Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Dec 1956, p. 19

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday December “2.0. 1366 15” â€"â€"â€"__â€"_â€"â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".-â€" g » \‘\ Z” ~= \xachorc o, " to J :‘LL~~ " ' ’ \ f ‘ I M "1‘!" iv ' . Remember what. Hamlet had to pronounce by way sin became sin for us. that we who knew no righteous- (!]l,-is(,nas Greet-in 8 Christmas Alcssage of eulogy on Alexander the Great: ness might become the righteousness of God in Him." ‘ _g_ ,1 by Rev. J. N. Hepburn “Alexander died. Alexander was buried. He came to the manger that He might rescue ‘us from by Rev. Charles G. Higginson ' ' ' resb terian Church Alexander returneth into the dust: the dust is earth: the grave. lie was born in a stable that we might rise Richmond Hill United Church I RIChmond HIHP y f th ‘ l l f tl t l ' it to the throne' He cnne to beat 1 (10 s that we mirht -. ." . . H ~ v ., z, i * ‘ . .2 “2“sc ' g ‘. U . . i ’ It 13 not hard to guess the conversatlon m th? canaâ€" ghei'ahot s\t:p:12b:(i~re£ir‘i’m am 0 1 1 02m mlg wear a crown! () matchless grace! 0 love divine! 0 "Men." Ull'lsmlas may 0111)’ be a fl‘lendly ‘VlSh {01‘ virus which drew near to Bethlehem that first Christmas Eye. They talked excitedly then, as men today, about . tge movement of troops and the clash of empires; about t e ambitions of rulers, the yield of crops, and the pros- picts of trade.» If we knew their language we could almost speak their very words. They said “camels then, we say “autos” now; but the important things Kare still important. Thus it happened that a woman ' lowly-born was not important. There was no room for her in the inn, and her Babe was born in a stable. “But h’w could they know?” someone might ask; “how could the inn-keeper, the camel-drivers, the merchants, the soldiers, the elders of the church, ever have guessed 'tlie glory of God in a new-born Babe?” 1 Well they might at least have known that the mys- tery of birth is always mystery, and that the prayers of ‘ aiwoman like Mary are so vital that without them em- pires become mad, the church hollow, and trade only a. .dusty death. Even if they could not have guessed His glory at His birth, they might still have guessed it ini‘ His manhood. But, no. The empire distrusted Him. The traders whose tables. He overturned reviled Him. The Temple leaders whose hypocrisy He uncloaked plot- ted His death, for to them ecclesiastical pride must stand. - For you see, empires are important, and the system ‘that makes security for the few and insecurity for the many is very important. And the church which easily begins to live for it- self, and easily forgets that it cannot find life except in . losing it, is most important, so we think in error. ‘ Do you ever find yourself really wondering just what is important? Who's who, the leading pulpits, the mass methods of spectacular evangelization, and the (latest sky-scrapers, are not important. Imperious Caesar dead and turn'd to clay. Might stop a hole to keep the wind away.” Christ abides. He alone is strong. The Wise Men knew who is mighty. They knew that the star of pure compassion will shine when all earth's candles are dark. Christmas-Tide Thoughts by Rev. Earl S. Bull Richmond Hill Free Methodist Church Was there ever a festival like this in all the history of man? It starts the whole world to giving. Stores full of gifts, trains carrying train-loads of presents. head and hands everywhere selecting and providing gifts. â€"â€" arms full of them, â€"’ hearts happy to give and to reâ€" ceive them. And what is it all about? St. Paul has the answer: “The Grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appear- ed unto all men.” (Titus 2:11) Jesus the Saviour is born God has given His unspeakable gift â€" the gift Supreme â€"- divine grace as great as God, salvation and new life for all Wondrous giving. What happen- ed at Bethlehem is so