Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1956, p. 6

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Deputy District Governor J. Bentham of Thornhill will be the guest at the next meeting on Tuesday, December 4. C.G.I.T. Glenna Sawyer graduated from the C.G.I.T. at Victoria Square United Church on Friday evening, November 23. Glenna. who is a member of King City United Church C.G.I.T. became a member at St. Thomas. Attend- ing the ceremony from King City were the C.I.G.T. leader Mrs. Donald Hutchinson, ‘Mrs. Glenn Sawyer, and president of the King City group Carol _Gellatly. Members of the local group at- tended the graduation church serv‘lce at Victoria Square on A special draw was held for the children. The prizes were Won by Donna Jennings, Allan Abrahams and Leonard Loughran. ‘ The convéntian fund draw of a novelty candlestick was won by Lion Ray Love. Lion Ross Rawlings led a sing- long which was adapted for the young folk with the help of Lion Nip Armstrong at the piano. A comic feature movie was also pug of the program. Lions News It was Father. Son and Daugh- tez night for King City Lions on November 20 in King City Unit- ed Church. There were 32 Lions and 32 young folk at the special meeting. ""’ "“‘ "C V‘““”"““ at a Mrs. Durston and Mrs. Abra- later dale‘ ham came east with the Royal CARL ' Winter Fair Excursion. They will E HILL" M'D" M‘O'H' return to the west on December WHOLESALE CHRISTMAS TREES uurmg January, February and March of 1957. the North York Health Department is planning to give Polio Vac- cine to preschool children over six months of age and also to elementary school children requiring either first, second or third doses. It is not necessary at this time to sign forms for pre- school children. Parents will be asked to sign a form at the time when the Vaccine is administered. Secondary School students requiring a first dose have already received one and a second one will be given dur- ing December. Grade IX pu- pils who require a third dose will- receive it early in 1957. Rollo Request forms have been given out in all Elem- entary Schools and should be signed and returned immed- iately in order to be put on the list. ' Schedules for this prog- ram will be published at a later date. Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd. 52? Doors - Sash - Frames 72? Mouldings - Plywood - Wallboards 72g Paints - Garage Doors - Hardwood Flooring LAKE WILCOX PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTION TO BE HELD AT THE SCHOOL WEDNESDAY, DECEM- BER 5th, 1956, at 8 pm. TU. 4-11 DEPT. OF HEALTH I‘WP. OF NORTH YORK Further Re Polio During January, February .4 up“ . _-__ HOME BUILDER THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, November 29, 1956 Time Payment Plan Available WE FEATURE «King City, Oak Ridges lake Wilcox The Liberal u elven pleued to publish item 0! il- lereei regarding people end event- In the on Blue. Lake Wilcox end King City districts. Our new entree- pondem in King City la Mrs. Donald MoCallun. lelepheae King 132M: and in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox. Mrs. C. M. Elm. telephone TUrner 4-3068. King City Notes RICHMOND HILL, YONGE ST. N 'arry Everyihing For The 're-Fit Window Units FLOOR SANDER T0 RENT . S. 13 WHITCHURCH Mrs. Calvin Mitchell of Snow- ball was hostess lor the meeting of Teston United Church W.A. The worship service was con~ ducted by Mrs. Grimsley, Mrs. W. Maginn ‘gave the lesson thoughts. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson led in prayer. The roll call was answered by the name of a miss- ionary. A film strip was shown on Let Us Look at Korea Today. The offering of $15 will be sent to the W.M.S. Presbyterial. Mrs Charles Durston of Dau- phin, Manitoba and her daughter, Mrs. Ciaud Abraham of Sifton, Manitoba. are visiting relatives and friends in the district while staying with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Diceman of Teston. The monthly meeting of King Brownies and Guides L.A. will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Crooks, King Street on Dec. 3. Attending the luncheon at Vicâ€" toria Square United Church on November 21 were Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson. Mrs. Austin Rumble, Mrs. E. Wallas. Mrs. Gordon Orr and Mrs. Colin Stewart. Brownies Mrs. Del Paton, Brown Owl. and Mrs. Donald Dixon, Tawny Owl of 2nd King Brownie Pack attended the Brownie leaders training class at Richmond Hill on Saturday. November 24. Sunday afternoon The’C.G.I.T. will hold a vesper candelight service in ‘King City United Church on December 9. Acclamation For King Twp. Council Four were nominated for council. They included pres- ent members of the council Ray Jennings. Douglas Hut- chins and Douglas Welles- ley, along with Donald Flnd- lay Q.C.. of King