:mcumoun HILL A meeting was held in the Vestry of the Richmond Hill United Church on Wednesday, by a Church membership group for those who wish to unite with the congregaion of this Church. gt the December 2nd., Communion Service. - Newcomers are invited to tran- azfer their membership at that ate. , The many friends of Mrs. W. Lauder Glass will be pleased to learn that she is gradually re- covering in Toronto General Hospital, from injuries received in a recent accident. She is ex- pected to be in hospital for ab- out a month. In the Soccer game playegl at 'Thornhill on Monday. November 5. thiï¬ichmond Hill High School Socc Team defeated the Thorn- hill High School team by a Members of the United Church group who now regularly hold Sunday services in the Walter Scott School. met Monday even- ing in‘ the home of Mrs. W. E. Morris. Glenbrae Heights. This meeting resulted in the formation of a “Women's Group". with the election of the following execu- tive: President, Mrs. Ralph Smith, lst vice president, Mrs. B. Paul; 2nd vice president, Mrs G. Gibb; recording secretary, Mrs. A. Gardner; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. R. Wallace; treasurer, Mrs. M. Oliver; press convenor, Mrs. E. L. Wright; social conven- or. Mrs O. Magee; devotional convenor. Mrs. J. Loverock. pro- gram convenor. Mrs. L. F. Waern; telephoning and visiting convenors for Richmond Acres. Mrs. A. McLelland, for Glenbrae Heights. Mrs. C. E. Pearce; for Allancourt Gardens, Mrs J. Wil- son; for Crosby Heights, Mrs.‘B. Knight: flower convenor, Mrs. A. Gardner. Visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Herrington, Church Street were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herrington, of Vancouver, B. C., and Dr. and Mrs. M. Deimer. of Madison, Wiseonsin. During the week of November 1‘2th. members of the Ricmnond Hill United Church will hold a partial canvass to give an op- portunity to any who did not pledge and contribute toward the new Sunday School building fund at the time of the original can- V885. After 'a six week's visit to the British Isles. Mr. Fred C. Jack~ son has returned to his home on Hillsvlew Drive. score of 5 to 0 The next mee'ting of the ‘W0- men's Group" will be held in the home of Mrs. .Gx‘ant Gibb, 271 Sussex Avenue. on November 27, at 8 p.m., when all ladies will be cordially welcomed. Magistrate “James Butler will he the guest speaker at the even- ing service of High Park United Church this coming Sunday. Mr.‘ Butler will Speak on, “What Does the Community Expect from the Sunday School" This service is planned as Family Night at the church. The minister Rev. D. Sloan will speak on, “What the Sunday School expects from the Community.“ Mr. Butler is Super- intendent of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday School. * * * * The Student Association of the Richmond Hill District High School has just closed the annual "Magazine Subscription Cam- paignâ€, and announce the follow- ing prizewinners. rewarded for their successful efforts in the drive: Michael Baln was placed ï¬rst, receiving an R.C.A. Victor Record Player; with Jennifer Crack in second place, winning a mantel radio; Peter C. Smith received a wrist watch for third position: with 11 ‘prizes being awarded in all. In the "Lucky Draw". open to students who reached the quota in securing magazine subscrip- tions, the prize of a movie cam- era was won by Elizabeth Meade of Richmond Hill. Sympathy 'of the comm ity is expressed to Mrs. Allan R ley on the sudden passing of her mother. Mrs. Florence Collins in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Toronto. on Novemben 4. Formerly of Ot- tawa, Mrs/Collins had been stay- ing with her daughter. Mrs Ripâ€" ley of Richmond Hill. She is survived by her husband, Mr. William J. Collins, one son, Mr. Arthur Collins. of Barrie, two daughters. Mr. E. K. Steele of Ottawa, and Mrs. Allan Ripley, also ï¬ve grandchildren. Stephen and Nancy Ripley. Kerry Steele, Kraig and Anita Collins. Interment was in Maple Cem- etery on November 6, with the Rev. C. G. Higginson preaching the service. i Richmond Hill 7 TUrner 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill INSURANCE newspnper wlll also welcome nun repom About church orgnnlntluu. women's and men'n not-Action, lodgel Ind other man. While copy will be no- oeptod up to Wednesdly of each week. It In dem- able to have It lh earlier it posslble to ensure «a publicatlon. The Liberal a nun (ha to receive sock; and personal items for this page and a all to TUmer (-1261 will receive courteou- nnention. This HERBERT R. BUTT Dependable Associated With Service