Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1957, p. 12

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12 ELECTRIC stove. 30", in new condition. TU. 4-3903. c1w28 and mattress, dresser to match. AV. 5-1366. clw28 3 PC. Chesterfield. Cheap for cash. For information, call AV. 5â€"3270. c1w28 WALNUT double bed. springs PRINCESS PAT cook stove.. Can he had equipped with oil burner. TU. 4-2143. c1w28 SNOW TIRES. two. 670x15. Per- fect condition. TU. 4-1025. filledfregular $50 each. 'sacfificé $30 each. AV. 5-1568. c1w28 BEDS, new twin size, spring TWO Chesterfield Chairs, rust coloured rep covering. $15 each. Aurora PA. 7-5597. tfc28 10 can per hour, used one mofith. $170.00. PA. 7-4374. *2W28 800 BALES of good horse hay. P. Leather-dale. Lot 28, Conces- sion 5, Vaughan. *1w28 SHOTGUN. Stevens. model No‘ 77. 12 Gauge, full choke, new, reasonable. AV. 5-2163. c1w28 TWO 16 x 550 snow tires. fit an Austin. $15 the pair. TU. 444122. I"1w28 EASY WASHING MACHINE. In perfect condition. TU. 4-2816. 'CREAM SEPARATOR “Vega", ONE Lloyd Carriage, conVertible, In good condition. TU. 4-2397. HARD SMELLY WATER? » Ask about our water softener and filter plan at Bryant Hardware, AV. 5-3821. th2 "Salami”. Ladies. 120 base. Used less than one year. $140.00. Phone TU. 4-3674. c1w28 PIANO-ACCORDION with case ALFALFA HAY. baled hay. twine tied. good quality. $20. a ton: also baled oat straw. Schomberg 227J3 6 to 8 p.m. *1w28 MIDDLE-AGED couple requires small house or hunqalnw “1 N near Richmond Hill. Moderate rent. TU. 443682. cho' APPROXIMATELY 50 ton good hay, twine baled. 40 ton clean wheat and oat straw, twine bal- ed. Phone 118R King. c2w28 ‘25 BUSHELS sprouted wheat $1 per bushed. quantity of baled wheat straw. TU. 1-2143. c1w28 GIRLS’ Kidskin coat. size‘ 16. 715. AV. 5-1219. c1w28 USED hot air furnace for six room house. in first class condiâ€" tion, $50.00 complete. R. E. Daw- son. Oxford St., Elgin Mills‘ TU. 4-1692. *1w28 ONE 16 ft. Peterborough Canoe. Very good condition. Also .22 calibre rifle, 12 gauge shotgun. Both guns cheap. AV. 5-2936. 1 MOTORCYCLE, 1 pair skiis and boots, size 8, Quebec heater, 2 electric fans. aluminum foil inâ€" sulation. 1 baby carriage, and 1 inter-comm. set. Phone AV. 5- 2355. \ c1w28 COLEMAN space heater with drum and stand. $20; Quebec heater with pipe $5; pressure cooker. 3% quarts. $8. Playpen with teething rails $8. AV. 5- 3774. c1w28 GREEN LEGUME manure - big 3 yard load, $6.00 delivered. pile it in' your garden now, in the spring you will have nice rotten humus for your garden énd lawn. Phone C. L. Knappett, TU. 4- 3331. tfc28 Aluminum or steel. Made for all styles of windows. Free estimates and installations. Phone TWining 5-6551 (reverse charges) or ap- ply Harold Craddock, 353 Ont- ario St.. Newmarket. tf23 DO YOU WAN"? the best eggs for your money? Then phone TU. 4-2255 and ask tor John Masse- link, Elgin Mills P 0.. for Purina Cage Laid eggs â€" Fresh daily There are no better â€" And we sell for ~tore prlves. tfc32 PIANO ACCORDION with car- rying case; a clock radio with phono-jack hook-up; steel cot bed and one Hallicrafters Com- munication receiver, model S 40 B. All very reasonable. Other items Phone AV. 5-2481 Thorn~ 1 ELECTRIC refrigerator, in good order, 60 cycle; 1 ice box, nearly new. 100 lb. cap.; 2 45 gal. oil drums and pump for same; 1 kitchen range fitted with two oil burners; 1 4 amp. 6-8 volt char- ger. nearly new. N. A. Lund, Maple Ave, Maple. c2w28 hill ONE brand new fireplace heatil- ator cost $103.00. will sell for $65.00; one 100 gal. capacity oval storage tank. like new, $20 0.0 1 space heater, medium size. good as new $30.00; 1 set of kitchen cabinets uppex and lower units. made of s.1fir ply. including sink and hardw.are about 10’ long, ex- cellent for summer cottage, will sell for fraction of cost. Phone TU. 4-3331 Our progressive planned expansion permits openings for new salesmen in both our busy Thornhill and Richmond Hill Offices. