In the average family home domestic hot water may be heated satisfactorily with a 500 watt FLAT RATE WATER HEATER for only $1.76 per month (Rich- mond Hill 2.03). Regardless of him much hot water you use electric charge for heating it is no more. DID YOU KNOW? FOR TOP MILK PRODUCTION FEED THEM BOTH! YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER HEBRIDGE ELECTRIC W. R. DEAN Telephone gro“ th in Richmond Hill duling the past ten \ears has kept us busy. In 1946 them “618 536 phones seuing \ou1 communitx, today there are 3200. An extremely palatable, balanced concentrate that's rich in protein and minerals to maintain good herd condition. Just mix it with your own grains. An excellent food that conditions your herd by supplying the minerals and building the ï¬rm flesh I0 neqessary for good future production. G A l N M A K E R 24% DAIRY CONCENTRATE MASTER DRY AND FITTING Thornhill Water Heater Repairs & Alterations @3 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY or- CANADA TU. 4-3211 AV. 5-1344 When this construction is completed next year, expert technicians will start on the slow, careful process of installing the complicated “switching†equipment which provides automatic service. C. E. BLOSDALE, Manager Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore an original gown of pure silk satin. The por- trait neckline was embroidered with Guipure lace, re-embroider- ed with opalescent sequins and pearls. The very bouï¬ant skirt fell to a cathedral train. The bride carried a crescent bouquet for white carnations and roses. Aurora manufacturing plant has excellent opening for bookkeeper. Must have experience in office routine and willing to assume res- ponsibility. Pleasant work- ing conditions, health bene- ï¬ts. Apply Box 80, The Lib- eral. William Lind was gmomsman. William Patterson. Bourke Smith, Christopher Ketchum and Mich- ael McKean were the ushers. Following a reception at Casa Loma. the couple left on a wed- ding trip to the Laurentians and Quebec City. FISHER-GIBSON In a ceremony in Trinity An- glican Church. Thornhill, on Thursday, December 27. Joyce Eveline Gibson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson, White- bridge Farm, was married to Franklin Stewart Fisher. Rev. William Askew officiated. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Wood Fisher, Toronto. Birthday greetings to Wendy Kent, who was four years old on Sunday. December 30. Wendy was 111 with a virus and had to spend her birthday in bed. Her brother Douglas was also on the sick list. Mrs. Ruth Taylor was matron of honor for her sister and brides- maids were Lois Lewis and E11- enora Fisher, sister of the groom. They wore waltz length gowns of turquoise satin. re-embroldered with guipure lace. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duncan have moved from Bayview Ave., and are now making their home in Newtonbrook. Douglas Lenneville, No. 7 High- way, had the misfortune to tall 03 his toboggan on Boxing Day and broke his right wrist in two places. waning Mrs. Guy Frazer, Bayview Ave. has been a patient in Toronto Western Hospital for the last two weeks after undergoing surgery. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. BOOKKEEPER FEMALE THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. J C. Donnell! Phone AV, 5-1717 Mrs. 0. Brooke and the Magee family had as their Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bourne of Markham, with their family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathieupf Ag- incourt and Mrs. Pierce of Tor- onto. New Year's eve and New Year’s day, Mrs. Brooke, Mrs. Magee. Marilyn and Walter, spent with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Math- leu. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fraser and Miss Lena Fraser of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Laud- er Hamilton of Colgan on Christ- mas day, and Janet Craig re- turned home wi‘th the Hamutons for a/few days. On Sundav of this week, Miss Katherine Ross of Glasgow. Scotland, was a guest at the Craig home. , Mr. and Mrs. Crisp had a Christmas tree party at\the home of their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crisp, and were dinner guests at a family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Williamson on Christmas day. For New Year's they were at the Jack Crisps. Mrs. A. Shenï¬eld and Alï¬e had Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Grove and Michael as their guests for Christmas and New Year‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill cel- ebrated the Christmas holiday in their new home at Arnleigh Heights with 24 members of their family present. The best Christ- mas they have ever had, so they say! Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton went to Port Credit to be with their daughter and her family, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones and Gary, of Wallaceburg. who stayed for several days, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vaughan who were with them for Christ- mas dinner. Miss Nancy Wagg of Mount Albert spent the holiday wee}: with Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Christmas day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stots were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Clarkson and their family, Mrs. Topham of Stouï¬ville, and Mr. Milford Stots and Gordon of Toronto. The Ross Hord family celebrat- ed with other members of the family at the home of Mr. and The S. R. Patterson family spent Christmas with Mrs. Pat- terson’s brother’s family at Strathroy, and when they re- turned home they brought Miss- es Gail, Patricia and Jane Gibson of Strathroy with them for a short holiday. Mr. and Mrs. George Oakes, Bobby and Janet. were happy to have Mr. Oakes‘ brother and sis- ter, Mr. Bert Cakes and Mrs. Beth Lang of Winnipeg as their holiday guests. Mr. and Mrs. H. R..Paterson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boadway of Unionville on Christ- mas day. Christmas activities have held the stage for the past week or two, with much partying and en- tertaining. Bob Miller. George Felgate. George Putnam and Grace Rodick were all home from their various universities for the holidays, and Lynda Leaf had three days off at Christmas time from her duties as a student nurse'. The Johnston family. also, was pleased to have their daugh- ter Irene, a TCA stewardess, at home with them. The F W Baker family Christ- mas was made doubly happy with the addition of a new granddau- ghter. born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Powell on December 21 at the Scarboro General Hospital. Her name is Susan Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and their family were New Year‘c guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hood, who were also expecting Marion and Jack Sephenson to arrive from the west in time for family celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid and Anne. and the Robert Thompsons of Unionville were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hood, and Christmas night the Hood fam- ily had dinner at the home of Miss Edythe Hood_in Â¥Toronto. The James McQuays entertain- ed Mr. Donald McQuay and Mr. and’Mrs. Albert Jones and their children, but their day was sadâ€" dened When Mrs. McQuay‘s bro- ther, Sam French, died Christ- mas afternoon. ~ Neighbourhood Notes Baker’s Sales & Service Ltd. WINTER SPECIALS FOR THIS COMING WEEK 1955 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER COACH $1595.00 1953 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION COUPE $107 5.90 1952 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN $795.00 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEA! I. R. 2 Gomley â€" Phone AXminner 8-6188 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM BUTTONVILLE NEWS STOP 22, YONGE STREET, RICHVALE PHONE AV. 5-1189 $650.00 Approximately eight people were present when the annual school .meeting for Buttonville was called to order on Wednes- day, December 26. at 8 pm. The chairman of the Board, Mr. S. R. Patterson ,read the inspector’s report, which gave the whole sit- uation an A1 rating. Mr. Jack Harrott, who had served three years as board member, was re- elected for another term, and the other members remain static, with Mr. Walter Craig, as secret- 'ary of the Board. Mrs. S. J. English returned on Saturday of last week. after spending the holiday with mem- bers of her family at London, Ontario. Sclyool Mgetlng Christmas Sunday evening. in the pouring rain, three carloads of Brown’s Corners YPS mem- bers went around the commun- ity spreading their own particu- lar brand of cheer.’as they sang Christmas carols. They wound up at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodick where they enjoyed a warm ï¬re and refreshments. Mrs. Robert Rodlck. Mary and Jack Were hosts to the Rodlck family as usual. Their Christmas guests included Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodick, Grace and John, the Harper family of Bolton. Rev. and Mrs. Morrison Sellars of Ow- en Sound. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rodick. who came later in the day. having spent the dinner hour at the home of the Grants at Unionville. The Hooper family were all at home, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hooper and David, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robb, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gough, Debbie and Wendy present throughout some part of the day. Mr. and Mrs: Ellis Pratt were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh All- en'of Richmond Hill. In 'view of the meagre gather- ings which attend these meetings we questioned the advisability of holding them at this particular time of year. when everyone is taken up with holiday festivities. We were told that this date has been set by law, as laid down by the statute books, and that any change in date must be approved by the powers that be. May we suggest that it is time said pow- ers reconsider? We were pleased to hear that Mr. Wesley Gohn, who has been in poor health for several years, was able to leave his home on Christmas day. for the ï¬rst time since his illness. He was with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gohn. Dr. and Mrs. George Kelly Sr., entertained Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelly J11, of Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boyington, and Miss Lillian Risebrough of Will- owdale. At New Year's, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boyington received the_sarpe party. On Friday evening of last week Mrs. Stan DeFoe entertained C. G.I.T. girls at a dinner party. Everyone had a wonderful time. with gifts exchanged and Mrs. DeFoe playing a hearty Mrs. S.C. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephen- son held a family Christmas par- ty, as did Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Turner, whose guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Turner and Bobby. and Mr. and Mrs. Turner Sr.. of Toronto. Mrs. Glover. Victoria Square, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fierheller spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fierheller and Mr. and Mrs. Fountain of Hagerman. "I many have a “fun.“ Says lucky Les!" Bahbif.‘ ' "Now “not I've cultivated The classified reading habit." BUY 36' WOOD TURNING LATHEâ€"Sturdy molluhlc iron and proud M construcflon; can. boadnql. Wflh houdflock, 3-day pulley, wood c-nlorinq own, 6’ 65 leading disc, 8' tool teal, 27' but too] nil, adjudqhh tail dock ......... .22 36' an" DUTY GAP BED LATHIâ€" Wflh 3U Bel] Baarlnqu. Swing over gap 17'; swing on: bed 12'. 36' between control â€" 55' overall. Machined and ground lathebod. No 2 None Taper in Mil-lock; 3/" solid Ipindlo in headstock with rich! hand .95 and 10!! hand 5." flundutd thread,- upnr centre; (001 rod. . . .............. .4 7 4 Tools in One. 5†Bench Saw, 5' Diac Sunder â€" also polishing and bufï¬ng, Horizontal Drill with 1/2' chuck. 5' Bench 35 Grinder with tool rest 9 SENTINEL THE BEST IN ALUMINUM STORMS Factory installed and guaranteed PETE CRAPPER AV. 5-2558 POWER UNIT Our Service Department is Now Open for Your Complete Service Needs. FRIENDLY COURTEOUS STAFF 15 CAR ROOMY SERVICE DEPT. . FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS NEWEST EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE SERVICE TO ALL MAKES AND MODELS COMPLETE SERVICE STATION OPERATION - DRIVE-IN SERVICE - NO WAITING COURTESY CAR FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ALL WORK GUARANTEED AT FAIR PRICES SEE OUR SERVICE MANAGER TO DAY! 99°39â€?pr? 'AV. 5-4391 TU. 4-1276 WOODWORKING LATHES One Stop Service! BIRRELL MOTORS LTD. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 10. 1957 RICHMOND HILL No belts, no gears, no oiling. Cuts to centre of 30†circle. Handles any length 1' wood, light metal or plastic. _95 60 cycle reaction molozz 8 The annual meeting of King City Cemetery Co. will be held in the Masonic Hall, King City on Satur- day afternoon. January 19th,., at 2 o'clock for the election of officers and the transaction of general business. All plot holders are urged to attentL Syncro JIG SAW 25 Yonge St. I. 'mcnuonn mu. TUrner 4-1196 LAWRENCE SCOTT, President NOTICE Double-ended; XIX/1' x %' the] dull him“ down at and! to lab 1/5' bore accused-I. Heavy machined flanges. on“. 3. 19 bearing- ....... '............... GRINDING MANDREI. Modiï¬ed Scotch yoke acï¬on'runl in both of oil; automotive typo bronze bearings. Hondlerstock to 2†thick. Builtin .50 blower. Tilting Table 22 De luxe JIG SAW YONGE ST. NORTH PORTABLE SAW Racipxocaliug mole! guaranteed again" burnout. 14,400 lh’oku pox minull. Sandpaper cyc., with cord. . . . . . SANDER SYNCRO 1 9.45