Telephone A very interesting and varied program was given Tuesday ev- ening by the Lyric Male Choir in Wrixon Hall with Win‘nifred Reid as soprano soloist. Two members of the choir alsohad solo parts. namely H. French. bass. who sang three numbers, and Cliï¬ Bryant, who added humour with recitation and comic songs. The conductor, John Thomas, who is also a tenor solist, led the choir which opened the program with a group of four well-known sac- red anthems. There were four further groups of choir numbers interspersed with the soloists and the closing anthem was "The Long Day Closes", by Sullivan The choir is made up of men in all walks of life who sing for the very love of it and this was most apparent by facial expressions and the zest they put into each number. The choir itself is wellâ€" balanced in tone, their music has a great deal of expression and they are well trained. The con- cert was given under the spon- sorship of St. Mary's Anglican Evening. Guild who served re- freshments to all present, to complete an enjoyable evening. Following the passing of a mo- tion at the September meeting of the Associationâ€"~the children of that area collected this amountâ€" along with their’ regular "collec- tion" on Halloween night. The contribution of $106.81 to UNICEF â€" the United Nations Children's Fund â€"'â€" is announced by Mrs. J. A. Price, president of the Walter Scott Home & School Association. The November meeting of the Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Miss A. Cunningham Children from Beverley Acres attending the Walter Scott School collected $22.57, while the bal- ance of $84.24 was collected by children of this school, living in other areas. 39 Reaman Street Cheque for the amount of $106.81 has been forwarded to UNICEF. by the Association’s treasurer, Mrs. J. Rimmer. The Rev. Arthur A. Chote, Rec- tor ' of St. Mary's Anglican Church, was the guest preacher at the Evening Service of All Saints Anglican Church. Whitby. Ontario on Sunday, November 4th. The occasion being the 90th Anniversary of this historic church. Preaching to a capacity can- gregation, the Rev. Chote appro- priately 'selected as his topic “YourChurch, and Mine", and as his text “I will build my Church". The Rector of All Saints Church. the Rev. M. J. Cathcart, warmly welcomed Mr. Chote who, was former Rector of St. John's Church, Port Whitby. During the evening Mu. Chote was greeted by‘many old friends, former par- ishioners. and the staff of On- tario H05pitai, Whitby. A meeting of the Richmond Hill Liberal Association will be held in the Masonic Hall Friday evening. November 16th at 8 pm. All men and women of the com- munity are invited to attend and In special invitation is extended to new residents of the vlllage to associate themselves with the political organization. Members of the Richmond Hill Kinette Club and friends attend- ed a .cooking school at the Blue Flame Room of The Consumer’s Gas 00., Toronto, last Thursday night.- Proceeds of the evening will be used for community work in Richmond Hill district. During the Autumn season. two baptismal services have been held in the Richmond hm Uuueu Church. when the following chil- dren Were recéived: Susan Kay Haney, daughter of Mr‘. and Mrs. J. D. Haney; Donna Ellen Shubaly. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Shubaly; Susan Ann Morris. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Morris; Larry Norman Van Dyke. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Dyke; Marjorie Jane Brocklehurst. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brocklehurst; Lin- da Marie Berthiaume, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berthiaume; Patricia Louise Meredith. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Mere- dith; Heather Marie Evison, Wen- dy Susan Evison. Karen Joan Ev- ison, and Nancy Jean Evison. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Evison; Darlene Evelyn Elsie Ri- chards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Richards; Georgie Karen Ryan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan; Patricia Anne Pet- ers and Caren Lynn Peters, dau- ghters of Mr. and Mrs. Alex‘Pet- ers: Russell Douglas Smith, Pat- icia Dianne Smith, Rodney Al- bert Smith. children of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Smith. 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317 DEMPSTER â€" Audrey and Hal are happy to announce the ar- rival of a daughter, Debra Audrey, 7 lbs. 12 ounces, on Monday. November 5, 1956, at the Private Patients, Toronto General Hospital c1w19 COLLINS. Florence Helen -â€"- Suddenly. at St. Joseph‘s hosâ€" pital, Toronto. Sunday. Nov- ember 4. 