Used Building Materials, lumber, Doors, Windows, Sash and Plumbing METRO WRECKING 8 LUMBER . CO. ‘ Telephone TU. 4-1650 01mm} §OFR_ 501m NOW AT SUMMER PRICES C. Rowntree, Mgr. TU. 4-1851 Richmond Hill Bus System will have no buses travelling to the western part of the Village in the afternoons. H. Jones Building Supplies MOBTSON BUS LINE L ONSTRUCTION co. CONCRETE WORK â€" DRAIN S 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 ’ NEW WORK - ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS Hall‘s Domestic Fuel Oils RICHMOND HILL Our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected Printo-Meters for your protection. CEMENT, LIME, LA'I'H INSULATION, SEWER PIPE, PLASTERING MATERIAL “ BILL DING’S †ROGER PROULX W mile east of Yonge of! Markham Road. Open Friday to 9 pm. â€" Daily to 5 pan. CEDAR AVE., RICHMOND HILL Effective Immediately AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE NOTICE OIL BURNER PARTS 8: SERVICE Change of Schedule for (Gordon Mortson, Proprietor) PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given CALL ANY TIME LIMITED RiEhmond Hill 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill Business PHONE TU. 4-2061 BUFFALO . . . . . . . . . $6.30 NEW YORK . . . . . . $24.25 CHICAGO . . . . . . . . . $24.15 MONTREAL . . . . . . . $16.40 OTTAWA . . . . . . . . . . $12.90 Tickets & Information at Mr. and Mrs. Treehorn, Spruce Street, celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary last month. On Friday, September 7 th the President of Canadian Legion 9.17 a..m. 6.12 pm. x11.37 am. y 8.37 am. x 2.37 p.111. 12.47 am. x - to Bracebridge y - to Barrie Additional Service to Newmarket and Beaverton CITIES SERVICE STATION Phone TU. 4-0001 All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves acaqrd- ingly. ffl Canadian Legion Branch 375 started their bowling September 6. Anyone wishing to bowl cont- act the Legion Hall on Carrvllle Road, W., for early bowling 7.15 or late bowling 9L15. ‘ Sanitary Contractor MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM County of York k DATED at the Township of Markham this 11th day of September, 1956. Mr. L. Butler Sn, Spruce St., has arrived home from Sunny- brook Hospital and is feeling quite weli._ Public notice is hereby giv- en that a Court of Revision of the Assessment made un- der Section 51 of The Assess- ment Act for the Township of Markham will be held in the Council Chambers, But- tonville, on Monday, Septem- ber 24, 1956, at the hour of TWO o’clock in the afternoon to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the as- sessments made under the said section 51 of the assess- ment act, for the year 1956. The First Langstaff Cub Pack is starting its activities on Thurs- day. September 13. at Charles Howitt School new members are very welcome to join the grqup. “ _ _ > . -__ Drains Cleaned &kRepaired C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-124! Sharon Bryant. of Edgar Ave.. spent the last week of school holidays at her Aunt’s Mrs. B. Barton, Bradford. "Mi. and Mrs. L. Butler Jr. had as visitors over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. G. Price from Toronto. You’ll Enjoy Going Anywhere V .‘ . . by‘Bus 0 N0 nmï¬ï¬'c‘wonms 0 NO PARKING TROUBLES 9 FARES ARE [OW Leave Richmond Hill Court of Revision ROUND TRIP FARES between TORONTO and Septic Tanks Pumped TO NORTH BAY 24 Hour Service Clerk, Township of Markham Daylight Time CHAS. HOOVER, CORRESPONDENT: MRS. K. REYNOLDS 77 Edgar Ave. Phone AV. 5-3189 RICHVALE NEWS The First Langstaff Cub Pack and their leaders are very proud of one of their boys. It seems while away on vacation, Richard Chalklin, of Westwood Lane, had the occasion to save a young boy from drowning. The incident happened in the Wasaga Beach district on Sunday. September 2. when Richard Smith three year old son of Mr. Smith Aidercrest Road, Toronto, wandered away unnoticed to a deck that extends to the river and drops oï¬ sud- denly to a depth