blessed, however, only because it involved so much that happened after Bethlehem. God there began what He has been doing ever since â€"- givâ€" ing “good and perfect” gifts unto men. They are gifts like repentance, to turn from ungodliness and worldly lusts, and lawlessness; and faith (“by grace are ye saved through faith”); and a new life, sober-minded, righteous, godly, and zealous of noble works; and a new position among God’s “peculiar” (clean) people, and the gift of coming glory (as the fruit of justification and sanctification) at the Parousia (His second coming)! Such is God’s giving! mystery sublime! The impossible is become a fact! The incredible is true! The incomprehensible is real! The angels delight to look into it. yet all the salvation of it we are to experience! 0 come all ye faithful â€" look down into the manger! Look up to the Cross! Look away to the last great day and cry "Glory to God in the highest !" ,. Christmas Message by Rev. Arthur A. Chote St. Mary's Anglican Church () Little (.‘hild of Bethlehem, ' Why do your young eyes grieve? What do your outstretched arms implore 01' us this Christmas Eve‘.‘ "Look. in the. darkness shincth No everlasting Light, Hearts. crucified by daily fears. Watch through the silent night. Their arms hold tight to little ones Tear-blinded eyes turn East, 'l‘oo tired to ask for more than crumbs Dropped from my Christmas feast." 0 Little Child of Bethlehem Descend to us. we pray. And show our hearts how best to share With these on Christmas Day. What if I had one wish for you this Christmas? It could be that all of you would enjoy the good things of Christmas that millions in other countries will lack. Food, fun, and fellowship. But that's not good enough. a jolly holiday; but to sincerely say. “Merry Christmas", is to recall to mind the joy and gladness which God gave to men when His Son was born many years ago. God’s Son began life where only the poorest begin. Yet from that lowly Birth God has worked His design to open the Kingdom of God to all believers. To say, “Merry Christ- mas". is to say that life has dignity, meaning and worth. God. in deigning to draw near to this earth. has stooped to our lowliness that His love might find an abiding place in human hearts. From deep within our hearts, then. must come a prayer that our world. so tortured and torn by tensions and suffering, might know the true blessing of Christ- mas. This can be 50. God has not changed. He is still the Giver of all good gifts â€"- and supreme among llis gifts is that, ot~ His Son, our Saviour. Having Him, we have all. Christmas M essagc by Rev. Frederick h‘chinn l’arish Priest. St. Mary's Catholic Church For thousands of years before the birth of Christ, even from the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of paradise, when a Redeemer of the human race was first promised. all faithful souls looked forward with anxious eyes, hoping that it might be their privilege to see the Saviour upon earth, or at least to have part in the glorious kingdom which He would inaugurate. Many kings and prophets and wise men yearned for the real- ization of this cherished hope, and yet had to pass from this lower scene before the time of its fulfillment arriv- ed. It is our privilege as Christians to reap the bless- ings of that event for which so many longed in vain, for Christ has come, and by His grace we are members " _ But a mother’s prayer, and a shepherd’s wonder, Perhaps I could wish that you would enjoy good of His Church, the Kingdom He established here below. arid a Carpenter’s cross are. Here is mystery beyond comprehension! The son lsigalthl atnd happiness thriughout the months ahead. sharing in all its wondrous graces and blessings, and “ “nmm “ of God become Man that the sons of men might become 1 1a s no gooc enoug . . . heirs to the glories of His Klngdom above. We have "a T . m“ “fl'flflm'flm‘ the sons of God! The eternal word become vocal, the That God may prosper you in everything you do in realized the hope of so many others, but there IS for us 2" Soul: in extending our ,. hurl] greetings to everybody: May your holiday be to")! lay and good fellowship. RIDOUT v; REAL‘ ESTATE LTD. 10 Yonge St. S. I-IILL‘ l I’D-hi... RICHMOND TU. 4-1131 divine nature become visible! God stooping down that man may step up! The Virgin Birth makes possible the virgin life! In the Godâ€"Man God and man meet! He became poor that we might become rich! He became bound that we might be made free! “He who knew no a:qusteamersxxmxawxxsxmmemmmemsuse“enactment! 