. lst King Scouts had a wonder- ful time at Camp Keenaway re- cently. Scoutmaster Stan Roots who was unable to be at camp because of business drove the Scouts to camp, bringing them home on August 15. The four King Scouts who live in Maple, Tom White, John Spencer, Ron Brvce and Steve Goodman were at camp for two weeks and almost completed their second class work. The three Scouts who MW in King City attended camp for on- ly one week. They were troop leader Barry Wallace, - Second Jack Wallas and Tom Knight. Tom. who _is almost a ï¬rst class ‘L- Hm cwim- V The four King 5cm in Maple, Tom Spen_cer, Ron Brvce ~râ€"-- .4 on 1 Uln, w uv ....... Scout. assisted ming instruction while at camp. The colonel at the camp gave the lst King troop great praise for their accomplishments. Nine lst King (Tubs with their cubmaster George Harvey spent 3:“ week-end at Oxtail Camp. .1. King Women's Institute will begin its meetings with a bus trip to the home of Mrs. Cora Specht at Waterford on September 11. The bus will leave Armstrong‘s at 10.30 am. All are invited to go on the trip. Everyone is to bring her own lunch. Tea will be provided. Roy Richards will take the group on a conducted tour of a tobacco farm. Those persons wishing ‘to go are asked to con- tart Mrs. William Willoughby a tobacco farm. wishing ‘to go are tact Mrs, Willim after September 4 Visiting Mrs. E Lenhardt or Springhill Road last week were her daughter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stauffer and their children, Bobbie and Shir- ley of Elora. During their stay, Mrs. Lenhardt and her son_ Dav- id went on motor trips to the Mus- koka Lakes, Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Woodstock. They spent the week-end with Mrs. Lenhardt’s brother. Mr. W. J. Henderson at Bowmanvilï¬le. _ ... _ ni,,‘ uxu I yer.-." V Miss Carol Busby, 5th iine King nurseâ€"in-training at Women! College Hospital in Toronto is enjoying two weeks at home. Social Notes Miss Jessie Geilaily. Miss Irene Ezard and Beth Gellatly, King St.. accompanied Miss Evelyn Courtney and her mother, Mrs. George Courtney on a short trip to Batavig,_N.Y.= last week. â€.4-.. ‘1: 1m- to batavxa. n.1., um. ....... Karen Bice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carson Bice. Keele St., celebrated her 10th birthday on August 14. She had 12 guests at her birthday party. Vtsiting Mrs. E Lenhardt of Rnringhill Road last week were nu lubv ...... Mr.‘ Alvinâ€"VPither of Willow- dale conducted the morning ser- vice at St. Andrew‘s, Eversley, on Sunday, Auggst 12_. .. v u u"... . ...-V Rev. and Mrs. J. E. C. Shep- herd. the manse. North Keele SL, spent the week end at Brace- bridgg apq Ke§xviCR. , :- IIVJ“ -... Hunâ€".3, , -_.. “er5. AubreyuCampbell, North Keele St., left Sunday, August 19. to spend a month with her AUGUST 23. 24 Thurs., Fri. TWINKLE IN GOD'S EYE Cartoon Mickey Rooney Colleen Gray MR. MUGGS STEPS OUT AUGUST 25. 27 Sat" Mon. Cartoon AUGUST 28, 29 Tues., Wed. INTERIOR DECORATING ROXATONE SPECIALISTS NEW HOMES BUILT BUILDING REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS CEMENT WORK GENERAL CONTRACTING â€"- FREE ESTIMATES â€"- Cartoon THE LIBERAL, Richmod Hill, STRANGERS HAND KNOCK 0N WOOD PARK LANE CONTRACTORS (Technicolor) Rosemary Clooney (Technicolor) Phil Carey Roberta Haynes RED GARTERS 21 Elmwood Ave Trevor Howard Alida \‘alli ‘ (Technicolor) Danny Kaye Mai thterl'mx King City, Oak Ridges The Liberal Ls always pleased to publish Items of ln~ tel-est regarding people and events In the Oak Ridges- I Lako Wilcox and King City districts. Our news con-es- pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald McCallnm. telephone King 132M; and in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox, Mrs. C. M. Butt, telephone TUmer 4- 3066. Eastslde Kids NEBRASKAN usby,5th1inc King I“; at Women! tal in Toronto is weeks at home. 5 had a wonder- (Geo. Graves Prop.) News 8W5 TU. 4-3198 mother at Three givers; Lian Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bell of Montreal and their two children spent the week end recently with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bell and their family at Terra Nova. Passes Examinations Julia Bell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bell, King St., successfully passed her Grade 13 examinations. lulia who also received her Grade 8 in music last February is entering the Women's College Hospital as a nurse-in-trainlng in September. Bob and Betty Arbuckle of Laskay also successfully passed their Grade 13 examinations. Sympathy Extended v, _...._._-.