Mariannamamzzmmmmmmmmmxmmnnamaammgug nzmnlmeï¬iemué ‘Kmfl’z ‘flié‘llflmllliblï¬â€™zï¬KWMIKWMMWA E. C. MANSBRIDGE & STAFF Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill WWhWMWmm WINTER SPECIALS FOR THIS COMING WEEK Baker’s Sales & Sefvice Ltd. r “jwe'WMMMa, 716." J. R c 0 fun, and joy. and v ~ laughter. this Clad-mu 1953 STUDEBAKER SEDAN 1952 STUDEBAKER SEDAN $795.00 Gunnar’s Tailoring GLASS MEAT MARKET MANY MORE TO CHOOSE, FROM W. L. Glass, Proprietor Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL STOP 22, YONGE STREET, RICHVALE PHONE AV. 5-1189 :76 1953 MONARCH 1953 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN $117 5.00 $1150.00 Two-tone, Radio $995.00 Very clean amalgam?!“ “‘“Z’K‘Efl‘tï¬m Turkey Roll: Group (1) Pat Green, turkey; Bill Stevenson, chicken. Group (2) Harold Tom- llnson. turkey; George Palmer, chicken. Group (3) Bill Stone, turkey; Nora Thomas, chicken. Group 4) Audrey Graham. tur- key; Et el Crittenden. chicken. Group (5) Wilf Burgin, turkey; Dick MacDougal. chicken. Group (6) Verna Burgin. turkey; Peggy Hollingworth, chicken. STOUFFVILLE : Mr. Arthur Latcham, a former resident of the village has announced that he is planning to donate $50,000 to- wards the building of a public swimming pool in his home town. Team Standing: Jigtime 10. Screw Balls 9. High Flyers 9, Mex-NM“ 7. Korner Kids 5, Hill Billies 2. Oneï¬box of chocolates for those who did not win any fowl. High Singles: George Gourlay 292, 262, 241, Pat Green 251. 199. Keith Jamieson 210, 199, Bill Stevenson 218, 204. Bill Stone 253. Bob Dewar 339. Ted Green 232, ~Wilf Burgin 219, Frank 'lnomas 215. hora Thomas 215. Harold Younge 203, Wm. Allen 202. Army,Navy,Air Force League RICHMOND HILL WWW Everett Baker, Prop. Greasing. Washing, Simonizing 150 Yonge N. TU. 4-0013 aned & Operated By E ALLAN RUMBLE Richmond Hill TU. 4-1298 White Rose Service Station Cruicï¬shank Transport The Yuletide ï¬re loss statistics for the past number of years form such a consistent pattern that we can almost predict the number of deaths and disastrous ï¬res which will occur this coming season. Sadly enough, helpless children seem to be the most frequent victims, yet the decora- tions are put up for their partic- ular beneï¬t. Safety Suggestions For A "MerryFiresafe Christmas" Year after year. the merry Christmas season is overshadow- ed by tragic ï¬res and loss of life due to careless and improper use of decorations. Christmas, being the festive season that it is, tends to make us forget the ever-pres- ent danger of ï¬re in the gay tin- sel and glittering lights that dec- orate our homes. In selecting your tree choose one that is not too large ~â€"‘re- member, the larger the tree. the greater the potential hazard. To our ‘knowledge there is no such thing as a ï¬reproof Christmas tree â€"- be wary of such claims by tree sellers. An evergreen tree contains considerable amounts of pitch and resin, both extremely combusible substances, and burns furiously to charred wood in 18 seconds. Obviously, lighted candles must never be used on Christmas trees, but the electric lights that are recommended in their place are not entirely foolproof, either. These lights must carry the ap- proval label, monogram. or an approval number on the manu- facturer's nameplate, of the Can- adian Standards Association. In- sist upon flame-proof or ï¬re-re- sistant decorations when buying these items. Remember â€" light bulbs produce heat -â€" heat pro- duces ï¬re. Keep all bulbs from touching the tree. Turn off the lights before retiring or leaving the house. Team Standing: Red Sox 28. King Pins 24. Indians 20, Strike Cuts 19. Bombers 18, Tigers 15, THURSDAY NIGHTERS Floyd Pratt 245. 