boal’s f6: reinit- BOATS New marine plywood boats. 8 ft prams. 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. run- abouts ..$65 and up‘ Best ma- terials used. no down paymem necessary. All boats guaranteed nOt‘ to leak. No 11 Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free deljvqry within 50 miles. Also LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish, any colour tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or “The box 496, 40 Ontario St, West New- market. Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 ,, ,. V..- -w. a,“ (or your money? Then phone TU. 4-2255 and ask rm- John Masse- link. Elgin Mills P 0., for Purina Cage Laid eggs â€" Fresh daily. There are no better â€" and we Iell for store prir‘es. tfc32 no You WA‘ithheï¬best eggs ‘__ A," 60 THAMES truck engine, ï¬ts Prefect, $25: complete rear end and front end. $10 each. Wheels with spare tires. 87 each. Phone 51R“ Maple. clwll HARD SMELLY WATER? Ask about our water softener and ï¬lter plan at Bryant Hardware, AV. 5-3821. tfc2 GAS RANGE. (bottledl Gurney. 4-burner, oven, warmer. broiler, $100.. like new. 64 Trench St. :Richmond Hill. \ clwll CHRISTMAS A small deposit will hold your gifts until Christmas. Bryant Hardware, Richvule. AV. 5~3821. SAVE MONEY by using rough lumber. All standard sizes. Tay- lor's Saw Mill, R. R. 2 Aurora, AV. 5-4231. c5w11 ENGLISH camel hair coat. suit- able for child 12-14 years Ex- cellent condition, never been cleaned. $15. TU. 4-1060. *lwll NEW. modern bath. green, still In crate. also de luxe ï¬xtures. in- cluding shower. Phone AV. 5- 8609. *lwll WARDROBE TRUNK. also a 3â€" quart capacity electric pasteur~ lzer and gallon glass churn. Phone AV. 5-2733. clwll ELECTRIC JANITOVRTGO cycle Plymouth custom auto radio and washing machine. TU. 4-2688. QUEBEC cook stove and pipes, perfect condition, coal scuttle, new ash Sifter, $25. Full sized bath tub $5. AV. 5-3088. clwll USED hot water boiler. Approx- imately 750 cu. ft. radiation. in good condition. Apply TU. 4-1311. clwll LARGE, AMOUNT of used. mix- ed lumber. make offer. i’hone AV. 5-3609. *lwll BRAND NEW 500 gal. under ground tank. big reduction. Hall's Service Station. TU. 4-2061. LAY-AWAY Use our Lay-Away Plan now for Christmas purchases. Bryant Hardware, Richvale AV. 5-3821. fang, slightly damaged. $15.00. AV. 5-2600. *lwll TWIN CYLINDER Beatty ï¬resâ€" lure system. Good cohdftion Phone TU. 4-1309 evenings. heater. Also 150 gallon oil t‘ank. 'r,.u. 4-2097. clwll EURNACE, in good condition. complete with all pipes and reg- isters. TU. 4-3233. clwll condition. with cedar storage 'box. AV. 5-3122. clwll ;0" GALVANIZED Culvert. 14 ANTIQUE BED. springs and mattress, $18. Broadtoom hall runner $8. TU. 4-3190. chII PARGE SIZE VColreman space drawers. large mirror, gdod con- dition, AV. 5-2806. clwll DRY FIREWOOD. all kinds. free dkllvery. Taylor‘s Saw Mill. R. R. 2, Aurora. AV. 5-4231. c10w11 BEDflHESTERFIELD rn good BED, double, Maple, painted grey, spring mattress optional. AV. 5- 3136. clwll UPRIGHT PIANO excellent conâ€" dition, best offer. TU. 4-2832. SOLID WALNUT vanity. deep 3783 ROYAL ELECTRIC flnor polish- er. Good condition. Not Vold,$6. TU. 4-1389 Clwl] 2 SPACE HEATERS and ice box. Apply to TU. 4-2916. clwll LARGE space heater. in perfect condition. TU. 4-3138. clwll BABY CARRIAGE. convertible, brand new, 535‘ Also boy's racer bicycle. $25. TU. 4-3229. *lwll NORGE space heater and 150 gal. tank. all ï¬ttings. Phone AV. 5- IIIORGE space heater. and oil drum. AV. 5-3021. clwll '1952 GENERAL ELECTRIC re- frigerator. TU. 4-2294. clwll COAL FURNACE Good tion. TU. 4-1503. DINING ROOM SUITE, 8 pcs. TU. '4-2816 clwll 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 13, 1956 COLOR SCHEME Glidden Paint Co. will plan your color arrangements. Free. Inter- ior. exterior. Drop in at Bryant Hardware, Richvale. AV. 5-3821 ARTICLES FOR SA LE so u anyway 1 SPRINGER spaniel and Cairn *hmond Hill. Free Terrier puppies. Mrs. Kendall. I 50 mlles. Also Ken-Lea Kennels cRez‘dI, Well- TU. 4-2732. tics lngton St. West, Aurora. c2w10 *lwll c16w9 c15w9 clwll cZwll clwll condi- clwll c6w6 lwll SPRINGER spaniel SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS A client with funds for second mortgages, wants to buy or loan on good second mortgages. or will make some second mortgage loans on good property. For informa- tion. phone BA. 1-7484. '. W. CONROY REAL ESTATE. Willowdale phone IST MORTGAGES 2ND MORTGAGES Some private funds available to make mortgage loans. or to buy existing mortgages. W. W. Conroy, Real Estate Will- owdale. BA. 1-74847 tfcll ANY TIME you ;vant a ï¬rst or second mortgagguon your prop- .uu... ____u , - .vr erty and wouâ€"ld' like qï¬ihf aEtion $4.000 SECOND mortgage for sale. Phone 2240? Mount Albert. or 22921 Mount Albert. c2w9 TRANSPORTATION available, leaving Ne“ markct daily 6.45 for Yonge and Adelaide, Toronto. reâ€" turning leaving gowntown about TRANSPORTATION wanted from Thornhill, 113 Crestwood Road to Sterling Rd. and Dundas 01' connection with the Carlton car. Leaving Crestwood Rd. 6.30 ONE BIRD CAGE and stand in perfect condition, one lady’s gold watch and bracelet, unbreakable clasp: man's blue and pink wind- breaker, size 36-40, $3.00; lady’s red satin house coat, pockets and cuffs are honeycombed, Christ- mas box. too large. sell for $8.; one lady‘s grey gabardine suit. sell for $3.00, just from the cleaner. Mrs. George Williams. Stop 14A Thornhill, AV. 5-3278. TRANSPORTATION availatï¬ daily, between Concord and Toronto. Phone AV. 5-2324. c3w9 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richvale to Wollesley and Yonge, arriving approximately 8 o'clock. AV 5-3709. clwll WANTED passengers or driver leaving Richmond Hill 8:15 to Jane-Wilson area. Returning 6 pm. 241 Palmer Ave., off Essex. in the moirning and, "ré‘tII-rn‘faé from Sterling Road 5.30 pm; AV. 5-3978. c2w11 WATCH FOR Fall Fair Hardware Sale. $2200. in Free groceries. Bryant Hard- ware, Richvale. AV. 5â€"3821. TYPEWRI’I‘ERS & ADDING MACHINES New Underwood Portables and factory rebuilt typewriters, Vic- tor adding machines, also typeâ€" writer ribbons and carbon paper. Rentals available. Call TU. 4-1745. tfcll STUDIO COUCH, like new, half price, $45.00; 2 pairs lined bed- room drapes with single bedâ€" spread to match $15.00; 1 pair of lined bedroom drapes, double bedspread to match, $10.00. Phone TU. 4â€"1791. clwll TRANSPORTATION - available from Stop 24, arriving Yonge at Waterfront 7:45\a.m. Returning home 4:10 pm. TU. 4-2716‘ *lwll CRUSHED red brick, ideal for sidewalks and driveways. $1.30 a bag, covers approximately 18 square feet. Phone 857, Newmar- ket. c2w11 5 p.m.' Phone Eollect NewgmH-IEEE 1972. *lwll new and used electrical applian- ces and supplies is Blackburn‘s Suburban Television and Elec- tric, Thornhill. AV. 54333. th8 APPLES, 50 cents per basket; pears, 75 cents. Wanted baskets. Earl Jackson. Lot 1, Concession 3, Vaughan Township, AV. 5-1946. tfcll Line with your friends and fol- low the path to Bryant Hard- ware, Richvale. AV. 5-3821. ‘RANSPORTATION LOWER PRICES on most Lay-Away goods. A small deposit will hold any pur- chase. Bryant Hardware, Rich- vale, AV. 5-3821. cl4w9 YOUR HEADQUARTERS for STUDIO COUCH. green: natural gas stove, 4-burner, broiler, war- mer. used one year, $75. AV. 5- 1643 after 6 p.m. , *lwll DOUBLE BED, spring mattress, new condition, $25.00; also stu- dio couch, good condition. TU. 4-2573 after 5.30 pm. c1w11 RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds, any size, Quick service. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hillh WELL TILE. 30" and 36", im- mediate delivery. Lorne Baker Concrete Products. Newmarket. phone 112. tfc20 NICE bushy cedars, 3 ft. high for hedging. Phone C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-2368. Order early please. clwll WILLOWDALE MORTGAGE SERVICE MO. 2040 (Reverse charges) For Sale (cont’d) MORTGAGES LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FALL-IN *lwll c1w11 c4w11 c2w11 tfclO tfc43 w 10 Phone» AX. 3-6871 clwll WILL CARE for child any age by the day. TU. 4-1808. *lwll DOMINION RENT-ALLS UNIONVILLE We have obtained services of ex- pert mechanics, all types of me- chanical work on garden equip- ment, motors, outboards. chain saws. etc. All parts carried in tanks installed. Second hand space heaters and floor furnaces bought and sold. For guaranteed work and prompt service. night or day. phone Harold Van Dyke. TU. 4â€"1221‘ tfc8 OIL SPACE HEATER & FLOOR FURNACE SERVXCE Cleaning. repairs and parts for all makes and models. 