1956, Florence Helen Stratford. beloved wife of William James Collins of Bee ton. dear mother of Mrs. Ed- gar Steele (Ivy): Ottawa; Ar- thur of Barrie and Mrs. W. A. A. Ripley (Peggy) of Richmond Hill. Rested at Wright and Taylor's funeral home. Rich- mond Hill. Service held Tuesâ€" day at 2 pm. Interment Maple Mr. and Mrs. William Carl Mabley of Richmond Hill anâ€" nounce the engagement of their daughter Jacqueline Jessie to James Robin Crysdale, son of Mrs. Crysdale of Aurora and the late Mr. John Percy Crysdale. The marriage will take place on Friday. November 30. 1956, at 6.30 o'clock in St. Mary's Angli- can Church, Richmond Hill. In memoriams ESPEY â€" In loving memory of a dear wife ‘and mother and grandmother. Bessie Eugene Espey, who passed away Nov- ember 10. 1955. Noxone knows how much we miss you. ’ No one knows the bitter pain, We have suffered since we lost YOU, Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lin- â€" ,Sadly missed by husband Lester and family. c1w19 FINCH-NASTASI â€" In loving memory of our dear Norma, who passed away seven years ago today, November 6. 1949. There is no parting from those we love, No distance can divide, For today in memory’s garden We still walk side by side. Each dawning day a thought-of gers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, Dear Mother, That we do not think of y0u. hen At eventide a prayer And in the hearts that loved her She always will be there. â€"- Alwéys remembered by mo- ther, sister Maxine and daughter Sharon. *1w19 CARD 0]“ THANKS Mr. Harold Bowen wishes to thank all her relatives, friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses. gifts and cards durâ€" ing her recent illness. c1w19 GUPPY â€" Our many thanks to Dr. W. C. Cowan for his care and Rev. C. G. Higginson for his kindness at the time of the pass- ing of our infant son, John Will- iam. Mrs. Charles White. Mrs. Cecil Tarrant and Mr. Harry McBride would like to express sincere apâ€" preciation of all the kindnesses extended to them in their recent loss of a dear father Charles Wesley McBride. Especially thanking the Rev. A. A. Chute. , I ‘ c1w19 Last,Saturday Teen Town held another of its very enjoyable parties. Attendance was down somewhat, but this in no Way im- peded the fun. “Hilda†was the big hit of the evening with her recipe for “Stuffâ€. that wonder food! Un- fortunately the ingredients did not quite come out as they should have and the mixture was “stuf- fed†â€"â€" into the nearest garbage pail. The‘evening continued with dancing, both round and square, the latter being called by our own “Mrs. B." The basic steps of the samba were also taught. The next party is on the sev- enteenth,‘ so don't miss it. The motif is Dogpatch. By the way girls. this is not in the Sadie Hawkins style as regax'ds dates. The boys are still doing the ask- mg. cemetery (Engagement Teen Town ReserVed Section Students Gener . $1.25 50c $11 .7, Special arrangement with Samuel French Ltd. (Canada) Mr. and Mrs. William Guppy ‘ c1w19 %eath by Don Large "HIGH GROUND" TICKETS FROM ANY MEMBER RICHMOND HILL’S OWN “Curtain Club†PRESENTS THE PLAY directed by Rex Sevenoaks Lions Hall NOV. 29, 30, Dec. 1 a modern drama c1w19 c1w19 8:15 P.M. Election Candidate In announcing his intention to stand for election to Richmond Hill Town Council in this Decem- ber voting, Mr. N. K. Flynn of 233 Baker Avenue .stated that as one of the original residents in the Elmwood-Harding subdivis- ion. his experience gained in solving some of the existing problems in his locality, would prove invaluable to the electors of Richmond Hill. CGIT Doings Mr. and Mrs. Flynn with their son Charles, have resided‘in this area for the past 6% years, and are all active members of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. ‘ up. During the 'war period, Mr. Flynn served 'with the R.C.A.F. for ï¬ve years. On returning to civilian life. Mr. Flynn has been a member of the York Township staff for the past 10 years with the Parks, Treasury, and Water Departments. Richmond Hm United Church By Barbara Southwell and Penny Parmenter At the recent CGIT Hallowe'en party. the girls were greeted at the door by ghostly ï¬gures, and were invited to come in and join the festivities. As this was a Hall- WPITiVZeS for the best costumes were won by Dolores DeLaBarre, Penny Parmenter and Barbara Southwell. ow'eï¬Ã©râ€"xrpartyrmany strange things happened and even more strange things wexje segn. The girls were very happy to have Mrs. Dedlow come to the party as a totem pole. A pin was presented to her as a token of our