Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1956, p. 5

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Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles Pea- - cock were happy to have as their . ,guests over Christmas. Mr. Char- ‘ les Peacock of Oshawa, father of Mr. Peacock; also Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wedlock and son Marcus of Brule Gardens. Toronto. ‘ RICHMOND HILL . . The Richmond Hill Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce held its annual Christmas dinner and party at the Summit View Resturant on December 20. With a full attendance by the Stafl' and Manager, Mr. H. C. Powell, an enjoyable time was had by all. The Junior choir of St Mary's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. held their annual Christmas par- ty on Thursday. December 27. A skating party from 3 to 5 pin. was followed by the dinner in Wrixon Hall, arranged by Mrs. G. Watcham. Mrs. Lou Wain- Wright. and Mrs. Ken Flynn. The showing of colored films. and the playing of various games, concluded another happy Christâ€" mas Party for the members of the Junior Choir. on Hall. on Saturday afternééfi, December 22nd. With a record attendance of over 300. the youngsters really had a wonderful time. In open- ing, each class sang hymns. and contributed appropriate musical items, tollOWed by a “Lady Magi- cian", whose tricks mystified them all. The Annual Christmas party for the Junior Class (ages 3 to 8) of St. Mary's Anglican Church. Richmond Hill, was held in Wrix- Hill. will be plea that he is recoverln tack of pneumonia. The highlight of the party was the distribution of the gifts. The children visited the genial and patient "Santa Claus". who was ably portrayed by Mr. Ken Flynn. In'éddition to the usual humorous answers as to "Just what would you like for Christ- mas" â€" one little miss at about three years pertly answered â€"â€" "Santa. I told you what I want- ed:_a u_'eek_ agol'f Mlss Mary Dawson 0! Lorne Avenue, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Carle and Allan of Doncaster. enjoyed Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Zueielt in their home at Midland. Ont. The many friends of Mr. Zuefeit a former resident of Richmond Hill, will be pleased to learn the; he; is recovering from an at- Mr. Paul Morley proved to be a capable M.C.. assisted by Mr. Lou Wainwright. Mr. Jim Fletch- er. and other members of the Men's Club: Mr. Robert Coles of Toronto was one of the Christmas guests entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southwell and family at their home on Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Appleton of Lorne Avenue entertained as Christmas guests. Mrs. A. Mun- roe. mother of Mrs. Appleton, also her sister and family from Stouflville. and brother. Mr. Wm. Munroe. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dolan of Willowdale, and Mr. Alfred Dol- an of Toronto were the guests over Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolan, Baker- Avenue. Ronnie and Paula Forster of Rockport Cresc.. spent the week end with their father in Oakville. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SAVES YOU PLENTY * Check engine, timing, plugs, carburetor. * Check Steering and , Suspension System, : replace bad parts. .3“ Check wheel balance and alignment. Hunt 8. Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS SAME DAY SER-VICB RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Open 7 mm. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Oak Ridges Ontario PR. 3-5471 EM. 8-9559 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 TELEVISION Radio -- Washer Repair Senia Conventon To 60 Cycle Agencies The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1105 will r'eceive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome new: reports about church organizations. women’s and men's societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desir- able to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publication. The long anticipated “Child- ren's Santa Claus Party" MAS staged oh Saturday. December 22, by the Beverley Acres Rate- payers' Association. The newly opened Bayview Plaza was dec- orated for the occasion with a giant illuminated Christmas Tree in the centre whilst Jingle Bells and other appropriate music came over the loud speaker. Despite the freezing rain. a large crowd of children and par~ ents awaited the coming of San- ta" under shelter of the Shop- ping Centre. Punctually at 3 pm. the local fire truck roared up with siren sounding and bearing Sans ta Claus. The role of this kindly and patient gentleman was ably portrayed by Mr. Fred Owen. assisted by Cubs Robin Derrick and Roger Cross. Mrs. F. C. Murphy also helped to guide the 700 children that passed along to receive their gifts. 9‘ As a clown, Mr. P. Campbell added to the amusement. whilst Mr. 