200 gal. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks. cement work, septic tanks, soft water cisterns, carâ€" pentry work. For prompt service. call Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5- 2526. “C45 TREE SERVICE For quality workmanship In pruning. treating. planting and removing trees. Consult us. 30 years experience. Free estimates. Johnson Tree Service. TU. 4- 1320. tfc51 CALL US for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple 54R12. tfc7 PLOWING. discing, back ï¬lling. grading and front~end loading, topsoil and manure. Lance Willis. TU. 4-2096. tfc40 ROOF REPAIRS ROOF. Eavestrough. Chimney brick work. painting. general re- pair work of all kinds, prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344.‘t£c22 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Torâ€" onto; EM. 3-3686 or iWï¬oodbridrge WELL DRILLI‘SG George's Well Drilling and re- pairing, pump installed and reâ€" paired. George Adams, Box 192 King City, King 287. tfc46 RADIO REPAIRS Car radios removed and installâ€" ed. also home radios pickup and delivery. J. Fox a: Son. TU. 4- 1610. tch'.’ AV. 5-1595 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs. upholstering, cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMITET) Day and night servicel installed from $22.50. Blackburn’s Suburban 1333. PLASTERING By old country plasterer, new, old work, cornice and stucco ceilings a specialty. TU. ‘4â€"2157. tfc50 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc49 Cleaned on premises. Wall to wall carpet a specialty. Phone King 33R23. gfc28 Trees pruned, removed ‘and custom chain sawing. Free esti- mates. Phone TU. 4-1221. tfc46 NORTH YORK SODDING CO. Deilvery of quality loam and sod / or laid. 5840 Yonge St, Phone BA. 1-9877. x18w3 FROM THE BASEMENT to the roof â€" house repairs and alter- ations. J. M. Cannon Sn, Oxford St. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1810. tfcl3 ‘ OIL BURNER SERVICE Oil burners and furnaces cleaned and repaired. Merle Graham, TU. 4-3269. tfcll TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic, plastic and linoleum. Robert E. Patchell, PArkview 7-4459. 32 Mill St., Aurora. tchl ELECTRIC Day and night service on elec- trical repairs and electric appli- ance service. Phone Blackburn's Suburban. AV. 5-1333. tfc8 SAND AND GRAVEL. crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham. Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-2231. um HERRIDGE ELECTRIC Electrical wiring, repairs, sales, service. Phone TU. 4-3211. tfc30 for sand, gravel. manure, loam and ï¬ll. TU. 4â€"3341. tfcl LAWNS ROLLED and rotovating. Richmond Sod. TU. 4â€"2741. tfc44 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. ock MISCELLANEOUS RUGS & UPHOLSTERY A. MILLS & SON Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4-1711. AVenue 5~3697 tfcl7 TREE SERVICE BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-4131 TELEVISION ERIC FISH 321 5.2411 tfcl'l Phone AV. 5- ma c51w27 Aerials tfc42 “cs4 tfcl’ North York Branch. STe 8-6581, 9-6 Monday to Frida We can supply Baby Sitters Homemakers and Day Cleaners We are as near as your telephone call KINGSWAY HOUSEHOLD SERVICES SCOTS mother wishes evening work of any kind. 7 p.m. onwards, or day work where 4-year-old child can accompany. 01' home work. Typing, knitting. sewing. child~care, anything considered. Very adaptable. Box 18 The Lib- eral. *1w13 YOUNG MOTHER will give clay care for children of any age. Phone TU. 4-2214. 