Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1956, p. 16

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CHILD'S brown overcoat, size 6. hardly worn. Maple 18R21. *1w20 LADY’S winter coat, dark green. 7, like new. TU. 4-1085. c1w20 EOAL STOVE. May Avc.. 6th house south side. *1w20 GURNEY electric range, excell- ent condition. TU. 4-1900. c1w20 ROTTEN Cow Manure, $6.00 a load. AX. 3-4697. c1w20 3 DRAWER modern dresser, $10. TU. 4-2897. c1w20 BED, spring mattress and dresser. AV. 5-4409. c1w20 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 15, 1956 BABY CARRIAGE, new tion. AV. 5-1507. 1 ELECTRIC TRAIN. Phone TU. 4-3188. c1w20 BRAND NEW Hallmark oil-fired floor furnace and 200 gallon tank. AV. 5-1153. c4w19 LADYS winter coat. dark green. TIMOTHY HAY Baled. Gormley 5216. SMITH-CORONA portable typeâ€" writer, very gong condition. Phone TU. 4-3478. *lw20 condition. reasonable 3896. MEDIUM Quebec heater. in good condition. Phone AV. 5â€"4139. MOUTON fur coat. in excellent size 16, good condition. TU. 4- 1378. clw20 ACCORDION 120 bass; electric stove, fully automatic. Both in new condition. TU. 4-1025. c1w20 58 PLYMOUTH. Private. As new. Can finance. Call Maple 244W. clw20 FINDLAY spacer heater. Quebec 1 COLEMAN space heater, only used six months, will sell for $20. TU. 4-1372 cook stove. chemical toilét '(new). AV. 5-3618.. c1w20 3 PC. CHESTERFIELD. bedroom suite and refrigerator. AV. 5- 3518. c1w20 RUDD HEATER. Prestone, pilot light. good condition, cheap. MOhawk 5065. c1w20 BALED STRAW, over 5 (bales 700 per bale; potatoes. 75 lb. bag 32‘ Phone TU. 4-2143.. c1w20 GIRL'S green gabardine‘ coat, mouton collar. size 12. like new. Boys' skates, size 2, almost new. TU. 4-3239. ‘ c1w20 STRAW by the bale. Any order over 50 bales delivered. Cedar posts. F. Powell R R. 1 Rich- mond Hill. clw20 MOTOROLA custom car radio. Ford, with extra speaker, $65 or best offer. Also {hree rabbits. AV. 5-3582. clw20 LARGE SIZED tricycle, doll car- riage, and pair of girl‘s figure skates. size 13. all in good con- dition. TU. 4-1209. ('1w20 COMBINATION deep freeze and refrigerator. “Woods”. Don Mills Road, first house south of No. 7. west side. c2w20 BOY‘S ice skates, size 4 and 5; Thor G1adiron. Westinghouse portable electric oven. TU. 4- 2927. cl\\'20 T.D.C. 35 mm. projector for stills, perfect 'condition, with selecta- tray. $35. HIckory 4-8704 or AV. 5-1354. clw20 COOK STOVE, rangette. gas stove. brown enamelled stove. suitable for heating small house. AV. 5-3187. cl\\‘20 STOVE and automatic water hea- ter. propane gasA Still under war- ranty. new condition. Phone Maple 266. c1\\‘20 OIL SPACE HEATER. medqu size, $15.00. Apply 18 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill or phone TUA 4-2547 SPACE HEATER. medium size. first class condition. with two drums and stand. $50. AV. 5- 1105, 8 to 5. ask for Ed. Rose or 103 Lucas St. clw20 ALUMINUM DOOR. practically new. 81" x 33"; Woods 15 cu. ft freezer, 312 years guarantee still to go. American Flyer Electric train and accessories. After 5 p. m. TU. 4-1203. clw20 LAY-AWAY Use our Lay-Away Plan now for Christmas purchases Bryant Hardware, Richvale AV. 5-3821. DO YOU WAN"? the best eggs for your money? Then phone TU. 4-m55 and ask [or John Masse- link, Elgin Mills P 0.. for Purina Cage Laid eggs â€"â€" F‘resh daily There are no better â€"â€"- and we sell for more prir‘es. lfc32 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish, any colour tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms. free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario 51., West New- market. Onto Please reverse phone charges tfc34 BOATS New marine plywood boats. 8 ft. prams. 12 ft. car-top, 14 it. run- abouts ..