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 10, 1957 VENETIAN BLINDS WE ARE EXPANDING! REAL c1w28 c1w28 clw28 c1w28 c1w28 c 1w28 DRY HARD WOOD. cut to any length, $20.00 per cord. TU. 4- 1215. tfc15 EUBBER STAMPS, all kinds. any size. Quick service. The Liberal Office, Richmond H“). 7 WELL TILE, 30" and 36", im- medlate delivery. Lorne Baker Concrete Products. Newmarket. phone 112. tlc20 YOUR HEADQUARTERS for new and used electrical applian» ces and supplies is Blackburn's Suburban Television and Elec- tric, Thomhill. AV. 5-1333. tch FIREPLACE LOGS. 16” lengths; mixed hardwood, $10.00 a single cord. delivered. Straight white birch, $12.00. Phone TU. 4-2957. *4w26 TYPEWRITERS & ADDING MACHINES New Underwood Portables and factory rebuilt typewriters, Vic- tor adding machines. also type- writer ribbons and carbon paper. Rentals available (‘all TU 41245 cll VENETIAN BLINDS "All Flexalum” â€"- Custom and stock sizes. For free estimate can Elkar Sales 8: Service, Richmond Hill. TUmer 4-2652, or write PO. Box 745. tfc24 New marine plywood boats. 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top. 14 it run. abouts ”$65 and up. Best ma~ terms used. no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. tfc5 $14,300. MORTGAGE .to suit purchaser. Large 5 room brick bungalow, open fireplace, electric stove and frig, aluminum storms, air conditioned with oil. Near Yonge just south of Thorn- hill. John D. Murray, Realtor, HU. 8-9024. *2w28 SACRIFICE SALE Two-storey, 7 room house on half acre lot.. featuring 4‘ spacious bedrooms, 2 tiled bathrooms, 2 cut stone fireplaces. recreation room, centre hall plan, separate large dining room, double garage, many extras, including alumin- um storms and screens. Near Thornhill off Keele St.. 2 miles east of 400 Highway. $24,800 full nrv‘r‘e lst N.H.A. mortgage $11.- 000. Moving to Calgary, Immed- iate possession. Call owner AV. 5-2340. *1w28 TRANSPORTATION 7 ’wanted from Richmond Hill. to arrive downtown 8:30. Return 5 pm. TU. 4-3835.. *1f28 ‘RANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION wanted Elgin Mills to Yonge and Well- esly vicinity ,arriving 8.45 a.m., leaving 5.15 p.m. Phone TU. 4- 3928 evenings Monday to Friday. *1w28 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Beaverton Road and Cen- tre St. to Queen and Bay vic- inity, arriving 8.15, returning 4.30 to 5 pm. Phone TU. 4-4059. ROOM for two passengers leav- ' Richmond Hill 7 am. to rant St. and Yonge, arriving 7.40 am. Leaving 5.30 pm. Phone TU. 4-3778 evenings. For Sale (cont’d) TRANSPORTATION wanted to King and Yonge or Yonge and Eglinton from central Richmond Hill. arriving approximately 8.30 am., returning approximately 5 p. m. Phone collect MAyfair 0549 *1w27 CUB SUIT, size 12. TU. 4-3148. c1w28 TABLE TENNIS table. AV. 5- 2803. clw28 US5D sump pumps and electric motors (1/4. hp. - 3.; h.p.\, any condition. Herridge Electric. TU. 4-3211._ c1\\'28 3 MALLABD ducks. 