Annually across Canada, the C.G.I.T. (Canadian Girls in Training) conduct their National Vesper Service. On Sunday. De~ cember 16. the local C.G.I.T., with Mrs. Lloyd Sanderson, sup- erintendent. participated in the Evening Candle Lighting Service The annual Christmas party of the Presbyterian Sunday School ï¬lled the Masonic Hall to over- flowing with children and parents on' Monday night. The program featured carol singing, a short piaylet, an accordion solo by G. Francis. Highlight of the evening was entertainment provided by a Chinese mother and her three children from Toronto, who sang Christmas carols in Chinese and presented a typical Chinese dance. The father of the trio is an elder in High Park United Church, Toronto. Santa Claus was warmly welcomed when he arrived to distribute gifts and treats. Refreshments were serv- ed by the Evening Auxiliary. of the Richmond Hill United Church. The leaders were Jean Thompson and Barbara Bone while Lois Perkins read the story "Beautiful is the Childâ€. The oï¬ertory was received by Barbara Southwell, Dolores De La Barre. Lily'Agar and Penny Parmenter. At the close of the service' candles were lighted by Margaret Bain, Carol Lusignan and Joan Robertson. The Walter Scott Home and School Association held a very enjoyable euchre and bridge on Thursday. December 13. To greet the guests. the pupils of Grades 7 and 8 had decorated the walls of the hallway with illustrations symbolical of the Christmas Sea- son. “The Twelve Days of Christmas" was cleverly portray- ed in paper cutting. A beautiful mural “Bethlehem†was splendid- ly painted in water colours. The entire kindergarten wall told the story of "The First Christmas" “The Liberal†welconï¬s social items for this column. Let us have a list of your Christmas vis- ltors. Telephone TU. 4-1105. â€"â€" this poster picture was the work of the kindergarten child- ren, and assembled by the teach- er, Miss M. Fitzsimmons. The parents showed keen interest in this ‘Special Work". Lucky draWS were made by the principal. C. N. Davison. These went to Bill Dodds, Mrs. Esther Dufour, J. Elliott, Mrs. Mary Ruttan, Miss Mary Rumble. Mrs. B. Royston. Mrs. J. Rimmer, Mrs. Wm. Strugnell. Mrs. Jean Steph- enson a_nd _Mrs. Phil Tomney. cu vuunyul ‘1‘: Llubuy' .......... Also by Profession of Faith: Miss Irene Vennard. Mr. Harold Mackie, and Alastair Sutherland. Winners at bridge were M. B. Whitehead and Mrs. M. Mont- gomery; low prizes L. Job and Mrs. L. Pearce. Winners at eu- chre were J. A. Price and Mrs. J. Rimmer; low prizes, B. Norton and Miss»E. Langlois. By certiï¬cate: Mr. and Mrs. F. Walsh. Glebe Presbyterian Church; Mr. and Mrs. J. V. O'â€" Connor. York Memorial; Mr. and Mrs. R. Dunbar, Falrbanks; Mr. M. Tearne, Melrose Park; Mrs. W. Tearne, Armour Heights; MrS. H. Borgstrom, St. Giles, Humber Valley; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Im- eson, Armour Heights; Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Mitchell, Leaslde; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sutherland, Church of Scotland. leerton Kirk, Edinburgh. and Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Pelt, Dutch Reform- ed Church, The Hague. Holland. The Social Committee gave a vote of thanks to the many mer- chants who so generously donated prizes. Refreshments Were serv- ed. With Mrs. J. Arnold Price as chairman. the committee in charge of this very enjoyable ev- ening was Mrs. Muriel Oliver, convenor: Mrs. D. Orpen in charge of the prizes; Mrs. H. E. Richards. MI'I. J. Stephenson, Mrs. L. Job. Mrs. A. J. Kinsley, Mrs. Mary Rumble. A year's subscription to the Home Paper, "The Liberal" is a gift which will be appreciated for 52 weeks of the year. By mail anywhere in Canada $3.50 per year. The following adherents of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Were recently admitted by the SeSSion into full member- ship by taking their ï¬rst Com- munion as such. The annual Candlelight Carol Service of Sacred Music will be presented by the Jr. and Sr. choirs of St. Mary's Anglican Church, this Sunday evening at ’7 pm. Seven of the Laymen will be giving the Seven Readings and musical numbers including an- thems as well as the Christmas carols will be given by both choirs under the direction of Miss Dorothy Armstrong, A.R.C.T., R. RICHMOND HILL . . . The Liberal is always [lad to receive noon; and personal items for this page and a call to TUruer (â€"1281 will receive eourteoua Iflention. This newspaper will alao welcome newa reports about church ornnlntiun. women's and meu’a societies. lodges and other troupe. While copy