'Alec Cameron provided musical entertainment with his accordion. In a family re-union over Christmas, Mr. R\ E. Casement of Mill Street. enjoyed the visit of his daughter and her husband, Mr. Ross Lees. also their daugh- ter Sharon, from Montreal. Mayor-elect William Neal ac- companied by Mrs. Neal oflicially opened the happy event. Mrs. M. Endean of Centre St. West, together with Mr. Robert Endean enjoyed their Christmas with the daughter of Mrs. En- dean. Mrs. O. L. Day, of London. Mr. and Mrs. W. 5.. Cook and family spent Christmas with 3.1“. Cook‘s family in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. David Lamb en- joyed their Christmas with their son Mr. Donald Lamb and family in their home at Port Hope. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. L. Maddock from Galt; Mrs. Mad- dock is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Lamb. In a large heated store pmvid- ed by Mr. George Jorolavitch, one of the builders of the shopping centre, refreshments were servâ€" ed by Mrs. M. Cowling and Mrs. M. Derrick. ' ‘ In a “lucky draw" following the Kinsmen's Turkey Shoot. the turkey was won by Miss Mary Rumble. donated for the party. and cooked by Mrs. J. Arnold Price. " ' ‘ 'I On Thursday, December 20, the executive of the Home and School Association of the Walter Scott School entertained Princi- pal Davidson and 20 of the School stafl' at a “Christmas Luncheon." The school room was seasonsny decorated with poinsettias and red candles. Hot turkey and’ mince pies were served by the ladies of the executive. Special thanks were passed al- ong by Mr. Frank C. Murphy to Fire Chief Alfred Stong and his brigade. and to the Village for the use of the fire truck for the speedy and efficient transporta- tion of Santa Claus. Dana Jayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plaxton of Har- ding Blvd., was baptized in St. Mary's Anglican Church this Christmastide with Mrs. N. J. Bird of Agincourt as a Godpar- ent. * * * *- A New Year's Eve Watchnight Service will be held at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Ricrmond Hill, from 11.30 pm. New Year‘s eve until just after the midnight hour. The Rev. Arthur A. Chote will be taking the quiet devotion- al at this time. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Teetzel. Roseview Ave., on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tyndall and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Teetzel. ‘- Christmas holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1). Little. 54 Arnold Cres.. included Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Fowler, Mrs. B. Brown, Miss Peggie Brown and Mrs. R. McConaghy. all of Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Little and7 son Gregory of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lamb, Church Street. entertained mem- bers of their family during the Christmas holidays. On Christ- mas day. their guests included Mr. and Mr. Peter Lamb and their three children from Ham- ilton, Miss Ethel Lamb of Toron- to and Mr. Tom Lamb of Agin- court. Boxing day guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Lamb and two children of Orillia and Mrs. E. Evans also of Orillia. Mr. William Wilson and fam- ily of Roseview Ave, are holi- daying in Floylda. astronomical cinâ€"ference in Kew York Cxty. Christmas guests at the home of the Misses Walker, 6 Bridge- {ord St., were Mrs. Charles Nor- man of Maple. Miss Marion Duns lop and Dr. R. R. Walker. both of Toronto. Dr. Walker FitzGer- ald of Regina spent the week-end at his aunt‘s home. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Flynn of Baker Street South. together with 50%Charles, were holiday guests of rs. Flynn's sister, Mrs. Frank Killick and family, at Oak Rid~ ges. Drs. Lillian and Rolph Langâ€" stafi spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davis and family of Kinghorn. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Fry, Lorne Avenue enjoyed Christmas time with their sister and brother-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. John Vickery and family, at their home in Whitby. ‘ ‘ ‘ * Dr. HelenJ-Iogg ls attending an Last Friday, members of the ednofial and pfinung nafi of “The Liberal” made a presenta- tion to Mr. Ross Breuls. foreman of the composing room, in honor of his forthcoming marriage. Mr. Breuls is to be married this week to Miss Sarah Moore, formerly of Scofland and now of Toronto They will be taking up residence in Richmond Hill in the near fu- ture. Robert Keith Jr. is spending the holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Keith, 160 Centre St. West. Bob is a student at Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. The Presbyterian Church Wo- men's Missionary Society held its Christmas méeting in the Sun- day School room. Mrs. Gray de- lighted the group with the play- ing of Christmas Carols. The Women's Association of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church held its Christmas meet- ing on Thursday. December 20, at. the h0me‘of Mrs. J. Beresford. Election of officers for the com- ing year are as follows: honor- ary presidents, Mrs. T. Moore and Mrs. J. N. Hepburn; presi- dent, Mrs. S. C. Smith; lst vice- president. Mrs. J. Beresford: 2nd vice-president, Mrs. K. Blan- chard: recording secretary, Mrs. M. Savage: corresponding secret- ary, Mrs. H. H. MacKay; treasur- er, Mrs. F. Schissler; flowers. Mrs. K. Blanchard and Mrs. M. Burnie; supplies, Mrs. D. Lamb: Mr. Lloyd C. Medcalf of White Plains. New York, is staying over the Christmas holiday period. with his pareAnAts, Mr. and_ Mrs. South Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leno. 86 Leisure Lane. entertained their family on Christmas Day. In a happy holiday family re- union. Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wainwright of Mill Road, included Mr. Wain- wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wainwright, together with his sister. Mrs. R. MacFarland and family, also his brother, Mr. L. A. Wainwright and family. Staying at their home on Pal- iser Crescent over the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. MacDougaL were Mr. and Mrs. P. MacDougal. parents of Mr. Mac- Dougal. also his uncle. Mr. Rich- ard Swan of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hogarth and their son Alfrom Hensall were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Harry Bawden of Church St. Mr. and Mrs. E. McVey of Lorne Avenue. spent an enjoy- able Christmas at the home of Mrs. McVey's sister, Mrs. George McEwen in Aurora. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Maltby spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Don Temple at Islington. Sfiendlng Christmas with their mot er. Dr. Helen Hogg were David and James Hogg, both of Queen‘s University. and Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacDonald and son Rodrick. Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald came to Richmond‘Hlll from 0:- tawa at the beginning of Decem- ber and will be taking up resi- dence in Toronto early in the new year. Mrs. John Gallanger. Miss Nor- ma Gallanger and Miss Edna Iz- zard spent Christmas with Mr. Thomas Izzard at Woodstock. STONG â€" Mr. and Mrs. John Stong (nee Young) are happy to announce the birth of their son Daniel, a brother for Shir- ley, December 26 in Newmark- et Hospital. Mother and baby doing well. *1w26 MacNAUGHTON, Richard, Dan- iel â€" At his home in Maple, Wednesday, December 19, 1956, Richard Daniel MacNau- ghton, beloved husband of Pearl Smelser, in his 77th year, dear father of Mrs. David Marâ€" tyn (Audrey), Toronto: Dr. Earl of Guelph. Rested at Wright & Taylor‘s Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Service held in Maple Presbyterian Church on Saturday at 2 o'- clock. Interment in Maple Cemetery. c1w26 CARD 0F THANKS I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely flowers, get well cards letters and phone calls and other gifts during my stay in the hos- pital. Also a special thank you to the Markham Rebekah Lodge for the lovely plant and the many acts of kindness shown to me at this time are greatly appreciated. clw26 Mrs. Ezra Thompson by Don Curtln Don‘t go baby-sitting! Don't stay home! Let the old folks stay home while you come to Teen Town. Teen Town is emptying its cof- fers to spend more and give you a wonderful party. Time â€"- 9 to 1; day â€"â€" New Year‘s Eye; place -'â€" {fie Lions Hall. By theRvay. what is this? The One O'clock Jump! For the last fling of the year, Teen Town is having a real bash. Streamers will be flying with bal- loons floating gently down.‘ Reâ€" freshments will be served. Prizes will be. really something while the games promise to be quite unusual- All this to the music of the Starliners. that wonderful or- chestra that played at our last semi-formal. That is the dress, by the way. Looking into the new year, the first Teen Town in January will be election time. so start thinking of the people you want to serve you at Teen Town. Dig out $2.VO and a girl and come on out to the One O‘clock Jump, New Year's Eve! Any ex- ecutive member has tickets. Teen Town iMédcalLV' , Yonge Street %eath Mi-s. Eira ’Thompson The well known diseasefdiph- theria, causes a severe throat in- fection which can block off the windpipe and cause death by suf- focation. Before the discovery of antitoxin and toxoid. Diphtheria wiped out whole families and even communities because of its severity. Young children, especially those from six months and up. are most susceptible. Diphtheria as well as Smallpox should be a disease of historic interest only, in Canada. How- ever, each year there are over 150 cases of diphtheria with 10% of these cases dying from the disease, while others are left with damage to the heart and nervous system. Young Children Are Most Susceptible To Diphtheria For many years now. protection against smallpox, diphtheria. tet- anus and whooping cough has been available to every Canadian child, but according to records, we are not all taking the advan- tages afforded by immunization. With the rapid growth of our population and the entry of new Canadians from all parts of the world, it is important to maintain a high level of immunity to these diseases. 