2 hens. 1 drake, also 1 Muscovy duck. Ap- ply Fairfield Farm, R. R. 1 Rich- mond Hill, phone AV. 5â€"1655. SMALL HOUSE with conveni- ences, to rent with option to buy. near transportation. between Steeles and Richmond Hill. Box 79 The Liberal. *1w28 CAPONS, and fowl, highest pri- ces paid. Don’t sell until contact- ing W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station, phone PRospect 3-5301. tf027 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SOMETHING TO SELL LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS .. BRING QUICK RESULTS BUYING CALL FENN SELLING CALL FENN AV. 5-1595 WANTED BOATS OPPORTUNITY FOR PERSON- ABLE CAREER-MINDED )IEN to become associated with a con- tinuing prosperous. well-establish- ed company with permanent pres- tige offices. tfc43 *1w28 *1w28 c1w28 tfcl iiickifib and delivery, fight mov- ing. TU. 4-339].- > “C37 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill. tfc3 PAINTING a; PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn TU. 4-27987 HERRIDGE ELECTRXC Electrical wiring, repairs, sales. service. Phone TU, 4-3211. tfc30 ELECTRIC Day and night service on elec- trical repairs and elect‘rlc appli- ance service Phone Blackburn's Suburban. AV. 5-1333. tfcq RICHMOND HlLL TV SERVXCE TV 8: Radio Service, antenna and U.H.F. installations. TU. 4-2101. AV. 5-3756. tfc20 §AND AND GRAVEL. crushed stone. loam and fill. E. Charity. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701.__ BLOCK LAYING and concrete work. footings. basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4â€"2311. tlc49 UPHOLSTERINGiand rep-1mg. Apply r. Graham. Lake Road. Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-2231. tic27 MISCELLANEOUS TILE CONTRACTOR, ceramic, plastic and linoleum. Robert E. Patchell, PArkvlew 7-4459 32 Mill St.. Aurora tfc31 FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gen-its. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. - tfc50 WALK-RITE SHOE STORE AND REPAIRS Thomhfll. Phone AV. 5-1266. tfc12 CARPENTER - General Repairs and alterations. Recreation rooms kitchens, verandahs, etc. G. Carson, AV. 5-1931. tfcl'i MOVING & CARTAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage. packâ€" ing and storage. Experienced ser- vice anytime. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. tfc2 GENERAL carpentry New work, kitchen 'cupboards, alterations and repairs. Tile floors. Phone evenings PR. 3â€"5432, daytime Pr. 3-5051. tfc23 TELEVISION Day and night service. Aerials installed from $22.50. Phone Blackburn’s Suburban, AV. 5- 1333. “CB FROM THE BASEMENT to the roof â€" house repairs and alter- ations. J. M. Cannon Sn, Oxford St., Richmond H111. TU. 4-190. t c13 PLASTERING By old country plasterer. new, old work, cornice and stucco ceilings a specialty. TU. 4-2157. tfc50 WELL1 DRILLniG George's Wel Drilling and re- pairing, pump installed and re- paired. George Adams, Box 192 King City, King. 287. tfc46 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and- repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. ttc15 Car radios removed and install- ed. also home radios pickup and delivery. J. Fox a; Son. TU. 4- 1610. flea? CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple 54312. tfc7 ROOF RIPAIIS ROOF, Eavestrough. Chimney brick work. paintmg. general rc- pair work of all kinds. prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfc22 TECHNICIAN will do radio or household appliance repair jobs. Nights or Saturdays. Years of ex- perience. TU. 4-2454. c1w28 CHOICE quality Sebago table po- tatoes. T. Mashinter, 114 Rose- view Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1170. tfc28 SMALL TRUCKING JOBS with one ton pick up, also carpenter work, cement work, odd jobs of all types. Lower rates in winter, phone C. L. Knappett, TU. 4- 3331. tfc28 VAN PACKER CHIMNEYS prefabricated, for new and old buildings, any fuel. UL. and NE. A. approved. Sales and installa- tions. Stan Troyer. TU. 1-1124. tic18 ATTENTION Richmond Hill residents of Bev- erley Acres. Teko, Crosby Heights Richmond Acres, Allencourt. East Elmwood. Glenbrae Heights F_ast emergency oil furnace ser- VICE. OIL SPACE HEATER AND FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE PHONE TU. 4-1221 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TI'. 