$65 and up. Best ma- terials used. no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No 1] Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free flelivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent LiBEKAL CLASSIFIEDS CALL TURNER 44261 ARTICLES FOR SALE Tl TU. 4- cleO condi- c1w20 c1w20 c1w20 *1w20 cl\\‘20 c15w9 __â€"â€". . For Sale (cont’d) MISCELLANEOUS tic DRY FIREWOOD, 411 kindsrhfrge EéiiveE'y. raylor’q' Saw Mill, R. R. 2, Aurora AV. 9â€"4231 c10w11 DRY HARD WOOD. cut to any length, $20.00 per cord. TU. 4- 1215. tfc15 SPY APPLES by the bushel. Deâ€" livered. J. A. Latimer, TU. 4-1022. c4w18 HARD SMELLY WATER? Ask about our watel softener and filter plan at Bryant Hardware. AV. 5-3821. tfc2 FOURâ€"PIECE bedroom suite very reasonable. TU. 4â€"2932. hUBBER STAMPS, all kinds. any size. Quick service. The Liberal Ofiice. Richmond HilAl. MIXED GRAIN. cats with peas. W. M. Farm, Maple. Maple 54 ring 3. c1w20 ELECTRIC STOVE. 4-burner, side oven. good condition, $15.00. TU. 4-2149. c1w20 WELL TILE, 30" and 36", im- mediate delivery, Lorne Baker Concrete Products. Newm’arket, phone 112. tfc20 CHOICE quality Sebago table po- taties. T. Mashinter, 114 Rose- view Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1170. tfc18 LOWER PRICES on most Lay~Away goods. A small deposit will hold any pur- chase. Bryant Hardware. Rich- vale, AV. 5â€"3821. c14w9 YOUR HEADQUARTERS for new and used electrical applian- ces and supplies is Blackburn‘s Suburban Television and Elec- tric, Thornhill. AV. 5â€"1333. tfc8 FRESH-KILLED, oven dressed roasting‘ capons. delivered, 55c a pound. Alvin Baker, AV. 5- 1967. tfc14 A small depOSit will hold your gifts until Christmas. - Bryant Hardware. Richvvlle. AV‘ 5-3821. c16w9 ONE 60 CYCLE oil burner com- plete, one “New King" hot water furnace: one solid oak extension table. 103 Yonge St. S., TUrner 4-1186. *1w20 ELECTRIC RANGE. 4-burner, good condition. $25. Fargo Truck, 41 Ford Deluxe Coach. 10/20 Tractor, good shape. E. Leno. 86 Leisure Lane. TU. 4-1523. c1w20 QUAKER' oil space heater, 2 oil drums with taps; all for $25. 1m- ersion heater with thermostat, also insulating jacket for a No. 30 hot water tank, $6. AV. 5- 4410. clwzo TWO WOODEN work benches with metal on top. size 5 ft. x 28 inches x 3 ft. high; two wood stuck bins. 7 ft. x 3 ft. 4 inches, 1 ft. deep. TU. 4-3016 after 6 pm. , c1w20 New Underwood Portables and factory re‘ouilt typewriters, Vicâ€" tor adding macnmes. also type- writer ribbons and carbon paper. Rentals available. (‘all TU 4-1745. tfcll COLEMAN oil floor furnace and 175 gallon tank with all access- ories. A1 condition. One year old, cleaned and serviced. Value $305. will sell and install for $190. Call Oil Space Heater' and Floor Fur- nace Service, phone TU. 4-1221. clw20 IDEAL XMAS GIFT: Electric Lionel Train, .027 gauge. engine. caboose, 3 freight cars, 12 straight track, 14 curved track. two man~ ual sWitches. electric searchlight tower. miscellaneous accessories as plastic station, Dinky toys. etc. Best ofier. TU. 4-3045. c1w20 1 New Norge 10 cu. ft. refrig. customatic model., - reg. price $465. Sale price $299.95. This is our cost price. 1 Norge Automatic washer. re- turns suds automatically, the top of the line. Reg. price $429.95. Our cost and sale price. $279.95. 1 Combination Wood and Elec- tric Range. good condition, $200. if you take it away. I Hotpoint range, nice and clean, $10.00, take it away. 2 Cast iron radiators, large. $10. apiece. 1 Gas Stove. $10.00. You arrange transportation. 