ladies' Trio Sunday School now meets at 11 a.m. in the basement. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thomhill Rev. W. E. Askew. Rector SUNDAY. MAY 13, 1956 8 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer and Sunday School TuesdaY. May 15 8 pm. â€" Induction of Rev. W. E. Askew by Right Rev. F. H. Wilkinson. Sermon by Right Rev. G. B. Snell. THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH i. BAPTIST: ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) 1 block east of stop lights Stop 128 SUNDAY. MAY 13. 1956 10 to 10 â€" Sunday School Why not bring your family to Sunday School? 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship A corsage will be presented to all mothers. A Mothers‘ Choir will sing. Babies will be given in dedication to the Lord. Sermon “The World's Wisest Mother.” 7 p.m. â€" Evangelistic Service This is our Annual Family Night Service when we honour the Student W. Kurschinski largest family present. The SUNDAY. MAY 3. 1956 King's Men will sing. Sermon. ‘2.30 pm. â€" Divine ll'orship "Faith of our Families." The 1.30 p.m. â€" Sunday School and film. “Bible on the Table” will Bible Class be shown. Plan to attend. NM AW /.\7\.\R:\7\.Wo :mmmmmmmmwxuxmmyfi SAVE MOTHER! g: ) By buying Home Baking i -;~ ivv‘cx‘xkx ) ) at St. .lIary’s Anglican WA. Bake Sale l SATURDAY, MAY 12 AT 3 PM. ,3 f; in PARISH HALL ll iAfternoon Tea Everyone welcome

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