‘ Clubine 8: Alexander BICHVALE. ONTARIO PLASTERING .. CONTRACTORS ' . Gerry Van Beers ‘ Plumbing - Heating and Brett & O’Brien Contrs. All types or rooï¬ng - "bushing - Insul-sidings. Free estimates. _ Phone Maple 1711133 or AV. 5-2736 M Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual servhae for the price of one Mllliken P.O., ph..Agin. 52W3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big - too small! Dealer for ' Esso uu burners Fan'banks - Morse Pressure Systems [Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, implements, Hons» hold Furniture, Real Estate Sale: a specialty Residence 83 Roseview Ave. TU. 4-1428 Richmond mu G. HAROLD CRAIG, CL Thornhlll AV. 5-1"! AII kinds 0! carpenter work. uwhet cupboards a specl-Ity. AV. 5-4131 RICHVALI CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1815 Yonge St. "mt. Merton St.) Toronto 7. Out, MA. 0791 Craig, Norman & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AV. 5-3741 OAK RIDGES, ONTARIO Phone TU. 4-2911 If no ansWer. cal] TU. 4-3300 Sheet Metal Work W. J. Smith & Son Paper Hanging Spray Painting Painting James J. We" FOR THE BEST. BETTER "JAN THE REST Rates for insertion In this section are available It The Liberal office, phone TUrner 4-1261 G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative 61- Custom Home: or General Repeirl TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill BUILDING TRADES Suite 2. 31 Yonge st. N Richmond am 24 King St. W.. Toronto Interior and Exterior Phone AV. M531 213 Oak Ave" Richvale Ken & Clarke ' Prentice AUCTIONBIBS Paperhanging SIGN PAINTER DECORATOR PAINTER PHONE ST. 8-6910 FREE ESTIMATES BILL WEGMAN av. 5-4131 ACCOUNTANTS ROOFING Philip Swan AUG HONEER Co. Ltd. Phone PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY 55A YONG! 81'. SOUTH TUmer (-1511 Richmond am v WRIGHT AND TAYLOR .Funeral Directors RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1311 ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasion- Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District 4518 Yonge St. ( at St. Clements) Telephone MAyteir 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett. Dr. P. R. Macfarlane DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonxe St. North TU. 4-1177 miner #1701 Richmond Ill! Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repair: a. Alterations Drain 8: Concrete Work TU. 4-1483 _Sanitary Contractor Thornhlll OFFICE HOURS Mom. Wed. 8; Fri. : 10-12 8; 1-5 Tim†Thurs†Sat. : 10-12 Evenings by appointment AV. 5-3451 Drains Cleaned & Repaired C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-124! We have them on hand in on J OB PRINTING DEPARTMENT STUART PAXTON FUNERAL DIRECTORS How’s Your Supply 0f Counter Check Books? Electrician WIRING LINE won: SAND and GRAVE Crushed Stone Loam and Fill GENERAL BUSINESS Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONG! 81‘. SOUTH Arthur G. Broad, J. R. Kane, D.C. Septic Tanks Pumped Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST GAS EXTRACTIONS 78 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1462 BUILDING TRADES Phone TU met 4-2881 E. CHARITY Phone TUmer 4-1261 I! Bedlam Pm An. Richmond um TUrnet 4-2062 By Appointment CHIROPRACTIC Building Trades .cont.) The Liberal 24 Hour Service Richmond Hill DENTAL 'SALES - SERVICE Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1124 Toronto J. Roy H errington Ernie Brock & Son FROM â€" THE BASEMENT TO THE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations J. M. CANNON Sr. Telephone 11 Maple, Ont. Oxford St., Richmond Hill Leave Maple 7.15 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.15 am. Leave Maple 3.30 pm. Leave- Richmond Hill 6 p.111. Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE ï¬re. Automobile. Plate Glue. Automobile Financing. etc. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile. Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUmer 4-1551 * House Moving * House raising * Foundations * Alteration Work Telephone Day LEnnox 5-2084 Evenings CBen'y 1-1220 Luna 8; Garden Equipment Oflice 55A Yonge St. South Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill 3. (-1219 lid-mend mn GENERAL BUSINESS BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Couches l'or All 0061510" Telephone King 56 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. General Insurance DAHL & SON HAULAGE Richmond Hill SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop '13 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2132 STEAMFITTING WELDING NEIL G. MCDONALD GENERAL INSURANCE Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. 