2 New RCA Victor 21" TV sets. 57 model, reg. price $269.95. Sale price $219.95. TU. 4-1552 Opp. Theatre A FURNISHED room. breakfast if desired, close to buses. AV. 5- 3582. clw20 ALL BREED puppies war Best prices paid. AV. 5-357‘ LEnnox 2-8550. Modern cosy home folk, fireside loung and companionship. At Mill Road and TU. 4-3442, AV. 5-15 WORKING MOTHER requires a boarding home for three child- ren in Richmond Hill vicinity. They must all be in one home. Ages 8 yrs., 3 yrs.. 18 months. $15 a week at present. Phone TU. “$2976. Apply 44 May Ave. Richvale. c1w20 ROOM & BOARD MEADOWVIEW TYPEWRI‘I‘ERS & ADDING MACHINES BARGAINS AT YEREX ELECTRIC LIVESTOCK WANTED CHRISTMAS Opp. Theatre ' LODGE a for elderl) e. kind care scenic View. Bathurst St. 568. c1\\‘18 c 1 W20 tfc43 tfc9 ANYTHING in Painting, Paper- hanging, Decorating, etc. Phone A. Rollinson TU. 4-2587 tfc9 EAVESTROUGHING. heating. General sheet metal work. TU. 4-4092. *4w20 NORTH YORK SODDING 30. Delivery of quality loam and sod / or laid. 5840 Yonge St, Phone BA. 1-9877. x18w3 DAY CARE available for one to two children. TU. 4-3676. c2w20 LAWNS ROLLED and rotovating. Richmond Sod. TU. 4-2741. tic44 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC Electrical wiring, repairs, sales, service. Phone TU 4-3211. tfc30 ELECTRIC Day and night service on elec- trical repairs and electric appli- ance service. Phone Blackburn's Suburban. AV. 5-1333, tch SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, RichmOnd Hill, TU. +1701. BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc49 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road. Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4â€"2231. tfc27 TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic, plastic and linoleum. Robert E. Patchell, PArkview 7-4459, 32 Mill St., Aurora. tfc3l Day and night service. Aerials installed from $22.50. Phone Blackburn’s Suburban, AV. ‘5- 1333. tfc8 RUGS & UPHOLSTERY Cleaned on premises. Wall to wall carpet a specialty. Phone King 33R23. tfc28 FROM THE BASEMENT to the roof â€" house repairs and alter- ations. J. M. Cannon Sn, Oxford St.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1810. tfc13 Trees pruned, removed and custom chain sawing. Free esti- mates. Phone TU. 4-1221. tfc46 PLASTERING By old country plasterer. new, old work. cornice and stucco ceilings a specialty. TU. +2157. tfc50 WELL DRILLII‘K'} George's Well Drilling and re- pairing, pump installed and re- paired. George Adams, Box 192 King City, King 287. tfc46 Chimneys built and Free estimates Expert ship. Phone Walker chell. AV. 5-2526. COLOR SCHEME Glidden Paint Company will plan your color arrangements free. In~ lerior and Exterior. Drop in at Bryant Hardware, Richvale. AV‘ 5â€"3821. c6w16 RADIO REPAIRS â€" Car radios removed and instaLL ed, also home radios pickup and delivery. J. Fox & Son. TU. 4~ 1610. ' tfc2'r CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple 54R12. tfc7 ROOF REPAIRS ROOF, Eavestrougn, Chimney brick work. painting. general re- pair work of all kinds. prnmp! service. Phone TU. 4-3344. “022 PLOWING, discing. back filling, grading and frontâ€"end loading, topsoil and manure. Lance Willis. TU. 4-2096. tfc40 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering. cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc IDEAL Maintenance Co. Stores, offices, etc. cleaned. Floors main- tained in first class condition. Phone TU. 4311'? days, TU. 4- 3009 evenings. tfc12 FURNITURE Refinishing and Re- pairs, custom made furniture and cabinets of modern design. Dis- plays and woodwork. Free pick- up and delivery. Call BA. 1- 8661. c10w12 AV. 5-1595 TREE SERVICE For quality workmanship 1n pruning, treating, planting and removing trees. Consult us. 30 years experience. Free estimates. Johnson Tree Service. TU. 4- 1320. tfc51 xLTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks. cement work, septic :anks. soft water cisterns, car- pantry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell. AV 5- ‘quipment, motors. outboards. -hain