Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1956, p. 16

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16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. December 20, 1956 Fingertip temperature control provide! com- plain heat range Ior cooking or‘lryinq your javourfia ioodl. Square Ihapo give; more cook- ing lpuco; munde comer} for auuiox cleaning,- lull 2' deep. Equipped with Signal Light. C It HhLid. czap:n:i:lnq.................... “"5 Conb’ol 91v“ corxocl fabric hon]. Drovsgqflned lo th- hlal, not wdqh! dw u“ V“:ka luv" aflofl. Only 2 M-lba. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6' @STREAMLINKD ELECTRIC IRONâ€" Dudqnod (or wrist-ea" (zoning. Lolqn nolu plat..- couvonlant noâ€"fip back-mat; nnlnml grip handle. Lightweight. . . . . 3' ® SANDWICH TOASTERâ€"Maku dalicioul loo-tad landwichoIâ€"ffias bacon and uqqc; qn'lll chops, makes uppefixinq qn‘ddlc cakes. Styled in lultxcuu chrome; walnut finish cur-cooled plastic handle! and 1.9!. Equipped with handy 7 lompomluu quuqa. BOO-wan alomenl . . . . . . . . ' DE LUXE SANDWICH GRILLEâ€"For couvenien! boating, broillnq, trying or 1 making Iaalhorliqht uncaku. Heal indicator Ihow- when ready {or use. G taming chrome with bfand maple handles and built in-kay. 8 BOO-watt element . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . » . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ' E WAFFLE BAKER and GRILLEI‘TEâ€"ch all the features of UM ubov. I 2 number, plul “movable wattle qridl. GOO-wan aloment . . . . . . . . . . A . ' @“GUDBO-MATIC" ELECTRIC JRON Chroma plate on copper: bakolna handle. SOD-wan elsmenl with uuiomuh‘a uulety shut-off. Complulo wflh cord. NEW LOW PRICE........... Electric Kctfla â€" In poll-had clum- lnum complalc with cord. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8'79 AUTOMATIC TOASTERâ€"Mlnor chrome with rich, dark brown cool bundles and brushed copper» lute bale. Toaster lhull off and papa up w an toad In ready. Wm: cord attached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I DE LUXE 2 SLICE TOASTER - SPoUou "blue-whim" chroma with coal 5 handles. Ni-chxome xibbon element. . . ' TURNOVEB TOASTER â€"â€" Gem -llko chromu. black bukelile bondlas. 3 Tonal Hip: when doors are lowered. . . ' REVERSIBLE TOASTERâ€"Z that model in qlhhmino chrome plate; cool black hundlen; 660 we“ oven heat 3 nlomon! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Gleaming Chrome ad 2-01. ELECTRIC KETTLES FRY PM With Lid CONSUlT US FOR YOUR . . . JOB PRINTING REQUIREMENTS GRILLETTES and WAFFLE BAKERS Fine Workmanship â€"â€" Reasonable Prices “The Liberal” - TU. 4-1105 A wide range of ELECTRIC IRONS '4” High polished aluminum, with cool black plunfio handle. Detachable 450.qu ban hal many other use: 4' .10} AUTOMATIC PERCOLATORâ€"Brevn ECU? ELECTRIC PERCOLATOHâ€" a With. “(Viki-av- out” CALL}: {or Inchuggr'iu; Ltvhhveiqht, with extra lam. honing uuxfaco. M - 'h h . c;?:’°:::h::.ffr“ 9-98 ELECTRIO TOASTERS STEAM AND DRY IRONâ€"Guaranteed by “Good Hon-akaepmq”. Fully uulomuh’c. Uuu azdlnnry lap valet. Accmafo fabric EEL‘Z‘KSZLZE.................... 17-95 For TV lnacks. children'- parties. Biq 2-qt. polished aluminum bowl, qlau cover, walnut handlel. Complam with 450mm! 4 .29 “av: . . . . . .........u 25 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1 196 LUTOASTERHWHh "coléuir Ieléctgr'riulraa "pop-up" control. Fitted with crumb tray. E:‘£§’t.f§‘é§:~'a°. 24-95 SILENT AUTOMATIC TOASTERâ€" Duiqn-uwnxd atyan â€" in high lustre triple chrome plats and ebony black handles and controls. Hinged crumb door; fibre-clan Inuduflon. Silent thumoalai control. 1 Cord a"nchad..' . . . . . . . . . . , ...‘.. 7' [3 AUTOMATIC TOASTERâ€"Gmceiully Itylcd in gleaming chroma with control!- lnq black controls. Se! coluul contxcl lover {or (calling dam wanted. Automatic shut-DH 5:35:33???.............15-49 COFFEE PERGOLATORS pxygfitqcpaq' wromnc monâ€" ‘THEByO-CQNTRoL” AUTOMATIC CORN POPPER NT | m HAMILTON BEACH “MIXETTE” â€"- 3-1 ted, one hand opaxofion. Baked lustre-while Ody, Eii‘é‘“:.«2‘§£§§f?‘ffi'.’1 ............... 22-45 LL” Complete with two evieri-himrinquyir‘e-x 07/113, juice extractor and nlrainer. Moro Zfiidiéi'cfilifffffé‘................ 49-45 '95 "Poxccluiwaaze" bukeéon anon}; fixfioh; fluids sprayed. Equipped with extra-long life elements in: (an, economical cooking. 8 With attached coxd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Omen ken 3-HERT PADâ€"With mulli-thennoalal lqioty- control on each heal. Zipper fastener. 5 Card attached ‘ . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ DE LUKE 3-HEAT PADâ€"Pink-peuch quihod 1061: cover. Cord attached..........-.-.......... ELECTRIC HEATING PADS â€" Foulmo rub- berized, dumpâ€"proof Inner Ihialdl and to- movublo washable covet? In pastel Ion". 3-HEAT PAD~Pink coflon flannel cover and dome fastens". 4 Withuflachedcord...........: . . . . . . ' HAMILTON BEACH FOOD MIXER-â€" 5-HEAT ROTARY SWITCH HOT PLATEâ€"â€" Elevctric HOT PLATES FOOD MIXERS ....................1.59t0958 HEATING PADS @HEATERâ€"GGQVQN q’mck heating element. Mina! pol- Lshed ll' reflector fined wuh salary guard and comma bundle. Abe“! 15' high 4 fit overall. Cad attached. . '0‘ @POBTABLE ELECTHlQ HEATED ccn , ,, n ELECTRIC HEATER X“? There aré many more instances not all as tragic as this, but very Building Supplies LIMITED RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1851 AV. 5-3941 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bennett are seen above follow- ing their recent wedding in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. The bride is the former Rosemary Anne March, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. March, Maple R. R. 2. The zoom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett of Victoria Square. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are now living in their new home on Markham Road, Richmond Hill. Last year a family held their Christmas party a few days be- fore December 25. It was very gay â€"â€" a tree with lovely decor- ations, a turkey dinner and lots of presents for the children â€"- only it was held in “Daddy's” bedroom, and even he seemed happy and content as he thought of the kindness and thoughtful- ness of the‘ people who quietly had made all this possible. On Christmas Day he kept the appointment we must all one day keep, with the Babe in the Man- ger, who taught us “it is more blessed to give." Cancer Unit Gift Cupboard Is Empty - Your Help Needed No doubt they figured out, too, how passengers can get "ashore". Certainly met! who work m'th aluminum are mighty nesourcefuL In fact, they keep us busy supplying them with this versatile modern metal, at home and in foreign markets. A helicopter may hover like a bird, but when it comes down to roost on a roof it weighs plenty, and sets up quite a strain. So engineers have devised a gim- mick. The whiny-bird lands on an aluminum raft floating in a shallow pool of water. The ma- chine's weight is spread Over the area of the raft instead of just that covered by the landing gear. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE? Buy it . . . savg fuel dollars . . . get comfortable heal. RED TRADEMARKED m ITS H. Jones YOU TRIED This year, when they are most needed. the pillow-cases, nice soaps, colognes, shampoos, toys. etc, are absent from the Cancer Society’s “Cupboard” â€"- in fact it bears a distinct resemblance to Mother Hubbard's famous cup- board, society members know. though, that at this festive sea- son many people would like to give some small gift to someone they will never know â€" it gives added glow at Christmas. Mrs. Storms. 85 Highland Lane TU. 4-3481 will be glad to pick up any articles if you call her or it can be left at her home, compelling, nevertheless, where gifts, donated by generous peop- le are given from “the Gift Cup- board" of the Richmond Hill Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. AV. 54391 '270‘b.p. union the “labia at ext" can. Itis got what 'the experts call “mad sense” The ’57 Chevrolet can give lessons on taking curves and holding the road to just about any car going â€" no matter how much more it costs. Few cars at any price are so beautifully balanced and so smooth, sure and solid in action. The ’57 Chevy’s road savvy isn’t surprising once you learn What’s underneath itâ€"new de- velopments in steering, springs and suspension. Chevy plants itself wide and low to the road, and with its pounds in the right places. That’s why it sticks so surely and solidly around corners and curves. That‘s why it seems to follow the road as though on invisi- ble rails. Chevy’s new V8 power (up to 245 h.p.’*) springs from What people who know have called the best performing pas~ senger car engine ever built. And that makes the going even better! Snappier performance with more precise control! Come in and try it. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Mâ€" Photo by Lagerquist V0“ THE MOST MODE“ Emmi-m EVGINES IN THE WORLD Only franchised Chevrolet dealers BIRRELL MOTORS LTD. Following the wedding cere- mony. the bride’s parents enter- tained at the Summit View Res- taurant, after which the young couple left for a trip to northern Ontario. Miss Phyliss Chalklin. aunt of the bride. was chosen maid of honor. Bridesmaids .were Miss Hazel Scott and Miss Jean Mc- Leod, both of Willowdale. Miss Sandra Chalklin was flower girl. The attendants wore garnet crys- tal charm gowns with bouffant skirts. Their accessories were pink and they carried bouquets of pink and garnet carnations. > The best man was Mr. Charles Maynard, and Mr. Albert Chalk- lin and Mr. Fred Harrington serâ€" ved as ushers. The lovely bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a waltz length gown of white lace and chiffon with a bout‘fant skirt. The dress was topped by a matchâ€" ing white lace jacket. Her head- piece was of white peau de soie encrusted with pearls. She car- ried a prayer book decorated with a white orchid and stephanotis. Miss Patricia Laver Chalklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Chalklin of Willowdale. be- came the bride of Mr. Robert James Harrington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Harrington of Richmond Hill on October 20 at 4 pm. in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. The minister, Rev. Al'- thur A. Chote, officiated. The altar was decorated with white crysanthemums. Miss Arm- strong played the wedding music and Mr. Roger Rawlings was the vocalist. NEWTONBROOK [RON WORKS Ornamental railings, signs, lamps. etc. No. 7 Highway, Corner of Leslie Street Av. 5-1423 Miss Patricia Chalkin WedsMr. Harrington Th0 Bel Air Sport Coupe. Body by Fish", of course, YONGE STREET NORTH BUY T.B. CHRISTMAS SEALS \a ONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE WORK â€"â€" DRAINS 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 with all that means in oxm: fineness cf construction, mound; and dumb. “ BILL DING’S ” display this famous trademark is BUILDING Business RICHMOND HILI} Business C-1257E

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