of 15 to 20 ft. It was a deserted spot because of the early hour and the view of the river was obscured by the high banks. §uddenly they heard AL-‘ Cub Richard shouting that a small boy had {alien in the river and they rushed to the dock to see Richard Smith being swept away in the swift Current. The quick thinking of this eight year old boy is credited with saving the child’s life. Aa soon as the alarm was given, the boy was Grade Dairy Cattle «Document-could 23 24 25 w w" ~ u,- Black & white cow, calf at foot Black & white cow, calf at foot Black & white cow, calf at foot Black & white cow.â€" calf at foot Black & white cow, calf at foot Holstein cow. full flow Holstein cow, full flow Holstein cow, full flow Black 8: white springer . Black 8: white springer Black & white springer Black 8: white springer “W, Black & white springer ' Holstein cow, due time of sale Holstein cow, due time of sale Holstein cow. due time of sale Holstein cow, due time of sale Holstein cow, due time of sale Holstein cow, due Oct. 10 Holstein cow. due October Hereford 8: Holstein heifer Guernsey heifer Holstein heifer Hereford steer Holstein bull Dairy Barn Equipment, etc. 1 Surge electric milking machine, complete with 2 single units, piping, ï¬ttings, etc., good 1 3/2 h.p. 80 cycle electric motor for milker 1 M-H electric powered cream separator 1 Gem electric milk cooler, 6 can years 1 Chestnut pony. 8 yrs. old, quiet 1 Toy Terrier dog 1 single set pony harness 3 wool horse blankets 1 buffalo robe Pony blankets, halters, brldles, saddles and other odd pony or light horse supplies Farm Machinery. Implements & Truck . 1 Oliver 88 diesel tractor, comp., on rubber, starter, PTO, pulley, ‘ etc., late model, near new and good ‘ 1 Ferguson TEA20 tractor, good 1 M-H No. 60 self~propelled com- bine, 10‘ cut. complete with re- cleaning cylinder, very slightly used, near new ‘ 1 1955 Chevrolet 1 ton truck with stake body and stock racks,‘ good condition ‘ 1 New Idea automatic pick-up, baler PTO, nearly new i 1 Oliver 7’ cut PTO mower, good 2 Otaco Roadmaster all steel, rub- ber tired wagons, nearly new 2 wagon flat racks 1 Ferguson PTO pick-up side de- livery rake, new style, near new 1 International 3-furrow plow, on rubber with ace bottoms, near new Ferguson 3~furrow plow, good Ferguson spring tooth cultiva- tor, good 1 Jeoï¬roy 6' chisel plough, 7 H. D. tooth, nearly new i Otaco tractor cultivator, 18 spring tooth, on rubber, in- Sale at 12 noon sharp. Terms H». 375. Wilfred Sutcliï¬'e and Mrs. Sutcliffe, Cari-ville Road, Past President. Gordon Dunn and Mrs. Dunn, May Avenue were the guests of Legion Branch 66. Spring Garden at the grand open- ing of their new hall. They hon- oured the Past Presidents from 1926 up to 1956. A buffet supper was served followed by enter- tainment. The T.V. personalities on the programme were: Ronald Lenard, Comedian, Magician. Teppo, Juggler from Finland. Mc- Kay Sisters, vocalists. The Kimb- erley‘s song and dance team and Alex. Reid, Comedian who flew in from New Brunswick, Mr. Gunton was Master of Cermony. Souven- iers given to all as they were leaving. supplies Pony & Equipment 1 Thoroughbred running mare, 3 capacity 2 sets electric livestock clippers 30 or more milk cans 2 milk carts 3 steel water troughs 1 stable electric radio 1 steel litter carrier pole Litter carrier bucket and car No .of cow tie-up chains Several barrels and other stable A number of friends and rela- tives called on Mrs. A. Circus at her home, 45 Spruce Ave., last Sunday when she celebrated her 88th birthday. 10 11 13 OF 25 HEAD OF GRADE DAIRY CATTLE, FERGUSON & OLIVER DEISEL TRACTORS, TRUCK, NEW M-H COMBINE, NEW IDEA BALER, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN, FURNITURE, ETC. The property of Lot 13, Concession 8, Markham Township Entrance to farm at Markham Village C.N.R. station U THURSDAY, SEPEMBER 20 IMPORTANT 'AUCTION SALE KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers Markham. Ont, phone 346 Milliken, Ont., phone AXminster 3-5987 HENRY; MICHELL‘ .rp. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. James Smith, Clerk FARM SOLD sale sale sale sale sale The lst Thornhill Brownie at Thornhill United Church Tue- Sday. September 18, between the hours of 4 and 5.30. District Brownies who were members of the lst Thornhill Troop last year will attend this meeting and the next meeting on September 25. The mother and daughter banquet will be held at the Thornhili United Church on Thursday. Se t- ember 27, at 6.30 pm. After he banquet. the Brownies will go through their annual “fly-upâ€. Later in the season. Brown- ies from Highland Park will be- gin to hold their meetings in the auditorium of Henderson Aven- ue School. Mrs. Turner and Mrs, Howarth will be the Brownie lea- ‘ders. Call for Sundny School Teachers i Sunday School teachers are District Scouts, Cubs and Bro- wnies are becoming active once more. B Pack of the Cubs. under the leadership of Mr. H. Johnson, held their firs‘ meeting at Hend- erson Avenue School on Wed- nesday, September 5. The first group committee meeting was held on Wednesday. September 12. Plans for a church parade were discussed. A Pack of the Cubs will hold its first meeting this Thursday evening. September 13, between the hours of 7 and 8 pm. Following this, the first Scout meeting will take place. Both meetings are at Henderson "Avenue School. Troop will hold its first meeting 1 baby carriage 1 baby walker 1 baby go-cart Child’s large bath tub 3 feather ticks Wash tub Wash tub bench 2 linoleum rugs 9x12 .No. of gilt antique picture frames No. of pictures and frames No. of light ï¬xtures No. of sugar bags _ No. of sealer bottles, etc. Screened cupboard Drapes, curtains, bedding, etc. No. of books. ï¬ction No. of dishes and pair. Boiler with lid Several storm doors Screen doors 1 Wilton rug, blue, 9x12 2-burner electric hot plate On Monday afternoon. Septem- ber 17, another Well Baby Clinic will be held at Henderson Ave.. School. Anyone wishing to help at this clinic should get in touch with Mrs. Jean Simpson at Aven- ue 5-1583, The Women’s Auxiliary will meet on Monday evening, Sept- ember 17, at the residence of Mrs. Vi Johnson, 43 Woodward Ave. Scouts and Cubs of approx. 30 tons Pile of cow manure Household Furniture, etc. Koolâ€"Vent aluminum porch awn- letuvcla, lvlng, Alwyn. “v ......... , and numerous other articles Grain and Manure ' Large quantity_ of oats consxsting ing 8’ x 10‘ 1 dining room suite, table, buï¬et, and six chairs . 1 living room suite, chesterfleld and two chairs 1 stove, white annex and pipes 1 wooden bed, 48" spring and spring mattress 1 dresser to match above 1 steel bed, 48" spring and spring mattress 1 Spindle bed, 54" spring and spring mattress 1 odd dresser 1 large chest of drawers 1 38†square table 1 extension oval table and boards Couch and mattress No. of chairs 1 hinge table Antique arm chair 2 synshsta‘nds 1 set single harness Jacktall jack 2 cyclone seeders Steel pig self feeder, new 2 gas tanks with hose No. of 5 gal. gas cans No. of water pipes 6 iron kettles No. of steel gates No. of steel posts No. of cedar posts 8 rolls snow fence No. of fence rails Steel post driver 20 Electric fence steel pests Several rolls barbed wire 1 roll chicken wire Pile of scrap iron No. of jute bags and sacks Maple planks Shovels, forks, hoes. doubletrees, style Miscellaneous 12 doz. (approx) ace bottom plow shears, new 100 ft. endless drive belt 50' endless drive belt 30’ endless drive belt Electric motor and emery 30’ extension ladder set bob sleds 1 large toboggan child‘s sleds CCM bicycle. special geared CCM bicycle, big carrier Several animal traps Tool bench Block & tackle No. of logging chains Broader house 7x8 Pile of stove wood, cut 1 set double harness 2 cutlers HHNDâ€"Hâ€"‘lâ€"‘Iâ€"llâ€"Hâ€" sidmwheels, good 1 Kelly 8: Ryan tractor spreader, near new 9 sec. Drag harrows & eveners 1 Steel stone boat 1 All steel road drag 1 M-H