School News Tho‘rnlea school reâ€"opened last week with Mr. Gordon Learn as principal. Miss Nicholson and Miss Wheeler returned to their former classes. Mrs. Olmstead, who has moved to Vancouver, has been replaced by Miss C. Ro- pnc of Toronto, a graduate of Teachers‘ College Mr. Ross Mc- Allister' of Toronto, also a grad- uate 'of Teachers’ College, is re- placing Mr. McSporran. The latter has joined the staff of the Bell Telephone Co. and is at present up near Hudson‘s Bay, installing micro-wave lines. An- other new teacher is Mrs. Snary, a part-time teacher who will teach at Thornlea schol on Monday and Wednesday mornings and Tues- The ï¬rst meeting of the Thorn- lea Home and School Association will be held on Wednesday. Sep~ tember 19. instead of Sept. 12, as previously announced. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Leslie Milnerpresident of the Freedom Foundation of Canada. The Rev. Mr, Milne taught school in China during the Russian and the Jap- anese occupations. He is strongly antieqiommunist and will present a vi‘vd picture of conditions in China, All parents of the district nrg'pun’ged not to miss this inter- esting and forceful speaker. WMMWE During the summer, the school grounds have been greatly im- proved. The south walk has been widened. the east bank of the school is now sodded, and grounds have been graded for baseball and volley ball. Jump- ing pits have been prepared and a playground is being organized. Home 8: School I THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 13, 1956 day“ and Thursday afternoons. Mrs. Snary is a university grad- uate and has taught school in Alberta and Quebec as well as in Ontario. She will also be teach- lng pal-Mime at Langstaï¬ Pubâ€" llc School. mmt News 'Reports indicate a large Nationally known Supermar- ket. chaln is planning to locate in Thornhill. Present plans call for the stqre to be bull: éw Supermarket For Thornhill on the Markham side of Yonge Street. One of the problems to be solved to the satisfaction of the Depart- ment of Highways is the mat~ ter of an access to and from Yonge Street. More informa- tion as t.) the exact Incation of the store is expected to be forthcoming shortly. Over 25 years experience in the Better Shops in Toronto Free Estimates AV. 5-1682 Preventive Maintenance Keeps You On The Go Hunt 8. Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 *Check carburetor. trans- mission. distributor. ‘Check engine; get tune-up if needed. 'Check battery. thermostat. hose connections. THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. J. C. Donnelly Phone AV 5-1777 2 PIECE ChESTEREIEfD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 (Including materials) 5 Year Guarantee $10.00 Down - 2 Years to Pay Special Prices on Commercial Work A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING TELEPHONE AV. 5«35 SENTINEL Miss Elizabeth Neil. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R H. Neil. is visiting at home with her parents for a few weeks prior to return- ing to Woodeden Crippled Childâ€" ren's Centre near London Ont. Miss Neil is nursery school sup- ervisor at Woodeden and has re- cently attended zhe ï¬rst confer- ence for profe=sional workers sponsored by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children at the Un- iversity of Toronto. A graduate of Richmond Hill High School and the RyerSOn Institute she was appointed to the position a year ago following completion of the Ryerson coune -in child man~ agement. Miss Neil says that the child- ren in her section ranging in age from four to seven years seem to accept their various handicaps and are both happy and eager to learn. She will .eave for Lon- don at the end of September for the reâ€"opening of school in Octo- ber. Today. September 13, David Fox of Glen Cameron is enjoying his sixth birthday. Ladies’ Club The Doncaster Community La- dies Club held its annual corn roast at the home of Mrs. J. Ad- kins, on Proctor Ave. September 4. A good time was had by all of the approximately 18 ladies who attended. It was announced that :1 Scout Church Parade will be held on Sunday, September 16, at 6 pm. The procession will begin at the Th'ornhill Farmers Market and continue to Trinity Anglican Church. There the Cubs and Scouts of the Doncaster organi- zation will attend the regular ev- ening service. On Sept. 14 Diane Barbour of Henderson Ave., will be nine years old. She is celebrating her birthday with a party attended by her playmates. Sharon Steele, Morgan Ave.. is celebrating her fourth birthday party with her young friends on September 15. Douglas kindness will be seven on September 14 and will hold a joint celebration with his aunt, Mrs. J. Greenshield. Both are Henderson Avenue residents. Now residing at 17 Proctor Ave. are Mr. and Mrs. Thiessen and family from Waldheim. Sask. Welcome to Doncaster, Mr. and Mrs. Thiessen. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Loach on their re- cent marriage at St. John's Conâ€" vent, Bracebridge The bride is the formerJoan Tarp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tarp of 85 Clarke Ave. Neighbours and friends of Mrs. Dale of Proctor Ave., are sorry to hear that she is in the hospital as of last Friday‘ September 7. Scout Church Parade The Second Thornhlll Scout Troop held their ï¬rst regular meeting of the season at Hender- son Ave. Public School Thursday! September 6. ' BUY THE BEST IN ALUMINUM STORMS 'Bonded Factory Salesmen PETE CRAPPER AV. 5-2558 mepwkp :a \- wwVW I W At Conference Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AVenue 5~2288 DONCASTER J 55 The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . . . Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Donald Smellie. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-3555. TENDERS FOR COAL Tenders will be received by the undersigned fly the supply ’and delivery of 150 Tons of Eureka No. 1 Stoker Coal for Richmond Hill High School, Richmond Hill. Ont- ario, to be delivered as re- quired. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. MRS. J. R. McALISTER, Secretary, Richmond Hill District High School Board, Box 220. The W.A. of Thornhill United Church opened their ï¬rst meet- ing of the fall Thursday after- noon of last week in the church hall with an excellent attendance. Mrs. C. Sinclair, the president, presided over the meeting, the devotional was taken by Mrs. E. Meuser, her subject being “The Lord is My Shepherd." Final plans were made to cater for the Brownie Banquet to be held this month and convenors were ap- pointed. Hostesses were Mrs. C. P. Johns and Mrs. J. Fisher. St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Ornamental railings, signs. lamps, etc. No. 7 Highway, Corner of Leslie Street AV. 5-1423 The regular Sunday school classes of Thornhill United Church will commence again starting Sunday, Sept. 16th. Nur- sery for 2 and 3 year olds. clas- ses 4 years and up. The Senior Sugday School starts at 9.45 am. W. . His Excellency Bishop F. A. Marrocco will be present to open the fall bazaar at St. Luke's Church Hall being held October 20th from 2 pm. to 5 pm. Cubs Robert Jarrett of London has returned home after spending a month visiting his cousins the Henshaw Boys. His parents Mr. Church News Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hicks of Mitchell. Ontario, formerly of Thornhill, spent a couple of days in town last week visiting the ONE. and also with their family. Thornhill United ' Sunday, September 16th, the Masonic Order from King City will be Temperanceville United Church guests. The worship ser- vice will be conducted by Rev. V. A. Wood at 11.15 am. Sunday School will be held as usual at 10.30. All children are welcome at both Sunday School and Church services. The September W.A. and WMS. meeting willl be held at the church at 2.30 pm. on Thursday of the month. The topic will be taken by the WA. with Mrs. Wilbert Jennings acting as pro- gram convenor. The roll call is a favourite hymn. Mrs. Jack Mac- klin and Mrs. Lorne Cunniqgham are lunch convenors. The W.A. will provide a noon and evening meal for those at- tending the plowing match which is to be held at Temperanceville 2nd concession north, on Octo- her 16th. Personals Miss Joan Hare was success- ful in passing her senior swim- ming test at the ThOrnhill Pool. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Morton and children of Oshawa formerly of John Street have returned to Thomhill and are now living on Thornbank Rd. Keep in mind Anniversary Ser- vices at 11 am. and 7.30 pm. on September 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Don McGiverin Thornridge Drive, were week-end guests of MI. and Mrs. Richard McGiverin, Montreal. The Annual Turkey Supper sponsored by Temperanceville W. A. will be‘ heldxm Wednesday, October 10th, (note change of date), from 5.30 pm. to 8 pm. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON. K. II. 3. KING .. Phone TU. 4-3059 NEWTONBROOK IRON WORKS TEMPERANCEVILLE ' NEWS Ihornhill Notes Twenty members of the Horti~ cultural Society held a picnfc at Midhurst Park, Saturday of Last week. and Mrs. Leonard Jarrett and sis- ters Patricia and Diane were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henshaw over the Labour Day Week-end. Mrs. Helen Campbell of the Suâ€" perior Bulb C0,, Lorne Park, will address the regular meeting of the Horticultural Society, Tuesday evening) Sept. 18th in the United Church H 11, and will speak on the growl g and care of ulbs. A draw will be held for fa bloom~ ing crocuses and bulbs. Everyone is invited. Thornhill Pharmacy C. E. Stoneburg Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. Mr. John Armand. after visiting his family, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Annand, Marilyn, Diane and Billy has left for Kingston where he will attend college, (B.M.C.) . Nickie Henshaw was successful in passing his junior Red Cross Swimming test which was quite a thrill for the young lad. Mr. and Mrs. B. Jack, second concession north of Temperance- ville have motored to Alabama were they will be staying for approximately. 10 months. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark have enjoyed being guests of their son. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark and daughter, Mrs. Keiner at their cottage. Congratulations to the Horti- cultural Society for having two ï¬rsts and one second prize for flower baskets at the ONE. The flowers were se'ected from 12 different gardens in Thornhill and were arranged by Mr. P. Bone, Mr. P. Horton and Mr. Alan Sumne. ‘ Mr. David McClure is now re- siding in Tofonto where he will att_e_nd Teqchï¬irs College. 7 The Women’s Mission Circle of Thornhill Baptist Church opened their first meeting of the fail with a pot luck supper. Miss Gladys Stevens, the President. was very pleased with the gen- eral spirit of the supper which followed by the evening meeting. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Ellam, Mrs. E. Twine gave an illustrated talk on the work of the Baptist Church throughout Quebec. The meeting closed with refreshments, con- vened by Mrs. Evans. Horticultural Society The ï¬rst meeting of Thornhill Cubs “B†Pack will be Tuesday, Sept. 18th at the NEW starting time 6.30 pm. at the Cub house in Thornhil] Park. Thornhill Baptist SEPT. 13, 14 Thurs†Fri Technicolor Alan Ladd Audrey Dalton BELLS ON THEIR TOES Technicolor Debra Paget Jeanne Crain SEPT. 15. 17 Sat. Mon. SEPT. 18. 19 'Eues†Wed. YELLOWNECK (Adult) Technicolor Lin McCarthy Stephen Courtleigh DOUBLE JEOPARDY Cartoon Cartoon Expert Drug Service Max Factor Cosmetic: Prescription Service View-Mater Reels THOSE REDHEADS FROM SEATTLE Technicolor Rhonda Fleming Gene Barry YANKEE PASHA Technicolor Jeff Chandler Rhonda Fleming DRUM BEAT Thornhill Vitamins News News tor driven cut 280 acres 1 Grain Auger 1 Farm-Hand bale buncher, new 40’ Endless drive belt 1 Rubber tire wagon and racks 1 Steel wheel wagon CockshuttKISAS 7’ power mower, 5 yrs. old Cockshutt 4-bar side delivery rack. 5 yrs. old Cockshutt Fertilizer grain drill, 13-drum, good Tractor‘rnanure spreader, Fleury- racks Ford Cultivator 3-row scuï¬ler Case Forage Harvester, motor driven, used four seasons, both hay and corn attachments Case Forage Blower with pipes, ratchet unloader Forage boxes, with unloading ir- ons â€" 1 med. 13’x6’x6’; 1 large 14’x7’x6’ M-H Clipper Combine 6‘ cut, mo- Bissell, 5 yrs. old IHC 7-disc one-way disc, good IHC Spring tooth Cultivator. good Mâ€"H 3-furrow plough, 125’ bot- tom 6 Sec. Otaco diamond barrows 3 Sec. spring tooth harrows 1 Land roller, 2 drum Quantity of barbed wire Circular Saw Electric Fencer Set of 2000 lb. scales Cedar posts Hog weigh scales 1 bench vise 1 Medium anvil 6 Can Woods drop-in milk cooler 4 Can‘Woods‘ drop-in milk cooler one year 1950 Ford Tractor, good Ford-Ferguson Plough, two 10" articles Furniture One 3-piece Chesterï¬eld Suite 3 Bedsteads with springs 8: mat Dairy Cattle whme 5 Donna Tex Highcroft, born Aug. 30/53, bred Feb. 10/56 May Countess Royal, born July 6/53, freshened June 25/56 May Countess Supreme, born Nov. 1/49, fres'iened Jul. 1/56 MlSS Lily Posch Abbekirk, born July 31/54. due Feb/57 . Miss May Countess Rag Apple, born July 31/56 Reg. Hereford Bull Elmlea Ellis Domino 3G 342865, born April 15. 