Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1956, p. 5

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f RICHMOND HILL . . On Tuesday. November 13, the afternoon group of the Woman's Association of Richmond Hill Un- ited. C‘hurch held its regular meting. with an excellent at- tendance. The memebrs were en- tertained by Dr. Lillian Langstafi ably assisted by Miss Edna Izzard with the showing of color pic- tures, together with a graphic description of theii’ recent visit to Old Mexico. Friends of Mrs. M. L. Mc- Conaghy will be pleased to know that she is progressing favour- ably. She was taken to St. Mich- ael's Hospital recently and is now being treated in the Toronto General Hospital. The Liberal joins with her many friends and former pupils in wishing Mrs. McConaghy, Richmond Hill's nonagenarian, a speedy recovery. Following the Commencement Exercises at the Richmond Hill High School on Friday night, a reception will be held for the graduates. their parents and friends. Coffee will be poured by Mrs. Collard. Mrs. Dean, Mrs. McMul- len, Mrs. Bumble and Mrs. H. Sayers, assisted by Misses Anne all, Margaret Beattle, Marlene loyd, Jane Lepper. Catharine Farwell, Joan McMahon, Mary Schell, Marilyn Burr, Patty Waern. Martha Scretteburg. Nan- cy Barrow, Betty Prentice, Fran- ces Mackay, Marlon Peters, Margaret Locknrt, Sandra Kon- lng, Nancy ngglnson. Afternoon tea will be served It the annual bazaar of the W0- men's Association in Richmond Hill United Church Saturday af- ternoon next under the convenor- ship of Mrs. George Fenwick. The bazaar featuring a variety of booths will open at 3 pm. Mr. Z. Zelanyj of the staff a! the local High School was guest speaker at last Sundays meeting of the Young People's Fireside ,Group of the United Church. The young people met following the evening service. Rev. C. G. Higginson and choir of the United Chm-ch and Rev. R. D. Binning and choir of Ar- mour Heights United Church will exchange pulpits and churches for this Sunday evening service. On Monday. November 19. the Richmond Hill United Church Men's Club will hold their annual Father and Son dinner in the Sunday School room at 6.30 pm. The guest speaker will be Mr. Douglas Maxwell, T.V. and Sports announcer for the CBC. His sub ject 'Sportsmanship and the 01- ympic Games". will be interest- ing to father and son alike. Last Friday, November 9. was the opening night of the Fiesta- rama Dance at the Lions Hall, Richmond Hill, with over 100 in attendance. In addition to the door prizes. there were a number of spot dance prizes. which. to- gether with the dancing, and re- freshments resulted in an enjoy- able evening for everyone. Proceeds from the Friday night Fiestarama were all turned back into the club's funds for a bigger and better Fiestarama fu- ture. With a fine, lively band. the club plans to hold regular dances every Friday night at the Lions Hall. The drawing of a “big‘ bushel of groceries" will be one of the prize attractions of their next dance on Friday, November 16. The Community Swing square dancing club held an election of officers for the coming season at the regular dance on November 12. The retiring executive re- ceived a hearty vote of thanks and appreciation for their efforts in the past season, and a feeling of optimism was present as the new executive took over the reins for the coming season. It was encouraging to the club members to have a good attend- ance including more newcomers. The executive officers are as follows: President. Mr. Pete Sa- vage; secretaryâ€"treasurer. Mr: Bill Boone; committee members, Mrs. Bill Campbell, Mr. Stan Plpher, Dr. Gordon Martin. After another visit to New York City. Mr. James Ellis has just returned to his home on Centre Street East. During his three week's stay, Mr. Ellis ac- complished a great deal more than sightseeing in the “big city". After a pleasant stay with his daughter, Mrs. Lehr, a former resident of Richmond Hill and family at Armonk, New York. a visit was then made to his grandâ€" son. Mr. Wm. Lehr in Plainfield, New Jersey, affording the oppor- tunity for Mr. Ellis to meet his new great-grandson. Another happy event during “the family get-together" was the celebration of Mr. Ellis’ 84th birthday. ‘ t C C The 65th anniversary of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church After- noon W.A. was celebrated on Oc- tober 30, with over 200 in attend- ance. Fourteen branches in the Deanery were represented, as well as other churches in the vill- age. The Clergy present includ- ed Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, Rev. W. F. Wrixon. Rev. Canon J. F. Rhodes. Rev. McLellan. In the service of Holy Com- munion the celebrants were Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Rev. John Yamane. Rev. Arthur A. Chote. The guest speaker was the Rev. John Ya- mane of Osaka, Japan, who is en- gaged in post-graduate work at Wycliffe College. The reception was held in Wrixon Hall with Mrs. F. Hall, Deanery Officer and Miss Grace Evans contribut- Ing impromptu speeches. Refréshménts Were served, and Mrs. R. B. Priestman entertained with a group of songs. Tho lecnl ls uweyr xlad to receive not: ml personal Item for lu- page no I cell to TUrner #1261 will receive courteous attention. This seven-per will also welcome noun reports Ibo-t church ornnlnllus. warmth and men'r coclellcc. lodge: end other groups. While copy Ill] be .0- ocpled ID to Wednoodny of ouch week. It k desir- able to have n In cullor I poulblo to come b ubllutlol. The annual Confirmation Serâ€" vice for St. Marys Anglican Church. Richmond Hill is being held this Sunday evening when Bishop G. B. Snell, M.A., D.D., Sufiragan Bishop of Toronto will pay his first visit to this Parish. Thirty confirmees will be pres- ented to the Bishop by the Rec- tor. the Rev. A. A. Chote. Bishop Snell will be preaching the ser- mon at the service which is al- ways looked forward to by the parishioners and their friends. Members of the Second Rich- mond Hill Scout Troop attended a Memorial Mass at 9 o'clock at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church last Sunday. November 11. After the Mass they marched to the cenotaph in Richmond Hill where, in a simple ceremony, they laid a memorial wreath. Vincent P. Hanna, chairman of the Group Committee and vice- president of the Holy Name Society laid a wreath at the mem- orial on behalf of the Holy Name Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoover have just returned to their home on Roseview Avenue. from the Pac- ifiic Coast. On being notified of the sudden death of Mr. Herbert L. Begg. brother of Mrs. Hoover on October 26, the Hoovers im- mediately left by plane for Van- couver, arriving there the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Begg had re- cently been their guests in Rich- mond Hill. Society. After a week's stay in Vancouv- er, Mr. and Mrs. Hoover returned home via the U.SA., making a very scenic and interesting trip down through the states of Wash- ington. Oregon and California. In this state. they visited the Cities of San Francisco, Los Anâ€" geles, and San Diego, returning via El Peso, Texas to Canada. At the 11 am. Sunday morning service at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, the children who were successful in passing their an- nual Sunday School exams will be presented with their certifi- cates. These Include Jolene Goo- dier, Anne Dewsbury, David Agg. Ann Fletcher. Diane Hayes. Janet Thomson, Elizabeth McLeod, She- lagh Robinson. Garry Bettridge. and Wayne Bettridge. Miss Jolene Goodier was awarded a special prize for receiving the highest honours in this group and will be presented with a gift book given by the Society for Christian Lit- erature in England. Several of these young people will also be presented with their three year certificates. Mr. Jas. Fletcher and Mr. Ken Ruffman have been res- ponsible for overseeing this as- pect of the Sunday School work. At the November 8 meeting of the Church Boys’ League held in Wrixon Hall at St. Mary’s Angli- can Church, the following Pages were advanced to the Order of Esquires: Ken Stockdale, Norm- an McLeod, Wayne Bettridge and Brian Pollon. These four mem- bers join Esquires David Brown, Jonathan Whtsham, Glenn Swin- dlehurst, Harold Hardwick, Trev- or Moore. Ian and Colin Smlllle, Paul Rollinson, Paul Murray, Paul Chote. Roddy Milligan. Gar- ry Bettridge and Phillip Major. who advanced to the Order of Esquires on October 26. All these members have now received their shield and first crest. Also advanced to the Order of Pages during the evening were: Kenneth Rose, Richard Burston, Jielth Burton, David Fettes. Douglas McLellan, John Bin-ell, Richard Lautamus, Bill Meraska, Roger Hambly. Allan Helse. Bob Ogle, John Glover and Douglas BurSey. Members of the Richmond Hill Women's Institute at the meeting last Thursday afternoon, paid tribute by two minutes of silent prayer to those war dead who had made the supreme sacrifice. A wreath was placed by the president on the War Memorial. Mrs. J. Stephenson convened the meeting. Mrs. L. Clbment intro- duced the guest speaker, Doug- las Boyd. Mr. Boyd. 8 Silversmith in the village, has won high hon- ors for several years at the Can- adian National Exhibition, and this year received top awards. He gave a very interesting talk on the romance and history of silver, and exhibited a beautiful table setting of hand made silver of his own design. Mrs. Irwin thanked the speak- er and presented him with a bouquet of flowers. To 7811 the above named boys, congratulations from your Friar and Priors. Aimillinexy course will be held December 3. 