VPINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Speciï¬. cations North York Liberal Association STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS A cordial invitation is extended to 3 interested in the Liberal Party. A to new residents of the mmmunuu Our sympathy ls extendedjo Mr. and Mrs. John Greenï¬eld, Garden Ave. on the death of thelr slster-ln-law, Mrs. Edith Greenï¬eld, wife of Mr. Joseph Greenï¬eld of Goodwood. Ont. She was in her 42nd year and had been ill for some time. She will be sadly missed by her son MASONIC HALL, RICHMOND HILL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16th AT 8 RM. Mrs. A. Reynolds. Edgar Ave., Mrs. G. Hiltz, Birch Ave.. and Mrs. R Stockert. Thornhiii. aii enjoyed a surprise birthday party for Mrs Stockert’s twin sisters living at the Queensway on last Sagurday. ' On Saturday, November 10, the Canadian Legion Branch 375 held a very successful poppy day. Chil- dren from the neighbouring school canvassed door to door. Twelve children from the Orange Home canvassed in Richmond Hill and were brought back to the Legion Hall, Catrville Road, for hot chocolate. All children who~he1ped will attend the Rich- mond Theatre free next Saturday. Socials ‘ Used Building Materials, lumber, Doors, Windows, Sash and Plumbing Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Electric Water Heater Service llBERAI. ASSOCIATION L Lee, Pres. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 V V"..- -.- - .uwu-v- residents of the commuhity to associate them selves with the local organization. RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION , ~----.uv.‘vu lllhh 1/1: mile east of Y’onxe 0!! Markham Road Open daily to 6 pm CEDAR AVE., CORRESPONDENT: MRS. K. REYNOLDS RICHVALE NEWS will be held in the meeting of the 77 Edgar Ave. Phone AV. 6.3189 RICHMOND HILL NORTH YORK : At a recent meeting between the Council and the Board of Education, it was ag- reed that other tax revenues would have to be exploited more to ease the tax on real property. The Canadian Legion Branch 375 took part in the Armistice day services held at Richmond Hill_ on Sunday, November 11. The K.V.W. Girls softball league will hold a Christmas draw In December. They will also sponsor a dance on November 23. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Amedto of Yongeview Ave., Langstaï¬, atten- ded the wedding of their niece Salvapara Marie Merlina on November 12 at Owen Sound. The dinner and reception was held at Wiarton, Ont. Rev. S. P. Clrveno of Port Colbourne and formerly of Thornhlll Roman Catholic Church performed the ceremony, Rev. Cirvello is a cousin of the bride. The Junior WA. of Langatafl’ held a travelling bake sale last Saturday and before they cam vassed half the streets in Rich- vale they were sold out. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giles of Port Bolster spent the past week vls- itlng Mr. Glles' sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, of Oak Ave. Mrs. M. Miller, Mr. D. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenï¬eld, of Garden Ave and Mrs. A. Rey- nolds of Edgar Ava, had a very enjoyable evening on Friday, November 9. at the Army, Navy and Air Force Armistice banquet. Mr. Sparkes of Carrville Rd., is back home again after his tsay in the hospital and is doing very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. B. Barton and family, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Butler Sr. of Spruce Ave., have moved from Bradford to their new home at Lake Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Greenï¬eld moved Saturday from Garden Ave. to their new home at Oak Ridges. Edwin and daughter Doris. all men and women ‘. S. Cook. Sec. special invitation ,,__....... us» y, HATS. 7' -r S. J. English; Miss. Monthly, Mrs. E. Walton; Literature Sec'y, Mrs. H. A. Roberts; Press, Mrs. F. H. Leaf. Mrs. Wm. Rodick conducted the meeting and Mrs. S. J. Eng- Mrs. Margaret Rumney of Vic- toria Square was