1952. Sire Ringâ€" wood Crust Grade Cattle 1 J. Holstein cow, 21/5 years old, milking, bred July 2/56 2 Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, milk- ing, bred June 17/56 Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, milk- ing. bred June 28/56 Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, milk- ing. bred Feb. 25/56 Holstein cow. 6vyrs. old, milk- ing, bred July 17/56 Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, milk- ing; bred June 28/56 Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, milk- ing, bred April 4/56 8 Holstein cow, 3 yrs. old, milk- ing .bred July 19/56 O’UIRD’ 7 ' 9 Holstein cow. 5 yrs. old, milk- ing, bred July 21/56 1 Holstein heifer, 20 mos. old, bred AuguG/56 10 Holstein heifer, 5 yrs. old, milking, bred June 26/56 12 Holstein heifer, born Jan. 1, 1955, not bred 13 Holstein heifer, born April, 1955 14 Guernsey heifer, born April 12/56 15 Holstein heifer,, born March 1956 Beef Cattle 8 3 3 2 Shorthorn Steers, about 800 1b. Roan Steers, about 800 lbs. Hereford & Shorthorn Steers Black Steers, 2 Black Heifers, 1 Yorkshire Sow, 2nd litter with 5 pigs 1 Yorkshire Sow, 2nd litter, bred middle of June 1 Yorkshire Sow, 3rd litter. bred end of June 26 Chunks Machinery 33 Masseyâ€"Harris Tractor, used good working r3rderfl Univgrsal _3n§1ki_ng machine. 3 1% h.p. Motor 1%; h.1 11/3 h.p. Motor Two 1; h.p. Motors Quantity of baled hay 6 Acres of silage corn Forks. shovels and ott all about 800 lbs. 2 Hereford Heifers 1 Holstein Steer Pigs bottomé 1951 5&4 Ton Chev. Truck with units, outlets for 25 cows Woods oat roller, new rollers M-H Electric Cream Separator Motors 0F 35 HEAD OF BEEF & DAIRY CATTLE 2 Tractors (33 Massey. Ford) M-II Clipper Combine. Case Forage Harvester. & Full Line of Farm Equipment, Hogs. Hay and Straw Property of CHAS. WILLIAMS Lot 19, Con. 2, King Township, 11/; miles west of Aurora SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 12:30 sharp Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brian Smith are seen following their recent wedding in St. Philip’s Anglican Church, Un- ionville. The bride is the former Pamela Ann Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks of Langstaï¬". The groom is formerly of Harrow, Middlesex, England. AUCTION SA LE Newmarket Summer Wedding 11TH sold 3t other useful h.p. Motor ioneer, and straw upboa arm Remember our large stock was selected for styles and values. The new bulky hats in small and large sizes have a deï¬nite appeal, for they are designed to attract attention. Pastels and darks are more luscious in shad- ing and come in Velvets. Velours, Melusines, Fur and Wool Felts. We also ,carry Girls’ Hats for the young Miss. You will like to choose your Fall Handbags at Madeleine’s for we have a selec- tion of 600 to show you in leather. corde and plastic If you want the Different Look in handbags, there are many styles that have iust arrived from Italy. We have Costume Jewellery. Gloves. Scarves and Hosiery for all occasions. A Stoplight at Yonge and Fair- lawn is now installed to help pedestrians cross this busy in- tersection in greater safety. §§N§§§§§£J§§§§waï¬wï¬w‘flkgiwï¬ï¬ï¬‚lg There‘s NEW fashion excite ment in this season's millinery which we selected from the lead- ing designS'in Paris, New York and Montreal. ‘ Come in and see yourself in the important new silhouette -â€" smarter, richer and more flat- tering than ever. BOB’S ESSO SERVICE STATION CHASSIS LUBRICATION & MINOR REPAIRS Yonge and Arnold AV. 5-0015 Thomh: 1000 FALL HATS 3319 YONGE ST. 2 bus stops below city limits At Fab-lawn BU. 8-5406 Open till 6.30 p.1n. Friday till 9 pm. Millinery 8: Accessories Lmaole/eine ; MADELEINE HAVE ARRIVED ED HARRIS For Fuel Oil OPEN BVEZY SATURDAY - Stop 15, Yonge St, at Thornhill FARMEBS’ e MARKET o Stove Oil AV. 5-3359 Famous For Fresh Produce 'eine a Thomhill OUR NEW RECORD BAR Q uburban T E L E V I S I O N and Electric Company Phone AV. 5-1333 Ti THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ‘ Richmond Hill Branch: H. C. Powell “WM-rs and Sense" HEATING & APPLIANCES Oil Burners Installed & Repaired Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Over 25 Years In Business Stop 24 Yonge St., Richvale . TU. 4-1610 Plan now to see our wide selection SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER lst You’ll ï¬nd it much easier to keep an accurate record of your current expenses when you have a Current Account. When you pay all bills by cheque on your Current Account, you receive back, at the end of each month, all your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have made. The cancelled cheques serve as receipts â€"-and are accepted in court as evidence of payment of the amount shown. Furthermore, they aré much easier to ï¬le away than receipts and take less room to store. With them and your bank statements, you’ll ï¬nd it far easier to get an exact picture of how you spend your money. So it’s a good move to use a Current Account for paying all current billsvand keep your Savings Account for actual savings. How can YOU beneï¬t from having a Current Account? J. FOX & SON of recordings. OPENS BLACKBURN’S plan to phone us. when you arrange ery fuel oil service. Before winter comes for our spaced deliv- We do all the work Thornhill ‘11; kwï¬ r/ï¬