City. Mr. Findlay withdrew leaving the present council in office for another year by accla- mation. Nominated for Reeve in King Township on Friday night, November 23. were the present Reeve William Hodgson and former Reeve Elton Armstrong, however, Elton Armstrong dropped out of the race, leaving Reeve William Hodgson in office by acclamation. Wil- frid Aitchison was acclfiimed deputy-reeve. TESTON NEWS AV. 5‘3506 Winners of prizes in Grade 8 were: Peter McNaughton King- horn first prize; Joan Bryan, King City, second. In grade 7 John Collins and Douglas Mc- Naughton of Kinghorn took the first and second prizes respect- ively. Joan Flucker of Kinghorn took the first prize in Grade 6, while Robert Tetley received the second prize. Margaret Houston and Sarah Sue Scott, King City, were the first and second win- ners of Grade 5 respectively. Mrs. Laura Rolling read the special prize essay. Mozart the Wonder Boy. Miss Evelyn Court- ney, Kinghorn teacher. read the Grade 8 first prize essay. The second prize essay for Grade 8 was read by Carson Bice, Grade 7 and 8 teacher at King City school. Miss Eva Denis. princi- pal and teacher of Grades 5 and 6 at King City School was also present. Over 60 children from Kinghorn and King City schools were present for the prize-giv- ing. Fifty-seven essays were judged by Mrs. Alfred Gillham, Mrs. Eric Johnston and Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Peter congraiulated'each winner presenting each one with a bpok as a prize. Mrs. Arnold Peter, president of King W.I. presented the prizes to the winners of the essay con- test sponsored by King City Memorial Library on Nov. 22. George Gardiner. 11 years old, a pupil in Grade 6 at the King- horn school was awarded the special prize for his outstanding essay on Mozart. the Wonder Boy. Mrs. A. E Jarvis, chief librar-1 lan of King City Memorial Lib- ary impressed on the children the importance of Young Canada Book Week Other Librarians present were Mrs. H. Ratcllfi, Mrs. J. L. Grew, Mrs Don Hut- chinson, Mrs. B. Wyer, Mrs. E. Wallas. The Oak‘ Ridges Lions met at the Ridge Inn November 26. The attendance was good. and the group enjoyed “The Tale of the Homecoming Hunters.” Several members have been on a hunt- ing trip and were asked to tell the others of the good time. The annual peanut drive which is now in full swing, was discuss- ed. Peanuts for Christmas festiv- ities can be bought from any Lion and proceeds as usual go to welfare and the Christmas baskets. The Turkey Bingo will begin Nov. 28 at the Oak Ridges Pub- lic School. All prizes will be turkeys and you can play all night with the one card you purchase for $1.00. This card is also a lucky draw ticket. A float will be entered in the Oak Ridges Santa Claus Parade. It will be built by the Lions themselves. Following the presentation of prizes, the children were treated to dlxle cups of ice cream, which were supplied at cost by Mr. Art Rigg of Rigwood Red and White Store, King City. The monthly meeting of St. Andrew‘s Eversiey Presbyterian Church \V.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Charlie Gordon, King Street, King City. Mrs. Fred Curtis, president and Mrs. Watson Ferguson led in prayer. The scripture and the study book chapter 01d Wine and New Skins, were read by Mrs. Curtis. Mrs. Watson Fefguson read a letter from a missionary in the leper colony a‘ Taipha, Formosa. Mrs. Robert Farren read three excepts entitled “The Very Thin Link", “A Little Prayer" and "They also serve." The next meeting will be held one week earlier on December 12 at (11 home of Mrs. Fred Curtis, Heritage Park. - At the new St. Paul’s church. the first service of worship was held in the Ridge Inn on Decem- ber 12, 1954. with Rev. V. A. Wood as minister. The consti- tution of the congregation was held at the Oak Ridges Public School on August 17. 1955. The laying of the cornerstone for the new building took place Nov. 20. 1955 and the dedication service was held on April 8, 1956. The The St. Paul's United Church of Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox. held its second anniversary ser- vice on Sunday, November 25. Guest ministers were Rev. V. A. Wood at the morning service and Rev. John Morris at the evening service. The regular monthly “Fireside” was well attended in the evening after the service, and many saw the huge birthday cake. cut and served. A most pleasant time of singing and fellowship was‘ enjoyed by all. Essay Prizes Presented Marks 2nd Anniversary St. Paul’s United Church Progregive Congregation Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Socials E versley Socials The annual public meeting of S. S. No. 13 Whitchurch (Lake Wilcox School) will be held in the school auditorium on W/ed~ nesday. December 5. at 8 pm. sharp. Come prepared to elect the men of