4, and 5. Mrs. R. IioxL Mrs. H. MacKay and Mrs. G. Taylor will be the arrange- ment committee. Mrs. R. Smith. Mrs. G. Fraser and Mrs. C. San- derson, delegates_ to the Area Cogvenflqq gave their reports. The ladies” we’re, filigea‘rtéâ€" Eét out and exercise their franchise on December 3. ‘ The members were also minded to bring their gifts York Manor, Newmarket, to December meeting. Flowers were placed in Rich~ mond Hill Presbyterian Church on Remembrance Day by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hawkes in memory of their son George Hawkes, who paid the supreme sacrifice at Dieppe; and by the Sunday School in memory of those from the congregation who served in both World Wars. BOLTON : The Police have stop- ped Sunday night teen-age danc- ing at the Queen‘s Hotel. The proprietor had arranged super- vised dancing as a form of en- tertainment for the local youths. It is not expected that a charge will be laid under the Lord's Day Alliance Act. re- for the Fathers, mothers and friends of Cub Pack and Scout Troops which meet in the Scout Hall.‘ are reminded that the annual meet- ing of the First Group Commit- tee is to be held in the Scout Penny Parmenter Last Thursday evening was the first regular meeting of the C. G.I.T. for November. The wor- ship service was done in the de- partment, rather than in groups. The girls of Mrs. Paton's group led the worship service on a Re- membrance Day theme. This week ghe girTS will_be starting the Bib- C GIT Doings 1e Siudy projects. ASH â€" Robbie Ash, son~of Mr. and Mrs. James Ash of Edgeley is happy to announce the birth of a sister, Marion Donna-Lyn, at Grace Hospital, Toronto, on November 9, 1956. c1w20 WIGHT â€" Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Wight are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Lexa Davies, at Newmarket Hospital, November 10, 1956. Both doing well. l*1w20 The engagement is announced of Jill Lorraine, daughter of Mrs. Blanche Facer to Arthur Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Jack- son of Richvale. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Nov- ember 17, 1956, at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. *1w20 PAXTON â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wm. Edward Paxton, who passed away, November 17. 1952. Sometimes it’s hard to under- , stand Why some things have to be, But in wisdom God has planned Beyond our power to see. Scout & Cub News Lovingly rémembered by Stel- la, Judith and Wayne. c1w20 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Woods, Maple, would like to express their thanks and appreciation to their host of friends, relatives and neighbours who called at their home and gave their best wishes on their 50th wedding an- niversary. For all the cards, phone calls, beautiful gifts and flowers, to all those who helped to make their anniversary 3 hap- py one. Again we say thank you. clw20 Richmond Hill United Church By Barbara _Southwell and Municipality of the Village of Richmond Hijl COUNTY OF YORK Court of Revision In memoriam Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the, Village of Richmond Hill will be held in the Council Cham- bers, Municipal Hall, on Monday, November 19, 1956, at TEN am. for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment roll for the Municipality of the Village of Richmond Hill for the year 1957. RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk, All parties interested please take notice and be governed accordingly. Dated at the Village of Richmond Hill this 6th day of November, 1956. The Men's Club of St. Ma- ry's Anglican Church have arranged a tour of the Ford Company Plant at Oakville on Thursday evening, Nov- ember 29. This field trip has been arranged for the mem- bers and their friends and will conclude with a lunch- eon being served at the close of the evening. Cars will leave from the Church ar- ound 7.30 pm. and the Exec- utive of the Men‘s Club are figuring on a large turn-out for this interesting evening. Engagement Village of Richmond Hill Men’s Club To Visit Ford Plant Richmqnd Hill TUrner 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT Dependable Associated With Service Telephone Hall at 8 pm. on November 13. All are welcome at this meeting which is the occasion for reports from Group Committee on last year’s activities and for nomin- ation and election of members of this group committee for the coming year. We are especially grateful to