[OR COMPLETE INFORMATION Pleasure Planned Tours All Bus Travel Service See your local Agent Thornhill and District News The first Rountree - Hendry family picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom knight, Clarke Avenue, Thornhil] on Sunday August 12, in the afternoon. There were 114 present to enjoy the event and it proved quite _successful. rim....i‘.. n In": nnin‘ LIch aux. ......... In the afternoon a few quie‘ games were played by the child- ren with the assistance of Bert Middleton. while the adults en- joyed chatting and recalling the past. Following the evening meal it was decided to make this picnic an annual event and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knight graciously invited the group back for next ï¬ear until the project gets a start. rlzes ‘ . . . by Bus 0 N0 DRIVING WORRIES 0 NO PARKING TROUBlES . FARES ARE lOW MALTBY'S SERVICE STATION mcumono mu. Rowntree-HendryGrOUp Picnic Held At Thornhil You ’ll Enjoy Going Anywhere Prizes were a'warded as fol!- Next Group Outing CHARTER A BUS RICHMOND HILL, YONGE ST..N. TU. 4-1125 - A‘ Over 25 years experience in Free Estimates 5% Doors - Sash - Frames ' {if Mouldings - Plywood - Wallboards Butler 8: Rain! Lumber Ltd. 7k Paints - Garage Doors - Hardwood Flooring THE LIBERAL. Richmod Hill, Ontario, iTBn-sday, August 23. 1956 with a Professional Driver for your TUum 4-0001 HOME BUILDER We Carry Everything For The Time Payment Plan Available WE FEATURE Pre-Fit Window Units W (Including materials) \ A 5 Year Guarantee 4% $10.00 Down - 2 Years to Pay Special Prices on Commercial Work A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING FLOOR SANDER T0 RENT TELEPHONE AV. 5-3555 2 PIECE CH ESTERFIELD ‘ RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 The youngest baby was Myra Jane Wilson, three months old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson of Toronto: most recently married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash. of Edgeley being married almost three years; eldest lady was Mrs. George Rowntree, of Bolton, who was 75 years old; the oldest man was Mr. Arthur Harr- ison of Toronto. a friend of one o; the families: the oldest married couple were Mr. and Mrs. George Rowntree, of Bolton, married 51 years. Elect officers There was an election of offic- ers and Mrs. Tom Knight of Thornhlll was elected president, while Mr. Fred liendry of Edge- ley was selected as vice-presi- dent and Mrs. Bert Middleton, Maple R. R. 2 as secretary-treas- urer. The committee members are Jack Forbes of Downsview. Tom Knight of Thornhill, Gor- don Monks of Malton. and Mrs. Olive Wakelin of Sunderland. A collection was taken to help de- fray expenses. , 1.4!.1 OWS n; u., v . . v . . _ . _ . Then a few sports were held. Mrs. Marion Ash of Edgeley won the shoe-kicking prize, and Mrs. George Rowntree of Weston, the lucky spot. Patsy Rowntree of Weston won the children’s spot prize, while Janice Collyer of Weston won another spot race. In rolling the ball to hit the bat, the children's prize was won by Donnie Rowntree of Weston. and the ladies prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Kitchener of Wood- bridge. R. R. 1, and Dorothy Rice of Woodbridge R. R. 2. Men’s hit-the-bat winners were Chas. Kitchener of Woodbridge R. R. 1, Hugh Moran, Humber Sum- mit and Duncan Wattie of Lanâ€" sing. The balloon blowing con- test was won by George Rown- tree. Weston. The family with the largest connection present was that of Mrs. John Rowntree of Weston, totalling 36 in all. counting children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. NEWMARKET : The town en- gineer has resigned to join the staff of the Toronto and Yorks Road Commission. SENTINIL BUY the Better Shops tn Toronto AV. 5-1682 THE BEST IN ALUMINUM STORMS Bonded Factory Salesm'en PETE CRAPPER AV. 5-2558 AV. 5.3506 The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . . . Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Donald Smellie. who may be reached by phoning AV. 543555. Lovers of ï¬ne music in the North Yonge area won‘t have to go to the city next winter to hear “live†performances by some of their favorite Canadian concert artists. That is the word from the exâ€" ecutive of the newly-formed North Yonge Canadian Concert Association which is busy prepar- ing to stage a series of three or four concerts in Willowdale for the 1956~7 season. The Willowdale series, accord- ing to the plan, will become an annuél affair. The association hopes the response will show that there is sufficient interest in music along North Yonge to jus- tify similar annual series in Thornhill and Richmond Hill as well. The new association was form- ed early in July following two preliminary gatherings of citizens of Willowdale, Thornhill and Richmond Hill who felt that our leading artists deserve an invi- tation to this area, so that they can show us in person the vocal and instrumental talen s which have won them acclaim nationally and in other countries. Affiliations The association is affiliated with the Concert Associations of Can- ada which was formed in 1951 by Wallace Young, well known in edâ€" ucation circles as director of music for Oshawa schools. It will be similar to local concert associations which the parent as- sociation has helped to set up in many communities around Tor- onto and farther aï¬eld, including Weston, Leaside, Orillia, George- town, Whitby, Scarborough, Stouffville, Newmarket. Markham, and Parry Sound. Each of these places now has a flourishing as- sociation, the main work of which is to stage an annual series of concerts by outstanding Canadian artists. ‘Artists Canvass For Members Concerts By Canadian Artists Planned In North Yonge Area The artists available include Lois Marshall, James Milligan, Maureen Forrester â€" all worldâ€" famous names today â€"â€" as well as groups such as the Solway String Quartet, and a host of gifted but lesser-known artists. Even the Toronto Symphony Orchestra is available through the parent as- sociation which acts as the im- presario or artists‘ agent: but so far none of the local associations has mustered the ï¬nancial forti- tude to invite it to play for them! The question, which artists are brought into the community, de- pends on several factors â€"- the tastes of local music-lovers, the ï¬nancial strength of the organiz- ation, availability of desired ar- tists, and so on. Associations with 400 or 500 members (each paying $5.00 for the series of concerts) are usually able to put on four concerts and to include at least a couple of the most celebrated artists whose established popular- ity means that they can command higher fees. The method being followed in the North Yonge area is the same one that Has been used success- fully year after year in Leaside, Stouffville and the other places with concert associations. Formation First the association is formed by interested citizens, and‘ an ex- ecutive is selected. (In North York, this has been done and the president is William J. Stapleton, an advertising executive living in Willowdale.) Then the campaign manager (in this case Tom Fair- ley, a CBC publicity editor liv- ing in Thornhil), with the help of the other founding members, goes to work lining up canvassers â€" people interested enough to un- dertake to sell a few member- ships each. Such volunters, it has been found. will sell an average of nine memberships each. When the canvassers have been found. the executive decides on a future week for “Campaign Weekâ€. Memberships are sold only dur- ing this seven-day period. Then the money is counted and, guided by the amount available and the preferences indicated by indivi- dual members. the artists are en- »gaged and the series planned in every dateil. The local associations are non- proï¬t and all the work is volun- tary. The parent association, as the agent. gets a percentage of the artists' fees in the customary way. Need Volunteers “Right now I'm looking for all the people I can-ï¬nd who will stand up and say they like this idea enough to try to enlist a few members when the campaign is on, some time in September or early October," the campaign manager says. “We're aiming at a membership of 600. For that we need about 72 canvassers and we're sure we will get them if enough people learn about what we are trying to do. Already we have volunteers all the way from York Mills to Richmond Hill â€" the area in which the campaign will be concentrated. "We'll need a lot more to be sure of success, but we are de- termined to be the biggest and best Canadian concert society in the Toronto area and we are con- ï¬dent that the people of North Yonge will rally around to assure themselves of a really outstand- ing series of concerts. There‘s no reason why North Yonge should not eventually play host to all the most famous Canadian artists.