414 Paliser Cres., Richmond Hill. clwll HIGH SCHOOL senior wants Saturday work doing odd jobs, garden cleanup, etc. Phone TU. 4-1315. *lwll DAY CARE for children over 2 years. Monday to Friday, $8.00. fenced yard. Richmond Acres. TU. 4-3068. clwll DAY CARE available Mondays to Fridays for baby. 512. Glen Brae District. Box 23 Liberal. PIANO TUNING and all repairs. Guaranteed work- manship. Tuner for Music Camp of the Royal Conservatory of Music, churches. schools, etc. Free estimates. Phone Ambrose Engli, Thornhill, AV. 5-3365. Pick-up Service Thorough Instruction Dual controls, reasonable rates for Richmond Hill and ALL sur- rounding districts. Call AV. 5-4121 MAN will do paperhanging or painting very reasonably. years of experience, TU. 4â€"2902. tfclO BABY SITTING. by experienced woman, evenings. TU. 4-3158. HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes baby sitting, evenings. AV. 5-1084. CHILDREN cared for by day or week. central. TU. 4â€"3143. c3w11 SEPTIC TANKS Complete septic tank work. drain digging, all work guaran- teed. Call Murray Baker, phone 651 Newmarket. tfc41 EXPERIENCED ihookkeeper re- quires work to do at horhe. AV. 5-3087. C1W11 Highest quality work done by expert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. AV. 5-4111. tfc13 MOVING & CARTAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage. pack- ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. tfc2 Gormley 5601, Stouï¬ville 320 DRESSMAKING, alterations, draperies, made to order. Mrs. McPherson. 55 Woodward Ave.. Highland Park, AV. 5-1378. c2w10 READY MIXED CONCRETE for footings, floors, patios. etc GORMLEY READY-MIXED CONCRETE LTD. SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges, TU. 4-3181. fast, efficient service, anytime; Antenna installations. TU. 4- 2101. tfc48 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS to rent. Charlton Hardware, TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 ED HARRIS FUEL & STOVE OIL Fast, efficient service, AV. 5â€"3359. tfclO FRANK'S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerrits, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc50 RICHMOND HILL TV Service WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thornhill, Phone AV. 5â€"1266. tfc12 SAWS, mowers snarpened, en- gines repaired. Johnson Iron Horse Depot. 121 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. tfc51 Refrigeration. Gas and electric motors repaired. Phone King City 81.1. c4w8 ROOF REPAIRS Rooï¬ng and Siding by experts, excellent workmanship. Free esâ€" timates, TUrner 4-1479. tfc34 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill. tfc3 GENERAL carpentry. New work, kitchen cupboards alterations and repairs. TU. 4-1904. tfc9 CUSTOM Rotovating lawns and gardens. Tom Mashinter, 114 Roseview Ave., TU. 4-1170. tfc50 Pickup and delivery. ï¬ght mov- ing. TU. 4-339]. tfc37 DO YOU NEED HOUSEHOLD HELP WELL DIGGING. expert service. year round. BA. 1-4898. c4w9 ANYTHING in Painting, Paper- hanging, Decorating. etc. Phone A. Rollinson‘ TU. 4-2587. tfc9 R. H. REID, Delivery service MISCELLANEOUS Thompson‘s Driving School EMPLOYMENT WANTED ELECTRIC WELDING LEARN TO DRIVE BAKER’S SERVICE c4w10 clwll clwll tfcll tfcl3 tfc4 tfcz Real Estate Brokers Phone Toronto. EM. 6-93] Aurora PAA 7-4278. Absolutely no obligation. call us now for efficient. conï¬dential service. ’ WANTED â€" HOMES, HOMES. HOMES We have buyers waiting anxious- ly for all types of homes, espec- ially 5 to 6 room homes with low down payment in Richmond Hill district. GARAGE or shed, suitable for use as garage.,Arnold and Yonge St. vicinity. Mrs. E. Fleury. 