will be ae- eepted up to Wednesday of eaen week. it Ia desir- IMO to have it in earlier it possible to ensure Ia nbueauou. At 7 pm. the Annual Festival of Musical Praise will be held, featuring the Church and Junior Choirs. The guest organist is Mr. Alfred King of Toronto. At the December meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church the follow- ing officers Were installed by the Rev. J. N. Hepburn: President, Miss Mabel Mackie; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Geo. Pollard; secret- ary Mrs. Wm. Mirrlees: treas- urer, Mrs. Frank Moorley; pianist, Mrs. L. Dickie; Sunshine secret- ary, Mrs. Robert Ross; group captains, Mrs. Geo. Flagler. Mrs. G. Calverley, Miss Stella Mackie, Mrs. Russell Tilt. The Christmas meeting of the Richmond Hill W.I. featured a very interesting display of at- tractive hats, made by the mem- bers, in the recent three~day mil- linery course sponsored by the Women’s Institute. All express- ed their appreciation and antici- pation of a further spring course. At a Service of Holy Baptism held last Sunday in St. Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill, the following children were bap- tized: Deborah Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Spires of Richvale; Robert James. son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stephenson of Harding Blvd.; and Dana Lynn, daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. Gor- don Banton of Cartier Cresc. Richmond Hill United Church Services for Sunday, December 23, include the early morning service for the young people and parentsrat 9.30 am. For those who prefer the usu- al time of worship. the 11 am. Service will be held. Mrs. A. Lewis, convenor of the Horticultural Society banquet, reported the ï¬nancial returns and read a letter of thanks from the society. 7 Mrs. J. Pollard, president, re- ported her presentation of the W. 1'. prize (a book of his own choice) won by Don Curtin for the high mark of 92.4. Grade 11. Sevéral beloved Christmas car- ols were sung, accompanied by Mrs. Boynton. Mrs. O. L. Wright read Peter Marshall’s inspiring sermon. “Let's Keep Christmas." Congratulations to John T. Rogerson of 119 Rockport Cres- cent on winning his election as Business Representative for 10- cal 400 Upholsterers Internation- al Union. Mr. Rogerson has been very active in his union for sev- eral years, having held positions from trustee to president of the local for the past four years.’ He has been employed at Marshall Ventilated Mattress Company, Leaside for 16 years, and has been shop chairman for the last. seven where he has negotiated several successful contracts. Donations were approved to the Hospital for Sick Children, the Salvation Army. blankets and footwear for a needy village fam- ily and a $25.00 donation to the Unitarian Society. There was also a plentiful shower of gifts for the guests of York Manor. Newmarket. Mrs. W. Sayers, Mrs. G. Irwin, Mrs. M. H. Burnie and Mrs. C. H. Sanderson were the games committee chosen for the games program that will follow the pot luck luncheon on January 10. This is the 44th anniversary of the Richmond Hill W.I. An invitation from the Thorn- hill W.I. was extended to the members of Richmond Hill W.I. to attend their meeting on Jan- uary 17. E. Morley will be assisting at all the Christmas Services and will be preaching at the Christmas morning service at .10 am. Cbrï¬muhioï¬ at 8 am. and a Chor- al Commu ion Service at 10 am. as a Fami y Service. (I‘he Rey; There will be a Christmas Eve Choral Communion held in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill on Christmas Eve, be- ginning _atr 11 pm.’ Uiiéï¬ricélir'isrtmis Day there will be an early celebration_of AIonly When Miss Doris Leno of Leisure Lane started to dec- orate a Christmas tree at her parents' home last Sunday. she was surprised to ï¬nd that there was already some decoration done that had gone unnoticed since the tree had been purchased a few days previously._ On one of the branches there was a small bird's nest and in the nest a small white egg, still intact. This is quite surprising as neither the nest nor the egg were disturbed in cutting down the tree or while it was being delivered. Pre-Decorated Christmas Tree in the Greater Toronto Region for the coming year, with the op- tion of joining that Region or the one to the north at the end of that time. “A†Pack enjoyed a Christmas party Monday night. The pro- gram consisted of skits arranged by the boys. Tawny Six display- ed typical Christmas scenes. The Brown Six also presented a Christmas scene. Adding to the