Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1956, p. 12

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mmuuuumuxxxmuw:xxunummmzmexmammmmewumg MAPLE WKKIEWKK! w:m:momma:mzmxemzxmwamgmzmmmemgxm humanemnmmnmmaamannmmammamzmamzmaaazamamnafi g:. D. RAM§R & SON "’“IW " ‘ ’W‘ ‘ ‘ "‘“m” M .‘aumm' ' um fimflzuxzxxzxuxxuumm Wmmmxmmhmmmm 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday_ December 20, 1956 rec ” - and every good wioh gor the coming year Season’s Greetings We are grateful for the Holiday Season which gives us' the oppor- tunity to wish our friends old and new A Most Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Folliot and STAFF Phone TU. 4-1370 Summit View Restaurant and Dining Room erry’s Pharmacy N OBLETON 7 13 Yonge S., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1331 CHARLTON HARDWRE RICHMOND HILL KKKKKKKKKKHfibfifilfifilflflflfliflflflfllflfi KING CITY 3;}:maxxmszmmgemszmtzxmzmzfiméexmmfimemaegemezmzwgtge maakafimaafimrmamegmmax Iv nun-u- The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers of Victoria Square W.M.S. was held Wedâ€" nesday afternoon of last week at the Parsonage. The worship pro- gram was in charge of the Head- ford members. who introduced a brief candlelighting service. El- ection of officers. conducted by Mr. Huston followed, with the whole slate being unanimously returned, with one exception. Mrs. Ralph Boynton resigned as leader of the Mission Band. with her place being taken by Mrs. Stan Boynton, who will have Mrs. P. Bennett and Mrs. Doug- las Gee as assistants. Mrs. Mc- Cague, in accepting the presi- dency for another year, said she was rather glad there were no great changes. as this is our 60th anniversary year, and she felt it should be an especially notable one in Victoria Square W.M.S. Kmxmmmummxzxxuzxx W.M.S. m K W '5 V1 ‘2 71 CENTRE ST. E. p Cluzistmas Bountiful Christmas and a ~ Prosperous New R. C. Bostock SHEPPARD 8: GILL IN APPRECIATION OF OUR PLEASANT RELATIONS, WE EXTEND TO YOUâ€"â€" OUR BEST WISHES FOR J' Oil, Gas Heating, Eavestroughing TU. 4-2060 190 Lawrence Ave. RICHMOND HILL CORRESPONDENT : MRS. fl. ACREMAN a. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUmer 4-2236 HEADFORD NEWS RICHMOND HILL Lumber Co. ear annals; and that it would per- haps be easier to carry out a suitable program without chang- ing the executive. Cards were signed by all present to be sent to former members who are not living here now. bearing holiday greetings. Mrs. V. Westbrook in- vited the executive to meet at her home on January 2 for the purpose of filling out the annual reports. Dainty refreshments served by Mrs. Huston brought a happy meeting to a close. HUMBER VALLEY : The Hum- ber Valley Conservation Author- ity has proposed a flood-control scheme which would mean five dams at a cost of $15,000,000. ‘ Headford Church was well filled last Friday evening for the annual Sunday School Christmas concert and Christmas Tree. The evening began withnthe beauti- ful and familiar old Christmas carols, led by Margaret Brodie. This was followed by a welcom~ ing recitation by Jeanette McDon- ald. Elisabeth Barker, gathering the smallest pupils in a group around her read to them the story of the Nativity. which was carried out behind the group in tableaux by the older members of the Sunday School. Donald Brodie, in charge of the lantern, played various coloured lights on the scenes with great effect. A film strip, When the Littlest Camel Knelt, was run off by Mrs. Cummer Lee. with accom- panying records, permitting the congregation to join in as the carols agpeared. The Church was beautiful with bouquets of mums and a lovely winter bouquet on the piano, for the service of reception for three young members of the congre- gation, on Sunday last. These three were Margaret Brodie, Su- san Terry and David Rumble; and we are