'Practically everyone is inform- ed on this subject, and knows that immunization can be obtain- ed either from their family doc- tor or at a clinic free of charge, but a certain percentage still ne- glect this important protection. It is more important for the mo- ther to take an afternoon off ac- casionally to have her baby imâ€" munized even if it is necessary to re-arrange her plans for visit- ing grandmother or the local hairdresser. It is the reponsibility of par- ents to have their children im- munized to ensure protection from these diseases. which no longer should menace their health, happiness and right to a full life. Have your children been im- munized? (This is the fourteenth in a series of articles designed to bet- ter acquaint the residents of this district with the work of their County Health Unit. These ar- ticles have been prepared by Dr. R. M. King, M.O.H., and mem- Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Har- rington are seen above receiving their marriage certificate from the Reverend Arthur A. Chote following their recent marriage in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, From all reports. the dls~ trict had a reasonably safe Christmas a: far as fires were fioncerned. There are no re- ports of fire calls for the local brigade on Christmas Day and the only other call received during the Christ- mas season was to Doncas~ ter where a burning motor on an oil burner filled a house with smoke. There was little damage. 55 Yonge St. S. Fire-Free Christmas Barrister, Salicitor, Notary Public NORMAN TODD TU. 4-1780 May all your hours in 1957 be bright with good fortune and rich in good health, 0 0 firm friendships and happi- bers of his staff. Additional fea- tures in this series will appear in subsequent issues. â€" Editor) b night, With a special kind of glow. When Christmas is all over, And we throw away my tree, My star must go on shining, For all children just like me. There were many stars shining at the Christmas \party held at the Thornhaven School for Be- tarded Children, attended by pu- pils and parents, teachers and volunteer helpers. “THE 7 bhildrén enertained; the program commencing with the singing of “Away? in the; quggrj’. A rhythm band, resplendent in capes and pill box hats was fol- lowed by a baton solo and baton group consisting of four of the older girls of the school. . A lively western scene depicted a maiden tied to the stake by wild Indians. being rescued in the nick of time by the hero of the sequence dressed in full cow- boy regalia. A dance “How Do You Do My Partner” was presented by a group of eight of the pupils who did very well indeed. The program continued with “The Dance of The Christmas Star”, a solo number; followed by the pupils singing Jingle Bells. the audience then joined with the children in the singing of Silent Night. Refreshments were served pri- or to the arrival of Santa Claus who presented a gift _to every child present. It was wonderful indeed to see these children being given the opportunity of companionship with one another and also the chance to express the joy of Christmas as is every child’s priv- ilege. Were it not for Thornhav- en School, such would not be the case, so we hope and trust that the Thornhaven Star may always be kept shining. Over in the corner Stands my Christmas Tree. The lights are glowing brightly, Daddy did that, just for me. It's decorated just the same As any other year, See the tinsel there that glit- teps Just like a baby tear! You know, it even smells the same, Just like I knew it would. It whispers soft of Christmas And everythings that’s good. And yet, there’s something dif- ferent About this Christmas Tree. The star shines so much bright- er; - Is it shining just for me? Perhaps this star is shining As it did so long ago. To brighten up the darkened My Star Richmond Hill The bride is the former Patricia Lever Chalklin, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Chalklin of Willowdale, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert James Harrington of Rich- mond Hill. Bradford Couple Manied 60Years Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edney. of Bradford, celebrated their Diamâ€" ond wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter and son- ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Holt, Langstafi, on the evening of De- cember 15, when nearly 50 rela- tives and close friends gathered to~honour the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Edney received con- gratulations from Her Majesty the Queen, also from the Hon. Earl Rowe and many others. They also received lovely gifts, plants and flowers. including a plant from Coulson Hill W.A. Their bridesmaid, Mrs. W. J. Dales, sister