humour of the evening was an Operating Room scene by the Gray Six, it was funny, let me tell you. The Yellow Six gave out with’a Cowboy Skit, accompan- ied by a pantomime of Elvis Pressley. Last _but not least, was At at recent meeting members of local group committees met to hear and consider reasons pro and con for joining the greater Toronto Region. A new district has now been formed. Formerly local groups belonged to York Central District, they now are part of North York District in York Central Area. Mr. Doug. Toogood of Richmond Hill is the first chairman of the new dis- trict. Doug is also chairman of the 3rd Richmond Hill group. Mr. Norm Perry of Langstaff is the ï¬rst secretary of the new district. The new district will be included by Don Curtin Last week at Teen Town, the instrumental group, the Ptero- dactyls. winged their way through such songs as “Don’t be Cruel," “Love Me," and "Honey." Peter Purvis and Bruce Wilson ‘ did their original version of “Calyp- so.†Games and dancing made the evening complete. All this took place against a background of Christmas decorations which included a very beautifully trim- med tree. - Again I would like to soun the trumpets for the “One 0'- Clock Jumpâ€, Teen Town’s New Year's Eve dance. It represents the masterpiece in planning by the present executive; even after a hectic year of organization and work, they are still able to pour their energies into the ï¬nal fling. From this executive, for only $2.00, you can obtain a ticket for two which will bring you an ev- ening of fun and special features including the “Stai‘liner†or- chestra, many wonderful prizes, and delicious refreshments. The dance will start at 9 and continue until 1. I can assure you that the New Year will come to Rich- mond Hill as it’s never come be- fore. Until then, Teen Town wishes you a very “Merry Chrismas!" In between these acts, there was carol singing by all the boys and magic by Mike Butt. ’The evening was completed with re- freshments and a good time was had by all -â€" including Akela Walter Smith and Baloo Dot Tut- net. an imitation of the TV prograï¬ â€œT_ablqld" by the Red Six. Mrs. J. Moore, Roseview Ave, wishes to thank her friends for their kindness during her recent illness. c1w25 HANNAH - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannah, are happy to announce the birth of a girl, a sister for Lynn. on December 18, at the Newmarket Hospital. c1w25 FINCH â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father. George L. Finch. who passed away twelve years ago, Dec- ember 25. As we loved you. so we miss you, In our memory you are near, Loved, remembered, longed for always, Treasured with a love sincere. â€" Ever remembered by his wife and daughter Maxine. CARD 0!“ THANKS In memoriam Lloyd Beatty, deputy coun- ty master and John D. San- ders, deputy county lecturer presided for the annual e1- ction of officers for Victoria Teen Town The following officers were elected for next year: wor- shipful master Bro. William A. Smith; Chaplain, Bro. R. Pearson; deputy master, Bro. Casement; recording secret- ry, Bro. R. Taylor; ï¬nan- cial secretary, W. Bro. J. D. Sanders; treasurer, W. Bro. G. Fenwick; marshall W Bro. R. Horwood; lst lec- urer, W. Bro. Fred Bovaird; 2nd W. Bro. A. Hawkes; lst committee man, W. Bro. R. Horwood, 2nd W. Bro J. Leece; 3rd, W. Bro. L. Beat- ty; 4th W. Bro. F. Bovaird; 5th Bro. D. Gillis; entertain- ment committee, Bros. A. Smith, R. Taylor, D. Gillis, R. Abbey, J. D. Sanders, L. Beatty, A. Horwood, R. Hor- wood, F. Bova'u‘d, W. Cook. J. Leece, R. Casement, Wm. Pearson and A. Hawkes. L.O.L.. Richmondflï¬ili, Mon: day, night. At the ï¬nal meeting of the year for the Richmond Hill Council held last Monday night, two trustees were ap- pointed to the Richmond Hill District High School Board. Trustee Robert Endean has an additional year to run on his term, however two additâ€" ional trustees were appoint- ed. Trustee Harry Sayers was reappointed for a three year term on a motion by Depu- ty-Reeve Ken Tomlin and Councillor Harold Jones. The new appointee is Ralph Wood of Richmond Hill. Mr. Wood is an employee of Prospect Cemetery Com- pany and has children at~ tending Richmond Hill High School. Appoints 2 HS. Trustees Richmond Hill L.0.L. Elects 1957 Officers Boy Scouts c1w25 In the October 11th issue of the Liberal we told you about the baby cardinal being fed by its mother at Dr. Lillian Lang- staff’s feeding station. Mother and baby have visited this feed~ ing tray daily since October lst and for 41 days the mother faith- fully cracked the sunflower seeds and