especially proud as they are all members of our Sun- day School. We could have wish- ed for a larger congregation, but their welcome into the fellowship of the Church is no less sincere; and the service lost none of its impressiveness because of it. Wednesday last was also the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brodie. and their family helped them celebrate by taking them down town for din- ner and then on to the hockey ga m e. Xmas Concert .uLV. r-.., , Then K‘followed a meaningful Christmas play put on by the senior members, and very clev- erly introduced with an original prologue in rhyme by Mrs. Ben Terry, who also directed the play. It dealt with the subject of giving at Christmas because you get, or expect to get. Through clever development of the sub- ject, all the less noble ideas of Christmas giving were finally subjugated to the proper senti- ment. precipitated mostly by a clandestine meeting of Aunt Em- my and Santa Claus. The players acquitted themselves well, and it is is to be hoped we have not seen the last of their talents. The evening ended with a vis- it from jolly 01d Santa Claus, who as usual was laden with prgsents for all‘the children. __L The concert this year was put put on to start a furnace fund, and the sum of $40.25 was real- ized as a starter for this. The thanks of all the committees to all who helped by their presencg. TU. 4-1361 As in many other churches. White Gift Sunday was held at Carrville United Church last Sunday, the third Sunday in Ad- vent. The ushers receiving the gifts were Gordon Read. Robert Middleton, Kenneth Bales. Ray Baker and Jim Bushell. Rev. E. B. Eddy spoke on “The three gifts". The choir sang two Christ- mas numbers. “While Shepherds Watched their Flocks by Night", and “We Three Kings of Cr- ient Are." Ratepayers’ Annual Meeting The annual meeting for S. S. No. 3 Vaughan ratepayers will be held on Wednesday. Decem- ber 26, at 8 pm. 'n the Carr- ville Public Schoo. This is a very important meeting as three trustees will be appointed from those living on the west side of Bathurst to Dufferin Sreet. Mr. Chevis, the secretary, has asked keep this date open and be sure to come. Miscellaneous Shower On Thursday evening a num- ber of neighbours. friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Wood met at the home of Mrs. Jack Barton and Mrs. Dav- id Barton to honour them with a miscellaneous shower. Mr. and Mrs. Wood were recipients of The Carrville public school Christmas concert and party will be held on Friday afternoon at the school. They children have a good program prepared under the leadership of their teacher, Mr. Green and invite all parents and friends to come. White Gift Service many useful and lovely} gifts. A School Notes A giant Christmas party will be the only event on the 2nd Thornhill Cub Pack and Scout Troops agenda on Thursday. The festivities will commence at 7 Walker and Mitchell, Doncasâ€" ter contracting firm sponsored ice for the local hockey team juvenile series on December 11. The Doncaster Ratepayers' On Monday. December 10, Lin- da Morrison. 5, of Sprucewood Ave., while playing at school, was accidently knocked down by a playmate and suffered a broken collar bone. Cubs & Scouts Doncaster and Highland Park Cubs and Scouts wish to show their appreciation to the com- munity by giving back in the best way they know how. You can receive this gift by looking and listening for .the group as they go carolling through the streets on Christmas Eve, Mon- day, December 24. The Scouts have planned a ska- ting soc‘ia! ifoxj_Sa}t1‘1rday: Mr. A. Martindale, principal of Henderson Ave. school announc- ed that the school will end for the holidays Friday, Dec. 21 and will re-open on Thursday, Jan- uary 3. The Doncaster Ratepayers' Christmas draw will take place at 8 pm. Friday, Dec. 21 at Bar- bour‘s General