Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1956, p. 5

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1" RICHMOND HILL. ._ Rev. M. S. MacLean of York- ton. Saskatchewan. will be in charge of the service at the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church next Sunday, September 16. at 11 o’clock. Mr. MacLean is a graduate of Knox College and an ex-servlceman. having been with the Air Force during World War II. He took hold of a small group in Yorkton. Saskatchewan. upon his graduation and now that town has a sizable congrega- tion and a very large Sunday 'School. Mr. MacLean is known throughout the church for his ability as a preacher, organizer and pastor. He will have a real message for the congregation. On Thursday. September 13th. the W.M.S. of the United Church, Richmond Hill, will hold their regular meeting at 2.30 pm. The guest speaker ls‘Miss Lillian Tay- dor, a Missionary nurse, at pres- ent home on furlough from An- gola, Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry and family of St. John's Parish, Port Whitby, visited the Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Chote during the week. After inspection of the new Parish Hall of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Mr. Perry was much impressed by its design and construction, also the modern facilities aflorded. An “Open House“, will follow the evening service. when an op- portunity will be given to the , arishoners and their friends to 00k over the new building. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Collins of Glendale, Arizona. have been re- cent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Higgins, Harding Blvd. Mother and Daughter Tea will be held on Sunday, September 16. from 3 to 5 pm. at the Edith Cavell Residence. Toronto West- ern Hospital for the graduating nurses. One of the graduates, Miss Elizabeth Maxwell, will have as guest. her sister. Mrs. Nan- ette Smith. of Richmond Hill. Bishop F" H. Wilkinson, Lord Bishop of Toronto. will officially open “Wrixon Hall.” the new par- ish hall of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Richmond Hill. on Sun- day evening at 7 pm. The former Rector, Rev. W. F. Wrixon is to be the guest preacher. and several out-of-town friends of the Parish will be visiting on this occasion. A n” Steven Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Tennant was bap- tized at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Richmond Hill on Sun- day, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall as Godparents by proxy. Usual Courteous Reliable Service no telephone at present GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1312 INSURANCE NOW OPEN Modern Singer Sewing Centre 12 CENTRE STREET EAST RICHMOND HILL Please watch future advertisement for telephone number HERBERT R. BUTT The Liberal is alwaya glad to reeeive mic: and personal Items for this page and a call to Want 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome uewa reporia about ehureh organizations. women’a and men’s societies, lodges and other maps. While copy will be ae- eepted up to Wednesday of each week. it le desir- able to have it in earlier it possible Co ensure lie publication. Associated With Dependable Service Telephone Mr. Duard Rose, new Super- vising Principal of Richmond Hill Public Schools, will be the guest speaker at the opening meeting of the Walter Scott Home and School Association on Sep- tember 20, at 8 pm. It is ex- pected there will be a large at- tendance of interested parents as Mr. Rose's talk will deal with the “Grade Level” system of educa- tion. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Snider have returned from a three-week mo- tor trip to Winnipeg and Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Snider visited Mr. Snider's brother. Mr. Oliver Snider ,whom they haven't seen 'in 40 years. Mr. Snider comment- ed that crops are generally re- tarded in the west and while it looks as if it would be a good harvest, farmers are having con- siderable difficulty bringing it in. Averaging 400 miles a day, they experienced rain almost every day of the trip. They travelled west via Sault Ste. Marie and Duluth. and returned by way of Flint, Michigan. They were ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keffer of Maple. Gloria Jean Stacey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stacey. Beverley Acres, was christened on Sunday. September 2, in St. Mary's Catholic Church. Relatives attending the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. R. Thornley, Alder- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Thurgood, Karney, Mr. and Mrs. A. Biffis. Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Burlington. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dodds, Toronto. Mr. L. Mumberson of Victoria Square. and formerly of the Tor- onto Police Department will be guest speaker at the first meeting of the Men’s Club of Richmond Hill United Church on Monday evening, September 17. at 6.30 p.m. in the Sunday School room. The speaker will discuss police work. its organization, training and management. President Dick- son Miller has extended a cor- dial welcome to all men of the church to attend. There is to be an early cele- bration of the Holy Communion at 8.00 am, on Sunday morning at St. Mary's Anglican Church The time of this early Service has been moyed up to allow for the double Sunday morning Services at 9.30 am. and 11.00 am. A Father & Daughter lunch- eon will be held at the Town and Country Club on Monday, Sep- tember 17, at 1 pm. for the grad- uating Nurses of the Toronto Western Hospital. 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317 There are three new teachers on the staff this year, Sister Jac- queline, Mr. L. Roman and Mr. G. Goulah, bringing the staff to five lay teachers and two sisters. The two men on the staff are as- sisting with an athletic program for the students and playground supervision. Enrollment at Our Lady of Fatima School. Richmond Hill, has reached a new high this year according to principal, Mother St. Dominic. The present regis- tration for the fall term is 280 students, a marked increase over last June‘s enrollment of 225. An- other new classroom has been put into use bringing the total number of classes to seven. ‘ Mrs. Charles Hooper and Mrs. Frank Mason poured tea, and were assisted in the serving by Miss Rosemary March. Miss Lil- lian L. Butler, and Mrs. M. Bur- gin. Celebrate 25th Anniversary Among the local and out-of- town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason, who, at the time of Mr. and Mrs. Bourne's wed- ding, were bridesmaid and best man. The oldest celebrant was MI. Joseph Monnman, 84 years, father of Mrs. Bourne, an the youngest was David Hooper, aged 2. Lovely gifts, together with bas- kets of flowers wer received. The wedding anniv rsary cake was of three tiers, white with silver trimmings. Separate School Enrollment 280 Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bourne celebrated their 25th wedding an- niversary at a family gathering at their home, Bathurst Street, on Friday, September 7. Among the 75 guests and rel- atives present, were their two daughters, Mrs. Richard Wright of the Queensway, and Mrs. George Hooper of Buttonville, accompanied by their husbands. Unable to be present was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bourne. Well- ington David, who is statixled at the RCAF base. White Horse, Yukon. A telegram of congratu- lations was received from the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Nock, of Sudbury. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Farren. Kettleby, Ontario, will be at home to their friends and relatives on Sunday, September 23, 1956, from 3 to 5 and 7 to 10 pm. on the occasion of their 25th Wed- ding Anniversary. clwll CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H FAHEY â€" Bill and Doris are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Catherine Ann, born at the York County Hospital, Newmarket, on Tues- day, September 11, at 12:25 am. a sister for Wendy, Paul and Bill. *lwll Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. What- ley of Thornhill announce the engagement of their daughter, Dilys Eloise, to Duncan Bruce Chamney. son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M. Chamney of Toronto. The marriage will take place on Saturday, October 6, 1956, at 3 pm. in Thornhill United Church, Thornhill. c1w11 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper of Buttonville wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Cora, to William John Robb. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Robbpf Toronto. The mar- riage will take place on Satur- day. September 29. at 3 pm. in Brown’s Corners United Church. clwll JONES â€" Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones are happy to announce the birth of their son at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, August 27, a brother for Darlene. *lwll WILLIAMS â€" Mr. and Mrs. George Williams are happy to announce the birth of their ‘ daughter. Virginia Lee. born at the Grace Hospital. Toronto. on Friday, August 31. at 1.30 p.m., a sister for Beverley. ORR â€" Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr (nee Mary Kefier) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Patricia Lynn, at Grace Hospital. Toronto. on September 3. 1956, a sister for Ronald and Anita. *lwll After a thorough examin- ation, the doctor can deter- mine whether or not you have complications that require special medical attention. He can also decide how much weight you should lose. and advise approved methods by which you can lose it safely. Follow your doctor‘s advice about diet. Authorities say that weight loss usually should not exceed 6 to 8 pounds a months A diet that causes more rapid loss. may fail to provide food elements the body needs. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Your Optimum Weight See your doctor before at- tempting to reduce. Virtual- ly all cases of overweight are due to overeating. Some cases. however, may be com- plicated by other conditions. «Engagements fifth prize as chaififiid-flioidfliifilâ€"e fiddler at the ONE. He played in the 75 and over class. SUTTON : Sam Park has won his Headford W.A. opened its fall season’s activities with a meet- ing on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ben Terry. Despite the storm fifteen members were present. Some plans for Anniver- sary, now only a week away, were discussed. before Mrs. Terry instroduced Mrs. Sissler, guest of the evening. We were entran- ced to hear of Mrs. Sissler's two years sojourn in the lovely city of Copenhagen. Denmark, altho- ugh she said life there is still very backward as far as “Modern Living" is concerned. However, a student there, gets education quite free, and one might almost say they are directly toward it from childhood. At nine years of age. all children have an exam- ination. and if they pass this, and a succeding one in their early teens, they are‘ launched on a university study which may take them far. And this goes, literally, for all Danish students are wide- ly travelled. In fact, generally Danish people, are widely trav- elled. They belong to the Luth- eran Church. and make much of their Confirmation into the Church. but it seems almost as though it ends there. Mrs. Sissler said her observations led her to the opinion, the Danes are not a spiritually minded people. The‘ women are excellent house-keep- ers, marvellous cooks, extrem- ely thrifty; and the men are con-l sidered to be first class workers. Next Wednesday will be the twenty-fifth anniversary for Mr. and Mrstim Curtis. Congratulat- ions! Also birthday greetings to David Rumble and Mr. George Barker. “‘3 Mrs. Morris was visiting early in the week with Lorraine and Murray Acreman and went with them to visit Mr. and Mrs. Stan Beckford. by Don Large Teen Town is on again. Our Kick-Off dance will be held this Saturday, September 15, at the Lions‘ Hall. Star: the fall right by coming to Teen Town. This Lions Club sponsored organiza- tion is back again for the second half of its first year. It starts at 8.30 pm. and stops at 11.30. Shirts and skirts are the dress with no jeans please. If you’re alive and between 13 and 19 in- clusive, be sure that you are at Teen Town’s Kick-off dance. If you want to become a member for theâ€"rest of the year, the cost is two bits. The same will get you in if you’re a member. Slightly higher for non-members who will need sponsors. There will be a few new records to keep the rep- ertoire up to date. Teen Town is rolling again, so make sure that you‘re there and not home studying! Come stag if you want. Wednesday of last week was Farmer's Day at the C.N.E. and some Junior Farmers of Head- ford did very well in the field of Judging of Dairy Cattle, with contestants from all over Canada, Don Brodie got top honours in the senior division, while Bob Clarkson was sixth among the juniors. Margaret Brodie placed fifith in judging vegetables and fruit. Margaret entered Teachers College on Tuesday of this week. 25 Anniversary Mr and Mrs. James Giles and daughter Miss Frames of Cedar- pines Park, California, U.S.A., spent a few days last week with Mrs. Wm. Wellman and called on friends in the district. Teen Town Brownies Resume A ctivities Brownie activities are starting again in the Rich- mond Hill district this month. Any girls between the ages of 8 and 11 wishing to join this organization which forms the junior branch of the Girl Guide movement are invited to come to a meeting on Tues- day, September 18 at 4.15 p.m. in the Lions Hall. This meeting will give Brownies an opportunity to get ac- quainted with the Brown Owls and at the same time the packs will be set up. As accommodation is limited, 3 “first come, first served" policy will be followed. Graduation exercisesbfor the Atkin- son School of Nursing, Toronto Western Hospital will be held at Convdbation Hal] next Monday evening, and among the class will be three Richmond Hill High School graduates shown above from left to right: ELIZABETH MAXWELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Maxwell, HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. H. Acreman Correspondent: R. R. 2 Gomley, Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 Western Hospital Graduates ONTARIO NO. 1 Potatoes §M®RLEY’S§ VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘S 'IIII’IIII’I’IIIIII SPECIALS 3 ginning September 17; B Pack, Fridays at 7 p.m., begin- ning September 14. As recently announced C Pack meets Wednesdays at 7 pm. at the Scout Hall and is already in full swing. Cubs will be pleased to hear that all three packs in the First Richmond Hill Group will soon be in full operation. A pack and B pack will resume activity in the Boy Scout Hall as follows: A Pack Mondays at 7 p.m., be- Her attendants were her three sisters and the groom’s sister: Mrs. G. F. Walker (matron of honour), Mrs. Bryan Mitchell and Miss Dorothy Delf and Miss Mar- ionWStephenson. On Saturday, August 25, at 2.30 p.m., the marriage of Barbara Emma Delf to I Mr. H. Edwin Stephenson was solemnized by the Rev. A. A. Chcte at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride was attired in an imported guwn of lace and tulle over satin. It was styled with a portrait neckline edged with lace and lily-point sleeves of the lace. It had a hoop skirt of layers of tulle with lace’in sections and a