- 7 Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Bruce Hall of Heritage Park. King City" whose brother and sister-in-law were killed in a car crash on No 27 Highway above the drive-intheatre on August 11.7 Mrs. Hall's brother, Robert Wilson was the driver of the car which crashed into a truck with- out llghts which nad stopped in the centre of the highway while crossing from one garage to an- other. Two other occupants seat- ed in the back of the car were seriously hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson leave a 3% year old dau- ghter, Laura Lee. Wee Swimmer Wins Award Miss Jacqueline Peers, 6 year old daughter of Mr. John Peers South Road. Lake Wilcox, was a very thrilled little girl on Friday, August 17th, when she was pres- e'ii ‘ with a plaque on \' ' ‘11 was inscribed, “Presented to Jacque- line Peers for showing the great- est improvement in swimming ability in the class of 1956". Little “Jackie†as she is known to her friends, has been a faith- class sponsored by the Oak ful attendant in her swimming Ridges Recreation Committee; Each morning she attended the ,class along with her sister Wendy. Grandma Peers was there too. always part of an interested aud- ience. “Jackie" attended the new Lake Wilcox Kindergarten last year and is a very bright and much loved little girl. We can only say, "Congratultions Jacque- lineâ€, and maybe some day this same little girl will be conquer- ing the waters of Lake Ontario. In May the same painting won the ï¬rst prize of $15 ‘among four pictures at the Centre York Women’s Insti- tute District Convention. Mrs. A. E. Jarvis of Jarv- acxes King City. leceived “01d August 13 that her oil painting “An Old House" had won ï¬lst place for the Province of Ontario in the Tweedsmuir Art Competi- tion of the Federated Wom- vis’ painting was the fra_me The subject of Mrs Jar- vis’ painting was the frame house on Keele Street south owned by village trustee W. E. Barker. The painting was chosen for its originality from 59 entries. C. J. Cas- son. a noted Toronto artist was the judge. For receiving the top aw- ard for this more recent competition, Mrs. Jarvis re- ceived a cash prize of $75 at an afternoon tea. She is a member of King Women's Institute and a member of Kingcraft art group. _ Tlie painting will be on display at the W.I. area can- vention in November. '. A. Member Wins Art Prize SAME DAY SERVICE Open 7 mm. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Agencies Oak Ridges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9569 RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Radio â€" Washer Repair Service Ontario, Thursday, August 23, 195§ Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION Richmond Hill Survey Water Supply King City Firemen’s Associa- tion held a meeting at volunteer ï¬reman Bill Jensen’s store Mon- day evening, August 13, to dis- cuss the canvass ot the outer ï¬re area The area outside of King City from the second concession on the east to the eighth concession on the west including all side- roads is to be canvassed during the next'few weeks. Volunteer ï¬reman Bill Willoughby is chair- man of the canvass for the build- ing fund. Water Survey Besides the canvass the ï¬re- men are making a survey of the water resources in the outside area which could be used in the King City Firemen To Canvass Larger Area For Hall Funds “hildren 9 and under will display ilieir decoxated bikes, cauiages and wagons. Chidrens’ races ages 6 to 14 will begin at 2.30 and prizes “ill be given out. Ball Game Lake Wilcox. All events “ill be held at the ball palk on the n01 th road commencing at 2 rp.r_r_1. The Girl’s Softball begins at 4 o'clock with the K.V.W. Girls vs. the Home Girls and the boys hardball game betWeen the Lake Great preparations have been‘ made for a sports day sponsored by the Recreation Committee Aat Recreation Committee Plans Sports & Field Day Aug 28 Present Awards To Swimmers At Blue Spruce Park Aug 17 The Oak Ridges Recreation Committee, which sponsored the Swimming classes again this year gave out honours and awards to their class of 81. The tests were conducted by Blue Spruce Park, Friday, August 17th. Those who passed their beginners tests were: Joan Wall, Sandra Hadlington, Maureen Hine, Kenneth Woolley, Ruth Landl, Lorne Wall, Dorothy Jean Hadcock, Lynne Ground, Wendy Peers, Wendy Dewsbury. Gail Connor, Peggy Ground, Gor- don Empey, Greda Vanstone, Jac- queline Peers, Christine Darling- ton, Heather McLennon and David Diane. Those who passed their junior tests held at Thornhill Pool on Monday, August 20th, are as follows: Lorne Wall, Ken Dion, Bill Smith, Sharon Kingsley, Ruth Landl and Ruth Appleton. _ ’Those successful in Intermed- iate Red Cross tests held at Thornhill Pool are: Pat Smith, Don Smith, Jeremy Hopkins and Harold Brown. These tests were conducted by Red Cross Swim- ming Examiners. The Swimming Instructors for the class during the summer were Miss June Rol- lings and Miss Lynn‘Anderson of Aurora. These two fine young ladies were each presented with a beautiful compact. Mrs. Gerry Day made the presentation. All members of the swimming class were accompained by their mothers