Store, on Hen- derson Ave. Mr. Bill Menzies and Mr. Fred Myers, Glen Comeron Ave., each won two turkeys in their bowling league. Doncaster men who were e1- ected as officers of the Thornhill and District Hockey Assoc, are: President, James Masonf secret- ary, Bill Menzies; treasurer, Dave Barbour. Doncaster Bible Chapel held its annual Christmas party at Hen- derson Ave. public school audi- torium, commencing at 7.30. Grand Prize for attendance was won by Grace Martin, 6, Spruce- wood Ave. Other first prize win- ners were: Carol Weir, Susan Newton, Paul Weir, Joan Angel, Judy Angel, Ida Hawes. An ad- dress was made by Dave Smith and a good time was had by all. The Doncaster Ladles' Com- munity Club is holding a draw for an 8â€"piece kitchen utensil set, which can be seen at Bar- bour‘s General Store. The draw will take place on’Tuesday, Jan- uary 8. On Saturday, December 15, tht Doncaster Bible Chapel held it: annual Christmas party at Hen derson Ave. public school audi torium, commencing at 7.30 The Doncasterâ€"Highland Park Brownie Pack held a Christmas party on Tuesday, December 18 for their mothers at .the Hen- derson Ave. school. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster of Oak Ridges, son and daughter-inâ€" law of A. B. Foster of Proctor Ave. had the misfortune of havâ€" ing their rented house destroy- ed by fire. ‘ A very Merry Christmas and all the best in 1957 to all my readers. Mrs. Lillie M. Watterson Mrs. Lillie Margaret Watter- son of 135 Clarke Ave., Doncas- ter Gardens, passed away follow- ing a week‘s illness in Toronto Wellesley Hospital on Decem- ber 9th. The funeral took place from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, on Dec- ember 12. Rev. E. E. Kent offic- iated. Pallbearers were Mr. D. Moore. Mr. T. Moore, Mr. R. Howe. Mr. E. Clague. Mr. T. Clague, and Mr. H. Clague. Born in the Isle of Man, sev- enty years ago, Mrs. Watterson resided in this municipality for the past 21 years. She attended Thornhill United Church and was a member of the Toronto Manx Society. The deceased is survived by her husband and daughters. Mar- garet (Mrs. G. Morrison}. and Phyllis, and one son Robert; two sisters. Mrs. Clara Kewin and Mrs. Edith Cain. and a brother, Harry Karrau. Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AVenue 5-2288 DONCASTER @hituarp CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 13033 ltS Miss Gail McLarcn is leaving on December 26 for Noranda. Que., where she will spend the Christmas vacation with Miss Su- san Anderson, returning on January 7. Socials Mis Dorothy Baker celebrated her 15th birthday on December 14. We hope she had a happy birthday. Congratulations to Margaret Williams of Carrville Road, who passed with honours in her mu- sic examination with 82% and will be taking grade 5 work next year. Goes To France A very Merry Christmas is wished to one and all by your correspondent. m‘efltfi’flfiflfilfllflhflflflflflflfll Mr. Wilfred McNab of Carr- ville Road west. left on Friday by plane for France to visit his daughter and grandson. He ex- pects to be away a month or so. Miss C. McNab is going to spend the Christmas season with rel- atives and friends at Mount For- est and near Walkerton. Wfibfififilfi’gKfilflflz5EWKMEEWKQWKKWWKWWKKKKKKKKKKKKKW arkzmnammrmammazzxaflmw BOB’S SMOKE SHOP Richmond Hill LAGERQUIST STUDIO WHERE QUALITY & VALUE MEET 93 YONGE ST. S. TU ‘ mcmmn mu. nxcnvume .' 27 Crosby Ave. mammuuméfikmixkxikxtzékxuuszzmumcm ' mammamnmmmmmxmzmxammmmaammmmnm POWELL FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 33 YONGE ST. s. RICHMOND HI‘LU TU. 4-2922 mamammzamzwmmwmmzamaammzmaaannxnam! v RICHMOND HILD mmg Uut Yuletide besz to all on: friends ...for a season packed with all the wogdetful things that Christmas means! TU. 4-1764 TU 4-2791. Richmond Hill

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