4-3211 All Hours REID. Delivery Aservice SIGN PAINTER BILL WEGMAN AV. 5-4131 RADIO REPAIRS tfcl' “cu tfc42 EXPERIENCE IS NOT NECESSARY Complete training programme and . like Sales Manager‘s supervision at all can times. tfc28 ANYTHING in Painting. Paperâ€" hanging, Decorating, etc. Phone A. Rollinson, TU. 4-3622. tch DR. CARL HEDER Veterinary Surgeon, King City. Phone King 190. c8w24 RUGS & UPHOLSTERY Cleaned on premises. Wall to wall carpet a specialty. Phone PRospect 3-5861. tic28 A‘V. 5-1595 IDEAL Maintenance Co. Stores, offices, etc. cleaned. Floors main- tained in first class condition. Phone PR. 3-5431 days, PE. 3â€" 5578 evenings. tfc12 ALTERATIONS and repair Work. Sidewalks. cement wnrk, septic tanks, soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service. call Walker and Mitchell, AV 5- 2526. tfc45 FURNITURE refinishing and re- pairs. Custom made furniture and cabinets of modern design. Dis- plays and woodwork. Free pick- up and delivery. AV. 5-1946 or BA. 1-8661. c10w22 MISCELLANEOUS for footings floors, patios, etc GORMLEY READY-MIXED CONCRETE LTD. Gormley 5601, Stouffville 320. ELECTRIC WELDING ‘ Highest quality work done by expert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. AV. 5â€"4111. tfcls SHEET METAL WORK, furnace repairs, eavestroughing. Free es- timates. Phone TU. 4-4092, or call at the house. Observatory Lane. c4w26 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. TU. 4-3181; RICHMOND TREE SERVICE Fruit trees pruned, trees trim- med and removed. Cabelling, fen tilizing and custom chain saw- ing. Free estimates. TU. 4-1221. tf028 TEENY TOWN NURSERY SCHOOL Richmond Hill has accommodaâ€" tion for four children. For inâ€" formation, phne TU. 4-1787. PIANO TUNXNG and all repairs. Guaranteed work- manship. Tuner tor Music Camp of the Royal Conservatory of Music. churches. schools, etc. Free estimates. Phone Ambrose Engli, Thornhill, AV. 5-3365. CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, basement apartments, porâ€" ches, garages, bevel siding, roughing in and trim work. No job too small. Immediate atten- tion. Time payments. Call Tom Price, AVenue 5-2393. 024w22 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2. 00 service charge for each call. Telephone collect. Tor- onto EM. 3â€"3636 or Woodbridge 6.]. Gordon Young Limited. LOST SWEATER, grey colour, Gordon Mackay make, lost last Thursday in vicinity of corner Arnold and Yonge stréets in Richmond Hill. Reward. Phone TU. 4-1801. clw28 PAIR OF GLASSES, on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Please call Art at TU. 4-1196. *1w28 LADY’S gold watch, .Fontaine. Vicinity Northtown Shopping Centre. Reward. AV. 5-2327‘ WILL THE PERSON who was seen taking the Eaton Shopping bag containing small articles-of men’s wearing apparel from the Townâ€"Inn Restaurant on Friday night. January 4, please return same at once to avoid further trouble. ~- c1w28 FRESH Holstein Cow. Floyd Per- kins. TU. 4-1229. c1w28 READY MIXED CONCRETE Fox TERRIER pups purebred. fonsale. Von Friesland Kennels. phone TU. 4-3276. clw28 BOXER PUPPIES, reasonable. Stop 22 Yonge St.. 46 Edgar Ave. AV. 5-3198. ‘ tfc12 BABY_ BUDGIES from ,talking strain. New telephone number: TU. 4-2205. c1\\'28 2 BUDGIE birds 'in cage, $15 for the pair. One male, one female. Maple 51 ring 32. clw28 WHITE Muscovy ducks. on: ake. Mature. W. Heathcote mgstafi. AV. 5-3178. HWZé Richmond Hill Plumbing and Heating TUrner 4â€"1711. AVenue 5-3697 tfc17 A. MILLS a; SON LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BUY PENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE LOST BA 5-2411 "cl? *51w27 c1w28 tfc13 c1w28 tfcz tfc4 FURNISHED BEDROOM to rent, phone TU. 4-3915. c1w28 3 UNFURNISHED rooms onable. TU. 4-3996. FLOOR SANDER to rent‘ AVenue 5-1109. 