†With the indications of support already' received, Fairley states flatly that North Yonge can sus- tain not one but_at least three annual series of four concerts, in Willowdale, Thornhill and Rich- mond Hill. “When the thing reaches that stage and there are three assoc- iations going it will mean divid- ends for all the members of each one of them," he says. “Each member is free to attend not only the concerts planned by his own association but also those planned by all the sister organizations â€"- provided only that the seating space allows it. Even with things as they will be this coming winâ€" ter. members of the North Yonge Canadian Concert Association] will be welcomed (free of charge) at the concerts in Leaside, Wes- ton, Markham, Newmarket, Stoul’fville. and other places. Plenty‘ of members in other cen- tres having been using this ex- change arrangement to good ad- vantage these Iast ‘few winters, treating themselves to a feast of music â€"â€" all for $5.00. You can see that the idea is not to make money, but merely to ï¬nance con- certs by a series on : sound basis. Fairley wants prospective can- vaSSers to get in touch with him (General Delivery, Thorï¬hill) and to get busy lining up members in their own circles. Then, when campaign week arrives, they will only need to distribute member- ship cards â€"- and collect the all- important crisp blue banknotes. Apart from Messrs. Stapleton and Fairley, the executive in- cludes Ernest Adams (vice-presi- dent‘. the famous concert and operatic tenor living in Willow- dale; Mrs. M. McLean (secretary), a Concord housewife; Trevor Pierce, 3 social worker, living in Richmond Hill; Mrs. K. Gahan of York Mills; Miss Margaret Ste- phen of Thornhill: choir director John Cod‘sins of Willowdale; and John Danaby of North Toronto. (Membership is not restricted to residents of North Yonge and the inclusion of a North Toronto man on the executive reflects the de- sire to get support from the wid- est area possible.)_ “We were a bit hesitant about this whole idea at ï¬rst," says Mr. Stapleton. “But the more we thought about it the better we lik- ed the idea of helping to bring our leading artistsface to face with North Yonge music lovers -â€" so far as we know for the ï¬rst time in a planned series. The artists will have the well-deserv- ed beneï¬t of our monetary supâ€" port, and, as for us. we will all have the pleasure next winter of Welcoming them to our commun- ity in three or four grand,eveni-‘ ings if music." Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harvey and children of London spent last week with Mrs. Saunders Findlay. Mrs. E. C. Fraser and herl three children of Virden, Mani-‘ toba. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brain, John St. Miss Ann Rogers of Thorn-/ bank Road is spending this week in Detroit visiting Miss Betsy Beardslee. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pherrill with Mrs. W. Dean and Rita have returned from a vacation at Bal- sam Lake. Mr. Pherrill is spend- ing this week in Kingston taki 0: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plaxton have moved into their new home on John Street and are at pres- ent getting settled. They will be spending a few days in Ottawa visiting relatives and attending Mrs. Plaxtons nephew’s wedding. a short course at Qï¬eens Univ- ersity. Sherwood Eddy, son of Rev. and Mrs. E. B. Eddy has been working at Camp Kiwanis in Huntsville this summer. ier. and Mrs. Dalton Harvie and family are spending a week in Prince Edward County. Jackie Duncan, Susan Kaye, Gail Veljola, Patsy .Budge, Lee Davidson. Sheila Craig, Lorraine Anstey, Karen Perrin, Gail Gib- son and Wendy Anstey spent 11 days at the Intermediate C.G.I. T. Camp Ahshunyoong. Mrs. Don Davidson was a councillor and Mrs. Robert Gibson was the camp nurse. We are happy to report the splendid recovery of little Lynn Leaman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Leaman of Kirk Drive after her recent operation. Among those from the Thorn- hill area holiday recently at Idylwyld Lodge. Lake of Bays, Muskoka. were: Mr. and Mrs. John MacNeil and John Jr.; Mr. Alan Sumner; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Denby with John and Irene: Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McTaggart-Cowan with Gillian and Jim: Mr. and Mrs. David McLean, with Sally, Mary and baby; Miss Aubrey Thompson of Gormley; Miss Betty Empringham; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Davie; Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler with Karen-and Edward; Mrs. John Davidson: Mr. and Mrs. Len Wood; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bent- ham: Mr. and Mrs. William Judges with Bill and Doug; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smook with Valerie; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ed- wards with Bradley; Mr. and Mrs.’ Percy' Bone, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kefl'er of Concord with Susan and Lynn; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Poulter: Miss Martha Mac- Neil; Miss Sandra Stewart, Mr. Arthur Bone; Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ecclestone and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duncan and boys of Sault Ste. Marie are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Duncan and fam- ily. Jim Bentham has returned from Vancouver after spen ling the summer thh relatives. ’ Thornhill Notes her Tall standards of pink and white gladioli formed the setting in Runnymede Baptist Church, Toronto. for the wedding of Car- 01 Kathleen Ann Donnelly, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Don- nelly, Langstaff, and Kenneth Russell Courtney. son of Mr and Mrs. R. E. Courtney, Toronto, on Saturday. August 18, 1956. The ceremony was performed by Rev. George Bell. Courtney-Donnelly Wedding In Runnymede Baptist Church Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a waltz-length gown of illusion tulle over white satin. The deep V-neckline was embroidered with sequins and seed pearls. Her matching ï¬nger- tip veil was also embroidered with sequins and seed pearls. Her only ornament was a choker necklace of seed pearls_ and she carried a cascade bouquet of red roses and stephanotis. Miss Elinor Fergusson, Toronto, was maid of honor. She wore a boufl'ant gown of pink crystalette and carried a nosegay of pink roses and carnations. Miss Edith Bell and Miss Ruth Oltmann, bridesmaids, wore blue crystal- ette. and the little flower girl. Marlene Purvey, cousin of the bride, wore pink crystalette. All three carried nosegays of red roses and pink carnations. Frank R. George Jr., Langstaff, cousin of the groom, acted as best man. Ushers were Sven Han- sen, Ottawa. the groom's brother- in-law and John Donnelly, broth- er of the bride. Miss Lois Johns. Toronto, sang "The Lord's Prayer†and “0 Perfect Love†during the sign- Thornhill Pharmacy C. E. Stoneburg Chemist 82 Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. Remember! A good deal depends upon a good dealer, drop in today for a top used car at the city’s lowest price. YONGE 8. OAK 0 RICHVALE DIAL TU. 4-1114- Expert Drug Service Max Factor Cosmetics “Some peomeieuan up THE ROADS THAT THEIR Angesrons Prescription Service COLDSYREAM GUARDS BAND Famous Brmsh band. daily on the Band SheIL View-Master Reels AVENUE OF THE PROVINCES Dumahc display of Canada's vamces. OPPOSITE GRANDSYAND Breathiakmifla‘eï¬bat the world's most mod anrcyall. Sent. 7ll C.N.E. walemonl W U‘ WéMEN's auuomcâ€" \ \ V See thé Dim {Suï¬}: tampo- «' COLISEUM \ Imons In the COIISEUM. Aug. WEST ANNEX ‘ 24 to Sept‘ 5": 6-7 pm. waéACANADIAN INTERNAYIONAI. All! SHOW BL‘Az 50‘! Mme star Thornhill Vitamins NATIONAL A, EXHIBITION m a 8m SHELL TOWER and steel observahon lowe: "in. ;>< W/df éx'goer/éM/é/é4'0h #099 #28/7 (9992164? WM ing of the register Following the ceremony. a re- ception was held for nearly 100 guests in the church hall. The bride's mother received. wearing a pale blue lace sheath dress with matching three-quarter length coat and black accessories. The groom’s mother wore a two- piece dress of navy blue crepe and lace. with black accessories. Both wore corsages of pink car- nations. The grcom’s grandmo- ther, Mrs. R. Adamson. Toronto. wore turquoisé crepe with black accessories. Following the reception. the bride and groom left by motor on a trip to Muskoka. The bride‘s going away dress was a two-piece beige linen ensemble. After their return they will leave for Nova Scotia, where the groom is stat- ioned at Camp Aldershot. Out-ofâ€"town guests included Mrs. E. Dougall