saws. etc. All parts carried in stock. Phone AX.3-6871. clwzc DOMINION RENTALLS l'flionville have obi/aimed services of ex- mechanics, all types of hanical work on garden Dment. motors. outboards. \. MILLS & SON Ilichmoud Hill “‘"mblng and Heating TUrner 4-1711. AVenue 5-3697 SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-4131 TREE SERVICE TELEVISION BUY FENN SELL PENN REAL ESTATE CHIMNEYS BA 5-2411 tfcl7 repaired. workman- and Mit- tfcl" “034 t£c42 tfc15 tfc17 tfc45 GENERAL carpentry‘ New work, kitchen cupboards alterations and repairs. TU. 4-1904. tfc9 R, H. REID, Delivery service. Pickup and delivery, light mov- ing. TU. 4-339]. tfc37 WELL DIGGING, expert service. year round. BA. 1-4898. c5w18 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4â€"2896. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill. tfc3 WHITEWASHING done by John Benedictus. phone King City 288. c4w17 EXCLUSIVE rest home and lodge on Yonge St. South of Aurora. PA. 7-4145. *1w20 TV & Radio Service, antenna and U.H.F. installations. TU. 4-2101, AV. 5-3756. tfc20 GENERAL repairs, interior and exterior painting, plumbing and carpentry work. floors_ sanded. Call AV. 5-3470. c4w17 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE PARKING METER Pennies and no fines at the Bryâ€" ant Hardware, Richvale. AV. 5- 3821. c4w17 PAINTING and spraying. inter- ior and Exterior, done by John Benedictus. Phone King City 288. tfc17 FRANK‘S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerrits, R. R, 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfcso ALTERATIONS on men’s and wo- men's wear. Specialty on remod- elling furs. Dressmaking also. TU. 4-2768. c4w1'7 CARPENTER â€" General Repairs and alterations. Recreation rooms kitchens, verandahs, etc. G. Carson, AV. 5-1931. tfc17 ROOF REPAIRS Roofin and Siding by experts, excell nt workmanship. Free es- timates, TUrner 4-1479. tfc34 RICHMOND HILL TV Service, fast, efficient service, anytime. Antenna installations. TU. 4- 2101. tfc48 MISCELLANEOUS ED HARRIS FUEL & STOVE OIL Fast, efficient service, AV. 5-3359. tfcIO Thornhill, Phone AV. 5-1266. tfclz HAVE YOUR septic tank and concrete work. installed before winter. F. W. Payne, Septic Tank and Concrete Contractor. AV. 5- 1153. c4w19 MOVING 8: CARTAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage. pack- ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. th2 Gormley 5601. Stoufiville 320 OIL SPACE HEATER AND FLOOR FyRNACE Cleaning, repairs and parts for all makes and models. For guar- anteed work and prompt service. phone TU. 4-1221. tfc20 for footings. floors. patios. etc GORMLEY READYâ€"MIXED CONCRETE LTD. ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by expert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. AV. 5â€"4111. tfcla SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- pi“ Oak Ridges, TU. 4-3181: Complete septic tank work. drain digging. all work guaran- teed. Call Murray Baker, phone 651 Newmarket. tfc41 PIANO TUNING and all repairs. Guaranteed work- manship. Tuner tor Music Camp of the Royal Conservatory of Music, churches. schools, etc. Free estimates. Phone Ambrose Engli, Thornhill, AV. 543365. VAN PACKER CHIMNEYS prefabricated. for new and old buildings, any fuel, UL. and N.H. A. approved. Sales and installa- tions. Stan Troyer, TU. 4-1124. tfclB DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone collect. Tor- onto 'EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. Gordon Young Limited. WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Our loam is pure not mixed with clayish sand. Our loam is excell- ent for top dressing. shrubs, flower beds, covering bulbs and rose bushes. Prompt service for truckers and home delivery. For your satisfaction obtain loam from our