your choice to carry on your school business for the next term of office. This is a most important meeting. and a time when you as a ratepayer can learn how the tax money is spent and where. It is hoped that as many as possible will attend. Residents are urged to tell their neighbors if they don’t already know. ‘ WILLOWDALE :.Nlneteen North York men were presented St. John Ambulance First Aid Certi- ficates last week, marking the completion of the first step in Civil Defence training. :- t e : BOLTON : The Bolton Telephone Company Limited has been sold to the Bell Telephone Company of Canada, it was announced re- cently. Many thanks to the generous and kind neighbors in the South Road Park Crescent District for contributing to the winter cloth- ing drive for the Hungarian Ref- ugees. The response was most gratifying and once again we see so many helping hands in our neighborhood. Belated birthday Lanny Hilts, South R ., who cele- brated his ninth birthday com- plete with a party on Nov. 22, .. I...” vu uvv. on. Mrs. W. Burns attended the Hudson and Bowman wedding at Kitchener. The reception was held at the Plnecrest Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. W. Burns and son spent Sunday at the home of their son at Aurora. This promises to be a most in- teresting meeting. Leon Harn- den who has been chairman of the board for the past three years has stated that he is again seek- ing election. Trustees L. Harnden, C. Butt and George Cragg have had a tremendous job to~do in the past but now the Lake Wilcox resi- dents have a school they can be proud of. The date of the parade will be announced later. Lion Wives are reminded that Monday evening December 3 is packing Christmas stockings at Mrs. Bob Woolleys. Mrs. Herb Fowler and child- ren spent the week end with rel- atives in Toronto, while Mr. Fowler and Mr. Don Butler hunt- ed in the north. Their luck wasn't good this time. Hungarian Relief A great number of hard-Word:- ing men and women have worked along with their minister. Rev. Gordon Winch, to make this St. Paul's church what it is today, a building wherein everyone from all walks of life ,can worship toâ€" gether. The young pebple of this district have their goals too. The Christian Endeavour group offers much to the younger members and the choir which began on a very small scale now has a large group of well trained voices un- der the direction of Mrs. L. Ham'- den, who is also organist. The congregation is justly proud of St. Paul's W.A. which has plan- ned the Christmas bazaar with such skill and interest. Happy second birthday to St. Paul’s. and may you enjoy many many more fruitful years \of service to the district. LakeWikOx School Meet first Sunday School classes were “‘3 in the church on April 22. 195 . SAME DAY SERVICI Open 7 a... - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Agencies Oak Ride- Ontario TU. 4-3131 EM. 8-955! RELIANCE SERVICE STATION TELEVISION Radio â€" Wuhc Repair Service Conversion To 60 Cycle The directories from 1915 to 1928 inclusive listed “Oak Ridges â€" Public Station". From March, 1929 to October 1950, the nota- tion was “OAK RIDGES - See Aurora”; then, from October, 1951, to October, 1954 â€"- "See King and Richmond Hill". Oak Ridges first appeared in the March. 1906 telephone dir- ectory of Eastern Ontario, under the listing "OAK RIDGES â€" See Richmond Hill”. The Richmond Hill listing. with W. A. Sander- son. local manager. included 25 subscribers. Two were from Oak Ridges, “17, Hudgins, J ., Summit House Hotel", and 19, Pattison, A'. J., Glenwood Park". Oak Ridges was not listed in the front of Bell Telephone dir- ecgqrz'es until October. 1906. The directories of March, 1909, to April. 1912, noted Oak Ridges as a “public station”, with J. Hudgins as local manager. The same listing was carried on until 1915. W. Ash was the local man- ager from March, 1913. to May, 1915. It was described as “a post vill- age," having 100 inhabitants and eight leading citizens, these lat- ter running the gamut from two hotel keeper: to a saw miller and shoemaker. First Appenancc AV. 5-4391 While Oak Ridges is not yet incorporated, it has been listed in telephone directories for half a century. Indeed, the site of this new Bell Telephone Company ex- change was listed nearly 90 years ago in the Province of Ontario Gazetteer and Directory of 1869 â€" only two years after Confeder- ation. There is one thing for sure. however, when one does go out to vote for the candidate of your choice, you have a right to com- plain 11 things aren’t run as you think they should be. Granted, we all do that, but if We don't by Mrs. C. Butt This being the last edition of local news from this area before the election of councillors for Whitchurch Township, a remind- er is in order, stressing the im- portance