guest speaker on Thursday evening of last week, when the Friendship Club ,0! Browns Corners Church enter- tained women of the community in the church parlours. Mrs. Rumney, who is an advisor on interior Decoration at the Trend House, Eaton's College St. store, spoke on heme decoratiOn and answered questions put by her' audience. She also had interest- ing new drapery fabrics md wall- paper samples to show, and il- lustrated her talk with coloured slides of well furnished rooms. Miss Mary Gough operated the projector for the speaker. Mrs. Jack Harrott conducted the meet- ing and Mrs. Bryce Jacksie thanked the speaker. A friendly tea hour concluded an enjoyable evening. Brown’s Corners Church W.M.S. On Wednesday afternoon of last week Brown's Corners Uni-i ted Church W.M.S. members met for their annual meeting, with‘ Rev. A. C. Huston conducting} the elections. Officers are as fol-‘ lows: Past President. Mrs. C. J» Russel; Pres. Mrs. Wm. Rodickfl Vice-Pres. (ï¬rst) Mrs. Norman Reid, (Second) Mrs. A. W. Miller; Treasurer, Mrs. Douglas Hood; Secretary, Mrs. F. H. Leaf. Sec’y younger groups, Mrs. Norman Reid; Baby Band. Mrs. J. Brown; Miss. Band, Mrs. S. J. English; C.G.I.T. and Explorers. Miss Nancy Spears: Sec'y Christian Stewardship. Mrs. A. Gardner; Sec'y Community Friendship, Mrs. H. Steffler; Supply Sec'y (Quilts) Mrs. J. Donaldson: (Sew- ing) Mrs. F. W. Baker; Associate Members Sec'y. Mrs. Edgar Ful- ler, ass't, Mrs. A. Stephenson, EhriYstian Citizenship Sec'y, Mrs. 'r.‘__u_u_ CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.D.H Ref’reshheniéVVâ€"ï¬ere served the executive. Frindghfg Club Meeting Miss Ann Davies decided tp leave the Crafts for the Decem- ber meeting~thls is always an interesting feature. Mrs. Turner’ also took the sec- ond chapter of the Study Book “Kl Soonl', the interesting story of a little Korean girl. The mksion band leader. Mrs. Wilfred Turner, read two poems: “In Flanders Fields" by Dr. John Moore, and an answer writ- ten later, "We broke not Faith†by O. I. McBurney, reminding that November 11th was Remem- brance Day. An interesting item on the pro- gram was a self prepared talk on a conducted tour through the Master Feeds Farms, by Patsy Watters. She was chosen to rep- resent her school (Thomlea) at a recent'_speaking event. Present-day methods of infant feeding disprove the fruit-milk fallacy. Doctors re- port as many as four acids used in this country for the artiï¬cial acidiï¬cation of cow‘s milk for infant feeding. Two short Thanksgiving stories were read by the treasurer, Janet Oakes. Piano Solos by Margaret Patterson and Susan Harrott Were gnjoyed by all. The curd which results from a mixture of fruit acids and milk is much ï¬ner and therefore easier to digest than the milk curd formed with acid found normally in the stomach. The milk and fruit combination is there- fore to be desired rather than avoided. The Story of the Good Samari- tan, illustrated on the Flannel- graph, Was told by Nancy Brown, wlih Gordon Brown assisting. The Autumn Thank Offering Meeting of the Davidson Mission Band was held on Saturday after- noon at Brown‘s Corners United Church with a good attendance Joy Fuller ,the vice president, conducted the meeting and the worship service was taken by the president, Betty Patterson assis- ted by Margaret Champion. San- dra Burr, Joy Fuller, Margaret and Patricia Patterson. The min- utes were read and the roll call taken by the secretary. Sandra Burr, and the pianist was Irene Watters. The belief that fruit caus- es milk to cutdie in the stom- ach is the objection often raised to taking acid fruits and milk at the same time. As a matter of fact, the ï¬rst process of digestion is curd- ling. and the gastric juice in the stomach is largely res- ponsible for this change. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK not: About Milk Should milk and acid fruits be taken at the same meal? Mrs. Norman Reid underwent surgery at the Toronto East Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday of last week, her friends will be sorry to learn. We wish for her a quick recovery. Davidson Mission Band Mrs. L. Scott who moved to Markham recently with her fam- ily has been 111 during the past week or so. but is now able to be up and around again we are hap- py to say. On Thursday of last week Mrs’ Gordon Purves attended a direc- tors meeting of the Ontario Board, Canadian Cancer Society. Mr. anti Mrs. Ken Gray of Kirkland Lake and Miss Johann Gray of London were visitors at Braedoon Farm last week-end. Euchre Players! Remember Friday evening. Nov. 16 at the Hall! Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton are In the Parry Sound area this week with friends. Mr. Walton ls enjoying a hunting trlg. CORRESPONDENT 2 MRS. F. n. LEA! B. B. 2 Gonnley â€"- Phone We, 3-5 BUTTONVILLE NEWS Mrs. A. W. Miller, president. Mrs. M. Sherman. vice-president, Mrs. N. Reid, treasurer; Mrs. J. Brown, general assistant; and Mrs. R. S. Patterson, Sec’y were installed as officers at the elec- tion held in Brown's Corners United Church on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The Har- mony Club performs W.A. Serv- ices for the church ,and includes all interested women in the com- munity. At present members are work- ing for the Christmas Bazaar, and are reminded that all booths -â€"White Elephant, Baby Booth, Home Baking, Candy, Aprons. Misc. and Tea Room, are in need of assistance. The date is Decem- Lf_. .. her 1. ButtonJliiE Hall Mrs. Wm. Rodick discussed the chapter from the Study Book, “East of Burma" which dealt with Indonesia. using a large scale map of the area to give point to her talk. Mrs. Gordon Purves sang a solo “Just for Today" and the meeting was closed with the sing- ing of a hymn and the benedic- tion. Tea was served by the ex- ecutive members, Mrs. Rodick, Ihilrs. Hood, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. eaf. Harmony Club Re-Instates Officers of the previous meeting were read and approved and the an- nouncements made. The devo- tional, taken by Mrs. Leaf was based on Paul's letter to the Ephesians. lish presided at the piano. Fol- lowing quiet music, the call to worship was read followed by a hymn; and prayer. The minutes Alum he! "pom up no 10 milu ptr gcflonl That's based on ofï¬cial AAA fuel consumption ï¬gures for the Cameo Carrier. powered by the famous Thriflmaster 6 engine and equipped with Overdrive (optional at extra c051). Here! New Task-Force 57 Chevrolet Fucks! New 283-:ubic-Ench Taskmouer V8 delivers 160 high-torque horsepower. Slandord ln Series 1800 and 1700, opIionol in Seriex l3001hrouah 1600 el extra ces'. Horsepower ranges Up *0 220 in Chevrolet’s complefe line-up of modern V8 and 6 truck engines. Revolutionary Powermalic Transmission! This six-speed aulomaoie, designed epeciflcally For heavy-duty hauling, is an extra-cosy ep'ien in series I600 rhrough WWOO module. Hydra- Mafi: is offered in 1300, Moo and 1500 Serle: model: a. exna cosh New 1957 work-uyling gives Chevrolet Orueks an even fresher, fleeler appearance. There are three different and distinctive freeman". . Like a carelessly unwound ribbon, the Alcan Highway twists and reels for 1,520 miles. It tumbles over towering mountains of awesome beauty and wanders-through desolate Yukon forests. A miracle of engineering â€" but a brutal challenge to trucks. ’ - It‘s the road where trucks grow old before their time. The rogd where gravel endlessly Here are the trucks that conquered the Alcan Highway â€"- one of the world’s most challenging roads! Six new ’57 Chevrolet trucks, loaded with cargo, roared north from Dawson Creek, B.C., through 1,520 miles of mountains and mire, rain and hail - every conceivable natural roadblock - to Fairbanks, Alaska. Running around the clock, they made this tortuous trip - normally a 72-hour run - in less than 45 hours. 