25 Grandview Ava. Thorn'hill AVenue 5-1379 Roy V. Bick , R. H. Kane Sand - Gravel TU. 4-1215 Loam and Fill Crushed Stone OSTVIK 59 Centre St. West Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-1671 Associated With 10 Ellerslie Ave. Willowdale, Ont. Phone BA. 1-1611 SCHOOL DAYS: INSURANCE TU. 4-1810 (continued) EM. 3-0311 Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public 01110. Hours: Daily 9 mm. to Innings by Appointment Richmond Theatre Block 65 Yonge St... 5., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2084 Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire. Automobile, Liability. Hail, Accident and Sickness, Farm Insurance a Specialty King City Telephone 28 Every Thursday afternoon TUrner 4~1551 Richmom. Hill Toronto Oï¬lce â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 J. Rubinowitch, BA. 85 Centre W. Banister, Solicitor. Notary Public 98 Yonge Street Richmond Hill THORNHILL 1A Colborne AVet Barristers. Solicitors, ewe. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Wallh 85 Richmond Street West EM. 6-8929 Thursday afternoon. Maple TELEPHONE MAPLE 269 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries fl. Mathews. Q.C. K. Stlver. BA. 1 E. Lyons, BA. J03. Vale. QC‘ 100 Main St., Newmarket, Ont. Phone 12L 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Phone Wu. 2343-4 Dr. Cameron Cowan I, Inpolntnleln 22 Centre st. E. Richmond am Office Water 4-127! Residence TUmer 4-1303 OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday 1 pm. - 3 pm. Evenings: Monday to Thursday. 6 pm. - 8 pm. by appointment Thornhil] AV. 5-1311 BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Northern Bldg. Office: TUrner 4-3121 MacNell Block Thornhill Phones AV. 5-2273, BA. 1-3724 Residence AV. 5-2801 Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Banister. Solicitor, and Notary Public Aurora. Ontario Telephone: Aurora Office PA. 7-5052 ResidenCe, Aurora, PA. 7-5046 Toronto Oï¬lce EM. 4-3652 Floyd E. Corner, James H. Timmins AVenue 5-3165 By appointment and evenings Stiver, Vale Peppiatt, Errington Barristers, Solicitors. Notary Public Ofï¬ce Hours 9 mm. to 5 p.111. Open evenings & Saturday morning Plaxtou & Deane Walsh and Walsh Dr. E. A. Crawford Barrister, Solicitor & Natal Public 55 Yonge St. South mmonc Hill, Ontario Office TUrner (-1780 Residence TUrner («1888 Ofliee Hours: 9.30-5 and by appointment Stuart P. Parker Obstetrician a: Gynecologist Norman A. Todd, BARRISTER, SOLICITOI. NOTAxtY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL 2 Morgan Ave., Stop 14A Martin & Ralph Dr. R. S. Ideson Barrister, Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL TEORNHILL Richmond Hill 031cc TUrner 4-2071 Thomhill Office Dr. R. J. Steele '. C. Newman THORNHILL BA. 1-6981 MEDICAL lEGAI. AVenue 5-1477 TUrner 4-1543 :lll'ormerly of Gerrard mum ï¬Work guaranteed, Free estimates “HOMEWOOD HALL" 'l'hornhill AVenue 5-1667 Under the Direction of Lilly Austen Ballet (Royal Academy) and tap, 11 Arnold Avenue, Thornhill, AV. 5-1278. Registrations taken on and after September 4th. Director of Nursing. L. G. Mackie Reg. N., BA. B. So. (N), M. Sc. Bathurat St. Northnl/z mile south of Can-ville Road Phone AV. 5-3691 ‘ A beautiful estate near Thorn~ hill converted into a modern Nursing Home and Lodge. ‘ Complete nursing care for com valescent and chronically ill per- sons. ‘ A gracious and digniï¬ed home for persons who require only partial nursing care. Phone 82 Ruth Garson A.D.(‘}.'M. Teacher of Plano & Theory Royal Conservatory Examinations 428 South Fernleigh Circle (Markham-Beaverton Rd. Area) Registration evenings 22 Centre St. E. Richmond am By appointment TUrner 4-1422 Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. TUrner 4-1432 Richmond Hill CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond am a District mm For information call Richmond H111 TU. 4-1494 Thumb!