chapel train. Her headdress was a dainty tiara of irridescent se- quins and seed pearls with an em- broidered finger tip veil of tulle illusion. She carried a\pink cas- cade of roses, lily of the valley and gardenias. Barbara Emma Delf Wed To Edwin Stephenson, Aug. 28 Scout & Cub News Theyâ€"wore identical gowns of ARABIAN STEED Dates CALIFORNIA Red Malaga Grapes SUGAR RIPE MEDIUM Prunes TENDERLEAF Tea Bags YELLOW RIPE Bananas DR. BALLARD’S Cat or Dog Food VEL ' Pink Liquid Detergent JERGENS Lotion-Mild Soap Kerrybrook Drive, Richmond Hill; ELEANOR SMITH, daughter of J. E. Smith MR, and Mrs. Smith, Centre St. West, Richmond Hill; SHIRLEY BARNES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Er- nest Barnes, Woodward Ave., Highland Park. Miss Barnes won a special award for proficiency in medical nursing. The Rover Crew will have their meetings on Thursdays, Begin- ning September 20. We are pleas- ed to hear three Rovers: Mike Lambert, Roger Wilson and Bob Poole attended a Rover meet in Sussex, New Brunswick this sum- mer. The Rovers say to watch for announcements re the forthcomâ€" ing paper collection. Miss Dorothy Armstrong of King played the‘nrgan and Roger Rawlings also of King sang The Lord's Prayer and 0 Perfect Love. tulle over taffeta, featuring a pleated bodice and stoles with hoop skirts. They wore a semi- circlet cap of tulle finished with seed pearls and sequins and car- ried pink and blue bouquets of roses and carnations. The matron of honour was in blue and the other three attendants in pink. The reception dinner was at the Graystones, Aurora. with the bride‘s mother receiving in a dusty blue faille gown with navy accessories and a pink gardenia corsage. The grqom’s mother wore a dusty rose crepe and lace gown with navy accessories and a. white gardenia/ corsage. The groomsman for his brother was Dr. Robert G. Stephenson of London and the _ushers were his cousin, George J. Monkman and brother-in-law Bryan N. Mitchell. Announcements will be made soon regarding meetings of A and B Scout Troops. 15 01. Tins 10 1b. lbs. Cakes 1 lb. 12 01. Tin 60's THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, September 13, 1956 29c 33c 29c 190 29c GORMLE! UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. flanking, Minister 8.45 â€"- Church Broadcast CKLB 1350 Oshawa 10 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service 9.45 am. â€" SUNDAY SCHOOL Meets in the Charles Howitt School Church Services at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Richmond Hill, at 9.30 a m. - 11 am. - 7 pm. RICHVALE - LANGSTAFF DISTRICT "Sufier the little children to come unto me" All children of this District are invited to attend this Sunday School which meets every Sun- day morning in the Charles How- itt School SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 Promotion Day . . . . . . 11 am. Worship Service 11 am. Are you seeking a church home? You are cordially invited. on September 16 Fri., Sept. 14, 7 pm. â€" Children‘s Happy Hour Sat, Sept. 15 -â€" A Young Life Club Corn Roast at Master Feed Farm. All teen-agers are wel- . come. Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck, Minister 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto SUNDAY. sEPTEMBER 16. Sunday School Rally and 11 am. â€" Sermon (2) Why Suffering in God’s World Sunday School will recommence If. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rev. A. A. Chute. B.A.. 8. Th. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1956 16th After Trinity “Cast thy burden on the Lord and He shall sustain thee" TWO SUNDAY MORNING CHURCH SERVICES EACH SUNDAY 8.00 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" MORNING PRAYER to welcome newcomers to Rich- mond Hill to worship with us ~â€" where “Welcome is more than a word” SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 Christian Answers To Human Problems TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thornhill Rev. W. E. Askew. Rector SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion. 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer and Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Church Parade of 2nd Thornhill Cubs & Scouts family.~ Free transportation to our Bible school, just call TU. 4-1405, anytime Saturday. The Adult class now studying the life of ELISHA 11 am. MORNING WORSHIP â€"- we wish 7.30 pm. _ EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE: We cling to “The old time re- ligion â€" Christ crucified, risen, and coming again" Temp. Location: Masonic Hall, 15 Yonge St. N THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 11a.m. â€" Morning Worship and Church School Rev. A. A. Chote 9.30 am. â€" SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am. â€" MORNING PRAYER The Ministér 7 pm. â€" Evening Service The Rev. E. B. Eddy the Junior Department. 4 pm. -â€" Quartgrly Meeting Ser- v1ce Rev. A. J. Thaxter of Toronto will be the special spéaker and conduct the Communion Service. Wed. 8 pm. Prayer and Bible- St dy Hour We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly church Corner of Elmwood and Rugglel Rev. Earl S. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML, 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1956 3 pm. â€"â€" Sunday School Rev. A. J. Thaxter will speak in RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor â€" R. H. Galbraith SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 10 am. BIBLE SCHOOL â€" for the whole Rev. A. A. Chote 11 am. â€" NURSERY 8: JUNIOR CONGREGATION 2 pm. â€" Teen-age Bible Class 7 pm. â€" EVENING PRAYER Bishop F. H. Wilkinson Rev. W. F Wrixon RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Blgginson. B.A.. 5.1) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1956 9:45 am. â€"â€" Rally Day (Sunday School in open session) 11.00 am. â€" Morning Service OFFICIAL OPENING OF WRIXON HALL FOLLOWING THIS SERVICE NOTE -â€"- There will be two Sun- day morning Church Services weekly at 9.30 am. & 11 am. Sunday School will meet at the same hour as the first Church Service at 9.30 am. Nursery 8: Jr. Congregation will be provided during the 11 am. Service. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship. Preacher: Rev. M. S. MacLean, of Yorkton, Sask. Nursery School BRING YOUR CHILDREN TO CHURCH RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH ST. BARNABAS’ MISSION (Anglican) THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin H. Chambers, THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH 16th After Trinity NEWMARKET : The Newmarket Citizens' Band under the direc- tion of William C. Greig, won first prize and the Waterloo tro- phy, after obtaining 94 points at the Canadian National Exhibition band competition on music day. The class was open to bands from towns up to 10,000 in population with a maximum of 35 players. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1958 930 am. â€" Divine Worship 10.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School & Bible Class RALLY DAY V SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1958 10 to 10 â€" Sunday School. Bible Class for adults and classes for all ages. Special gifts will be given to all. Herb and Eleanor Foster, returned missionaries will speak to Junior & Intermediate ‘ sessions. . 11 and 7 â€" Mr. Herb Foster, re- cently returned from Northern Rhodesia, will be guest speaker for our Rally Day services. Mat- ion Crawley Newby, noted color- ed singer, will sing at both ser- vices. A warm welcome is ex- tended to all. Morning Prayer ...... 11 Evening Prayer ........ '1 Holy Communion â€" 2nd Sundays at 11 8.111. 4th Sundays at 7 p.m. ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN KING Morning Prayer . . . . . . 10 In. Holy Communion lst Sundays 10 am. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN OAK RIDGES (Yonge at Jefferson) Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11.15 am. Holy Communion 4th Sunday. 11.15 am. ST. MARK'S CHAPEL ANGLICAN Parish of St. John, Oak Ridge! Oak Ridges, Yongg Street, opp. month) Fri, 7 pm. â€"- Lamplighter! Morning Prayer 10 IJI Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 an ST. STEPHEN'S ANGLICAN MAPLE Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 2‘3, 1956 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service LANGSTAFP BAPTIST CHURCH Church St., Langstafl SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 10 am. â€"- Bible School (adult Class). 11 am. Morning Worship 6.30 pm. -â€"- Prayer Meeting 7 pm. â€" Baptismal Service Pastof speaking V - - Tues, 8 pm. â€" Teenagers. You Felloyship Thursday 1 pm. â€" Women’s Missionary Fellowship 8 pm. â€" Evening Mission Circle (2nd & 4th Thursday: of each 0! Markham District SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 p.m.i â€" Prayer Meet- Hg Oak Ridges (Aubrey Ave.) 10.30 a.m. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meetlu Vaughan (3r_d _Con. zrmfles north of Concord) 10 am. â€"-'Sunday School 11.15 a.m.\â€"- Worship Servico Concord (School House) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayh and Bible Study ‘ Oak Avenue Between Stop 22 and 22A Yong. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 930 am. â€"- Breaking of Bread 11 am. -â€" Bally Day and Promo. MAPLE CHARGE - UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C.. Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1956 HOPE ANNIVERSARY 11 am. Guest preacher â€" Rev. Douglas Davis. Stoufi'ville, formerly of King Special music by choir of Teston United Church ALL OTHER SERVICES WITH- DRAWN. EXCEPT MAPLE SUN- DAY SCHOOL AT 10:00 A.M. tion Day 7 pm. â€"- Evenmg Service Speaker: Mr. Colin Anderson Tues. 8 pm. â€"- Prayer and Bible Study CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting In Concord School Hall. Each Lord's Day evening at 7 p.111. Gospel Message Tune In CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. Rev. 15 vs. 4: . . . for thou 0111 art Holy for all nations she come and worship before thee: for thy judgments are mad. manifest BICHVALE GOSPEL CRAP“. CARRle UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy, BA. DD. ZIQN [JUTHERVANV emc- (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor H. Lindeman BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Schobl

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