pit. 6 yards $17.00. Phone TU. 4-2841. tfcl'l HAIRDRESSER for full time work. Phone TU. 4-2113. After 6 p.m. TU. 4â€"2666. c1w20 2 LADIES for office phone solic- iting, married preferred: one daily 9-5. one evenings 6 to 9, Monday through Friday. No ex- perience necessary. We will train you. Salary and commission. Phone B. Daniels, .AV. 5-1472. READY MIXED CONCRETE HELP WANTED KOSHER MEATS FIRST QUALITY DELIVERED WEEKLY. Phone EMpire 6-2125. BLACK PEAT LOAM SEPTIC TANKS l“511x127 c6w17 3-1472. c1w20 tfc13 tch tfc4 PART TIME daily help or woman for housework one or two days a week in Thornhill village. AV. 5- 3716 after 5 pm. c1w20 CAPABLE woman, fond of child- ren. to take charge of home while mother works, live in or out. AV. 5-4128. c1w20 EXPERIENCED barber for Rich- mond Hill shop. Steady employ- ment for right man. Best wages. Apply in pcrscn. Stan Ransom Sn. Ransom‘s Barber Shop, Rich- mond Hill. c1w20 SMART aggressive salesmen for established bread routes, local area. guaranteed salary and com- mission. group insurance, hospit- alization. Phone Unionville 349. and fter 6.30 pm. AV. 5-2766 c1w19 REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY Due to our tremendous expan- sion program and the advance- ment of present staff we have immediate openings for four en- ergetic men of neat appearance in our busy Thornhill offices. Our salesmen are amongst the high- est income in the business. Real Estate experience is not necessâ€" ary A complete training pro; gram is provided with continued office assistance at all times. For nterview appointment call sales manager Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. avenings AV. 5-2742. DAVID McLEAN LTD.. I Head Offices, Thornhill Members Toronto Real Estate Board c1w6 FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Attractive permanent position open in local manufacturing plant. Party must be capable of assuming responsibility. and be experienced in general office work and accounting procedure. Would like references if possible. Apply Box 63, The Liberal. c1w20 SALESMAN WANTED by Rich- mond Hill Plastics Manufacturer. A new line of merchandise opens up an excellent field for devel- opment by experienced sales- man. Must have a car to cover Toronto as well as Ontario Ter- ritories. Contact â€" Richmond Hill TUrner 4-3107; Toronto AV. 5-4461. c1w20 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We require immediately, sales- men for our new Richmond Hill offces. We prefer men who are anxious to get into a larger in- come bracket, married, have a neat appearance. and a presentâ€" able car. Experience not necess- ary as you will be thoroughly trained and given expert assist- ance at all times This is an op- portunity for you to become as- sociated with a progressive and well established firm. For Inter- iew appointment call Richmond Hill manager, Mr. Shields, AV. 5-1164. Evenings TU 4-1230. DAVID McLEAN LTD.. 76 Yonge St 5., Richmond Hill Members Toronto Real Estate Board ch6 HELP WANTED DAY CARE available for child in good home. TU. 4-1453. c1w20 RELIABLE day care given for one or two children. TU. 4-3939. *1w20 MAN will do paperhanging or painting very reasonably, years of experience. TU. 4-2902. tfclO BABY SITTING, by experienced woman, evenings. TU. 4-3158. RELIABLE day care for child- ren. Monday to Friday, $6.00 per week. Phone TU. 4-3490. c1w20 EXPERIENCED stenographer de- sires position in Richmond Hill. Call TU. 4-3683 evenings. C1w20 SECRETARY with legal and com- merical experience requires full or part time employment. Box 62 The Liberal. ‘ c1w20 CAN LOOK after small children by day or week. TU. 4-3839. RELIABLE married man would like part-time work. Varied ex- perience. Have chaufieur's lic- ence. Box 64 The Liberal. clw20 