6 ROOMS heated. TU. 4-1531 afâ€" ter 6.30 pm. tfc25 TWO basement bed-sitting rooms and bath. Furnished and heatefi: COMFORTABLE furnished bed- room. in friendly home. Reason- able. TU. 4â€"4035. , c1w28 COMFORTABLE furnished room with kitchenette. centrally locat- ed. TU. 4â€"1547. c1w28 RECREATION ROOM furnisfied and heated. Single or business couple. TU. 4-2630. c1w28 COMFORTABLE room for rent Handy to bus Stop. TU 4 1108 c1w28 Abstainers. TU. 4-3770 3 R60M FLAT, day care for child over two if needed. TU. 4- 3143. c1w27 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER, Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. may ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher :or rent. Richmond Hill Hardware” TU. 4-2101. tfcl8 FLOOR SANDERS, POLISHEBS, ELECTRIC TOOLS to rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. ttc32 BLACK & DECKER Saws. sander, etc. Sales and Ren- tal. Bryant Hardware. Stop 22A, Yonge St.. Richvale. AV. 5-3821. tf028 FURNISHED ROOM W4 A Jones 76 Beaverton Rd 5., Rich- mond Hill, Allencourt Apply anytime except 2 pm. to 7 pm. ONE ROOM with private kitchen in basement, one furnished bed- room on second floor, all newly decorated, close to Yonge St. TU. 4-1215. *1w28 3 ROOMS, ground floor. heavy duty wiring, all conveniences, business couple. First house north side North Road, Oak Rid- ges. c1w28 6 ROOM house and bathroom, hot and cold water, double gar- age. on Bayview Ave. For in- formation, phone Melvin Baker, Mt. Albert 21608. *1w28 AURORA â€" Lovely 3-room fur- nished apartment, equipped kit- chen, private bath, separate en- trance. Adults. Available now. PArkview 7-5597. tfc26 TYPEWRITL‘RS 8; ADDING MACHINES , All makes for rent, special stud- ent’s rates, Underwood typewrit- ers for sale‘ also ribbons & car- bon paper, call TU. 4-1745. tfcll LOCK UP STORE, Yonge St., Thornhill, ospposite I.G.A. Super- market, Modern front. Low rent to good tenant. Earle Brown, 60 Avondale Ave., Willowdale, BA. 1-8184. c3w23 6 ROOM 11/2 storey modern home with 2 bathrooms, centrally loc- aeed in Richmond Hint near Yonge Street, school and shop- ping centre. Available February 1. Call Maple 247W for appoint- ment. c1w28 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 56 FORDS, brand new, must sell. RUssel 1-5531, ask for Vic. c1w28 ONE 1950 FORD dump truck, 3 ton; one 1950 GMC Stake truck, 2% ton with platform. TU.‘ 4- 2741. c1w28 1954 BUICK. Century, contin- ental rear wheel, hardtop, dyna‘ flow. other extras. Phone AV. 5- 4338. c1w28 HIGHEST PRICES PAID All models used cars and trucks wanted for wrecking: also used park. tires etc._ for sale. B. & A. Auto Parts. TU 4-2236 1% miles north of No '7 Highway on 3rd line. Markham Twp, tfcll ARRANGE your first or second mortgage quickly through Willâ€" owdale Mortgage Service. MO. 2040 (reverse charges). tfc17 GET IN ON STRIKE trucking. Fargo truck. Fit to go anywhere. New engine. 