'Wonu A uovm hnrtmaa At this joyous time of Christmas, may happiness fill your heart and may the blessing: of peace, good health and good fortune be ywtsloulongtimctocome. s n. LITTLE a son in. FORD-MONARCH AV. 5-1105 RICHMOND HILL was Rest . the years ahead. Still not sufficient! I wish for you â€" all the blessings that come from allowing the Christâ€"child to be born into your hearts this Christmas. This will mean PEACE that passeth all understanding, and JOY unspeakable, not only in this'life, but for all eternity. That's what I wish for you. KKKKK-fl-K‘KKKKIG‘FNKKKKMKKMKK WKKKIMKtfifimKKNKKKKKKK _ (C1 the season to be jolly...and happy are we to wish everyone a very Merry Chirstmas. -. . . .. FISHER 5c - $1.00 STORES 20 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill a higher, more blessed prospect still -â€" that of reigning hereafter with our new-born Saviour in the unending Kingdom of heaven. That you may achieve this glorious and eternal her- itage is my sincereChristmas Wish. Krmxxxmmxmemezsxszsmsmrszxammxunmmsummexcess!!! ‘WM‘W‘ T Mtg] 3 W“ ,mfimn’gfip’"anflw’l’pl‘mnmhmflflfi'flvomit/rimfrn.mnr77;etm - , M- . ... -.. a..." a. . m . y . Nnmwmmfl’wflh . n M» n n .. . . .IQ" . -mmfi‘mfim‘fii‘’fim\fi”m“iii-tan".\Tfiqj’gfiE-‘Qg'fijfig(,i. {,3 .3“ ;. Alp] 1:; u. 5“ if; I. - l . \ ‘ ‘ To 'r‘ 1 511")“ 7“ E f? ’ ‘33 m anti: - & r. navy. it- dfihufilLEJim “a” i"»‘i., ' AC. . ~17 Q», OurYuleddebeotloollmftiends ...for a season packed with all the wonderful things that Chi-m means! THE RICHMOND THEATRE Richmond Hill “@ filmy flatmates ' v ., as - > » ~ . - . .. a. » A ... a1. . . .. . ‘ I o a .3 p 5 . 9 _ a t » BEVERLE ~ D I S k B a d . Morley Williams *5 V “RES PHARMACY g, emits nac ar oy an u n) . . 3 Bayview Plaza ‘ iii â€" FISH & CHIPS â€" '2 * a. «k ' mom SERVICE STATION E Richmond Hill C SNACK BAR-GIFTSâ€"“B'NS u .1 Mrs F “ch0 , .‘ '. 1.1' , i5 ‘f ‘A‘ g “OPEN ALL YEAR ROUND AND EVENINGS" a a -‘ DRUGS POST OFFICE E * * \* _ ~ - v r . s ES'I‘or' 22A Rit'HVAiE 9; g " Rwhm‘md H1” TUYMP' 4' 2133 i “At Your Service” ..‘ . . y . a 21 LORNE AVE. Tint-1312 RICHMONDHILL ,§ 3 Telephone AV. 9-4311 :i ‘ gmmwkfim‘flfhififififififigkhmxédhkth same»: massage: ; :»,‘~.‘~‘:‘v,’ ~ :» 7».~.~ â€" f r. . . ._ . . _, v » _ . . . - ‘2. . . . k _ ._ _ .._.. - .7- .4371: 7.“-.- WW}; _ -. .: >.aha:waaazammahahzmwgrzztmrrgmhzrhhflhmflfil3 ‘ “ ’ OUR GARAGE : Dos lthS . . AND 2 ALLEN S MEAT MARKET n. . . m . . . .. . . - EMJJSH (AR SPLUALISTS a SHELL sbRVlLE STATION POLICY HOLDERS E 1'0me _ GENERAL REPAIRS ’3, 5h." gas and on, lubrication. washing I g Phone Maple l9J TEX.\('0 on. PRODUCTS Yonge & Elgin Streets Thornhill ' ‘ w! KEELE STREET MAPLE ELGIN mus 'rr’. 4-1773 ‘ Avenue 5.153;: ’ 6lifimimifimmmhenna}.}.mx}::>.:.)n>.a.2.m:<immune.s,*.:.:,>.:s.'>::1: 7 “A: :it.‘ 1:,‘9 ‘ ‘ 7 ‘ ‘ j ' ' : “I .. . . . . . I. . ., . . r A, - -- ~ - _~ 7;- v- - - 7.; ‘ ~ 7.: -};3-,:3,:axg1},>,).5,),?q),2.},xxyrhhzzzhz7n2fl???i74'?t*rm3fi 3 James J W II 0 Ltd - ‘~ -‘ ' it . - a “many. - Jos. Rabmowutch, B.A. Yongehurst Grocetena g P L U M B I N G â€" H E A T I N G Liberal BARRISTER. SOLICI'I‘OR. NOTARY PL’BLIC “mu.” cosrorr 5 Sheet [Metal “10,.1“ Eavestraughing ('aH-icr as \~()NGE svr,s..Rl('H_\10‘.\‘D HILL Dal-[y Deliveries g Q ’ . L Boy * * * g at 1» "k r 1 ii : oAk RlDGLS a! 7. stop 2.1 \onge btreet - . . 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