PART TIME employment want- ed evenings fo‘r teen-age boy or middleâ€"aged business lady. Phone TU. 4-3819 after 6 p.m. c1w20 SWITCHBOARD operator-recep- tionist experienced. knowledge of typing, including pay r011, Bell trained, Box 56 The Liberal. ACCOUNTANT OFFICE MANAGER Experienced in all phases of ac- counting, office and plant person- nel management. also purchasing. Box 57 The Liberal. tfc19 HOUSE WANTED TO BUY with one acre of land. Full basement. Must be TUrner AVenue tele- phone exchange. Box 61, Liberal c1w20 rent. moderately; priced house. Must be central and have all conveniences. TU. 4-2858. c1w20 WANTED to buy (all cash) or WE HAVE CLIENTS wanting 3 to 10 acres for fur farming: also others wantng homes and busi- ness places. List your property for sale with Harvey S. Cuthill, David McLean Real Estate Ltd., Richmond Hill. Phone AV. 5- 1164 01' TU. 4-3194. *1W20 EMPLOYMENT WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED (continued) c4w18 tfcll tfle FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109 2 UNFURNISHED rooms. Oxford St., phone TU. 4-2055. c1w20 2 UNFURNISHED rooms. Apply 118 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. c1w20 TWO bright front rooms. heated. Business couple preferred. Phone TU. 4â€"3764. *2w20 FURNISHED ROOM, abstainers preferable. Stop 24A, May Ave.. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2965. clw20 WARM furnished bedroom FURNISHED ROQM for business lady. Central location. TU. 4- 3291 evenings or Saturday. cleO COMFORTABLE single room in Thornhill. with kitchen privileges Central. Phone AV. 5-1638. c1w20 if required. Suit one or two. Near bus. TU. 4-2201. c1w20 BED-sitting room available, suit- able for a business lady, cluse to bus stop. TU. 4-2255. c1w20 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc47 6 ROOM house for rent on Car;- vilIe Rd. LE. 3â€"0561, 6-7 even- ings. c1w19 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4~2101. tfc18 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS to rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. t£c32 3 ROOM furnished apartment, all WILL SHARE or rent furnished bungalow in Richvale, couple preferred. Dec. 1 - April 1 only. AV. 5-3717. *1w20 LARGE bottom flat in Maple, central. Heated. H & C water, bathroom. Reasonable. Maple 93. . c1w20 conveniences. 159 Spruce Ave., Richvale. AV. 5-4373-after 5 pm. tfc20 ROOM furnished or unfurnished. Middle aged or retired. In new bungalow. Phone TU. 4-3819. MAIN FLOOR, 3 large rooms, all donveniences, lst house north side North Road, Oak Ridges. H 4 ROOM house. and 4 room flat, unheated on CFRB sideroad, 2% miles south of Aurora 1/5 miles east of No. 11 Highway. John Iv- anitski. *1w20 $100.00 MONTHLY attractive un- furnished 5 room apartment. Two business adults only. References. Mr. McLean, AV. 5-1176 between 9 am. to 5 pm. clw20 SELF-CONTAINED 2-room fur- nished apartment, bath, Thornâ€" hill village at Yonge. Adults, $80 per month. AV. 5-3716 after 5 D.m. c1w20 OFFICE FOR REN/I‘ â€"- 300 sq. feet. completely renovated. washroom, parking space. Apply at Clarke’s Pharmacy, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1201. tfc12 All makes for rent, special stud- ent’s rates, Underwood typewrit- ers for sale, also ribbons & car- bon paper, call TUV 4-1745. tfcll AURORA, bachelor furnished ap- artment, equipped kitchenette, private bath, 1 or 2 business ad- ults. Phone PA. 7â€"5597, Aurora. tfc19 apartment, heavy wiring and parking facilities. Quiet business couple preferred. Immediate oc- cupancy. Phone TU. 4-1390 after 6 pm. c1w19 APARTMENT to rent, living, '1 bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, heated, stove and refrigerator. Separate entrance. Apply W. S. Hare 8: Son, Te’erranceville. Phone