of Mrs. Edney. was present. but the gromsman, Mr. Will Edney. brother of Mr. Ed- ney, was unable to be present owing fio i1} heglth. On Sunday Mrs. Holt held a family dinner when Mr. and Mrs. Albert Edney, Agincourt; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edney of Bradford;‘ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fyfe, Orillia, were present. Mrs. Edney was born in Cooks- town and Mr. Edney in England. They were married in Cooks- town. They have two sons Albert and Walter and one daughter Mrs. Mel Holt (Gertrude), seven grandchildren and six great- grandchildren. . What c_ou1d be worse than going to a fan- cy party and finding your- self stuck with a shrinking violet. Only one thing say I, speaking as a prejudiced dry cleaning man. That would be to find yourself stuck with shrinking skirt or dress. Most people know the two maâ€" jor causes of Shrinking. It hap- pens to fabrics that haven't been pre-shrunk by the manufacturer 358 it happefis to fabricsfihat are dried in too much heat. There's a third cause nf shrink- age that's not so well known. Some manufacturers stretch their cloth in order to achieve certain eflects. Comes cleaning time and â€"â€" zip â€"â€" back it goes to its original (and smaller) shape. ' You have a protection against the garment that's not pre-shrunk in manufacture. Look at the la- bel â€" manufacturers make sure you're told when they do pre- shrink, they overlook it when they skip this important process. There's little or no protection against the headaches caused by fabrics which have been stretch- ed in manufacture. This is a real bugbear, but usually the trained and suspicious eye of a dry cleaner can Spot the evidence. With almost everything else you own. though. your dirty bus- iness is our business. A profess- ional staff like ours can bring amazing sparkle back into clothes, but you’ll never find us ruining clothes by trying to clean the special fabrics that shouldn’t be cleaned. Our best advice when you have this kind of fabric is: Don't get dirty! CLEANERSaDVERS LTD mcwouo Hm. Phonb wast» THE LIBERAIJ, Richmond Hill. Ont. Thursday, December 27, 1956 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1956 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 9:45 am. Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 11 am. -â€" Nursery School RICHMOND [1th UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. lligzinson. B.A.. 5.0 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1956 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service "The Dedicated Life" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service “Strangers and Pilgrims” 81'. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond mu Rev. A. A. Chote. B.A.. B. Th. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 3‘8. 1956 9.30 a.m. â€"- MORNING PRAYER Rev. A. A. Chote 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" MORNING PRAYER Rev. A. A. Chote 11 am. â€" Nursery & Jr. Congre- gation 2 pm. - Y.P. Bible Class 7 13m. â€" HOLY COMMUNION The Rector NEW YEAR'S EVE Watchnight Service - 11.30 pm. NOTE -â€" The Rector and War- dens wish all the members and friends of St. Mary's Church. God's guidance and goodness ‘ throughout the new year. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and (mules Rev. Eul S. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and LI“ Hour, CHML, 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, DECEMBER, 30. 1956 3 pm. â€"- Sunday School 7 pm. â€" New Year Sunday Wor- ship Wed., January 2, 1957 â€" 7 pm. â€" Junior Missionary Meeting 8 p.m._-â€" W.M.S. Meeting We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly church that continues the teaching of original Methodism. RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1956 10 am -â€" Bible School Classes for all ages 11 am. â€"- Guest Speakcr Mr. Robert Irvin of London Bible Institute ' 7.30 pm. â€" Gospel Service Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister Mr. Robert Irvin in charge Dec. 31 â€" Watch Night service at Langstaff Baptist Church. A time of praise and thanksgiving, clim- axed with a great Baptismal service Coming Jan. 6 8.30 pm. -- Film “Souls in Conflict” Temp. Location: Masonic Hall, 15 Yonge St. N. “Where welcome is more than a word" TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thornhul Rev. W. E. Askew. Rector SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1956 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion. 11 pm. â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€"- Carol Service of Nine Lessons THORN’HILL UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3'0, 1956 9.30 am. â€"Intermediate and Sen- Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. Minister 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto Sunday School Christmas Proâ€" v ramme . Sat, Dec. 15, 7 pm. All parents heartily welcomed SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3-0. 