appreciation of \her many years of service to the Canadian Girls in Training WNéxt week we {vill get down to work again on the parcel to be sent to Korea. Municipality of the Village of Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Richmond Hill will be held in the Council Cha'm- bers,. Municipal Hall, on Monday, November 19, 1956, at TEN am. for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment roll for the Municipality of the Village of Richmond Hill for the year 1957. All parties interested please take notice and be governed accordingly. Dated at the Village of Richmond Hill this 6th day of November, 1956. RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk, New Beauty Salon In Village Village of Richmond Hill The Village will have a new beauty salon when Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sellwoods open their shop ot 80 Yonge Street on November 16. Modern beauty treatments and advice on beauty care will be available, as well as expert permanent waving and the latest in hair stylâ€" ing. Both of the proprietors have been connected with the better Toronto shops for the past ï¬fteen years. Richmond Hill COUNTY OF YORK N. K. FLYNN General $1.00 J. A. Bailey Meets Executive Of Bevelley Acres Ratepayers At a meeting held Friday of last week, Mr. J. A. Bailey. well known Richmond Hill subdivider, was the guest of the Beverley Ac- res Ratepayers' executive. Mr. Bailey addressed the group on the problems that arise in any new development, and meth- ods of handling these emergen- He was then asked about the streets in the development and what could be done to improve them. Mr. Bailey stated that with all the present traffic, it was al- most impossible to keep the roads in top condition. “Howev- er.†he stated, “six inches of gra- vel and calcium chloride will be put on befqre keep-up." (71511;;an shéuld be, étarted in the spring and gomp}eteq by qyly. President F. Murphy then questioned Mr. Bailey on the responsibility for snow removal. Mr. Bailey replied that as the roads have been deeded to the town. snow removal is the res- ponsibility of the municipality. Industrial Growth cies Speaking on industrial develâ€" opment for Richmond Hill, Mr. Bailey explained that, industry was not “rushing†in because they could not be promised fully Curtain Club To Produce, London-Broadway Stage Hit The Curtain Club opens its season on November 29 with the production of a recent London and Broadway success. High Ground in which Fay Compton and Margaret Webster respective- ly played the lead, Sister Mary Bonaventure. Rex Sevenoaks has chosen Phyllis Fairï¬eld for this challenging role. Matron of the hospital, in the Convent of Our Lady of Rheims, a French Nurs- ing prder, Sister Mary combines rare gifts of mind and spirit. It is no surprise that she has an efficient and devoted staï¬ or that she has the complete con- fidence of the dim-witted house boy. Willy (Michael Barton). The surprise is that she proves to be the female counterpart of Sher- lock Holmes. This play is something new and exciting in mystery drama. About the convent swirl the wild waters of the Norwich flood of 1948; am- ong those who take refuge with- SPECIALS ‘ LUNCHEON MEIAT a Kam or Prem ï¬t"; §MORLEY’S WIIIIIIIIIINWNï¬'ï¬TNNA ‘ DEVON Rmdless Bacon FRESH DAILY Eggs GRADE A MEDIUM 80 YONGE ST. S. (McLatchy Block) ' RICHMOND HILL (Watch future edition for our new telephone number) AYLMER CHOIC_E Frult Cocktall AYLMER BOSTON Beans BROWN STOKLEY’S FANCY Honey Pod Peas MOUNTAIN VIEW CHOICE Toniatoes NO. 1 ONTARIO Potatoes BUGS BUNNY Carrots NO. 1 WHITE Mushrooms ANNOUNCING THE OPENING SELLWOOD’S BEAUTY SALON ST.‘ ANDREW’S UNITED CHURCH CHOIR THIRD GILBERT & SULEIVAN OPERETTA ‘The Gondoliers’ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1956 (Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sellwood, Proprietors Formerly 71/; years at Bloor and Yonge St.) ON Church Hall, Markham Nov. 14, 15, 1‘6, 17, 1956, 8.30 p.m. TICKETS $1.00 RESERVED - under the direction of PEGGIE CLARK - ARTHUR SCLATER For information and tickets Phone Markham 661 are presenting fhejg Markham in the serviced land. However the spea- ker felt that it would be only a matter of time before the indus- trial area would be occupied. Mr. Murphy thanked Mr. Bail- ey for attending and for the val- uable help he had given the ratepayers. Strong criticism was levelled by several members on the me- thod of street numbering in Bevâ€" erley Acres. Two members, Mr. Cross and Mrs, Derrick were ask- ed to make a survey and recom- mendations to be passed on to Council.A motion was ‘proposed and passed that