36 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. ’ Who can help a young Dutch- man whose family is coming next month lwife and two small child- ren) for living accommodation. I am looking for a 3 room apartâ€" ment or small house near a bus stop or in Thornhill. $75 month. I work at the B-A Station in Thornhill. Tel. AV. 5-0002. *lwll 5-ROOM BUNGALOW in Rich- mond Hill. Near Yonge on sew- ers. All cash. TU. 4-2138. clwll BASEMENT APARTMENT. Hea- vy wiring and parking facilities. Quiet business couple preferred or female teacher. Occupancy October 1. Phone TU. 4-1390 af- ter 6 pm. clwll CENTRALLY lorated furnished apartment wanted in Richmond Hill for two lady teachers. Apply Box 20 “The Liberal". *lwll IMMEDIATELY required, four or more rooms or house for fam- ily for 3 months. TU. 4â€"1305‘ RESPONSIBLE young couple, 2 babies. urgently require 3 or 4 room apartment or cottage. Must be reasonable. Box 19 The Libâ€" eral. c1w11 HOUSE OR COTTAGE, Rich-fIi mond Hill area or Maple, reason- able rent. TU. 4-2989. c2w10 All makes for rent, special stud- ent‘s rates. Underwood typewrit- ers for sale, also ribb'ons & carâ€" bon paper, call TU. 4-1745. tfcll MODERN apartment for rent. immediate possession. Ele’ctrical- ly equipped parking facilities, one block west of Yonge St. on Church St. in the village. For in- formation, call TU. 4-2922. c1w10 FLOOR. SANDERS, POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS TWO ROOMS, ground floor, mo- dern conveniences. suitable for two people. Reasonable. TU. 4- 2760. clwll CONGENIAL elderly widow will share comfortable home with busineSS lady or school teacher. TU. 4-1092. clwll to rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 BED-SITTING room available, suitable for teacher or businessâ€" lady. Close to bus stop. Phone TU. 4-2255, after 5 o’clock. c1w10 LOWER DUPLEX Deluxe, 5 large, well decorated rooms, hot water oil heating. spotless, gar- age. Phone HA. 9230 for appoint- ment. clwll WILLOWDALE. near Stop 12B. Furnished business person. BA. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, all conveniences. 159 Spruce Ave. Richvale, phone AV. 5-4373 after 3 BEDROOM bungalow located on No. 7 Highway at Langsfaï¬â€˜. Apply Box 15 The Liberal. *2w9 YOUNG GIRL to share furnish- ed apartment, twin beds. TU. 4â€" 2201. c2w9 ROOM for rent with all home privileges, board if desired. 370 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill. ONE OR TWO rooms in new home with private kitchen and sink. 228 Ruggler Ave.. after 6 p.m., Richmond Hill. *lwll Richmond Hill Hardware, TU: 4-2101. 1 tfc47 3 ROOM basement apt. $60 mon- thly. 86 Cartier Crescn Richmond Hill. *Zwlo OUTBOARD motor and car top boat rentals. Fibre glass car top boat sales. AV. 5-2193. tfc48 ELECTRIC "@093 SANDER. rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc18 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tfc22 ROOM & BOARD available. ab- stainers, gentleman. TU, +2542. clwll LARGE front bedroom. furnished gentlemen preferred. 42 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill. clwll ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for BED-sitting room Ave. off Essex Ave CEMENT MIXERS TO RENT. Free delivery. AV. 5-2212‘ tch SIX-ROOMED furnished house, $80 a month. TU. 4-3136. clwll GORDON STOI’TT LTD REAL ESTATE WANTED TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES FREE APPRAISALS CAN YOU HELP? WANTED TO RENT TO RENT 241 Palmer *lwll 6-9313 and c6w9 Yonge St., room. suit 5â€"4116 *lwll *lwll *lwll tfcll tfcll REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We require immediately, sales- men for our new Richmond Hill offces. We prefer men who are anxious to get into a larger in- come bracket, married. have a neat appearance, and a present- able car. Experience not necessâ€" ary as you will be thoroughly trained and given expert assist- ance at all times This is an op- portunity for you to become asâ€" sociated with a progressive and well established ï¬rm. For inter- iew appointment call Richmond Hill manager. Mr. Shields. AV. 5-1164. Evenings TU 4-1230. DAVID McLEAN LTD.. 76 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill Members Toronto Real Estate Board REAL ESTATE SALESLADIES We have openings for 2 Sales- ladies in our Thornhill office. Ex~ perience preferred but not nec- essary. We will train you. Appliâ€" cants should be married, have a neat appearance and be aggress- ive and have full use of car. Ex‘ cellent commission arrangements. Call Mr. Jeffery. AV. 5-1211 or come direct to our office between 7-8 pm. for interview. Jack Jef- fery. Real Estate, Yonge St., Thornhill. clwll REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY Due to our tremendous expan~ sion program and the advance- ment bf present staff we have immediate openings for four en~ ergetic men of neat appearance in our busy Thornhill offices. Our salesmen are amongst the high- est income in the business. Real Estate experience is not necess~ ary A complete training pro- gram is provided with continued office assistance at all times. For nterview appointment call sales Ianager Mr. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176. avenings AV. 5-2742. DAVID McLEAN LTD.. Head Offices, Thornhill Members Toronto Real Estate Board c1u'6 AVON PRODUCTS have open- ings in Richmond Hill and vic- inity for capable ladies who have at least four hours a day to spare and who need a good income. Take advantage of the Big Christ- mas earning season now. Write or call Miss M. Towers, Apt. 306, 161 Wilson Avenue, Toronto, HU. 8-1494. clwll ATTENTION Thornhill, Rich- mond Hill, North Toronto resi- dents. Experienced acc0unts re- ceivable clerk to operate Bur- roughs Sensimatic machine, 5-day week. good working' conditions. Employee beneï¬ts. Mr. Bishop. AV. 5â€"1138. c2w10 BOYS for weekly newspaper de- livery routes, every Thursday 4 p.m.. in Beverley Acres, Rich- mond Acres. Allancourt and Glenbrae subdivisions. Apply by letter stating age and school grade to Box 21 The Liberal. YOUNG MAN wanted for con- crete work. must be strong and speak English well, steady work. Apply Industrial Cast Stone. Ob- servatory Lane, Stop 23A Yonge St., Richvale. tfclO EXPERIENCED mechanic for Richmond Hill garage. General repairs. Apply in person. Hunt 8: Cook Motors, Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 3151. c1w10 WAITRESSES, part, time. Exper- ience not necessary but please don't apply if not neat and clean. Also bus boy for Sunday nights. Phone TU. 4-1370. Summit View Restaurant. clwll MAN WANTED for grocery work, steady employment, all beneï¬ts, experience preferred but not es- sential. Apply in person to Man- ager Dominion Store, Richmond Hill. l"lwll PIN BOYS. Apply A.B.C MEN WANTED for golf course labour. Maple Downs Golf and Country Club, R. R. 2 Maple, AV. 5-3971. clwll ONE ENGINEER, shift work and 4 part time labourers. Apply H. J. Mills Ltd., Richmond Hill. STENOGRAPHER - receptionist required for varied, interesting position. Apply in writing to of- ï¬ce supervisor. York County Health Unit. Richmond Hill. ing. Richmond’Hi'll LABOURERS wanted. Richmond Sod, TU. 4-2741. tfclO HIGH SCHOOL boys wanted for after school and evenings. Apply Hal Harley Drugs, Thornhill, phone AV. 5-1577. clwll STENOGRAPHERr for ‘real esâ€" tate office, shorthand essential, 5-day week, 9-5 p m. AV. 5-3721. clwll GENERAL or mother's help for modern home in Thornhill. Own room with TV. All modern conâ€" veniences. Must be fond of child- ren. AV. 5-1563. c1w11 CARPENTERS wanted. Box 22 The Liberal or phone AV. 5-1129. clwll FEMALE â€" experienced for self- serve meat, wrapping and scaling. Apply Thornhill IGA. clwll HAIRDRESSER WANTED. Fully experienced in cutting and stylâ€" ing. TU. 4-2731. c1w10 LABOURER wanted. Phone 6-7 pm. TU. 4-1320. clwll EXPERIENCED shoe repair man or youth willing to learn. Apply Norm's Shop. Repair. *lwll HELP WANTED c2w11 clwll c1w6 tfcll KESWICK ; Three local men are credited with saving the life of another Keswick resident here when they pulled him from his burning auto. AURORA : Six students from the Aurora District High School have won awards and bursaries for further education. ALL BREED puppies wanted. Best prices paid. AV 5-3575 or LEnnox 2-8550. tfc9 ROOM 8: BOARD available for for working man. TU. 4-1856. ROOM & BOARD available with day care optional. 4 East Taylor Mills Dr., Beverley Acres, Rich- mond Hill. clwll BLACK Velvet cap out of car on John St‘. near Yonge. Reward. HUdson 9â€"2587. clwll MEN'S Parker fountain pen. blue fleck case. in or near Can. Bank of Commerce. Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-2142. Reward. *1w11 CAPONS, and fowl, highest pri- ces paid. Don’t sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Aidges Poultry Grading Station. phone TU. 4-2643. tfc27 ROOM & BOARD available for one or two gentlemen, large pleasant room. TU, 4-2688. clw-ll PART COLLIE DOG. male, half grown. sand colour. black face, Langstaï¬, vicinity Duï¬'erin- Bathurst area. AV. 5-1967 clwll ONE WOOD STOVE. AV. 5-3783 ALL kinds of dogs and pups, Walter Lowe, RRI Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2472 tfc7 HIGHEST PRICES PAID‘ All models used cars and trucks wanted for wrecking; also used parts. tires. etc., for sale. B. & A. Auto Parts, TU. 4-2236. 1“; miles north of No 7 Highway on 3rd line. Markham Twp. 'tfcll 1953 PONTIAC sedan delivery. Good condition. New tires and brakes. Will sell for $650 cash 01‘ trade for older var. TU. 4-1667. 50 FORD Coach. Must sell, only $300. TU. 4-2303. c1w11 1955 NASH Statesman. Low mile- age. Apply 65 Hunt Ave.. Rich- mond Hill. Phone TU. 4-1384. 1949 CHRYSLER in excellent condition. whitewall tires, auto- matic. radio, private. Phone TU. 4-2983. *lwll 50 AUSTIN Sedan. Good for sec- ond car, $200. AV. 5-3455. clwll LOT 90x300 on Oak Ave.. Rich- vale. near Yonge SL, phone TU. 4-2157. thQ MUST BE SOLD Lot 60‘ x 427‘ Mm ravine and creek. south of Richmond Hill. Basement 24‘ x 46' already com- pleted; also furnace. hot air with oil. Water on street. Must be sold. Phone between 8 and 9 mornings. LE. 3-0561. c2w10 NHA RESALE N0 SALARY REQUIREMENTS 6 room bungalow with attached garage, comple‘ely decorated. aluminum storms and screens. 8 months old, moderate down pay- ment for quick sale. Phone TU. 4-3216 or come to Sidney Sears Real Estate Ltd. 465 Maramac Road, one block north on Bay- view. off Markham Road‘ c1w10 51 PREFECT. running condition. TU. 4-1954 after 5 pm. *lwll 7-ROOM brick house. also brick shop 22x44. On 100 foot lot in village of Mgple on Main Street. Apply TU. 4-1186. *lwll throughout. full basement. oil heated. Private drive, move right in. empty. Low down payment. Further Information, call TU. 4- 1113. clwll Spacious, six room rambling bungalow. built for owner's spec- iï¬cations. many extras. excep- tionally large lot, $5.000 down will handle. For more informa- tion contact Mr. Wallen. TU. 4- 3216 or come direct to Sidney Sears, Real Estate Limited. 465 Maramac Road, Richmond Hill. clwll USED CARS AND TRUCKS VALUABLE house for sale by tender for wrecking or removal from the premises, the two-storey brick house at the Northeast cor- ner of Yonge St. and Markham Rd.. Richmond Hill. Kindly for- ward price you would be willing to pay for building directly to Construction Department, Super- test Builing, LondonyOntario. CZWII HOME FOR DISPRIMINATING BUYER 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. hardwood ROOM & BOARD REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUYING CALL FENN SELLING CALL FENN AV. 5-1595 LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED LOST c1w11 c1w11 clwll tfcl SAT., SEPT. 29 â€" Important auction sale of Farm Stock and Implements. including Holstein and Guernsey Cattle, Int'l W.D. 9 Diesel Tractor. Allis Chalmers Tractor W.C., M-H 12’ Combine selfâ€"propelled with pickup, Case Forage Harvester and complete line of Power Implements. Hay and Household Furniture, etc., at Lot 28. Con. 8. Pickering Twp., the property of Fred Draper. Terms cash. No reserve as farm sold. Sale at 12 sharp. Sid Pugh, Clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. Phone Gormley 5311. Claremont W.A. will serve lunch. 2. King Townsh;p. Terms cash. No reserve as owner is going out of dairy business. Sale at 2 pm. Catalogues on request. A. S. Far- mer. auctioneer. Morliey Cook. clerk. Wm. Ness on pedigrees. SAT., SEPT. 29 â€" Auction sale of household furniture. Complete outï¬t of 6-1‘oom dwelling. Elec- tric stove. many antiques, includ- ing china cabinet. handmade hooked and braided rugs, bedding dishes. etc. At 139 Temperance St Aurora. The estate of the late George Phillips. Terms cash, no reserve. Sale at 1 pm. Gordon Phillips. auctioneer. WED. SEPT. 26 â€"â€" Complete d15- persal of 28 head of Ayrshires. registered, accredited. vaccinat- ed, R.O.P. Records dating back to 1925. Included in this offering is the highest 3-y1‘. old in the Tor- onto District in 1955. The prop- erty of M. B Beynon, lot 3, con. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 22nd â€"Auction sale of Dairy cattle, combine, tractor. farm stock. implements, hay. grain, furni~ ture, etc., on Lot 7. Con. 4, Markham Twp. on Highway. Property of CLAflENCE SCOTT. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash, no reserve. farm .sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice. Auctioneers. SAT.. SEPI‘. 22 â€" Auction sale of 35 head of beef and dairy cat~ tle, 2 tractors (33 Massey, Fordl, Massey-Harris c‘lipper combine, Case Forage harvester and full line of farm equipment, hogs. hay and straw. Property of Chas. Williams. lot 19. Con. 2 King, 11/; miles west of Aurora. 12.30 pm. sharp. F. N. Smith, auctioneer. SAT.. SEPT. 22 â€"â€" Auction sale of dual purpose shorthorn cattle. implements and so forth, on Lot 33. west half of 6th Concession. Vaughan Township. Property of Robert Sloan. sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. A. M. McEwen, auc- tioneer. c3w10 FRI.. SEPT. 21 -â€" Auction sale of household furniture. 21" Ad- miral television set with antenna. Easy washing machine. dining r'oom suite. carpenter and garden tools. etc., on part of Lot 66, Con- cession 1. King Twp.. 1/2 mile west of Oak Ridges on King Sideroad. Property of George Mycock. Terms cash. No reserve. Owner going to England. Sale at 2:00 pm. Ken 8.: Clarke Prentice. auc- tioneers. clwll SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th â€"Extensive auction sale of fully accredited and listed R.O.P. herd registered Holstein cattle. M-H combine. hay baler. farm stock. implements. hay. grain. furni- ture etc., on Lot 15, Con. 6. Vaughan Twp. Property of ALBERT RUTHERFORD. Sale starts at 11 am. sharp. Cattle sale 2.30 pm. Terms cash. no reserve. farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice. Auctioneers. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 20th â€"Important auction sale of 25 head dairy cattle. new Massey 60 combine. New Idea PTO baler, pony. farm stock. imple- ments, grain, furniture. Oliver diesel tractor. etc., on Lot 13, Con. 8. Markham Twp.. Mark- ham Village. Entrance at C.N.R. station. Property of HENRY MICHELL. Sale at 12 noon. Terms cash, no reserve, farm sold. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice. Auctioneers. THURS. SEPT. 13 â€" Important auction sale of exceptionally good furniture and household furnish- ings. including piano, solid ma- hogany dining room suite. bed- room suites, \vindsor chair (all like new, bedding. number of hand paintings (extra good). china cabinet, walnut cedar-lined wardrobe‘ Inante clock with chimes. number lugs. radio. book case. walnut dressing table and bench. NOTE: This is an excep- tlonally good lot of furniture. The property of Mrs. A. V. Nolan. on Main St.. Stouï¬ville at the east end. Property sold. No reserve. Terms cash. R. E. Faulk- ner. clerk. Sale at 1.30 pm. sharp. Sellers 8; Atkinson, auctioneers. FRL SEPT. 14 â€"- Auction sale of 25 head of registered and high grade Holstein dairy value; 2 late model tractors. pick~up bal- er. combine. milk cooler Surge milker, along with other imple- ments, hay grain. standing en- silage corn crop. etc, on part of lot 17. concession 2. Scarboro Twp.. 1 mile east 0: No. 48 High- way. on Ellesmeie Rd. Property of Mrs. J. and Mrs. G. McBride. Sale at 1 pm. I‘erms cash. No reserve. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. WED. SEPT. 19 â€" Auction sale of modern farm machinery. 2 tractors, forage harvester, new Massey-Harris side rack, surge milkers, etc., furniture: dining- room suite, Chesterï¬eld. televis- ion. etc. Property of Norman Kei- fer. Next to Drive Inn Theatre. corner Malton Road and Highway 27. Sale at 1 pin. A. M. McEwen. auctioneer. *lwll SALE REGISTERS LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS {9,0 BRING QUICK - . c2w11