“ AV. 5-1365 Maple AV. 5-2908 Unionvflle 2.39 Cancer Society speakers and films available for men’s or wo- men’s groups. Call Mrs. Thomâ€" son, TUrner 4-1364. Eyes Examined . Glasses Fine! LANGSTAFF BUILDING 50 YONGE ST NORTH A. W. Kirchen, R.0. Dr. Jas. R. Langstaï¬ Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Thomhill School of Dancing REAL ESTATE BROKER 50 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL Nursing Home and Lodge Marguerite Boyle Dr. J. T. Sheppard BROCHURE ON REQUEST 264 Uxbridge -- J. P. McDonald 552.] By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Bayview) PIANO TUNING Elocutlon, Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art Dr. J. P. Wilson VETERINARY SURGEON Keel: St. Dr. Victor Zuck AVenue 5-1472 Toronto â€" A. D McKay R0. 7-1459 Bolton -â€" H. C. Bradley 169 or 179J Home Office LE. 3-1739 The Villa and Repairing S. Hoffman Phone Libenl Ofl'loo TUrner 4-1261 Phone TUrner 4-2851 Monday 9.30 - 5.30 Friday 9.30 - 9.00 Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1154 OPTOMETRY VETERINARY By appointment 50 Yonge St. N. MUSICAL MEDICAL (continued) S. Simpson Maple, Ont. Birthday wishes are extended to Allan Carle, 89 Morgan Ave., who was four years old on Fri- day, October 26. Henderson Ave. Public School was represented by 10 year old Jerzy Milislewicz in the School Area No. 1 public speaking con- test held October 30. Jerzy is known more populary as Jerry Mills. He won the right to rep- resent the school with hls speech on the Suez. Birthday greetings go to Ralph and Bruce Maers, 26 Proctor Ave. who celebrated their 7th birth- day with a masquerade party, in which 15 playmates attended. The party was held on Saturday, Oc- tober 27, but their birth date was Monday, October 29. Many happy returns to Heather Menzies who will celebrate her ninth birthday on Friday, Nov- ember 2. Neighbours and friends of Mrs. D. Law, Clark Ave., are happy to learn that she returned home from the hospital on October 25. Euchre Marathon uu u“. -hv... The Doncaster Bible Chapel sponsored a hay ride for their younger members on October 27. The turnout was so excellent AIIA The bride given in marriage by a friend, Mr. E. Perring, wore a waltz-length gown of crystal The Doncaster Ladies Club’s ï¬rst euchre marathon is how over except for the play-offs, which will take place Friday. November 2 at the Henderson Ave. public school. The highest score for last week was turned in by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bar- bour, Henderson Ave. and that score was 81. uu. "u... that half the group had to walk behind for half the route were they got on and an equal num- ber hopped off. . The boys at Henderson Ave. public school played a football game with neighbouring Powell Road school on October 24 and the local lads defeated the vis- itors 19 to 5. On Thursday evening, Miss Virginia Sturgeon was honoured at a personal shower by about 30 friends and neighbours held at Mrs Bert Middleton‘s home. Vir- ginia was taken very much by surprise and was delighted with the many gifts she received. While lunch was being prepared the ladies enjoyed a contest of making a new hat. Judges of the finished creations were Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Cle- ment, who awarded Marilyn Hewitt ï¬rst. Margaret Bradï¬eld second and Greta Middleton third. The latter wore the hat styled by Mrs. Fred Broom Jr. WOOD-STURGEON Mauve Chrysanthemums dec~ orated the altar of Carrville Una lted Church on Saturday. Octo~ ber 27, for the marriage of Vir- ginia Kathleen Sturgeon, daugh- ter of Mrs. K. Sturgeon, Toronto, and Gordon Hamilton Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood of Carrville. Rev. E. B. Eddy,‘ B. A., B.D. officiated at the cere- mony. Mrs. John A. Baker asâ€" sisted at the organ. Sunday. October 28, being cel- ebrated as Reformation Sunday, Rev. E. B. Eddy of Carrvllle Un- ited Church spoke on "The Con- tinuing Reformation." The Carr- ville Jr. Choir, absent from their usual place, were sadly missed at the service. It would certainly be pleasant to see the choir out in full force next Sunday. Choir practice is held every Thursday at 7.30 pm. All who wish to atâ€" tend will be welcomed by Mrs. J. A. Baker., choir leader. Shower Refreshments Were served by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. J. Barton. 