fed her young baby. On Nov- ember 11th the little young lady cracked her ï¬rst sunflower seed and since that time she has been feeding herself. However; it takes a great deal longer to con- sume the same number of seeds when you have to crack them for yourself, especially when you are' just learning as a sunflower seed is so difficult for a baby cardinal to crack. At present this same station is visited by three female cardinals, 2 male cardinals, 2 downy woodpeckers, a hairy woodpecker and several Chicka- dees. Purplcville Woods Visit ' The Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society extends Christmas Greetings to all its Members and Friends as well as to the readers of this column over the past seven months. May the New Year bring you every happiness and may your garden blooms be big- ger and better than ever before. -â€" Photo by Lagerquist Mr. and Mrs. David Albert Baker are seen cutting their wedding cake following their wedding on Novmber 24, 1956, in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. The bride is the former Ingeborg Hedwig Ahlfeldt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ahlfeldt. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. One day in November W. J. Large entered the Purpleville woods in anticipation of a great bird watching morning. Part way down' the woodland path he met three gentlemen, members of the Toronto Field Naturalists. Of course Mr. Large was very anâ€" xious to know what they had seen on their bird trip. Their re- ply was one red fox. What! No birds? â€" No birds, they regeat- ed in unison. Mr. Large departed happily in the opposite direction, deeper in- to the forest, which at ï¬rst seem~ ed to be empty. The twigs of the trees were swaying back and forth in the gentle breeze, the crack- ling of the branches was the only sound which called his at- tention to the tight little bud Walter J . Baker. After a few minutes’ conver- sation the three gentlemen de- parted trudging unhappin down the wooded path, carpeted by Mother Nature with beautiful leaves in tones of brownS, yell- ows, reds and golds. We do hope they thought of all the wonder- ful things hidden under this gor- geous covering, being «protected until next_ spring when they will 1 WC, we; bring forth their great beauty in the form of hepaticas, spring beauty, violets, trilliums and many other spring flowers, also several species of ferns, not for- getting the delicate little mosses that also give the plants and ferns an_ _add_itiona1 protection. Your Garden & Mine It has been a pleasure to bring Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill INSURANCE Nature Notés HERBERT R. BUTT By Richmond Dependable Associated With Service Telephone formation on the twigs of the beeches and maples, only to un~ fold and open early next spring. In the trees were the old nests to tell the story of last spring and early summer, where our feath- ered friends lived and raised their young, a sound, not swaying twigs or crackling branches, but a bird, oh several birds, a series of snapping and cLinking notes, a small flock of juncos. The next surprise was a series of rapid, identical, high-pitched, hissing notes, the call of the golden crown kinglet. Shortly thereafter the sound of yank, yank, was heard, a whiteâ€"breasted nuthatch, last but not least he heard the redvbreasted nuthatch. Such a glorious climax, to see these col- orful birds, as the woods then un- folded with feathered life. It is too bad the three gentle- men did not return to the woods with Mr. Large as what appeared to them to be empty and sleep- ing woods, really was full of life and chatter. you the information in these ar- ticles each week and my person- al thanks go to those who con- tributed material for it and/or assisted me in anyway to get it written; and to “The Liberal†for its publication. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! All members are invited to take part in the Christmas Bird Cen- sus on December 26th. Hm Naturalists SOME PART OF THE BIBLE 05 Bit?! PUBUSHED IN )092 LANGUAGb Faith is fortiï¬ed by regular reading oft/1e Bib/e WORLDWIDE BIBLE READING MONTH NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 25 WORLDWIDE éaafé ‘7 READING Ira D. Ramer and Son W. S. Ramer 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317 THORNHILL BAPTlST CHURCH Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck, Minister 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto Sunday School Christmas Pro- ramme Sat, Dec. 15. 