of getting out to the polls on Monday, December 3. So many of us have been guilty many times of utterly disregard- ing one of our most important and vital rights as Canadian citi- zens, that being the right to choose the people we want to administer our public afiairs. This privilege that so many of us so carelessly abuse is envied by thousands of suffering people who live under a rule of fear. We hear of their sad plight every day in _the newspapers. Oak Ridges Listed In Phone Directory Since ’06 Authorized It’s that new V8 in the ’57 Chevrolet. It’s as quiet as a contented cat and as smooth as cream . . . and it’s cat-quick in response when vou call for action! ‘m HOST MOD!!! m} INCHES [N m WOILD l/lttl' purr yatt hear is no pussycat ! See Your Our Right To Vote BIRRELL MOTORS LTD. Eight candidates were nomin- ated at the nomination meeting held in the Masonic Hall on Mon- day evening, November 26. They were the three present trustees, Harry Edwards, William Barker and Ernest R. Smith. Five other candidates, Ronald John Bolton, Donald M. Findlay, Q.C., A. J; Gordon, George Scott and Len Robb were nominated. A. J. Gordon and Len Robb withdrew leaving six candidates for the three seats on the village trus- tee board. Herb Ross acted as nommatlng chairman and Doug. Rennison was the chairman for the meet- ing following the nomination. Ov- er 50 ratepayers attended the meeting. When the new dial system is inaugurated, the present long dis- tance charge on calls between Aurora and Oak Ridges will be discontinued, and Oak Ridges will have come a long way from being "a post village." There will be an election in King City on Monday, December 3. for the three offices of Village Trustees. as there are six candi- datgs»seeking office. show the lease interest on voting day, how can we say we are doâ€" ing our part. Many new Canadi- ans know more about Canada and its government than many of us who have lived here all our lives. Hats off to those new Can- adians who have got their citizen- ship papers and are thrilled and eager to vote on election day. They realize, as many of us choose to ignore. what a big part, we. as individuals, play in the running of our country. Statis- tics show us how indifferent and slack people have become about municipal affairs. and then won- deriwhat can be done to improve conditions. The old slogan is still on the go and indeed true. Vote as you.wish but VOTEl. then sit back and enjoy the feeling that you have done the one thing you owe to yourself as well as your fellow man. See you at the polls Monday. December 3. If you wish to check on the voters list, sev- eral are available in the district. 6 Candidates For Trustees October, 19555 directory, on page 4 at the front of the book, had Oak Ridges listed with cer- tain ofl'ices, “OAK RIDGES -â€" See Richmond Hill”. YONGE STREET NORTH No household tabby sitting in a sunny window ever purred more softly than I Chevy’s new V8 engine. It’s so kitten-quiet and cream~smooth that you can scarcely even tell when it’s idling. But when you~nudge the accelerator, you know it's there, all right! It pours out the kind of velvety action that helps you be a surer, safer driver. Its right-now response keeps you out of highway emer- gencies. It overpowers steep hills with such ease they seem like level landscape. This new Chevrolet V8 is available in a wide selection of high-compression horse- Sweet, smooth and sassy! Tho Bel Air Span Coupu. Body by Fisher, of counq wi9h all ihut means in um: fincnon of mmtrudion. maiorials and doiailt COUNCILLOR For the Township of Whitchurch 1957 POLLING DAY, MONDAY, DEC. 3, 10 am. to 8p.m FRANK WILLIAMS To the electors of the Township of Whitchurch we, P. S. Legge and George E. Richardson, Reeve and Deputy Reeve, respectfully wish to express our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to you for returning as by acclamation for 1957. We shall endeavour at all times to justify the confidence you have placed in us during the administration ofi your. Township affairs. THANKS TUrner Electric Stove Repairs HERRIDGE ELECTRIC VOTE TO RE-ELECT powers ranging up to 2451‘ With 283 cu- bic inches of displacement, this beautiftu designed V8 is a new, bigger and better edition of the engines that have put Chevrolet at the top of the performance ladder. It’s sassy, sureâ€"but as tame to your touch as a purring pussycat. Come try the smoothest V8 you We! put a toe to, and all the good things that go with it. Like new Turboglide-the first and only triple-turbine automatic drive (an extrafiost option). And Chevy's own special sweet and solid way of going. #270-b.p. union J10 mini/dbl: a: “In can. A!” Rania: lac! injection angina: with up In 283 5.5. Dealer 4-3211 RICHMOND HILL‘ C-IOSTE

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