and son Billy, Estevan, Sask.: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mathers, East Orange, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. Sven Hansen, 0t- tawa, Mrs. Alan Cuthberï¬son, Bowmanville, Ont. BOB’S ESSO SERVICE STATION CHASSIS LUBRICATION a. MINOR REPAIRS Yonge and Arnold AV. 5-0015 ' Thomh - '(Author’s name below) - In order to receive a li- cense to be a pharmacist, it is necessary now to study four years in a Col- lege of Pharmacy. serve an apprenticeship to gain prac- tical experience, and pass a state examination. In order to receive a ll- cense to practice medicine a Physician spends even more years in a Medical University, serves an in- ternship in a hospital, and also must pass a state ex- amination. All this accum- ulated cooperative know- lege is yours whenever your physician writes you a prescription, and we pharmacists compound it. Pick up your prescrip. tion if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of ï¬lling their prescriptions. May We compound yours? Yonge St. & No. 7 Highway Thornhill PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS *Quotation by Charles Steinmetz (1865-1923) “COOPERATION IS AN ECONOMIC NECESSITY†Hal. Harley DRUGS YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE . AVenue 5-1577 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Thomhill New features . . . new exhibits . . . new wonders for the whole family . . . at the world’s largest, the fabulous 1956 C.N.E. For the first time the Inter- national Air Show with breathtaking aero- batics. See international exhibits from around the world . . . the newest in science, industry and the arts . . . agriculture . . . sports for every fan. Plan now for a visit you’ll never forget. Many safety features, comfort and that road-hugging feel. have come about through design changes. At the same time outside changes are kept to slow progress, so that the car of two or three years ago isn’t completely out of date. This works to the advantage of the used. car buyer. He gets the safety and comfort and style even it his car is a couple of years old. And he knows (it he's read this column long enough) where he gets his used cars for lots. ' Don’t be fooled by foggy advertising that hides the real price of a car. That’s our subject for our next column, along with some things we've heard about fogs themselves. TU rner 4-1812 Flowers For All Occasions â€" Wired Anywhere Delivery Toronto, Richmond Hill andSun-oundlng Districts The steady change in car design in the past 25 years had been the pushing forward of the passenger section - - it‘s moved two feet since 1927 - - and the people in the back seat no longer sit high over the rear wheels. The designers made the body wider than the wheel treads and got rid of the running boards without exposing the sides of the car to stones thrown up by the front wheels. (And, as a second adVantage, this eliminated the newsboy of 20 years ago who jumped on your running board at every intersection. lWhat have the designers ever done for the automobile. except make it fatter and lower and slap more chrome on it! And on long straight highways it is rather necessary 10 know whether a far-away car is going, or coming at you. The chrome tells you. You often hear this kind of discussion, in various forms. so let's have a look at some of the more impoflant changes in car design. changes which I think have been more than just flights of stylish fancy. In moving forward, other things got cramped. Fly~ wheels had to be smaller to fit in. And what happened? There were immediate improvements in She automobile’s smoothness and acceleration. 4 HEATING & APPLIANCES Oil Burners Installed & Repaired Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Over 25 Years In Business Stop 24 Yonge St., Richvale TU. 4-1610 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS by Selling Good Used Articles Through Liberal Want Ads TU. 4-1261 Wonderlul displays horn me United King- dom, Australia, India. Belgium. Dgnmaviy. Gerâ€"many. Holland‘ Japan, Poland. Spain‘ United States. RICE’S FLOWER SHOP EXTRA CASH J. FOX &‘ SON You Can Enjoy DAIRY QUEEN See the Dany Queen compo- imons m the Coliseum. Aug. 24 to Sept. 5": 6-7 p.m. MOUNTIES R.C.M.P. "Musical Rid." wnlnhnlllhousmds nary alternoon and avumng at thobigcrandstandShows. R6YAL CANADIAN All Hours 931m.