7 p.m. All parents heartily welcomed SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1956 Sunday School, Classes meet at TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thornhlll x: I". W. E. Askew. Rector SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1956 8 am. â€" Holy Communion. 11 pm. â€"- Morning Prayer â€"7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer Christmas Eve -â€" 11.30 pm. â€"â€" Holy Communion Christmas Day -â€" 8 am. â€"- Holy Qommunion 11 am. -â€" Family Service follow- ed by Holy Communion iour comes! The Saviour promised long; Let every heart prepare a throne. And every voice a song.†RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1956 Temp. Location: Masonic Hall, 15 Yonge St. N. “Where welcome is more than l word†RICHMOND HILL "I! METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and nut!“ THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH 10 and 11 am. Service of Worship 11 am. “Hark! the glad sound, the Sav- BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Of Markham District SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1956 Helge Bill (Gormley) 10 1.111. -â€" Sunday Scho’ol 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7 p.111. â€" Evening Service Wed, 7.30 pm: â€" Prayer Meet- mg Oak Ridges (Aubrey Ave.) 10.30 3.111. ~ Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Vluhm (3rd Con. 2 mile: north of Concord) 10 1.111. â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€" Worship Servlco Concord (School House) _10 In. â€" Sunday School 10 a.m â€"- Bible School White Gift Sunday Classes for all ages 11 a.m. â€"- Guest Speaker Rev. Morley R. Hall, Missionary Superintendent of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Bev. In! 3. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Lil. Hour. CBML. 9 Ian. Sunday SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1956 3 pm. â€"- Sunday School 7 pm. -â€" Christmas Worship Ser- Vvice Congregational singing of the Christmas themes and the Christ- mas message by the pastor. Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer & Bible Study Hour We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly church that continues the teaching of original Methodism. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1956 CHRISTMAS SUNDAY WHITE GIFT SUNDAY 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Sermon (10) How to Celebrate Rev. A. A. Chote 11 am. â€" Nursery 8: Jr. Congre- gation 2 pm. â€" Y.P. Bible Class Speaker â€" The Rector 7 pm. â€"- ANNUAL CANDLE- LIGHT CAROL SERVICE CHRISTMAS EVE 11 pm. -â€" CHORAL COMMUN- ION / CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICES 8 am. â€" HOLY COMMUNIQN 11 pm. â€"- CH%RAL COMMUN- I N r~ NOTE â€" The Rector and War- dens wish all the friends of St. Mary’s Church, the richest bless- ings of Christmas T. P. Henry H. E in Canéda 7.30 pm. â€" Gospel Service Guest speal-Lerlz‘I Rev. Morley R. all B‘.A.. B.D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1956 9.30 am. â€"Intermediate and Sen- ior Sunday School 10 am. â€" Morning Worship and Sunday School (2-12 years) 11.30 am. â€" Morning Worship 8: Sunday School (2-12 years) Christmas 3.30 am. â€"- The Young Adult Fellowship will hold a tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cooper. 252 Finch Ave: West-A11 â€"y01'mg people welcome December 25 RICHMOND HILL PBESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1956 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship Christmas Music by Jr. and Sr. Choirs 9:45 am. Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€"- Nursery School RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. 8A.. 3.!) SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1956 IT. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond mu Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. B. Th. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1956 CHRISTMAS SERVICES 9.30 am. - First Morning Service (Replacing Sunday School) 11 em. - Second Morning Ser- vice 7 p.m. â€" Choral Service Church and Junior Choirs CHRISTMAS SUNDAY “For unto you is born this day, a Saviour who is Christ the Lord†9.30 1am. â€"- MORNING PRAYER Rev. A. A. Chote 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. -â€" MORNING PRAYER Minister: CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin H. Chambers. in the church at 10 a.m. THEALIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. December 20, 1956 8 Rev. Earl B. Eddy. H. Stanford mum:waflï¬zxummzmmmmmmmzxmmm For Prescriptions or other emergencies please phone Walter Murray TU. 4-2124 mamaamammwmsmmawnmzahammnmum KKIKKKKKKIE KKK UNITED CHURCH Rev. Burl B. Eddy. 3A.. 3.1). Minister SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1956 2.30 p.111. â€" Worship Service CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting In Concord School Bonn Each Lord’s Day evening at 'l p.111. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 mm. Rev. 15 vs. 4: . . . for thou only an Holy for all nations shall come and worship before thee: for thy judgments are made manifest Meets in the Charles Hewitt School Church Services at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Richmde H111. ' it 9.30 gm. - 11 am. - 7 NOTE -â€" Christ Services at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rich- CHRISTMAS DAY 9.30 a.m."â€" Holy Communion ST. JOHN’S A'NGLICAN OAK RIDGES (Yonge at Jefferson) SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1956 11.15 am. Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€"â€" Carol Service CHRISTMAS DAY 11.15 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion ST. MARK’S CHAPEL ANGLICAN (Parish of St. John. Oak Ridges, Yonge at Elmgrove) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1956 10 Jam. â€" Holy Communion (Anglican) RICHVALE - LANGSTAFF DISTRICT “Suï¬er the little children to come unto me†All children of this District are invited to attend this Sunday School which meets every Sun- day morning in the Charles How- itt School 9.4757 a.m. â€"VSUNDAY SCHOOL MAPLE 11 am. â€" Sunday School will assemble 11.30 am. â€" Combined White Gift Service 7.30 pm. â€" Candlelight Carol | Service mond Hill Christmas Eve â€" 11.00 pm. Christmas Day 8 am. â€" 10 am. Family Service MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C.. Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1956 HOPE 10.30 am. â€" Combined White CHRISTMAS SERVICES ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN KING SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1956 10 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer and Carol Service ST. STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN MAPLE SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1956 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Prayer SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1956 “For unto you is born this day ~- A Saviour!" EDGELEY 2.30 pm. â€" Combined White Gift Service CHRISTMAS EV'E. DEC. 24 10 pm. â€"- Holy Communion â€" Carol Service CHRISTMAS DAY 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer GOD BLESS YOU AIZL THIS CHRISTMAS A. J. BARRACLOUGH Kin; Siderold 8T. BARNABAS’ MISSION Store Finan- a.m. â€" Combined White Gift Service Kitchen Cabinets General Woodwork†OAK mass 111. um CABRVILLB GORMLE! UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. 3. flanking. Minute! 8.45 â€" Church Broadcast cm 1350 Oshawa 10 am. â€"- Morning Worship 11 am. â€"- Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Servico RICHVALE CHAPEL Between Stop 22 and 223 Yonzo 01k Avenue SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1956 9.30 am. -â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Fami_1y Bible Hour Soloist Miss S. Martin The Young People's Choir will sing. 7 pm. â€" CANDLELIGHT 7 pm. - Candlelight Carol Sen- vice Message froxp Luke “Good Tid- ings" The Junior Choir. Larry and Leesa Clements, duet Christmas Fireside Fellowship and the Christmas Story in pictures and Sunday School 7 pm. -â€" Evening Gospel Service Mr. Colin Anderson Tues. Evening 8 pm. -â€" Prayer _and_B_i_b1e Sgudy, Church St. Lingual! Pastor Rev. Wm. Hilt‘z. BA. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1956 10 mm. -â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class .111. â€" Morning Worship p.m. :- Pra_ye_r Mgetlng 11 a 6.30 7 p.m. â€" Gospel Service Tues., 8 pm. -- Teenagers and Youth Fellowship Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer & Bible Study Thurs., 1 pm. â€" Women’s Miss. ionary Fellowship Thurs., 8 pm. â€" Evening Mis- sion Circle, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month Fri.. pm. â€"â€" Lamplighters SUNDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1956 11 am. â€"â€" Divine Worship 10 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class DEC. 25 - CHRISTMAS DAY CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 10 to 10 â€" Sunday School Special Programs_ in all depart- ' ments 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Message,’ ‘fGodfs Cgrlgtmas_ Gm" ZION LUTHERAN CHUICI (2 miles south of MIPIO) Pastor H. Lindemm Pubfic school agé cï¬ldfén LANG-STA" BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. Colin Anders'dn Service at 9 am.