tractor grain grinder, new CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. A. SMITH 22 Elghhnd Park Blvd" phone AVenue 5-2795 HIGHLAND PARK NEWS RICHMOND HILL, Ont. The Doncaster-Highland Park Recreation Committee met for the first time this season on Thurs- day, September 6. Plans were made for the coming winter. It is hoped to make the skating rink some fifteen feet bigger each way, increasing the ice surface to 62 by 120 feet. Lights will be in- stalled this year for evening skating. Mr. Jack Bales of Don- caster has offered his services and will donate wiring for the lights. But more than lights are needed to make a rink. The Boards have to be erected: and once the ice surface is formed, it must be kept cleared of snow. For these vital tasks. the Recreat- ion Committee is counting on the active support of men of High- land Park and Doncaster. - urgently needed, if the Sunday School which has been held in previous years at Henderson Avenue School is to re-open this fall. The superintendent, two teachers, and the secretary have moved from the district, and their service have thus been lost. This Sunday School was started as a branch of the Thornhill United Church School, but all denomin- ations are Welcome. Anyone who is interested and who can spare a few hours one Sunday each month will perform a welcome service by calling Mrs. Harris any evening at AVenue 5-1889 and volunteering. Please remember no Sunday School can be held at Henderson Avenue this year unless help is forthcoming. Recreation Committee At Henderson Avenue School Mr. Myers has been acting prin- icpal during the unfortunate ab- sence of Mr. Martindale. It is hoped that Mr. Martindale will be off the sick-list and able to resume his duties very shortly. THE ROYAL BANK OF QANADA Get these ‘hlue coal’ advantages Coloured Blueâ€"you can be sure you’re getting the best hard coal money can buy! Low Ashâ€"less waste, cher trips to the furnace. Accurately Sizedâ€"suits your furnace exactly. Carefully Washedâ€"to remove impuri- ties, insure cleanliness. Here’s good news for serious esteem; For the second time since the end of July, The Royal Bank of Canada is increasing the interest rate on personal savings. As of September 15th, this bank will pay 2%% a year, credit. ing interest every six months, on April 30th and October 3lst, to your account. Richmond Hill Branch THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 13, 1956 There is nothing quite like money in the bank Nothing beats ‘blue coal’ heat : : '. and the assurance that your family is pro-i tected all winter long by the ï¬nest; safest, cleanest heat in the land. ‘blue alue coal’ advantages as: waste fewer tri s to . ' p coal’ heat grves you more comfort for 1 | I l l : your dollar, tooâ€"whether you have I a hand-ï¬red furnace or the latest I I l l l l J Sizedâ€"fluits your furnace ashedâ€"to remove impuri- zleanlinm_ automatzc coal burnmg equrpq ment. Don’t Be Colourâ€"Blind When You Buy Coal . . . insist on ‘blue coal’. Call us today.’- Blueâ€"you can be sure :ing the best hard coal )uyl Interest on Savings increased to 63 Yonge Street S. E? 2 11/2319 LAUNDERERS WASHDAYS ARE EASIER Bl SIR A"! SAY â€" "THE TORONTO IAUNDEREIS' WA†71775 OSSINGTON AVE" TORONTO ' PHONE Ll. 5-2161 with ITEMIZED [AUNDRY SERVICE \ V\\\ /- ‘Vlo will plck up and oenvot anywhere In Toronto MM one; Telephone anytime, day or night. when we look after your hard-to-da items TIE LIBEIAL NOW your money' grows even faster in your Royal Bank Savings Account Your savings will grow even fasï¬er at this higher rateâ€"a strong induce- ment to build up your account by making regular, systematic deposits every pay day. Real savers proï¬t most. Each month; set aside a ï¬xed amount, earmarked for year Royal Bank Savings Account. and leave it there to earn 2%% interest. reet S. Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-1261 LOCAL AGENT D. C. Beacock, Manager starting September 15th TUmer 4-1323 O | «a