the name Taylor Mills Dr. South should be chang- ed to Beverly Road or Beverly Drive to avoid confusion. Coun- cil will be approached on this matter. Mr. Murphy reported that the postal situation had been investi- gated and that it was expected 1,000 new hexes and two general delivery wickets will be added to the local post office by Decem- ber. ' Plans are now in progress for the Christmas party at the new shopping centre. Saturday, Dec- ember 22 was set as the day and carol singing with Santa and candy for the kid’dies are plan- ned. in its walls is a woman convicted of murder. A talented and ex- perience cast portrays a strange- ly tense conflict f0 personalities against a background of conven- tional peace and order. Hazel Moore, Margaret, Bergin, Wanda Trott, Cicely Thomson and Dun- can Gillard need no introduction to Curtain Club audiences. The other members of the cast, Mar- got and Gerry Crack, Beth Jones and Bridget Crampton bring to this new venture a wealth of dramatic talent. STOUFFVILLE : Hundreds of local independent gravel truck drivers have gone on strike and have closed down all local gravel pits here. They are seeking high,- er rates for haulage. 4 ‘ MARKHAM . The official open- ing of the new Robinson Street Public School will take place next week. Tins Doz., 15 oz. 20 oz. 1 lb. Cello Pkg. Tins Tin Tin 50 1h 15 oz. Cello Bags Pound THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 8, 1956 73a 37c 4-3 Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1956 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€" Nursery School 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship. Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. 3.9‘ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1956 945 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11.00 am. â€"- Morning Service “Debt to Youth" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service “Fit for Battle" Young People's Fireside Hour Rev. A. A. Chute. B.A., B. Th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1956 24th After Trinity REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY “Greater love hath no man than this; that a many lay down his life for his friends" 9.30 am. â€"- Sunday School. 9.30 am. â€"â€" HOLY BAPTISMJ Rev. A. A. Chote 11 a.m, â€" MORNING PRAYER Rev. A. A. Chote 11 am. â€" Nursery 8: Jr. Congre- gation 2 prh. â€"- Y.P. Bible Class 7 pm. â€" EVENING PRAYER Conï¬rmation Series The Rector. 8.30 pm. -â€" Teacher Training Course Wrixon Hall NOTE â€" All those interested in Sunday School work are invited to attend the Teacher Training Course which meets immediately after the evening service in Wrixon Hall RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Burne- Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and LB. Hour, CHML, 9 mm. Sunday SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1956 3 pm. â€"- Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Men and Missions Rally Wlth men of the_ congregation taking part in the service. Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study Hour Fri., Nov 9 at 8 pm. â€"- F.M.Y. Service with the pastor speaking on "The Long Distance Runner of the Bible" We welcome you to the fellow. ship of this friendly church RICHMOND HILL ‘ BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1956 10 am. BIBLE SCHOOL â€" with classes for the whole family 11 am. MORNING WORSHIP â€"- Guest Speaker: Mr. Wm. VanderBent Temp. Location: Masonic Hall, 15 Yongé St. N. “Where welcome is more than a word" ‘ 7.30 pm. GOSPEL SERVICE -â€" Guest Speakgr: Dr. M. H. Blondin Communion at close of evening service. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thomhfll Rev. W. E. Askew. Rector SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1956 Remembrance Day 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion. 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer - THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Remembrancé Service 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer Preacher -â€" Mr. D. L. Varey SUNDAY, NOVEMBER. 11. 1956 9.30 am. -â€"-â€"Intermediate and Sen- ' ior Sunday School 10 am. -â€"- Morning Worship and Sunday School (2-12 years) 11.30 am. â€"- Morning Worship & Sunday School (2-12 years) Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck, Minister 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1956 Sunday School Classes meet at SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1956 10 and 11 am. Armistice Day Service .. 11 am. Ex-Servic; men invited to attend this service in a body.