Mr. P. Addison of the Department of Lands and Forests who, last week-end took eight Scouts to the seed centre at Angus to see procedures for seed planting of trees. Later the group went to the reforestation centre at Mid- hurst. In these settings, Mr. Ad- dison described the process in- volved in planting seeds and raising trees to several years of age. Mr. Addison had also ar- ranged a planting trip early in the Spring with a group of Scouts. All this is in line with the theme of Conservation which is on the national program for Canadian Scouts this year. The work, Mr. Addison has done will help several Scouts to obtain their Conservationist Badge. The Scouts who took the trip were: Paul Brent, David Gibson, Bruce Elson, Sandy Keith. Jim Harvey, Wayne Koning. John Thompson and Peter Addison. Mr. Jack Wharton also assisted in provid- ingdtransportation. Three new Chums were wel- comed into A Pack a week ago â€" Garry Charity, David Southwell and George Graham. There are also three new Sixers, Miles Langstaff, Jim Anderson and Da- vid Smith. In addition to gaining his Toymaker’s Badge, John Bam- ford has been appointed second- er of the Red Six. other new seconders are thn Madill. Dav- id Deighton and Ron Hutchinson. Akela Walter Smith and Assist- ant Mrs. Dorothy Turner want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith for their visit when many of the Cubs were passing tests. Barry Smith deserves a word of praise too in helping with A Pack. First Class Hair Cutting Stop 22 Yonge St., Richvale Any style, ladies or gents haircuts 60c children 40c Formerly 5 years with Gen- tral Park Barber Shop, 3325 Bloor St. W., Kingsway Hours 9.30 am. to 8.30 pm. Open every day except Mondays You can’t keep a good man down, they say, nor for that mat~ ter an over- affectionate dog. Up he jumps paw marks on your lapels, your ruffle up his fur with a friendly pat, brush yourself is happy. Then too. a hot iron will prob- ably find its way on to an old stain, bringing both the cloth and that old stain back to life. Iron- ing hastens the "setting" process of stains and once a stain has been ironed it’s practically im- possible to get out. It will be no more expensive in cleaning bills, and will save on clothing bills in the long run, to make a habit of bringing in a few clothes regularly for thor- ough cleaning CLEANERSaDYERS fin RICHMOND HILL Phony TU,4~|60| WAYSIDE BARBER SHOP Now Open 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benton McKeddie are seen above following their marriage recently in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. The bride is the former Shirley McDermid, daughter of Mr. Alex McDermid and the late Mrs. McDermid of Richmond Hill. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKeddie of Renfrew, Ontario. â€" Photo by Lagerquist Vltltltllillllllltz SPECIALS A. J. BARRACLOUGH Kill Sidemd RichmOnd Hill High School PARENTS & FRIENDS WELCOME AYLMER FANCY Tomato J ulce HEINZ Tomato Ketchup NESCAFE 2 oz. 8 Instant Coffee Jar 570 J NEW DOM.ESTIC Shortemng ALLEN’S ‘ Apple J ulce CASHMERE BOUQUET Beauty Soap IN NEW DRY FORM J avex Bleach No.1 FLORIDA Cucumbers FIRM RIPE Tomatoes 33rd ANNUAL Commencement Exercises FRIDHY, N6V. 16 8.15 PM. Store Fixtures Kitchen Cabinet- Gonna] Woodworking on mass 111. um Large Bttl. Cakes 2001. 160$. Cello 1 lb. THE LIBERAL} RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1956 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and_ Adult Bibie Class 11 am. â€" Nursery School 11 mm. â€" Morning Worship. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. mgdnson, 8A.. 3.1). SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1956 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11.00 am. â€" Morning Service “A New Commandment" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service The Rev. R. D. Binning Choir of Armour Heights United Church Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Novech 18, 19” l ll. IABY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Mahmoud Bill Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A., B. Th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1956 25th After Trinity , ANNUAL CONFIRMATION SUNDAY “Our help is in the name of the Lord” 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" MORNING PRAYER Rev. A. A. Chote 11 am. â€" Nursery & Jr. Congre- gation 2 p.m. â€" Y.P. Bible Class Mr. and Mrs. E. Butlin 4 pm. -â€" HOLY BAPTISM 7 pm. â€" CONFIRMATION SER- Rev. A. A. Chote 9.45 mm. â€" SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am. â€" MORNING PRAYER VICE BISHOP G. B. SNELL,M.A., D.D Corner of Elmwood and [uncles Rev. Earl 8. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML, 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1956 3 pm. -â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Rally Song service and message by the pastor Wed. 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer and Bible Study Hour We welcome you to the fellow. ship of this friendly church Suflragan Bishop of Tordnto “TAKE TIME OUT TO TAKE ETERNITY IN!" RICHMOND HILL‘ BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1956 10 am. BIBLE SCHOOL â€" with classes for the whole family 11 am. MORNING WORSHIP â€"- Guest Speaker: Mr.7_Wm. VanderBent Temp. Location: Masonic Hall, 15 Yonge at N. “Where welcome is more than a word" 7.30 pm. GOSPEL SERVICE â€" Guest Speaker: Dr. M. H. Blondln Communion at close 0! evening service. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thomhm Rev. 1'. E. Askew. Rector SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1956 8 am. â€" Holy Communion. 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer & Orange Lodge Church Parade THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1956 9.30 am. â€"Intermediate and Sen- ior Sunday School 10 am. â€" Morning Worship and Sunday School (2-12 years) 11.30 am. â€" Morning Worship 8: Sunday School (2-12 years) RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1956 A Christian Answers Human Problems 11 am. â€" Sérmon . .(6) “How to Master Doubt” . . 7.30 pm. â€"- Young Life Club will meet in the Church Hall. The film “It’s the Brain that Counts", will be shown. A11 teen-agers welcome. Friday 7 pm. â€" Children’s Happy Hour BRETHREN IN CHRIS! CHURCH 0! Markham District SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1956 Heine Hill (Gormley) 10 a.m. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7 pm. -â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meet- THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin H. Chambers. 2.80 pm. â€" Worship Sex-vie. CABBle dNITED CHURCH low. 3an B. midi. 3A.. 8.9. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1956 8.45 â€" Church Broadcast cm 1350 Oshawa 10 mm. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Sen/1c. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Boll. Bach Lord's Day evening at 7 pm. , Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 ml. Rev. 15 vs. 4: . . . for thou only art Holy for all nations shall come and worship before thee: for thy judgments are made manifest 01k Avenue Between Stop 22 and 22A You. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1956 9.30 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. -â€"; Eamily Worship and Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Mr. Colin Anderson Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Missionary Even- ing, speaker Dr. Leslie Bilt, on furlough from Angola, West Africa MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald, M.C.. Mink“! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1958 HOPE 10.30 am. â€"- Divine Worship 11.20 a.m. -- Sunday School MAPLE. 10.15 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. -- Divine Worship EDGELEY 1.30 pm. â€" Sunday School 2.30 pm. â€" Divine Worship ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN KING Morning Prayer 10 IJ'I. Holy Communion lat Sunday. 10 am. ST. JOHN'S A'NGLICAN OAK RIDGES (Yonge at Jeflerson) Morning Prayer . . . .. . 11.15 an. Holy Communion 4th Sunday: 11.15 a.m. ST. MARK’S CHAPEL ANGLICAN Parish of St. John. Oak mau- Onk Ridges, Yonge Street, on. Morning Prayer ... 10 an Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 an ST. STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN MAPLE Morning Prayer ...... I; I... Evening Prayer .....‘... ml. Holy Communion - ' 2nd Sundays at n IJII. 4th Sundays at 7 pan. Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€"- Prayer Meeting 7 pm: f Go§pe1 Servicq Pastor Rev. Wm. Illâ€"111, BA. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 19” 10 tun. â€" Bible School with Oakwood Aires singing Tues., 8 pm. â€"â€" Teenagers and Youth Fellowship Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer 8: Bible Study Thurs... 1 pm. â€" Women's Min- ionary Fellowship Thurs... 8 pm. â€"â€" Evening Mll< sion Circle, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month Fri., 7 pm. 7â€"- Lamplightgrs SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1958 1.30 pm. T__§ung§y "School and Bible Class 2.30 pm. â€" Divine Worship Wed., Nov. 21 â€"- Women of the Church ZION LUTHERAN cum (1 miles south of anlo) Pastor H. Llndeman GOBMLE! UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Pubfic school agé children LANGB‘I‘AH . BAPTIST CHUICI Church St. Luau! Schobl

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