43 ‘ Webbing Church News by The Tatler If the family income were slashed could you, resident of a town comparable to ours, make a living or at least make enough to keep the wolf from the door? “I use only our home town paper. and for a long time past I have been getting re- peat orders and inquiries for many things. It was just good luck perhaps that I hit on my little gold mine in the Liberal, but it surely stands to reason. too, that with so many new people moving into our town or district there must be a demand such as I have discovered. “I had to and I did.†a wo- man who is or appears to be active every waking moment told the Tattle: this week. “I had to make a living for myself and three little ones when my husband became incapacitated. In a most sur- prising way I soon got into a little business of my own. I was short of cash. In fact. I had none, and I looked over the house for something I could sell. “I picked on two pieces of our furniture and advertised them in the Liberal’s classi- ï¬ed page. I sold each of them next day, and the idea of making the classiï¬ed coL umn an almost regular me- dium for other things oc~ curred to me. Now I buy used things and my judg- ment must be good because I always make sales at a little and sometimes a big proï¬t. For weeks I have been aver- aging proï¬ts of $5 to $15 a week and I know my busi- ness is 'growing. Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AVenue 5-2288 DONCASTER Town Chatter CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 13038 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 1, 1956 18 CARRVILLE NEWS ; Wedding Invitations, § Announcements, Etc. ' ENGRAVED or PRINTED Finest quality obtainable at prices which mean a saving to you __*___ " THE LIBERAL " . For Everything in Printing RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1261 " The bride's mother received wearing an aqua crepe gown with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The groom‘s mother assisted wearing a smart navy two-pihce ensemble with pink accessories and corsage of pinx roses and yellow carna- tions. At present, the bride and groom are making their home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wood. Anniversary She was attended by Miss Marilyn Hewitt, wearing a two- piece turquoise crepe ensemble and matching bandeau. She car- ried a similar nosegay of bronze roses and white baby mums. The reception was held at the home of the groom‘s sister, Mrs. Fred Broom Jr. ThOSe present were the immediate families. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broom J12, who celebrated their sixth wed- ding anniversary on Sunday. Oc- tober 28 by entertaining friends on Saturday night at a dance at the Legion Hall and then went back to the Broom home for re- freshments. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broom Sn, Miss Gloria Broom and friend and Bill Broom and friend Shir- ley and her parents from New- market; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood, Mr. and Mrs. George Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rough. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purves, Mr. and Mrs. R. Greenï¬eld, Mr. and Mrs. George Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sutcliï¬e and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Evringham of Toronto. blue nylon, her shoulder-length veil of blue illu’sion caught to a matching blue clrclet and she carried a nosegay of plnk roses and white baby mums. Kenneth Wood wés best man for his brother. Custém In Dash Installations J. F O X & S O N STOP 24 YONGE ST., RICHVALE TU. CAR RADIOS R.C.A., Victor, Motorola, Electrohome SEPTIC TANKS rum» and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service BA. 1-8000 Sheppard & Gill Lumber Co. Ltd. PLYWOOD, TEN-TEST, GYPROC, MASONITE, ARBORITE, DOORS, TRIM, INSULATION, BERRY GARAGE DOORS, ‘SHINGLES, LUMBER, ETC. Franz 71 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-1361 ' _Serving Richmond Hill and ’ Vicinity for 26 Years FRANK PASSER $49.95 R. R. 1 Willowdale Limited ' Realt 46 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto Hundreds of Properties for Sale Write Head Oï¬ice J. A. Willoughby & Sons We Have Buyers! We Need More Properties Houses - Farms - Small Holdings List now with our Local Representative Rooï¬ng. Eavestronghlng Chimney Brick a. Cement Work. Caulking. Paintlng, Draln, General Repairs of all kinds Richmond Hill, Ont. Phone AVenue 5-3891 FREE FARM CATALOGUE Harry Charles FADE FREE, Work Done Immediately WERE]: Guarantee TU. 4-3344 MA. 1313 TU. 4-1610 Realtors