and the weather couldn’t Tim Grew Returns From Stay In Bush Sixteen-year-old Tim Grew, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Grew. Springhill Rd., arrived home last week end with a heavy mop of red hair and a red mous- tache. Tim. who had been at a bush camp for nine weeks had not had a haircut in all that time. Tim’s mother. who greeted him with peals of laughter insisted he shave off his moustache. Later Tim made a trip to the village barber for a much needed trim. Tim found working as a for- ester‘s assistant. cruising for re- generation study for the Abitibi power and paper mill at Smooth Rock Falls an interesting ex- perience. Food was all right, but rather on the plain side, he said. Over half the camp workers were French Canadians. Tim found it difficult conversing with them with only his high school French. However he found a German chap who could speak some English with whom he could carry on some conversa- tion. Literature in the camp wasn't of the type Tim liked, to read. However, Mr. Grew kept him supplied with books during his stay in the north. Tim likes the outdoor life. The last two summers he spent work- ing on farms. Tim. who stands over six feet and is not afraid of hard work, feels he has earned a two week vacation before start- ing his Grade 13 studies at Aur- ora and District High School in September. On Monday of this week his parents drove him to Pioneer Camp near Port Sidney for the last two weeks of his vacation. L'pon completion of his Grade 13 sgudies. Tim hopes to enter Wychï¬e Canaan.“ Vve been more suitable. The event of a ï¬re. Knowing the ex- act location of ponds and streams in the area would save valuable time and would aid in preventing ï¬re from spreading to other buildings. 7 ‘ Uuuuulga. Covering the area from ngy 400 to the 7th concession, includâ€" mg all sideroads will be ï¬remen Don McCallum and Harry Noakes. The 3rd west to the 4th, Stan Roots and Harry McBride; 7th and west to 8th. Fire Chief Dav- id Glass and Denuty Fire Chief Harold Kirby; 2nd and all side- roads leading to third. Jim Sim and Bill Jensen; 5th, Bill Riddell and Al LaPlant; 4th and side- roads leading to 5th. Bill Will- oughby and Pat McBride. The evening programme will be highlighted with boxing and wres- tling, bingo and hat drop. There will also he draws for the lucky ticket and a doll with dollar bills pinned'on it. The refreshment booth will be open all day and there is no charge for admission, only a silver collection. This day promises to be a lot of fun so we hope to see all out to support the local eï¬orts. Lets all be there Saturday. Wilcox Bantams and the Oak Ridges Bantams. teachers conducted races and all enjoyed watching the young swimmers go through the paces. The most exciting race was .he long distance swim. Lorne Wall 11 years, was first; Ken Dion 12 years was second and Ruth Landl 12 years third. Refreshments Free ice cream and pop were served from the booth to allpart- icipants and a good time ended the season‘s swimming Speaking for all the mothers of the children in this class, many thanks go to the instructors and committee members for the help and work that went into making this swim- ming class possible. A special thanks to Mrs. J. D. Smith who managed and organized the youngsters so well. BIRRELL MOTORS LTD. and sudcien‘ly there's a new lilt to living Scottish Visitor Amazed At Speed On Canadian Roads The terrible rush of motor cars along our highways was noted by Mr. David Clark of Ar- drossan, Ayrshire, Scotland. on his recent trip with his son and his son’s wife to points of inter- est in Northern Ontario. “The cars travel at the same rate of speed ixLGermanij he edged: Mr. Clark has been visiting for three weeks with his son, David Clark and his wife at their Charles Street home in King City. This iS his second visit to Canada, having visited his son and his wife in Toronto in 1951. “American cars being driven through our Scottish Highlands have difficulty getting around the twisted turns in the narrow roads." Mr. Clark continued. “Small cars are better for the Highlands. There is hardly room for two cars to pass and the larg- er cars on the twisting turns may cause a head-on collision." Shipping Agent Mr. Clark leads an interesting life as a shipping agent at Ar- drossan, Scotland. Boats from all over the world bring their cargo into the port. Boats from Toron- to carry scrap iron and boats from St. Lawrence port’s carry- ing spool wood bring their car- go to Ardrossan. There is no language problem commented Mr. Clark, as those persons with whom he is engaged in business speak some English. Mr. Clark likes to trav l and besides his two visits to anada he has taken three Mediteran- nean cruises, stopping at the various countries along the way. Royal Visit Ardrossan, the burgh, where Mr. Clark lives was recently hon- oured with a visit by Her Majes- ty Queen Elizabeth and His Roy- al Highness, the Duke of Edin- Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Kreckel of Park Crescent, Lake Wilcox are happy to announce the arrival of their infant daughter Crystal, born July 18th in Toronto East General Hospital. Weight Blbs. Mr. and Mrs. Kreckel came form West Germany in September, 1955 and built their present home on the crescent. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Macintosh of Oak Ridges along with their twin sons Barry and Ian spent two weeks vacation at the east coast. Their first stop was Hal- ifax where they met their son Brian who is in the Navy, then continued on to Sydney and Cape Breton. Other places visited were the Cabot Trail and points along the coast. By the way we extend happy birthday greetings to Mr. Ron Macintosh. We understand he will celebrate on Monday Aug- ust 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burton and family of Oshawa were week-end visitors at the Butt home on South Road. Bobby Burtqn is spending a week’s holiday there, and Lois Butt is visiting at the Buttons in Oshawa. , _ Mr. and Mrs. Gus Stein and family of Bayview Avenue, Lake Wilcox, are home again after a two week vacation in the United States. Some of the States they visited were North Carolina, Ten- nessee, Virginia and.New York. They report swimming was ideal in {he Atlantic Oceain and the scenery in the Smokey Mountains Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Socials YOI‘ burgh, on July 3. This was the ï¬rst visit of a reigning monarch in over 400 years. Mr. Clark watched the welcoming ceremon- ies from an enclosure at the sta- tion. He, with other residents. had received written invitations to be present to greet the Queen aindlher husband upon their ar- r va . The burgh of Ardrossan is built around a rock whence it gets its name. A castle, now in ruins, which dates to 1200 and the time of Robert Bruce still stands on the rock. Ardrossan and the neighbor- ing burg of Saltcoats publish a weekly newspaper called after the two burgs and owned by a Liberal M.P. Saltcoats derives its name from the time when the women gathered the salt from the seaspray in their aprons for home use. Mr. Clark is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church of St. Cuthberts in the parish of Saltcoats. There is a town called Saltcoats in Saskatchewan. These burgs are situated in Ayrshire where the lands are owned by the Earl of Eglinton. and where the Eglinton Hunt is an annual colourful affair. Mr. Clark. who is one of a family of ï¬ve boys and three girls has two daughters, who live in Scotland and his son David who lives in King City. He has two grandsons, Ian and Derek Ballantine. Ian Ballantine is a corporal in the Royal Army Pay Corps, now stationed on the troubled island of Cyprus. Mr. Clark enjoyed his stay in King City, along with his motor trip to Northern Ontario. He prefers life in the country to that of the city which he says has grown immensity since his visit in 1951. and Lake Champlainiwas just as wonderful. Mr. and Mrs. Stein made a camping trip out of the vacation and enjoyed the out- doors in tents. Mr. and Mrs. K.. Baggot resid- ing at Treetop Cottage are happy and proud to annouce the arrival home of their infant son Michael Kingsley, now two months old. Baby Michael has been in the Toronto Western Hospital since his birth, June 14th. Mrs. J. Leveiller and daughter Marcia of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill_ South Road, Lake Wilcox. Mr. Ralph Walters and brother Gerry of Toronto spent last week with their Aunt Mrs. Earnie Seal of the Lake, also visited friends on the South Road. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Houting of The Dutch Gardens, North Road. Oak Ridges. returned from the Hamilton and District Glad- iolus Show with two ï¬rst prizes, three seconds and a second sweepstake prize. Ornamental railings, signs, lamps, etc. No. 7 Highway, Corner of Leslie Street AV. 5-1423 NGE STREET NORTH N EWTONBROOK [RON WORKS .sMOEIL â€"-A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE--- E Kin; Slam-d . J. BARRACLOU GH OAK RIDGES GLASS & MIRROR 00.. Fancy Mirrors â€" Mirrors Re-S’ilvered Table Tops â€"â€" Anything In Glass All types of Glass supplied on contract or to speciï¬- cation. Come in and browse around and make your selection in comfort from our wide range of Glass and Mirrors. Oak Ridges Glass 8: Mirror Co-z PERRY’S PHARMACY NOBLETON FRANK’S MOVERS AND STORAGE ON Friday evening, August 31 1956 Draw for Camera and other gifts Open for business Monday, August 27, 1956 Store Fixtures ‘We store everything at reasonable rates†G rand Opening EVERYONE IS WELCOME M odern Heated Warehouse TELEPHONE TU. 4-2771 (Stan Rule - Proprietor) Phone TU. 4-2613 Kitchen Cabinets Genet-Al Woodworking OAK amass rn. Hue fl gLCjiMQlfll .HIIJJ 0‘22560