‘ ' REMEMBER Armistice Day Sunday 11 am. â€" Sermon ‘Is there a road to World Peace?’ 4 pm. â€" The Young Adult Fell- owship will meet- in the home of Mr. Tom McCall, 120 Moore Friday 7 pm. â€"- Children’s Happy Hour Saturday 8 pm. â€" Young Life Club Hard Time Party in the Church Hall. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy, 8A.. 8.1). Minister SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11( 1956 2.30 BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH . 0! Markham District SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1956 Heise Hill (Gomley) ' 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.30 pm. â€"- Prayer Meet- ing Oak Ridge: (Aubrey Ave.) 1030 am. â€" Sunday School .730 pm. -- Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. â€"- Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd Con. 2 miles north _ of Concord) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am, â€" Worship Service 10 am. â€" Sunday 8011001 11.15 am. â€" Worship Ser Concord (School House) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Minister: RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A. J. BARRACLOUGH THORNIIILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Frames ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Kin; Sidemad Rev. Calvin H. Chambers, RICHMOND KILL UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Store Fixtures Richmond Hill Park Avenue Rev. Earl B. Eddy, Worship Service Kitchen Cabinets I If («'40 General Woodworking OAK [cme TU. 1-2550 GOBMLIY -UNI‘I‘ED MISSIONAR! CHURCH lav. C. I. Banking. Minute: 8.45 â€" Church Broadcast CKLB 1350 Oshawa 10 a.m. -â€" Morning Worship 11 MIL â€" Sunday School 7.30 p.111. â€" Evening Service CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord's Day evening at 7 p.m. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Rev. 15 vs. 4: . . . for thou only art Holy for all nations shall come and worship before thee: for thy judgments are made manifest 01k Avenue Between Stop 22 and 22A Yongo SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1956 9.30 am. -â€" Breaking of Bread 11 a.m. â€" Family Worship Rev. A. 6.. Donald, M.C.. Minister SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1956 HOPF 10.30 am. â€"- Divine Worship 11.20 am. â€"â€" Sunday School MAPLE. 10.15 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. â€" Divine Worship EDGELEY 1.30 pm. â€" Sunday School 2.30 pm. ~â€" Divine Worship and Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Speaker: Mr. Alan Ure from Greenwood, Toronto Tues., 8 pm. -â€" Prayer and Bibi 1e Ministry IICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA (Anglican) RICHVALE - LANGS’I‘AFF DISTRICT “Suï¬er the Vlittle children to come unto me" All children of this District are invited to attend this Sunday School which meets every Sun- day morning In the Charles How- 9.45 a.m. â€"- SUNDAY SCHOOL Meets in the Charles. Howitt School Church Services at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, at 9.30 am. - 11 am. - 7 p.m. itt School SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1956 24th After Trinity SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1958 10 am. â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship 6.30 pm. -â€" PrayervMeeting 7 p.m. â€"- Gospel Service Oakwood Aires singing Tues., 8 pm. â€"â€" Teenagers and Youth Fellowship Wed. 8 p.m. â€" Prayer 8: Bible Study Thurs., 1. pm. -â€" Women's Miss- ionary Fellowship Thurs., 8 pm. -â€" Evening Mis- sion Circle, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month Fri, 7 pm. -â€" Lamplighter: Public school age children Morning Prayer . . . . . . 10 am. Holy Communion lst Sundays 10 am. ST. JOHN’S A‘NGLICAN OAK RIDGES (Yonge at Jefferson) Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11.15 am. Holy Communion 4th Sunday: 11.15 am. ST. MARK’S CHAPEL ANGLICAN Parish of St. John. Oak Ridge: Oak Ridges. ange Street, opp. Morning Prayer . . . . . . 10 am Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 3.11: ST. STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN MAPLE Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11 Evening Prayer 7 Holy Communion â€" 2nd Sundays at 11 am 4th Sundays at 7 pm. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1956 10 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Divine Worship ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. BARNABAS' MISSION LANGSTAH BAPTIST CHURCH Church St, Langstafl Pastor Rev. Wm. Hiltz. B.A. ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN KING (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor H. Lindeman Schdol TU. 4-25“