1956 Sunday School Classes meet at NEW YEAR'S EVE 1130 p.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion 101' Sunday School 10 am. â€" Morning Worship and Sunday School (2-12 ,years) 11.30 a.m. â€" Morning Worship & Sunday School (2-12 years) 10 and 11 am Service of Worship SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1956 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship The Dedication of Communion Trays and Bibles 7.30 pm. â€"- The Fireside Fell- owship Mr. Ron Adam§ of Toronto will be our Guest Pianist The Young Life Club will be in charge of the program. Refreshments will be served. Sunday. January 6 â€"- The Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper Reception of New Members â€" Friday. January 4, at 8 pm. Rev. C. E. Hunking. Minister 8.45 -- Church Broadcast CKLB 1350 Oshawa 10 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Minister: Rev. Earl B. Eddy. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday After Christmas “As thy days. so shall thy strength hei“ THORNIEILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin H, Chambers. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED INSURANCE 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill CARRVILLE GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH HERBERT 'R. BUTT Dependable Associated With Service Telephone 2.30 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy. B.A., B.D. Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1956 Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord's Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune In CKEY (580) at 9.15 a.m. Rev. 15 vs. 4: . . . for thou only art Holy for all nations shall come and worship before thee: for thy judgments are made manifest MAPLE CHARGE ‘ UNITED CHURCH 0 CANADA Rev. A. 6. Donald. M. .. Minister SUNDAY. DECEMBER 3'0. 1956 HOPE 10.30 am. â€" Divine Worship 11.30 am. â€" Sunday School MAPI-L EDGELEY 1.30 pm. â€" Sunday School 2.30 pm. -â€" Divine Worship Between Stop 22 and 22a Yonge Oak Avenue SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1956 9.30 am. â€"â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€"- Family Worship and Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Mr. Walter Hayes A baptismal service will be con‘ ducted at the close of the service Thurs. 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible ministry Mr. Colin Anderson 10.15 am 11.30 am SUNDAY, DECEMBER 34). 1956 Heise mu (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Worship Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meet- ing Oak Ridges (Aubrey Ave.) 10.30 a.m. â€" Sunday School 730 p.111. â€"â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meetlnl Vaughan (3rd Con. 2 miles north of Concord) 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11.15 am. â€"- Worship Service Concord (School House) 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School Adult Bible Class 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting 7 pm. â€"â€" Gospel Servlce Tues., 8 pm. hi Teenagers and SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1953 10 nun. â€"â€" Bible School with S'l'. BARNABAS’. MISSION (Anglican) RICHVALE - LANGSTAFF DISTRICT “Suffer the little children to come unto me" All children of this District are invited to attend this Sunday School which meets every Sun- day morning in _Lne C_harles How- Youth Fellowship Wed. 8 pm. -â€" Prayer & Bible Study Thurs., 1 pm. â€" Women's Miss- ionary Fellowship Thurs" 8 pm. â€"â€" Evening Mll- sion Circle, 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month FrI.. 7 pm. â€"- Lamplightgrs I I in School SUNDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1956 Sunday after Christmas 9.45 am. -â€" SUNDAY SCHOOL Meets in the Charles Howltt v School ‘ Church Services at St. Mary'l Anglican Church. Richmo_nd Hill, at 9.30 am. - 11 am. - 7 pm. ' NOTE â€" NEW YEAR'S EVE Watchnight Service - 11.30 pm. St. Mary’s Anglican Church Richmond Hill Madawaska Ave.. Stop 123 Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, B. Th. Home BA. 1-4767 Church BA. 5-6571 NEW YEAR’S SERVICES 10 to 10 â€" “The New Heaven and Earth" 11 am. â€"- “Begin with God". First Message in the Series, Ten Laws for Living ' 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Messages from Luke's Gospel No. 3 “He closed the Book”. David Taylor will play the violin. Watch Night Service December 31 9.30 pm. â€" Film "The Happy Heart”, a program of inspiration ahd 'challenge “Holding forth the word of life" GOD'S RICHEST BLESSINGS TO ALL IN 1957 LANGSTA" BAPTIST CHURCH Church St. Langstafl Pastor Rev. Wm. Hiltz, BA. BRETHREN [N CHRIST CHURCH r Pubfic school agé cin'ldren CHURCH OF CHRIST RICHVALE CHAPEL Of Markham District 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto â€"â€" Sunday School â€" Divine Worship Worship Service Toronto EMpire 4-3317

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