4 speed. All good tires. Duals and two spares, $165. Leno's Machine Shop, 73 Centre St. E., TU. 4-2132 or TU. 4-1523. c1w28 MORTGAGES PURCHASED Clients’ funds to purchase second mortgages. Also a few firsts. Mr. McLean. AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. c1w27 Real Estate Willowdale, BA. 1- 7484.t£c11 lST MORTGAGES 2ND MORTGAGES Some private funds available to make mortgage loans, or to buy existing mortgages. TO RENT MORTGAGES like our reputation and salesmen’s earnings are the highest in the business. w. w? CoNROY HIGH STANDARDS OF PRACTICE Phone tfc22 Reas- c1w28 c1w28 c 17w28 YOUNG MAN for office work. AV. 5-3941. c1w28 EXPERIENCED sewing machine operator, phone TU. 4-3107: OFFICE CLEANER, evenings and week-ends. approximately 20 hours weekly. Box 73 The Liberâ€" al'. 02w27 HAIRDRESSER for full time work. Phone TU. 4-2113. After 6 pm. TU. +2666. c2w28 CLEANING WOMAN wanted Steeles Ave. district. one day weekly (Thursday or Friday). AV. 5-2610, Mrs. Roberts. c1w28 EXPERIENCED laundress two days weekly. automatic washer and dryer, no sheets or shirts. Will provide transportation from Steeles Ave. or Stop 15A Dis- trict Bayview Avemie and John St., Thornhill. Private home. Box 77 The Liberal. c1w28 WANTED good commercial prop- erty Salesmen, also General In- surance Salesmen, to sign with Jack Seaton Real Estate and Insurance. Commission Basis. Re- liable Brokerage. Excellent Office Facilities. Call AV. 5-1472 or TU. 4-2851. ' c1w28 HELP WANTED FEMALE ‘ Receptionist-twist with short- hand and bookkeeping experi- ence, permanent .position, pleas- ant working conditions, 5 day week. For interview appointment call Mrs. McKenzie, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd. c1w28 DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE The oldest and largest complete liquid fertilizer company is ex- panding and has openings for men who can sell direct to farm- ers.- Product nationally advertis- ed. We are building factories in strategic locations. This industry is new, progressive, with unlim- ited possibilities and proven re.- ult. Agricultural background nec- essary. This position requires a self-starter. The man we want is looking for an opportunity of earning from $3.000 to $8,000 a year, with a chance of building it Mr more. Men selected will be sent to our main ofiice and plant for complete training and given personal help and supervision during starting period. All corr- espondence strictly confidential. Write, giving full particulars and experience. Personal interview will be arranged. Apply to E. McLachlan, Vice-President, “Na- Churs” Plant Food Co. (Canada) Ltd., 2 Langarth St. W., London, Ont. c1w28 HELP WANTED ALL CARS HAVE BEEN DRIVEN LESS THAN 2.000 MILES AND CARRY FULL NEW CAR ~ WARRANTY 1 0 ’57 Ford Fairlane ‘500’ Hardtop ............ $3350 Automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, w/w tires, 9 tube radio, undercoating, clock, wheel discs, styletone paint. LIST PRICE $3890. ’57 F'nrd Custom ‘300’ Ranch Wagon ........ $3185 ’57 Ford Custom ‘300’ Ranch Wagon ‘1 ’57 Monarch Richelieu Hardtop . . ’57 Ford Custom ‘300’ Sedqn ._ . ’57 Ford Custom Sedan . . . ’57 Ford Custom ‘300’ Tudor . . . . .‘. ’57 Ford Fairlqne Sedan .. . j ‘ FORD and MONARCH AV. 5-1105 RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1105 “30 Years With Ford” 57 Paid And Monarch DEMONSTRATOR SALE SAVE. UP TO $797.00 Ilwuuoouup uuu avw--v.- Autométic transmission radio. I filiiinibating, clock WI/S washer. Fiesta Red with whitewalls, v/8 motor LIST PRICE $3771. zhnfinn Automatic transmissi'on, Radio, power paint, whitewall tires. undercoating, u LIST PRICE $4777. V; 8 I'I‘Kfiér, undercoating, safety dash, LIST PRICE $3257. Undercoating, Heater Automatic transmission, VlWVWUvVllv vyv , Automatic transmission. w/s washers, clock, w/,w tires, LIST PRICE $3281. I FOR CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW call Thornhill Manager Mr. Carlisle AV. 5-1176 evgs. AV. 5-2742. Rich- mond Hill Manager, Mr. Shields! AV. 5-1164, evgs. TU. 4-1230. c1w28 MALE CLERK, age 20-35 years, minimum 2 years High School and two years experience clerical work. Must have driver’s licence. Good wages. Regular increases. Other employee benefits. Applica- tions should be in writing. To: Consumer's Gas Co., Richmond Hill, Ont. Attn. W. J. Heaton. Manager. c1w28 I"O uvuw .......... ansmission, w/w tires, Styletone paint, ufidercoating LIST PRICE $3410. !