SAT., MAY 26 â€" Gigantic Auc- tion Sale celebrating the 276th sale at the Stouï¬ville Sales Ar- ena, also the month-end sale â€" selling all classes of ivestock, poultry vegetables. furniture, etc. Goodwood W.A. baking sale. Seed and feed display. cheese man, new clothing auction. We will oï¬'icially open the new Auc- tion Ring and will have visitors from a1 over Ontario. Will be door prizes. lucky draws. free moving pictures (worth seeing). a special feature will be a pet TUES., MAY 22 â€"- Auction sale of farm implements. horses, cattle. tractor. hay, grain, etc., on lot 12, Concession 4 Mark- ham Township at Buttonville. Property of I\. C. Gray, sale at 1:30 pm. Terms cash, no re- serve, farm leased. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice. Auctioneers. SAT., MAY 19 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, carpenter's tools, electric bench saw, edger, etc., on west side of Yonge St., just south of Elgin Mills Post Office. Property of Angus Mc- Donald, sale at 2 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Propri- etor moving to BC. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May}7, 1956 RESIDENTS 0P VAUGHAN Oil Burner Installation Many people who have been ineligible for Hospital or Surgical Insurance because of age may now take advmtagc of M etropol- itan's new plan. (Concert Association of Canada) Canada’s Greatest Artists (on your own stage) P L A N N O W To To Become A Member Of STOUFFVILLE AND DISTRICT CONCERT ASSOCIATION It is especially designed {or Bedding Plants New Medical Insurance for Older People! Hanson’s Flowers Elgin Mills, TU. 4.1171 It is unlawful for any person or persons to install or contract for the installation of an oil burner without a permit. Applications for said permit should be made to the Building Inspector at the Muni- icipal Offices in Maple. In accordance with By-lav 15.801 up to 15.828 inclusive Campaign Headquarters Harold Spoï¬'ord’s Home Phone 228 Stoufl‘ ville REPRESENTATIVES NAM! Tm STYLI nmesmunvrs Abacus m Representing Metropolitan Life Insurance Coupany Canadian Head Ofï¬ce - Ottawa, Canal: MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE DURING TEN DAYS ONLY MAY 22ND T0 MAY 318T Geraniums, Hybrid Petunias Almapoliun prital and Surgical Exynx Plan a/ftmd to pawn: up to 75 year: of age. INVEST NOW FOR ENJOYMENT DURING THE COMING SEASON JAMES DAVIDSON, Chief Fire Prevention Officer. VI Mile West of Yonge Street SALE REGISTERS SAT.. ‘JUNE 2, 1956 â€" Auction sela of household furniture, an- tique articles. farm implements. tools. etc.. on Lot 11, Con. 5, Scarboro Twp., on Steeles Ave., Markham and Scarboro townline, oppOSite 9th Con. of Markham. Property of Joseph W. Reesor. Sale at 1.30 pm .sharp. Terms Ca5h. No reserve. farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT.. JUNE 2, 1956 â€"- Auction Sale of Household Furniture. Piano, electric fridge. garden tools. farm articles, etc., on Yongehurst Road, half mile west of Yonge Street, Stop 24, South of Richmond Hill. Property of Skippon and Bolton. Sale at 2 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No re- serve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers auctioneers es for you. This looks like the biggest day we ever had at the Sales Arena. Ladies this is your day. Everybody welcome. 4 auc- tion rings. Don't miss. Sale 1 p. m. Sellers - Atkinson - Pollard, oddity exhibit with prizes, if you have a pet in this class bring it along. (We already have several entries). We have many surpris- thm people and for those who prefer a lower premium plan. Call or write today for thc com'flete details of this new Méï¬poï¬tan chpital and Sur- gical Eirpense Policy. For No Less Than Three Concerts $5.00 tax incl. Membership At the special Family Day service at Brown’s Corners Un- ited Church held Sunday of this week, Mrs. Walter Craig and Miss Janet Oakes were special speakers. Mether 8: Daughter Banquet 100 were present at Victoria Square United Church on Mon- day evening when CGIT and Ex- plorer groups entertained their mothers at the annual Mother and Daughter Banquet. The girls had chosen an Indian motif for their decorating scheme. Besides the bowls of forsythia and daffodils which centred the tables, there were small brown teepees. The favors were hand-sewn canoes andrthe paddles were place cards; each of the mothers received a small corsage of mauve and yellow pom-poms. \The theme was “Understand- ing Others". Baptized at the morning service Brown’s Corners United Church on Mother's Day was Wendy Eli- zabeth. secon ddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gough (nee Ellen Hooper), Rev. A. C. Huston off- iciating. Mr. ’and Mrs. Bruce Jones and their small son of Wallaceburg spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones. Guests at the James McQuay’s last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Donald McQuay of Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and Audrey of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones and Lynda. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton spent Sunday at Port Credit with their daughter rDoris aim} hgr_ f_amily: Mrs. Stan Defoe. Past Presi- dent of Leaders Council, was Mr .and Mrs. John Black and Bobby and Billy spent last week- end with Mrs. Black's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Baker of London. Several members of Brown's Corners Unittd Church W.M.S. attended the Rural Rally of Torâ€" onto Centre Presbyterial which was held at Queensville on Wed- nesday of last week. Present were Mrs. Wm. Rodick, Mrs. Norman Reid, Mrs. C. J. Russell, Mfs. Walter Brumwell, Mrs. Ross Hord and Mrs. F. W. Baker. His many frienus throughout the area will regret the passing of Dr. Chas. McKay of Union.- ville who died at Stouï¬ville on Saturday of last week. To his many former patients he was a real friend. Sympathy of this community is extended to his family. Roy Robinson’s mumps and Mr. Jack Gough’s measles are a thing of the past, we are happy to reâ€" port. They are both able to be about again with no ill effects. Mrs. B. C. Sisler and Rebecca spent a few days in Belleville last week. While there Mrs. Sis- ler was presented with a Past President’s pin by the canadian Club of that city. Mrs. Kingnorth of Toronto spen tseveral days with the Rod- ick family last week. Neighborhood 7 Ngtes 13, and spent an enjoyable day at the Riverdale Zoo where they Howie Martin, of Oak Ave., celebrated his birthday on May Marylyne Clarke. 3 Maple Ave.. celebrated her 11th birthday on May 8. Her guests were Lorraine Phillips, Lorraine Parisi, Sus- anne Patterson. June Clarke, Jane Clement, and Robert Clarke. They played baseball and had a bingo game where prizes were given and they also had a lucky draw. Mr. and Mrs. V. Potter were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds, Edgar Ave., on Sun- day. May 13. The Canadian Legion Branch 375 held a bowling banquet on May 8 at the Graystones. Aurora. Mrs. Frank Mrs. Leclair. Mrs. Perring are leaving for Buffalo on Tuesday, May 15, to spend a few days. Mr. and MrsgA. Valcourt, Oak Ave.. spent last week-end in Quebec visiting Mr. Valcourt‘s sister who is quite ill. Mr. R. Banks and Mr. Fred Coons of Toronto spent Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Green- ï¬eld. Oak Ave. The annual pre-school regis- tration was held at Charles How- itt School on May 2. and prospec- tive pupils registered for grade one. We expect a larger regis- tration when school starts in September. The pupils in Charles Howitt school were inoculated with their ï¬rst polio needles on Apri. 27. The smaller grades received their needle at any earlier date. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and son Gordon. Oak Ave, spent ‘the week-end at Lake Simcoe. CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley - Phone AXminster 3-6188 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. K. REYNOLDS 77 Edgar Ave. Phone AV. 5-3189 BUTTUNVILLE NEWS RICHVALE NEWS Carol Russell proposed the toast to “Our Mothers†which was replied to by Mrs. D. Ar- nott. Mrs. B. Terry proposed “To Our Daughters†which was replied to by Faye Nichols. The toast to the Church by Mrs. B. Rolling was replied to by Mar- garet Brodie and Mrs. Chas. Hooper proposed a toast to the leaders. 