King 134r12. *3w19 SELF CONTAINED basement HIGH CHAIR. tricycle, play pen. waggon and some toys for twa little boys. AV. 5â€"3954. clw20 25 BALES each of straw and a1- falfa hay. AV. 5-2379. c1w20 EGGS WANTED â€" TOP PRICES For all sizes, premium for white. Phone Maple 267W. c8W17 CAPONS, and fowl, hlghest pri~ ces paid. Don’t sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone TU. 4â€"2643. tf027 Walter Lowe. R. R? 1 Richfnond Hill, TU. 4-2472. c1w20 ALL kinds of dogs and pups BLACK COCKER, blind in one eye. lost Saturday. vicinity Richâ€" mond Hill. chkory 4-4005. clw20 HUSKY PUP. 4 months, similar to German Shepard: grey with blackish face and black. Disap- peared from corner Elgin Mills Road and Dufierin St. last Sat- urday. November 10. Information leading to recovery greatly ap- preciated. Generousr reward BLACK 8; BROWN daschund, around Glen Brae Heights vicin- ity Tuesday evening. has collar and leash on. TU. 4-1418. c1w20 LOST Antique silver necklace, Friday. November 9. Yonge St. area of Richmond Hill. Reward. Phone TU. 4-1147. *1w20 Phone Maple 202 or 229. c1w20 TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES TO RENT WANTED LOST c1w20 c1w20 tf022 Grill ARRANGE your first or second mortgage quickly through Will- owdale Mortgage Service, MO. 2040 (reverse charges). tfcl? ANY TIME you want a first or second mortgage 011 your prop- erty and would like quick action, phone lST MORTGAGES 2ND MORTGAGES Some private funds available to make mortgage loans, 01‘ to buy existing mortgages. WV. WI CONROY Real Estate Willowdale, BA 7484. ' t Stop 22 Yonge St., 46 Edgar Ave. AV. 5-3198. tfc12 BOXER PUPPIES, reasonable 40 PULLETS, Light Sussex crossed with ER, laying. reas- onable. AV. 5-1077. Bert Witty. AT STUD Good Grade Tuganberg goat; also Jackass donkey. Montgomery, May Ave., TU. 4-2965. clw20 GOING CONCERN â€"'Dress shop, brick front cement block build- ing. vstore 26x24, apartment at rear and second floor; also sep- arate frame building at rear, div- ided into three units all rented. Good turnover in store. Stock at invoice prices. Harvey 5. Cut- hill, David McLean Realtor, Rich- mond Hill, AV. 5-1164. *1w20 12 ROOM brick house, central in the Town of Aurora. Income $190. a month and one apartment for owner. Apply H. McMillan, 137 Temperance St., Aurora. Tel. PA. 7-5190. *1w20 G-ROOMED. solid brick bunga- low, four years old. Aluminum storms. screens, large attached carport, beautifully landscaped, rockery, rose arbor, trellises, raspberries, strawberries, Owner transferred. V. H. Atkinson, Rup- ert St., Stouffville, phone 134. c1w20 WANTED to and from Toronto. arriving 8.30 or 9.00 a.m., and returning 5.00 pm. Phone TU. 4â€" 2793 c1w20 TRANSPORTATION available from Markham-Beaverton, Rich- mond Hill arriving. University of Toronto area for 8.30 am. AV. 5-3695. c1w20 ‘RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION wanted from Lennox Ave.. Richmond Hill to Leaside and return 7.15-7.30 am. â€" 5-5.15 p.m. TU. 4-2835. c1w20 TRANSPORTATION available to Dundas and Dovercourt via No. 7 Hwy. and Dufferin St., leaving 7.15 a.m., returning 5.00 pm. Phone TU. 4-1496 evenings. *1w20 YOUNG English couple with.two year old daughter requires two bedroom furnished or unfurnishâ€" ed apartment or flat. Richmond Hill. TU. 4â€"1227 after 7. *3w20 SAT., NOV. 17 -â€" Auction sale of Farm Implements. Case Tractor Model VA and full line of power equipment, stable stanchions and stalls, all steel, large quantity of lumber and scrap iron and house- hold furniture at Lot 32, Con. 1 Vaughan Township, 1% miles north of No. 7 Highway on Bath- urst Street. The property of R. E. Hedges. Terms cash. Sale at “-m-.. SALE REGISTERS SATURDAY. NOV. 24 -â€" Auction sale of household furniture, tools, etc..on Yonge St. at Thornhill, property of the estate of the late W. J. Ness. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneexjs. I'pfxfiâ€"Xlfin S. Farmer,\auction- eer, phone Gentile): 5311. SAT., NOV. 24 â€" Auction sale of house and lot also full line of household furniture including an- tiques. in the Village of Stoufiâ€" ville (Albert St.':. the property of the estate of the late Jessie Sage. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, the property,'5 rooms and bath, a semi-detached house, hydro, phone. good loca- tion. Terms on property 10% day of sale. balance in 30 days. Terms on chattels, cash. Sale at WILLOWDALE MORTGAGE SERVICE 1 pm. Lloyd Turnér, clerk Farmer, auctioneer. SAT., DEC. 1 â€" Auction sale of household furniture dining room suite. 2 piece Chesterfield suite, 2 television sets. refrigerator, dressers, dishes, cooking utensils, garden equipment, at stop 20A Yonge Street, opposite Falcon- bridge Mines. The property of Mrs. D. Millard. No reserve as property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Alvin 5. Farmer, auc- tloneer. MO. 2040 (Reverse charges) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUYING CALL FENN SELLING CALL FENN AV. 5-1595 MORTGAGES LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - WANTED TO RENT c1w20 ticlO tfcll tfcl USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1947 PLYMOUTH Sedan, good transportation $150. Phone TU. 4-3885. *1w19 1938 PACKARD super 8 limou‘, sine, excellent condition. $250. AV. 5â€"4445. clw20 1948 STUDEBAKER. Champion. Make an offer. Phone TU. 4-3819 after 6 pm. c1w20 47 MERCURY. All new tires. Body excellent condition. $150. South Road, Laquilcox. Lake- view Cottages No.. 15. *1w20 HIGHEST PRICES PAID All models used cars and trucks wanted for wrecking: also used parts. tires etc., for sale. B. 8: A. Auto Parts, TU 4-2236 1% miles north of No 7 Highway on 3rd line. Markham Twp. tfcll 1948 DESOTO Club Coupe. auto- matic, new motor. new tires. new paint job. Apply 18 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill, or phone TU. 4- 2547. ' c1w20 A business meeting of the Young Men’s Board of Trade, Richmond Hill. was held at the Theatre Grill on Thursday last at which time the permanent ex- ecutive was unanimously elected to hold office until the annual elections in April next year. The executive members are Eric L. Brewer, president; Cecil R. Will- iams, vice-president; E. Cowell, secretary-treasurer; Keith Mc- Walter. constitution chairman and Tom Gibson, membership chairman. Eric L. Brewer Elected President It was decided to hold a dinner meeting on November 22, at the Theatre Grill, at which time the speaker will be the Chief Con- stable of Richmond Hill, R. P. Robbins. PANEL TRUCK, delivery service and small moving jobs (reason- able) 179 Taylor Mills Drive. PUBLIC NOTICE Clerks’ Notice of the first Posting up of The Voters’ List, 1956 ' Municipality of the Township of Markham, County of York Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office in Button- ville on the 9th day of Nov- ember, 1956, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any er- rors or omissions corrected according to law. The last day for appeals being the 23rd day of November, 1956. Township of Markham NOTE: Copies of the voters’ list are supplied to Post Of- fices in the Municipality. HOUSES WANTED of houses and building lots in Thornhill, Richmond Hill, Richvale, Oak Ridges, King and Maple districts. David McLean Ltd. Call_ Thornhill Oflices, AV. 5-1176 Richmond Hill Ofl’icw TU. 4-3194 20 phones - no waiting Toronto‘s largest north suburban realtom CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk are in immediate need TRUCKING *1w20

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