___'4 ROOM & BOARD available for working man. TU. 4-1010. c1w28 men. Home privileges. TU. 4a 3814. t£c27 ROOM with breakfast. Home privileges, male or female. TU. 4-3832. clw28 ROOM 8: BOARD available for two gentlemen with home privil- eges. TU. 4-1959. c1w28 ROOM 8.: BOARD for working WOMAN to take over household duties while mother works. Room and board and small renumer- ation in return. TU. 4-1959. ROOM & BOARD for working girl. Central location. TU. 4: 2998. c1w28 HELP WANTED 5 OR 8 ROOM house by end of month. Convenient to buses. Box 81 The Liberal. *1w28 2 ROOMS unfurnished. Heated. Close to Yonge St. Suitable for business couple. Phone TU. 4â€" 3764. c1w28 SMALL HOUSE. 2 bedrooms, maximum $65.00. monthly. Would consider doing light repairs. Res- ponsible English couple. Two small. well behaved children. Best references. AV. 5-1354. ALL BREED puppies wanted. Best prices paid. AV 5-3575 or LEnnox 2-8550. t£c9 NEWMARKET : A number of business firms and private indiv- iduals have donated books to the Public Library here during the Christmas season. ROOM & BOARD (continued) LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED TO . RENT LTD. EXPANDS ! LIST PRICE $2795 'ei' steering and brakes, tri-tone , w/s washer, B. U. lights c1w28 c1w28 w/w tires. radio MAN will do papa-hanging or painting very reasonably, years of experience. TU. 4-2902. tfclo WILL LOOK after one or two chfldren, weekly or daily. TU. 4â€" 3876. c1w28 YOUNG married woman , wishes sales work. grocery store pre- ferred. TU. 4-1018. c1w28 HOME WORK urgently needed. Shut-in lady will sew, assemble. hand paint, what have you, TU. 4â€"3805. c2w28 YOUNG LADY desirES employ- ment evenings, Saturdays, or work to do at home. Write Box 78 The Liberal. *1w28 PART TIME employment want- ed, experienced as receptionist, typist and general office work. TU. 4-3140. c2w28 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother's absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc23 TECHNICIAN will-do radio or household appliance repair jobs. Nights or Saturdays. Years of experience. TU. 4-2454. c1w28 I SHOULD BE very glad to have a part time job as a cleaner or caretaker, etc. Phone TU. 4- 3882. clw28 WILL CARE for child while mo- ther works, Monday to Friday. Phone AV. 5-4196 in Richvale. Toronto’s Largest Suburban Reaitors Members Toronto Real 2 Board SECRETARY - stenographer. thoroughly experienced in all phases of office work. desires part time employment. Phone TU. 4-3834. *1w28 YOUNG MAN requires light work. Steady employment. Ex- perience in all kinds of work. Agreeable personality. Willing worker. Phone AV. 5-3918. *2w28 MAYBE you want pullets now. growing to the good Grade A Large markets â€" Bray has them (including Ames In-Cross), prompt shipment, some started. Or ‘meat’ birds, including Pilch White Rocks â€" Hatchery has wide choice of fine stock. Ask us for particulars, agent Fred Wise. Richmond Hill, phone TUrner 4- 1862 or Bray Hatchery. John Enns, Brampton, phone 723W DAVID McLEAN LTD. EMPLOYMENT WANTED POULTRY FOR SALE $3980 radio Real Estate c1w28 c1w28

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