230. Jack Hall 246, 219, Hugh Yerex 242. 205. Harold Ground 215. 208. Vic Broderick 2'71. Cam Cowan 266. Willie Beresford 223, Al. Rice 222, Tim Murphy 217. Ross Ker- win 210. Bill Hall 202. Fred Bo- vaird 200. Ben Thompson 200, Iris Pratt 238, 200. Ruth Cowan 203. 20]. Lorraine Waters 244, Minnie Ground 238. Jessie Yerex 231, Pat Mills 229. Ursul Chatter- ly 220. Rena White 219. Gloria Allen 212. Mary Barrow 208, Dor- othy Bovaird 207. Only metal, glass, asbestos or other nonâ€"inflammable or flame- proofed decorations should be used to decorate the house and above all, allow no smoking near mxxwz‘mnmzexanxmuxxmxxxmmmmwmmxfl mammam:ummwzmzuxammwzmxxawmmmm maxxwmaexmwwmurxmgaxamxzzxznmmamazement: Tonge St. N. Richmond Hill . “MIME-3658? WIWWW NonM‘s snon REPAIR Bowling Scores the Christmas tree. The ï¬replace must not be overloaded and a substantial screen should be plac- ed in front of the open hearth to prevent the possibility of flyâ€" ing sparks. Each year the death of some good-'hearted would-be Santa Claus is recorded because oi his costume or simulated beard being set aï¬re. Many of the children’s gifts include flimsy paper or cloth costumes. which. when ignited, transform the child into a human torch. Only flame- proofed material should be used in these costumes. Church candlelight services have ended in funeral services in past instances. Safety battery candles, if used in this type of service. are just as effective and are safer than op‘en-flame cand- les. Spitï¬res 9. Handicappers 6. 'l I t t FRIENDSHIP LEAGUE December 18. 1956 Winners in the Christmas Bowl M. Murphy. J. Wainwright. R Cowan. K. Cunningham. M. W111- iams. M. Savage. G. Defoe. M Gibson, B. Campbell. B. Houle. Many other sï¬ecial prizes were awarded. High scores for the day: 272 J. Wainwright. 272 M. Murphy, 250. 228 G. Defoe, 239 M. Savage, 232 M. Williams, 229. 212 R. Cowan. 221 M. Littleford, 218. 210 Rena White. 209 B. Campbell. 207 Min- nie Ground, 205 D. Plaxton. 200 L. Dickie. At this time of year. there is an ever-increasing tendency for unthinking parents to leave child- ren alone or improperly attended while visiting relatives, friends, and. quite often, drinking estab- lishments. In addition to the moral obligation of parents to protect their offspring, they can be charged under the Criminal Code for failing to provide prop- er protection 'for their children. The use of baby-sitters intro- duces other serious problems. Many baby-sitters do not even know the address of the home in which they are minding the child- ren, and could not give the cor- rect address to the ï¬re depart- ment should a ï¬re occur. It must also be remembered that a baby- sitter is not as familiar with a house as those who live in it. Any outside person given the respon- sibility of the children while the parents a're out should be care- fully briefed as to location of exits and the telephone, the ï¬re department telephone number and the address and telephone number of the place to which the parents are going. These instruc- tions should be in writing as well as verbal. depart- It must a baby- with a it. Any LUMBER AND ammo 30mm CONCORD ‘ - AV. 5 AN SWELL LIMITED Hall‘s Domestic Fuel Oils Our trucks are equippéd with Government Inspected RICHMOND HILL OIL BURNER PARTS & SERVICE THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hm. Ont. Thursday. December 20, 1956 Printo-Meters for your protection. Una of the [pedal joy: we find at Cleristmnl time (dong with trimming the tree up! exchanging gifts) is reflecting on all the wonaorï¬a] friean we Invenmml wishing most Jekghtful holiJay‘ Mon. PHONE TU. 4-2061 AV. 5- 1161 everyone 0!: you