'AV. 5-4391 3-6188 FIRST WITH THE MOST MODERN FEATURES! Proved on the Alcan Highway... Champs of every weight class Performance-proved in a history-making test on the ALCAN Highway to Alaska Mr. and Mrs. David Barton en- tertained at their home follow- ing the christening of their dau- ghter Bonnie Mae on Sunday, November 11. Those present were the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash, and Mr. and Mrg The turkey supper sponsored by the Carrville Woman's Assoc- iation held Wednesday evening, met with success. Socials E. B. Eddy was in charge. The choir sang ‘O Valiant Hearts. who to your glory came'. The rite of infant baptism was conferred on Bonnie Mae Barton, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David .1. Barton with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson of Toronto as god~ parents. Tug-key Supper Sunday. November 11, was Armistice Day and a service of {emembrance was observed. Rev. Church News Greenhouses Carnillo Rd east of Bayview FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Only franchised Chevrolet dealers Bayview Florist Phone AV. 6-4521 BIRRELL MOTORS LTD. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 13033 and Mr. and M}; CARRVILLE NEWS M! "w way in DRIVE rang. WM: Powormalici As a speciabtest. this Powennau'c-eqm'ppcd 1900 Series tractor travelled the length of the Alcan Highway â€" up mountains and through washouts - in I single forward-speed range! This is the road that was chosen to give the new ‘57 Chevrolet trucks a supreme test of stamina, performance and handling ease. The results of that test made hauling history! sledgehammers the life out of trucks. Where a fog of superï¬ne dust chokes engines, and vicious ruts subject chassis to months of wear in a few hundred miles. YONGE STREET NORTH § OPEN EVERY SATURDAY - 7.30 can. to 5.30 p.111. R é'llll’llllllll’dIIIIII’IIIIII) worn by her great-Eraï¬EiEBtï¬'eE-j the late Mrs. Jas. Witney at her christening some 70 years ago. Jack Barton; Mrs. John Ash. great-grandmother; Bill Ash, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson and dan- ghter Myra Jane Wilson of Tor- onto and John Barton. The old- fashioned christening dress was Stop 15, Yonge $1., at Thornhill * * * Famous For Fresh Produce low Cab Forward models ovrdare Ike 6.01. became 'hey‘re lower, handnomer, eafler Do gel ink and our 09, and save Oime in routine engine malnienance. Yet they offer all the Ivadivional Cab Over Engine advantages. Heavyweighr Champ: wifl: Triple-Torque tandem are rand a! 32,000 lbs. GVW, 50,000 lbs. GCW. And Chnvvolao's advanced tandem rear axle uni! offers a built-In ihrae-speed power dividerâ€"pin: a unique "self-Inning" anion Qhai reduce: tire wear and humane handling eane. A THE LIBERAL, Ricï¬inond Hill, Ontario, Thursday; (AAA) The Chanel» Mean run was sanction“! and ofï¬cial rowln uniï¬ed - by 9b. American Alum-nah“. Association. display this famous trademark b ONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE WORK â€"â€" DRAINS 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 It’s all down in the AAA record book. And more besides! Never before has a new truck been so thoroughly proved. Come in and look over these new Alcan champs! :_' Six new Chevrolet trucks â€" representing llght-. medium- and heavy-duty models -â€" trav- elled the length of the Alcan highway in less than 45 hours. They ran day and night â€" but this was no test of speed. It was a measure of the ability of these new Chevrolet trucks to perform under typical conditions on the truck- killing Alcan run. The Chevrolet fleet made normal stops along the way. and maintained safe and legal speeds. As a special additional test during the run, two of the trucks went the entire distance without once having their engines stopped! Now Super Taskmunov VB ï¬umnl Yukon moumalml This 1957 1800 Series Huck with its new 283~cubic-inch V8 engine wal more than a match for Alcan mountains. I! ciimbed lowering grades with jackrabbit agility. RICHMOND HILL‘ r, November 16, 1955 7-0570