1954 PONTIAC HARD TOP with extras Vaughan Women Workers cat- ered to the Langstalf Hockey teams on May 12 at the Richvale Community Hall. All boys en- joyed themselves. They played drop the pin in the bottle and had an egg race. Two boys don- ated their talent for entertain- ment and played a couple of se- lections on instruments. The par- ents were invited to an after- dinner social. Clarence Green- ï¬eld presented the Midgets with crests and Joe Greenï¬eld pres- ented the Bantams with crests. toastmistress and Mrs. A. Hus- ton welcomed the guests. Betty Snider proposed the Toast to the Queen, after yhich Mrs. John Black led a sing-song. Then fol- lowed a skit depicting CGIT girls of past eras dating back to 1900. Janet Oakts was Narrator and Betty Huston played the piano. During the presentation of prizes, Joy Fuller with three oth- er girls from Victoria Square and Headford was awarded a gift for perfect score in requirements. Prizes were awarded by Mis/s Coral Perkins and Mrs. John Black. Baker’s Sales & Service Many more to choose from and priced to sell Charles Howitt Area Recrea- tion Association held a very suc- cessful dance at the Uplands Golf Course on Friday, May 11, des- pite bad weather. Mrs. Markle won aluminum storm windows, donated by a Toronto ï¬rm. Six others had their admission re- turned on a lucky draw. Hockey Banquet Garry Jay, Oak Ave. celebrat- ed his IOth birthday last week when many children of the neighborhood spent an enjoy- able day. Prizes were given for the ones who found the most peanuts in a peanut hunt. A friend came out from the city and played a guitar while the children enjoyed a sing-song. ook a picnic lunch. Those that enjoyed the party were Garry Jay, Douglas MacLellan. Rich- ard Chalkin, Willard Fuller, Ste- ven Martin. Margo Martin and Robert Martin. First Richvale Guides won third place in the Central York Division Rally held in Markham on May 12. The second Richvale Guides had 8 girls who acted as runners but did not compete in the rally. SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED WATER LINES TRENCHING STAN MAXEY 1955 STUDEBAKER 8 COUPE ATTENTION VAUGHAN RESIDENTS 1952 STUDEBAKER SEDAN $1075.00 1953 CHEV. SEDAN $1275.00 PHONE AV. 5-1189 1953 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1951 STUDEBAKER $850.00 Phone 434 Woodbridge loaded with extras Stop 22 Yonge St. Richvale. Ont. with overdrive 1954 FORD $2195.00 $1350.00 $1695.00 very clean $1295.00 Efficient Units for Every Need in lO-BOY, Hl-BOY and COUNTER-FLO MODELS . AIR FILTER REPLACED ANNUALLY WHEN REQUIRED Q BURNER ADJUSTMENT Q 24 HOUR SERVICE 0 ANNUAL FURNACE CLEAN-OUT Q THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THE GAS LINE TO THE HOUSE IF THE PIPE CAN ENTER THE WALL CLOSEST TO THE MAIN. It Offers you FREE . Installations made by experien- ced men. Q We will be selling all gas appli- ances â€" including dryers, re- frigerators, ranges, incinerat- ors, etc. Natural Gas heating offers no storage problems, no delivery problems. no heat interruptions. low cost, silent, very dependable. Natural Gas Cooking is ideal. It is fast, clean, dependable and com- pletely automatic. Call us and arrange to have a FREE Heat Loss Survey taken of your home. We can then tell you how much it will cost to heat your house per month or season. nn‘vvynnm mi! .7“ {in . ‘- “-‘- p..â€" . A... -_-._- Natural Gas Water Heaters give you much more hot water. All work guaranteed. We are an authorized Consum- ers Gas C0. Dealer In business at same location for I7 yrs. YEREX ELECTRC BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM launch-you all the fadsâ€"now! 74 Yonge St. South attractive brown and tan colour combination, infra-red baked to a durable, easy-to-clean ï¬nish. A TTRA C T! VE :rHCIENT â€" Power-pile Pï¬oi on burner maintains constant flame toignite main burner when heat is called for. primary radiating surface ex- tracts maximum efficiency from fuel; spun glass and aluminum foil insulation ensure exit-a savings. EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL â€" 100% LUMFACT â€" occupies min- lmum floor space. EASY TO INSTALL -â€" furnace proper completely assembled. C OMPA CT ï¬nished in TUrner 4-1552 CONVERT THAT COAL BIN SPACE INTO A RECREATION ROOM OR HOBBY SHOP Let us convert your furnace to gas with a Fairbanks-Morse Con- version Burner. You never run out * The Fairbanks‘ Morse Burner is built of heavy rust-proofed precision machined cast- ings. No bent pipe or sheet metal stampings are used in its construction. * The F'M Burner is quiet and efficient. No rotat- ing parts to wear out. * Due to the sensitive controls it will control the tem- perature of your home to as close as 1V2 degrees F. range. * F-M Burner is a neat and compact ï¬t in all average size furnaces, hot air, steam or hot water. * Specially designed for ‘economical trouble‘free operation. Replace your hot water tank at the same time with a 10 year warranty. Both installed for Fairbanks-Morse of hot water Model S-20G 5 yrs. to pay Water Heater per month 70mpletely Installed go $2.10 Service and Economy = Natural Gas per week "17/ W?